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11  I 



The  Author  of  *  Lancelot  of  the  Laik.'     By  Prof.  Walter 

W.  Skeat     -  i 

The   First   Historian   of  Cumberland.      By   Rev.   James 

Wilson  5 

The   Chronicle   of  Lanercost.     By  the   Right    Hon.    Sir 

Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart.  22,   159,  276,  377 

The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland.     By  Lord  Guthrie       39 

Letters  from  Francis  Kennedy,  Abbeyhill,  to  Baron 
Kennedy  at  Dalquharran,  Mayboll.  The  Siege  of 
Edinburgh,  1745  -  53 

Roderick  Dhu  :  his  Poetical  Pedigree.     By  Geo.  Neilson  -       61 

Edinburgh  in   1544  and  Hertford's  Invasion.     By  Sir  J. 

Balfour  Paul  -     113 

Jacobite    Songs :      The    True     Loyalist     or     Chevalier's 

Favourite,   1779.     With  notes  by  Andrew  Lang      -     132 

Two  Glasgow  Merchants  in  the  French  Revolution.     By 

Henry  W.  Meikle        -  -     149 

Charter  of  the  Abbot  and  Convent  of  Cupar,  1220.  By 
Rev.  James  Wilson.  With  note  by  Sir  Archibald 
Campbell  Lawrie  -  172 

vi  Contents 


A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside  :  The  Fort  of  New- 
stead.  By  Joseph  Anderson.  With  seven  Illustrations  178 

The  Beginnings  of  St.  Andrews  University,    1410-1418. 

By  J.  Maitland  Anderson     -  -      225,  333 

The  Dispensation  for  the  Marriage  of  John,  Lord  of  the 
Isles,  and  Amie  Mac  Ruari,  1337.  With  note  by 
J.  Maitland  Thomson  -  -  249 

Jacobite  Songs.     By  C.  H.  Firth  -     251 

The  Scottish  Islands  in  the  Diocese  of  Sodor.  By 
Reginald  L.  Poole.  With  notes  by  J.  Maitland 
Thomson,  Sir  Archibald  C.  Lawrie,  and  the  Rev. 
Thomas  M.  Lindsay,  D.D.  -  -  258 

Scottish  Burgh  Records.     By  George  Neilson  -     264 

Two  Ballads  on  Viscount  Dundee.     By  C.  H.  Firth      -     361 

The    English    Thanksgiving    Service    for    King    James' 

delivery  from  the  Cowrie  Conspiracy.    By  F.  C.  Eeles     366 

Spanish    Reports    and    the    Wreck    at    Tobermory.      By 

Julian  Corbett      -  -     400 

Reviews  of  Books  70,   189,  286,  405 

Communications  and  Replies — 

Francis  Joseph  Amours       -  -          -          .-          -101 

The  Saracen  Mercenaries  of  Richard  I.      By  Professor  F.  M. 

Powicke    -  ._.___       104 

The  Pills  of  Pope  Alexander  -       106 

Further  Essays  on  Border  Ballads.     By  Andrew  Lang        -       108 
Saint  Maelrubha.     By  Niall  D.  Campbell        -  -       109 

Contents  vii 


Communications  and  Replies — 

Dr.  James  Fea  'of  Clestrain.'     By  Allan  Fea                       -  no 

Further  Essays  on  Border  Ballads.     By  Colonel  Fitzwilliam 

Elliot.     With  note  by  Andrew  Lang        -  220 

Early  Charter  at  Inveraray.     By  Niall  D.  Campbell            -  222 

Letters  Relative  to  the  Siege  of  Edinburgh      -                     -  223 

The  Coronation  Stone  of  Scotland                                           -  223 

Vidas  Achinlek,  Chevalier.     By  Muriel  Gray.     With  notes 
by    Professor    Walter    W.    Skeat,    Professor    Alexander 

Lawson,  and  J.  T.  T.  Brown                                         -  321 

Coupar  and  Citeaux.     By  J.  Maitland  Thomson       -          -  326 

Late  Fifteenth  Century  Bell  at  Swinton,  Berwickshire.     By 

F.  C.  Eeles.     With  two  Illustrations                                -  327 

The  True  Loyalist  or  Chevalier's  Favourite.     By  A.  Lang  328 

Some  Abbots  of  Newbattle.     By  J.  G.  Wallace  James       -  329 

Earthquakes  in  Glasgow.     By  David  Murray    -  329 

The  Court  of  Love.     By  Professor  W.  W.  Skeat     -          -  438 

Robert  de  Prebenda,  Bishop  of  Dunblane.     By  William  Brown  439 

Jenny  Cameron.     By  A.  Francis  Steuart                                -  439 

The  Finn  Men.     By  David  MacRitchie                      -          -  442 

Notes  and  Comments — 

Bibliography  of  Scottish  History    -  -  -in 

The  Church  of  Southdean   -                                                       -  III 

Newcastle  Society  of  Antiquaries  -  in 

Index,                                                                                         -  445 



Roman  Shoes  found  at  Newstead  -  178 

Plan  of  Early  Fort,  Newstead    -  181 

Plan  of  the  Principia,  Newstead  -  182 

Roman  Vessels  of  Unglazed  Ware        -  -  182 

Plan  of  the  reduced  Fort,  Newstead    -  184 

Bowl  of  Terra  Sigillata     -  184 

Terra  Cotta  Horse  found  at  Newstead  -  186 

Bell  at  Swinton  Church,  Berwickshire  -  326 

The  Roman  Wall  in  Scotland.     Coins  relating  to  Britain  (Pius, 

Commodus,  and  Severus)      -  -  404 

The  Roman  Wall  in  Scotland.     Legionary  Tablets  -  406 

Contributors  to  this  Volume 

Joseph  Anderson 

J.  Maitland  Anderson 

C.  T.  Atkinson 

Rev.  E.  M.  Blackie 

Prof.  G.  Baldwin  Brown 

J.  T.  T.  Brown 

Niall  D.  Campbell 

James  L.  Caw 

Rev.  Prof.  Cooper 

Julian  Corbett 

G.  G.  Coulton 

A.  R.  Cowan 

A.  Cunningham 

John  Edwards 

F.  C.  Eeles 

Col.  Fitzwilliam  Elliot 

Allan  Fea 

C.  H.  Firth 

Gilbert  Goudie 

Muriel  Gray 

Mrs.  J.  R.  Green 

Lord  Guthrie 

T.  F.  Henderson 
Rev.  J.  King  Hewison 
J.  G.  Wallace-James 
Hilda  Johnstone 
Thomas  Johnston 
Theodora  Keith 
William  D.  Ker 
Professor  W.  P.  Ker 
Lord  Kingsburgh 
Andrew  Lang 
Sir  A.  C.  Lawrie 
Prof.  A.  Lawson 
Prof.  T.  M.  Lindsay 
Mary  Love 
George  Macdonald 
W.  S.  McKechnie 
W.  M.  Mackenzie 
James  MacLehose 
Sophia  H.  MacLehose 
David  MacRitchie 
Andrew  Marshall 
Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart, 



Henry  W.  Meikle  Thomas  Ross 

W.  G.  Scott  Moncrieff  W.  R.  Scott 

Prof.  J.  L.  Morison  Prof.  Walter  W.  Skeat 

R.  B.  Mowat  David  Baird  Smith 

W.  G.  Blaikie  Murdoch  D.  Nichol  Smith 

David  Murray  E.  Stair-Kerr 

George  Neilson  A.  Francis  Steuart 

Sir  J.  Balfour  Paul  G.  H.  Stevenson 

Reginald  L.  Poole  J.  Maitland  Thomson 

Prof.  F.  M.  Powicke  Prof.  T.  F.  Tout 

Robert  Renwick  Rev.  James  Wilson 


Scottish   Historical   Review 

VOL.  VIIL,  No.  29  OCTOBER  1910 

The  Author  of  c  Lancelot  of  the  Laik ' 

IN  1865  I  edited,  for  the  Early  English  Text  Society,  a  Scottish 
Metrical  Romance,  entitled  Lancelot  of  the  Laik,  supposed 
to  be  written  about  1490-1500.  Nothing  is  known  as  to  the 
authorship  of  the  poem.  Recent  researches  enable  me  to  suggest 
that  it  was  certainly  written  by  the  author  of  the  Quair  of  Jelousy, 
edited  by  D.  Laing,  in  vol  ii.  of  the  Bannatyne  Miscellany,  printed 
by  the  Bannatyne  Club  in  1836.  The  editor  (rightly,  as  I  think) 
attributed  that  poem  to  James  Auchinleck,  who  graduated  at 
Glasgow  in  1471,  and  died  in  1497.  No  doubt  he  was  the 
James  Affleck  mentioned  as  *  a  makar '  by  Dunbar.  I  think  it 
probable  that  Lancelot,  as  being  a  much  more  ambitious  and 
longer  poem,  was  the  later  of  the  two  ;  and  I  shall  assume  this 
result  for  convenience,  though  it  will  not  at  all  affect  the 
arguments.  If  we  date  the  ^uair  about  1490  and  the  Lancelot 
about  1495,  these  are  mere  guesses  ;  but  they  are  in  accord- 
ance with  probability.  It  must  be  remembered  that  of  the 
latter  poem  we  possess  a  mere  fragment  of  3486  lines.  If 
it  was  ever  completed,  it  must  have  consisted  of  more  than 
10,000  lines  at  least,  quite  enough  to  justify  Dunbar's  par- 
ticular reference. 

I  shall  denote  the  £>uair  of  Jelousy  by  J.,  and  Lancelot  of  the 
Laik  by  L.,  for  brevity.  I  find  in  both  poems  most  minute 
resemblances  in  style,  prosody,  vocabulary,  grammar,  and  phon- 
ology. I  could  exhibit  these  at  such  a  length  and  in  such  minute 
detail  as  to  render  their  common  authorship  almost  a  matter  of 
certainty.  But  such  details  are  tedious  and  wearisome  ;  and  I 

S.H.R.  VOL.  VIII.  A 

2  Professor  Walter  W.  Skeat 

think  it  may  suffice  to  exhibit,  side  by  side,  some  of  the  passages 
in  which  the  poems  resemble  one  another.  I  will,  however,  give 
one  of  the  grammatical  details  by  way  of  specimen. 

In  the  Kingis  £>uair  we  find  the  pp.  of  the  verb  *  to  take ' 
in  the  monosyllabic  form  tak  or  take^  or  in  the  dissyllabic  form 
takin  (st.  24) ;  and  in  no  other  form.  But  in  J.  and  L.  the 
infinitive  is  both  tak  and  ta.  Tak  occurs  in  rime;  J.  154,  L.  473. 
Ta  occurs  in  rime,  J.  73  ;  in  L.  we  can  infer  it  from  tats,  '  takes,' 
riming  with  gais,  'goes,  fats,  'foes';  1095,  1141,  3005.  But 
the  pp.  is  not  only  tak  (in  rime),  J.  452,  L.  296  ;  it  is  also  tane  or 
tone,  J.  575,  L.  1054,  1060,  etc.  The  riming  of  words  ending 
in  -on  (from  A.S.  -an)  with  the  French  dispone  (J.  266,  L.  154)  is 
noticeable.  As  to  word-forms,  I  will  merely  cite  destitude  (in 
rime),  J.  523,  L.  96,  193  ;  used  instead  of  destitute. 

Both  poems  afford  rather  frequent  reminiscences  of  Chaucer. 
Note,  for  example,  Chaucer's  line  in  the  Knightes  Tale,  A  1500: — 
*  And,  for  to  doon  his  observaunce  to  May.' 

The  thirteenth  line  of  the  £>uair  is  : — 

*  And  unto  Maij  to  done  their  observaunce.' 
The  author  of  L.  has  not  forgotten  it ;  see  lines  12-16  : — 

— *  to  schew  the  kalendis  of  May,  .  .  . 
The  old  wsage  of  lowis  [love's]  obseruans/ 

But,  of  course,  the  fact  that  both  poems  copy  Chaucer  is  ot 
no  great  significance.  The  only  curious  circumstance  here  is  that 
both  poems  make  a  similar  reference  just  at  the  very  same  point, 
at  the  same  distance  from  the  beginning. 

I  here  notice  the  fact  which  gave  one  the  first  hint,  viz.  the 
extraordinary  prolixity  in  the  style.  J.  begins  with  a  portentous 
sentence  thirty-two  lines  in  length.  L.  begins  with  a  succession 
of  long  sentences,  of  which  the  first  extends  to  sixteen  lines  at 
least,  followed  by  And  and  ten  lines  more.  Clause  follows  clause, 
quite  loosely  joined  together,  as  though  the  object  were  to  avoid 
coming  to  a  full  stop.  This  should  be  particularly  observed,  as 
well  as  the  monotonously  excessive  use,  in  both  poems,  of  a 
caesura  at  the  end  of  the  fourth  syllable. 

J.  begins  with  an  Introduction,  in  ten-syllable  couplets,  of  190 
lines.  L.,  which  is  mainly  a  translation  from  the  French,  begins 
with  a  general  introduction  of  195  lines,  with  a  more  particular 
introduction  having  reference  to  the  subject.  It  is  here  that  we 
should  look  for  the  parallel  passages;  and  they  are  not  difficult 
to  find.  I  now  quote  them,  keeping  to  the  order  in  J. 

The  Author  of  c  Lancelot  of  the  Laik '         3 

1.  The  felde  oureclad  hath  with  the  tender  grene, 

Quhich  all  depaynt  with  diverss  hewis  bene  ;  J.  3,  4. 

Of  quhiche  the  feild  was  al  depaynt  with  gren;  L.  46. 

2.  His  courss,  ascending  in  the  orient 

From  his  first  gree,  and  forth  his  bemis  sent;  J.  9.  10. 

His  hot[e]  courss  in-to  the  orient, 

And  from  his  spere  his  goldine  stremis  sent ;  L.  5,  6. 

3.  Tho  was  the  ayer  sobir  and  amene ;  J.  18. 

— in  the  lusty  aire, 
The  morow  makith  soft,  ameyne,  and  faire  ;  L.  63,  64. 

4.  And  namely  on  the  suffraunce  and  the  peyne 

Quhich  most  hath  do  my  carefull  hert  constreyne;  J.  25,  26. 

The  sharp  assay  and  ek  the  inwart  peine 

Of  dowblit  wo  me  neulyngis  can  constrein  ;  L.  35,  36. 

5.  The  quhich  as  now  me  nedith  not  report ;  J.  27. 
Quhich  to  report  I  tak  not  in  my  cwre  ;  L.  266. 

6.  And  to  no  wicht  I  will  compleyne  nor  mene  ;  J.  30. 
And  in  myself  I  can  nocht  fynde  the  mene 

In-to  quhat  wyss  I  sal  my  wo  compleine  ;  L.  41,  42. 

7-  — that  was  rycht  wele  besene ;  J.  36.  — that  wess  weil  besen  ;    L.  45. 

8.  The  cristall  teris,  etc. ;  J.  50.     As  cristoll  teris  ;  L.  62. 

9.  The  scharp[e]  deth  mote  perce  me  throuch  the  hert, 

So  that  on  fute  from  hens  I  nevir  astert ;  J.  67,  68. 

And  throuch  and  throuch  persit  to  the  hart, 

That  all  his  tyme  he  couth  it  not  astart;  L.  227,  228. 

10.  With  that  she  sichit  with  a  rycht  pitouss  chere  ;  J.  95. 
He  wepith  and  he  sorowith  in  his  chere  .  .  . 

Gret  peite  was  the  sorow  that  he  maad  ;  L.  695,  697. 

11.  And  to  myself  I  thocht  in  this  manere, 

Quhat  may  this  mene?     Quhat  may  this  signifye  ?  J.  120,  121. 

.  .  .  and  to  myself  thocht  I, 

Quhat  may  this  meyne  ?     Quhat  may  this  signify?  L.  159,  160. 

12.  For  sche,  for  fairhede  and  for  suete-having ;  J.  133. 
that  sche  In  fairhed  and  in  wertew  doith  excede  ;  L.  576,  577. 

13.  How  evir  it  stonde,  yit  for  this  ladies  sake 

Sa  mekle  occupacioun  schall  I  tak;  J.  153,  154. 

Som  trety  schall  thoue  for  thi  lady  sak, 

That  wnkouth  is,  als  tak  on  hand  and  mak;  L.  145,  146. 

Among  al  vtheris  I  schal  one  honde  tak 

This  litil  occupatioune  for  hire  sak  ;  L.  167,  168. 

14.  And  gif  I  do,  it  is  of  negligence, 

And  lak  of  connyng  and  of  eloquence  ;  J.  161,  162. 

Quhen  that  thai  here  my  febil  negligens, 

That  empit  is,  and  bare  of  eloquens ;  L.  179,  180. 

4        The  Author  of  c  Lancelot  of  the  Laik' 

Observe  particularly  that  these  are  not  instances  of  copying, 
but  examples  in  which  the  same  author,  whilst  using  again  his 
old  rimes,  takes  the  opportunity  of  slightly  varying  his  phrases. 
This  is  why  the  similarities  are  so  convincing. 

Neither  have  I  exhibited  all  the  parallelisms.  Further  on, 
in  J.  245,  246,  we  find  for  to  endite,  riming  with  to  write  ;  whilst 
in  L.  205,  206,  for  to  write  rimes  with  endite.  J.  573  ends 
with  thou  thee  dispone  ;  so  does  L.  1 54.  J.  549  ends  with  walking 
to  and  fro  ;  L.  43  ends  with  walkith  to  and  fro.  Many  more  such 
similarities  may  easily  be  found,  and  the  reader  may  persuade 
himself  as  to  the  identity  of  the  authorship  of  the  two  poems 
much  more  effectually  than  I  can  do  it  for  him,  by  simply 
examining  the  question  for  himself. 

I  will  just  mention  one  curiosity  of  rime  which  is  found  in  both 
poems.  We  find  that,  in  the  Canterbury  Tales,  Chaucer  five  times 
uses  the  tag  atte  laste  (at  the  last),  as  furnishing  a  convenient  rime 
to  caste  ;  see  A  2429,  B  508,  B  904,  E  1954,  G  1314  ;  but  in 
none  of  these  examples  is  the  verb  used  with  reference  to  the  eyes 
or  face.  But  in  the  Quair  of  Jelousye  we  find  these  two  examples  : 

— till,  at  the  last, 
Myne  eye  estward  agayne  the  sonne  I  cast ;  33 

— till,  at  the  last, 
With  that  hir  voce  and  eyne  to  hevin  sche  cast;  57 

Lancelot  of  the  Laik  has  two  similar  examples  : 

— at  the  last, 
Efterward1  one  syd  he  gan  his  Ey  to  cast;  1005 

— atte  last  ; 
And  in  the  knychtis  wentail  haith  it  cast ;  1055 

Perhaps  it  is  worth  saying  that  there  is  no  example  of  this 
rime  in  the  Kingis  £>uairy  which  (as  I  believe  I  can  prove) 
exhibits  the  phonology  of  an  earlier  date.  Anyone  who  wishes 
to  examine  this  question  will  find  much  assistance  from  the  essay 
by  Dr.  F.  J.  Curtis  on  the  Rimes  and  Phonology  of  the  Middle-Scotch 
Romance  Clariodus,  reprinted  at  Halle  in  1894  from  volumes  4 
and  5  of  Anglia.  He  shows  clearly  the  artificiality  of  the  form 

ton  in  the  sense  of '  taken.'  T1tT  X1tr    c 


1The  word  *  E  forward '  is  so  written  in  the  MS.  that  the  'er'  is  only 
denoted  by  a  little  curl.  Considering  that  the  long  $  (  f )  and  f  are  constantly 
confused,  I  suspect  that  the  scribe  should  have  written  '  Estward,'  as  in  the  other 
poem.  Surely  it  is  remarkable  that  this  correction  will  mend  the  scansion  of  the 
line  and  give  a  clearer  sense. 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland 

rTHHE  family  of  Denton,  from  which  the  subject  of  this  notice 
JL  was  sprung,  is  not  unknown  in  the  annals  of  English 
exploits  in  the  southern  counties  of  Scotland  during  those 
tumultuous  years  when  Balliols  and  Bruces  struggled  for  the  crown 
of  the  northern  kingdom.  The  name  is  territorial,  dating  back, 
perhaps,  to  the  twelfth  century,  and  was  adopted  from  the  manor 
or  parish  of  Denton  in  Gillesland,  which  remained  in  possession 
of  the  family  till  the  opening  years  of  the  sixteenth  century. 
Offshoots  which  settled  at  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  served  English 
interests  on  the  eastern  border  with  as  much  success  as  the  parent 
stem  in  the  west. 

The  proverb  recorded  by  Camden  that  '  opportunity  makes  the 
theef '  has  a  wider  range  :  it  brings  out  the  mettle  in  a  man  or 
a  family,  and  nowhere  is  it  seen  better  exemplified  than  in  the 
political  unsettlement  of  Scotland,  when  individual  families 
achieved  undying  fame.  The  international  estrangement  gave 
scope  for  special  service  on  both  sides  of  the  Border,  and  the 
Dentons  of  Denton,  like  many  of  their  contemporaries,  rapidly 
rose  to  places  of  honour  and  influence  in  their  country's  story. 
The  feudal  service  due  from  the  tenement  of  Denton  in  the  four- 
teenth century  appears  to  have  been  one  knight,  for  in  1304  John 
of  Denton  was  summoned  to  render  that  quota  for  a  foray  into 
Scotland.1  A  few  years  later  the  same  person  was  commissioned 
with  others  by  King  Edward,  while  he  was  sojourning  at  Laner- 
cost,  to  raise  140  men  in  Eskdale  and  Gillesland  for  the  pursuit 
of  Robert  Bruce  and  his  accomplices,2  and  in  1335  a  representative 
of  the  family  in  Newcastle  had  the  privilege  of  keeping  the  Earl 
of  Moray  at  Bamburgh  and  delivering  him  to  the  sheriff  at  York.3 

In  course  of  time  branches  of  the  family  were  distributed  in 
several  places  in  Cumberland,  often  serving  as  sheriffs  of  the  county, 
knights  of  the  shire,  and  burgesses  of  the  city  of  Carlisle  in  many 

,  Cal.  Scot.  Doc.  ii.  1437.         2  Cal.  of  Pat.  #o//.r  (1301-1307),  p.  498. 
3  Bain,  op.  cit.  iii.  1173. 

6  Rev.  James  Wilson 

Parliaments.  Sir  Richard  of  Denton,  one  of  the  most  conspicuous 
men  in  Cumberland  of  his  time,  assisted  at  the  arrest  and  execu- 
tion of  Andrew  de  Hartcla,  the  unfortunate  Earl  of  Carlisle,  in 
1323,  for  his  supposed  treacherous  dealings  with  Bruce.1  But 
the  most  distinguished  military  personage  of  this  lineage  was  a 
direct  ancestor  and  namesake  of  the  subject  of  this  notice  who  won 
renown  in  Scotland.  It  may  be  permissible  to  allow  John  Denton, 
the  father  of  Cumbrian  history,  to  recount  his  deeds  of  prowess. 

It  may  be  stated  summarily  that,  according  to  his  descendant,2 
John  of  Denton  had  a  grant  of  *  the  forest  of  Garnerie  and  Kirk- 
patrick  and  Agingrey  in  Scotland '  from  Edward  Balliol,  King 
of  Scots.  His  letters  patent  thereof  were  sealed  in  the  Isle  of 
Eastholm.3  He  was  also  steward  of  Annandale  under  Humfrey 
de  Bohun,  Earl  of  Hereford,  to  whom  the  whole  seigniory,  which 
was  anciently  the  Bruces'  lands,  was  given  by  Edward  Balliol  or 
John  Balliol  his  father.  Denton  deserved  so  well  in  these  wars 
between  Balliols  and  Bruces,  competitors  for  the  crown  of  Scot- 
land, that  Balliol,  then  king,  preferred  him  to  that  forest,  late  the 
lands  of  the  Bishops  of  Glasgow,  and  to  Kirkpatrick,  late  the 
lands  of  Sir  James  Frissold,  adherents  to  the  Bruces'  faction. 
The  Earl  of  Hereford  gave  him  the  stewardship  of  Annandale,4 
the  principal  office  in  that  seigniory,  because  he  had  first  entered 
the  same  and  held  it  for  the  Earl  in  spite  of  the  Bruces.  When 
Balliol  was  banished  from  Scotland,  Denton  still  held  the  principal 
house  of  the  seigniory  till  it  was  fired  under  him,  beaten  and 
undermined  till  it  was  ready  to  fall,  whereupon  his  heirs,  in 
remembrance  of  this  exploit,  adopted  for  their  crest  a  castle  or 
tower  sable,  flames  issuing  out  of  the  top  thereof,  and  a  demi-lion 
rampant  with  a  sword  in  his  right  paw  issuing  out  of  the  flames.5 

1  Chron.  de  Lanercost  (Maitland  Club),  pp.  250,  251. 

2  John  Denton,  Accompt  of  Estates  and  Families  in  Cumberland,  p.  94. 

3  The  date  of  these  letters  patent  was  apparently  in  1348,  for  on  2Oth  and  2ist 
September  in  the  sixteenth  year  of  his  reign,  King  Edward  Balliol  issued  from 
Eastholm  similar  letters  patent  respecting  lands  in  Galloway,  which  were  after- 
wards inspected  and  confirmed  by  Edward  III.  (Cal.  of  Pat.  1354-1358,  pp.  142-3). 
Denton,  the  historian,  must  have  been  quoting  from  family  documents  when  he 
made  the  statement  in  the  text. 

4  On  the  death  of  the  Earl  of  Hereford,  Edward  III.  placed  the  castle  of  Loch- 
maban  and  the  lordship  of  Annandale  in  the  custody  of  John  of  Denton  in  1362, 
which  he  was  to  hold  till  the  heir  came  of  age  (Rot.  Scocie,  i.  86 1  b). 

5  When  this  heraldic  crest  was  exhibited  to  Dugdale  at  his  visitation  in  Carlisle 
in  1665,  he  noted  that  there  was  'no  proofe  made  of  these  armes.'     Colonel 
George  Denton,  who  attended,  was  not  an  antiquary,  but  had  his  grandfather 
been  present,  who  told  the  story,  Norroy  King  of  Arms  might  have  been  satisfied. 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland         7 

Cradled  in  these  family  traditions,  young  John  Denton,  the 
future  historian,  grew  up  at  Cardew  Hall,  the  residential  seat  of  a 
considerable  estate  in  the  manor  of  Dalston,  acquired  by  his 
ancestors  in  the  fourteenth  century,  and  within  a  short  distance  of 
Rose  Castle,  the  caput  of  the  manor  and  historic  residence  of  the 
Bishops  of  Carlisle.  Unfortunately  the  exact  date  of  his  birth  has 
not  been  ascertained,  but  as  his  father  was  seven  years  of  age  in 
1 54O,1  it  may  be  assumed  that  the  eldest  son  saw  the  light  soon 
after  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century.  While  a  youth  he 
became  a  page  in  the  household  of  Bishop  Barnes  of  Carlisle 
(1570-1577),  his  father's  neighbour  and  feudal  superior.  Early 
associations  with  Rose  Castle  and  its  archives  probably  inoculated 
him  with  the  virus  for  records  and  record-searching  which  after- 
wards proved  the  passion  as  well  as  the  bane  of  his  life.  After  a 
course  of  training  in  the  law,  most  likely  at  Gray's  Inn,  under 
his  kinsman  George  Lamplugh,  to  whom  he  was  obliged  in 
after  years,  owing  to  his  litigious  propensities,  to  mortgage  his 
property,  he  succeeded  his  father,  Henry  Denton,  in  the  Cardew 
estate  in  1584.  As  a  country  gentleman  he  was  placed  in  the 
commission  of  the  peace,  and  living  so  near  Carlisle  and  Rose 
Castle  he  became  on  friendly  terms  with  the  bishops  and  pre- 
bendaries, as  well  as  the  diocesan  and  capitular  officials. 

After  the  death  in  1595  of  his  wife,  who  was  the  daughter  of  a 
family  of  distinction  in  that  neighbourhood,  Denton's  antiquarian 
and  legal  tastes  were  quickened  by  his  appointment  as  an  agent  in 
Cumberland  for  the  discovery  of  concealed  lands  on  behalf  of 
Queen  Elizabeth  which  necessitated  frequent  journeys  to  London 
on  that  business.  About  the  same  time  (1598)  his  kinsman  Dr. 
Henry  Robinson  was  promoted  to  the  see  of  Carlisle,  who  gave 
him  free  access  to  the  diocesan  archives.  His  social  connexions 
brought  him  into  contact  with  the  principal  families  of  the  county 
and  afforded  him  opportunity  of  making  himself  acquainted  with 
the  contents  of  their  muniment  rooms. 

But  the  field  on  which  he  reaped  the  richest  harvest  and  from 
which  he  drew  the  bulk  of  his  historical  materials  was  the  Tower 
of  London,  where  the  national  records  were  then  stored,  and 
where  he  spent  much  of  his  time  in  1600  and  1601  in  prosecu- 
tion of  the  duties  of  his  office.  From  the  public  records  in  the 
Tower  he  acquired  a  wealth  of  historical  knowledge  relating  to 
the  descent  of  manors  and  families  in  his  native  county,  which  he 
subsequently  digested  in  formal  shape  and  left  behind  him  in 
1  Chancery,  Inq.  p.m.,  34  Hen.  VIII.,  file  65,  Nos.  18,  19. 

8  Rev.  James  Wilson 

manuscript.  In  1887  a  copy  of  the  manuscript  was  printed1 
under  the  title  of  An  Accompt  of  the  most  considerable  Estates 
and  Families  in  the  County  of  Cumberland^  from  the  Conquest 
unto  the  beginning  of  the  reign  of  K.  James  \the  First],  by  John 
Denton  of  Cardew.  The  print  covers  159  octavo  pages.  Though 
there  were  seven  copies  of  the  manuscript  before  the  editor,  no 
attempt  was  made  to  collate  them  with  a  view  of  ascertaining  the 
best  text.  In  some  of  the  copies  it  is  stated  that  the  account  was 
brought  up  to  1610,  seven  years  before  the  author's  death.  This 
brief  sketch  of  environment  may  be  taken  as  the  general  back- 
ground for  a  picture  of  the  first  historian  of  Cumberland. 

Denton's  legal  training  and  special  knowledge  of  the  territorial 
history  of  Cumberland  gave  him  pre-eminence  among  his  neigh- 
bours as  an  authority  on  disputes  about  land  and  tithes.  In  course 
of  time  he  was  embroiled  with  successive  Bishops  of  Carlisle  on 
matters  connected  with  the  manor  of  Dalston,  of  which  he  was 
one  of  the  largest  landowners.  His  official  work  as  an  agent  for 
concealed  lands  disturbed  the  social  amenities  of  several  families 
in  the  county.  It  may  be  truly  said  that  before  his  death  in  1617 
John  Denton  was  a  mischievous  influence  in  Cumberland. 

There  is  a  legend  that  Denton  wrote  his  history  during  the 
time  of  his  imprisonment  in  the  Tower  upon  a  contest  between 
him  and  Bishop  Robinson  of  Carlisle.  The  supposition  is  very 
unlikely.  Refusal  to  do  suit  at  the  bishop's  manor-court,  or  to 
grind  corn  at  the  bishop's  mills  was  scarcely  an  offence  to  merit 
such  high  punishment.  His  visits  to  the  Tower  appear  to  have 
been  for  another  purpose  ;  he  went  there  as  one  of  the  Queen's 
agents  to  study  the  public  records.  We  have  c  a  note  of  suche 
recordes  as  Mr.  Denton  hath  scene  and  had  notes  of  by  warrant 
of  Mr.  Attorney  Generall,  bearinge  date  the  xxxth  of  January, 
1600.'  The  document2  is  endorsed  '  serches  pro  Regina  by  Mr. 
Aturnye  Geinralls  warrant  to  Mr.  Denton,  1600,  1601.'  Those 
who  take  the  trouble  to  glance  at  the  list  of  evidences  consulted 
by  him  will  come  away  with  unfeigned  respect  for  his  patience 
and  industry.  All  the  chief  classes  of  rolls  and  records  from 
the  reign  of  King  John  to  that  of  Edward  IV.,  useful  for  his 
business,  were  supplied  to  him.  If  the  custody  of  the  national 
records  then  and  now  be  compared,  students,  accustomed  to 

1  As  one  of  its  Tract  Series  by  the  Cumberland  and  Westmorland  Archaeological 
Society  under  the  care  of  Mr.  R.  S.  Ferguson,  F.S.A.,  Chancellor  of  Carlisle. 

2  S.  P.  Don.  Elizabeth,  vol.  cclixix.  folio  70. 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland         9 

work  from  original   materials,  can    well    imagine  the  difficulties 
under  which  he  carried  on  his  labours. 

Evidence  of  the  unpleasantness  caused  by  Denton's  work  on 
behalf  of  the  Crown  may  be  gathered  from  a  letter  of  one  of  his 
confederates  in  1608  to  the  Earl  of  Salisbury.  As  the  communi- 
cation throws  a  much-needed  light  upon  the  methods  then  in 
fashion,  it  would  be  a  pity  to  abridge  it. 

Rl  honorable,  my  duety  in  all  humble  manner  remembred.  May  it 
please  yor  lo[rdship].  I  understand  yl  Sr  Willfryd  Lawson  haithe  used 
slanderous  and  hard  speaches  against  one  Mr.  Denton,  a  justice  of  peace  in 
Comberland,  and  my  selfe,  onely  because  we  offred  by  the  meanes  of  the 
Bushop  of  Bristoll,  who  therwithe  acquainted  his  Majesty  to  advaunce  his 
highnes  revynews  in  landes  yearly  3OOOH  wch  is  intayled  and  belonging  to 
ye  Crowne,  deteyned  and  wrongfullye  possessed  by  ye  said  Lawson  and 
soundrye  others  asshalbe  proved  by  auncyent  recordes,  intaylesand  attaynders. 

Now  to  hinder  the  Kinges  title  frome  tryall,  he  plottes  to  disgrace  us 
behind  our  backes  by  odyous  enformacions  to  yor  lo[rdship]  and  other 
honorable  persons  wherein  he  can  reape  no  credet.  Yt  is  not  fit  the 
Kinges  revynews  shold  be  concealed  and  still  wrongfullye  possessed  upon 
his  untrue  suggestions,  who  threatnes  by  impresonment  and  other  unlaw- 
full  proceadinges  to  hinder  Mr.  Denton  and  me  in  ye  sayd  service. 

My  humble  sewt  to  yor  lo[rdship]  is  y1  his  Majesty  may  have  an  honor- 
able, open  and  lawfull  tryall,  where  the  best  in  the  countrye  may  be 
commissioners  and  jurors,  wherbye  yt  shall  appere  yl  the  Kinges  Majesty 
seekes  nothing  but  his  auncyent  Crowne  landes,  wch  we  have  ben  willed 
by  comaundm1  to  mayke  knowne  and  prosecute  on  his  Majesty  behaulfe. 

In  the  meantyme  I  humble  pray  yor  l[ordship]  to  geve  no  credett  too 
malycious  reportes,  pryuet  lettres  nor  backbyting  wordes,  and  yl  yow  will 
suspend  yor  honorable  iudgment  upon  us  untill  the  truth  be  tryed,  and 
yor  l[ordship]  therwith  better  acquainted,  and  I  shall  ever,  according  to 
my  duety,  pray  for  yor  lo[rdship's]  healthe  in  honorable  estate  long  to 
contynew,  xvjth  May,  1608. 

Yor  l[ordship's]  humble  to  comaund 
in  all  dewtyfull  srvice 


Post  scriptum.  Ther  be  Sr  John  Dalston  and  gentlemen  of  good  sort  in 
Comberland  now  in  London  yl  will  maike  knowne  unto  his  Majesty  and 
yor  lo[rdship]  yl  the  Kinges  title  is  lawfull  and  ho[nora]ble  and  yl  Mr. 
Denton  and  myselfe  are  much  abused  by  skandelous  reporte  of  Sr  Wilfryd 
Lawson  our  aidverserye.1 


To  the  Rl  honorable  Robert  Thearle  of  Salesburye,  Lord  Highe 
Treasorer  of  England  at  Court,  eleswhere  give  theise. 


Anthony  Atkinson  to  my  Lord,   1608. 

1  S.  P.  Dam.  James  I.  vol.  xxxii.  fol.  50. 

io  Rev.  James  Wilson 

At  a  later  stage  of  Denton's  career,  it  was  given  in  charge 
against  him  that  in  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth  he  claimed  to 
entitle  her  to  the  lands  of  Sir  Wilfrid  Lawson,  under  which  pre- 
tence he  obtained  leave  to  search  all  the  records  of  the  Crown, 
and  that  thereby  he  was  stored  to  fill  his  country  full  of  broils, 
without  any  benefit  to  the  Queen. 

We  have  little  to  do  here  with  the  merits  of  our  antiquary's 
disputes  with  successive  Bishops  of  Carlisle  respecting  the  feudal 
status  of  his  property.  Denton  maintained  that  Cardew  was  a 
manor  of  itself,  independent  of  the  lordship  of  Dalston,  which 
was  an  appurtenant  of  the  see  of  Carlisle.  Throughout  this 
controversy  he  appears  to  have  manifested  a  churlish  distemper 
and  a  lack  of  intelligence  not  to  be  expected  of  him.  In  an 
unguarded  moment  he  alluded  to  Bishop  May  (1577-1598)  in 
the  hearing  of  two  of  the  bishop's  friends  as  '  little  John  May.' 
When  reminded  of  this  irreverent  treatment  of  ecclesiastical 
dignities,  he  pleaded  that  his  reference  was  not  meant  to  be 
contemptuous  :  it  was  only  a  pleasantry  on  the  bishop's  short- 
ness of  stature. 

Denton's  repudiation  of  the  services  due  to  his  feudal  superior 
was  at  last  grappled  with  in  earnest  by  Bishop  Henry  Robinson 
(1598-1616),  his  kinsman.  The  depositions  on  commission, 
taken  at  Raughtonhead1  on  5  Oct.,  1612,  and  at  Dalston  church 2 
on  14  April,  1613,  afford  exhaustive  evidence  on  the  tenurial 
problem.  But  with  this  aspect  of  the  litigation  we  are  not  con- 
cerned. The  legal  proceedings  which  followed  are  much  more  to 
our  purpose.  John  Denton  in  the  witness  box,  examined  on  his 
dealings  with  local  and  historical  evidences,  is  an  interesting 
figure.  The  Elizabethan  archivist  was  at  bay,  and  he  had  to  face 
the  music. 

When  the  bishop's  legal  advisers  were  preparing  the  case  for 
the  prosecution,  it  was  found  that  many  charters  and  other  evi- 
dences of  the  see  of  Carlisle  were  missing,  and  suspicion  of 
malfaisance,  having  regard  to  his  former  associations  with  Rose 
Castle,  fell  on  Denton.  Descriptive  particulars  of  the  lost  deeds, 
as  entered  on  counsel's  brief,  are  as  follows  : 

Charters  lost  or  embezelled  from  the  Bishops  of  Carlile  wherof  mencon 
is  made  in  both  ancient  and  nue  repertories. 

Carta  H.  3  super  concess[ione]  14   ac[rarum]  in  Haithuaite  et  Fornscale 

1  Excheq.  Depositions  by  Commission,  io  James  I.,  Michaelmas,  No.  17. 
id.  ii  James  I.,  Easter,  No.  i.          3  Chart.  Roll,  36  Hen.  III.  m.  7. 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland        n 

Quieta  Clamacio  Michaelis  de  Hartcla  de  manerio  de  Dalston.1 

Quieta  Clamacio  Th.  Dermun  de  terris  infra  baroniam  de  Dalston. 

Carta  de  tofto  in  suburbio  Carlile. 

Carta  de  terra  in  Milholme. 

Carta  Lovell  de  fornella  in  Dalston. 

Carta  R[egis]  E[dwardi  i]  de  fonte  de  Welton.2 

Carta  R.  2   de  bruerio  concesso  tenentibus  Episcopi    infra   forestam   de 

Carta  Regis  H.  de  dimidia  carucata  terre  in  suburbio  Car[lioli]  in  feodo  de 


Carta  Regis  super  testamento  Walteri  episcopi.4 

Carta  Regis  de  una  acra  contigua  et  nunc  inclusa  in  parco  suo  de  Rosa.5 
Carta  Regis  super  diversis  in  maneriis  dimitentis  post  mortem  Episcopi.6 
Carta  de  tenementis  in  Foxle  haineing. 
Carta  Nicol  Sissons  de  terris  in  Raughton. 
Carta  H.  filii  H.  Thranghole  pro  terris  in  Raughton. 
Carta  Roberti  Bacon  militis  pro  terris  in  Raughton. 
Quieta  Clamacio  Dermun  [pro]  terris  in  Raughton 
Carta  Symonis  de  Raughton. 
Carta  Rayneri  de  Raughton. 

Carta  Regis  E[dwardi  iii]  de  largitione  parci  de  Rosa.7 
Perambulacio  manerii  de  Dalston — 8lent  to  Den  ton  by  my  lord  and  restored 

as  he  thinketh,  but  by  some  indirect  course  conveyed  before  this  sute 

Carta  Johannis  de  Bormeton  [«V],  vicker  de  Denton  in  Gilsland,  super  terris 

et  tenementis  in  villa  de  Cardew.     This  was  to  be  had  in  Bishop  Barnes 

his  time,  whose  servant  this  Denton  was,  but  it  is  supposed  gotten  in 

tempore  Episcopi  nunc. 

Carta  Willelmi  filii  Walteri  de  terra  in  Raughton  (cancelled). 
Q[uieta]  Clam[acio]  Henrici  de  Thrangh[olme]  de  terris  in  Brackenthuaite 


From  the  descriptive  enumeration  here  given,  it  will  be  seen 
that  copies  of  the  royal  grants,  as  Denton  could  have  told  them 
had  he  been  so  minded,  might  have  been  obtained  from  the 
duplicates  enrolled  in  the  King's  archives.10  What  answers  he 

1  This  quit-claim  would  be  of  immense  interest  in  view  of  the  pleas  in  Bench, 
of  which  it  was  the  settlement. 

2  Pat.  Roll,  20  Edw.  I.  m.  21.  3  Pat.  Roll,  20  Ric.  II.  pt.  i.  m.  32. 
*Pat.  Roll,  29  Hen.  III.  m.  4.  5  Pat.  Roll,  23  Edw.  I.  m.  7. 

6  Chart.  Roll,  20  Edw.  I.  m.  14.  7  Pat.  Roll,  31  Edw.  III.  pt.  3,  m.  8. 

8  In  the  margin  this  record  is  noted  as  being  in  '  Libro  1.  49.'     A  copy  is  still 
in  existence  in  Carl.  Epis.  Reg.  Kirkby,  MS.  fol.  289. 

9  Document  in  the  diocesan  registry  of  Carlisle. 

10  In  the  preceding  notes  attempt  has  been  made  to  trace  some  of  them,  despite 
the  imperfect  descriptions.     With  a  little  care  the  rest  could  be  identified.      The 
loss  of  private  grants  is  of  course  irreparable. 

12  Rev.  James  Wilson 

made  to  the  interrogatories  respecting  these  deeds  and  kindred 
matters  will  be  noticed  presently.  One  important  point  is  made 
clear  by  this  table  of  missing  evidences.  The  lost  registers  of  the 
bishopric  were  not  in  question. 

It  is  satisfactory  to  have  a  picture  of  the  Cumberland  historian 
though  it  is  drawn  by  the  hand  of  an  adversary.  As  a  con- 
temporary estimate  of  his  character  it  is  probably  unique.  The 
following  notes  are  entered  on  the  brief  for  the  prosecution,  in 
his  dispute  with  Bishop  Robinson,  as  a  guide  to  counsel  in 
cross-exam  i  nation. 

Mr.  Denton  was  servant  to  Bishop  Barnes,  in  whose  time  the  charter  of 
Jo[hn]  Burden,  vicare  of  Denton  in  Gilsland,  who  gave  the  lande  in 
Cardewe  to  Jo[hn]  of  Halghton,  Bishop  of  Carlile,  and  his  heires,  was 
amongst  other  the  Bishop's  evidence  as  appeareth  in  repertorio  Barnes. 

Denton  being  the  nowe  Bishop's  kinsman  was  permitted  to  peruse  all 
the  evidences  belongeing  to  the  Bishoprick,  before  himself  went  to  take 
possession  of  his  Bishoprick.  So  soone  as  the  nowe  Bishop  came  to  his 
place,  Denton  had  the  veweing  and  marshalling  of  all  his  evidences  and 
was  trusted  to  have  access  unto  them  att  his  pleasure. 

The  nowe  Bishop  lent  unto  Denton  one  ancient  survey  or  perambulation 
of  the  time  of  H[enry]  3,  which  he  confesseth  Denton  restored  againe,  but 
the  same  is  since  embezelled,  so  that  it  can  not  nowe  be  found.  Denton 
went  about  to  corrupt  and  persuade  John  Blackett,  the  nowe  Bishop's 
secretarie,  to  bring  unto  him  the  most  ancient  Leger  booke,1  which  the 
Bishop  hath,  wherin  the  services  of  the  tenants  of  the  manor  of  Dalston 
and  Denton's  ancestors  of  Cardewe  are  expressed. 

About  41  Elizabeth  [1598-9]  Sir  Edward  Dymock  being  about  to  take 
a  lease  of  the  soake  of  Horncastle  in  Lincolnshire  from  the  nowe  Bishop,2 
nether  of  them  cold  conceave  howe  to  make  a  good  lease  for  want  of  a 
particular.  Denton  being  present  as  a  principall  assistant  or  counsellor  to  my 
lord  desired  that  he  might  go  to  his  owne  house  and  he  wold  satisfie  them 
howe  that  lease  might  be  made,  wch  he  then  did  and  brought  them  a 
particular,  and  a  lease  was  made  accordingly.  In  the  time  of  Queen 
Elizabeth,  he  intitled  her  to  the  lands  of  Sir  Wilfride  Lawson,  Kt.,  under 
which  pretence  he  obtained  warrant  to  search  all  the  Records  of  the 
Crowne,  by  which  meanes  he  is  stored  to  fill  his  countrie  full  of  broiles, 
and  yett  did  not  benifete  the  Queene  anything. 

He  hath  had  the  secrett  fingering  of  all  the  evidences  of  the  church  of 

He  hath  insinueated  himself  into  as  many  of  the  gentlemen's  evidence  in 
his  countrie  as  wold  give  him  any  creditt. 

He  hath  whole  loads  of  old  evidences  gotten  heere  and  there.3 

1  By  this  book  is  meant  the  first  of  the  series  of  Episcopal  Registers  now  in  the 
diocesan  registry  of  Carlisle. 

2  A  draft  copy  of  this  lease  still  exists  in  the  diocesan  registry  of  Carlisle. 

3  Document  in  the  diocesan  registry  of  Carlisle. 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland        13 

There  is  nothing  very  definite  in  this  catalogue  of  suggested 
misdemeanours,  though  it  looks  as  if  there  was  a  touch  of 
malice  in  the  penultimate  clauses.  The  charge  of  having  had 
*  the  secret  fingering  of  all  the  evidences '  of  the  capitular  body 
seems  somewhat  vague.  Was  it  relevant  to  the  suit  that  de- 
fendant was  acquainted  with  the  muniments  of  the  local  squires  ? 
We  can  forgive,  however,  all  this  forensic  embroidery  in 
view  of  the  last  charge  levelled  at  the  unfortunate  antiquary. 
Admirers  of  Denton's  contribution  to  the  history  of  Cum- 
berland will  thank  his  persecutors  for  telling  that  Cardew  Hall 
had  been  stored  with  whole  loads  of  old  evidences  gotten  here 
and  there. 

As  Denton's  depositions,  in  answer  to  the  charges  of  embezzling 
the  evidences  in  the  episcopal  and  capitular  repositories,  have  been 
printed  in  the  appendix,  little  need  be  said  here  by  way  of  eluci- 
dation. He  repudiated  the  charges  of  having  had,  at  any  time  of 
his  life,  private  access  to  ecclesiastical  records  ;  they  were  so 
strictly  kept  that  nobody  was  allowed  to  consult  them  except 
under  official  supervision.  To  repeated  questions  how  he  had 
got  such  and  such  information,  his  triumphant  answer  was  that  he 
had  recourse  to  '  the  records  about  London,'  as  any  subject  for  his 
money  might  have  had  at  his  pleasure.  The  allegations  about  the 
misappropriation  of  the  evidences,  which  he  rejected  with  vigour 
and  straightforwardness,  completely  broke  down,  and  no  blame 
was  attached  to  him  in  that  respect.  Denton  had  pursued  his 
studies  in  the  Tower  to  some  purpose.  Though  he  was  mulcted 
in  damages  on  the  tenurial  question,  his  integrity  as  a  student  of 
records  was  left  without  stain. 

When  we  come  to  estimate  the  value  of  Denton's  contribution 
to  local  historical  knowledge,  there  is  a  hazard  of  raking  up  the 
hot  ashes  of  controversy.  It  should  never  be  forgotten  that  he 
had  no  predecessors.  John  Denton  may  be  rightly  called  the 
father  of  Cumberland  history.  Like  an  illustrious  pioneer  in  the 
same  field,  it  was  his  fate  to  travail  a  lonely  and  untrodden  path. 
By  the  authors  of  the  early  county  histories  of  Cumberland  he 
was  accepted  as  an  unquestioned  authority.  His  manuscript 
'  Accompt '  was  embodied  without  acknowledgment  by  his  distant 
kinsman,  Thomas  Denton  of  Warnel,  who  compiled  a  historical 
survey  of  Cumberland  in  1687  at  the  instance  of  Sir  John 
Lowther,  a  work  which  still  remains  in  manuscript.  The  history 
of  Nicolson  and  Burn,  published  in  1777,  is  indebted  to  the 
labours  of  John  Denton  for  nearly  all  their  historical  data  on  the 

14  Rev.  James  Wilson 

early  territorial  descent  of  the  county.  The  researches  of  Denton 
were  simply  transferred  without  criticism  or  cavil. 

The  other  county  historians  follow  Nicolson  and  Burn  like 
sheep  through  a  gap,  with  the  notable  exception  of  Messrs.  Lysons 
in  1 8 1 6,  who  made  some  use  of  the  '  Perambulation  '  of  Thomas 
Denton  in  that  department  in  which  his  information  was  first 
hand,  viz.  when  he  discoursed  on  contemporary  events.  Through- 
out the  series  of  county  histories,  definite  historical  statements 
on  the  early  medieval  period  may  be  traced  in  the  main  to  the 
fountainhead  at  Cardew  Hall.  It  is  readily  admitted  that  each 
of  the  county  histories  has  a  value  of  its  own,  especially  those  of 
Nicolson  and  Burn  and  the  Messrs.  Lysons,  but  on  a  general 
view  of  the  series  it  may  be  assumed  that  the  work  of  John 
Denton,  so  far  as  the  idea  of  a  county  history  came  within  his 
purview,  lies  beneath  the  surface  as  the  bed-rock  of  them  all. 

When  the  Archaeological  Institute  met  at  Carlisle  in  1859,  a 
paper  was  read  by  John  Hodgson  Hinde,  vice-president  of  the 
Society  of  Antiquaries  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  on  the  early 
history  of  Cumberland,1  which  came  like  a  bolt  from  a  cloudless 
sky.  Mr.  Hinde  was  a  scholar  of  considerable  repute  who  had 
done  much  original  work  for  the  history  of  the  northern  counties 
of  England.  The  right  of  a  student,  who  had  edited  with  skill 
and  learning  the  Pipe  Rolls  of  Cumberland  and  Westmorland,  to 
*  lay  down  the  law '  on  the  subject  of  his  dissertation,  few  will 
deny.  In  pointing  out  *  the  inaccuracy,  not  to  use  a  harsher  term, 
of  the  authorities  which  have  hitherto  been  relied  on,  in  tracing 
the  general  history  of  Cumberland,'  he  indicated  that  many  of  the 
misstatements  '  originate  with  the  Chronicon  Cumbriae,  but  these 
are  amplified  and  augmented  by  succeeding  compilers,  especially 
by  two  persons  of  the  name  of  Denton,  whose  manuscript  collec- 
tions have  been  the  main  source  from  whence  modern  historians  of 
the  county  have  derived  their  information  as  to  the  early  descent 
of  property,  and  the  genealogy  of  its  possessors.' 2  This  appears  a 
heavy  indictment  to  be  grounded  on  the  few  instances  of  inaccuracy 
that  Mr.  Hinde  thought  fit  to  give,  but  it  has  been  enough  to  raise 
up  a  whole  crop  of  servile  imitators,  whose  only  title  to  considera- 
tion is  their  temerity  in  depreciating  the  elder  Denton's  authority.3 

1  Printed  in  the  Archaeological  Journal,  xvi.  217-235. 

2  Ibid.  pp.  234-5. 

3  It  is  only  fair  to  make  two  notable  exceptions.     When  Chancellor  Prescott,  in 
his  edition  of  the  Register  of  Wetherhal,  disagrees  with  Denton,  he  shows  cause  for 
his  dissent.     Mr.  F.  H.  M.  Parker,  in  his  edition  of  the  Pipe  Rolls  of  Cumberland, 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland        15 

It  should  be  premised  that  John  Denton  made  no  claim  to  be  a 
political  or  ecclesiastical  historian.  The  title  prefixed  to  his  work 
shows  that  his  aim  was  to  trace  the  descent  '  of  the  most  consider- 
able estates  and  families  in  the  county  of  Cumberland.'  His 
manuscript  is  without  doubt  fragmentary  and  unfinished  :  a  good 
text  is  still  a  desideratum :  there  is  no  evidence  that  it  was  intended 
for  the  public  eye.  So  far  as  can  be  judged  the  'Accompt'  was 
drawn  up  as  a  guide  for  himself  in  his  investigations  on  behalf  of 
the  Crown.  Every  reader,  acquainted  with  original  sources,  must 
acknowledge  that  Denton  worked  from  the  best  evidences  he  could 
find  in  the  limited  sphere  of  his  undertaking :  he  was  not  a 
second-hand  expositor  of  other  men's  collections  :  he  had  no 
opportunity,  like  Mr.  Hinde  and  his  imitators,  to  establish  his 
infallibility  by  criticising  the  labours  of  his  predecessors. 

When  original  evidences  were  not  available  for  his  purpose,  he 
had  recourse,  and  that  very  sparingly,  to  second-rate  documents, 
the  chief  of  which  was  that  much  maligned  tract  known  as  the 
Chronicon  Cumbrie.1  It  is  rather  singular  that  the  statements  of 
Denton,  which  have  called  forth  the  loudest  lamentation,  were 
taken  from  that  document.  In  estimating  the  sources  of  his 
admitted  errors,  the  Chronicon  may  be  accepted  as  a  specimen  of 
the  authorities  by  which  he  was  led  astray. 

It  is  well  to  remember  the  nature  and  character  of  this  compil- 
ation. Some  of  Denton's  detractors  describe  it  as  a  monkish 
legend.  It  is  nothing  of  the  kind,  though  we  are  indebted  for  its 
preservation  to  the  literary  instincts  of  the  medieval  churchmen  of 
Cumberland.  Speaking  in  a  general  way,  the  greater  part  of  it, 
except  the  few  preliminary  flourishes  of  the  exordium,  is  of  the 
utmost  historical  value.  This  is  not  the  place  to  test  its  state- 
ments, but  it  may  be  briefly  said  that  the  tract  must  be  judged  in 
the  light  of  the  environment  from  whence  it  emanated.  This 
source  of  some  of  Denton's  errors  is  a  legal  document  of  the  early 
part  of  the  fourteenth  century,  compiled,  like  other  documents  of 
that  period,  for  submission  to  the  King's  Courts  in  proof  of  the 
territorial  descent  of  the  Honor  of  Cockermouth  from  the  fount 
of  tenure  to  the  date  of  the  great  dispute.2  In  the  absence  of  direct 

has  pronounced  Denton's  work  as  '  a  wonderful  record  of  wide  and  painstaking 
research.'  It  is  significant  that  both  writers  are  students  of  original  sources. 

1 A  trustworthy  text  of  this  short  document  is  very  much  needed.  It  has  been  too 
often  printed  from  corrupt  sources. 

2  See  my  arguments  in  Viet.  Hist,  of  Cumb.  i.  297-8,  which  have  been  accepted 
by  such  an  authority  as  Dr.  William  Greenwell  in  Hist,  of  Northumberland,  vii.  29. 

1 6  Rev.  James  Wilson 

evidence  for  the  earlier  devolution  ot  manorial  history,  Denton 
accepted  the  authority  of  the  compilation.  Does  his  credulity 
merit  the  indignation  of  his  quasi-faultless  successors  ? 

Denton,  following  his  fourteenth  century  authority,  introduced 
William  the  Conqueror  as  the  original  source  of  Cumberland 
tenure — an  error  which  has  brought  simpering  blushes  to  the 
cheeks  of  so  many  of  our  local  antiquaries.  The  bulk  of  them 
have  held  this  statement  so  near  their  eyes  that  they  can  see  little 
good  in  its  author.  As  there  is  no  direct  proof  for  the  presence 
of  William  I.  in  Carlisle,  it  might  well  be  maintained  that  there  is 
none  against  it.  But  it  has  been  generally  accepted,  thanks  to  the 
elaborate  and  consummate  arguments  of  Professor  Freeman,  that 
the  Conqueror  had  no  connexion  with  the  district  now  known  as 
Cumberland.  The  tradition  mentioned  in  the  Chronicon,  however, 
has  a  very  respectable  lineage  and,  in  the  judgment  of  the  writer, 
appears,  like  the  tract  itself,  to  be  of  legal  origin.  In  the  records  of 
the  early  medieval  courts  of  England  the  Conqueror  occupies  a 
prominent  position  as  a  source  of  tenure.  It  is  well  known  that 
when  the  early  justices  itinerant  came  on  circuit  to  Carlisle,  they 
•would  have  nothing  to  do  with  local  frontier  customs,  but  insisted 
on  their  interpretation  by  the  legal  standards  of  the  rest  of  the 
kingdom.  This  obstinacy  of  the  judges  has  so  confused  and 
obfuscated  the  great  service  of  cornage  that  scholars  have  been  at 
loggerheads  about  its  true  nature  for  the  past  three  centuries.  It 
was  probably  in  this  way  that  William  the  Conqueror  was 
imported  into  Cumbrian  legal  phraseology  and  stuck  fast  in  the 
Cumbrian  mind. 

It  will  be  sufficient  if  only  two  instances  be  given  of  the 
occurrence  of  this  legal  fiction  outside  of  its  adoption  in  the 
Chronicon  Cumbrie  which  Denton  regarded  as  genuine  history. 
So  early  as  1227  a  Cumbrian  magnate  pleaded  in  court  that  he 
claimed  no  more  for  his  manor  than  his  ancestors  died  seised  of, 
from  father  to  son,  from  the  first  conquest 1  (a  primo  Conquestu). 
The  latter  phrase  must  have  been  regarded  in  judicial  circles 
as  the  origin  of  tenure.  The  popular  conception  is  illustrated 
in  the  parley  between  William  Wallace  and  the  citizens  of  Car- 
lisle half  a  century  later.  '  My  master  William  the  Conqueror,' 
said  Wallace's  messenger,  '  demands  the  surrender  ot  the  town.' 
'  Who  is  this  Conqueror  ? '  replied  the  citizens.  £  William  whom 
ye  name  Wallace,'  was  the  rejoinder.  *  Tell  him,'  said  the 
citizens,  '  that  if  he  wishes  to  come  after  the  manner  of  the  good 
1  Coram  Rege  Roll,  u  Hen.  III.,  No.  27,  m.  4. 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland        17 

Conqueror  and  besiege  the  place,  he  can  have,  if  he  is  able  to 
take  them,  the  city  and  castle  and  all  their  belongings.' l  In 
view  of  the  prevailing  tradition  and  of  the  source  from  which 
it  appears  to  have  originated,  the  error  of  Denton  cannot  be 
regarded  as  a  serious  blunder.  If  the  whole  compilation  be 
examined  from  the  viewpoint  of  sources,  it  will  be  discovered 
that  the  author  had  some  authority  for  his  statements,2  not  the 
best  perhaps,  but  at  least  authorities  on  which  he  relied.  Imagina- 
tion plays  a  wonderfully  insignificant  part  in  his  dry  record. 

In  taking  a  general  view  of  Denton's  place  in  Cumbrian 
history,  no  writer  that  has  yet  arisen  can  approach  in  complete- 
ness his  contribution  to  its  earlier  periods  within  the  limits  he 
had  set  himself.  It  would  be  absurd  to  say  that  he  made  no 
mistakes.  Errors  there  are  in  his  work,  of  identification,  of 
genealogy,  of  manorial  descent.  The  marvel  is,  when  his  sur- 
roundings and  opportunities  are  considered,  that  there  are  not 
many  more.  The  chief  charm  about  him  is  that  he  was  a  record 
scholar,  marshalling  '  his  whole  loads  of  old  evidences  gotten  here 
and  there '  into  order  and  telling  his  story  with  the  triteness  and 
circumspection  of  a  lawyer.  He  stands  alone  among  the  Cum- 
brian students  of  the  past  as  having  worked  through  the  chief 
classes  of  the  national  records.  It  is  a  welcome  refreshment  to 
turn  to  his  pages  and  read  in  English  the  very  words  of  *  the 
records  about  London  '  which  he  procured  at  his  own  expense. 
Justice  has  not  been  done  to  John  Denton  either  by  his  editor  or 
by  his  critics.  The  whole  tendency  of  recent  depreciation  makes  a 
demand  on  the  Cumberland  and  Westmorland  Archaeological 
Society,  which  is  responsible  for  printing  a  copy  of  his  manuscript, 
that  some  competent  student  should  undertake  a  new  edition 
with  the  double  purpose  of  producing  a  trustworthy  text  and  of 
substantiating  or  disproving  from  original  sources  its  historical 
statements.  In  view  of  the  indebtedness  of  Cumberland  to  the 
labours  of  one  of  its  sons,  this  reparation  is  the  least  that  is  due 
to  his  memory.  The  county  has  produced  so  few  native-born 
students  of  its  history,  that  it  can  scarcely  afford  to  allow  the 
most  imposing  figure  amongst  them  to  occupy  an  uncertain  place 
in  its  annals. 

1  Walter  of  Hemingburgh,  Chronicon  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.),  ii.  42. 

2  Another  example  may  be  cited.     When   Denton  states  that  the  priory  ot 
Lanercost  was  founded  in  1 1 1 6,  he  was  evidently  following  an  early  list  of  dated 
foundations  given  in  the  chartulary  of  that  house.    On  the  other  hand,  it  may  well 
happen  that  a  copyist  of  Denton's  autograph  had  in  error  mistaken  1161  for  1116. 



Rev.  James  Wilson 


Depositions  of  John  Denton  Esqre  to  Articles  &c.,  24  of  Nov. 

1.  To  the  first  interrogatory]  he  saith  that  he  was  servant  to 
Serving  of      Bushope   Barnes   as    his    page,   and    to    his   remembranc   the 
Buihope          evidences  then  belonginge  to  the  Bushopbrick  of  Carlile  were 
Barnes.           then    in    the    custodye  of  John  Barnes   his   brother   &  very 

strictlye  loked  unto,  so  as  neyther  this  examynate  nor  any 
other  to  his  knowledg  had  nor  could  have  private  accesse  to  his 
evidences  but  in  the  presents  of  the  said  Bushope  him  self  & 
the  said  John  Barnes  or  thone  of  them. 

And  he  verylye  thinketh  the  said  Bushope  left  them  to  the 

Bushope          next  successor,  John  May,  late  Bushope  of  Carlyle.     And  this 

Maye.  examynate  further  saith  that  he  never  had  any  such  interest  or 

allowanc  with  the  said  John  May  that  he  ever  had  or  could 

have  accesse  to  any  parte  of  the  said  evidences,  saving  such 

certayne    leases    of    tythes   &    other     things    mayd    to    this 

examinate  &  to  his  use  by  the  said  Bushope  Maye  as  he  now 


2.  To  the  [second]  inter[rogatory]  he  saith  that  he  remembreth 
that    he  had    certayne   Rowles  of  Accompts   &    Rentalls   of 
lands  in   Dalston  in  his  possession,  some  on  paper,  some  on 

Tomlynscn       parchment,  at  such  tyme  as  the  said  Nycholas  Tomlynson  of 

y  theRowle   Haukesdayle  in  Cumberland  came  to  this  examynate's  house, 

spoken  of.        w0*1  this  examynate  then  had  by  delyvery  of  the  plaintiff,  all 

wch  this  examynate  did  delyver  or  cause  to  be  delyvered  agayne 

to  the  plaintiff,   wherof  he  veryly   thinketh  one  of  the   said 

Rowles  was  sythenc  reddye  to  be  produced  agaynst  him  this 

examynate    at    the    hearyng    of  the    cause    in    thexchequer 

between  the  plaintiff  &  this  examynate. 

What  Rowle  But  what  Rowle  or  accompt  Tomlynson  meaneth  of,  this 
ment  of  Tom-  examynate  knoweth  nott.  And  what  speches  the  said  Tomlyn- 
lynson  speches.  son  then  had  this  examynate  doth  not  remember. 

3.  To  the  [third]  interrogatory]  he  saith  that  the  said  Christoffer 
Curwen  &  Henry  Sandes  came   to    this    examynate's    house, 

Curwen  cff  wher  they  had  some  speches  consernyng  John  May,  late 
Sandes.  Bushope  of  Carlile,  wch  was  a  man  of  lowe  stature,  and,  therfore, 

this  examynate  did  name  him  to  them  by  the  name  of  lytle 
John  Maye,  without  any  such  splentick  or  scornefull  thought 
as  they  pretend,  of  wch  they  have  sythenc  mayd  a  more  hard 
construction  then  was  ever  ment  or  intended  by  this  examynate. 
And  thinketh  that  they  sythenc  so  misinterpreted  his  words  & 
meanyng  out  of  their  owne  distemper  after  the  words  ware 
spoken,  because  this  examynate  stood  agaynst  them  in  defenc  of 
the  tytle  &  wardshipe  of  John  Lamplughe,  his  kynsman, 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland        19 

being    an    infant,  comytted    in    truste    to    this  examynate  & 
others  by  his  unkell,  whose  heir  he  was.    And  to  aggrevate  the 
plaintiff's  displeasure  the  moer  agaynst  this  examynate,  wch  said 
Sandes  did  also  in  his  said  displeasure  comytt  a  servant  of  this 
examynates  to  close  prison,  for  geving  warnyng  at  Dalstoun 
Church  of  a  Court  to  be  holden  by  this  examynate,  pretending 
some  unlawfull  behavior  wch  he  could  nott  prove  or  make  good 
before  the  Justices  of  Assisses  before  whom  the  same  was  called 
to  examynation.     And  for  the  booke  mencond  in  this  inter-  Booke  ment 
rogatory,  this  examynate  knoweth  nott  what  book  is  ment,  butt  unknowne. 
saith  that  he  had  &  hath  sene  in  the  hands  of  John  Smythe 
of  Carlyle  and  Mr.  Walkwood,  prebendary,  dyvers  bookes  and 
peces  of  bookes,  some  in  parchment  &  some  in  paper,  wch,  as 
he    thinketh,   belonged    some    to  the   Priory    of  Carlyle   and 
some    to    the    Deane   &    Chapter  of    Carlyle,   wch   came   to 
this  examynates  handes,  parte  by  delyvery  of  them  selfs  and 
parte    therof  sent    unto  him,  this  examynate,  by  their  then 
servants   or   such    whome    they  used,    whose  names  he  now 
remembreth  nott.     All  wch  this  examynate  delyvered  &  sent 
to  be  delyvered  to  them  agayne.    And  veryly  thinketh  that  one 
of  those  bookes  is  the  booke  ment  and  menconed  in  this  inter-  Book  ment. 
rogatory  and  contayned  as  this  examynate  now  remembreth 
leases  mayd  by  the  Pryor  and  Convent  and  by   the   Deane  & 
Chapter  of  their  owne  proper  landes,  with  some  fewe  confyrma- 
tions  of  Bushopes  leases,  and  nott  any  other  matter  consernyng 
the  Sea  to  this  examynates  now  remembranc. 
To  the  [fourth]  interr[ogatory]  he  saith  that  Rowland  Toppin  4. 
&  John  Stoddart  of  Carlyle,  this  examynates  tenants,  holding 
a  lease  of  certayn  tythes  from  the  Deane  &  Chapter  of  Carlile 
ware  impleaded  by  the  now  plaintiff  in  his  eccleaseasticall  court 
for  the  same  tythe  or  some  parte  therof  as  they  reported,  who, 
repayring  to  this  examynate  to  knowe  what  he  could  say  unto  For 
the  matter,  did  delyver  unto  them  such  of  his  owne  evidences  contributions. 
as  conserned  the  soyle  of  some  parte  of  the  same  and  told  them 
that  yf  they  could    procure    of  the  Deane  &  Chapter    their 
distributions  yt  wold   make  the    matter  playne  to  whome  yt 
belonged.     After  wch  the  said  Toppin,  as  this  examynate  now 
remembreth,  brought  to  this  examynate  certayne  distributions 
of  the  Deane  &  Chapters  under  scale,  wch  compared  together 
mayd  apparant  the  same  tythe  in  question  to  belong  to  the 
Deane    &    Chapter,    and    nott    to    the    Bushope,    and    so    is 
by  them  enioyed  to  this  daye  as  he  thinketh.     From  w0*1  dis- 
tributions certayne  notes  were  taken  for  the  good  of  the  sayd 
Toppin  &   Stoddart  wch    were   the   same    mencond    in    this  Notes  from 
interrogatory  that  Bleckett  did  see  at  this  examynates  house,  distributions 
And  further  saith  that,  after  such  notes  taken,  this  examynate  for  Bleckett. 
was  called  before  thre  of  the  prebendaries,  and  their  did  agayne 
see  the  said  distributions  wch  were  then  by  them  as  owners 


Rev.  James  Wilson 

A  perfect 

The  mill 

John  Bleckett. 




menconed  in 

taken  into  their  possession  agayne,  where  he  thinketh  the  same 
are  as  yett  remayninge.  And  further  saith,  that  emongst  wch 
sealed  writyngs  a  perfect  bounder  betwene  the  Kinges 
majestyes  landes  and  the  plaintiffes  manner  of  Dalston  appeared 
playne,  and  how  much  is  encroched  their  upon  the  Kinge. 
And  that  the  myll  now  claymed  as  Dalston  myll  standeth  upon 
the  Kinges  land  and  nott  upon  any  parte  of  the  manner  of 
Dalston.  And  saith  that  he,  this  examynate,  hath  nott  any  of 
the  evidences,  notes  or  writynges  in  his  custodye,  nor  knoweth 
who  hath  the  same. 

To  the  [fifth]  interrogatory]  he  saith  that  the  John  Bleckett, 
in  the  interrogatory  named,  came  to  this  examynate  to 
Cardewe,  to  entreat  him  to  derect  the  sd  Bleckett  what 
thing  was  fyttyng  for  him  to  begg  in  lease  of  his  lord  the 
Bushope  of  Carlyle.  And  this  examinate  moved  him  to  gett  a 
tythe  in  lease  about  Carlyle.  And  did  aske  him  withall 
whether  he  did  knowe  such  a  booke  as  is  menconed  in  this 
interrogatorye.  And  moved  him  to  entreat  a  sight  of  that 
book,  because  that  this  examynate  did  think  that  j^t  did  conserne 
his  estate,  in  this,  viz.,  whether  the  mannor  of  Cardewe,  in  the 
parishe  of  Dalstoun,  was  reported  in  the  coppie  of  the  Kinges 
grant  menconed  in  that  book  mayd  to  the  said  sea  of  Carlele,  to 
be  parcell  of  the  mannor  of  Dalstoune,  yea  or  no.  And  the 
said  Bleckett  told  this  examynate  that  those  bookes  were  in  his 
maysters  custodye.  Wherupon  this  examynate  resorted  to  the 
records  about  London,  and  fyndyng  their  the  said  charter  upon 
record,  their  appeared  nott  in  the  same  any  report  of  the 
mannor  of  Cardewe  nor  of  any  landes  within  the  same  did 
belong  to  the  sea  of  Carlyle.  And  that  from  the  Kinges 
records  this  examynate  hath  his  information  and  that  the  landes 
in  question  is  held  of  the  Kinge  &  nott  of  the  plaintiff  nor  of 
the  sea  of  Carlyle. 

To  the  [sixth]  interrogatory]  he  saith  that  he  doth  nott 
remember  that  the  said  Warrick  did  shewe  to  this  examynate 
any  evidences  that  this  examynate  knoweth  to  belong  to  the 
sea  of  Carlyll.  Butt  this  examynate  did  advise  the  said  p[ar]son 
Warrwick  &  afterward  the  said  plaintiff  him  selfe,  and  was  a 
meane  that  the  plaintiff  attayned  dyvers  evidences  wch  belonged 
to  the  said  sea  from  the  handes  of  John  May,  sonn  to  the  late 
John  Maye,  Bushope  of  Carlile,  amongst  w°h  was  that  Rowle  in 
parchment  in  the  said  interrogatory  menscond,  wch  never  came 
to  this  examjnates  handes  sythenc  the  same  was  delivered  to  the 
said  plaintiff.  And  that  the  copies  w°h  he  tooke  was  notes  to  lead 
him,  this  examynate,  to  the  records  them  selfs  about  London, 
which  when  he  had  found  to  be  agreable  to  his  evydenc,  this 
examynate  no  further  estemed  of  the  said  notes,  butt  disposed 
them  to  other  uses  as  he  thinketh  was  lawfull  for  him  to  do. 
And  some  copies  he  hath  from  the  said  records  remaynyng  in 

The  First  Historian  of  Cumberland       21 

or  nere  London  as  any  subiect  for  their  money  may  have  at 

there  pleasures,  wch  copies  were  taken  sync  his  answere  putt  in 

to  the  plaintiffs  bill  of  complaint.    And  for  the  evidences  of  the 

said  John  Burden,  this  examynate  saith  that  he  receyved  them  j0Jm  Burden. 

from  his  father,  in  whose  handes  he  had  sene  them  fortye  yeares 

ago,  and  came  to  this  examynate  as  of  right,  after  the  descease  of 

his  father,  whose  heire  he  is,  wch  evidences  he  showed  both  to  the 

plaintiff  and  also  to  John  Dudley  at  a  court  holden  at  Dalstoun. 

Which  John  Burden  is  reported  by  the  said  evidences   to   be 

lord  of  the  mannor  of  Cardewe  with  the  appurtenances,  and 

lykewise  of  the  landes  in  Cardewe  w0*1  were  John  Pantryes, 

who  had  them  of  the  gifte  of  John  Hawton,  Bushope  of  Carlile, 

wch  held  the  same  of  the  King  as  appeareth  by  recordes  about 

London,  and  to  hold  in  capitie  in  fee  and  nott  as  parcell  of  his 

sea  of  Carlile.     To  w^1  John  Burden  this  examynate  is  heire 

de  facto   et  de  sanguine  of  all  his  landes   in    Cardewe  &  the 

mannor  of  Cardewe.1 

1  Document  in  the  diocesan  registry  of  Carlisle.  It  is  a  pleasure  as 
well  as  a  duty  to  thank  the  Lord  Bishop  of  Carlisle  and  Mr.  A.  N. 
Bowman,  his  courteous  registrar,  for  permission  and  facilities  to 
consult  the  diocesan  archives. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost1 

ON  the  feast  of  S.  Barnabas  the  Apostle2  there  happened  a 
memorable  instance  of  the  untrustworthiness  of  the  Welsh. 
While  my  lord  King  Edward  was  besieging  with  a  great 
army  the  lofty  castle  of  Edinburgh,  huge  machines  for 
casting  stones  having  been  set  all  round  it,  and  after  he  had 
violently  battered  the  castle  buildings  for  the  space  of  three  days 
and  nights  with  the  discharge  of  seven  score  and  eighteen  stones, 
on  the  eve  of  the  festival  named,  he  chose  a  certain  Welshman, 
his  swiftest  runner,  whom  he  reckoned  most  trustworthy,  com- 
mitted to  him  many  letters  and,  having  provided  him  with 
money,  ordered  him  to  make  his  way  to  London  with  the 
utmost  dispatch.  This  man  was  named  Lewyn  (as  befitted  his 
fate8),  which  in  English  is  pronounced  Lefwyn.  Now,  going 
straight  to  the  tavern,  he  spent  in  gluttony  all  that  he  had 
received  for  travelling  expenses.  Early  on  the  morning  of  the 
vigil,  being  Sunday,4  he  made  himself  a  laughing-stock  to  the 
English  by  ordering  his  comrade  to  carry  his  shield  before  him, 
declaring  that  he  was  not  going  to  leave  the  place  before  he  had 
made  an  assault  upon  the  garrison  of  the  castle.  Presenting 
himself,  therefore,  with  a  balista  before  the  gates,  he  cried  upon 
the  wall  guard  to  let  down  a  rope  to  him,  so  that,  having  been 
admitted  in  that  manner,  he  might  reveal  to  them  all  the  secrets 
of  their  enemy.  The  constable  of  the  castle,  as  he  informed  me, 
was  taking  the  air  when  this  rascal  intruder  was  brought  before 
him,  holding  out  in  his  hand  the  case  with  the  royal  letters. 

*  Behold,   my   lord,'    said   he,    *  the   secrets   of  the   King   of 
England  ;    examine  them  and  see.     Give  me  also  part  of  the 

1See  Scottish  Historical  Review,  vi.  13,  174,  281,  383;  vii.  56,  160,  271,  377. 

2  nth  June. 

3  There  is  here  some  play  on  the  name  which  is  not  apparent  to  modern  wits. 

4  Mane  diei  ./fr/r— literally  <  early  on  the  feast  day,'  but  as  S.  Barnabas's  day  fell 
on  a  Monday  in  that  year,  we  must  read  *  Early  on  the  morning  of  the  vigil.' 


Chronicle  of  Lanercost  23 

wall  to  defend,  and  see  whether  I  know  how  to  shoot  with  a 

But  when  the  others  would  have  opened  the  letters,  their 
commander  forbade  them  to  do  so,  and  straightway,  standing 
on  a  high  place,  called  loudly  to  men  passing  that  they  were 
to  make  known  in  the  king's  court  that  one  of  their  deserters 
had  proposed  to  those  within  [the  castle]  that  they  should 
perpetrate  a  deceit,  to  which  he  [the  constable]  absolutely 
declined  to  consent  for  honour's  sake. 

Sir  John  le  Despenser  attended  at  once  to  this  announce- 
ment, and  to  him  the  traitor  was  lowered1  on  a  rope,  with 
the  letters  intact,  and  the  manner  of  his  [Lewyn's]  capture  was 
explained  to  the  king  when  he  got  out  of  bed.  Now  that 
prince  greatly  delighted  in  honesty.  *I  gratefully  declare  to 
God,'  quoth  he,  *  that  the  fidelity  of  that  honourable  man  has 
overcome  me.  Give  orders  that  henceforth  no  man  attempt  to 
inflict  injury  upon  the  besieged,  and  that  no  machine  cast  a  stone 
against  them.' 

Thus  the  king's  wrath  was  soothed,  for  he  had  previously 
vowed  that  they  should  all  be  put  to  death.  So  sleep  came  to 
the  eyelids  of  those  who  had  watched  for  three  days,  many  of 
them  having  vowed  that,  for  security,  they  would  so  continue 
while  alive.  On  the  morrow,  by  the  royal  indulgence,  the 
besieged  sent  messengers  to  King  John  [Balliol]  who  was 
staying  at  Forfar,  explaining  their  condition  and  demanding 
assistance.  But  he  [John]  being  unable  to  relieve  them,  gave 
leave  to  each  man  to  provide  for  his  own  safety. 

But  let  me  not  be  silent  about  the  punishment  of  the  afore- 
said traitor,  Lewyn.  He  was  taken,  tried,  drawn  and  hanged 
on  a  regular  gibbet  constructed  for  his  crime.  This  tale  I 
have  inserted  here  in  order  that  wise  men  may  avoid  the 
friendship  of  deceivers. 

Pending  the  report  of  the  messengers,  King  Edward  raised 
the  siege  and  marched  with  a  small  force  to  Stirling,  where  he 
found  the  castle  evacuated  for  fear  of  him,  the  keys  hanging 
above  the  open  doors,  and  the  prisoners  imploring  his  mercy, 
whom  he  immediately  ordered  to  be  set  at  liberty.  And  so,  in 
the  king's  absence,  after  fifteen  days'  siege,  the  Maidens'  Castle 2 
was  surrendered  into  the  hands  of  Sir  John  le  Despenser,  a  place 
whereof  it  is  nowhere  recorded  in  the  most  ancient  annals  that  it 

1  Demittimur  in  Stevenson's  edition,  probably  a  clerical  error  for  demittitur. 

2  Castrum  Puellarum,  one  of  the  names  for  Edinburgh. 

24  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

had  ever  been  captured  before,  owing  to  its  height  and  strength. 
It  was  called  Edwynesburgh  of  old  after  its  founder,  King  Edwyn, 
who,  it  is  said,  placed  his  seven  daughters  therein  for  safety. 

Now  when  it  had  been  laid  down  by  the  Scots  to  their  king 
[John]  that  he  was  neither  to  offer  battle  nor  accept  peace,  but 
that  he  should  keep  in  hiding  by  constant  flight,  King  Edward, 
on  the  other  hand,  strengthened  his  resolve  that  neither  the 
ocean  should  bear  him  [John]  away,  nor  the  hills  and  woods 
hide  him.  Rather  than  that,  having  him  surrounded  by  land 
and  sea  at  Kincardine,  he  compelled  him  to  come  to  Montrose, 
subject  to  King  Edward's  will  and  judgment.  There  he  re- 
nounced his  kingly  right,  and,  having  experience  of  dishonest 
counsellors,  submitted  to  the  perpetual  loss  both  of  his  royal 
honour  in  Scotland  and  of  his  paternal  estates  in  England.  For, 
having  been  sent  to  London  with  his  only  son,  he  led  an  honour- 
able, but  retired  life,  satisfied  with  the  funds  allotted  to  him  from 
the  king's  exchequer.  By  divine  ordinance  these  things  were 
accomplished  on  the  morrow  of  the  translation  of  S.  Thomas  the 
Martyr,1  in  retribution  for  the  crime  of  Hugh  de  Morville,  from 
whom  that  witless  creature2  [John]  was  descended;  for  just  as 
he  [Morville]  put  S.  Thomas  to  death,  so  thereafter  there  was 
not  one  of  his  posterity  who  was  not  deprived  either  of  his 
personal  dignity  or  of  his  landed  property. 

Also  on  the  same  day3  fell  the  anniversary  of  my  lord, 
Alexander,4  formerly  King  of  Scotland,  who  descended  from 
the  other  daughter  of  the  illustrious  Earl  David,  besides 
whom  there  proceeded  from  that  sister  no  legitimate  progeny 
of  the  royal  seed  to  her  King  Edward,5  who  alone  after  William 
the  Bastard  became  monarch  of  the  whole  island.  It  is  clear 
that  this  succession  to  Scotland  [came]  not  so  much  by  right 
of  conquest  or  forfeiture  as  by  nearness  of  blood  to  S.  Margaret 
whose  daughter,  Matilda,  Henry  the  elder,  King  of  England, 
married  [and  became]  heir,  as  is  shown  by  what  is  written  above. 

1  8th  July.  2  Acephalus.  8  8  th  July. 

*i.e.  Alexander  II.,  who  died  8th  July,  1249. 

5  Qui  ex  alter  a  germanafilia  deicendit  David  illustris  comitis,  ultra  quern  non  pro- 
cessit  ex  ilia  sorore  legitima  soboles  regalis  seminis  regi  suo  Edwardo.  It  seems  im- 
possible to  make  sense  from  this  passage.  Probably  something  has  dropped  out 
or  become  garbled.  c  The  illustrious  Earl  David '  might  either  be  King  David  I., 
who  was  Earl  of  Northumberland,  and  reigned  in  Cumbria  and  Strathclyde  till 
he  succeeded  his  brother,  Alexander  I.,  or  King  David's  third  son,  who  was  Earl 
of  Huntingdon. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  25 

On  the  same  day  as  the  abdication  King  Edward  gave  a 
splendid  banquet  to  the  nobles  and  commons  ;  but  inasmuch 
as  in  this  life  sorrow  is  mingled  with  rejoicing,  the  king  received 
on  that  day  news  of  the  death  in  Gascony  of  his  brother,  my 
lord  Edmund,  a  valiant  knight  and  noble,  who  was  genial  and 
merry,  generous  and  pious.  It  is  said  that  his  death  was  brought 
about  by  want  of  means,  because  he  had  with  him  a  large  body 
of  mercenaries  and  but  little  ready  money.  He  left  two  sur- 
viving youths,  Thomas  and  Henry,  his  sons  by  the  Queen  of 
Navarre  ;  of  whom  the  elder  took  in  marriage  with  her  entire 
inheritance  the  only  daughter  of  my  lord  Henry,  Earl  of  Lincoln, 
who  then  possessed  the  earldoms  of  Lancaster  and  Ferrers  in 
right  of  his  father,  and  those  of  Lincoln  and  Salisbury  in  right  of 
his  wife. 

About  the  same  time  there  came  an  astonishing  and  unpre- 
cedented flood  in  the  Seine  at  Paris,  probably  a  presage  of  things 
to  come,  such  as  is  described  above  as  having  happened  in  the 
Tweed.1  For  of  a  sudden,  while  men  were  not  expecting  it,  and 
were  taking  their  ease  in  bed,  the  floods  came  and  the  winds  blew 
and  threw  down  both  the  bridges  of  the  city  in  deep  water  with 
all  upon  them,  which  consisted  of  the  choicer  houses,  superior 
merchandise  and  brothels  of  the  costlier  class;  and,  just  as  in  the 
Apocalypse,  all  this  wealth  was  ruined  in  a  single  hour,  together 
with  its  pleasures  and  luxury,  so  that  the  saying  of  Jeremiah  may 
be  most  aptly  applied  to  them,  that  the  iniquity  of  the  people  of 
Paris  was  greater  than  the  sin  of  the  people  of  Sodom,  which  was 
overwhelmed  in  a  moment,  nor  could  they  avail  to  protect  it.2 

It  is  quite  certain  that  this  people  had  given  such  offence  to 
the  Lord  that  they  suffered  punishment,  not  only  for  their  own 
transgression,  but  because  of  the  corruption  of  their  nation, 
the  consequence  of  whose  pride  is  to  undermine  obedient  faith 
throughout  the  world.  Having  the  appearance  of  piety,  they 
deny  the  power  thereof ;  they  make  a  mockery  of  the  sacraments  ; 
they  blaspheme  with  sneers  the  Word  of  Life  made  flesh  by  a  virgin 
mother  ;  they  boast  of  their  iniquity  more  openly  than  did  Sodom  ; 
and,  as  said  by  the  Apostle  Jude,  they  defile  the  flesh,  they  spurn 
authority,  and  they  blaspheme  majesty.3  These  things  did  the 

^p.  273,  274  ante. 

2  History  repeated  itself  in  the  inundation  of  Paris  during  the  winter  1909-10. 

3  The  severity  of  the  chronicler's  censure  may  be  traced  to  its  source  in  the 
friendly  relations  between  France  and  Scotland. 

26  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,   Bart. 

Virgin  of  virgins,  as  I  consider,  intend  to  avenge  terribly — she 
who,  dwelling  between  the  river  banks  of  that  city,  has  wrought 
so  many  signs  of  salvation  for  that  people,  especially  in  quenching 
the  fires  of  hell,  wherein  no  one  worthy  of  her  protection  remains 
abandoned  beyond  the  ninth  day. 

In  honour  of  the  Glorious  Virgin  I  will  relate  what  took  place 
at  an  earlier  time,  in  the  tenth  year  of  King  Edward's  reign  ;  at 
least  it  was  then  made  manifest,  but  not  yet  completed  by  the 
actual  events.  Now,  that  turbulent  and  distracted  nation,  I  mean 
the  Welsh,  thinking  to  wreak  their  long-standing  spite  upon  the 
English,  ever  incur  severer  penalty  for  their  wickedness.  Thus 
when  led  by  a  certain  David,  they  were  endeavouring  to  kindle  mis- 
chief in  the  realm  of  King  Edward,  and  to  turn  his  friendliness 
into  hostility,  that  energetic  prince  [Edward]  mustered  a  force  and, 
marching  against  the  enemy  at  Worcester,  commended  himself 
and  his  troops,  with  many  oblations  and  consecrations,  to  the 
keeping  of  the  Glorious  Virgin.  Immediately  the  Queen  of 
Virtues  granted  the  petition  of  the  suppliant,  and,  appearing 
one  night  to  a  cleric  named  John,  of  the  Church  of  S.  Mary 
of  Shrewsbury,  as  he  was  sleeping,  with  her  own  hand  laid 
upon  his  bosom  a  closed  letter  fastened  with  a  seal.  Also 
she  commanded  him — *  Rise  early,  and  carry  for  me  the  letter 
I  have  given  thee  to  King  Edward  who  is  quartered  at  Wor- 
cester. Thou  mayst  be  sure  he  will  not  withhold  from  thee  a 
suitable  reward.' 

On  awaking  he  actually  found  the  letter  exactly  according  to  the 
vision.  He  remembered  the  mission  commanded  to  him,  but 
bethought  him  of  his  own  humble  degree  and  hesitated  to  take 
the  journey. 

The  command  was  repeated  to  him  and  a  reward  was  added. 

He  had  a  beloved  comrade  (a  certain  cleric  J ,  named  de 

Houton,  who,  being  still  alive  in  the  Minorite  Order,  constantly 
describes  the  course  of  this  incident)  to  whom  he  said  : — 

*  I  beg  that  you  will  bear  me  company  as  far  as  Worcester,  for 
I  have  some  business  to  attend  to  at  the  king's  court.' 

But,  whereas  he  never  mentioned  the  sacred  declaration  of  the 
Blessed  Virgin,  his  friend  refused  his  request,  not  being  aware 
what  reason  there  was  for  it.  The  Virgin,  footstool  of  the  Holy 
Trinity,  appeared  for  the  third  time  to  her  sluggish  servant,  re- 
proached him  for  disobedience,  and  as  a  punishment  for  his  neglect 
foretold  that  his  death  would  be  soon  and  sudden.  Terrified  at 
this,  he  made  his  will,  appointed  executors,  charging  them  to 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  27 

forward  the  heavenly  letter  with  the  utmost  haste,  and  then 
expired  suddenly. 

Nobody  could  be  found  who  would  dare  to  present  himself  to 
the  king's  notice  except  an  insignificant  tailor ;  who,  however,  was 
graciously  received  by  the  king,  and  did  not  retire  with  empty 
hands.  But  when  the  king,  by  the  hearth  in  his  chamber,  had 
mastered  the  contents  of  the  letter,  he  knelt  thrice,  kissing  the 
ground  and  returning  thanks  to  the  Glorious  Virgin.  '  And 
where,'  cried  he,  *  is  that  cleric  who  brought  this  dispatch,  and 
whom  the  Virgin's  word  commends  to  me  ? ' 

The  substitute  having  informed  him  that  the  messenger  was 
dead,  the  king  was  much  grieved.  As  to  what  the  Queen  of 
Glory  promised  to  him,  he  was  not  fully  informed,  except  this, 
that  then  and  ever  after  he  should  successfully  prevail  over  his 
enemies  ;  and  from  that  day  to  this  he  has  observed  a  solemn  fast 
on  bread  and  water  every  Saturday,  through  love  of  his  protectress. 
Moreover,  he  began  to  build  in  London  a  costly  and  sumptuous 
church  in  praise  of  the  same  Mother  of  God,  which  is  not  yet 

But  let  me  return  to  my  theme.  After  the  abdication  of  John 
de  Balliol,  as  has  been  described,  King  Edward  caused  it  to  be 
announced  that,  throughout  his  progress,  no  man  should  plunder 
or  burn,  and  further,  that  a  fair  price  should  be  paid  for  all  neces- 
sary supplies.  He  marched  forward  into  Mar  to  the  merchant 
town  of  Aberdeen,  where  some  cunning  messengers  of  the  King 
of  the  French,  detained  in  some  port,  were  taken  and  brought 
into  the  king's  presence,  having  many  duplicate  letters  addressed  to 
the  King  of  Scots  as  well  as  to  his  nobles.  Although  he  [King 
Edward]  would  have  paid  them  out  for  their  guile,  he  restrained 
those  who  would  do  violence  to  these  men,  and,  having  restored 
to  them  the  letters  which  had  been  discovered,  he  sent  them  by 
rapid  stages  to  the  neighbourhood  of  London,  that  they  might  see 
and  converse  with  the  king  of  whom  they  were  in  search,  and 
telling  him  what  they  had  found,  might  return  by  another  way 
to  the  country  whence  they  came. 

With  kingly  courage,  he  [King  Edward]  pressed  forward  into 
the  region  of  the  unstable  inhabitants  of  Moray,  whither  you  will 
not  find  in  the  ancient  records  that  any  one  had  penetrated  since 
Arthur.  His  purpose  was  to  explore  with  scattered  troops  the 
hills  and  woods  and  steep  crags  which  the  natives  are  accustomed 
to  count  on  as  strongholds.  With  what  piety  and  frugality  he 
performed  all  these  things,  let  his  pardons,  condescensions, 

28  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

bounties  and  festivals  testify.  Having  brought  all  that  land  into 
subjection  he  returned  to  Berwick  on  the  octave  of  the  Assump- 
tion l  where  the  homage  of  the  people  of  Alban 2  was  repeated  to 
my  lord  the  King  of  England  and  his  son  and  successor  ;  also  it 
was  renewed  again  by  a  charter  with  all  the  seals  of  the  nobles, 
which  remains  confirmed  by  a  solemn  oath  made  in  touching  two 
pieces  of  the  Lord's  cross.  But  that  ceremony  of  swearing,  not 
being  imbued  by  the  faith  of  those  who  performed  it,  was  worth- 
less to  them,  as  their  open  acts  made  manifest  in  the  following 

Now  something  very  pleasing  to  our  people  took  place  through 
the  aid  of  the  Glorious  Virgin  on  the  day  after  the  Assumption.3 
After  the  men  of  the  Cinque  Ports  had  conveyed  some  knights 
and  foot-soldiers  bound  for  Gascony,  they  encountered  on  the  high 
sea  three  hundred  vessels  bound  from  Spain  to  France  with  much 
valuable  cargo.  Our  people,  who  had  but  four  score  vessels, 
attacked  them  and  put  them  all  to  flight,  capturing  out  of  that 
fleet  eight  and  twenty  ships  and  three  galleys.  In  one  of  the 
galleys  they  found  sixty  score  hogsheads  of  wine.  In  celebration, 
therefore,  of  that  victory  accorded  them  by  God,  they  forwarded 
part  of  the  wine  to  the  knights  campaigning  in  Gascony,  bringing 
the  rest  to  London  for  consecration,  whereof  my  informant  drank 
some,  a  man  of  truthful  conversation  and  learned  in  religion. 
Events  of  this  kind  ought  to  be  plainly  described  to  those  who 
delight  in  vanities,  and,  having  no  experience  of  heavenly  matters, 
lightly  esteem  intercourse  with  the  higher  powers.  For  few  may 
be  found  in  our  age  who  deserve  to  share  the  sweetness  of  divine 
revelation,  not  because  of  God's  parsimony,  but  because  of  the 
sluggishness  of  the  spiritual  sense. 

Now  in  this  year  there  happened  to  a  certain  holy  virgin, 
long  consecrated  to  the  life  of  an  anchorite,  a  revelation  which 
ought  not  to  be  passed  over  in  silence.  In  the  district  of  Shrews- 
bury, about  six  miles  from  the  town,  there  dwelleth  that  holy 
woman,  Emma  by  name,  who  is  accustomed  to  receive  visits  from 
holy  men  ;  and  at  the  festival  of  S.  Francis  *  (which  is  observed 
rather  on  account  of  the  merit  of  the,  saint  than  of  the  Order  itself, 
whose  dress  she  weareth),  on  the  vigil  of  the  saint  she  admitted 
two  friars  of  that  order  to  hospitality.  At  midnight,  the  hour 
when  the  friars  are  accustomed  to  sing  praises  to  God,  the  holy 

1  22nd  August.  2/.*.  Scotland. 

3  1 6th  August.  4  1 6th  July. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  29 

woman  rose  from  her  bed,  remembering  in  her  pious  heart 
that  on  such  a  feast  day  a  similar  obligation  lay  upon  her  who 
had  become  a  recluse,  and  how  much  honour  was  shown  to  the 
saint  throughout  the  divers  regions  of  the  world.  Kindled  in 
spirit  by  these  [thoughts],  she  called  her  handmaid  and  told  her 
to  bring  a  lamp  for  the  morning  praise.  The  lamp  having  been 
brought  and  placed  twice  upon  the  altar  of  the  oratory,  a  sudden 
gust  extinguished  it,  so  that  not  a  spark  of  light  remained.  Now 
the  patron  of  that  church  is  the  Herald  of  Christ  and  more  than  a 
prophet,1  to  whom  the  recluse  was  bound  by  more  than  common 
love,  and,  as  will  be  shown  presently,  had  experienced  much 
intimacy  with  the  friend  of  Christ.  Therefore,  while  she  was 
wondering  why  her  lamp  should  be  extinguished,  she  beheld  a 
ray  of  heavenly  light  coming  through  the  window  of  his  oratory, 
which  was  next  the  church,  which,  surpassing  the  radiance  of  the 
sun,  beautified  with  a  heavenly  lustre  the  features  of  her  maidens, 
who  lay  in  a  distant  part  of  the  house,  notwithstanding  that  the 
maidens  themselves  were  weeping  because  of  the  abundance  of  the 
celestial  illumination.  The  Prior1  came  in  that  he  might  bear 
witness  about  the  light,  so  that  all  men  might  believe  through  him. 
The  lamp  was  burning,  shedding  light  and  reassuring  the 
astonished  woman.  'Behold,'  said  he,  '  thou  wilt  presently  have 
a  mass.'  That  saint,  as  often  as  he  appeared  to  this  handmaid  of 
Christ,  held  in  his  hand  a  roll  as  a  token  and  badge  of  his  office, 
wherein  was  contained  in  order  the  holy  gospel  of  God — '  In  the 
beginning  was  the  Word.' 

After  the  declaration  of  the  Baptist  there  followed  immediately 
such  a  transcendent  radiance  as  would  rather  have  stunned  than 
stimulated  human  senses,  had  they  not  been  sustained  by  grace  ; 
in  which  [radiance]  appeared,  with  a  wonderful  fragrance,  the 
Mother  of  Eternal  Light,  environed  by  a  brilliant  tabernacle,  in 
token,  as  I  suppose,  that  He  who  created  her  would  find  rest  in 
her  tabernacle  ;  and  four  of  the  Minorite  Order  bore  her  company 
in  her  propitious  advent,  of  whom  the  chief  was  S.  Antony,  an 
illustrious  preacher  of  the  Word,  and  with  him  were  three  others, 
natives  of  England,  famed  either  by  their  lives  or  by  their  wisdom. 

The  Queen  of  the  World  took  her  place,  as  was  proper,  over 
the  holy  altar  of  the  choir  ;  the  others  prepared  themselves  to 
perform  the  mass.  Then  S.  Antony  led  off  in  vestments  of 
indescribable  [richness],  and  the  others  sang  with  such  marvellous 
sweetness  and  thrilling  melody,  that  many  blameless  persons  in 

1  S.  John  the  Baptist. 

30  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

a  distant  part  of  the  town  wondered  at  the  harmony,  not  knowing 
whence  it  came. 

Now  the  introitus  of  the  mass  was  this,  pronounced  in  a  loud 
voice — *  Thou  art  the  King  of  Glory,  O  Christ ! '  and  what 
follows,  as  far  as — Te  ergo  quis  famulis  and  subveni  quos  pretioso, 
et  caetera.  The  woman  remembered  that  this  was  thrice  repeated, 
but  the  collect  and  epistle  and  the  other  parts  of  the  mass  she 
could  not  so  well  recollect.  And  when  she  asked  what  were  the 
names  of  these  persons,  and  inquired  of  the  holy  Baptist  why 
S.  Francis  was  not  present,  she  received  this  answer — *  Upon  this 
his  festival  he  himself  has  to  intercede  with  God  for  numerous 
persons  who  are  invoking  him  as  a  new  saint,  therefore  he  was 
unable  to  come  on  this  occasion.' 

At  the  time  of  preparing  the  sacred  mystery  in  the  aforesaid 
mass,  S.  Antony  elevated  the  Host  with  great  dignity  and 
honour,  whereat  the  holy  Virgin 1  prostrated  herself  with  the 
others  devoutly  and  low.  At  the  close  of  the  office,  the  Queen 
of  Mercy  descended  gently  to  the  sister,2  and  comforted  her 
with  heavenly  converse  and  confidences,  besides  touching  her 
beads3  with  her  blessed  hand.  But  whereas  those  who  die  in 
the  sweet  odour  of  Christ  may  be  reckoned  unhappy  above  all 
others,  while  some  ignorant  persons  may  cavil  at  the  divine 
revelations  accorded  to  this  humble  woman,  to  show  what  a 
slander  this  is  against  the  Lord,  the  forerunner  of  Christ  said 
as  he  departed  :  '  Inquire  of  those  who  sneer  at  divine  bene- 
factions whether  the  Evil  Spirit  can  perform  such  sacred 
mysteries,  and  rouse  the  friars  who  are  slumbering  here,  to 
whose  senses  thou  mayest  exhibit  the  light  wherewith  we  have 
purified  this  dwelling.' 

The.  holy  woman  immediately  performed  his  bidding,  and 
and  from  the  third  cockcrow  almost  until  the  morning  light 
they  [the  friars]  beheld  with  their  eyes  the  whole  interior  of 
the  church  illumined  with  celestial  radiance.  One  of  them, 
desiring  to  know  the  source  of  this  light,  looked  through  the 
window  of  the  church,  and  saw  what  seemed  to  be  a  burning 
torch  before  the  image  of  the  blessed  Baptist,  who  was  the  herald 
of  Eternal  Light. 

1  will  relate  something  else  that  happened  to  this  holy  soul, 
worth  listening  to,  in  manner  as  1  heard  it  from  those  to  whom 

:It  is  not  clear  whether  the  reference  is  to  the  Mother  of  God  or  to 
Emma  herself. 

2  Ad  sponsam.  8  Numerafia  devotionts. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  31 

she  related  it.  While  she  was  yet  very  young  and  a  novice  in 
the  discipline  of  Christ,  she  still  sometimes  experienced  carnal 
impulses,  and  was  deluded  by  tricks  of  the  devil ;  yet  she  could 
not  be  overcome,  because  she  always  had  the  Forerunner  of  the 
Lord  as  a  guardian  against  the  wiles  of  the  Deceiver.  Accord- 
ingly when  she  lay  sick  with  a  pain  in  her  side,  it  happened  that 
John  the  Saint  of  God  foretold  that  the  serpent  would  appear  to 
her  in  disguise,  and  he  placed  in  her  mouth  an  exorcism  which 
should  dispel  the  illusion.  No  sooner  had  the  saint  departed, 
than  Satan  appeared  without  delay  in  the  guise  of  a  certain 
physician,  announced  his  profession  and  promised  a  speedy  cure. 
'  But  how,'  said  he,  c  can  I  be  certain  about  the  nature  of  your 
ailment  ?  Allow  me  to  lay  my  hand  on  the  seat  of  your  pain.' 

The  maiden  persisted  in  declining  these  and  other  persuasions, 
and  exclaimed  :  *  Thou  dost  not  deceive  me,  oh  Lord  of  Iniquity  1 
wherefore  I  adjure  thee  by  that  sacred  saying  of  the  gospel — ( the 
Word  became  flesh  ' — that  thou  inform  me  who  are  the  men 
who  hinder  thee  most.' — 'The  Minorites,'  said  he.  When  she 
asked  him  the  reason  he  replied — 'Because  when  we  strive  to 
fix  arrows  in  the  breasts  of  mortals  they  either  frustrate  us 
entirely  by  their  opposition,  or  else  we  hardly  hit  our  mark.' 
Then  said  she — '  You  have  darts  ? ' — *  Undoubtedly,'  quoth  he, 
'[darts]  of  ignorance,  and  concupiscence  and  malice,  which  we 
employ  against  men,  so  that  they  may  either  fail  in  their  actions, 
or  go  wholly  to  the  bad,  or  conceive  envy  of  the  righteous/ 
Then  she  said — '  In  virtue  of  the  Word  referred  to,  tell  me  how 
much  the  said  proclamation  of  the  gospel  hindereth  your  work.' 
Then  the  Enemy,  groaning  heavily,  replied — '  Woe  is  me  that  I 
came  here  to-day  !  The  Word  about  which  thou  inquirest  is 
so  puissant  that  all  of  us  must  bow  the  knee  when  we  hear  it, 
nor  are  we  able  afterwards  to  apply  our  poison  in  that  place.' 

Since  mention  has  been  made  here  of  the  protection  of  S. 
Francis  being  faithfully  invoked,  I  will  allude  here  to  two  in- 
cidents which  took  place  in  Berwick,  about  three  years  before 
the  destruction  of  that  town.  That  same  city  was  formerly  so- 
populous  and  busy  that  it  might  well  be  called  a  second  Alexan- 
dria, its  wealth  being  the  sea  and  the  waters  its  defence.  In 
those  days  the  citizens,  having  become  very  powerful  and  devoted 
to  God,  used  to  spend  liberally  in  charity  ;  among  other  [objects] 
out  of  love  and  reverence  they  were  willing  to  provide  for  the 
Order  of  S.  Francis,  and  alloted  a  certain  yearly  sum  of  money 
from  the  common  chest  for  the  honourable  celebration  of  every 

32  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

festival  of  the  blessed  Francis,  and  further  for  the  provision 
of  clothing  for  the  poor  friars  dwelling  in  their  city,  whereby 
they  fulfilled  the  double  object  of  charity,  and  of  performing 
devout  service  to  the  saint  who  began  life  as  a  trader,1  expecting 
that  even  in  the  present  [life]  greater  profits  from  trading  would 
be  the  result  of  their  costly  piety.  Nor  did  their  conjecture  play 
them  false  nor  their  hope  deceive  them,  seeing  how  they  in- 
creased in  riches  ;  until,  as  [the  hour  of]  their  expulsion  drew 
nigh,  they  were  persuaded  by  the  suggestion  of  certain  persons 
of  corrupt  mind  (who  became  the  source  of  calamity,  not  only 
to  these  citizens,  but  indeed  to  their  whole  country)  first  to 
diminish  their  accustomed  charity  and  then  to  reduce  it  by  one 
half.  But  whereas  Sir  John  Gray,  knight  as  well  as  burgess, 
who  had  departed  this  life  many  years  before,  was  the  promoter 
of  this  charity,  God  warned  the  populace  of  their  imminent 
danger  in  manner  following. 

In  the  year  preceding  the  Scottish  war  there  appeared  unto 
Thomas  Hugtoun,  a  younger  son  of  the  said  knight,  the  vision 
of  his  father,  lately  deceased,  among  the  bands  of  holy  friars  in  a 
certain  abode  of  delight,  and  similar  in  carriage  and  dress  to  the 
rest  of  the  Minorites.  And,  while  he  recognised  the  figure  of  his 
father  but  marvelled  because  of  the  change  in  his  condition,  the 
following  reply  was  made  to  his  perplexed  meditations.  '  Thou 
marvellest,  my  son,  because  thou  never  didst  hitherto  behold  me 
attired  in  the  dress  of  the  Minorites  ;  yet  thou  must  learn  hereby 
that  I  am  numbered  by  God  among  those  in  whose  society  I  have 
taken  most  delight.  Go  thou,  therefore,  instead  of  me  to  our 
neighbours  in  Berwick,  and  summon  them  publicly  on  behalf  of 
God  to  revive  and  restore  that  charitable  fund  which  I  had  begun 
to  expend  in  honour  of  the  blessed  Father  Francis  ;  otherwise, 
they  shall  speedily  experience,  not  only  the  decay  of  their  worldly 
possessions,  but  also  the  dishonour  of  their  bodies.' 

Roused  from  his  sleep,  Thomas  immediately  described  to  his 
townspeople  the  revelation  made  to  him,  urging  them  to  mend 
their  ways.  As  they  paid  no  heed  to  him,  events  followed  in 
order  confirming  the  vision  ;  for  first  their  trade  declined,  and 
then  the  sword  raged  among  them. 

Something  else  happened  testifying  to  cause  and  effect  and  to 
the  honour  of  the  saint.  One  of  these  burgesses,  deploring  the 
disrespect  paid  to  the  saint,  offered  to  provide  at  his  own  expense, 

1  Ex  mercatore  converse.     S.  Francis  was  the  son  of  an  Italian  merchant  trading 
•with  France,  whence  the  son's  name,  Francesco. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  33 

the  things  necessary  for  the  saint's  festival ;  which  thing  he  had 
no  sooner  undertaken  than  he  was  struck  with  a  grievous  malady 
affecting  his  whole  body,  pronounced  by  all  the  physicians  to  be 
incurable.  Then  the  friars  having  persuaded  him  to  put  his  trust 
in  the  saint  and  to  hope  for  recovery,  he  directed  that  he  should 
immediately  have  all  the  limbs  of  his  body  measured  in  honour 
of  the  saint,  and  in  less  time  than  it  takes  to  tell  it,  he  sat  up 
healed,  complaining  of  nothing  except  a  headache.  'And  no 
wonder  ! '  exclaimed  his  wife,  smiling,  '  for  his  head  is  the  only 
part  of  him  we  left  unmeasured.'  The  line  having  been 
applied  again,  immediately  he  was  freed  from  all  pain.  The 
same  individual,  being  delivered  a  second  time,  is  in  good 
health  at  the  present  time,  while  his  fellow-citizens  were  cut 
in  pieces  by  the  sword  ;  and  all  this  through  the  merits  of 
S.  Francis.1 

On  the  morrow  of  the  Epiphany2  the  clergy  assembled  in 
London  to  hold  council  upon  the  answer  to  be  returned  to  my 
lord  the  king,  who  had  imposed  a  tax  of  seven  pence  upon  the 
personality  of  laymen,  while  from  the  clergy  he  demanded  twelve 
pence  in  the  form  of  a  subsidy  ;  which  was  agreed  to  reluctantly, 
the  clergy  declaring  that,  while  they  would  freely  submit  to  the 
royal  will,  they  dared  not  transgress  the  papal  instruction.3  And 
thus  all  the  private  property  and  granaries  of  the  Archbishop  of 
Canterbury  were  confiscated  by  the  king's  authority,  even  to  the 
palfreys  reserved  for  the  primate's  riding  ;  to  all  of  which  this 
virtuous  man  patiently  submitted.  Also,  all  ecclesiastics  were 
deprived  of  the  king's  protection,  and  all  their  movables  given 
over  to  the  hands  of  laymen.  Yet  was  this  inconsiderate  action 
speedily  checked  by  the  hand  of  God  ;  for  there  occurred  two 
calamities  on  the  vigil  of  the  Purification,*  [namely]  a  defeat  of 
our  people  in  Gascony,  where  Sir  John  de  Saint-John 6  and  very 
many  others  of  our  countrymen  were  captured  ;  also  stores  pro- 
vided for  them,  and  shipped,  were  sunk  in  mid-ocean.  When 

1  See  under  the  year  1285  for  another  instance  of  the  cure  by  measuring  for 
S.  Francis. 

2  yth  January. 

*i.e.  the  Bull  of  zgth  Feb.,  1295-6 — Clericoi  la'tcos.     The  papal  sanction  was 
required  for  any  tax  upon  the  clergy. 

4  1st  February. 

5  The  King's  Lieutenant  of  Aquitaine.    The  actual  date  of  his  capture  was  28th 
January.     He  was  released  after  the  treaty  of  1'Aumone  in  1 299. 


34  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

this  news  was  published,  bringing  much  matter  of  grief  to  king 
and  country,  a  certain  just,  grey  haired  man,  drawing  conclusion 
from  a  similar  event,  told  me  what  I  repeat  here. 

'  In  the  time,'  said  he,  '  of  Henry  the  father  of  Edward,  when 
something  similar  had  been  executed  in  ecclesiastical  affairs 
throughout  the  province,  on  pretext  of  aid  to  those  who,  resisting 
the  affection  of  beloved  wives  and  children,  had  long  before  set 
out  to  rescue  the  Holy  Land  from  the  Saracens,  it  happened  that 
Bishop  Robert  Grosstete  of  Lincoln,  [a  man]  beloved  of  God,  was 
to  perform  solemn  ordinations  at  Huntingdon  during  Lent.  One 
of  the  Minorite  Order,  who  still  survives  greatly  aged  at  Don- 
caster,  was  present  there,  received  ordination,  witnessed  the 
course  of  events,  and  describes  what  took  place  in  the  following 

*  After  mass  was  begun,'  said  he,  *  and  the  bishop  was  seated 
on  his  throne,  he  who  had  to  read  out  the  names  of  those  who 
were  to  be  ordained  and  presented  to  the  bishop,  came  forward 
with  the  roll ;  and  whereas  he  was  very  slow  in  reading  out  the 
list,  the  bishop  leaned  his  head  upon  the  side  of  the  seat,  and  fell 
asleep.  Those,  however,  who  were  near  him,  bearing  in  mind 
his  fasting  and  vigils,  interpreted  the  prelate's  repose  as  an  omen  ; 
and  it  was  manifest  when  he  awoke  how  wakeful  had  been  his 
mind  during  sleep.  For  after  the  clergy  had  waited  wondering 
for  some  time  longer,  he  was  gently  awakened  by  a  certain 
secretary,  and,  as  he  opened  his  eyes — *  Eh,  God  ! '  he  exclaimed, 
'  what  great  evils  has  this  extortion  from  the  Church  of  God  en- 
tailed upon  the  Christians  fighting  with  the  Saracens  for  the  rights 
of  God.  For  in  my  sleep  I  beheld  the  overthrow  of  the  Chris- 
tian host  at  Damietta  and  the  plunder  of  treasure  unjustly 

The  confirmation  of  this  oracle  followed  in  a  few  months,  when 
the  sad  news  arrived  of  the  slaughter  of  my  lord  J.  Longspee  and 
others,  whereof  thou  mayst  read  above.1 

Thus  spake  my  informant :  it  is  to  be  feared  what  may 
happen  to  funds  collected  by  such  pillaging.  Nevertheless,  the 
king  did  not  abate  the  tax  ;  yea,  he  commanded  that  inquisition 
be  made,  so  that  in  whatsoever  place,  whether  occupied  by  monks 
or  other  persons,  should  be  found  hoards  of  gold  or  silver,  brass, 

1  See  the  Chronicle  of  the  year  1 249,  where  the  defeat  and  capture  of  S.  Louis 
is  recorded.  In  that  passage  Longespee  is  called  illustris  comes  de  Longa  Sfata. 
Excuse  for  somnolence  might  have  been  found  in  the  bishop's  advanced  age,  he 
being  then  in  his  75th  year. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  35 

wool,  cups,  spoons,  or  other  utensils,  they  should  be  rendered  into 
royal  ^ossession  by  marks  and  inventory  ;  all  which  was  after- 
wards carried  out  on  the  morrow  of  S.  Mark's  day.1 

Holy  Writ  saith  that  '  vain  are  all  men  in  whom  is  not  the 
wisdom  of  God ' ;  whereof  verily  the  present  times  afford  proof. 
For  we  know  that  in  these  days  there  hath  been  found  a  certain 
member  of  that  ancient  and  accursed  sect  the  Ambigenses,  named 
Galfrid,  who  led  astray  many  from  the  faith  and  hope  of  salvation, 
as  he  had  learnt  from  others.  For  he  entered  houses  and  clandes- 
tinely taught  about  destiny  and  the  constellations,  disclosing  thefts 
and  mischances,  so  that  in  the  estimation  of  weak-minded  persons 
he  was  reputed  to  be  something  great,  whereas  in  reality,  he  was  a 
most  nefarious  necromancer.  Also  he  took  care  to  dwell  and 
spend  his  nights  apart,  and  to  lie  where  he  could  often  be  heard 
as  it  were,  giving  questions  and  answers  to  divers  persons.  He 
used  to  make  light  of  the  doctrine  of  God  and  to  ridicule  the 
sacraments  of  the  church  ;  for  it  was  ascertained  that  during  six- 
teen years  he  would  neither  partake  of  the  Holy  Communion  nor 
witness  it,  nor  afterwards  when  he  was  mortally  sick  did  he  even 
deign  to  be  confessed.  This  wretched  man's  errors  having  fre- 
quently been  exposed  by  Holy  Church,  he  was  forced  to  flee 
through  divers  countries  and  districts,  all  men  driving  him  forth, 
even  John  of  Peckham  himself,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  inter- 
dicting him  from  remaining  within  the  bounds  of  his  diocese,  until 
at  length  he  stopped  at  the  monastery  of  Stone  in  Staffordshire, 
being  received  into  hiding  rather  than  to  hospitality.  After  he 
had  spent  his  execrable  life  there  for  a  long  time,  he  fell  at  length 
into  a  last  illness,  and  not  even  then  would  he  cease  to  cling  to  the 
devil  who  appeared  to  him,  or  to  say — 4Now  thinkest  thou  to 
have  me  ?  or  that  I  will  come  with  thee  ?  nay  verily,  for  I  will  by 
no  means  do  so.'  But  on  the  day  of  the  Purification  of  the 
Blessed  Virgin 2  this  infamous  man  was  being  constrained  to  leave 
the  world  in  deadly  torment,  when  two  of  the  Order  of  Minorites 
turning  aside  thither  stood  beside  his  bed,  urging  him  beseechingly 
and  gently  that  he  would  confess,  assuring  him  of  the  mercy  and 
grace  of  God  ;  but  he  persisted  in  turning  a  deaf  ear  to  the  counsels 
of  salvation.  And  when  they  perceived  by  his  breathing  that 
he  must  speedily  give  up  the  ghost,  they  cried  aloud  in  his  ears, 
bidding  him  at  least  invoke  the  name  of  the  Lord  Jesus  for  the 
sake  of  mercy.  They  continued  their  clamour,  persisting  in 
shoutings,  yet  he  never  fully  pronounced  that  sweet  name,  but 

1  26th  April.  2  2nd  February. 

36  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

only  with  his  last  breath  he  twice  said  feebly,  '  Miserere  ! '  and  so 
bade  farewell  to  this  life. 

At  the  beginning  of  Lent  so  great  was  the  scarcity  in  Rome, 
that  the  citizens,  knowing  that  the  stores  of  the  church  were  laid 
up  in  the  Capitol,  broke  into  the  same,  and  plundered  the  corn 
and  salt  which  they  found,  forcing  their  way  in  with  such  violence 
that  sixty  of  them  were  crushed  to  death,  after  the  manner  of  the 
famine  of  Samaria.1  And  because  the  Pope  appointed  a  certain 
senator  against  their  will,  with  one  accord  they  would  have  set  fire 
to  the  papal  palace  and  attacked  the  Father  of  the  Church,  had  it 
not  been  for  the  exertions  of  a  certain  cardinal,  who  assuaged  their 
madness  and  caused  the  Pope  to  alter  his  decision. 

On  the  very  day  of  the  Annunciation  2  the  council  assembled 
again  in  London  [to  decide]  what  they  would  give  freely  to 
my  lord  the  king.  But  certain  of  the  prelates  without 
t297'  the  knowledge  of  the  archbishop,  had  pledged  them- 
selves to  submit  to  the  secular  authority,  with  whom  the  Abbot 
of  Oseney  was  implicated.  When  he  had  presented  himself 
and  the  archbishop  had  kissed  him,  he  [the  archbishop]  was 
informed  by  the  clergy  that  the  abbot,  contrary  to  the  will  of  the 
church,  had  seceded  from  the  unity  of  the  clergy.  The  arch- 
bishop therefore  called  him  back  and  rebuked  him,  revoking 
the  kiss  which  he  had  given  him  in  ignorance.  He  so  terrified 
the  transgressor  by  the  words  of  just  rebuke  that,  retiring  to 
his  lodging  in  the  town,  he  suffered  a  failure  of  the  heart ; 
and,  while  his  attendants  were  preparing  a  meal,  he  bade  them 
recite  to  him  the  miracles  of  the  Glorious  Virgin,  and  departed 
this  life  before  taking  any  food.  There  seems  to  be  repeated 
in  this  man  the  story  of  Ananias,  who  was  rebuked  by  Peter 
for  fraud  in  respect  of  money. 

Hardly  had  a  period  of  six  months  passed  since  the  Scots3 
had  bound  themselves  by  the  above-mentioned  solemn  oath  of 
fidelity  and  subjection  to  the  king  of  the  English,  when  the 
reviving  malice  of  that  perfidious  [race]  excited  their  minds  to 
fresh  sedition.  For  the  bishop  of  the  church  in  Glasgow,  whose 
personal  name  was  Robert  Wishart,  ever  foremost  in  treason, 
conspired  with  the  Steward  of  the  realm,  named  James,4  for  a 
new  piece  of  insolence,  yea,  for  a  new  chapter  of  ruin.  Not 
daring  openly  to  break  their  pledged  faith  to  the  king,  they 

Mi.  Kings  vii.  17.  2  25th  March.  3Albanacti. 

4  Father  of  Walter  Stewart  who,  by  his  marriage  with  Marjory,  daughter  of 
Robert  I,  became  progenitor  of  the  Stuart  dynasty. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  37 

caused  a  certain  bloody  man,  William  Wallace,  who  had  formerly 
been  a  chief  of  brigands  in  Scotland,  to  revolt  against  the  king 
and  assemble  the  people  in  his  support.  So  about  the  Nativity 
of  the  Glorious  Virgin l  they  began  to  show  themselves  in 
rebellion  ;  and  when  a  great  army  of  England  was  to  be 
assembled  against  them,  the  Steward  treacherously  said  to  them 
[the  English] — '  It  is  not  expedient  to  set  in  motion  so  great  a 
multitude  on  account  of  a  single  rascal ;  send  with  me  a  few 
picked  men,  and  I  will  bring  him  to  you  dead  or  alive.' 

When  this  had  been  done  and  the  greater  part  of  the  army 
had  been  dismissed,  the  Steward  brought  them  to  the  bridge 
of  Stirling,  where  on  the  other  side  of  the  water  the  army 
of  Scotland  was  posted.  They  [the  Scots]  allowed  as  many  of 
the  English  to  cross  the  bridge  as  they  could  hope  to  overcome, 
and  then,  having  blocked  the  bridge,2  they  slaughtered  all  who 
had  crossed  over,  among  whom  perished  the  Treasurer  of 
England,  Hugh  de  Cressingham,  of  whose  skin  William  Wallace 
caused  a  broad  strip  to  be  taken  from  the  head  to  the  heel,  to 
make  therewith  a  baldrick  for  his  sword.3  The  Earl  of  Warenne 
escaped  with  difficulty  and  with  a  small  following,  so  hotly  did 
the  enemy  pursue  them.  After  this  the  Scots  entered  Berwick 
and  put  to  death  the  few  English  that  they  found  therein ;  for  the 
town  was  then  without  walls,  and  might  be  taken  as  easily  by 
English  or  Scots  coming  in  force.  The  castle  of  the  town, 
however,  was  not  surrendered  on  this  occasion. 

After  these  events  the  Scots  entered  Northumberland  in 
strength,  wasting  all  the  land,  committing  arson,  pillage,  and 
murder,  and  advancing  almost  as  far  as  the  town  of  Newcastle  ; 
from  which,  however,  they  turned  aside  and  entered  the  county 
of  Carlisle.  There  they  did  as  they  had  done  in  Northumber- 
land, destroying  everything,  then  returned  into  Northumberland 
to  lay  waste  more  completely  what  they  had  left  at  first ;  and 
re-entered  Scotland  on  the  feast  of  S.  Cecilia,  Virgin  and  Martyr,4 
without,  however,  having  been  able  as  yet  to  capture  any  castle 
either  in  England  or  Scotland. 

Now  before  Lent  in  that  year5  the  earls  and  barons  of 
England  prepared  themselves  for  war  against  the  Scots,  in  the 
absence  of  the  king,  who  was  in  Gascony,  and  came  upon  them 

1  8th  September.  2  Ponte  obturato. 

3  Other  writers  say  the  skin  was  cut  up  into  horse-girths. 

4  22nd  November.  5  1297-8. 

38  Chronicle  of  Lanercost 

unawares  at  Roxburgh  Castle,  which  they  were  then  besieging 
with  only  a  weak  force.  Being  informed  of  the  approach  of  the 
English,  they  took  to  flight  at  once  ;  but  the  earls  remained  some 
time  at  Roxburgh,  but  afterwards  with  one  accord  turned  aside  to 
Berwick  and  took  that  town.  Howbeit,  after  the  earls  had  left 
Roxburgh,  the  Scots  came  by  night  and  burnt  the  town,  and  so 
they  did  to  the  town  of  Haddington,  as  well  as  to  nearly  all  the 
chief  towns  on  this  side  of  the  Scottish  sea,1  so  that  the  English 
should  find  no  place  of  refuge  in  Scotland.  Thus  the  army  of 
England  was  soon  compelled  to  return  to  England  through  lack 
of  provender,  except  a  small  force  which  was  left  to  guard  the 
town  of  Berwick. 

1  Firth  of  Forth. 

(To  be  continued*} 

The  History  of  Divorce   in  Scotland 

r  I  \HE  variety  of  divorce  laws  in  the  United  States  is  a 
A  favourite  subject  for  observation  and  animadversion. 
Newspaper  and  magazine  writers  are  fond  of  pointing  out 
that  in  the  State  of  Washington  the  Court  can  grant  divorce, 
if  satisfied  that,  for  any  cause,  the  parties  can  no  longer  live 
together ;  that  New  York  has  divorce  only  for  adultery  ;  and 
that  South  Carolina  has  no  divorce  at  all.  We  are  apt  to 
forget  how  great  is  the  dissimilarity  between  the  divorce  laws 
of  England,  Ireland,  and  Scotland.  The  ignorance  of  well- 
educated  people  on  the  subject  is  astounding.  An  English 
squire,  university  bred,  recently  asked  me  why  I  had  been 
made  a  member  of  the  Royal  Commission  on  Divorce  in 
England.  '  You  know,'  he  gravely  said,  *  you  can't  have  had 
any  experience  ;  and  this  Commission  is  confined  to  England. 
You  have  no  divorce  at  all  in  Scotland.  You  are  like 
Ireland  ! ' l 

Consider  how  important  the  differences  are  :  First,  in  England 
and  Scotland  divorces  are  granted  by  courts  of  law  ;  in  Ireland 
the  remedy  can  be  obtained  only  by  Act  of  Parliament.  Second, 
in  England  divorce  is  given  only  for  adultery ;  in  Scotland 
desertion,  wilful,  without  lawful  excuse,  and  so  long  continued 
as  to  imply  a  permanent  abandonment  of  the  marital  relation, 
is  considered  sufficient  ground  for  divorce,  being  thought  to 
come  equally  within  the  principle  enunciated  in  Shakespeare's 
description  of  adultery, — '  such  a  deed  as,  from  the  body  of 
the  contract,  plucks  the  very  soul.'  In  Scotland  it  is  con- 
sidered that  not  only  does  desertion,  like  adultery,  involve  a 

1 A  book,  elaborate  and  learned,  like  that  by  the  late  Dr.  Luckock,  Dean  of 
Lichfield,  entitled  The  History  of  Marriage,  Jewish  and  Christian,  In  relation  to 
divorce  and  certain  forbidden  degrees,  may  furnish  one  explanation.  He  discusses 
the  laws  of  the  United  States  and  the  British  Colonies,  of  Austria,  Belgium, 
Denmark,  Germany  and  Switzerland;  and  he  never  alludes  to  the  Scotch 
system,  which  has  stood  the  test  of  350  years'  experience,  under  conditions  similar 
to  those  in  England. 


40  Lord  Guthrie 

breach  of  an  essential  condition  of  the  contract,  expressed  or 
implied  in  marriage,  but  that  it  is  a  repudiation  of  all  its 
obligations,  both  towards  the  deserted  spouse  and  the  deserted 
children.  If  the  objects  of  marriage  are  companionship  and 
the  procreation  of  children,  while  adultery  deteriorates  or 
destroys  the  first,  desertion  frustrates  both.  Third,  in  Scotland 
the  sexes  are  in  a  position  of  absolute  equality ;  in  England 
a  wife  cannot,  like  a  husband,  get  divorce  for  adultery  only, 
but  must  prove,  in  addition  to  adultery  (i)  incest,  (2)  bigamy,  (3) 
rape,  (4)  unnatural  crimes,  (5)  cruelty,  or  (6)  desertion  ;  a  long 
list,  which,  yet,  it  is  admitted,  must  be  added  to,  if  the  principle 
of  inequality  is  to  remain.  Fourth,  in  England,  however  clear 
the  adultery  of  the  defendant,  the  plaintiff,  although  in  no  way 
to  blame  for  the  defendant's  fall,  may,  in  the  option  of  the 
judge,  be  deprived  of  his  or  her  remedy,  if  he  or  she  has  been 
guilty  of  adultery,  of  unreasonable  delay,  of  cruelty  or  of 
desertion,  however  unconnected  with  the  subject  of  the  action. 
This  was  also  the  rule  in  Scotland  from  the  Reformation  to  the 
end  of  the  seventeenth  century  ;  but,  when  the  point  came  to  be 
contested,  it  was  held  by  the  Commissary  Court,  apparently  on 
grounds  of  public  policy,  that  recrimination,  or  mutual  guilt, 
however  relevant  as  an  answer  in  a  question  of  separation,  was 
no  bar  to  divorce,  although  affecting  patrimonial  consequences. 
The  intervention  of  the  King's  Proctor  in  England,  an  official 
unknown  in  Scotland,  is  almost  always  connected  with  this 
disqualification.  If  the  English  were  assimilated  to  the  Scots 
law,  that  office  might  be  abolished,  and  cases  of  collusion  could 
be  left  to  the  Attorney  General,  as  they  are  dealt  with  in  Scotland 
by  the  Lord  Advocate.  Fifth,  in  Scotland,  through  the  operation 
of  what  is  known  as  the  Poor's  Roll,  the  remedy  of  divorce 
is  available  to  the  poor  ;  in  England,  contrary  to  the  manifest 
intention  of  the  1857  Act,  it  is  open  only  to  those  who  may 
be  called  well-to-do. 

There  does  not  appear  to  be  any  movement  in  Ireland  for 
conferring  divorce  jurisdiction  on  the  Courts  of  that  country. 
The  Church  of  Rome,  while  it  nullifies  marriage  for  many  causes 
which  the  Greek  Church  and  all  Protestant  churches  consider 
insufficient,  holds  that  marriage,  once  validly  constituted  between 
baptized  Christians,  whether  celebrated  by  the  Church  or  not, 
is  absolutely  indissoluble,  even  by  the  Pope.  The  preponderance 
of  Catholics  in  Ireland  may  be  one  reason  for  the  acquiescence 
of  the  people  of  that  country  in  the  present  system,  which  places 

The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland       41 

them  in  the  same  position  as  England  occupied  before  the  Divorce 
Act  of  1857. 

In  Scotland,  there  is  no  widespread  demand  for  any  substantial 
change  in  the  divorce  laws,  although  there  is  much  opinion  in 
favour  of  certain  minor  alterations,  and  some  opinion  that  the 
grounds  of  divorce  should  be  extended,  so  as  to  include  some  or 
all  of  the  following,  namely,  (i)  habitual  cruelty,  (2)  habitual 
drunkenness,  (3)  incurable  lunacy,  and  (4)  habitual  crime,  in  addi- 
tion to  the  grounds  already  existing,  namely,  adultery  and 
desertion.  It  will  be  observed  that  in  three  of  these  additional 
cases,  as  in  the  cases  of  adultery  and  desertion,  there  is  grave 
moral  fault ;  lunacy  often  is,  but  may  not  be,  due  to  personal 

In  England,  the  Royal  Commission,  appointed  in  1909,  is  now 
sitting,  under  the  presidency  of  Lord  Gorell,  to  consider  the 
whole  subject  of  the  law  and  practice  in  matrimonial  causes  in 
England.  While,  however,  the  terms  of  the  Commission  are 
general,  four  main  questions  appear  to  be  involved,  first,  as  in 
Scotland,  should  men  and  women,  in  matrimonial  causes,  be  put 
on  a  position  of  equality  ?  second^  as  in  Scotland,  should  the 
remedy  of  divorce  be  made  available  to  the  poor,  and  how  can 
this  be  done  ?  third,  as  in  Scotland,  should  desertion  be  made  a 
ground  for  divorce,  in  addition  to  adultery,  and,  besides  adultery 
and  desertion,  should  divorce  be  obtainable  for  all  or  any  of  the 
four  other  causes  above  mentioned  ?  and  fourth,  should  news- 
papers be  allowed,  as  at  present,  to  publish  the  prurient  details 
of  divorce  cases,  or  should  publication  by  them  be  limited  to  a 
statement  of  the  names  of  the  parties,  the  nature  of  the  offence 
charged,  and  the  judgment  of  the  Court  ?  Being  a  member 
of  that  Commission,  I  shall,  of  course,  confine  myself  in  this 
paper  to  admitted  facts,  and  state  no  opinions  as  to  what  course 
ought  to  be  recommended  by  the  Commission,  or  adopted  by  the 
country,  in  regard  to  any  of  these  debatable  and  much  debated 

Manifestly  the  conditions  of  the  life  of  the  people  in  Scotland 
are  nearer  those  in  England  than  the  conditions  in  any  other 
country.  Therefore  it  is  natural  that  importance  should  be 
attached  to  evidence  of  the  actual  working  in  Scotland  of  laws, 
which  are  now  proposed  by  some  to  be  enacted  for  England. 
Have  equality  of  the  sexes,  access  of  the  poor  to  the  Divorce 
Court,  and  an  additional  ground  for  divorce,  namely,  desertion, 
produced  the  rush  to  the  Divorce  Court,  and  the  deteriorated 

42  Lord  Guthrie 

view  of  the  sanctity  of  marriage  which  some  predict  would  be  the 
effect,  if  these  practices,  existing  in  Scotland  for  350  years,  were 
introduced  into  England  ?  An  enquiry  into  practice  necessarily 
leads  to  an  enquiry  into  the  history  of  divorce  law  in  Scotland, 
to  see  when  it  was  introduced,  by  whom,  and  on  what  grounds, 
and  whether  its  operation  has  been  generally  accepted  as  bene- 
ficial by  persons  of  widely  different  points  of  view,  or  whether 
there  has  been,  at  one  or  more  periods,  serious  dissatisfaction 
with  it,  and  proposals  for  its  alteration  or  abolition. 

Divorce  in  Scotland  is  contemporaneous  with  the  Reformation. 
Before  1560,  the  Ecclesiastical  Courts  granted  permanent  separa- 
tions ;  and  they  declared  marriages  null,  not  only  as  now,  because 
of  nonage,  insanity,  impotency,  prior  marriage  still  subsisting,  and 
propinquity  of  relationship,  but  on  other  grounds,  such  as  pre-' 
contract,  sponsorship,  and  relationship  to  the  fourth  degree,  to 
such  an  extent  that  it  is  declared,  in  Chapter  xiii.  of  the  First  Book 
of  Discipline,  that  *  the  parties  conjoined  could  never  be  assured  in 
conscience,  if  the  Bishops  and  Prelates  list  to  dissolve  the  same.' 
But  there  is  no  proved  case  of  any  departure  from  the  principle 
of  marriage  being  indissoluble.  In  no  known  instance  did  they 
decree  divorce,  in  the  sense  of  dissolution  of  a  marriage,  once 
validly  contracted,  with  liberty  to  remarry.  The  position  is  stated 
plainly  in  Archbishop  Hamilton's  Catechism,  which  was  published 
shortly  before  the  Reformation  (I  modernize  the  spelling) : 

*  The  bond  of  matrimony,  once  lawfully  contracted,  may  not 
be  dissolved  and  loosed  again  by  any  divorcement  or  partising, 
but  only  it  is  loosed  by  the  death  of  the  one  of  them  ;  for  truly 
the  partising  and  divorcing,  which  Our  Saviour  says  may  be  done 
by  fornication,  should  be  understood  only  of  partising  from  bed 
and  board,  and  not  from  the  bond  of  matrimony  ;  .  .  .  and,  in 
the  meantime,  whosoever  marries  her,  he  commits  adultery.' 

On  the  Reformation  taking  place  in  1560,  divorce  jurisdiction 
for  adultery  was  exercised  by  the  Church  Courts  of  the 
Reformed  Church  till  1563,  and  thereafter  by  the  Commissary 
Court  from  its  institution  in  that  year  down  to  1830,  when  the 
jurisdiction  was  transferred  to  the  Court  of  Session.  Later 
statutes  assumed  the  right  of  divorce  for  adultery,  of  which  an 
Act,  passed  in  1563,  is  an  illustration.  It  has  this  statement: 
*  Also  declares  that  this  Act  shall  in  nowise  prejudge  any  party 
to  pursue  for  divorcement  for  the  crimes  of  adultery  before  com- 
mitted, according  to  the  law.'  But  no  statute  authorising  divorce 
for  adultery  was  ever  passed  by  the  Scots  Parliament,  and  the 

The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland       43 

right  to  divorce  in  Scotland  on  that  ground  is  still  a  common 
law  right.  When,  by  the  Scots  Parliament  of  1560,  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  Pope  in  Scotland  was  abolished,  it  was  assumed  that 
the  prohibition  of  divorce  for  adultery  went  with  it,  as  a  Romish 
doctrine  inconsistent  with  Scripture.  In  the  First  Book  of 
Discipline,  believed  to  have  been  chiefly  written  by  John  Knox, 
divorce  for  adultery  is  stated  to  be  a  remedy  open  to  members  of 
the  Reformed  Church  (Laing's  Knox,  ii.  248).  This  is  the  way 
it  is  put :  *  Marriage,  once  lawfully  contracted,  may  not  be  dis- 
solved at  man's  pleasure,  as  our  Master  Christ  Jesus  doth  witness, 
unless  adultery  be  committed  ;  which  being  sufficiently  proved  in 
the  presence  of  the  Civil  Magistrate,  the  innocent,  if  they  so 
require,  ought  to  be  pronounced  free,  and  the  offender  ought  to 
suffer  death,  as  God  hath  commanded.'1 

The  absence  of  a  statute,  introducing  divorce  for  adultery  in 
Scotland,  has  a  bearing  on  an  old  controversy  in  England.  Down 
to  the  general  Divorce  Act  of  1857,  the  separate  English  Divorce 
Acts  passed  by  Parliament  were,  in  practice,  only  obtained  in 
cases  of  adultery,  although,  of  course,  Parliament,  if  so  minded, 
could  have  passed  them  for  any  cause.  The  parliamentary  bills 
were  not  opposed  on  the  ground  that  marriage  was  in  its  nature 
indissoluble  ;  they  were  dealt  with  on  their  merits.  And,  if 
Parliament  was  satisfied  that  certain  costly  preliminaries  had  been 
gone  through  in  the  civil  and  ecclesiastical  courts,  and  that  the 
guilt  alleged  was  established,  the  bills  were  passed  into  Acts. 
But,  among  jurists,  the  question  has  been  discussed  whether,  by 
the  law  of  England,  there  being  no  courts  empowered  to  grant 
divorce,  marriage  must  be  considered  to  have  been  then  indis- 
soluble. Dr.  Lushington,  in  his  evidence  before  the  Divorce 
Commission  which  led  to  the  1857  Act,  said  'the  law  of 
England  having  provided  no  Courts  which  have  the  power  to 
dissolve  marriages,  it  necessarily  follows  that,  by  the  law  of 
England,  it  must  be  indissoluble.'  Yet  Archdeacon  Paley,  in 
Chapter  vii.  of  his  Moral  Philosophy,  treating  of  divorce,  talks  of 
the  law  of  England  confining  the  dissolution  of  the  marriage 
contract  to  the  single  case  of  adultery  in  the  wife.  Those  who 
maintained  the  affirmative  strongly  founded  on  the  absence  of 

1  The  plain  principle  was  that,  if  the  law  of  God  were  carried  out,  the  guilty 
person  should  be  put  to  death,  in  which  case  there  could,  of  course,  be  no  question 
about  the  right  of  the  innocent  spouse  to  remarry  ;  but,  if  God's  law  were  not 
carried  out,  the  innocent  spouse  ought  not  to  suffer  from  the  State's  unfaithfulness 
to  God's  command. 

44  Lord  Guthrie 

any  statute  authorising  divorce.  But  divorce  for  adultery  has 
been  granted  in  Scotland  for  350  years,  without  any  statute 
authorising  the  remedy. 

Divorce  for  desertion  is  in  a  different  position.     If  it  does  not 
stand  on  statute,  there  is  a  statute,  passed  in  1573,  authorising 
it.      John    Knox    died    in    November,     1572.      Calvin,    Beza, 
Melanchthon,  and    other    Continental  Reformers,    whom    Knox 
knew  in  France,  Germany,  and  Switzerland,  favoured  divorce  for 
desertion  as  well  as  for  adultery,  being  of  opinion  that  the  liberty 
of  divorce,    conceded   by  St.  Paul  in  the  case  of  a   Christian 
husband  deserted  by  a  heathen  wife,   must  be  equally,  if  not 
a  fortiori,  conceded  when  the  deserter  is  a  Christian.     But,  as 
already  mentioned,  Knox,  in  his  First  Book  of  Discipline,  restricted 
the  remedy  to  the  case  of  adultery,  which  he,  and  the  Reformers 
generally,  both  in  Britain  and  the  Continent,  were  agreed  in  con- 
sidering allowed  by  Christ.     It  does  not  appear   whether  any 
decrees  of  divorce  for  desertion  had  been  granted  before  the  statute 
of  1573.     But  at  least  one  process,  namely,  that  of  the  Earl  of 
Argyll,  Chancellor  of  Scotland  at  the  time,  for  divorce  on  the 
ground  of  desertion  against  his  wife,  Jean  Stewart,  the  Countess 
of  Argyll,  half-sister  of  Mary,  Queen  of  Scots  (the  lady  who 
acted  as  sponsor  for  Queen  Elizabeth  at  the  Catholic  baptism 
of  James  VI.),  had  been  begun  before  the  statute  was  passed. 
At  an  interview  at  Lochleven,  Knox  agreed,  at  the  request  of 
Queen   Mary,  to  endeavour  to  reconcile  her  half-sister  and  the 
Earl.     He  succeeded  for  the  time,   but  in   the  end  an  action 
was  raised  and   the  Earl  got  his  divorce.     It  may  be  that  the 
statute  was  thought  desirable,    because  there  was  doubt  as  to 
whether    divorce    for    desertion    was    competent    by    the    then 
common  law  of  Scotland,  and  also  because  it  was  desired,  retro- 
spectively, to  confirm   divorces   for   desertion    which  had  been 
already  granted,  as  well  as  to  make  Argyll  certain  of  his  freedom. 
This  is  suggested  by  the  action   of  the   General  Assembly  in 
1566.     They  were  asked  whether  a  woman  might  marry  again, 
whose  husband  had  departed  from  her  to  other  countries,  and 
had  been   absent  for  nine  or  ten   years  ;  and  they  replied  that 
she  must  first  produce  a  sufficient  certificate  of  his  death  (Book  of 
the  Universal  Kirk,  Bannatyne  Club,  i.  80). 

The  same  conclusion  seems  to  follow  from  the  action  of 
the  General  Assembly  of  March,  1573,  in  connection  with  the 
Earl  of  Argyll's  proposed  divorce.  The  Assembly  arranged  with 
the  Earl  that  certain  of  the  Reformed  Churches  should  be  consulted 

The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland       45 

*  upon  his  lordship's  own  expenses,'  the  Assembly  to  decide  in 
accordance  with  the  opinion  thus  obtained   (Book  of  the  Universal 
Kirk,  i.  262).     This  the  Earl  seems  to  have  thought  better  of,  and 
to  have  preferred  the  speedier  and  more  certain  course  of  getting 
the  statute,  which  was  passed  in  the  following  month  of  April. 
The  course  adopted  had  the  curious  result  that,  when  the  General 
Assembly  met  in   August,  James   Paton,  the   titular  Bishop  of 
Dunkeld,  one  of  the  members  of  Assembly,  was  accused  {  for 
voting  in  Parliament  anent  the  Act  of  divorcement  lately  made, 
in  prejudice  of  the  Assembly,  who  had  suspended  their  judgment 
in  this  matter  till  farther  advisement '   (Book  of  the  Universal  Kirk, 
i.  270).     It  had  also  the  other  curious  result,  that,  in  the  very 
same  month  of  August,   the  Earl  married  Jean   Cunningham, 
daughter  of  the  Earl  of  Glencairn. 

The  statute  of  1573  runs  as  follows  (modernizing  the  spelling)  : 

*  At  Holyroodhouse,  30  April,  1573.     Anent  them  that  diverts 
from  others,  being  joined  of  before  in  lawful  marriage. 

*  It  is  found  and  declared  by  our  Sovereign  Lord's,  his  Regent's 
Grace,  the  three  Estates,  and  whole  body  of  this  present  Parlia- 
ment, that,  in  all  time  bypast,  since  the  true  and  Christian  religion 
was  publicly  preached,  avowed  and  established  within  this  Realm, 
namely,  since  the  month  of  August,  the  year  of  God  1560,  it  has 
been,  and  in  all  time  coming  shall  be,  lawful  that  whatsoever 
person  or  persons,  joined  in  lawful  matrimony,  husband  or  wife, 
diverts  from  other's  company,  without  a  reasonable  cause  alleged 
or  deduced  before  a  judge,  and  remains  in  their  malicious  obstinacy 
by  the  space  of  four  years,  and,  in  the  meantime,  refuses  all  privy 
admonition — the  husband  of  the  wife,  or  the  wife  of  the  husband 
— for  due  adherence  [then  follow  operose  provisions  for  civil  and 
ecclesiastical  procedure,  now  abolished  by  the  Conjugal  Rights  Act 
of  1 86 1 ]  the  malicious  and  obstinate  defection  of  the  party  offender 
to  be  a  sufficient  cause  of  divorce,  and  the  said  party  offender  to 
tyne  and  lose  their  tocher  et  donationes  propter  nuptias.' 

The  statute  professes  to  be  declaratory  of  the  law  which  had 
existed  since  1560.  The  existing  records  do  not  enable  us  to 
know  whether  this  was  a  correct  statement,  or  whether  the 
phrase  was  inserted  to  prevent  the  suspicion  that  the  statute  was 
procured  by,  and  passed  in  the  interest  of  the  Earl  of  Argyll, 
on  account  of  the  exigencies  of  his  divorce  suit.  The  entries 
in  the  General  Assembly  records,  already  referred  to,  for  which  I 
am  indebted  to  Dr.  Hay  Fleming,  leave  the  impression  that  the 
question  of  divorce  for  desertion  was  looked  at  as  difficult,  on 

46  Lord  Guthrie 

Scriptural  grounds,  and  that,  while  the  statute  of  1573  was  not 
opposed  by  the  Churchmen,  it  was  sprung  upon  them  between 
the  meetings  of  the  General  Assembly,  in  breach  of  an  agreement 
for  delay.  Lord  Fraser,  in  his  Law  of  Husband  and  Wife^  volume 
ii.  page  1208,  calls  the  Earl  of  Argyll's  action  '  the  proximate 
cause  of  the  statute.' 

Three  suggestions  have  been  made  about  the  Scots  law  of 
divorce,  which  require  consideration. 

First,  that  the  law  originated  in  political  considerations,  and 
from  motives  of  public  policy,  rather  than  out  of  regard  to  the 
teaching  of  Scripture.  In  view  of  the  constant  appeal  to  Scripture 
in  Reformation  days,  in  matters  much  less  important  than  marriage 
and  divorce,  this  view  would  seem  difficult  to  maintain.  More- 
over, so  far  as  divorce  for  adultery  is  concerned,  it  is  inconsistent 
with  the  terms  of  Knox's  First  Book  of  Discipline  above  quoted,  and 
so  far  as  divorce  for  desertion  goes,  it  cannot  be  reconciled  with 
the  absence  of  any  protest  by  the  Church  against  the  passing  of 
the  statute  of  1573,  and  any  effort  to  seek  its  repeal.  It  was  an 
age  when  the  Church's  power  was  at  its  height.  The  Church, 
sometimes  asked  and  sometimes  not  asked,  knew  no  line  between 
ecclesiastical  and  civil  in  the  active  interest  it  took  in  legislation. 
Only  once  is  there  a  possible  indication  of  protest.  This  is  to  be 
found  in  an  Act  of  the  General  Assembly  of  1596,  in  which  there 
are  included,  among  the  common  corruptions  of  the  Realm, 
4  adulteries,  fornications,  incest,  unlawful  marriages  and  divorce- 
ments allowed  by  public  laws  and  judges '  (Book  of  the  Universal 
Kirk,  iii.  874).  Possibly,  but  not  certainly,  divorces  for  desertion 
were  referred  to  by  '  unlawful  divorcements  allowed  by  public  laws 
and  judges.' 

Second,  it  has  been  suggested  that  the  Scots  Reformers  and 
legislators  did  not  act  on  their  own  independent  judgment,  but 
blindly  accepted  the  views  of  the  Continental  Reformers.  This  is 
disproved  by  the  remedy  being  limited  in  Knox's  First  Book  of 
Discipline  to  cases  of  adultery,  contrary  to  the  views  of  most  of 
the  Continental  Reformers,  and  to  the  later  extension  (if  it  was  an 
extension)  being  restricted  to  cases  of  desertion,  although  many 
Continental  Reformers  maintained  that  other  causes  of  grave 
moral  fault  should  also  be  included. 

Third,  it  is  sometimes  hinted,  rather  than  asserted,  that  the 
result  of  the  change  made  at  the  Reformation  must  have  been 
to  destroy,  or  at  least  to  impair,  the  popular  sense  in  Scotland  of 
the  permanency  of  the  marriage  tie.  Surprise  has  even  been 

The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland       47 

expressed  how,  under  the  Scots  law,  marriage  can  be  regarded  as 
a  permanent  contract.  This  view  ignores  the  fact  that  divorce  is 
a  remedy  for  an  abnormal  state  of  matters,  arising  after  marriage, 
which  is  never  contemplated  by  the  parties  themselves  at  the  time 
of  marriage,  and  is  never  alluded  to  in  the  marriage  service,  any 
more  than  in  the  marriage  contract,  if  there  be  one.  It  is  a 
remedy  for  a  position  which  cannot  come  into  existence,  except 
through  the  voluntary  wrong-doing  of  one  of  the  parties. 
Accordingly,  from  the  Reformation,  both  Church  and  State  in 
Scotland,  in  unison  with  the  feeling  of  the  people,  have  dealt  with 
the  relation  as  a  permanent  one.  After  the  parties  accept  each 
other  as  spouses,  both  Presbyterian  ministers  and  Episcopalian 
clergymen  always  pronounce  the  words,  '  What  (or  whom)  God 
hath  joined  together,  let  not  man  put  asunder.'  The  permanency 
of  the  relation  between  married  people  is  no  more  impaired  by 
the  existence  of  reasonable  divorce  laws  than  is  the  permanency 
of  the  tenure  of  ministers,  professors,  judges  and  town-clerks  by 
the  knowledge  that,  in  their  deeds  of  appointment,  the  words  '  ad 
vitam'  are  followed  by  '  aut  culpam.'  In  no  country  is  there  a 
stronger  sense  than  in  Scotland  of  the  sacredness  of  the  marriage 
tie.  Divorce  may,  or  may  not,  be  a  justifiable  remedy  for 
grave  matrimonial  wrong,  making  it  reasonably  impossible,  in 
the  interests  of  the  innocent  spouse  and  the  children,  that  the 
marriage  tie  should  continue.  I  express  no  opinion.  But 
the  case  of  Scotland  proves  that  its  existence  and  enforcement, 
for  desertion  as  well  as  for  adultery,  does  not  in  any  way 
deteriorate  the  public  view  of  the  importance  and  obligations 
of  the  married  relation.  It  may  be  added  that  the  Scotch 
statistics  of  divorce  for  both  causes  (which  include  a  certain 
number  of  cases  where  the  defender,  who  cannot  be  found,  is, 
in  fact,  dead),  furnish  no  ground  for  alarm.  In  relation  to  the 
increase  of  population,  they  may  be  called  stationary.  The 
numbers  of  divorce  cases  brought  in  Scotland  from  1898  to 
1908  are  as  follows  : 

1898  153    1904  193 

1899  175    1905  182 

1900  151    1906  174 

1901  171    1907  203 

1902  -   223    1908  201 

1903  -  201 

Lord  Fraser's  views  in  reference  to  Scotland,  expressed  at  page 
1141    of  his   second   volume   on    Husband  and  Wife,  are    still 

48  Lord  Guthrie 

applicable  :  '  The  conjugal  relation  has  stood  not  less  but  infinitely 
more  secure  and  sacred,  since  separations  a  mensa  et  thoro  for 
adultery,  which  were  extremely  common  under  the  Popish  juris- 
diction, fell  into  disuse  ;  and  the  number  of  actions  for  divorce  a 
vinculo  has,  in  proportion  to  that  of  the  population,  remained 
nearly  the  same  at  all  periods  since  the  Commissaries  were  first 
appointed  in  1563  down  to  the  present  time.' 

Coming  now  to  post-Reformation  times,  one  observation  must 
be  made.  Except  during  Cromwell's  Protectorate,  Scotland  has 
had  an  Established  Church  ever  since  the  Reformation,  or, 
according  to  some,  seven  years  after  it.  The  Established  Church 
was  Presbyterian  from  1560  (or  1567)  to  1610,  Episcopalian  from 
1610  to  1638,  Presbyterian  again  from  1638  till  Cromwell's 
'usurpation,'  Episcopalian  again  from  the  Restoration  in  1660  till 
the  Revolution  in  1688,  and  since  then  Presbyterian.  From  the 
Established  Church  there  have  been  secessions,  which  have  them- 
selves suffered  internal  division.  In  addition  to  the  Presbyterian 
Establishment  and  Presbyterian  dissent,  there  has  been,  since 
the  Revolution,  a  non-established  Episcopalian  Church,  and  also 
representatives  of  those  bodies,  Independents,  Methodists,  Baptists, 
Quakers,  whose  chief  strength  is  in  England.  Yet  no  attempt 
has  ever  been  made  either  within  or  without  the  Established 
Church,  whatever  body  was  in  power,  to  alter  the  Scots  law,  allow- 
ing divorce  for  adultery  and  for  desertion.  No  complaint  has  ever 
been  made  of  the  law  being  contrary  to  Christian  principle,  or 
that  it  tended  to  weaken  the  sense  of  the  permanence  of  the 
marriage  tie,  or  that  it  prejudicially  affected  public  morality 
in  any  other  way.  All  sections  of  Protestants, — Presbyterians, 
Episcopalians,  Independents, — have  availed  themselves  of  the 
remedies  provided  by  the  law,  and  in  no  case  has  this  led  to 
ecclesiastical  discipline,  or  to  denial  of  Church  privileges,  or  to 
refusal,  on  the  part  of  ministers  or  clergymen  to  re-marry  the 
innocent  party.  In  two  respects,  the  Church,  Presbyterian  and 
Episcopalian,  has  co-operated  with  the  State  in  the  administration 
of  the  divorce  laws.  Every  applicant  for  admission  to  the  Roll 
of  poor  litigants  after  mentioned  has  to  produce  a  certificate  of 
character,  etc.,  and  these  certificates  can  only  be  got  from  the 
minister  and  elders  of  the  Established  Church  of  the  parish 
to  which  the  applicant  belongs.  In  addition,  by  an  Act  of 
1609,  the  appointment  of  the  judges,  who  exercised  jurisdiction 
in  divorce  and  other  matrimonial  causes,  the  judges  of  the  Com- 
missary Court,  was  vested  in  the  bishops  of  the  Church  of 

The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland       49 

Scotland,  at  that  time  Episcopal,  by  whom  the  patronage  was 
regularly  dispensed,  until  the  Revolution  in  1688,  with,  of 
course,  the  exception  of  the  Cromwellian  period. 

In  the  iyth  century  the  whole  matter  was  reconsidered. 
Fortunately  or  unfortunately,  what  is  called  'John  Knox's 
Confession  of  Faith'  of  1560  was  superseded  by  the  West- 
minster Confession  of  Faith,  which  was  adopted  by  the  Scots 
Church  in  1647,  and  ratified  by  Act  of  Parliament  in  1690 
as  part  of  the  *  Revolution  Settlement.'  In  that  Confession, 
framed  by  the  Westminster  Divines,  numbering  106,  of  whom 
only  8  were  Scotsmen,  Divorce  is  thus  treated  :  *  Chapter  XXIV. 
of  Marriage  and  Divorce,  Article  5.  Adultery  or  fornication, 
committed  after  a  contract,  being  detected  before  marriage, 
giveth  just  occasion  to  the  innocent  party  to  dissolve  that 
contract.  In  the  case  of  adultery  after  marriage,  it  is  lawful  for 
the  innocent  party  to  sue  out  a  divorce,  and,  after  the  divorce,  to 
marry  another,  as  if  the  offending  party  were  dead.  Article  6. 
Although  the  corruption  of  man  be  such  as  is  apt  to  study  argu- 
ments, unduly  to  put  asunder  those  whom  God  hath  joined 
together  in  marriage,  yet  nothing  but  adultery,  or  such  wilful 
desertion  as  can  no  way  be  remedied  by  the  Church  or  Chief 
Magistrate,  is  cause  sufficient  of  dissolving  the  bond  of  marriage  ; 
wherein  a  public  and  orderly  course  of  proceeding  is  to  be 
observed  ;  and  the  persons  concerned  in  it  not  left  to  their  own 
wills  and  discretion  in  their  own  case.' 

Appended  to  these  articles  of  the  Westminster  Confession  are 
the  proof-texts,  from  the  5th  and  I9th  chapters  of  St.  Matthew's 
Gospel,  and  from  the  Epistles  to  the  Romans  and  Corinthians, 
usually  founded  on  in  support  of  these  views.  No  reference  is 
made  to  the  corresponding  passages  in  the  Gospels  of  St.  Mark 
and  St.  Luke,  which,  by  omitting  the  exception  '  save  for  fornica- 
tion,' contained  in  St.  Matthew's  report  of  Christ's  words,  intro- 
duce the  Biblical  difficulty. 

Reading  between  the  lines,  it  looks  as  it  Article  5,  limiting 
divorce  to  adultery,  had  been  originally  meant  to  be  exhaustive. 
Then  seems  to  have  come  an  amendment  to  include  desertion  ; 
and  the  cautiously  expressed  Article  6  is  added,  with  this  view. 
Article  5  may  have  been  the  work  of  one  of  the  English  members, 
and  Article  6  an  addition  proposed  by  one  of  the  Scotch 
representatives.  In  the  1560  Confession,  divorce  was  competent, 
but  only  for  adultery.  Seventy-four  years,  favourable  experience 
of  divorce  for  desertion  as  well,  had  convinced  the  Scotch 

50  Lord  Guthrie 

Church  that  the  new  Confession  should  include  desertion,  in 
addition  to  adultery,  as  sufficient  ground  for  divorce. 

Among  Scots  writers  on  divorce  the  most  learned  was  the 
great  Patristic  scholar  Dr.  John  Forbes  of  Corse,  born  1593,  died 
1648,  son  of  Patrick  Forbes,  Bishop  of  Aberdeen.  After  a 
course  of  study  at  Aberdeen,  Heidelberg,  Sedan,  and  other 
Continental  universities,  he  was  Episcopally  ordained,  and  acted 
as  Professor  of  Divinity  at  Aberdeen  during  the  Episcopal  period. 
Deprived  of  his  professorship  through  his  refusal  to  sign  the 
National  Covenant,  and  exiled  to  Holland,  because  he  would  not 
sign  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  his  attachment  to 
Episcopacy  was  shown  by  the  sacrifices  he  made  in  its  defence. 
His  Latin  writings  gained  Forbes  a  European  reputation,  and  his 
Irenicum  amatoribus  veritatis  et  pads  in  Ecclesia  Scoticana  was  highly 
commended  by  Archbishop  Ussher.  In  his  Theologiae  Moralis 
libri  decem^  in  quibus  precepta  Decalogi  exponuntur,  et  casus  Con- 
scientiae  explicantur,  which  is  contained  in  his  collected  Latin 
writings,  published  in  two  volumes  at  Amsterdam  in  1703,  he 
defends  divorce  for  adultery  and  for  desertion,  on  scriptural 
grounds,  and  discusses  the  teaching  of  Christ  and  St.  Paul,  and 
the  views  of  the  Fathers,  and  medieval  divines  and  jurists,  with 
ample  citation  of  authority  in  Greek  and  Latin  (Book  VII.  chap, 
xiii.).  His  whole  argument  is  characterized  by  ability,  learning, 
and  a  rare  absence  of  the  odium  theologicum. 

The  historian,  Dr.  Gilbert  Burnet,  Bishop  of  Salisbury  (nephew 
of  Sir  Archibald  Johnston  of  Warriston,  the  leader  of  the  so-called 
extreme  party  among  the  Presbyterians),  was  born  at  Edinburgh 
in  1643.  He  was  minister  of  Sal  ton  for  four  years,  and  Professor 
of  Divinity  in  Glasgow  University  for  five  years,  in  connection 
with  the  Episcopal  establishment.  Burnet's  views  in  favour  of 
divorce  can  scarcely  fail  to  have  been  influenced  by  his  Scotch 
training,  and  by  his  favourable  experience  of  the  working  of  the 
Scots  system.  He  says  in  his  Exposition  of  the  Thirty-nine  Articles  : 
*  The  law  of  nature  or  of  nations  seems  very  clear  that  adultery, 
at  least  on  the  wife's  part,  should  dissolve  it.  Our  Saviour,  when 
he  blamed  the  Jews  for  their  frequent  divorces,  established  this 
rule  that  whosoever  puts  away  his  wife,  except  it  be  for  fornica- 
tion, and  shall  marry  another,  committeth  adultery,  which  seems 
to  be  a  plain  and  full  determination  that,  in  the  case  of  fornication, 
he  may  put  her  away  and  marry  another.  This  doctrine  of  the 
indissolubleness  of  marriage,  even  for  adultery,  was  never  settled 
in  any  Council  before  that  of  Trent.  The  canonists  and  school- 

The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland       51 

men  had,  indeed  generally  gone  into  that  opinion.  But  not  only 
Erasmus,  but  both  Cajetan  and  Catherinus  declared  themselvee 
for  the  lawfulness  of  it.  Cajetan,  indeed,  used  a  salvo,  "  in  cass 
the  Church  had  otherwise  defined,"  which  did  not  then  appear  to 
him.  So  that  this  is  a  doctrine  very  lately  settled  in  the  Church 
of  Rome.  Our  Reformers  have  had  prepared  a  title  in  the  new 
body  of  the  Canon  law,  which  they  had  digested,  allowing  marriage 
to  the  innocent  party  ;  and  upon  a  great  occasion  there  in  debate, 
they  declared  it  to  be  lawful  by  the  law  of  God.  If  the  opinion, 
that  marriage  is  a  sacrament,  falls,  the  conceit  of  the  absolute 
indissolubleness  of  marriage  will  fall  with  it.' 

On  certain  minor  details  there  was  post-Reformation  legisla- 
tion. (I  do  not  deal  with  recent  changes  in  procedure,  nor 
with  the  recent  Sheriff  Court  Act,  making  actions  of  separation 
competent  in  the  Sheriff  Court.)  On  the  I9th  of  March,  1600, 
the  General  Assembly,  '  because  the  marriage  of  convicted  adul- 
terers is  a  great  allurement  to  married  persons  to  commit  the 
said  crime,  thinking  thereby  to  be  separate  from  their  own  lawful 
half-marrows,  to  enjoy  the  persons  with  whom  they  have  com- 
mitted adultery,'  deemed  it  expedient  *  that  a  supplication  be 
given  in  to  the  next  Convention,  craving  an  Act  to  be  made, 
discharging  all  marriages  of  such  persons  as  are  convicted  of 
adultery,  and  that  the  same  be  ratified  in  the  next  Parliament ' 
(Book  of  the  Universal  Kirk,  Hi.  953).  This  supplication  resulted 
in  an  Act,  passed  by  Parliament  on  1 5th  November,  1 600,  which, 
it  will  be  observed,  is  more  limited  in  its  application  than  the 
Assembly  contemplated.  The  Assembly  desired  prohibition  of 
all  marriages  between  '  convicted  adulterers ' ;  the  statute  only 
prohibited  such  marriages  when  the  name  of  the  paramour 
appeared  in  the  decree.  In  point  of  fact,  the  Act  has  proved  a 
dead  letter,  for,  rightly  or  wrongly,  the  name  of  the  paramour  is 
never,  or  almost  never,  inserted  in  the  ultimate  decree.  The  Act 
runs  thus:  '  yth  Parliament  of  James  VI.,  1600,  chapter  20. 
Anent  the  marriage  of  adulterous  persons.  Our  Sovereign  Lord, 
with  the  advice  of  the  Estates  of  this  present  Parliament,  decerns 
all  marriages,  to  be  contracted  hereafter  by  any  persons  divorced 
for  their  own  crime  and  fact  of  adultery  from  their  lawful  spouses 
with  the  persons  with  whom  they  are  declared  by  sentence  of  the 
ordinary  judge  to  have  committed  the  said  crime  and  fact  of 
adultery,  to  be,  in  all  time  coming,  null  and  unlawful  in  them- 
selves, and  the  succession  to  be  gotten  by  such  unlawful  conjunc- 
tions to  be  unhabile  to  succeed  as  heirs  to  the  said  parents.' 

52       The  History  of  Divorce  in  Scotland 

I  close  with  a  reference  to  the  Scots  system  under  which,  not 
merely  in  divorce  cases,  but  in  all  civil  suits,  those  who  are 
unable  to  bring  actions  at  their  own  charges,  can  obtain  justice 
without  expense,  except  the  cost  of  witnesses,  provided  only  they 
can  present  a  prima  facie  case.  Counsel  and  agents  are  provided 
for  them,  and  no  Court  fees  or  reporters'  fees  are  charged.  This 
system  has  no  real  parallel  in  England,  and  largely  owing  to  the 
want  of  it,  or  of  some  equivalent,  the  Divorce  Act  of  1857  (which 
was  passed  to  enable  all  persons  to  obtain  divorce  who  could  not 
afford  the  large  expense  involved,  even  in  an  unopposed  case,  in 
obtaining  an  Act  of  Parliament)  has  proved  a  dead  letter,  so  far  as 
the  poor,  or  even  a  class  who  could  scarcely  be  called  poor,  are 

Among  the  old  Scots  statutes,  or,  for  that  matter,  the  statutes 
of  any  country  or  period,  there  are  none  showing  a  stronger  sense 
of  justice  than  the  Act  of  James  the  First  of  Scotland,  passed  in 
1424,  four  hundred  and  eighty-six  years  ago,  which  originated 
the  present  system  in  favour  of  poor  litigants.  Modernizing 
the  spelling,  it  runs  thus  :  *  If  there  be  any  poor  creature,  for 
fault  of  cunning,  or  expenses,  that  cannot  nor  may  not  follow 
his  cause,  the  King,  for  the  love  of  God,  shall  ordain  the  Judge, 
before  whom  the  cause  shall  be  determined,  to  purvey  and  get 
a  leal  and  wise  advocate  to  follow  such  poor  creature's  causes  ; 
and,  if  such  causes  be  obtained,  the  wronger  shall  assythe  both 
the  party  skaithed  and  the  advocate's  costs  and  travail.' 


Letters   from    Francis    Kennedy,   Abbey  hill,   to 
Baron  Kennedy  at  Dalquharran,  Mayboll 

Relative   to   the   seege   of  EDINBURGH    1745 

rTHHE  following  letters  are  the  property  of  Mr.  John  C. 
A  Kennedy  of  Dunure,  to  whom  the  Editor  is  indebted 
for  allowing  them  to  be  printed.  They  had  been  in  the  hands 
of  Mr.  Kennedy's  family  since  they  were  written. 

Mr.  Andrew  Lang,  who  has  seen  the  proof,  writes  :  "  The 
author  of  the  letters  to  Baron  Kennedy  was  a  friend  of  Pickle 
the  Spy,  who  alludes  to  him  in  his  epistles  to  English  officials. 
As  Mr.  Francis  Kennedy  speaks  of  *  The  Prince,'  not  '  The 
Pretender,'  it  appears  that  he  and  Baron  Kennedy  were  not 
enthusiastically  Whiggish ;  Mr.  Kennedy  reports  favourably 
about  the  conduct  of  the  Highlanders  in  and  near  Edinburgh ; 
and  of  the  military  qualities  of  his  Royal  Highness.  The 
4  french  minister'  mentioned  in  the  letter  of  October  19  is 
M.  Boyer  d'Eguilles,  who  represented  France  in  the  Jacobite 
army.  Prince  Charles  entered  England,  as  he  wrote  to  King 
James,  with  no  belief,  or  very  little,  in  the  Earl  Marischal's 
arrival  '  with  a  very  great  army  from  France.' ' 

The  Editor  is  indebted  to  Mr.  A.  Francis  Steuart  for  the 
following  note  with  regard  to  Mr.  Francis  Kennedy,  the  author 
of  these  letters. 

"  Francis  Kennedy  of  Dunure  (the  writer  of  these  letters) 
succeeded  his  two  elder  brothers,  General  James  Kennedy  of 
Dunure,  and  Thomas  Kennedy  of  Dunure,  advocate,  a  Baron  of 
Exchequer  in  Scotland.  The  latter  died  ijth  May,  1754 
(leaving  a  widow,  Dame  Grizel  Kynnymound,  who  died  3  Feb., 
1758,  aged  70),  and  his  brother  Francis  was  served  heir  special 
in  Abbeyhill  (whence  the  letters  are  dated),  with  the  Manor 
place  and  Brewery  in  the  Parish  of  South  Leith,  29  Jan.,  1762. 
He  did  not  live  long  after  this,  as  '  Thomas  Kennedy  of  Dunure ' 


54  Letters  from   Francis  Kennedy 

was  served  heir  general  '  to  his  father  Francis  Kennedy  of 
Dunure '  2  October,  1765.  The  testament  of  'Mrs.  Isobel 
Edmonston,  relict  of  Francis  Kennedy  of  Dunure,'  was  recorded 
at  Glasgow,  29  May,  1778." 


To  The  Honorable  Baron  Kennedy, 
at  his  house  near   Mayboll 

When  I  wrote  to  my  Dearest  Brother  on  Saturday  last,  the 
toun  of  Edin:  was  in  the  utmost  Consternation  from  the  Castle 
firing  down  the  toun  &  burning  some  houses,  but  as  the  blockade 
is  removed  people  seem  a  little  eased  of  their  terror  &  enjoy 
some  more  quiet  than  they  did  last  week,  however  the  Castle  still 
fyre  about  the  West  Port  &  Grass  market  &  wherever  they  Spye 
any  Highlanders,  so  that  the  Innocent  Inhabitants  very  often 
Suffer  in  going  to  places  within  view  of  the  Castle,  where  there 
may  happen  at  the  Same  time  to  be  Highlanders,  which  makes  me 
think  that  it  would  not  be  very  advisable  for  you  to  be  at  Foul- 
bridge  till  the  Highlanders  are  quite  gone  from  this,  &  when  that 
may  be  no  body  that  I  see  can  pretend  to  tell,  most  people  of 
fashion  that  are  not  engaged  with  the  Prince  are  out  of  town  & 
every  body  within  reach  of  the  Castle  have  left  their  houses,  tho 
since  this  last  Proclamation  its  thought  they  will  return  to  them 

when  the  Highland  Army  is  gone .     Im  still  Confin'd  to  the 

house  &  know  nothing  of  whats  passing  but  from  the  newspapers 

which  Mr  A s  sends  you  &  what  else  he  can  pick  up  worth 

writing,  she  &  her  family  are  still  here  not  thinking  it  safe 
to  return  to  her  house  as  yet,  All  is  safe  &  well  hitherto  at  Foul- 
bridge.  I'm  still  in  an  undetermined  way  about  my  time  of  leaving 
this,  for  Mr  Monro  has  ordered  me  some  things  to  buye  to  make 
me  easy,  &  save  the  trouble  of  undergoing  another  painfull 
operation  which  I  doubt  anything  will  do.  I  have  sent  twice  to 
enquire  after  Miss  Cathcart  who  is  very  well  but  out  of  toun  with 
all  her  Companions  in  some  place  of  safety  in  the  Country.  I  beg 
when  you  see  Sir  John  youl  tell  him  this  &  make  my  excuse  for 
keeping  his  house  so  long,  all  the  family  here  are  well  &  make 
their  Complements  to  your  Lady  &  you.  I  beg  mine  in  the 
most  affectionate  manner  &  that  youl  believe  me  to  be  ever  my 
Dearest  Brother  with  the  most  dutifull  Affection  Entirely  yours. 

Abbey  hill  the  8  Sept  1745 

(this  letter  is  doqueted  as  from  Francis  Kennedy) 

The  Siege  of  Edinburgh   1745  55 


To  The  Honorable  Baron  Kennedy 
at  Dalquharran  near  Mayboll 

Dear  Brother 

I  got  here  on  Tuesday  afternoon  very  wet  &  fatigued, 
&  found  your  friends  here  pretty  well  considering  the  Allarms 
&  fears  every  body  are  in.  this  will  come  to  you  enclosed  in  a 

letter  from  Mr  A s  who  is  to  send  you  the  newspapers  by  which 

youl  see  the  situation  we  are  in  here  better  than  it  is  possible  for 
me  to  write,  his  Wife  &  family  left  their  house  on  Tuesday 
night  &  has  slept  here  ever  since,  &  the  people  in  the  toun  are 
removing  their  things  very  fast,  the  Castle  having  already  thrown 
some  bullets  into  the  toun,  one  of  which  fell  on  Mrs  Alvey's 
house  which  made  her  quit  it.  she  sent  back  your  things  to  foul- 
bridge  thinking  them  safer  there  than  in  the  toun.  I  have  been  in 
the  utmost  torture  ever  since  yesterday  afternoon  by  a  return  of 
my  old  distemper  which  has  kept  me  all  night  from  any  sleep,  so 
that  Im  not  in  a  Condition  to  write  a  longer  letter.  I  hope  if  I 
was  once  free  of  my  pain  to  set  out  again  soon  for  Dalq:  but  at 
present  Im  not  able  to  say  any  more  but  to  beg  my  Complements 
&  all  of  this  family  to  your  Lady  &  that  youl  believe  me  to  be 
ever  with  the  most  Dutifull  affection  Entirely  yours 


Abbey  hill  the  3d  Oct  1745 


I  wrote  to  my  Dearest  Brother  a  short  line  on  Thursday  last 
in  very  great  pain,  it  is  at  present  not  so  violent  tho  Im  appre- 
hensive I  shall  be  obliged  to  undergo  such  another  terrible 
operation  as  I  suffered  two  years  ago,  You  are  happy  to  be  at 
Dalquharran  enjoying  peace  &  tranquillity  while  we  are  here  in  a 
state  of  War,  for  the  Castle  is  in  a  manner  besieged  by  the 
Highlanders  who  expect,  as  Im  told,  to  oblige  it  to  surrender  by 
hindering  any  provisions  to  be  carryed  up  to  them — &  the  Castle 
for  these  4  days  past  have  been  fyring  all  round  them  upon  every 

place  where  they  suspected  or  saw  the  Highlanders I  dont 

hear  that  many  are  killed  on  either  side,  but  the  Castle  has  burnt 
&  beat  down  houses  about  Livingstons  yeards,  the  West  port,  & 
Grass  market  &  the  Castle  hill  towards  the  north  Loch  as  far 

56  Letters  from  Francis  Kennedy 

down  as  James's  Court  &  this  siege  is  like  to  be  carryd  on  till  the 
Castle  surrenders,  so  you  may  judge  what  kind  of  situation  the 
Inhabitants  both  of  town  &  Subburbs  are  in,  &  how  inadviseable 
it  is  for  you  to  think  of  coming  to  toun  till  things  are  upon  a 
more  peaceable  footing.  I  dont  hear  but  the  greatest  care  is 
taken  to  hinder  the  Highlanders  from  committing  any  disorders, 
&  the  inhabitants  of  the  toun  seem  to  dread  nothing  so  much  as 
there  leaving  Edin:  since  they  have  no  magistrates  to  keep  the 
peace  &  order  of  the  toun  when  they  are  gone,  they  say  there  are 
some  dissentions  amongst  the  officers  of  the  Castle  about  the 
vigorous  orders  that  came  to  destroy  the  toun,  some  for  executing 
them  &  others  preferring  to  quit  their  commissions  rather  than 
do  so  creul  an  action,  of  which  last  number  is  Genrl :  Guest  tho 
he  persists  as  strongly  as  any  to  defend  it  to  the  last  extremity, 
but  you  will  have  a  more  particular  account  of  what  is  doing  from 

A s  who  is  going  about  to  hear  what  is  doing  which  I  cant  do. 

he  will  send  you  the  newspapers  which  dont  come  out  so  regularly 
as  usual.  Your  Gardner  was  here  today  in  great  fears  for  your 
house  because  of  an  allarm  he  had  got  that  the  Highlanders  had 
threatened  to  burn  all  the  houses  without  the  west  port  for 
assisting  the  soldiers  that  sallied  from  the  Castle  to  take  some  of 
the  people  that  were  lodged  in  Livingstons  yeard  to  prevent 
carrying  up  provisions  to  the  Castle,  but  as  I  dont  believe  they 
will  be  allowed  to  do  any  such  thing,  I  desired  him  to  keep  at 
home  with  the  maid  &  keep  the  doors  shut  &  if  any  Highlanders 
should  come  to  offer  any  disorder  to  show  them  the  P s  pro- 
tection which  your  neice  got  &  sent  out  there  before  I  came  here. 
Lord  Kilkerran's  house  has  also  a  protection  which  Mrs  Murray 
got  for  it,  &  several  other  Government  people  have  the  same  to 
preent  the  disorders  that  wrong  headed  people  might  be  ready  to 

committ,  &  which  Im  told  the  P is  very  desirous  to  prevent. 

I  can  hear  nothing  of  Newton  so  that  probably  he  has  gone  home 
again,  all  your  old  Hay  is  carryd  away,  there  came  a  message 
here  on  Wednesday  from  Lord  Elcho  to  Lady  Wallace  telling  her 
that  he  must  have  your  hay  for  the  Prince's  use  which  he  would 
not  take  before  acquainting  her.  Smith  came  afterwards  to  me 
to  know  what  he  must  do.  1  told  him  if  the  person  that  came  for 
the  hay  showed  him  orders  from  Lord  Elcho,  to  deliver  it  but  not 
otherwise  &  I  doubt  if  they  stay  long  here  the  other  stack  will 
go  the  same  way.  in  these  troublesome  times  we  must  be  content 
to  make  the  best  composition  we  can.  all  the  family  here  desire  to 
make  their  Complements  to  your  Lady  &  you.  I  beg  the  same  & 

The  Siege  of  Edinburgh   1745  57 

that  you'l  believe  me  to  be  my  Dearest  Brother  ever  with  a  most 
dutifull  affection  Entirely  yours  FK. 

Abbey  hill  the  5  Oct  1745 


Im  told  that  the  P is  so  hardy  &  Vigilant  that  he  is  like 

to  kill  the  most  robust  Highlander,  he  lys  every  night  in  a  tent 
no  better  than  the  poorest  soldier,  gos  frequently  thro  his  camp 
to  see  that  the  men  have  their  necessarys  rightly  provided  for 
them,  in  order  to  give  an  Example  to  his  officers  which  they  are 
not  so  ready  to  follow  as  their  Interest,  now  they  have  gone  so 
far,  should  oblige  them  to. 

I  have  just  now  received  My  Dearest  Brothers  letter  of  the 
6  Oct :  by  the  Carryer  &  am  sorry  to  see  by  it  that  none  of  the 
3  letters  I  wrote  was  come  to  your  hand.  It  is  true  1  got  to  toun 
on  Tuesday  but  so  wet  and  fatigued  with  the  journey  that  I  was 
not  able  to  put  pen  to  paper  to  write  to  you  that  night,  next  day 
I  was  seized  with  a  return  of  my  old  distemper  &  have  been 
mostly  Confined  to  the  house  ever  since.  I  wrote  you  a  short  line 
on  the  Thursday,  a  longer  one  on  Saturday  &  another  on  Tuesday 

thereafter,  all  which  I  sent  to  Mr  A s  to  enclose  to  you  with 

the  news  papers  &  what  other  news  he  could  pick  up,  which  he 
told  me  he  forwarded  duly,  so  that  I  hope  before  now  you  have 
got  them,  I  therein  told  you  that  your  neice  had  got  a  protection 
for  your  house  immediately  upon  the  Highlan  Armys  coming 
here  which  was  better  than  having  any  Highlanders  to  protect  it 
while  it  was  within  reach  of  the  Castle  since  they  fired  at  all  of 
them  they  saw,  so  that  your  house  &  everything  in  it  is  safe,  no 
body  could  tell  me  anything  about  Newton  so  that  I  believe  he 
went  out  of  toun  before  I  came  to  it.  I  told  you  in  my  former 
letters  how  improper  &  even  dangerous  it  was-  for  you  to  come 
to  toun  while  the  Castle  was  blockaded,  they  have  retired  the 
blockade  &  given  over  Im  told  any  thought  of  taking  the  Castle 
since  it  endangered  so  much  the  inhabitants  of  the  toun,  &  are 
come  to  a  resolution  on  both  sides  not  to  fyre  but  at  those  that 
attack  them,  so  that  things  are  in  a  more  peaceable  way  than  they 
were  last  week  &  people  think  that  the  Army  will  remove  from 
this  as  soon  as  all  their  body  of  highlanders  &  others  are  come 
here,  but  how  peaceable  and  safe  the  toun  &  subburbs  will  be  after 
they  are  gone  is  a  question  I  dont  yet  hear  is  resolved,  so  that  I 
believe  it  will  be  best  to  suspend  your  journey  till  you  hear  the 

58  Letters  from  Francis  Kennedy 

Army  is  gone  &  know  what  footing  people  are  upon  in  this  place 
as  to  preserving  the  peace  &  order  of  the  toun.  I  was  not  able 
to  write  to  you  last  night  because  I  had  the  operation  performed 
yesterday  upon  my  posteriors,  I  hope  in  God  it  will  free  me  of 
any  more  pain  of  that  kind  for  the  future.  I  have  heard  no 
manner  of  news  but  what  we  get  from  the  papers  which  Mr 

A s  tells  me  he  sends  you  duly  as  they  come  out,  which  is 

not  so  regular  as  usual,  whenever  Im  able  to  ride  I  purpose  to 
set  out  for  Dalquharran.  All  your  friends  here  are  well  &  desire 
their  Complements  to  your  Lady  &  you.  I  beg  to  make  mine  to 
her  in  the  most  affectionate  manner  &  that  you'l  believe  me  to  be 
my  Dearest  Brother  ever  with  a  most  dutifull  affection  Entirely 
yours  FK 

This  letter,  in  the  way  Im  in,  has  you  may  easily  believe  been 
no  easy  task. 

Friday  Oct  the  1 1  1 745 

I  received  only  this  morning  My  Dearest  Brothers  letter 
of  the  10",  &  tho'  I  now  put  pen  to  paper  to  thank  you  for 
it,  yet  as  Im  still  confined  to  the  house  I  know  ho  more  nor 
so  much  of  whats  passing  as  you  do  at  Dalquharran.  the  folks 
that  are  in  the  house  with  me  go  as  seldom  abroad  as  I  do, 
so  that  whatever  storys  have  been  told  you  or  wrote  about  a 
certain  persons  aggreaving  frequently  at  a  Certain  place  must 
be  false,  at  least  since  I  have  been  here  so  that  you  need  be 
in  no  uneasiness  upon  that  account.  The  protection  that  was 
got  for  your  house  has  been  very  sufficient  hitherto  &  I  hear 
of  no  disorders  committed  on  any  gentlemans  house  that  had 
them,  there  has  been  some  hay  ordered  in  from  all  the 
gentlemans  houses  near  the  toun  I  hear,  but  I  hear  of  no 
pillaging  any  where  not  even  at  Newliston  unless  the  taking 
of  horses  or  arms  be  such,  which  they  take  every  where  & 
chuse  to  take  their  hay  rather  from  the  rich  than  the 
poor,  however  if  it  be  true  what  is  told  this  day  that  the 
Army  is  soon  to  leave  this  I  believe  there  will  be  no  fear  of 
your  new  stock  of  hay.  I  shall  send  Sam  tomorrow  with  the 
money  you  ordered  for  you  maid,  I  hope  in  a  few  days  to  be 
able  to  venture  abroad  &  as  soon  as  I  am  able  to  bear  riding 
•endeavour  to  get  to  Dalq:  by  easy  journeys.  I  have  seen  no 

The  Siege  of  Edinburgh   1745  59 

news  papers  this  week  for  they  dont  come  out  as  usual.  Mrs 
Alves  went  back  to  her  house  yesterday.  She  will  send  you 
what  news  papers  come  out,  which  I  shall  send  word  to  him 
to  continue,  all  the  family  here  are  well  &  desire  to  offer 
their  Complements  to  your  Lady  &  you,  I  beg  mine  to  her 
in  the  most  affectionate  manner  &  that  you'l  believe  me  to  be 
ever  with  a  most  dutifull  affection 

Entirely  yours         FK 
Abbey  hill  the  15  Oct  1745 

Mrs  Alves  told  me  your  plate  was  in  the  Castle  &  that  all 
the  other  things  that  were  removed  out  of  your  house  to 
hers  are  carried  back  again. 


I  wrote  to  my  Dearest  Brother  on  Tuesday  last  &  sent 
it  to  Mr  Alves  to  forward  to  you  under  cover  of  his  frank, 
I  have  been  seldom  abroad  since  tho'  I  thank  God  I  grow 
better  of  the  ailment,  but  excessively  low  spirited,  however  I 
would  fain  hope  that  I  shall  be  able  to  leave  this  on  munday 
or  Tuesday  next,  but  whether  to  make  the  journey  on 
horseback  or  to  hyre  a  chaise  I  have  not  yet  determined,  tho' 
I  believe  I  shall  be  obliged  to  do  the  last.  Things  here  seem 
to  be  in  great  quietness  &  its  now  talked  for  certain  that  the 
Prince  with  his  Army  will  march  from  this  the  beginning  of 
next  week,  they  say  they  are  all  in  high  spirits  &  very  con- 
fident of  success.  There  is  another  ship  (besides  the  one  that 
brought  the  french  minister)  come  to  a  port  near  Monross 
with  more  money  &  arms  &  some  officers,  they  expect  to 
enter  England  with  a  body  of  men  superior  to  any  can  be 
brought  against  them,  &  that  Lord  Marshall  is  to  land  in 
England  with  a  very  great  army  from  France,  this  force 
togeither  with  the  commotions  in  London  &  other  parts  of 
England  makes  some  people  think  that  the  dispute  will  be 
decided  without  much  bloodshed,  the  others  dread  the  contrary, 
howevr  vast  numbers  of  people  of  all  ranks  every  day  flock 
to  the  Abbey  &  the  number  of  the  Princes  friends  have 
increased  beyond  most  peoples  imagination.  I  pray  God  Conduct 
all  in  the  way  that  may  be  most  for  the  good  of  our  country. 
I  have  not  yet  heard  how  the  toun  of  Edin:  is  to  be  governed 
after  the  Army  leaves  it,  but  as  it  is  not  to  be  expected  that 

6o  The  Siege  of  Edinburgh   1745 

they  will  leave  any  force  behind  sufficient  to  guard  it  against 
the  attempts  of  the  garrison  of  the  Castle  to  regain  it,  it  will 
probably  be  left  to  govern  itself.  I  hope  none  of  your  new 
hay  will  be  touched  &  before  I  leave  this  I  shall  desire  David 
Smith  to  carry  as  much  of  it  out  as  to  fill  the  loft  at  Foulbridge. 
I  must  refer  you  to  the  news  papers  for  any  other  thing,  & 
beg  to  offer  my  most  affectionate  Complements  to  your  Lady 
&  that  you'l  believe  me  to  be  my  Dearest  Brother  ever  with 
a  most  dutifull  affection 

Entirely  yours         FK 

All  this  family  desire  to  make  their  Complements  to  your 
Lady  &  you. 

Saturday  the  19  Oct:   1745 

Roderick  Dhu  :    his  Poetical  Pedigree 

ONE  indirect  result  of  the  study  of  sources  has  been  to  widen 
the  canons  for  legitimate  imitation  and  borrowing,  and  to 
make  critics  less  eager  to  shout  'Stop  the  thief  when  identities 
of  episode  or  phrase  imply  a  necessity  of  relationship  between 
some  part  of  an  author's  work  and  some  antecedent  performance 
by  some  one  else.  There  is  and  has  always  been  a  ceaseless 
re-use  of  poetical  idea,  method,  and  idiom.  Without  it  poetry 
would  be  perilously  near  to  an  impossibility.  Of  course  there  are 
ways  of  taking  which  constitute  the  conveyance  into  a  theft  and 
deny  to  the  plagiarist  the  license  and  excuse  of  an  imitator,  but 
such  distinctions  are  not  the  present  theme.  What  is  proposed 
here  is  to  illustrate  by  a  fine  example  from  Sir  Walter  Scott  how 
that  brave  and  genial  romancer  drew  his  quota  of  tribute  from  an 
Elizabethan  translator  of  a  sixteenth-century  poet,  who  in  his  turn 
had  made  levy  upon  a  Latin  classic,  who  in  like  wise  in  his  time 
had  made  Homer  his  creditor. 

Probably  it  has  occurred  to  but  few,  any  more  than  it  did  to 
me,  to  turn  the  searchlight  of  criticism  on  the  question  how  Sir 
Walter  came  by  his  Roderick  Dhu  and  Fitz James,  and  their  duel, 
always  to  me  a  well-remembered  and  favourite  encounter.  But 
some  time  ago,  when  reading  Edward  Fairfax's  rendering  of 
Tasso,  my  attention  was  strongly  drawn  to  certain  passages  in 
that  classic  of  translation,  Godfrey  of  Bulloigne,  or  The  Recoverie  of 
Jerusalem,  Done  into  English  Heroical  Verse  by  Edward  Fairefax, 
Gent.,  dedicated  to  Queen  Elizabeth  in  1600.  The  result  is  a 
conclusion  indicated  by  the  parallel  columns  below,  showing  that 
the  English  poet-translator,  who  gave  models  of  harmony  to 
Waller,  who  was  ranked  with  Spenser  by  Dryden,  and  who  was 
an  educative  force  with  the  youthful  Scott,  has  an  additional  claim 
upon  poetical  literature  in  respect  of  his  part — no  small  one — in 
the  framework  of  the  combat  between  the  Saxon  and  the  Gael  in 
the  Lady  of  the  Lake. 



George  Neilson 

The  Egyptian  Argantet. 

For  he  was  stout  of  courage,  strong  of 

Bold  was  his  heart,  and  restless  was  his 

Fierce,  stern,  outrageous,  keen  as 

sharpened  brand.  ii.  59. 

[There    is    an    altercation,    in    which 

Argantes  taunts  the  crusader  Tancred 

with  reluctance  to  fight] : 
Yet  shalt  thou  not  escape,  O  conqueror 

Of  ladies  fair,  sharp  death  to  avenge 

that  wrong.  xix.  3. 

[Tancred  answers]  : 
The  killer  of  weak  women  thee  defies. 

xix.  5. 

[Tancred,  in  order  to  settle  matters 
by  single  combat,  conducts  Argantes 
through  the  crusading  host  to  the 
appointed  place  of  duel]  : 

And  thus  defending  'gainst  his  friends 
his  foe 

Through  thousand  angry  weapons  safe 
they  go.  xix.  7. 

[The  journey  to  the  place  of  duel]  : 
They  left  the  city,  and  they  left  behind 
Godfredo's   camp,  and   far   beyond    it 

And  came  where  into  creeks  and  bosoms 

A  winding  hill  his  corners  turned  and 

cast ; 

A  valley  small  and  shady  dale  they  find 
Amid  the  mountains  steep,  so  laid  and 


Canto  V. 

Like  the  Egyptian,  Roderick  Dhu,  as 
his  name  implies,  was  dark.  Mention 
is  made  of  his  '  sable  brow '  (stanza  9). 
His  'dark  eye'  is  named  in  a  variant 
MS.  reading  of  stanza  14.  The 
'gloomy,  vindictive,  arrogant,  un- 
daunted' Roderick,  to  quote  a  reviewer's 
description  approved  by  Lockhart  (note 
to  stanza  14),  is  one  in  character  with 

In  a  like  altercation  with  Fitzjames 
Roderick  holds  the  latter's  ivalour  light 

'  As  that  of  some  vain  carpet  knight.' 

(st.  14.) 

He  had  just  told  him,  too, 

*  My  clansman's  blood  demands  revenge.* 

(st.  14.) 

Compare  Roderick's  corresponding 
play  on  the  taunt  about  the  head  of  a 
rebellious  clan,  etc.  (st.  12).  It  is  the 
same  retort. 

While  not  claiming  for  Tasso  or 
Fairfax  the  splendid  picture  of  *  Ben- 
ledi's  living  side' — one  of  the  most 
gorgeous  ever  achieved  by  Walter  Scott 
or  any  other  poet — one  may  be  per- 
mitted to  say  that  the  thousand  angry 
weapons,  stilled  by  request  of  Tancred, 
so  that  he  and  Argantes  alone  may  try 
their  quarrel  hilt  to  hilt,  have  obvious 
possibilities  of  relation  to  the  pageant 
of  bonnets  and  spears,  lances,  axes,  and 
brands,  of  Scott's  plaided  warriors  in 
stanza  9. 

Along  a  wide  and  level  green  (st.  1 1).  .  . 
The    Chief    in   silence    strode    before 

(st.  12).  .. 
For  this  is  Coilantogle  ford. 

(st.  ii  and  12). 
Observe  that  in  both  duels  there  is  a 

Roderick  Dhu  :  his  Poetical  Pedigree      63 

The  Egyptian  Argantes. 

As  if  some  theatre  or  closed  place 
Had  been  for  men  to  fight  or  beasts  to 
chase.  xix.  8. 

[This  was  one   of  Tasso's   numberless 

adaptations  from  Virgil]  : 
Gramineum  in  campum,  quern  collibus 

undique  curvis 
Cingebant   sylvae ;    mediaque  in   valle 

Circus  erat.  Aeneid,  v.  288. 

[The  duellists  arrive]  : 

There  stayed  the  champions  both  with 

rueful  eyes, 

Argantes  'gan  the  fortress  won  to  view  ; 
Tancred  his  foe  withouten  shield  espies, 
And  far  away  his  target  therefore  threw.1 

xix.  9. 

[Description  of  the  combat]  : 
Tancred  of  body  active  was  and  light, 
Quick,  nimble,  ready  both  of  hand  and 

foot ; 
But   higher    by   the   head    the   Pagan 

Of  limbs  far  greater  was,  of  heart  as 

Tancred  laid  low  and  traversed  in  his 

Now  to  his  ward  retired,  now  struck 

Oft  with  his  sword  his  foe's  fierce  blows 

he  broke, 
And  rather  chose  to  ward  than  bear  his 

stroke.  xix.  n. 

[Throughout  this  combat  Tasso  had 
in  view  Virgil's  account  of  the  fight 

Canto  V. 

long   march   of   both   men,   unaccom- 
panied, to  the  fighting  place. 

Each   look'd   to   sun   and   stream   and 

As  what  they  ne'er  might  see  again. 

(st.  14.) 

Ill  fared  it  then  with  Roderick  Dhu 
That  on  the  field  his  targe  he  threw. 

(st.  15.) 

Observe  that  Tancred's  generosity  is 
the  clear  suggestion  of  Roderick's. 

Fitzjames's  blade  was  sword  and  shield. 
He  practised  every  pass  and  ward, 
To  thrust,  to  strike,  to  feint,  to  guard, 
While  less  expert,  though  stronger  far, 
The  Gael  maintained  unequal  war. 

(st.  15.) 

[Not  Roderick  thus,  though  stronger  far, 
More  tall  and  more  inured  to  war. 

MS.  variant,  st.  15]. 

1With   Fairfax's  xix.   9  compare  the  rendering  in  John  Hoole's  translation 
referred  to  infra  : 

Here  both  the  warriors  stopped  ;  when  pensive  grown 
Argantes  turned  to  view  the  suffering  town  ; 
Tancred,  who  saw  his  foe  no  buckler  wield, 
Straight  cast  his  own  at  distance  on  the  field. 


George  Neilson 

The  Egyptian  Argantes. 

between    Dares    and    Entellus.      The 
prototype    of  Tancred    here  is   Dares, 
that  of  Argantes  is  Entellus. 
Ille    pedum     melior     motu     fretusque 

Hie  membris  et  mole  valens. 

Aeneid,  v.  11.  430-1.] 

With  a  tall  ship,  so  doth  a  galley  fight 
When    the    still    winds    stir    not    the 

unstable  main, 
Where  this  in   nimbleness,  as   that  in 

Excels ;    that   stands,    this    comes   and 

goes  again, 
And    shifts   from  prow    to    poop  with 

turnings  light. 
Meanwhile    the   other  doth    unmoved 

And   on  her  nimble  foe,  approaching 

Her    weighty  engines  tumbleth    down 

from  high.  xix.  13. 

[Cf.    Aeneid,   v.    437.      Stat    gravis 
Entellus,  nisuque  immotus  eodem.] 

[Argantes  and  Tancred  in  grips]  : 

His  sword  at  last  he  let  hang  by  the 

And  griped  his  hardy  foe  in  both  his 

In  his  strong  arms  Tancred  caught  him 

And  thus  each  other  held,  and  wrapped 

in  bands 
With    greater    might  Alcides   did    not 


The  giant  Antheus  on  the  Lybian  sands. 

xix.  17. 

Such    was    their   wrestling,  such   their 

shocks  and  throws, 
That  down  at  once  they  tumbled  both 

to  ground.  .  . 
But  the  good  Prince,  his  hand  more  fit 

for  blows, 
With  his  huge  weight  the  Pagan  under 

bound.  xix.  18. 

Canto  V. 

And  as  firm  rock  or  castle-roof 
Against  the  wintry  shower  is  proof, 
The  foe,  invulnerable  still, 
Foiled  his  wild  rage  by  steady  skill. 

(st.  15.) 

Roderick,  hardly  fairly,  when  Fitz- 
James  has  offered  quarter,  springs  at 

And  lock'd  his  arms  his  foeman  round. 
Now  gallant  Saxon  hold  thine  own  ! 
No  maiden's  hand  is  round  thee  thrown ! 
That  desperate  grasp  thy  frame  might 


Through  bars  of  brass  and  triple  steel ! 

(st.  1 6.) 

They   tug,   they   strain,  down,   down 

they  go, 
The  Gael  above,  Fitz James  below. 

(st.  1 6.) 

Observe  that  in  both  combats  the 
combatants  get  into  hand  grips,  and 
the  tall  dark  man  is  uppermost  when 
the  wrestlers  fall. 

Roderick  Dhu  :  his  Poetical  Pedigree      65 


The  Egyptian  Argantes. 

[Argantes  grows  desperate]  : 

And  with  fierce  change  of  blows  re- 
newed the  fray, 

Where  rage  for  skill,  horror  for  art,  bore 
sway.  xix.  19. 

[Argantes  sorely  wounded]  : 

The  purple  drops  from  Tancred's  sides 

down  railed, 
And  from  the  Pagan  ran  whole  streams 

of  blood, 
Wherewith    his    force    grew  weak,  his 

courage  quailed.  xix.  20. 

[Tancred  asks  Argantes  to  yield]  : 
Yield,  hardy  knight,  and  chance  of  war 

or  me 
Confess  to  have  subdued  thee  in  this 


XIX.   21. 

[Argantes  at  this  grew  fiercely  indignant] : 
And    all   awaked    his    fury,   rage,   and 

And  said,  'Dar'st  thou  of 'vantage  speak 

or  think, 
Or    move    Argantes    once   to  yield  or 

Use,  use  thy  'vantage  ;  thee  and  fortune 

I   scorn,  and    punish  will   thy   foolish 

pride.  xix.  21,  22. 

[Argantes    grasps    his    mighty    weapon 

with  both  hands  and  strikes  a  heavy 

blow]  : 
His  fearful  blow  he  doubled  ;    but  he 

His  force  in  waste,  and  all  his  strength 

in  vain, 
For  Tancred  from  the  blow  against  him 

'Scaped    aside,  the  stroke    fell  on    the 


Canto  V. 

Fierce  Roderick  felt  the  fatal  drain, 
And  shower'd  his  blows  like  wintry  rain. 

(st.  IS-) 

But  hate  and  fury  ill  supplied 
The  stream  of  life's  exhausted  tide. 

(st.  i 6.) 

No  stinted  draught,  no  scanty  tide, 
The  gushing  flood  the  tartans  dyed. 

(st.  15.) 

Cf.  also  '  fatal  drain '  and  '  exhausted 
tide,'  quotations  supra. 

Then  yield  to  Fate,  and  not  to  me. 

(st.   13.) 

Dark  lightning  flash'd  from  Roderick's 


Soars  thy  presumption  then  so  high  .  . 
Homage  to  name  to  Roderick  Dhu  I 
He  yields  not,  he,  to  man  nor  Fate? 

(st.   14.) 

Down  came  the  blow ;  but  in  the  heath 
The  erring  blade  found  bloodless  sheath. 

(st.  1 6.) 

Observe  that  in  this,  the  crisis  of  each 
combat,  the  deadliest  blow  of  all  falls 
'  on  the  plain '  in  the  one  case,  and  in 
the  other  buries  itself  *  in  the  heath.' 
It  is  a  culminating  point  of  many  coin- 
cidences which  are  certificates  of  Scott's 
tenacity  of  recollection,  perhaps  even 
when  he  was  least  aware  that  his 

1  With  Fairfax's  xix.  2 1  compare  Hoole  : 

Yield,  dauntless  chief,  enough  thy  worth  is  shown, 
Or  me  or  fortune  for  thy  victor  own. 


George  Neilson 


The  Egyptian  Argantes. 

With  thine  own  weight  overthrown  to 

earth  thou  went 
Argantes     stout,    nor    could'st    thyself 

sustain.1  xix.  24. 

[Tasso  was  here  partly  following 
Virgil's  account  of  the  overthrow  of 
Entellus.  Aeneid,  v.  444.  But  Tasso's 
phrase,  e  si  lancib  in  disparte,  receives  a 
more  specific  rendering  in  Fairfax's 
*  stroke  fell  on  the  plain'  Scott's  '  heath," 
therefore,  follows  Fairfax's  'plain,'  and 
does  not  connect  with  Tasso's  disparte.~\ 

[A  second  offer  by  Tancred]  : 

The  courteous  prince  stepped  back,  and 

«  Yield  thee '  cried  ; 
No  hurt  he  proffered  him,  no  blow  he 

Meanwhile  by  stealth  the   Pagan   false 

him  gave 
A    sudden    wound,    threatening    with 

speeches  brave. 

Herewith  Tancred  furious  grew,andsaid, 
'Villain,     dost     thou     my    mercy     so 

despise?'2  xix.  25,  26. 

This,  it  will  be  noted,  was  the  second 
tender  of  mercy  or  quarter  made  by 

[Tancred,  in  a  later    battle,  bears    his 

shield]  : 

.  .  his  heavy,  strong,  and  mighty  targe 
That  with  seven  hard  bulls'  hides  was 

surely  lined.  xx.  86. 

[The  shield  of  sevenfold  hide  belonged 
to  Ajax,  but  it  is  needless  to  urge  Tasso's 
debt  to  Homer  or  to  the  Aeneid  v.  404-5.] 

Canto  V. 

imagination  was  running  in  the  leash  of 
memory.  In  Tasso  and  Scott,  Argantes 
and  Roderick  respectively  collapse,  and 
fall  exhausted  with  the  abortive  blow. 

Roderick's  sword  is  struck  out  of  his 
hand  in  the  fencing,  and  Fitzjames  a 
second  time  tenders  him  quarter. 

*  Now  yield  thee,  or  by  him  who  made 
The  world  thy  heart's  blood  dyes  my 

blade  ! ' 

*  Thy  threats,  thy  mercy  I  defy, 
Let  recreant  yield  who  fears  to  die.' 

(st.  1 6.) 

Thereupon  Roderick  darts  at  Fitz- 
james, and  the  death-wrestle  above 
quoted  ensues.  The  whole  episode 
varies  considerably  from  that  in  Tasso, 
in  whose  work  it  follows  the  wrestle. 

Not   dissimilar   from  Tancred's  was 
Roderick's  discarded  targe : 
Whose  brazen  studs  and  tough  bullhide 
Had  death  so  often  dash'd  aside. 

(st.  15.) 

1  With  Fairfax's  xix.  24  compare  Hoole  : 

A  second  stroke  the  haughty  pagan  try'd ; 
The  wary  Christian  now  his  purpose  spy'd, 
And  slipt  elusive  from  the  steel  aside. 
Thou  spent  in  empty  air  thy  strength  in  vain, 
Thou  fall'st,  Argantes  !  headlong  on  the  plain. 

2  With  Fairfax's  xix.  25  compare  Hoole  : 

Again  his  hand  the  courteous  victor  stay'd  ; 
Submit,  O  chief!  preserve  thy  life  (he  said). 

Roderick  Dhu  :  his  Poetical  Pedigree      67 

As  regards  the  use  made  of  Tasso  in  what  may  be  called  the 
scaffolding  of  the  great  duel  scene  between  Roderick  and  Fitz- 
James,  it  is  right  to  note  that  Sir  Walter  has  many  learned 
annotations  and  not  a  few  citations  of  romance  in  the  appendix  to 
the  Lady  of  the  Lake ;  but  though  in  Note  3Y  he  mentions 
Ariosto,  and  hints  plainly  enough  a  poetical  relationship  of  Fitz- 
James  to  Zerbino,  '  the  most  interesting  hero  of  the  Orlando 
Furioso,  he  tells  no  tales  about  Tasso  or  Fairfax,  and  throws  out 
no  sign  of  kinship  on  the  part  of  his  own  heroes  with  Argantes 
and  Tancred.1 

In  his  unfinished  autobiography  Scott  made  repeated  references 
to  Tasso.  On  leaving  school  he  threw  himself  into  '  irregular 
and  miscellaneous '  studies.  *  Among  the  valuable  acquisitions  I 
made  about  this  time,'  he  says,  *  was  an  acquaintance  with  Tasso's 
Jerusalem  Delivered,  through  the  flat  medium  of  Mr.  Hoole's 
translation.'  Through  the  same  translator  he  was  introduced  to 
Ariosto.  Not  long  afterwards  he  wrote  an  Essay,  in  which  he 
*  weighed  Homer  against  Ariosto,'  and  gave  Ariosto  the  prefer- 
ence. He  set  himself  to  Italian,  and  we  know  from  many 
passages  in  his  writings  in  after  life  that  he  made  skilful  use  of 
his  knowledge  of  Italian  authors,  particularly  Ariosto.  When  he 
became  acquainted  with  Fairfax's  translation  of  Tasso  does  not 
appear  exactly,  but  the  folio  edition  of  1624  is  in  the  library  at 
Abbotsford.  Fairfax  himself  is  the  subject  of  curious  but 
appreciative  mention  in  Scott's  Letters  on  Demonology  and  Witchcraft^ 
letter  viii.,  in  reference  to  his  actively  credulous  attitude  towards 
the  occult.  Under  James  VI.  and  L,  that  ardent  enemy  of 
witches  and  subtle  critic  of  the  powers  of  darkness  generally, 
there  were  of  course  very  many  prosecutions.  Among  them  was 
one,  happily  unsuccessful,  which  (as  Sir  Walter  records)  was 
instigated  against  six  of  his  neighbours  *  by  a  gentleman,  a  scholar 
of  classical  taste,  and  a  beautiful  poet,  being  no  other  than 
Edward  Fairfax  of  Fuyistone  in  Knaresborough  Forest,  the 
translator  of  Tasso's  Jerusalem  Delivered* 

1  Zerbino,  son  of  the  king  of  Scotland,  plays  a  gallant  and  considerable  part  in 
the  Orlando  Furioso  from  Book  XIII.,  where  Isabella  reveals  her  love  of  him,  on  to 
Book  XXIV.,  where  in  twenty-two  stanzas  he  dies  by  the  magic  blade,  *  Durin- 
dana,'  in  the  hand  of  the  Tartar  Mandricard.  Scott's  footnote  (note  3v),  above 
cited,  mentions  that  James  V.  '  is  generally  considered  as  the  prototype  of 
Zerbino,'  and  calls  upon  the  readers  of  driosto  to  give  credit  *  accordingly  for  the 
amiable  features  of  the  prototype  reflected  in  the  poetic  creation.'  The  call  was 
justified,  and  Scott  himself  would  have  been  the  last  to  disclaim  a  converse 
obligation  on  the  part  of  his  own  lovers  to  another  Italian  poet. 

68  George  Neilson 

The  blank  verse  translation  by  Hoole,  with  its  formal,  full- 
dress  eighteenth-century  periods,  it  is  difficult  to  think  of  as 
stimulating  such  an  imagination  as  Scott's.  It  is  indeed,  as  he 
said,  a  flat  medium,  whereas  not  only  is  Fairfax's  version  a  live 
poem,  which  Scott  admired,  but  there  are  some  turns  in  Scott 
where  the  suggestion  of  relationship  extends  to  words.  The 
*  rueful  eyes '  of  Tasso's  combatants  (xix.  9)  (neither  equating 
Tasso's  simple  epithet  sosptso  applied  to  Argantes,  nor  Hoole' s 
more  literal  '  pensive  grown ')  seem  to  pass  almost  literally  into 
Scott's  well-known  couplet.  The  second  'Yield  thee'  (xix.  25) 
of  Tasso  in  Fairfax  is  lost  in  Hoole,  but  verbally  present  in  Scott. 
And  as  it  was  neither  in  Tasso's  own  text  nor  in  Hoole's  transla- 
tion, but  only  in  Fairfax  (xix.  24)  that  the  blow  '  fell  on  the 
plain/  it  is  most  significant  of  all  that  at  the  like  crisis  Roderick's 
bloodless  dagger  dies  *  in  the  heath.'  This  be  it  said,  is  a  most 
uncommon,  indeed  almost  unromantic,  terminal  blow  in  a 
chivalric  combat. 

The  foregoing  points,  almost  all  consecutive,  common  to 
Tasso  or  Fairfax  on  the  one  hand  and  Scott  on  the  other,  may  for 
clearness  be  here  noted  and  numbered.  I.  The  complexion  and 
build  of  Argantes  and  of  Roderick.  2.  The  altercation  and 
Carpet-knight'  taunt.  3.  Safe  conduct  by  the  one  to  the  other 
for  the  duel.  4.  The  march  to  the  place.  5.  The  *  rueful ' 
glance  of  the  champions  before  they  begin.  6.  One  combatant 
with  a  shield,  the  other  without ;  the  shield  discarded  :  '  his  target 
therefore  threw' ;  *  his  targe  he  threw.'  7.  Tancred's  lithe,  active 
fencing,  like  Fitzjames's.  8.  The  strength  of  Argantes  and 
Roderick.  9.  Argantes,  like  Roderick,  heavily  wounded  and 
bleeding.  10.  The  wrestle  ;  the  grip  of  Argantes  described,  like 
the  grip  of  Roderick ;  the  fall ;  Tancred,  like  Fitz James,  below. 

1 1 .  A  desperate  culminating  stroke  by  Argantes,  as  by  Roderick. 

12.  The  blow  falling  wide  'on  the  plain,'  'in  the  heath.'     13. 
Two  separate  offers  of  peace  or  mercy  by  Tancred  (c  Yield  thee ') 
as  by  Fitzjames.     14.  Resentment  of  Argantes,  as  of  Roderick, 
at  the  suggestion.     1 5.  The  abortive  blow  leaving  Argantes  and 
Roderick  both  prostrate. 

So  in  the  page  of  Scott  we  can  count  some  of  the  birthmarks 
of  Roderick  Dhu,  rejoicing  the  more  in  our  Fairfax  and  our 
Tasso,  perhaps  recognising  more  clearly  than  before  the  vivifying 
imagination  and  realising  power  of  Scott,  who  indeed  borrowed, 
but  nobly  bettered  what  he  borrowed,  at  every  turn  of  the  well- 
told  tale.  He  poured  blood  anew  into  the  arteries  of  the  some- 

Roderick  Dhu  :  his  Poetical  Pedigree      69 

what  pallid  combatants  of  the  Italian  poet.  So  far  does  Scott's 
creative  sense  transcend  Tasso's  that  in  this  duel  Scott  almost 
seems  to  absorb  Tasso,  and  yet  give  no  sign  of  the  fact,  so  perfect 
is  the  assimilation,  so  living  are  the  new  figures  of  romance.  The 
rod  of  the  mightier  magician  has  swallowed  that  of  the  less,  but 
the  incorporation  remains  a  glory  of  Tasso,  a  proof  of  the  eternal 
affinity  of  the  poets,  a  beautiful  type  of  imaginative  tradition  and 
the  unity  of  literature. 


Reviews  of  Books 

THE  SCOTTISH  STAPLE  IN  THE  NETHERLANDS  :  an  Account  .of  the  Trade 
Relations  between  Scotland  and  the  Low  Countries  from  1292  till 
1676,  with  a  Calendar  of  Illustrative  Documents.  By  M.  P.  Roose- 
boom.  Pp.  x,  237.  Calendar  of  Documents  CCXXXI.  With  Illus- 
trations. Royal  8vo.  The  Hague:  Martinus  Nijhoff.  1910.  155. 

SCOTCH  students  will  welcome  this  very  useful  and  business-like  volume, 
in  which  some  two  hundred  and  thirty  pages  of  a  summary  of  the  Staple 
history  is  followed  by  another  two  hundred  and  thirty  pages  of  documents 
taken  from  various  sources  in  Holland,  Flanders,  and  Scotland.  The 
method  is  simple,  direct,  and  thoroughly  well  carried  out,  and  the  book 
will  be  a  valuable  aid  to  the  history  of  Scottish  commerce. 

Mr.  Rooseboom  has  confined  himself  within  definite  limits,  and  it  is 
not  in  any  spirit  of  criticism  that  we  venture  to  point  them  out.  His  main 
thesis  is  the  course  of  negotiation  in  the  Netherlands  for  Staple  privileges, 
and  there  is  no  attempt  to  give  any  account  of  Scotch  trade  either  as  to  its 
merchandise  or  its  development.  Nor  is  there  any  mention  of  the  con- 
temporary settlements  of  Staplers  or  Adventurers  from  England  in  neigh- 
bouring ports  to  those  chosen  by  the  Scotch.  Yet  we  can  hardly  doubt 
that  the  Scotch  sale  both  of  wool  and  cloth  must  have  played  a  considerable 
part  in  the  commercial  conflicts  that  arose  when  England  in  her  new 
industrial  policy  was  endeavouring  to  push  her  cloth  in  the  Netherlands, 
and  as  a  consequence  to  limit  the  supply  of  wool.  The  English  effort  to 
seize  the  market  was  in  full  force  at  the  end  of  the  fifteenth  century  and 
throughout  the  sixteenth  century,  and  thus  covered  the  time  when  the 
Scotch  negotiations  as  to  their  own  Staple  town  were  of  the  most  com- 
plicated kind.  These  conflicts,  and  the  rise  of  a  powerful  class  of  protected 
manufacturers  in  England,  must  have  profoundly  affected  the  policy  of 
traders  as  shrewd  and  active  as  the  Scotch ;  and  the  outline  given  by  Mr. 
Rooseboom's  documents  will  need  to  be  filled  up  by  later  students. 

Mr.  Rooseboom  speaks  of  a  trade  with  Flanders  in  raw  wool  carried 
on  by  the  monks  of  Melrose  and  of  Scone  in  the  twelfth  century.  This 
commerce  was  probably  of  very  early  date.  For  example  in  the  seventh 
century  an  English  noble,  Egbert,  who  had  gone  on  pilgrimage  to  Ireland 
and  there  made  a  vow  never  to  return  to  his  own  native  land,  desired  to  go 
as  apostle  to  the  Frisians,  then  the  chief  trading  people  of  the  northern 
seas.  His  project  was  to  sail  round  Britain  and  start  for  Frisia  without 


Rooseboom  :  Scottish  Staple  in  Netherlands    7 1 

touching  England,  which  meant  either  that  he  must  take  a  trading  ship 
direct  from  Ireland  or  start  from  an  Alban  port.  His  proposed  voyage, 
and  the  interest  taken  by  the  Northumbrians  of  that  time  in  the  Frisians, 
seems  to  imply  some  intercourse  with  that  mercantile  and  sea-faring  people. 
Mr.  Rooseboom  speaks  of  a  medieval  trade  in  raw  wool  only  between 
Scotland  and  Flanders,  but  there  was  certainly  a  trade  in  Scotch  cloth  in 
the  thirteenth  century,  and  probably  long  before.  In  1282  it  was  ordered 
in  Flanders  that  English  cloth  should  be  marked  with  three  crosses,  Scotch 
with  two,  and  Irish  with  one  ;  and  there  are  other  references  to  Scotch 
trade  in  the  valuable  collection  which  contains  this  notice — Espinas  and 
Pirenne^  Recueil  de  documents  de  I 'Industrie  drapiere  en  Flandre.  Brussels, 
1906 — a  collection  which  is  not  quoted  in  this  book.  The  absence  of 
special  mention  of  cloth  in  the  charters  quoted  by  Mr.  Rooseboom  does 
not  imply  that  there  was  no  such  trade,  since  they  are  all  drawn  up  in 
general  terms,  allowing  freedom  to  merchants  and  merchandise  without 
special  description.  The  few  extracts  from  Acts  of  Parliament  given  are 
after  1526,  and  relate  only  to  the  Staple  towns.  To  complete  the  lessons 
indicated  by  this  book  it  would  be  necessary  to  examine  not  only  statutes, 
but  every  source  which  could  throw  any  light  upon  economical  conditions 
in  Scotland  and  on  the  growth  of  its  industries. 

Mr.  Rooseboom's  picture  of  Scotch  trade  in  the  Netherlands  during  the 
sixteenth  century  shows  a  world  of  keenest  commercial  rivalry.  The  earlier 
Scotch  merchants  had  their  centre  at  Bruges  ;  the  final  effort  of  Bruges  in 
1407  to  secure  the  monopoly  of  their  commerce  happened  in  the  same 
year  as  the  grant  by  Antwerp  to  the  Adventurers  of  a  house  in  perpetual 
succession.  This  is  one  of  the  many  coincidences  which  do  not  enter  into 
this  book,  but  might  throw  light  on  the  Netherlands  policy.  From  a 
declining  Bruges  the  trade  passed  in  a  few  years  to  Middelburg,  and  thence 
to  Veere,  where  it  was  to  remain  for  some  two  hundred  and  fifty  years. 
Antwerp  bid  for  the  Scotch  Staple  in  1539,  offering  lavish  privileges. 
Middelburg  immediately  competed  with  offers  as  rich  and  full  as  those 
of  Antwerp,  and  for  the  next  twenty  years  kept  on  renewing  its  tempta- 
tions to  the  Scotch  merchants.  In  1545  Bruges  joined  in  the  rivalry  to 
secure  the  coveted  Staple,  all  the  towns  outbidding  one  another  in  offers  of 
privileges.  But  Maximilian  of  Burgundy  distanced  them  all  in  his  offers 
and  secured  the  continuance  of  trade  in  Veere.  New  negotiations  opened 
in  1578  with  demands  for  an  honourable  and  commodious  place  to  be 
appointed  for  preaching  and  prayers  according  to  the  Scotch  religion,  and 
that  the  Scotch  should  have  jurisdiction  in  criminal  cases  over  all  the  men 
of  their  own  nation.  Everything  asked  for  was  given,  and  Veere  again 
secured  the  monopoly.  A  new  controversy  in  1611  between  Veere  and 
Middelburg  for  the  Scotch  Staple  was  decided  again  for  Veere  in  1612  on 
terms  of  extraordinary  liberality  for  the  Scotch.  Once  only  did  the  Staple 
remove  from  Veere,  when  it  was  carried  to  Dordrecht  in  1 668,  only  to 
return,  after  a  limited  and  struggling  existence,  to  Veere  in  1675.  The 
Scotch  may  perhaps  not  have  cared  for  the  proximity  of  the  English 
Merchant  Adventurers,  established  at  Dordrecht  since  1655. 

The  keenness  of  competition  shows  the  wealth  and  importance  which 

72    Rooseboom :  Scottish  Staple  in  Netherlands 

attached  to  the  Scotch  trade  at  that  time.  There  is  mention  of  a  fleet  of 
seventeen  ships  from  Scotland  with  merchant  goods,  besides  three  or  four 
hundred  persons,  merchants  and  sailors,  who  had  to  be  provided  lodgings 
in  free  nouses  according  to  contract.  A  document  of  the  merchant 
burgesses  of  the  Free  Royal  Boroughs  of  Scotland  and  traffickers  to  the 
Low  Countries  in  1642  bears  four  hundred  and  forty-nine  signatures. 
And  in  1639  Cunningham,  a  Scotch  merchant  at  Veere,  was  able  to  supply 
the  Scottish  army  with  *  12  great  brazen  cannon,  49982  Ibs.  weight  of 
cannon-ball,  15673  Ibs.  of  match,  15416  Ibs.  of  saltpetre,  6965  swords 
and  52  pairs  of  pistols ' ;  and  three  years  later  to  send  over  for  the 
subduing  of  Ireland  '6000  muskets,  4000  pikes,  10000  swords,  and  10000 
swordbelts.'  The  trade  in  Scotch  plaids,  kerseys,  and  cloth  had  so  increased 
that  two  measurers  were  appointed  instead  of  one.  Under  James  VI. 
weavers  were  smuggled  over  from  Leyden  and  Amsterdam  to  start  the 
manufacture  in  Scotland  of  the  finer  kinds  of  cloth.  The  Scotch  no  doubt 
were  shrewd  bargainers  and  keen  business  men.  Their  community  main- 
tained a  close  connection  between  theology  and  trade.  The  minister 
appointed  to  the  church  at  Veere  had  his  post  and  duties  as  official  of  the 
Staple ;  besides  his  relations  with  the  elders  and  deacons,  he  was  a  police 
officer  under  the  direction  of  the  Conservator,  and  as  such  obliged  to 
keep  an  account  of  all  goods  arriving  from  Scotland,  and  to  collect  the 
dues  not  only  for  his  own  stipend  but  for  the  Conservator's  salary.  Scotch 
thrift  gave  offence  on  the  continent.  The  inveterate  custom  of  the 
merchants  to  leave  their  best  garments  at  home,  and  travel  in  their  evil 
and  worst  clothes  to  the  dishonour  of  Scotland,  brought  down  on  them 
an  order,  repeated  in  1529,  1532,  and  1565,  that  if  they  had  not  proper 
apparel  in  the  Netherlands  the  Conservator  should  have  fit  clothing  made 
for  them,  and  pay  himself  out  of  their  goods.  The  merchant  was  for- 
bidden, too,  to  carry  home  his  own  wares,  but  must  hire  some  other  to  do 
it ;  and  if  he  bought  his  meat  in  the  market  he  might  not  bring  it  home 
in  his  sleeve  or  on  his  knife's  point.  The  Scotch  trader  was  evidently 
1  not  slothful  in  business.' 

The  result  of  the  union  of  Scotland  and  England  in  1603  was  to 
check  the  competition  of  Scotland  in  the  foreign  trade  by  closing  her 
independent  relations  with  any  foreign  country  and  her  power  of  separate 
commercial  legislation.  It  was  in  vain  that  the  Scotch  towns  attempted 
to  secure  that  the  Conservator,  or  supervisor  of  their  trade  in  the  Nether- 
lands, should  be  elected  by  the  boroughs  and  not  nominated  by  the 
king,  now  the  king  of  England.  In  the  course  of  the  next  half 
century  the  Conservator  in  Veere  became  more  and  more  a  political 
agent  of  the  English  king,  and  scarcely  in  any  sense  a  representative 
of  the  Scotch  boroughs.  The  boroughs  were  even  forced  to  yield 
to  the  pressure  of  James  in  the  matter  of  the  ministers  banished  from 
Scotland  for  religion's  sake,  who  had  taken  shelter  in  the  Low  Countries, 
where  the  merchants  of  Veere  were  accustomed  to  provide  them  with  the 
means  of  living :  they  agreed  to  restrain  that  *  impertinent  and  undutiful 
supply.'  It  was  an  uneasy  life  for  traders,  pressed  on  one  side  by  the 
severity  of  James,  who  required  a  testimonial  from  every  passenger  or 

Fisher  :   Frederick  William  Maitland        73 

merchant  taking  ship  for  Scotland  that  he  was  a  professor  of  the  true 
religion  established  in  Scotland;  and  on  the  other  side  by  the  military- 
despotism  of  Spanish  generals,  who  ordered  the  quartering  of  soldiers  on 
the  free  houses  of  the  Scotch,  whether  they  were  Catholics  or  not.  But 
the  financiers  of  the  Netherlands  were  destined  to  play  a  considerable  part 
in  later  English  complications. 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  this  book  will  prove  the  beginning  of  new 
researches  as  to  Scotch  industry  at  home,  and  the  intercourse  of  her  people 
with  Europe. 


ENGLAND.  A  BIOGRAPHICAL  SKETCH.  By  H.  A.  L.  Fisher.  Pp.  179. 
With  Frontispiece.  Demy  8vo.  Cambridge:  University  Press.  1910. 
55.  nett. 

IN  a  volume  of  less  than  200  pages,  Mr.  Herbert  Fisher  has  paid  an 
admirable  tribute  to  the  memory  of  his  distinguished  brother-in-law.  His 
sketch  is  perfect  in  tone  and  tact,  and  is  written  with  both  rare  literary 
felicity,  and  a  restraint  that,  if  anything,  is  almost  excessive.  All  that  Mr. 
Fisher  has  attempted  to  do  he  has  accomplished  most  successfully.  He  has 
given  a  most  vivid  and  lifelike  sketch  of  Maitland's  singularly  brilliant  and 
charming  personality  which,  with  all  its  brevity,  is  yet  full  enough  to  give 
even  those  who  have  not  the  advantage  of  knowing  Maitland,  a  clear,  if  not 
a  very  coloured,  conception  both  of  his  attractiveness  and  of  his  greatness. 
He  has  set  forth  in  order  the  simple  incidents  of  the  scholar's  life  and  career, 
and  analysed  the  chief  conclusions  of  his  various  books.  He  has  been  at 
great  pains  in  making  us  realise  Maitland's  point  of  view,  not  only  in 
relation  to  the  medieval  studies  in  which  he  won  enduring  fame,  but  also 
as  regards  the  very  numerous  political,  academic,  and  speculative  matters  in 
which  Maitland  had  a  keen  interest  and  decided  opinions. 

Altogether,  Mr.  Fisher  has  written  the  model  of  a  scholar's  biography. 
It  is  perhaps  the  only  appreciation  of  a  scholar  of  our  times  of  which  we 
can  honestly  complain  that  it  is  too  short.  In  particular,  we  wish  that  Mr. 
Fisher  had  been  able  to  give  us  more  of  Maitland's  own  letters.  The  few 
that  he  has  printed  have  all  the  charm  and  vividness  of  Maitland  at  his  best. 
We  could  have  wished  also  that  Mr.  Fisher  had  been  able  to  add  a  little  to 
his  personal  touches,  and  in  particular  to  tell  us  a  little  more  of  Maitland's 
table-talk.  There  are  few  scholars  who  were  privileged  to  enjoy  his 
acquaintance  who  have  not  derived  from  their  personal  intercourse  with  him 
a  fresh  stimulus  and  a  new  insight  into  their  work.  If  Maitland  did  not 
found  a  school  in  the  sense  in  which  a  German  or  French  professor  founds 
a  school,  it  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  all  medieval  students  who  read  his 
books,  and  talked  to  him  about  the  subject  which  he  knew  so  well,  were  in 
a  very  real  sense  his  disciples.  That  he  did  not  attempt  to  found  a  school, 
is  surely  to  be  set  down  to  the  ill-health  which  forced  him  to  consecrate 
his  little  strength  to  his  individual  work,  and  not  to  his  acquiescence  in  the 
rather  conventional  view  of  the  '  climate  of  an  English  University  '  being 

74        Fisher  :   Frederick  William  Maitland 

unfavourable  to  historical  technique,  wherein  we  see  the  note  of  the  Oxford 
tutor  rather  than  the  mind  of  the  Cambridge  professor. 

There  is  only  one  serious  complaint  that  can  be  made  as  regards  Mr. 
Fisher's  excellent  book.  It  is,  we  think,  to  be  regretted  that  he  has  made 
no  attempt  to  appreciate  the  permanent  contribution  which  Maitland  has 
made  to  the  study  of  English  medieval  history.  As  an  expositor  of  what 
Maitland  set  out  to  do,  as  an  analyst  of  what  Maitland  thought  and  wrote, 
Mr.  Fisher  leaves  nothing  to  be  desired.  But  only  in  one  or  two  vague 
and  general  sentences  does  he  aspire  to  be  critical.  Maitland  was  one  of 
the  greatest  scholars  that  England  has  ever  seen,  and  probably  possessed  a 
brighter  and  keener  intellect  than  any  other  scholar  who,  with  adequate 
equipment,  consecrated  his  life  to  unravelling  the  story  of  England's  early 
history.  He  was  so  great  a  man  that  he  had  a  right,  like  Oliver  Cromwell, 
to  demand  of  those  who  would  paint  his  picture  that  they  should  paint  him 
truly  like  himself,  and  *  remark  all  the  roughnesses,  pimples,  warts,  and 
everything.'  Such  a  picture  of  Maitland  has  not  yet  been  painted.  It  is 
certainly  not  to  be  found  either  in  the  undiscriminating  eulogy  which 
Mr.  A.  L.  Smith  printed  two  years  ago,  or  even  in  the  present  more 
balanced  volume.  It  may  well  have  been  that  Mr.  Fisher  thought  his 
personal  connection  with  Maitland  was  too  close  to  make  him  the  man  to 
do  it.  It  is  probable  also  that  such  a  reasoned  appreciation  can  only  come 
from  a  scholar  whose  chief  life-work,  like  that  of  Maitland,  is  devoted  to 
the  study  and  exposition  of  the  unpublished  records  of  the  English  Middle 
Age.  It  is  not,  however,  quite  an  adequate  tribute  to  the  memory  of  a 
very  great  man  to  be  content  with  summarising  in  a  few  sentences  his  chief 
published  conclusions  without  indicating  the  extent  to  which  they  are  dis- 
putable, or  even  the  extent  to  which  Maitland  himself  recognised  their 
provisional  character.  For  Maitland,  like  everybody  else,  had  the  defects 
of  his  qualities.  Sometimes  his  temperament  drew  him,  as  Mr.  Fisher 
himself  points  out,  'too  far  on  the  path  of  scepticism.'  Sometimes  his  very 
fixed  and  clear-cut  convictions  impaired  his  sympathy,  or  limited  his  interest. 
There  were  whole  fields  of  medieval  English  history  which  hardly  existed 
for  him.  Often  the  very  quickness  of  his  intelligence,  his  extraordinary 
delight  in  analogies  and  allusions,  the  facility  with  which  he  would  take  a 
hint  suggested,  perhaps,  by  his  reading  in  quite  different  fields,  led  him  to 
over  emphasis,  or  to  the  neglect  of  the  proper  qualification  of  the  doctrine 
that  he  was  expounding. 

Thus  Mainland's  study,  let  us  say,  of  Dr.  Keutgen's  learned  and 
scholarly  work  would  at  once  suggest  to  him  the  question  whether 
there  was  not  something  to  be  said  for  the  *  garrison  theory '  as  a 
possible  explanation  of  the  origin  of  the  English  borough.  Every 
one  knows  with  what  brilliant  ingenuity  he  put  together  the  English 
evidence  on  this  subject  in  Domesday  Book  and  Beyond.  There  is 
little  doubt  that  he  went  too  far,  and  he  confessed  so  much  in  a 
note  to  Township  and  Borough,  and  freely  admitted  in  conversation  and 
private  correspondence  that  he  was  a  little  shaken  in  his  faith.  It  is  just 
the  same  with  his  attractive  doctrine  that  the  Domesday  manor  was  the 
unit  of  geld  assessment.  To  Mr.  Fisher  now,  as  to  Maitland  then,  this 

Fisher  :   Frederick  William  Maitland        75 

view  is  rightly  '  an  ingenious  hypothesis,'  but  it  would  have  been  as  well  to 
add  that  it  is  a  hypothesis  which  is  regarded  as  tenable  by  but  few  scholars. 
Similarly,  as  regards  Maitland's  doctrine  that  the  Domesday  hide  contained 
1 20  arable  acres,  we  should  remember  not  only  the  larger  hides  of  the  south- 
east, which  of  course  support  Maitland's  general  theory  of  the  nature  of 
the  Anglo-Saxon  settlement,  but  also  the  clearly  proven  small  hides  of  south- 
western Wessex,  which  can  only  be  properly  explained  on  Maitland's  lines 
by  the  distinction  subsequently  developed  by  Prof.  Vinogradoff  between 
the  '  fiscal  hide '  and  the  hide  as  a  unit  of  land  measurement. 

It  was  clearly  not  Mr.  Fisher's  business  to  elaborate  the  lines  of  criticism 
here  suggested,  but  had  he  even  briefly  indicated  their  substance,  or  had  he 
so  much  as  added  to  his  bibliography  references  to  such  criticisms  of 
Maitland  as  have  been  written  by  Miss  Bateson,  Mr.  Round,  and 
Prof.  Tait,  he  would  have  done  something  towards  indicating  those 

*  warts  and  roughnesses '  in  Maitland's  historical  methods  which  Maitland 
himself  would  have  been  the  first  man  to  recognise  and  desire  to  be  recorded. 
Even  a  man  of  Maitland's  calibre  cannot  be  expected  often  to  attain  that 
scientific   certainty   of  demonstration   attained    in    his   refutation    of  the 
doctrine  of  Stubbs  that  Roman  Canon  Law  was  not  recognised  as  binding 
on  the  ecclesiastical  courts  of  medieval  England.     However,  Mr.  Fisher 
goes  much  too  far  when  he  says  that  *  the  case  for  the  legal  continuity  of 
the  church  of  England  was  demolished  by  Maitland,'  though  he  certainly 
destroyed   an   argument   on  which    many  upholders  of   the  doctrine    of 

*  continuity '  placed  very  great  reliance.     Yet  we  may  accept  Maitland's 
demonstration,  and  even  give  general  adherence  to  the  doctrines  expressed 
in  his  wonderful  contribution  to  the  Cambridge  Modern  History  without 
quite    endorsing    Mr.     Fisher's    judgment    that     Maitland     brought    a 
4  thoroughly  impartial  mind '  to  a  task  which,  however  unwillingly  under- 
taken, he    discharged  with  manifest   enjoyment.     Mr.  Fisher  apparently 
holds  the  quaint  conceit  that  theological  detachment  is  the  condition  of 
impartiality,  as  if  it  might  not  have  its  own  partisanship,  quite  as  dangerous, 
and  nowadays  almost  as  common,  as  the  partisanship  of  the  churches.    We 
should  not  allow  our  admiration  for  this  great  scholar  to  lead  us  to  regard 
him,  as  many  of  us  were  taught  a  quarter  of  a  century  ago  to  regard  Stubbs, 
as  an  almost  infallible  exponent  of  history  from  whose  judgments  and 
methods  there  could  be  no  appeal. 

It  is  to  be  regretted  that  the  book  has  no  index. 

In  conclusion,  let  us  thank  Mr.  Fisher  once  more  for  the  manner  in 
which  he  has  discharged  his  labour  of  love.  Whatever  reason  we  may  have 
to  supplement  any  of  his  statements,  there  is  absolutely  no  cause  for  travers- 
ing them.  He  may  be  warmly  congratulated  in  having  shewn  us — and 
that  we  feel  sure  he  will  regard  as  the  real  object  of  his  task — not  only  the 
eminence  and  originality  of  Maitland,  but  also  the  charm  and  beauty  of  his 
character,  as  well  as  the  passionate  love  of  truth,  the  courage,  the  heroic 
struggle  against  disease,  the  sympathy,  and  the  modesty,  of  the  great  man 
who  crowded  into  a  short  life  of  broken  health  more  distinguished  achieve- 
ment than  was  attained  by  any  other  historian  of  his  generation. 

T.  F.  TOUT. 

76       Corbett :  The  Campaign  of  Trafalgar 

THE  CAMPAIGN  OF  TRAFALGAR.  By  Julian  S.  Corbett.  Pp.  xvi,  473, 
with  Charts  and  Diagrams.  8vo.  London  :  Longmans,  Green  &  Co. 
1910.  1 6s.  nett. 

IT  is  hardly  an  exaggeration  to  say  that  if  there  had  been  no  battle  of 
Trafalgar  the  naval  campaign  of  1805  would  be  very  much  better  under- 
stood than  it  is.  That  most  people  have  thoroughly  erroneous  ideas  about 
it  is  partly  because  the  true  relation  of  the  battle  to  the  campaign  is  not 
grasped,  and  partly  because  Nelson's  share  in  the  campaign,  invested  with 
the  special  interest  attaching  to  his  personality,  has  unduly  eclipsed  the 
work  of  other  men  who,  like  Barham  and  Cornwallis,  really  played  greater 
parts.  The  most  conspicuous  naval  victory  gained  by  England  over 
the  combined  forces  of  France  and  Spain,  the  crowning  moment  in 
Nelson's  career,  to  some  extent  the  decisive  battle  of  the  Napoleonic 
wars,  inasmuch  as  the  destruction  of  the  largest  portion  of  his  fleet 
made  it  impossible  for  Napoleon  to  revive  his  schemes  for  the  invasion 
of  England,  and  so  drove  him  to  have  recourse  to  the  '  Continental 
System'  and  all  that  it  involved,  Trafalgar  was  nevertheless  merely  the 
epilogue  to  the  campaign  of  1805,  so  far  at  least  as  that  had  as  its 
object  the  invasion  of  England.  That  great  project  to  which  Napoleon 
had  devoted  so  much  thought  and  labour  only  to  be  countered  by  his 
less  famous  opponents  with  no  less  ingenuity  and  a  much  more  accurate 
appreciation  of  the  essentials  of  naval  strategy,  had  been  foiled  two  months 
before  Trafalgar,  and  it  is  not  that  battle  but  Calder's  action  of  July  22nd 
off  the  Spanish  Finisterre,  tactically  incomplete  though  it  was,  which  has  the 
best  claim  to  be  called  the  decisive  blow  of  the  campaign  as  far  as  concerned 
the  invasion  of  England.  To  students  of  naval  history,  these  points  are 
familiar  enough  ;  but  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  Mr.  Corbett's  admirable  account 
of  the  campaign,  told  with  all  his  vigour  and  vividness  in  narrative  and  all 
his  lucidity  in  argument  and  exposition,  will  do  much  to  make  the  true 
version  of  the  story  more  universally  recognised.  And  while  Nelson's  work 
is  in  no  danger  of  being  undervalued,  certainly  not  by  Mr.  Corbett,  it  is  high 
time  that  adequate  justice  should  be  done  to  the  even  greater  services  of 
Barham  and  Cornwallis,  to  say  nothing  of  lesser  men.  But  this  is  just  what 
Mr.  Corbett's  study  of  the  campaign  does.  It  goes  without  saying  that  he 
has  availed  himself  of  the  great  mass  of  materials,  published  and  unpublished, 
dealing  with  the  naval  side  of  the  campaign,  but  what  is  of  special  value  is 
that  he  has  brought  the  naval  events  into  their  true  connection  with  the 
military  and  the  diplomatic,  and  that  the  different  features  of  the  story  are 
arranged  in  their  proper  proportion. 

One  is  accustomed  to  expect  something  new  in  Mr.  Corbett's  books,  not 
merely  new  facts  brought  to  light  by  his  researches,  but  new  constructions 
put  on  old  facts  and  new  solutions  of  old  puzzles.  His  wide  knowledge,  his 
ingenuity  and  his  insight  help  him  to  bring  fresh  light  to  bear  on  the  most 
familiar  points,  and  it  would  have  been  surprising  indeed  had  he  not  found 
reason  to  call  for  a  reconsideration  of  some  of  the  salient  features  of  the 
Trafalgar  campaign.  His  most  important  new  contention  is  that  one  should 
not  regard  the  campaign,  as  one  of  mere  defence  against  invasion,  not  as  a 
merely  naval  campaign,  but  as  essentially  offensive  and  closely  connected 

Corbett  :  The  Campaign  of  Trafalgar       77 

with  the  development  of  the  Third  Coalition.  Among  the  schemes 
under  discussion  by  the  Allies  was  included  the  expulsion  of  the  French 
from  Southern  Italy  by  a  joint  Anglo-Russian  force.  England's  contri- 
bution to  this  project  was  the  force  under  Sir  James  Craig,  some  6,000  to 
8,000  strong,  which  sailed  for  the  Mediterranean  early  in  1805,  and,  after 
various  perils  on  the  way,  an  episode  well  told  by  Mr.  Corbett,  ended  by 
occupying  Sicily  on  the  collapse  of  the  Coalition  after  Austerlitz  and 
maintaining  its  hold  on  that  island  till  the  conclusion  of  peace  in  1814. 

According  to  Mr.  Corbett  this  combined  action  with  Russia  is  the  key 
to  the  events  of  the  year.  He  regards  all  Napoleon's  plans  for  a  naval 
combination  to  give  him  command  of  the  Channel  as  wholly  impracticable 
(p.  15),  as  a  desperate  attempt  to  free  himself  from  the  toils  Pitt  and  the 
Czar  were  weaving  round  him,  in  the  hope  that  the  threat  of  an  invasion 
would  cause  England  to  keep  her  troops  at  home  and  paralyse  her  proposed 
offensive.  This  is  certainly  a  view  of  the  case  for  which  there  is  much  to 
be  said,  but  one  cannot  help  feeling  that  Mr.  Corbett  goes  a  little  further 
than  is  quite  reasonable.  He  is  much  too  positive  about  the  hopelessness  of 
the  invasion  to  be  altogether  convincing.  Admitting  that  Napoleon 
failed  to  grasp  the  great  difficulties  of  wind  and  tide  and  that  the 
arrangements  for  the  invasion  were  never  quite  completed,  still  he  had 
achieved  many  of  his  greatest  successes  by  attempting  things  which  his 
enemies  had  believed  impossible.  There  is  nothing  in  the  version  which 
ascribes  all  the  luck  to  the  English,  and  represents  Napoleon's  non-success 
as  an  inexplicable  marvel.  The  chances  were  certainly  very  much  in  our 
favour,  but  there  is  a  great  difference  between  the  '  most  unlikely '  and 
the  *  impossible,'  and  if  we  had  not  had  strategists  like  Barham  and 
Cornwallis  to  direct  the  operations  of  a  strong  and  thoroughly  efficient 
fleet  Napoleon's  discomfiture  might  not  have  been  such  a  certainty:  the 
favourite  does  not  always  win.  But,  quite  apart  from  this  there  is 
another  caution  to  be  urged  against  accepting  in  full  Mr.  Corbett's 
estimate  of  Craig's  expedition.  One  cannot  overlook  its  numerical 
weakness,  even  when  one  allows  for  its  possibilities  as  an  'amphibious' 
force.  Despite  Mr.  Corbett's  comments  on  it,  there  is  a  good  deal  in 
Napoleon's  criticism  :  '  plans  of  continental  operations  based  on  detach- 
ments of  a  few  thousand  men  are  the  plans  of  pygmies.'  The  lesson  of  the 
Seven  Years'  War  is  that  mere  diversions  cannot  produce  any  decisive 
effect,  there  must  be  something  substantial  behind ;  as  Mr.  Corbett  himself 
has  shown  their  efficacy  lies  more  in  the  threat  than  in  the  perform- 
ance, and  a  threat  with  nothing  behind  it  is  of  a  short-lived  efficacy.  Pitt 
did  attempt  a  true  counter-stroke  after  the  abandonment  of  the  invasion,  not 
with  Craig's  little  force  but  with  the  much  larger  and  equally  little-studied 
expedition  to  the  Weser  under  Cathcart,  which  was  ruined  by  the  pre- 
cipitation of  the  Czar  in  fighting  prematurely  at  Austerlitz  and  by  the  fatal 
delays  and  hesitation  of  Prussia,  though  it  must  also  be  allowed  that  it  would 
have  had  a  better  chance  had  it  landed  a  month  earlier.  However,  while  we 
should  still  regard  the  foiling  of  Napoleon's  invasion-project  as  really  more 
important  than  the  counter-stroke  with  Craig's  force,  Mr.  Corbett  has 
certainly  made  out  a  clear  case  for  his  theory  that  it  was  this  counter- 

78       Corbett  :  The  Campaign  of  Trafalgar 

stroke  which  led  to  the  actual  battle  of  Trafalgar.  But  for  the  need 
to  do  something  to  check  this  Anglo-Russian  attack  on  Naples,  there 
would  have  been  nothing  to  make  the  French  quit  Cadiz  and  give  Nelson 
the  chance  to  bring  them  to  battle.  Otherwise  they  might  have  remained 
quietly  on  the  defensive  in  Cadiz,  imposing  on  the  English  the  difficult  and 
exhausting  task  of  keeping  up  a  blockade.  A  passive  defensive  inside  a  well- 
protected  port  was,  as  Mr.  Corbett  has  shown,  the  strategical  alternative 
which  the  French  always  found  most  effective  as  a  reply  to  the  naval 
supremacy  of  England,  and  unless  some  stroke  such  as  Craig's  expedition 
could  be  struck  at  a  vulnerable  point  it  was  bound  to  produce  a  deadlock. 

Seeing  then  how  important  Sicily  was  as  the  key  to  the  diplomatic  and 
strategical  situation  in  the  Mediterranean,  not  merely  being  essential  as  the 
source  of  supply  for  our  fleet  but  providing  a  point  where  England  might 
have  given  the  Coalition  effective  aid  on  land,  one  criticism  often  directed 
against  Nelson  must  be  modified.  He  is  charged  with  having  left  the 
Straits  open  to  Villeneuve  through  undue  over-anxiety  for  Sicily  and  Sardinia. 
Mr.  Corbett  shows  that  this  was  in  accord  with  his  instructions,  and  he 
approves  of  his  action  in  not  leaving  the  position  in  which  he  covered  those 
islands  until  he  had  positive  intelligence  of  Villeneuve's  course  (p.  60).  Yet 
one  hardly  feels  inclined  to  make  quite  as  light  as  Mr.  Corbett  does  of  the 
risks  of  leaving  the  Straits  open  (p.  55).  Of  course  his  whole  view  is  coloured 
by  his  conviction  that  there  was  no  serious  danger  of  invasion,  and  that  the 
projected  offensive  was  the  more  important  consideration,  but  one  must 
point  out  that  the  special  feature  which  governed  the  strategical  situation 
was  the  inefficiency  of  the  Allies.  Their  unreadiness  to  face  a  pitched 
battle  was  the  true  guarantee  against  invasion  and  Nelson's  justification  for 
leaving  the  Straits  open.  Had  they  been  able  to  face  the  English  on  equal 
terms  with  as  good  chances  of  success  as  the  French  fleets  had  between 
1778  and  1783,  Nelson's  strategy  would  have  been  most  dangerous,  both  in 
leaving  the  Straits  open — it  is  a  little  strained  by  the  way  to  speak  of  Nelson 
as  having  < driven  Villeneuve  through  the  Straits'  (p.  97) — and  also  in 
returning  to  Gibraltar  from  the  West  Indies  instead  of  making  for  Brest 
and  Ferrol.  Mr.  Corbett  does  not  discuss  the  route  taken  by  Nelson  at  any 
length,  but  the  chart  certainly  suggests  that  had  Nelson  made  for  either  of 
those  ports  he  must  have  fallen  in  with  Villeneuve  on  the  way.  Certainly 
had  he  not  left  so  many  frigates  in  the  Mediterranean  he  would  have  had 
a  better  chance  of  locating  Villeneuve  either  in  the  West  Indies  or  in  Mid- 
Atlantic.  But  especially  in  view  of  what  Mr.  Corbett  says  of  the  tradition 
of  concentrating  on  the  Western  Squadron,  it  does  look  as  if  Nelson  was 
wrong  in  making  for  Gibraltar.  It  was  not  for  the  Mediterranean  that 
Villeneuve  was  likely  to  be  making,  but  for  one  of  the  ports  where  he 
would  find  another  detachment  of  the  Allied  fleet.  The  return  to  the 
Straits  was  taking  Nelson  well  out  of  the  way  to  do  any  effective  service 
while  the  crisis  was  being  decided  elsewhere.  Luckily  Villeneuve's  fleet 
was  not  battleworthy  enough  to  beat  Calder  or  to  attempt  to  come  up  to 
Brest  even  when  re-enforced  by  the  Ferrol  ships.  It  was  the  inability 
of  the  Allies  to  face  even  weaker  forces  with  any  prospect  of  success 
that  was  at  the  root  of  their  failure,  though  one  must  remember  that 

Corbett  :  The  Campaign  of  Trafalgar       79 

in  discussing  attempts  at  co-operation  between  a  blockaded  squadron 
and  would-be  relievers  one  must  keep  clear  of  the  analogy  of  a  besieged 
fortress  by  land  where  the  relievers  can  almost  always  count  on  the 
garrison  co-operating  (p.  133).  At  sea  this  is  not  the  case.  The  wind 
that  was  fair  to  bring  Villeneuve  up  would  keep  Ganteaume  from  coming 
out,  and  so  the  separate  portions  of  the  Allied  fleet  would  be  exposed  to 
defeat  in  detail.  And  Mr.  Corbett  makes  a  good  point  when  he  shows 
(pp.  1 80  and  189)  how  the  dangers  of  opening  a  port  for  a  short  period,  as 
Cornwallis  did  from  July  I2th  to  24th,  were  not  as  great  as  they  might 
appear.  As  he  shows  (p.  192),  even  if  Ganteaume  had  ventured  to  come 
out  while  Cornwallis  was  standing  to  the  westward  on  the  chance  of  meet- 
ing Villeneuve,  the  chances  were  all  against  his  escaping  disaster  if  he 
entered  the  Channel. 

The  tradition  of  concentrating  on  the  Western  Squadron  is  a  point  of 
which  Mr.  Corbett  makes  a  good  deal.  He  shows  that  Orde's  action  in 
doing  this  when  driven  off  from  Cadiz  by  Villeneuve,  a  step  somewhat 
vehemently  and  hastily  condemned  by  Nelson,  was  not  only  fully  in  accord- 
ance with  the  established  rule  of  the  service,  but  exactly  anticipated  the  orders 
Barham  was  drafting  for  him  (p.  64).  But  one  cannot  follow  Mr.  Corbett 
in  his  statement  that  the  blockade  of  Brest  was  merely  *  incidental '  to  the 
work  of  the  Western  Squadron  in  *  holding  the  approaches  to  the  Channel/ 
The  all-essential  task  before  the  Western  Squadron  was  to  keep 
Ganteaume  well  watched  and  held  in  check.  Ganteaume  would  not 
come  out  and  fight,  he  had  therefore  to  be  blockaded,  and  it  was  largely 
to  the  efficiency  with  which  the  blockade  was  maintained  that  the 
impotence  of  the  French  fleet  for  harm  was  due.  It  is  curious  to  find 
Mr.  Corbett  using  language  which  rather  belittles  the  blockade  and 
seeming  to  attach  a  value  to  mere  positions  in  themselves,  as  though 
he  were  of  Jomini's  school  of  strategists.  Undoubtedly  the  control  of  the 
approaches  to  the  Channel  was  important,  but  had  Cherbourg  been  the 
headquarters  of  the  French  Atlantic  fleet,  the  Western  Squadron  would 
not  have  been  found  off  Ushant. 

The  very  able  defence  which  Mr.  Corbett  brings  forward  for  Corn- 
wallis' much  criticised  division  of  his  fleet  on  August  i6th  really  seems 
to  bring  out  the  fact  that  where  the  French  squadrons  were  there  was 
the  place  for  the  main  fleets  of  the  English.  The  division  in  question  took 
place  after  Nelson  and  Calder  had  fallen  back  on  Cornwallis,  at  the  time 
when  Villeneuve  was  off"  Ferrol  and  was  expected  to  be  coming  north. 
Admiral  Mahan l  and  Mr.  Leyland 2  have  condemned  Cornwallis  for 
dividing  his  force  and  sending  Calder  with  twenty  of  his  thirty-eight 
battleships  to  resume  the  blockade  of  Ferrol,  arguing  that  this  violated 
the  great  principle  of  concentration  and  risked  defeat  in  detail.  Napoleon 
himself  called  the  move  'une  insigne  be'tise,'  and  yet  Mr.  Corbett  is 
able  to  show  good  cause  for  approving  highly  of  it.  The  stroke  was 
'  well  within  fair  risk  of  war '  (p.  252).  There  were  plenty  of  British 

^Influence  of  Sea  Power  upon  the  French  Revolution  and  Empire. 
2  'Blockade  of  Brest  (Navy  Records  Society). 

80       Corbett :  The  Campaign  of  Trafalgar 

cruisers  about  the  Bay — Ferrol  was  never  left  unwatched — and  there  was 
very  little  chance  of  Villeneuve  escaping  observation  or  '  playing  prisoners' 
base'  with  Calder  and  Cornwallis.  And  had  he  fallen  in  with  either 
division,  would  the  collection  of  ships  he  had  with  him — it  cannot  be  called 
a  fleet — have  been  equal  to  tackling  eighteen  or  twenty  British  battleships  ? 
Jervis  had  won  St.  Vincent  against  greater  odds.  Moreover,  as  has  been 
shown,  Ganteaume  could  hardly  have  been  able  to  take  part  in  an  action 
between  Cornwallis  and  Villeneuve.  But  the  great  thing  was  that  as  long 
as  the  British  fleet  was  concentrated  off  Ushant,  Villeneuve  was  free  to  go 
where  he  would.  To  have  kept  the  whole  Western  Squadron  concentrated 
would  have  been  to  adopt  a  mere  defensive  and  to  leave  the  initiative  to 
Napoleon,  who  might  have  used  Villeneuve  with  effect  in  the  Mediterranean 
(p.  250).  The  division  did  not  give  Villeneuve  the  interior  position  ;  he 
already  was  between  Cornwallis  and  the  Mediterranean  Squadron  under 
Collingwood.  What  the  detaching  of  Calder  to  the  southward  did  was 
that  it  deprived  Villeneuve  of  his  liberty  of  action,  a  very  urgent  need 
which  might  well  have  justified  a  more  risky  step.  And  after  all,  the 
division  was  not  merely  approved  by  Barham,  in  making  it  Cornwallis 
was  only  anticipating  the  instructions  Barham  gave. 

There  is  much  more  of  which  one  might  write.  The  praise  given  to 
Barham  is  not  more  than  is  fully  deserved.  The  account  of  the  battle  is 
full  of  interest  and  a  valuable  contribution  to  its  controversies.  The  charts 
are  excellent  and  a  great  help  to  the  reader.  The  attention  given  to  the 
workings  of  the  cruisers  is  very  well  bestowed :  it  enables  Mr.  Corbett 
to  show  on  what  intelligence  the  Admiralty  and  the  commanders  acted 
alhd  how  it  was  collected.  The  record  of  Allemand's  cruises  and  narrow 
escapes  is  really  astonishing;  he,  at  least,  could  not  complain  of  his  luck. 
Lastly,  though  one  would  have  preferred  not  to  end  a  review  with  a 
criticism,  when  the  book  is  one  of  such  real  interest  and  value,  it  seems 
a  little  too  positive  to  say  that  the  decision  to  attack  Austria  was  quite 
independent  of  Villeneuve's  failure  to  reach  Brest.  It  was  taken  after  a 
letter  from  Decres  in  which  the  Minister  of  Marine  expressed  his  con- 
viction that  Villeneuve  must  have  gone  to  Cadiz  (p.  275).  The 
admiral's  letter  of  August  3rd  had  shown  that  he  was  contemplating  a 
retreat  to  Cadiz.  His  non-appearance  off  Brest  may  well  have  led 
Napoleon  to  leap  to  a  conclusion  which  M.  Desbriere1  has  well  described 
as  *  la  merveilleuse  intuition  montr^e  par  l'Empereur,'  even  if,  as  he  adds, 
'jamais  decision  plus  grave  ne  parait  avoir  £t£  prise  sur  des  motifs  moins 
solides.'  Napoleon  would  not  have  realised,  as  a  sailor  would,  that  the 
delay  might  easily  be  explained  by  adverse  winds;  he  knew  Villeneuve 
was  none  too  confident  of  himself  or  his  fleet,  and  he  may  have  realised 
that  the  admiral  not  merely  had  not  come  but  was  not  coming.  Mr. 
Corbett  thinks  it  was  on  September  ist  that  Napoleon  got  definite  news  that 
Villeneuve  was  in  Cadiz;  but  it  was  on  August  2Qth  that  he  heard  of 
Cornwallis  dividing  his  fleet  and  remarked  'quelle  chance  a  manqude 
Villeneuve,'  as  though  speaking  of  a  thing  past.  Had  he  any  more 
positive  information  then  than  on  the  23rd  or  24th  ? 

1  Trafalgar,  p.   112. 

England  and  the  French  Revolution       81 

ENGLAND  AND  THE  FRENCH  REVOLUTION,  1789-1797.  Johns  Hopkins 
University  Studies  in  Historical  and  Political  Science.  Series  xxvii., 
Nos.  8-12.  By  William  Thomas  Laprade,  Ph.D.  Pp.  232.  8vo. 
Baltimore:  The  Johns  Hopkins  Press.  1909.  One  dollar. 

MR.  LAPRADE  has  given  very  careful  research  to  the  subject  of  his 
monograph.  He  set  out  meaning  to  relate  the  effect  of  the  French 
Revolution  on  the  social  and  political  life  of  England,  but  his  research 
has  led  him  to  the  conclusion  that  the  influence  of  the  Revolution  in 
social  matters  was  practically  »//,  and  that  in  political  matters  it  did  little 
more  than  serve  as  a  deus  ex  machina  to  the  political  purposes  of  William 
Pitt.  His  conclusions  are  disappointing  and  lead  one  to  ask,  if  this  be 
all,  why  not  say  so  in  fewer  words  ?  The  answer  would  seem  to  be  that 
Mr.  Laprade  has  in  the  course  of  his  study  become  so  much  interested 
in  the  politics  of  English  ministers,  and  especially  of  their  great  leader, 
William  Pitt,  in  the  years  from  1789-1797,  that  he  has  found  in  them 
his  real  subject.  His  researches  have  led  him  to  believe  that  Pitt  and 
his  colleagues  '  used '  the  French  Revolution  *  for  their  own  political 
purposes  as  a  pretext  for  reviving  the  old-time  struggle  with  France  for 
supremacy  in  the  commercial  and  in  the  colonial  world.'  In  other  words, 
that  they  forced  a  war  on  France.  In  adopting  this  view  Mr.  Laprade 
separates  himself  from  the  accepted  historical  opinion.  He  has  therefore 
to  build  up  his  own  theory  with  elaborate  care.  English  history  has 
regarded  Pitt  as  essentially  a  peace-minister.  l  His  enthusiasm,'  says  Lord 
Rosebery,  'was  all  for  peace,  retrenchment  and  reform.  .  .  .  To  no 
human  being  did  war  come  with  such  a  curse  as  to  Pitt,  by  none  was 
it  more  hated  or  shunned,'  and  what  Lord  Rosebery  has  said  later  his- 
torians have  endorsed.  Such  is  not  Mr.  Laprade's  view.  Pitt,  he 
maintains,  incited  Holland  against  France  on  the  question  of  the  opening 
of  the  Scheldt,  broke  the  commercial  treaty  of  1786  between  France  and 
England  by  his  Alien  Bill  of  1792,  refused  what  Mr.  Laprade  considers 
a  satisfactory  explanation  by  France  of  the  famous  decrees  which  in 
November,  1792,  threatened  all  established  governments,  and  'cultivated 
the  fears'  aroused  in  England  by  revolutionary  societies  and  seditious 
writings.  Finally  he  'took  advantage'  of  the  execution  of  the  king  for 
the  action  which  he  expected  would  force  the  English  to  declare  war — 
'he  arranged  to  hold  a  meeting  of  the  Privy  Council  immediately  after 
the  execution  of  Louis  XVI.  that  an  order  might  be  issued  requiring 
Chauvelin  to  leave  England.'  One  cannot  but  respect  the  industry  which 
Mr.  Laprade  has  devoted  to  the  working  out  of  his  theory,  but,  un- 
fortunately, in  the  whole  course  of  his  enquiry  he  writes  as  if  conducting 
a  case  against  Pitt  and  his  colleagues.  With  the  writer's  other  conclusion, 
'That  the  uprising  in  France  played  but  a  minor  role  in  the  domestic 
history  of  England,'  historians  will  be  less  inclined  to  quarrel.  The 
English  and  Scottish  revolutionary  societies  had  little  direct  permanent 
effect  on  the  life  of  England,  and  what  they  had  can  hardly  be  ascribed 
to  the  French  Revolution.  It  was  due  rather  to  the  spirit  of  the  time, 
to  the  influence  of  the  American  Revolution,  and  to  the  writings  of  men 
who,  like  Priestley  and  Paine,  had  formed  their  opinions  before  the  French 


82     Broxap  :  Great  Civil  War  in  Lancashire 

Revolution  broke  out.  Their  indirect  influence  was  seen  in  the  repressive 
measures  to  which  the  English  Government  had  recourse.  The  account 
given  of  these  Societies  by  Mr.  Laprade  forms  the  most  interesting  and 
instructive  part  of  his  book.  But  here  again,  in  taking  the  side  of  the 
Societies  as  against  the  Government,  he  is  too  much  inclined  to  discount 
the  dangerous  element  and  to  leave  untold  the  inflammatory  oratory. 
Contemporary  pamphlets  quote  passages  that  could  not  lightly  be  passed 
over.  It  must  not  be  forgotten  by  the  historian  of  the  twentieth  century 
that  the  standpoint  of  the  eighteenth  century  was  not  and  could  not  be 
ours.  The  monograph  is  full  of  points  too  detailed  to  be  taken  up  in 
a  short  notice,  and  should  be  read  by  those  interested  in  the  politics  of 
the  time.  It  is  furnished  with  an  Index  and  an  ample  Bibliography. 


THE  GREAT  CIVIL  WAR  IN  LANCASHIRE,  1642-1651.  By  Ernest 
Broxap,  M.A.  Pp.  xv,  226.  With  Map  and  Plans.  8vo.  Manchester 
University  Press.  1910.  73.  6d.  nett. 

THIS  is  a  history  the  compilation  of  which  must  have  involved  much  labour 
and  research,  as  the  exactitude  of  detail  shewn  in  it  is  quite  beyond  what 
is  usually  found  in  similar  works.  The  period  to  which  it  relates  is  a 
difficult  one  for  the  historian  desiring  to  give  an  account  of  the  whole 
struggle  between  King  and  Parliament,  for  it  was  not  a  war  carried  on  by 
one  leading  general,  with  forces  concentrated  for  one  main  struggle. 

In  many  respects  it  was  a  war  conducted  piecemeal  in  different 
localities,  to  which  the  two  contending  parties  in  each  district  of  the 
country  were  allies  respectively  to  those  in  other  parts  of  the  land,  and 
gave  assistance  when  able  to  assist  without  weakening  their  own  power  of 
resistance  to  their  local  adversaries.  This  was  markedly  the  case  in 
Lancashire,  which  was  in  the  war  before  others  joined  issue,  and  remained 
in  it  till  the  struggle  had  waned  and  died  out  elsewhere.  Lancashire  was 
then  an  unimportant  county,  with  much  moor,  and  isolated  by  the  natural 
configuration  of  the  land  from  the  eastern  part.  This  led  to  the  contest 
being  local,  though  having  an  important  bearing  on  the  whole  campaign. 

In  Lancashire  the  struggle  was  a  class  one,  as  indeed  it  was  in  degree 
everywhere,  but  the  parliamentarians  in  that  county  had  to  meet  the 
powerful  royalists  who  clung  to  the  great  county  magnate,  Lord  Derby, 
who  drew  to  himself  almost  all  the  then  so  powerful  aristocratic  element. 
There  was  great  reluctance  in  Lancashire  to  open  war,  both  partisans 
probably  realising  that  when  once  begun  the  fight  would  be  bitter  and  the 
issue  doubtful.  But  once  the  combatants  took  the  field,  there  was  resolute 
determination  on  both  sides,  and  there  was  much  of  up-and-down  in  the 
events  which  followed,  and  of  these  the  author  has  given  a  clear  and 
graphic  account.  His  love  of  accuracy  and  detail — or  rather  his  con- 
scientiousness in  working  it  out — to  some  extent  may  detract  from  the 
interest  of  the  book  to  the  general  reader,  but  the  lover  of  history  will  be 
grateful  to  him  for  so  full  an  account  of  a  section  of  the  great  war,  which 
had  a  telling  influence  on  the  subsequent  course  of  events.  For  had  the 
revolutionists  been  effectively  crushed  in  Lancashire,  as  they  well  might 

Broxap  :   Great  Civil  War  in  Lancashire    83 

have  been  if  generalship  had  been  better  on  the  royalist  side  than  it  was, 
the  whole  course  of  events  might  have  been  affected,  either  to  cause 
prolongation  of  the  royalist  resistance,  or  even  failure  of  their  opponents  to 
obtain  the  mastery. 

The  opening  of  the  campaign  as  reported  at  the  time  is  ludicrously  like 
the  modern  accounts  of  events  in  newspapers,  where  the  reporter  sees 
what  the  other  reporter  for  the  other  side  does  not  see.  Lord  Strange's 
visit  to  Manchester  for  negotiation  is  reported  as  a  scene  of  joy,  '  acclama- 
tions, bonfires,  streets  strewed  with  flowers,'  Lord  Strange  entering  unarmed 
in  his  coach,  with  only  his  ordinary  attendants.  The  other  side's  report 
described  his  *  coming  in  a  warlike  manner,  attended  by  many  horsemen, 
with  cocked  pistols  and  shouts  that  the  town  was  their  own.'  It  is  not 
surprising  that  on  that  very  afternoon  there  was  crowd  and  melee,  shots 
fired  at  Lord  Strange,  a  royalist  knocked  off  his  horse  and  his  assailant 
killed.  This  was  the  lighting  of  the  match  that  kindled  the  flame,  which 
for  years  burned  fiercely  throughout  the  county.  Had  Lancashire  been  left 
to  fight  its  own  battles,  it  is  probable  the  royalists  would  have  crushed 
the  opposition,  but  orders  from  headquarters  caused  a  large  force  of 
royalists  to  be  moved  elsewhere,  with  disastrous  effects  upon  their  cause. 
Those  opposed  to  the  King  were  not  of  one  mind  among  themselves,  and 
might  easily  have  been  overawed  into  submission  had  power  of  forces  been 
maintained.  Instead  of  which  Strange,  in  loyal  obedience,  allowed  much 
of  his  power  to  be  carried  off  to  other  parts  of  the  land. 

There  is  not  much  interest  attaching  to  the  field  fights.  There  were 
few  combats  that  could  be  called  pitched  battles.  There  was  much  of 
what  may  be  called  running  fighting.  Interest  concentrates  on  the 
sieges.  Of  these  two  stand  out  prominently — the  siege  of  the  town  of 
Manchester,  and  the  siege  of  Lathom  House,  the  seat  of  the  Derby 
family.  The  siege  of  Manchester  by  the  royalists  affords  a  strong  illustra- 
tion of  the  folly  of  dividing  forces,  and  enabling  defenders  to  meet  attacks 
made  with  too  small  forces  to  act  rapidly  and  effectively.  The  author 
goes  into  great,  perhaps  too  great,  detail  in  describing  this  siege,  as  such 
minute  treatment  makes  the  account  wearisome  to  the  non-technical 
reader,  and  there  is  little  of  instruction  for  the  soldier. 

The  siege  of  Lathom  is  a  much  more  interesting  episode,  as  it  is  full  of 
incident,  and  has  the  romance  attached  to  it  that  the  defence  was  con- 
ducted bravely  and  skilfully  under  the  leadership  of  a  woman,  the 
Countess  of  Derby,  a  daughter  of  the  Due  de  Touars,  and  grand- 
daughter of  William  the  Silent ;  a  brave  woman,  whose  answer  to  the 
besiegers  is  worth  recording — *  Though  a  woman  and  a  stranger  divorced 
from  my  friends,  I  am  ready  to  receive  your  utmost  violence,  trusting  in 
God  for  protection  and  deliverance.' 

But  her  celebrated  later  answer  is  historical :  *  Tell  that  insolent  rebel, 
he  shall  have  neither  persons,  goods,  nor  house ;  when  our  strength  and 
provision  is  spent,  we  shall  find  a  fire  more  merciful  than  Rigby,  and  then, 
if  the  providence  of  God  prevent  it  not,  my  goods  and  house  shall  burn  in 
his  sight  ;  myself,  children,  and  soldiers,  rather  than  fall  into  his  hands, 
will  seal  our  religion  and  our  loyalty  in  the  same  flame.'  It  is  a  pleasure  to 

84    Records  of  the  Trades  House  of  Glasgow 

know  that  this  brave  lady  repelled  the  besiegers  successfully  till  succour 
came.  Lathom  only  fell  in  a  later  siege,  when  the  inspiration  of  the 
Countess  no  longer  upheld  the  garrison. 

Sufficient  has  been  said  to  indicate  the  interest  and  value  of  this  history. 
It  is  written  in  a  clear  style,  and  there  are  many  verifying  and  interesting 
notes  from  contemporary  writings.  ]  R  ^  MACDONALD. 

Edited  by  Harry  Lumsden.  Pp.  xxvii,  574,410.  Glasgow:  Printed 
for  the  Trades  House  of  Glasgow.  1910. 

No  obscurity  surrounds  the  origin  of  the  body  known  as  the  Trades  House 
of  Glasgow.  A  little  over  three  hundred  years  ago,  or  to  be  exact,  on  9th 
February,  1605,  an  award  was  pronounced  by  arbiters  who  had  been 
appointed  to  treat  and  decide  concerning  the  privileges  of  the  merchants 
and  craftsmen  within  the  burgh  and  the  settlement  of  controversies  between 
them  ;  and  by  this  award,  familiarly  known  as  the  Letter  of  Guildry,  it 
was  provided  that  there  should  thenceforth  be  in  the  city  a  dean  of  guild,  a 
deacon  convener,  and  a  visitor  of  maltmen.  The  deacon  convener  was  to 
be  chosen  by  the  town  council  from  a  leet  presented  by  the  deacons  of  the 
respective  crafts,  and  when  appointed  he  was  directed  to  convene  the  whole 
deacons  of  crafts  'and  their  assisteris,'  as  occasion  required,  and  with  their 
advice  to  judge  betwixt  them  in  matters  pertaining  to  their  crafts  and 
callings,  and  to  make  acts  and  statutes  for  good  order  amongst  them.  The 
several  deacons  and  their  assistants  were  at  first  called  the  Deacon  Con- 
vener's Council,  and  it  is  the  record  of  their  proceedings  down  to  the  year 
1678  which  is  now  published.  At  the  first  recorded  election  of  the 
council  the  deacon  convener  nominated  the  whole  deacons  of  crafts,  the 
visitor  of  maltmen,  and  other  nine  persons,  'to  be  his  counsellours  to 
convein  with  him  and  to  advyse  in  all  things  that  sail  concerne  the  glorie 
of  God,  the  weale  of  this  burgh,  and  their  particular  weale,  nocht  hurtand 
the  weale  of  ony  wther  within  this  burgh.'  As  latterly  constituted,  the 
council  consisted  of  14  deacons  and  40  assistants,  making  54  members  in 
all.  About  half  a  century  after  it  was  first  formed,  the  Council  began 
to  assume  the  name  of  the  Crafts  House  or  Trades  House,  by  which  latter 
it  is  now  invariably  designated. 

Though  the  Glasgow  of  1605,  with  Stockwell  Street  at  its  western 
limit  and  with  a  population  of  about  7,000,  was  inconsiderable  when 
viewed  from  a  modern  standpoint,  it  is  described  in  a  contemporary  docu- 
ment as  having  then  *  becum  well  peopled  and  hes  ane  greit  traide  and 
trafficque,'  and  it  had  'speciall  plaice  and  voice  as  ane  frie  citye  of  the 
kingdome.'  There  were  213  burgesses  of  the  merchant  rank  and  363  of 
the  trades  rank.  Only  those  burgesses  who  were  members  of  the  in- 
corporations were  allowed  to  practise  their  craft  as  masters,  and  their  seals 
of  cause  regulated  the  employment  of  journeymen  and  apprentices.  The 
earlier  seals  of  cause  always  stipulated  for  contributions  to  specified  altars, 
but  subsequent  to  the  Reformation  the  dues  which,  as  described  in  one  of 
these  documents,  were  'of  old  superstitiously  bestowed  on  their  blind 

Records  of  the  Trades  House  of  Glasgow    85 

devotions,'  were  applied  towards  support  of  the  poor.  While  the  individual 
crafts  incorporations  were  still  to  continue  in  charge  of  their  own  decayed 
members,  the  letter  of  guildry  provided  for  the  maintenance  of  hospitals 
by  both  merchants  and  craftsmen  for  so  many  of  their  respective  poor. 
The  new  deacon  convener  and  his  council  lost  no  time  in  purchasing  a 
site  for  their  hospital.  By  the  expenditure  of  'diveris  and  greit  sowmes 
of  money,'  the  ruinous  and  decayed  hospital  at  the  Stablegreen,  founded  in 
the  beginning  of  the  previous  century  by  Sir  Roland  Blacader,  subdean, 
was  procured  for  the  purpose,  but  within  a  couple  of  years  that  design 
was  abandoned,  and  the  manse  of  the  parson  of  Morebattle  was  acquired 
and  fitted  up  as  the  almshouse.  The  endowments  of  Blacader's  hospital 
appear  in  the  early  accounts  as  the  *  craftis  auld  rentall,  extending  to 
£26  93.  4d.,'  and  a  sum  of  10  merks  was  paid  'for  translatting  of  the 
hospitalis  fundatioun  in  Inglische.'  The  minutes  and  accounts  now  printed 
show  how  the  work  of  starting  the  new  hospital  proceeded  and  how  a 
voluntary  contribution  was  collected  to  meet  the  expense.  Slates  were 
carted  from  the  Broomielaw,  having  probably  been  brought  from  Argyll- 
shire in  boats,  nails  were  brought  from  Bannockburn,  quarriers  were  paid 
for  stones,  5$.  4d.  was  paid  'to  the  wrichtis  for  aill  quhen  they  began  to 
lay  the  hospitall  wark,'  and  the  like  sum  for  other  two  quarts  when  they 
finished  the  job.  After  the  hospital  had  been  set  agoing  six  poor  men  were 
lodged  in  it,  getting  yearly  pensions  of  £48  each  besides  allowances  of 
clothing,  '  sarkis '  and  '  schoone.' 

In  the  accounts  for  the  year  1607-8  the  gross  charge,  including  £133  of 
borrowed  money,  a  legacy  of  £3,  and  £152  contributed  by  the  crafts, 
amounted  to  £449  Scots,  or  £37  sterling,  a  small  beginning  for  an  institu- 
tion which  to-day  has  assets  valued  at  £158,261,  and  an  annual  revenue 
of  £7,895.  Successful  speculation  in  land,  beginning  with  the  purchase  of 
Gorbals  in  1650,  was  one  of  the  chief  means  by  which  this  wealth  was 

With  the  exception  of  one  or  two  lost  leaves,  the  first  MS.  volume  of 
records,  embracing  the  period  1678-1713,  is  complete,  and  its  contents  are 
given  in  full.  This  is  commendable,  though  it  results  in  the  printing  of 
much  routine  matter,  such  as  procedure  at  the  annual  elections,  reports  on 
the  yearly  accounts,  regulations  for  the  contributions  leviable  from  the 
several  incorporations,  and  details  as  to  the  investment  of  funds.  Loyal 
support  was  usually  given  to  schemes  having  the  general  welfare  of  the 
town  in  view.  A  sum  of  £500  was  raised  for  one  of  the  town's  ministers, 
contributions  were  made  towards  the  expense  of  defending  the  thirlage 
rights  of  the  city  at  a  critical  juncture,  the  deacons  gave  money  for  supplies 
of  arms  and  armour,  and  assistance  was  given  in  carrying  out  a  resolution 
of  the  town  council  instructing  the  removal  of  stones  from  Dumbuck  ford 
for  improving  the  navigation  of  the  Clyde.  An  example  of  the  way  in 
which  the  deacon  convener's  council  settled  disputes  occurs  in  1638,  when 
seven  members  of  the  coopers'  incorporation  complained  that  the  rule  under 
which  purchases  of  imported  material  ought  to  be  dealt  equally  to  poor  and 
rich  had  been  infringed.  The  council  ordered  that  the  deacon  of  the 
coopers,  accompanied  by  two  or  three  honest  men  of  the  calling,  should  in 

86    Ancient  Church  Dedications  in  Scotland 

future  purchase  such  material  and  divide  the  same  equally  among  the  poor 
and  the  rich,  *  without  respect  of  persons,'  it  being  lawful  for  any  poor 
cooper  to  sell  his  lot  at  a  profit  if  he  was  unable  to  pay  the  price.  At 
another  time  the  council  cordially  approved  of  the  proceedings  of  the 
incorporation  of  wrights  in  trying  to  repress  and  punish  an  incorrigible 
member  who  had  *  malitiouslie '  called  his  deacon  a  'pendicle.' 

This  carefully  edited  volume,  with  its  valuable  information  on  points  of 
local  history,  commercial  and  industrial  development,  has  its  attractive  appear- 
ance enhanced  by  well-executed  facsimiles  of  portions  of  the  original  record. 


ANCIENT  CHURCH  DEDICATIONS  IN  SCOTLAND   (Scriptural  Dedications). 

By  James  Murray  Mackinlay.    Pp.  xxiii,  419.    Demy  8vo.    Edinburgh: 

David  Douglas.     1910.     I2s.  6d.  nett. 

IN  a  Prefatory  Note  the  author  defines  the  object  of  this  volume  as  twofold. 
*  In  the  first  place,  to  give  some  account  of  the  Cathedrals,  Parish  and 
Collegiate  Churches,  Chapels,  Hospitals,  and  Monasteries,  under  the  invo- 
cation of  saints  mentioned  in  Holy  Scripture ;  and,  in  the  second  place,  to 
trace  the  influence  that  these  saints  have  had  on  ecclesiastical  festivals, 
usages  and  symbolism.' 

The  result  is  a  catalogue  raisonnk  which  partakes  more  of  the  nature  of  a 
work  of  reference  than  of  a  definite  and  articulated  treatise.  There  is  room 
for  an  authoritative  work  on  the  Consecration  of  Churches,  and  it  is  unfor- 
tunate that  Mr.  Mackinlay  has  confined  himself  to  the  topographical  side  of 
his  subject.  An  historical  introduction,  in  which  the  evolution  of  the 
subject  of  Consecration  from  the  early  Roman  and  Gallican  rites  through 
the  legislation  of  the  Medieval  Church  would  have  been  traced,  would  have 
added  greatly  to  the  interest  of  his  researches.  The  special  field  which  he 
has  chosen  offers  admirable  illustrations  of  the  difficulties  which  presented 
themselves  in  every  country  to  the  Canon  lawyers,  and  the  general  rules  which 
were  framed  to  meet  them  throw  light  on  Scottish  usages  which  at  first 
sight  seem  somewhat  arbitrary.  The  conflicting  claims  of  national  and 
Roman  saints,  e.g.y  had  to  be  met  in  many  fields.  But  within  his  self- 
imposed  limits  Mr.  Mackinlay  has  dealt  adequately  with  his  subject,  and  the 
material  which  he  has  collected  has  a  permanent  value  for  local  historians. 


NEWS  LETTERS  OF  1715-16.  Edited  by  A.  Francis  Steuart,  Advocate. 
Pp.  xv,  157.  8vo.  Edinburgh:  W.  &  R.  Chambers,  Ltd.  1910. 
5s.  nett. 

AT  the  time  of  its  occurrence  the  Jacobite  rising  of  1715  was  allowed  to 
pass  with  small  comment,  while  the  offenders  were  leniently  dealt  with  by 
the  reigning  powers.  Consequently  few  records  were  left  of  the  affair,  and 
consequently,  in  turn,  historians  have  said  comparatively  little  on  the  subject. 
But  albeit  lacking  the  romance  of  the  great  rising  thirty  years  later,  the 
'Fifteen  is  distinctly  an  interesting  episode,  and  the  mere  fact  that  it  has 
been  so  slightly  handled  heretofore  lends  an  additional  fascination  to  any 
sidelights  thereon. 

Steuart :  News  Letters  of  1715-16          87 

The  News  Letters  now  set  forth  by  Mr.  A.  Francis  Steuart  are  printed 
from  originals  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  Charles  E.  S.  Chambers,  who 
inherited  them  from  his  grandfather,  Dr.  Robert  Chambers,  the  well-known 
historian.  They  formerly  belonged  to  Sir  Archibald  Steuart  Denham  of 
Coltness,  Bart.,  and  it  was  to  him  they  were  addressed  from  time  to  time 
during  the  rising.  The  writer's  own  name  is  not  disclosed,  but  it  is 
evident  that  he  was  an  enthusiastic  Whig ;  and,  though  any  literary  gift  is 
conspicuous  by  its  absence  from  his  correspondence,  the  latter  is  none  the 
less  valuable  historically  because  of  this  limitation.  It  furnishes  accounts, 
of  course,  of  the  raising  of  Mar's  standard,  of  the  Jacobites'  abortive  attempt 
to  take  Edinburgh  Castle,  and  of  the  battle  of  Sheriffmuir  ;  while  ever  and 
anon  it  leads  from  these  highways  into  less  familiar  byways,  and  gives 
information  anent  various  recondite  matters.  It  is  useful,  in  particular,  in 
the  light  it  throws  on  the  genesis  of  the  'Fifteen,  and  in  what  it  tells  of  the 
less  important  parties  implicated  therein.  It  shows,  moreover,  to  what  a 
large  extent  mercenaries  from  Holland  and  Switzerland  were  employed  to 
quell  the  rebellious  clans,  while  it  illuminates  the  behaviour  of  the  govern- 
ment troops  during  their  sojourn  in  Scotland,  and  the  degree  of  discipline 
maintained  amongst  them.  On  this  subject  the  writer  gives  nothing  but 
praise,  speaking  with  marked  enthusiasm  of  the  equipment  of  the  soldiers, 
and  saying  of  certain  of  them  :  '  I  scarse  think  there  is  a  more  showy  regi- 
ment in  Europe.'  Of  the  insurgent  Highlanders  he  writes  less  generously, 
describing  them  as  *  a  crewell  enemie ' ;  but  one  can  hardly  blame  him  for 
this  misconception,  for  was  it  not  universal  at  the  time,  both  in  England 
and  in  lowland  Scotland  ? 

As  regards  the  editor's  own  part  of  the  book,  here  and  there  he  is 
inclined  to  be  disappointing.  He  mentions  Sir  James  Steuart  Denham, 
who  eventually  succeeded  to  the  estate  of  Sir  Archibald,  first  as  a  *  cadet,' 
and  then  as  a  '  relative '  of  the  latter.  Now  Sir  James  is  so  very  interesting 
a  figure  in  history — for  he  practically  founded  the  science  of  political 
economy — that  one  is  naturally  anxious  to  know  the  precise  consanguinity 
between  him  and  the  owner  of  the  MSS.  The  Dictionary  of  National 
Biography  offers  no  information  on  this  head,  so  it  is  a  pity  that  Mr. 
Steuart  says  nothing,  and  the  same  is  true  of  another  section.  This 
describes  attempts  to  suppress  Jacobite  plots  and  plans  in  and  around 
Edinburgh,  and  it  speaks  of '  neer  catching  some  ringleaders  had  been  at 
the  principall  Chainge  House  at  Wrightshowses.'  What  a  pity  that  Mr. 
Steuart  does  not  give  any  elucidation  on  this  passage,  for  one  cannot  but 
wonder  if  the  writer  refers  to  the  ancient  '  Golf  Tavern,'  which  overlooks 
Bruntsfield  Links  to  this  day.  The  veteran  building  was  lately  demolished, 
but,  as  its  street  is  still  named  *  Wright's  Houses,'  one  would  fain  believe 
that  the  present  hostelry  is  a  relic  of  Jacobite  hopes,  and  that  it  was  here  the 
culprits  met  to  drink  the  health  of  the  king  over  the  water. 

These  are  infinitesimal  matters,  however,  and  in  the  main  the  editor  has 
done  his  work  excellently.  His  volume  cannot  be  called  indispensable  to 
students  of  Jacobite  history,  yet  it  is  one  which  most  such  will  read  with 
interest,  and  will  surely  care  to  possess. 


88  Oman :  England  before  the  Norman  Conquest 

ENGLAND  BEFORE  THE  NORMAN  CONQUEST.  Being  a  History  of  the 
Celtic,  Roman,  and  Anglo-Saxon  Periods  down  to  the  year  1066. 
By  Charles  Oman.  Pp.  xx,  679,  with  3  Maps.  Demy  8vo. 
London  :  Methuen  &  Co.,  Ltd.  IDS.  6d.  nett. 

PROFESSOR  OMAN'S  latest  book  marks  a  new  stage  in  the  writing 
of  Early  English  history.  Within  recent  years,  thanks  to  the  work  of 
scholars  like  Haverfield,  Stevenson,  Chadwick,  and  Maitland,  the  con- 
clusions of  older  historians  have  been  everywhere  undermined,  but 
while  tentative  local  reconstructions  have  been  attempted,  until  the 
appearance  of  this  volume,  no  general  summary  of  results  had  been 
made.  But  now  Mr.  Oman  has  given  us  a  book  which,  without  pre- 
tending to  any  original  detailed  research  of  its  own,  gives  the  general 
reader  a  fair  statement  of  the  results  arrived  at  by  scholarship  since  J.  R. 
Green,  and  Freeman,  and  Stubbs  wrote  their  histories.  It  has  not,  of 
course,  the  picturesque  style  and  pious  fervour  of  Green's  Making  oj 
England  and  Conquest  of  England,  nor  does  it  surrender  so  pleasantly  to 
the  charms  of  Bede's  Ecclesiastical  History  as  Green  does  in  some  of  his 
best  pages.  But  by  way  of  substitute  we  have  a  sane,  restrained,  and 
scholarly  narrative,  which  attempts  little  fine  writing,  and  refuses  to  give 
speculation,  however  fascinating,  where  plain  fact  alone  is  justified. 

For  practically  the  first  time,  the  general  reader  is  given  an  account  of 
Roman  Britain,  not  merely  interesting,  but  authoritative,  and  Mr. 
Haverfield's  supervision  of  the  Roman  sections  lends  an  additional  force  to 
Mr.  Oman's  work.  In  the  same  way,  the  grain  has  been  sifted  from  the 
chaff  in  Mr.  Chadwick's  recent  highly  speculative  work,  and  much  of  what 
is  soundest  in  that  scholar's  Origins  of  the  English  Nation  may  be  found 
here,  related  in  sober  fashion  to  the  main  body  of  Early  English  history. 

In  work  demanding  so  much  readjustment  and  replacement,  errors  in 
judgment,  or  unfortunate  changes  in  emphasis  were  to  be  looked  for — the 
more  naturally  because  Mr.  Oman  owes  no  special  allegiance  to  this  period. 
But,  on  the  whole,  he  must  receive  praise  as  an  extraordinarily  skilful 
improvvisatore.  His  earlier  pages,  on  Celtic  Britain,  show  more  difficulty, 
are  less  certain  in  their  information,  than  the  rest  of  the  book.  The 
rather  culpable  neglect  to  mention,  in  any  adequate  way,  Early  English 
literature,  coupled  with  a  little  slip  in  a  reference  to  Beowulf  (on  page 
403,  where  Hygelac  appears  as  Beowulf's  elder  brother)  suggests  either 
that  he  does  not  know,  or  that  he  does  not  care,  for  one  important 
aspect  of  his  subject.  The  chapters  on  ecclesiastical  history,  while 
moderately  comprehensive,  hardly  do  justice  to  the  church  in  Ireland 
and  lona.  And,  to  bring  the  ungrateful  task  of  fault-finding  to  an  end, 
while  Mr.  Oman's  caution  in  social  and  constitutional  reconstruction  is 
admirable,  it  has,  in  two  instances  at  least,  made  him  inadequate  as  a 
substitute  for  Stubbs  or  Freeman.  The  pages  which  deal  with  the  early 
English  monarchy  (352-358)  are  hardly  illuminating,  and  in  no  sense  do 
justice  to  the  most  important  of  all  Mr.  Chadwick's  contributions  to 
early  constitutional  history  ;  and  distinctly  too  little  has  been  made  of 
Maitland's  Domesday  Book  and  Beyond,  more  especially  with  reference  to 
the  origins  of  feudalism. 

Oman  :   England  before  the  Norman  Conquest  89 

But  when  all  has  been  said,  the  book  stands  out  as  a  sound  and 
authoritative  account  of  the  most  difficult  period  in  British  history. 
Considering  how  few  Mr.  Oman's  opportunities  for  picturesque  narrative 
have  been,  compared  with  those  allowed  by  earlier  canons  of  scholarship 
to  writers  like  J.  R.  Green,  the  book  is  wonderfully  interesting,  and 
proves  once  more  how  unusual  a  gift  its  author  has  for  popularising  the 
researches  of  more  plodding  minds.  As  a  populariser,  Mr.  Oman  cannot 
expect  to  have  the  easy  power  of  the  great  scholars,  whose  work  he  is 
assisting  to  supersede  ;  for,  with  all  his  faults,  J.  R.  Green's  knowledge 
of,  and  sympathy  with,  Anglo-Saxon  England,  gave  all  he  wrote  on  his 
subject  an  air  of  distinction  ;  and  the  virile  understanding  and  profound 
learning  of  Dr.  Stubbs  made  even  his  errors  in  Early  English  history 
profitable.  One  naturally  expects  to  find  history  interpreted  more  narrowly 
where  the  resources  of  the  writer  are  restricted.  But,  after  all,  the 
comparison  is  unfair  ;  and  as  a  text-book,  or  accessible  account  of  the 
period,  the  volume  takes  a  distinct  place  of  its  own. 

One  peculiarly  pleasing  feature  in  Mr.  Oman's  work  must  receive 
some  recognition.  His  field  of  inquiry  is  one,  famous  of  old  for  acrid 
controversy,  and  scholars  of  name  have  lost  their  tempers  and  their 
manners  over  the  very  issues  discussed  in  these  pages.  But  even  where  the 
conclusions  of  earlier  scholars  had  to  be  set  aside,  Mr.  Oman  has  done 
it  without  an  unfair  reflection,  and  not  even  the  suggestion  of  personal 

The  book  is  provided  with  an  adequate  index,  but  it  is  hardly  possible  to 
praise  the  system  (or  confusion  of  systems)  on  which  modern  and  ancient 
place-names  are  allotted  in  the  three  maps  at  the  end  of  the  volume. 


THE  PARISH  REGISTERS  OF  ENGLAND.    By  J.  Charles  Cox,  LL.D.,  F.S.A. 

With  twenty-four  illustrations.  The  Antiquary's  Books.  Pp.  xx,  290. 
Demy  8vo.  London  :  Methuen  &  Co.,  Ltd.  1910.  75.  6d.  nett. 
THERE  was  no  need  for  a  well-informed  antiquary  like  Dr.  Cox  to  make 
an  apology  for  undertaking  a  book  on  the  parish  registers  of  England,  for 
few  men  living  are  better  equipped  by  knowledge  and  experience  for  the 
task.  Nor  can  it  be  said  that  such  a  book  is  outside  the  scope  of  the  series 
of  which  the  author  is  editor,  and  to  which  he  has  already  rendered 
valuable  service.  The  various  branches  of  English  antiquities  com- 
prehended in  *  The  Antiquary's  Books,'  so  far  as  the  scheme  has  been 
accomplished,  have  been  treated  in  such  a  scholarly  and  popular  way  that 
the  volumes  may  be  regarded  as  indispensable  to  the  working  student  as 
well  as  the  general  reader.  The  latest  contribution  to  the  series  is  worthy 
of  high  rank  among  the  volumes  already  published. 

Dr.  Cox  has  entered  the  lists  in  competition  with  some  eminent  pioneers 
in  the  same  field,  and  we  do  not  think  that  his  claim  for  respectful  con- 
sideration has  been  strengthened  by  a  half-hearted  appreciation  of  the 
labours  of  some  of  his  predecessors.  It  would  have  been  better  if  he  had 
frankly  stated  that  each  of  the  previous  manuals  had  a  value  and  individu- 
ality of  its  own.  Workers  on  parish  registers  owe  too  great  a  debt  to- 

90     Cox  :  The  Parish  Registers  of  England 

Ralph  Bigland,  Somerset  Herald,  who  published  his  observations  so  long  ago 
as  1764,  and  to  John  Southerden  Burn,  who  wrote  on  parish  registers  in 
1829,  to  forget  how  much  help  they  had  received  from  a  perusal  of  their 
pages.  If  the  successors  of  these  pioneers  have  produced  more  trustworthy 
and  comprehensive  compilations,  much  was  no  doubt  due  to  the  work 
already  done,  and  to  the  greater  opportunities  which  have  arisen  in  recent 
years  by  the  printing  of  so  many  registers  in  various  parts  of  the  country. 
Despite  the  praiseworthy  efforts  of  Mr.  Chester  Waters,  carried  on  in  a 
spirit  that  almost  amounted  to  heroism,  and  when  every  recognition  for 
painstaking  research  and  accurate  knowledge  is  accorded  to  Mr.  Meredyth 
Burke  and  Dr.  Cox  for  their  respective  contributions  to  the  history  of 
parish  registers,  one  cannot  help  feeling  that  Bigland  and  Burn  will  hold 
honourable  niches  among  them,  and  that  students  will  turn  to  their  pages 
on  some  points  where  the  others  have  failed  to  give  the  required  guidance. 

The  importance  of  some  record  like  a  parish  register  of  baptisms, 
marriages,  and  burials  had  been  long  felt  before  Thomas  Cromwell,  the 
famous  minister  of  Henry  VIIL,  brought  the  institution  into  being  in 
1538.  In  vain  have  we  looked  in  Dr.  Cox's  pages  for  a  discussion  of  the 
forerunners  of  the  parish  register  in  England.  Perhaps  the  author  believed 
that '  there  were  no  snakes  in  Iceland.'  Anyhow  we  should  like  to  have 
the  explicit  opinion  of  an  expert  of  the  public  records,  as  Dr.  Cox 
undoubtedly  is,  on  the  calendars  of  parish  churches  and  the  entries  in 
missals  and  psalters  which  meet  us,  notably  in  proofs  of  age,  during  the 
medieval  period.  The  hazard  of  a  forecast  is  small  that  the  institution 
had  been  slowly  growing  and  taking  shape  in  men's  minds  till  the  psycho- 
logical moment  came  with  the  destruction  of  the  religious  houses  and  the 
necessity  for  parochial  registration  dawned  on  King  Henry's  astute  adviser, 
who  made  it  compulsory  on  the  English  clergy.  It  is  thought  by  many 
students  that  the  arguments  of  Mr.  Chester  Waters  on  this  matter  will 
not  stand  the  test  of  more  recent  knowledge. 

Notwithstanding  a  sincere  admiration  for  Dr.  Cox  and  his  book,  we 
take  leave  to  dissent  from  his  views  on  the  origin  of  Bishops'  Transcripts. 
It  is  to  be  regretted  that  the  old  story  of  the  Injunctions  of  1597  nas  been 
accepted  and  handed  on.  A  more  careful  scrutiny  of  diocesan  registries 
will  reveal  the  existence  of  transcripts  at  a  much  earlier  period  than  the 
date  indicated  by  the  author.  Genuine  transcripts  will  be  met  with  in  the 
parochial  bundles  of  such  repositories  at  various  dates  from  1560  onwards, 
perhaps  from  a  much  earlier  period.  Dr.  Cox  has  noticed  the  abortive 
attempts  in  1563  and  1590  to  establish  a  general  registry  in  each  diocese. 
These  projects  should  have  suggested  to  him  that  the  idea  of  Bishops' 
Transcripts  at  that  period  was  not  only  in  the  air,  but  very  much  on  the 
firm  ground.  If  he  takes  up  his  Cardwell  he  will  find  that  Archbishop 
Parker  inquired  in  1569  c  whether  your  ministers  keepe  their  registers 
well  and  do  present  the  copy  of  them  once  every  yeare  by  indenture  to 
the  ordinarye  or  his  officers.'  In  1571  a  precisely  similar  injunction  was 
given  by  Archbishop  Grindal  in  his  metropolitical  visitation  of  the  province 
of  York.  There  is  little  doubt  that  Bishops'  transcripts,  as  well  as 
parish  registers,  were  in  existence  as  an  institution  long  before  they 

Cotton  :    The  Bardon  Papers  91 

received  definitive  recognition  by  synodical  or  other  authority.  The 
existence  of  numerous  genuine  transcripts  in  several  diocesan  registries 
before  the  date  assigned  for  their  origin,  when  read  in  the  light  of  the 
archiepiscopal  injunctions  in  both  provinces,  should  convince  Dr.  Cox  that 
the  old  theory  to  which  he  has  given  his  adherence  needs  revisal. 

The  volume  is  well  arranged  in  chapters  under  separate  titles  according 
to  subject-matter.  Among  the  appendices  there  is  a  list  of  parish  registers 
beginning  in  1538,  and  another  in  1539,  while  a  third  gives  a  list  of  those 
wholly  or  partly  in  print.  The  illustrations  are  as  curious  as  they  are 
valuable.  The  most  interesting  are  perhaps  the  facsimiles  of  some  title- 
pages  of  registers.  The  portrait  of  Thomas  Cromwell,  the  founder  of 
parish  registers,  fitly  occupies  the  chief  place.  The  motto  of  the  volume 
that  *  every  parish  must  have  a  history,  every  parish  has  a  register,  every 
person  has  a  parish,'  is  not  the  least  happy  of  the  proverbial  sayings  of 
Bishop  Stubbs.  There  is  a  good  index. 


THE  BARDON  PAPERS  :  Documents  relating  to  the  Imprisonment  and 
Trial  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots.  Edited  for  the  Royal  Historical  Society 
by  Conyers  Read,  Ph.D.,  with  a  Prefatory  Note  by  Charles  Cotton, 
F.R.C.P.E.,  M.R.C.S.  Pp.  xlv,  139.  410.  London :  Offices  of  the 
Society.  1909. 

THE  Bardon  Papers  are  certain  MSS.  discovered  in  1834  at  Bardon  House, 
Somerset,  and  now  in  the  British  Museum.  Though  they  reveal  nothing 
of  cardinal  importance  not  already  well  known  in  regard  to  the  imprison- 
ment and  trial  of  the  Queen  of  Scots,  they  supply  a  number  of  details  of 
various  interest ;  and  while  they  further  confirm  the  reluctance  of  Elizabeth 
to  assent  to  her  execution,  they  render,  if  that  were  possible,  still  more 
evident  the  determination  of  her  accusers  to  secure  it  by  hook  or  by  crook. 
At  the  same  time  they  contain  no  really  fresh  evidence  as  to  Mary's 
innocence  or  guilt.  They  leave  the  matter  where  it  was,  wherever  that 
may  be. 

The  annotation  of  the  documents  by  Dr.  Conyers  Read  is  careful  and 
illuminating;  and  his  introduction  supplies  all  that  is  necessary  for  an 
intelligent  perusal  of  them,  in  addition  to  what  may  be  termed  supple- 
mentary matter.  On  one  or  two  points  his  statements  are,  however,  not 
quite  accurate,  or  stand  in  need  of  qualification.  Every  one  will  not 
agree  with  him  that  it  is  difficult  to  answer  the  question  as  to  whether 
Mary  was  guilty  of  connection  with  the  murder  of  Darnley,  if  that 
be  what  he  means  to  affirm  ;  nor  will  every  one  agree  with  him  that 
the  answer  to  this  depends  upon  the  question  of  the  authenticity  of  the 
casket  letters,  if  that  be  what  he  means  to  imply.  Many  have  had  no 
difficulty  in  answering  the  former  question  in  the  affirmative,  even  when 
not  fully  persuaded  as  to  the  letters ;  and  as  regards  even  the  letters,  Mr. 
Lang  himself — who  is  supposed  to  be  prejudiced  rather  in  favour  of  than 
against  Mary,  if  he  be  prejudiced  at  all,  which  of  course  he  will  deny — has 
confessed,  admittedly  with  reluctance,  that  he  has  no  option  but  to  assign 
to  her  the  fatally  incriminating  Glasgow  letter. 

92  Cotton :    The  Bardon  Papers 

It  is  hardly  correct  to  say  of  the  Duke  of  Norfolk  that,  while  nominally 
a  Protestant,  'he  was  well  known  to  be  strongly  Catholic  in  his  sympathies.' 
On  the  contrary,  Maitland  and  other  Protestants  projected  his  marriage  to 
Mary  because  of  his  Protestantism.  The  duke  was  strong  in  nothing  ;  he 
was  merely  a  wobbler,  whom  in  the  end  the  Catholic  conspirators  purposed 
to  make  a  Catholic,  and  whom  they  and  Mary  befooled  for  their  own 
purposes.  And  is  there  much  difficulty,  as  Dr.  Read  states,  in  guessing 
Mary's  motive  in  encouraging  him  ?  She  might,  or  might  not,  intend  to 
marry  him,  but  she  at  least  desired  to  utilize  him  as  an  instrument  in 
securing  her  liberty. 

It  seems  rather  rash  to  affirm  that  D'Aubigny's  fall  *  destroyed  perhaps  the 
best  chance  Mary  ever  had  of  realizing  her  hopes.'  Unless  Dr.  Read  is 
able  to  fathom  the  mystery  of  D'Aubigny's  real  aims,  unless  he  knows  that 
D'Aubigny  was  more  devoted  to  Mary  than  to  James  or  to  his  own  self,  he 
can  hardly  indulge  in  even  a  perhaps  as  to  the  destruction  of  the  *  best 
chance,'  for  was  it  so  much  as  a  chance  ? 

Dr.  Read  is  of  opinion  that  it  would  be  rash  to  attempt  any  definite 
pronouncement  as  to  Mary's  guilt  or  innocence  of  the  Babington  murder 
plot,  though,  judging  from  what  is  otherwise  known  of  her,  he  thinks  she 
*  would  not  have  been  deterred  by  any  nice  moral  scruples.'  Now,  to 
those  who  have  not  given  full  attention  to  the  various  items  of  cumulative 
evidence,  this  may  seem  a  remarkably  judicial  verdict ;  but  a  verdict  of  not 
proven,  unaccompanied  with  a  careful  summary  of  the  evidence,  has  no 
more  claims  for  acceptance  than  a  verdict,  in  similar  circumstances,  of 
either  innocent  or  guilty.  Its  impartiality  depends  wholly  on  the  character 
of  the  evidence  ;  and  since  there  is  no  room  here  for  adequate  discussion  of 
this,  I  refrain  from  expressing  an  opinion,  beyond  the  remark  that  Mary 
must  have  been  a  phenomenally  weak,  soft,  or  angelic  woman  if  she  did 
not  approve  of  Elizabeth's  assassination  ;  that  her  approval  of  it,  if  she  did 
approve  of  it,  can  hardly  in  the  circumstances  be  deemed  a  crime  ;  that, 
therefore,  the  question  of  her  innocence  or  guilt  is  a  very  minor  matter 
indeed  :  a  minor  matter  as  regards  herself,  and  a  minor  matter,  also,  as 
regards  her  accusers,  who,  whether  she  was  guilty  or  innocent,  were  the 
begetters  of  the  crime,  real  or  imaginary,  for  which  she  suffered  execution. 


THE  BOOK  OF  ARRAN.  Edited  by  J.  A.  Balfour,  F.R.  Hist.  S.,  F.S.A.Scot. 
Pp.  xiv,  295.  With  numerous  Illustrations.  4to.  Published  for  the 
Arran  Society  of  Glasgow  by  Hugh  Hopkins,  Glasgow.  1910. 
2 is.  nett. 

HALF  a  century  has  elapsed  since  Mr.  Bryce,  mathematical  master  in 
Glasgow,  was  requested  to  prepare  a  geological  guide  to  the  Valley  of  the 
Clyde  for  the  members  of  the  British  Association.  Out  of  that  production 
was  developed  by  the  same  author,  The  Geology  of  Arran  and  the  other  Clyde 
Islands,  a  work  scientific  in  conception  and  popular  in  form,  than  which 
no  more  entertaining  local  guide-book  could  be  obtained  anywhere.  One 
feature  of  the  book  was  the  supplement  of  sections  dealing  with  the  history 
of  the  Isle,  and  of  chapters  devoted  to  its  Fauna  and  Flora  contributed  by 

Balfour :    The  Book  of  Arran  93 

various  writers.  That  excellent  book  was  a  model  precursor  of  this  now 
under  review.  In  some  respects  the  modern  Book  of  Arran  is  like  the  old 
in  being  a  collaborated  work  by  experts  in  various  branches  of  science. 
Their  up-to-date  results  and  conclusions,  with  photographic  and  engraved 
illustrations  of  first  merit,  are  edited  by  Mr.  J.  A.  Balfour,  who  has 
personally  contributed  seven  chapters  of  great  interest,  dealing  with  subjects 
within  the  pre-historic  and  historic  periods. 

The  Introduction,  entitled  *  The  Building  up  of  the  Island,'  is  the  work 
of  Sir  Archibald  Geikie  ;  Professor  Thomas  H.  Bryce  describes  '  The 
Sepulchral  Remains'  ;  Mr.  R.  F.  Coles  delineates  'The  Cup  and  Ring- 
marked  Stones ' ;  Mr.  F.  C.  Eeles  discusses  the  '  Effigy  of  an  Abbot  at 
Shisken ' ;  Mr.  C.  E.  Whitelaw,  architect,  describes  ' The  Castles ' ;  and 
Dr.  Erik  Brate,  Stockholm,  contributes  an  interesting  chapter  on  the 
'Runic  Inscriptions  in  the  Cell  of  St.  Molaise.'  Treatises  on  the  recondite 
subjects  so  dear  to  antiquarians  are  sometimes  so  dull  and  soporific  that  few 
trouble  to  read  them.  But  these  archaeological  essays,  although  written 
with  great  precision,  are  presented  in  such  lucid  and  simple  terms  that 
ordinary  readers,  whether  interested  in  the  locality  or  not,  cannot  fail  to  be 
fascinated  in  their  perusal.  The  charming  introductory  chapter  by  Sir 
Archibald  Geikie  affords  an  educative  account  of  the  geological  up- 
building of  an  Isle,  no  small  part  of  whose  romance  lies  in  the  fact  that  it 
has  been  detached  from  the  mainland  at  a  late  period  of  its  history.  A 
diagram  indicates  the  results  of  the  seven  distinct  periods  of  eruption,  and 
the  resultant  lie  of  the  land  after  the  schists,  grits,  and  conglomerates  found 
settlement,  the  sandstones  took  their  bed,  the  upper  measures  were  fixed, 
and  the  irresistible  lava  stream  burst  up  through  all  these  strata  and  cooled 
down  on  those  ragged  peaks,  so  grand  to  the  eye  of  the  traveller.  The 
picture  given  of  the  elements  at  their  formative  work  is  almost  cinemato- 
graphic in  its  realism.  The  glamour  of  the  scene  is  on  the  writer  himself, 
and  the  eye  of  a  poet  guides  the  hand  of  a  scientist. 

With  similar  ease  and  grace  of  style  Professor  Bryce  glides  in  and  out 
the  chambered  cairns  which  he  lays  bare  in  order  to  memorialise  them 
better  with  fascinating  photographs  from  his  camera.  Here  again  the 
reader  is  on  solid  ground,  facing  the  evidences  of  the  past  carefully  set  out, 
measured  to  a  hair's-breadth,  weighed,  tabulated,  compared,  and  judicially 
pronounced  on.  Chamber  and  cist,  skull  and  skeleton,  urn  and  tool,  are 
critically  examined,  and  in  this  valley  of  Dry  Bones,  the  deft  anatomist 
raises  up  the  aboriginals,  restores  flesh  and  feature,  declares  their  sexes, 
displays  broad-head  and  narrow-head,  in  order  to  assert  that  '  a  new  and 
pure  race  appeared  in  Scotland  at  the  beginning  of  the  Bronze  age,  bringing 
with  them  the  beaker  urn  and  a  new  form  of  culture.  In  stature  these 
new  people  do  not  appear  to  have  greatly  exceeded  the  earlier  Iberian 
settlers,  and  in  complexion  they  were  probably  dark  like  them.'  Only  by 
experience  and  a  long  residence  in  the  West  can  one  comprehend  all  the 
significance  of  the  weighty  conclusion  of  the  learned  professor  ; — '  As  an 
ethnic  factor,  the  broadheads  have  left  very  little  trace  of  their  presence. 
The  dominant  type  in  the  later  population  of  Bute  and  Argyll  has  always 
been  dark  and  dolichocephalic.  This  type  was,  of  course,  strongly  rein- 

94  Balfour  :    The  Book  of  Arran 

forced  from  Ireland,  but  the  district  remained,  in  the  main,  true  to  the 
characters  of  the  earlier  settlement.' 

The  Report  on  *  The  Cup  and  Ring-marked  Rocks  at  Stronach  Ridge, 
Brodick,'  prepared  by  Mr.  Coles  for  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  is  here 
reproduced  without  any  further  comment  or  suggestion  as  to  the  meaning 
or  origin  of  these  mysterious  memorials.  The  Editor,  dealing  with  the 
Proto-historic  period,  gives  a  short  sketch  of  Viking  burials  with  reference 
to  a  find  at  King's  Cross  Point.  Another  interesting  chapter  on  c  An 
Irish-Celtic  Monastery,'  gives  the  Editor  an  opportunity  of  drawing  atten- 
tion to  the  discovery  of  an  early  monastic  establishment  near  Kilpatrick, 
and  to  his  suggestion  that  this  may  be  the  site  of  that  monastery  on  Aileach 
founded  by  St.  Brendan.  Very  instructive,  also,  are  the  Editor's  other  con- 
tributions to  the  volume,  namely,  *  Chapels  and  Sculpture  Stones,'  'The 
Holy  Isle,'  *  Miscellanea,'  etc. 

Mr.  F.  C.  Eeles,  in  a  very  informative  chapter  'On  the  Effigy  of  an 
Abbot  at  Shisken,'  clearly  disposes  of  the  tradition  that  this  monument 
represents  St.  Molio.  The  figure,  now  preserved  in  the  Church  at  Shisken, 
is  none  other  than  a  medieval  priest  in  his  eucharistic  vestments,  as 
antiquarians  have  long  decided.  The  notes  by  Mr.  Eeles  on  the  forms  of 
vestments  on  West  Highland  monuments  are  very  valuable. 

From  an  architectural  point  of  view  Mr.  C.  E.  Whitelaw  has  done 
justice  to  *  The  Castles,'  but  it  is  a  pity  that  space  did  not  permit  of 
references  to  the  part  they  played  in  the  national  and  local  story.  It  is 
unfortunate  that  the  present  state  of  the  Norse  Runic  inscriptions  in  the 
cell  of  St.  Molaise,  Holy  Isle,  does  not  permit  of  Dr.  Erik  Brate  making 
more  of  them  than  suggestive  interpretations.  A  catalogue  of  Arran  place- 
names,  in  their  amended  form,  is  a  necessary  accompaniment,  as  also  is  an 
excellent  map.  Altogether  this  superb  volume  is  a  credit  to  the  Arran 
Society  of  Glasgow,  and  to  its  Editor,  is  a  delightful  guide-book  to  the 
antiquities  of  a  wonderful  isle,  and  should  be  in  the  hands  of  lovers  of 

accurate  research.  ,    „ 


MEMOIR  OF  THE  RIGHT  HON.  SIR  JOHN  MCNEILL,  G.C.B.,  and  of  his  second 
wife,  Elizabeth  Wilson.  By  their  grand-daughter.  Pp.  xiv,  426.  With 
Illustrations.  Demy  8vo.  London :  John  Murray.  1910.  153.  nett. 

SIR  JOHN  M'NEILL,  whose  name  is  associated  with  British  interests  in  Persia, 
well  deserved  a  monograph,  and  the  book  before  us  has  given  a  satisfactory 
one.  He  was  born  in  1795,  and,  being  the  third  son  of  the  Laird  of 
Colonsay,  was  a  true  Highlander.  In  early  life  he  shared  the  frugal  life  of 
the  other  islanders,  and  of  this  simple  life  Professor  Mackinnon  gives  us  a 
very  interesting  account.  At  the  age  of  twelve  he  went  to  Glasgow  and 
then  to  Edinburgh  to  follow  the  medical  profession.  In  Edinburgh  (to 
show  his  strength,  he  once,  it  is  said,  for  a  wager,  walked  thence  to  Glasgow 
and  back  in  twenty-four  hours)  he  made  the  acquaintance  of  the  family  of 
Wilson,  the  best  known  member  of  which  became  *  Christopher  North,' 
and  having  obtained  his  degree,  married  Miss  Robinson,  of  Clermiston — an 
imprudent  match,  the  bridegroom  being  nineteen,  and  the  bride  two  years 

Memoir  of  the  Right  Hon.  Sir  John  M'Neill    95 

younger — and  with  his  wife  went  to  India  in  the  service  of  the  East  India 
Company.  His  young  wife  died  in  1816,  and  he  himself  joined  the  Field 
Force  at  Baroda,  and  saw  some  active  service  against  Holkar  and  the 

In  1820  his  long  career  in  Persia  began,  as  he  was  attached  to  the  British 
Mission  in  Teheran.  After  returning  home  in  1822  he  married  Elizabeth 
Wilson,  whose  brothers  were  his  dearest  friends,  a  charming  Scottish  lady 
(whose  name  is  rightly  associated  with  his  in  this  book),  in  whom  he  found 
an  admirable  wife  and  ally,  and  in  1823  went  with  her  to  Persia,  from 
whence  her  lively  letters  (she  was  a  friend  of  Lockhart  and  the  Blackwood 
*  group ')  make  agreeable  reading.  M'Neill  took  part  in  the  negotiations 
for  peace  after  the  Russo-Persian  war,  and  had  considerable  influence  in 
altering  the  tortuous  policy  of  Persian  finance.  In  1831  he  was  made 
Resident  at  Bushire,  brought  his  weight  to  bear  on  old  Fatten  Ali  Shah, 
and  was  Envoy  to  Khorassan. 

During  a  visit  to  Europe  he  wrote  a  brochure.  The  Progress  and  present 
position  of  Russia  in  the  East,  which  became  famous  later  during  the  Crimean 
War.  Then,  parting  from  his  wife  and  sole  surviving  child,  he  again  went 
out  to  Persia — but  this  time  as  Minister  Plenipotentiary  and  Envoy  Extra- 
ordinary— in  1836.  The  complications  between  the  Afghans  and  the 
aggressive  Persians  brought  him,  though  successful,  into  disfavour  with  the 
new  Shah,  and  he  left  for  home,  remaining  there  two  years,  and  there  was 
created  G.C.B.  for  his  services.  He  returned  to  Persia  for  his  last  term  in 
1841,  retiring  next  year,  having  pursued  a  policy  crowned  with  success. 

Forty-one  years  of  retirement  followed,  but  he  was  never  idle  for  a 
moment.  He  wrote,  he  was  a  Commissioner  of  the  first  Scottish  Board 
of  Supervision,  and  he  inquired  into  the  potato  famine  (his  report  gives  what 
the  author  calls  *  the  final  word  on  the  Crofter  Question'),  and  he  interested 
himself  in  Highland  emigration.  In  1855,  in  his  sixtieth  year,  he  was 
sent  out  to  the  Crimea  to  inquire  into  the  working  of  the  Commissariats. 
This  brought  about  a  friendship  with  Miss  Florence  Nightingale,  and,  as 
he  wrote  to  his  wife  *  enough  remained  to  be  done  to  make  me  thankful 
I  agreed  to  come  here.'  His  dignified  behaviour  in  the  storm  which 
followed  the  publication  of  the  Reports  is  very  temperately  told.  Honours 
fell  thickly  on  him  in  the  evening  of  his  life,  but  his  beloved  wife  died  in 
1868.  He  continued,  however,  to  be  of  use  to  the  world,  and  died  as  lately 
as  1883,  being  tended  by  his  third  wife,  the  Duke  of  Argyll's  sister,  Lady 
Emma  Campbell,  and  his  fame  has  caused  him  to  be  claimed  (in  1903)  as 
Mrs.  Eddy's  great-grandfather  by  a  very  misguided  Biographer  of  the 
Founder  of  Christian  Science  ! 

The  editor  has  done  her  difficult  work  well,  she  has  given  a  glimpse 
into  Persian  and  Russian  history  and  politics  sufficient  for  her  subject,  and 
she  has  inlayed  her  work  with  extracts  from  delightful  family  letters  with 
great  skill.  We  think  she  is  not  wrong  in  having  used  the  old  orthography  of 
Oriental  names  instead  of  the  more  modern  forms,  but  she  should  have  seen 
to  their  uniformity,  and  corrected  not  only  some  misprints  but  also  the 
spelling  of  the  names  of  the  German,  Russian,  and  Austrian  nobles 
mentioned  in  her  very  readable  biography.  A  FRANCIS  STEUART. 

96  Copinger :    Heraldry  Simplified 

COMPLETE  BODY  OF  ARMORY.  By  W.  A.  Copinger,  M.A.,  LL.D., 
F.S.A.,  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Law  in  the  University  of  Manchester. 
Pp.  379.  Illustrated  by  nearly  3000  examples.  4to.  Manchester  : 
University  Press.  1910.  IDS.  6d.  nett. 

DR.  COPINGER  endeavoured  to  present  within  moderate  compass  all  he 
could  find  in  the  best  authorities,  in  such  a  way  as  to  enable  anyone  from 
his  volume  alone,  to  acquire  a  competent  knowledge  of  English  heraldry. 
And  we  regret  that  the  reputation  which  the  distinguished  author  gained 
by  other  works  is  not  likely  to  be  enhanced  by  this  volume. 

The  book  proceeds,  so  far,  on  the  lines  of  Clark's  Introduction  to  Heraldry, 
and  there  is  a  very  full  chapter  extending  to  about  fifty  pages  giving  hints 
on  the  compilation  of  pedigrees,  and  setting  forth  in  detail  all  the  well- 
known  sources  of  genealogical  authority.  A  new  feature  appears  to  be  the 
arrangement  of  the  common  charges  in  alphabetical  order,  the  examples 
being  so  placed  that  when  the  description  is  too  long  to  be  printed  under- 
neath it  appears  on  the  opposite  page. 

Throughout  the  book  there  are  statements  which  we  are  inclined  to 
challenge,  and  inaccuracies  which  we  are  afraid  we  cannot  always  attribute 
to  the  printer.  We  give  a  few  instances.  In  referring  to  arms  of  preten- 
sion the  author  says:  'On  the  union  with  Ireland  the  arms  of  France 
were  first  omitted,  and  the  ensign  of  Ireland  substituted  in  the  third  quarter 
of  the  royal  arms  of  Great  Britain.'  Now,  there  was  no  such  substitution  ; 
the  arms  of  Ireland  have  occupied  the  third  quarter  in  every  reign  since  the 
accession  of  James  I.  In  describing  subordinate  ordinaries,  he  says  : 
*  The  Orle  is  an  insulated  border  in  the  shape  of  the  Shield  to  which  when 
the  half  fleur-de-lis  is  affixed  it  becomes  a  Tressure.'  This  is  incorrect : 
the  tressure  is  not  more  than  half  the  breadth  of  the  orle  and,  clearly,  the 
orle  itself  may  be  borne  flory.  Again,  *  the  Flanch  is  formed  of  two  curved 
lines  on  each  side  of  the  Shield.  They  take  their  beginning  from  the  corner 
of  the  Chief,  and  from  thence  swelling  by  degrees  until  they  come  to  the 
middle  of  the  Shield,  and  thence  proportionably  declinary  to  the  Sinister  base 
point.'  Should  a  beginner  try  to  portray  flanches  of  this  pattern  he  would 
make  the  curved  lines  meet  at  the  fess  point,  and  would  then  continue  both 
lines  downwards  to  the  same  point,  on  the  same  side  of  the  shield  !  In 
treating  of  borders,  the  author  gives  a  dozen  examples  before  he  explains 
what  a  border  is,  and  would  seem  to  contradict  his  glossary  by  stating 
that  '  a  border  is  never  metal  upon  metal.'  A  border  enurny,  he  proceeds, 
is  one  charged  with  'lines,'  evidently  meaning  lions,  while  in  another 
case  the  border  is  stated  to  be  *  charged  with  entoyre  of  bezants '  instead 
of  'charged  with  bezants,'  or  'entoyre  of  bezants,'  one  or  the  other. 
And  in  speaking  of  ostrich  feathers,  he  says  that  a  plume  of  three  heights 
should  consist  of  twelve  feathers,  six,  five,  four,  and  three,  an  arithmetical 
and  heraldic  feat  that  we  do  not  attempt. 

Dr.  Copinger's  examples  are  occasionally  too  brief  to  be  clear,  as  in  this 
case,  '  Text  R.  by  a  sprig  of  Laurel.'  At  other  times  they  are  unnecessarily 
full,  as  for  example,  'Two  fishes  in  saltier  debruised  by  another  in  pale,  the 
tail  erect,  or,  as  sometimes  termed,  "  teste  a  la  Queve  or  Queue,"  or  a  trien 

Copinger  :    Heraldry  Simplified  97 

of  fishes  lying  cross,  the  heads  and  tails  interchangeably  posed,  anciently 
blazoned  Tres  trouts,  etc.,  paly  bendy,  barony.' 

Again,  as  simplicity  was  his  aim,  would  it  not  have  been  better  to  have 
avoided  variations  in  the  spelling  of  certain  words  which  frequently  recur  ? 
Sometimes  close  together,  we  find  dawnset,  dancett£e,  dancette  j  nebule", 
nebulae,  nebuly;  torteaux,  torteauxes;  beviled,  bevelled,  etc. 

As  regards  the  illustrations  we  hardly  share  the  author's  complacency. 
They  are  not  above  the  average,  and  we  have  seldom  seen  a  more  puerile 
representation  of  a  shield  with  supporters  than  is  to  be  found  on  page  243. 

On  account  of  faults  such  as  we  have  indicated  we  hesitate  to  say  that 
the  volume,  whatever  its  merits,  may  be  considered  a  safe  and  only  guide 
to  the  study  of  heraldry.  WILLIAM  D.  KER. 

LANGUE  FRANCHISE,'  de  Joachim  du  Bellay.  Par  Pierre  Villey. 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  xlviii,  162.  Paris:  Honor£  Champion.  1908. 
THE  series,  appropriately  named  l  Bibliotheque  Litteraire  de  la  Renaissance,' 
promises  to  enhance  the  credit  of  the  publisher  by  its  special  contributions 
to  medieval  and  renaissance  study,  and  to  the  criticism  of  such  authors  as 
Petrarch,  Rabelais,  and  Montaigne.  As  a  search  of  sources  the  present 
work  is  of  unusual  interest,  and  very  clearly  shows  the  use  made  in  1 549 
by  Du  Bellay  of  Sperone  Speroni's  Dialogo  delle  Lingue,  by  wholesale 
incorporations  of  it  in  the  famous  Defense  et  Illustration. 

M.  Villey's  admirable  introduction,  moreover,  demonstrates  that  the 
adoption  of  the  Italian's  arguments  and  refitment  of  them  from  the  case  of 
Italy  to  the  case  of  France  was  only  one  stage  of  the  important  general 
movement  by  which  the  vernacular  tongues  became  decisively  victorious 
over  Latin  as  the  vehicle  for  the  highest  thought  in  politics  as  well  as 
literature.  Du  Bellay  had  probably  read  the  Prose  della  lingua  volgare  of 
Pietro  Bembo.  Born  about  1500,  and  dead  in  1588,  Speroni,  writing  in 
1542,  was  expanding  the  thesis  of  Bembo's  Prose  in  favour  of  the  vernacular. 
The  Prose  had  been  written  in  1502,  although  not  published  until  1525. 

In  mode,  and  to  some  extent  in  national  spirit,  Speroni's  book  follows  the 
Corteglano  of  Castiglione,  published  in  1529,  adopting  the  dialogue  form, 
and  justifiably  making  Bembo  the  chief  spokesman  for  the  Tuscan  dialect. 
When  transferring  the  argument  to  its  new  requirements,  Du  Bellay  had 
no  need  to  establish  the  supremacy  of  any  one  form  of  the  French  tongue  : 
that  was  settled,  and  the  speech  of  Paris  was  the  national  language. 
Pleading  for  French,  with  arguments  translated  page  after  page  from 
Italian,  the  Defense  was  a  direct  instance  of  the  Italianisation  so  abundantly 
evident  in  other  aspects  of  European  culture  at  the  time,  and  so  familiar  to 
us  through  its  later  manifestations  in  the  England  of  Shakespeare.  But 
underneath  was  a  keenness  of  national  sense  which  made  the  argument 
live  and  conquer,  and  which  was  also  the  dominant  factor  in  the  Scottish 
parallel  already  commented  on  (S.H.R.  vii.  429),  viz.  the  Complaynte  of 
Scotland,  adapted  from  the  French,  and  published  in  the  same  year  as  Du 
Bellay's  adaptation  from  Italian.  M.  Villey's  shrewdness  of  criticism  can 
hardly  be  better  exhibited  than  by  quoting  his  two  verdicts  :  (l)  that 


9  8  Coronation  Oaths 

contrary  to  previous  opinion,  Du  Bellay's  work  had  *  almost  no  originality ' 
(except  to  apply  to  French  what  had  previously  been  applied  to  Italian)  ; 
and  (2)  that  the  glory  of  the  work  was  its  fortune  to  be  *  the  programme  of 
the  Pl£iade.'  As  a  collation  of  sources  and  a  crisp,  learned,  and  satisfying 
analysis  of  the  results,  M.  Villey's  little  book  is  a  capital  exposition  of  the 
art  of  historical  literary  criticism. 

ALL  constitutional  subjects  have  a  special  antiquarian  interest,  sometimes 
acute,  as  in  the  case  of  the  coronation  oath.  Scotland's  concern  in  the 
subject  may  safely  be  reckoned  vital  in  view  of  the  part  that  religion  played 
in  Scottish  history,  constitutionally  considered,  not  only  from  the  Reforma- 
tion to  the  Union  of  1 707,  but  ever  since.  Dr.  Hay  Fleming  has  there- 
fore chosen  the  fit  hour  for  publishing  his  Historical  Notes  concerning  the 
Coronation  Oaths  and  the  Accession  Declaration  (pp.  20 ;  The  Knox 
Club,  1910,  second  edition,  price  threepence). 

The  pamphlet  traces  the  position  by  law  and  practice  in  Scotland  from 
1329,  when  the  long-sought  privilege  of  unction  and  consecration  was 
granted  to  Scottish  kings  at  their  coronation,  down  to  the  Act  of  Union. 
By  the  papal  bull  of  1329  the  privilege  of  unction  was  granted  subject  to 
an  oath  by  the  successive  monarchs  to  exterminate  all  heretics  (universes 
hereticos  exterminare).  At  the  Reformation,  under  a  statute  of  1567,  the 
kings  were  required  thenceforth  at  their  coronation  to  *  make  their  faithful 
promise  by  oath  in  presence  of  the  Eternal  God'  to  maintain  the  'true 
religion '  as  *  now  received  and  preached  within  this  realm,'  and  *  to  root 
out  all  heretics  and  enemies  to  the  true  worship  of  God  that  shall  be  con- 
victed by  the  true  Kirk  of  God.'  Oath  in  these  terms  was  made  by 
James  VI.,  Charles  I.,  Charles  II.,  William  and  Mary,  and  Anne,  but  not 
by  James  VII.  and  II. 

Though  superseded  by  the  Act  of  Union,  the  Scottish  enactment  of 
1 567  is  yet  unrepealed,  and  remains,  however  dormant,  on  the  statute  book, 
in  terms  of  the  Statute  Law  Revision  (Scotland)  Act  of  1906.  Some  of 
the  anathemas  of  Roman  Catholic  councils  and  confessions  are  printed  for 
comparative  purposes  by  Dr.  Hay  Fleming.  He  would  doubtless  find 
instructive  suggestion  in  the  coronation  oaths  of  King  George  of  Bohemia 
in  1458,  and  the  dubiety  consequent  on  the  king's  silence  or  indirectness 
regarding  the  Compacta  and  the  utraquist  tenets  of  the  bulk  of  the  Bohemian 
people.  The  current  question  in  view  is  too  political  to  be  discussed  here, 
but  the  pamphlet  is  timely  in  now  offering  a  short  survey  of  Scots 
coronation  practice.  It  is  a  valuable  supplement  to  Professor  Cooper's 
paper  in  the  Transactions  of  the  Aberdeen  Ecclesiological  Society  for  1902, 
itself  a  mine  of  Scottish  coronation-lore. 

In  the  English  Historical  Review  (July)  Miss  Dilben  groups  a  great  many 
references  to  the  position  or  office  of  Secretary  in  the  thirteenth  and 
fourteenth  centuries  shewing  an  original  connection  with  the  English 
king's  <  secret '  council,  coming  to  be  associated  with  a  clerk,  and  from 
1307  until  1367  combined  with  the  keepership  of  the  king's  privy  or 
secret  seal.  There  were  many  varieties  of  the  species,  however,  and  Miss 
Dilben's  collection  of  specimens  throws  much  light  on  the  official  evolution. 

Current  Literature  99 

Bibliographers  and  book  lovers  will  appreciate  Mr.  P.  S.  Allen's  account 
of  Bishop  Shirwood  of  Durham,  1450-93,  and  his  library,  the  gradual 
acquisition  of  years  of  purchases  of  manuscripts  and  incunabula,  especially 
of  Greek  and  Latin  classics.  Mr.  H.  L.  Schoolcraft,  in  a  paper  on  *  England 
and  Denmark,  1660-1667,'  traces  the  course  of  Charles  II.'s  policy  in  the 
abortive  effort  to  secure  an  offensive  alliance  with  Denmark.  Mr.  J.  H. 
Clapham,  writing  on  the  '  Last  Years  of  the  Navigation  Acts,'  begins  an 
explanation  of  the  antecedents  of  the  repeal,  and  surveys  the  British  treaty 
relations  with  the  leading  European  powers.  Miss  Kate  Norgate,  carefully 
working  over  the  papers  of  the  late  Mr.  T.  A.  Archer,  presents  a  most 
interesting  parallel  collation  between  the  well-known  Itinerarium  of  the 
crusade  of  Richard  I.,  and  the  Song  of  Ambrose^  which  is  a  French  metrical 
equivalent  of  the  Itinerarium.  She  concludes  that  the  song  was  most 
probably  a  translation  from  a  primitive  text  of  the  Latin  work. 

A  first  serial  article  in  the  Law  Quarterly  Review  for  July  deals  with  an 
important  subject  from  rather  a  fresh  standpoint.  From  the  pen  of  M.  de 
W.  Hemmeon,  its  proposition  is  that  the  records  of  Burgage  Tenure  in 
Medieval  England  prove  the  development  of  feudalism  in  England  to  have 
been  antedated  by  a  system  of  land  holding  in  the  boroughs,  which  later 
came  to  be  known  as  the  burgage  tenure.  It  is  shown  by  the  initial 
section  that  the  incidents  of  burgage  tenure  did  not  include  aids  or  marriage, 
but  did  include  wardship,  and  sometimes  relief.  Heriot,  too,  was  included, 
meaning  not  *  the  best  chattel '  (as  we  say  in  Scotland,  '  the  best  aught ') 
but  a  piece  of  arms,  such  as  a  sword,  lance,  or  bill.  Escheat  and  forfeiture, 
fealty  and  homage  existed,  but  with  characteristic  differences  from  the 
feudal  mode.  The  retrait  fiodal  is  occasionally  found,  and  so  are  alienation 
fees,  usually  styled  'sellings' — the  latter  being  small  payments  answering 
somewhat  to  what  Scots  law  calls  the  taxed  entry  of  a  singular  successor. 
The  future  course  of  these  articles  is  sure  to  deserve  close  attention  for  their 
direct  and  indirect  Scottish  interest. 

In  the  Modern  Language  Review  (July)  the  biography  of  Spenser  as  inter- 
preting, and  interpreted  by,  his  Amoretti  and  Epithalamion  is  discussed  by  Mr. 
J.  C.  Smith  with  a  tendency  to  the  view  that  the  Amoretti  were  originally 
written  in  honour  of  Lady  Carey,  but  were  rehandled  later — as  the  poets  know 
how — along  with  the  Epithalamion,  for  the  praise  of  another,  his  bride,  Eliza- 
beth Boyle.  Mr.  Smith  concludes  his  paper  with  an  appeal  for  the  necessity 
of  a  historical  exegesis  of  the  Faerie  £hieene.  A  list  of  Scandinavian  personal 
names  used  in  England,  drawn  up  by  Mr.  H.  C.  Wyld,  will  be  found  useful 
for  examination  of  place-name  theories.  The  texts  of  two  Middle  High 
German  poems  are  edited  by  Mr.  L.  A.  Willoughby,  the  first  a  version  of 
the  legend  of  the  fifteen  signs  of  the  approaching  day  of  judgment,  and  the 
second  a  poem  on  doomsday  itself. 

In  the  Juridical  Review  for  July  Mr.  Valentine  completes  his  study  of  the 
Air  considered  as  a  realm  of  law.  He  inclines  to  the  view  that  rights  of 
private  property  in  land  extending  ad  coelum  are  restricted  by  rights  of  public 
passage  at  higher  elevations  than  building  structures,  and  therefore  that 
liability  to  damage  from  mishaps  will  not  arise  simply  because  of  damage 

ioo  Current  Literature 

done,  but  will  only  be  incurred  by  negligence  on  the  part  of  aeronauts. 
He  deprecates  legislation,  preferring  to  let  general  principles  adjust  them- 
selves for  a  while  in  the  new  medium  before  any  attempt  is  made  at  an 
enactment.  Mr.  Ferguson,  K.C.,  sketches,  without  really  fresh  contribu- 
tion, the  history  of  the  Sheriff  in  Scotland.  His  paper  indirectly  establishes 
the  great  need  there  is  for  some  antiquary  to  make  the  story  of  the  great 
office  the  theme  of  an  extended  monograph.  Sir  P.  J.  Hamilton-Grierson 
gives  an  account  of  the  medieval  church  doctrine  of  cognatio  spirituality  or 
the  principle  of  quasi-kinships  constituted  by  baptism  and  confirmation. 
We  observe  that  he  makes  no  reference  to  Bishop  Dowden's  Rhind 
lectures,  which  dealt  intimately  with  this  subject,  and  are  to  be  post- 
humously published.  A  note  on  Professor  Maitland  by  Professor  Millar  is 
a  pleasant  feature  among  the  reviews. 

The  Revue  Historique  (July-August)  has  a  study  in  economic  history 
from  1697  until  1713  in  an  article  by  M.  Ph.  Sagnac  on  the  commercial 
foreign  policy  of  France  from  the  peace  of  Ryswick  until  the  treaty  of 
Utrecht — a  period  when  necessity  made  a  relaxation  of  Protectionism 
imperative,  and  gave  occasion  to  many  rearrangements  of  international 

A  series  of  despatches  regarding  the  Westphalian  campaign  of  1761 
is  edited.  A  discussion  is  in  progress  over  the  word  Gorthonicusy  held  with 
documentary  authority  by  Dr.  Henry  Bradley  to  be  geographical,  a  term 
for  Gaul  and  Gaulish,  but  now  maintained  by  M.  Treich,  on  an  airy 
argument  of  philosophy,  to  be  a  descriptive  epithet.  It  is  always  as 
interesting  to  see  a  philologist  at  work  on  history  as  it  is  to  see  a  historian 
arguing  philology.  Dr.  Bradley  appears  to  have  the  documents  behind 
his  contention,  while  M.  Treich  tries  ineffectually  to  persuade  them  away. 
A  further  stage  is  reached  in  the  important  question  of  interpreting  the 
table  of  penalties  in  the  Lex  Salica — whether  as  indemnities  to  the  injured 
or  as  fines  to  the  State.  The  rival  theorists  have  not  yet  reconciled  the 
anomalies  of  either  interpretation,  but  the  previously  current  doctrine  of 
indemnity  is  seriously  shaken. 

The  Revue  des  Etudes  Historiques  (May-June,  1910)  contains  an  article 
by  M.  de  Vaissiere  on  the  intimate  letters  of  a  young  French  aristocrat  of 
the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century — Joseph  Marie  de  Lordat  to  wit :  the 
letters  throw  fresh  psychological  side-lights  on  the  French  nobility  during 
that  critical  period,  and  some  interesting  deductions  thereupon  are  made  by 
M.  de  Vaissiere.  M.  Morane  writes  on  an  episode  in  the  troublous  history 
of  Poland,  and  discusses  the  temperament  and  character  of  the  Grand  Duke 
Constantin,  brother  of  Alexander  I. 

Amongst  the  reviews  in  this  number  (chiefly  of  biographical  works)  may 
be  noted  as  of  especial  interest,  remarks  on  the  hitherto  unpublished  letters 
of  Luise  Ulrike,  sister  of  Frederick  the  Great ;  on  the  Recollections  of 
Princess  Galitzin ;  and  on  the  valuable  series  of  Memoirs  in  the  course  of 
publication  by  M.  Funck-Brentano. 


FRANCIS  JOSEPH  AMOURS.  The  death  of  our  distinguished 
contributor,  Monsieur  Francis  Joseph  Amours,  has  deprived  Scotland  of  a 
profound  student  of  the  national  literary  antiquities.  Perhaps  there  is  no 
other  instance  of  a  Frenchman  getting  so  complete  a  mastery  of  Old  Scots, 
and  thus  winning  recognition  as  a  foremost  authority.  He  was  born  on 
23rd  November,  1841,  at  the  village  of  Tilleul-Othon,  in  Normandy,  in 
the  department  of  Eure,  the  son  of  Pierre  Joseph  Amours  and  Rosalie  Adele 
Conard.  So  well  were  the  foundations  of  his  education  laid  by  the  good 
cure  of  Tilleul-Othon  that  on  going,  at  the  age  of  eighteen,  to  the  college 
of  Bernay  he  proved  a  brilliant  student.  Under  Principal  Roger  he 
was  dux  in  all  subjects,  and  carried  off  the  prix  a'honneur  offered  by  the 
Minister  of  Education.  He  took  his  degree  of  Bachelier-es-Lettres  of  the 
University  of  France  at  Caen  in  1862. 

By  this  time  he  seems  to  have  given  up  any  idea  of  entering  the  church, 
and  he  became  for  a  short  while  a  R/gent  in  the  college  of  Lisieux.  In 
1864  he  was  granted  unlimited  leave  (congS  cT inactivity  sans  traitement 
from  the  Minister  of  Education,  who  was  then  the  famous  historian,  Victor 
Duruy.  Passing  over  into  England  he  taught  in  a  private  school  in 
Gloucestershire  until  1867.  He  was  then  appointed  assistant  to  M.  Havet, 
a  well-known  French  master  in  Edinburgh,  where  he  resided  until  1869, 
when  he  was  chosen  French  master  in  Glasgow  Academy.  After  fifteen 
years  there  he  was  preferred  to  the  like  position  in  Glasgow  High  School, 
where  he  remained  until  his  retiral  on  a  pension  after  twenty  years'  service 
in  1904.  During  those  five  and  thirty  years  of  active  teaching  in  this 
country  he  passed  through  his  hands  a  very  large  number  of  students  of 
French,  and  there  are  many  who  remember  with  gratitude  and  admiration 
(chequered,  of  course,  with  the  godly  fear  inseparable  from  the  part)  his 
systematic  and  thorough  methods  of  instruction  and  his  encouragement  of 
pupils  of  promise.  He  long  acted  also  as  an  examiner  in  French,  at  one 
time  for  intermediate  education  in  Ireland,  and  latterly  for  degree  and 
other  purposes  in  Glasgow  University.  Side-products  of  his  profession  as  a 
teacher  were  two  school  books,  his  Study  of  French  Verbs  and  his  French 
Primer,  both  in  considerable  demand. 

But  it  was  not  as  a  French  grammarian  that  he  was  to  win  his  chief 
distinctions.  His  study  of  Old  French  led  him  to  the  study  of  Old  English. 
For  a  number  of  years  he  paid  special  attention  to  the  Old  French  words 
incorporated  in  medieval  English,  and  drew  up  an  elaborate  list  of 
examples  he  had  found.  Early  in  1885  he  appears  to  have  tendered  to 


102  Communications 

Dr.  J.  A.  H.  Murray,  then  at  work  on  the  first  volume  of  the  New 
English  Dictionary,  the  fruit  of  his  researches.  Needless  to  say,  Dr.  Murray 
warmly  accepted  from  M.  Amours  what  he  termed  his  *  generous  and 
enthusiastic  offer  of  help,'  and  in  1888  the  preface  to  the  first  volume  of 
the  Dictionary  contains  an  acknowledgment  for  c  a  series  of  references  for 
early  instances  of  French  words  in  Middle  English.'  So  began  a  connec- 
tion maintained  for  five  and  twenty  years,  during  which  the  resources  of 
M.  Amours'  scholarship  and  reading  were  steadily  utilised  in  the  making 
of  the  great  Dictionary  which  is  so  proud  an  achievement  of  collective 
effort  in  English  study. 

The  connection  of  M.  Amours  with  the  alliterative  poems  began,  as  he 
himself  has  said,  in  the  happy  accident  of  his  making  the  acquaintance  of 
Sir  Frederick  Madden's  Syr  Gawayne,  that  noble  Bannatyne  Club  volume  so 
fitted  to  stir  a  kindred  soul  to  the  study  of  old  poetry,  and  so  worthy,  by  its 
masterly  treatment  of  palaeographical,  textual,  and  glossarial  problems,  to  be 
a  begetter  of  equally  scholarly  work  in  the  archaeology  of  literature.  With 
its  bases  equally  Old  French,  Middle  English,  and  Scots,  it  presented  in 
its  collection  of  archaic  verse  many  of  the  glossarial  and  etymological 
elements  on  which  M.  Amours  was  already  working  from  the  philological 
standpoint.  Henceforward  he  pursued  those  researches  and  studies  in 
early  Scottish  poetry  which  resulted  in  his  editing  the  Scottish  Alliterative 
Poems  in  Riming  Stanzas,  of  which  the  text  appeared  in  1892,  followed  by 
the  notes  in  the  complete  volume  for  the  Scottish  Text  Society  in  1897. 
That  work  needs  no  commending,  having  earned  its  own  place  by  its 
sanity,  accuracy,  and  complex  learning  alike  in  history,  philology,  and 
criticism.  The  alliteratives,  before  M.  Amours  took  them  up,  were  a 
*  strange  dark  book ' ;  his  glossaries  cleared  away  much  of  the  obscurity  ; 
his  notes  and  introduction  brought  an  unhoped-for  mass  of  explanatory 
learning  to  the  whole  cycle ;  and,  in  a  word,  the  volume  must  long  hold 
place  as  a  master-key  for  early  Scottish  literature.  Conservative  in  mood, 
he  never  pressed  discovery  beyond  the  obvious  limits  of  the  evidence,  so 
that  his  propositions,  erring  if  at  all  on  the  side  of  understatement,  are 
invariably  characterised  by  their  safety.  He  had  learned  to  write  English 
in  a  diction  which  had  all  the  clearness  of  the  best  literary  French  without 
a  touch  of  its  rhetoric,  and  his  prefatorial  essays  are  as  well  turned  in 
phrase  as  they  are  restrained  in  style. 

His  patient,  sure-footed  ways  of  study  had  set  him  completely  at  his  ease 
in  a  field  full  of  difficulties  due  partly  to  the  relative  scarcity  of  material 
and  partly  to  the  deliberate  selection  of  archaic  forms  by  certain  fourteenth 
and  fifteenth  century  poets,  of  whom  he  became  the  skilled  interpreter. 
It  was  no  slight  conquest  to  have  been  made  by  a  Frenchman  who  in 
1864  came  to  England  unable  to  speak  English.  His  pen  had  no  trace  of 
the  French  accent,  and  his  speech  would  only  to  a  quick  ear  betray  the 
foreigner.  His  marriage  in  1871  with  Miss  Margaret  Marr  (now  his 
widow)  no  doubt  furthered  his  knowledge  of  the  Scottish  vernacular,  and 
quickened  his  power  of  dealing  with  its  ancient  phases.  Mrs.  Amours 
thus  too  has  her  modest  though  subsidiary  place  in  the  studious  successes  of 
her  husband. 

Francis  Joseph  Amours  103 

The  alliteratives  finished,  he  set  himself  with  accustomed  courage  and 
application  to  a  still  longer,  although  not  more  difficult,  task.  Wyntoun, 
the  chronicler,  badly  needed  editing  anew,  for  historical  equally  with 
philological  reasons,  and  high  gratification  was  felt  by  the  Scottish  Text 
Society  when  M.  Amours  resolved  to  undertake  a  parallel  double-text 
edition  from  the  Cottonian  and  Wemyss  manuscripts,  with  the  variants  of 
other  texts  in  foot-notes.  How  steadily  he  pursued  the  task,  how  regularly 
the  volumes  came  out  successively  in  1903,  1904,  1906,  1907,  and  1908 
(when  the  text  was  complete  in  2150  pages  heavy  with  footnotes)  all  critical 
students  of  Scots  history  and  literature  are  gratefully  aware.  Promise  and 
performance  went  together  with  this  great  editor,  and  beyond  doubt,  had 
not  life  failed  him,  he  would  have  brought  his  studies  to  the  termination  in 
1911  designed,  by  the  final  volume  in  which  the  editorial  introduction  and 
apparatus  would  have  set  the  last  seal  of  his  learning  on  The  Original 
Chronicle  of  Andrew  of  Wyntoun.  But  he  was  not  to  see  that  end  of  his 
splendid  labours  :  an  illness  beginning  last  autumn  gradually  revealed  itself 
as  mortal,  and  he  died  on  gth  September,  1910,  grieving  only,  he  said,  to 
leave  his  wife  and  his  Andrew  of  Wyntoun.  Nine  days  before  his  death 
he  was  still  revising  proofs  for  the  New  English  Dictionary.  He  had  toiled 
till  the  last  also  at  Wyntoun,  and  one  of  his  last  half-conscious  utterances 
was  an  exclamation,  '  Score  all  that  out ;  I  have  not  time  to  finish  it.' 
Happily,  however,  there  was  actually  finished  enough  of  his  task  of 
annotation  to  make  the  projected  final  volume  no  mere  torso,  but  a 
virtually  full  attainment  of  his  purpose,  albeit  the  invaluable  advantage 
of  his  ripest  opinion  and  research  is  lost,  and  the  chronicle  must  be  shorn 
of  what  would  surely  have  been  a  critical  performance  in  the  discussion  of 
sources,  of  literary  relationships,  and  of  historical  values  such  as  to  make  the 
introduction  a  standard  of  modern  historical  craftsmanship. 

While  it  may  be  regretted  that  Scotland  did  not  by  a  University  honour 
sufficiently  attest  her  gratitude  for  an  adopted  son  of  such  devotion  to  her 
service,  there  was  no  lack  of  either  public  or  private  appreciation  of  his 
learning  and  merit,  or  of  those  sterling  qualities  of  character,  that  plain 
*  downrightness,'  and  that  fearless  independence  mingling  with  all  the 
clubable  virtues  which  won  him  his  multitude  of  friends.  When  in  1904 
the  French  government  did  itself  honour  by  conferring  on  this  exiled 
but  most  loyal  son  of  France  the  dignity  of  Officier  de  1'Instruction 
Publique  he  was  entertained  at  a  public  dinner,  organised  by  the  Historical 
and  Philological  Section  of  the  Royal  Philosophical  Society  of  Glasgow. 
He  was  then  President  of  that  section,  in  connection  with  which  several  of 
his  too  few  fugitive  papers  were  written,  some  of  them  relative  to 
Wyntoun  as  prior  of  St.  Serfs  on  Loch  Leven.  One  most  gratifying 
fact  of  his  studies  was  that  his  estimate  of  the  old  chronicler's  personal 
worth,  historical  acumen  and  fidelity,  and  capacity  of  poetic  expression 
steadily  rose  as  he  critically  probed  his  record  to  find  not  only  constant 
and  unexpected  confirmations  of  fact  but  also  continual  signs  of  literary 
power.  Perhaps  it  was  not  wholly  a  fanciful  conception  which  saw  in  the 
industrious  and  skilful  editor,  working  with  calm  and  orderly  precision  by 
the  lamplight  at  his  desk,  a  vital  brotherhood  with  the  chronicler-canon  in 

1 04  Communications 

the  scriptorium  of  St.  Serfs.  Certainly  no  aspect  of  Franco-Scottish  alliance 
can  ever  be  regarded  with  heartier  satisfaction  than  that  constituted  by  the 
association  across  five  centuries  of  those  two,  eminently  worthy  of  each 
other,  in  their  united  homage  to  the  history  of  medieval  Scotland. 


M.  Dieulafoy,  in  his  essay  upon  Chateau-Gaillard  (Memoires  de  I'lnstitut ; 
Acadlmle  des  inscriptions  et  belles-lettres^  1898,  vol.  xxxvi.  pt.  i.  p.  371, 
note),  has  called  attention  to  a  passage  in  one  of  the  continuators  of 
William  of  Tyre,  in  which  King  Richard  is  said  to  have  brought  away 
one  hundred  and  twenty  Saracens  (Mamelos)  from  the  Holy  Land.  The 
passage  occurs  in  a  manuscript  of  the  fourteenth  century,  which  has  been 
printed  as  text  D  in  the  edition  of  the  so-called  Histoire  d'Heracles, 
published  by  the  Academic  des  Inscriptions  (Recueil  des  Historiens  des 
Croisades^  Historiens  Occidentaux^  vol.  ii.  (1859)  P-  J9^) : 

Puis  que  1'ost  fa  venus  et  le  rei  ot  rescousse  Japhe,  un  grant  descort  sorst 
entre  Salahadin  et  ses  amiraus.  Dont  nos  gens  ne  s'aparsurent  jusques  a  tant 
que  les  Sarasins  farent  deslogies  devant  Japhe  et  alerent  herbergier  au  Chastel 
des  Plains.  Salahadin  oi  dire  que  le  roi  veneit  apres  lui.  II  douta  son  frere 
Seif  Eddin  et  les  autres  amiraus,  si  ne  1'osa  atendre,  ains  se  desloja,  et  s'en  ala 
escheriement  envers  la  Surie  Sobal,  por  garnir  le  Crac  et  Montreal  que  il  aveient 
novelement  conquis.  Le  rei  et  1'ost  alerent  herbergier  pres  d'un  chastel  dou 
Temple  que  Ton  nomeit  la  Toron  des  Chevaliers.  Les  Bedoyns  s'acointerent  dou 
rei :  si  pristrent  de  lui  fiance,  et  li  jurerent  que  il  li  serviroient  leiaument  et 
espiereent,  et  li  fereient  assavoir  le  covine  (?)  et  1'estre  de  Salahadin  et  de  toute  la 
payenisme,  et  les  Memelos  des  amiraus  oirent  parler  de  la  largesse  et  des  dons 
dou  rei.  Chascun  qui  se  corouseit  a  son  seignor,  il  s'en  fuioient  et  veneient 
au  rei  d'Engleterre.  II  fa  aucune  fois  que  le  rei  aveit  des  Memelos  bien  trois 
cens,  dont  il  mena  o  lui  bien  cent  et  vingt  Memelos  outre  mer  quant  il  s'en 
parti  de  cest  pays. 

The  version  (D)  from  which  this  account  is  taken  comes  from  a  MS. 
of  the  1 4th  century.  In  the  opinion  of  its  editors  it  is  of  eastern 
origin,  like  some  other  continuations  of  William  of  Tyre,  including  the 
famous  Colbert  manuscript,  and  was  written  in  Cyprus  before  1267 
(Hist.  Occid.  ii.  p.  vii).  Although  of  no  value  in  determining  the  text 
of  the  original  chronicle  of  Ernoul,  upon  which,  as  M.  L.  de  Mas  Latrie 
has  shown  (Chronique  d* Ernoul  et  de  Bernard  le  Tresorier,  Paris,  1871), 
the  widespread  continuations  of  William  of  Tyre  are  largely  based,  this 
Cypriot  version  is  well  and  specially  informed.1  The  allusion  to  King 
Richard's  Saracen  mercenaries  cannot  therefore  be  set  aside  summarily, 
in  spite  of  the  fact  that  it  is  not  found  elsewhere.  The  context  is  corro- 
borated by  Beha-ed-din,  whose  narrative  shows  that  Richard  was  in  close 
communication  with  Saracen  prisoners  and  ambassadors,  after  the  relief 
of  Jafia  on  July  3ist,  1192  (Palestine  Pilgrims'  Text  Society's  translation 
of  Beha-ed-din,  p.  371  seqq.}.  Beha-ed-din  also  refers  to  the  anger  of 
Saladin  on  his  retreat  to  Yazur  (the  Castle  of  the  Plains).  The  friend- 

*  See  Mas  La  trie's  Essai  de  classification  (Chronique  d°  Ernoul,  p.  486)  for  the  place 
of  this  MS.  in  the  series  of  continuators.  It  is  now  at  Lyons. 

The  Saracen  Mercenaries  of  Richard  I.     105 

ship  between  Richard  and  the  Sultan's  brother  (El-Adel  Saphadin,  or  Seif 
Eddin)  is  a  theme  of  historians  on  both  sides. 

The  story  that  Richard  took  some  Mamelukes  away  with  him  is  con- 
firmed by  the  Norman  Exchequer  rolls.  On  the  roll  of  1195  the 
following  entries  occur  (ed.  Stapleton,  i.  221): 

In  liberationibus  Saracenorum  morantium  apud  Domfront  per  preceptum 
Regis,  a  die  Lune  proxima  post  festum  Sancti  Michaelis  usque  de  die  lune 
post  festum  Sancti  Egidii,  c.  li.  ix.  li.  vj.  so.  per  breve  Regis.  .  .  .  Gibelino 
Saresceno  in  solta  pertae  equi  sui  1.  so.  per  idem  breve. 

Two  other  entries  on  this  page  refer  to  the  Saracens.  Again,  on 
the  roll  for  the  year  1198  (ii.  301): 

Soubresaillant  et  Saracenis  suis  c.  li.  xxxv.  li.  de  liberatione  sua  per  breve  Regis. 

Stapleton,  whose  caution  was  as  great  as  his  general  accuracy,  regarded 
these  Saracens  as  ordinary  mercenaries.  *  The  bands  of  whatever  country,' 
he  says,  c  who  fought  for  him,  were  known  by  the  name  of  Saraceni, 
and  in  this  instance  [i.e.  in  1195]  appear  to  have  been  Walenm '  (Observa- 
tions, i  clix.).  The  word  Saracen  is  certainly  found  either  as  a  second 
name  or  a  nickname  in  documents  of  this  period.  Besides  the  well-known 
chamberlain  of  St.  Louis,  Jean  Sarrasin,  we  have  the  Roman  citizen, 
Peter  Saracenus,  whose  name  occurs  frequently  in  the  Patent  Rolls  of 
John  (Rot.  Pat.  ed.  Hardy,  p.  126,  etc.),  and  the  Alexander,  son  of 
William,  Sarazein,  who  was  a  hostage  of  John  of  Courci  in  1205 
(Rot.  Pat.  55b).  But  the  term  in  its  general  sense  was  the  usual  term 
for  the  Arabs  and  Turks  in  Spain,  Sicily,  and  Syria — and  there  is  no 
reason  to  suppose  that  Richard's  Welsh  mercenaries  were  called  Saracens. 

The  names  given  in  the  Exchequer  Rolls  add  an  element  of  certainty. 
Under  the  curious  Soubresaillant  an  Eastern  name  might  well  lurk. 
Fortunately  Gibelinus  can  be  traced  more  definitely.  Professor  Margoliouth 
has  been  so  kind  as  to  inform  me  that  '  persons  are  known  to  have 
been  called  Jtbrint'  on  the  ground  that  they  were  natives  of  Bait-Jibrln. 
The  name  Gibelin[us]  in  Frankish  documents  is  a  transliteration  of 
the  Arabic  Jibrtn,  in  *  Bait-Jibrin.'  Professor  Margoliouth  adds,  'the 
individual  to  whom  you  refer  may  well  have  come  from  this  place.' 

I  would  suggest,  then,  that  the  garrison  of  Domfront  in  1195  contained 
some  of  these  Saracens  who  had  been  attracted  in  Syria  by  the  tales  of 

Richard's  generosity.1  _    ,_    _ 

7  F.  M.  POWICKE. 

The  University,  Belfast. 

1  It  is  hardly  necessary  to  point  out  that  the  presence  of  Saracens  in  Richard's 
army  would  help  to  spread  belief  in  the  current  stories  about  the  Assassins  who 
were  supposed  to  be  employed  by  him.  Richard  would  be  most  likely  to  use 
the  mercenaries  in  siege  works  and  for  the  manipulation  of  the  Eastern  crossbows, 
etc.,  which  so  attracted  him.  The  Exchequer  Rolls  give  at  least  one  indication 
of  travellers  of  another  sort  in  an  entry  for  1195:  *  Cuidam  feminae  moranti 
apud  Almanesches  quae  venit  de  ultra  mare  x.  li.  per  idem  breve'  (i.  184). 
The  phrase  *  ultra  mare '  had  almost  a  technical  meaning,  to  describe  journeys 
to  and  from  the  Holy  Land. 

106  Communications 

THE  PILLS  OF  POPE  ALEXANDER.  In  the  Cartulary  of 
Glasgow  in  its  oldest  shape,  the  Registrum  fetus,  there  were  certain 
entries,  somewhat  apart  from  the  business  of  the  See,  which  Professor 
Cosmo  Innes  in  editing  the  Registrum  Glasgueme  in  1843  relegated  to 
an  appendix.  Amongst  them  was  one  very  interesting  reminiscence  of 
early  medicine,  and  yet  more  interesting  and  mysterious  there  was  a 
charm  against  colic.  The  latter  was  the  subject  of  an  essay  by  Dr. 
Alex.  Tille,  who,  in  Scots  Lore,  pp.  61-78,  discussed  at  some  length  the 
significance  of  'Thebal  Guth  Guthani,'  the  words  of  power  which  were 
prescribed  as  the  posy  of  a  ring  to  be  used  contra  dolorem  ylii.  The  former 
has  apparently  hitherto  escaped  examination.  The  two  formulae  are 
printed  on  p.  610  of  the  Registrum,  and  in  the  preface,  p.  liv,  Professor 
Innes  said  of  them  : 

*  The  medical  prescriptions  against  colic  savouring  shrewdly  of  art  magical, 
and  the  recipe  for  the  famous  pills  which  the  Pope  Alexander  himself  had 
deigned  to  use,  are  at  least  characteristic  and  amusing.  They  are  both  in  a 
hand  as  old  as  1200.' 

It  is  the  simplest  way  of  treating  the  matter  to  reprint  here  the  prescrip- 
tion for  the  pills  in  order  to  make  clear  what  follows  : 

Pilule  famose. 

Pilule  iste  confecte  fuerunt  in  presentia  nostra  quarum  species  electe  erant 
et  recentes  •  earum  uero  commendationes  sunt  satis  famose  •  videlicet  quia 
pre  omnibus  uisum  clarificant  •  auditum  corroborant  •  spiritualia  confortant  • 
memoriam  reparant  •  sanitatem  custodiunt  •  regunt  pre  omnibus  corpus 
humanum.  Invenimus  quod  papa  Alexander  qualibet  die  eis  utebatur  • 
earum  uero  recepcio  talis  est.  Recipe  calami  aromatici  •  cubebe  •  nucis 
muscate  •  macis  •  spice  •  epithimi  •  carpobalsami  •  squinanti  •  masticis  •  asari  • 
gariofilorum  •  ana  •  dragmas  duas  •  turbith  •  colloquintide  •  ana  •  dragmas  tres  • 
singulorum  mirabolanorum  •  ana  dragmas  ij35  •  agarici  •  sene  •  ana  vnciam 
seriis  •  aloen  citocrini  ad  pondus  omnium.  Confice.  De  usu  uero  & 
administratione  istarum  pilularum  secundum  quod  experti  sumus  dicimus 
quod  vij  •  uel  •  ix  •  ad  quantitatem  ciceris  uel  pisi  •  in  nebulis  de  quarto  •  in 
quartum  cum  omni  securitate  precedente  vsu  oximellis  dare  possunt. 
Quamuis  quidam  aliter  sentiant  dicentes  •  propter  exhibicionem  istarum 
pilularum  dietam  assuetam  nullatenus  esse  permutandam.  De  hora  uero 
sumendi  nulla  sit  hesitatio  quia  in  nocte  ante  sompnum  instantem  debent 

Not  rashly  should  the  layman  adventure  himself  among  the  physicians 
whether  in  this  age  or  in  that  of  the  vague  pontiff  Alexander,  who,  lacking 
his  due  ordinal  number,  may  be  hard  to  determine.  But  the  presentment 
of  a  variant  will  certainly  be  admissible  as  an  inoffensive  commentary  on 
this  prescription,  and  may  supply  the  best  note  on  the  claim  of  the  pill  to 
clear  the  eyesight,  strengthen  the  hearing,  comfort  the  soul,  repair  the 
memory,  guard  the  health,  and,  above  all,  regulate  the  human  body.  Its 
variety  of  ingredients,  including  calamus  root,  cubeb,  nutmeg,  gum,  spike- 
nard, gillyflower,  colocynth,  myrobalan,  agaric,  senna  and  aloes,  may  be 

The  Pills  of  Pope  Alexander  107 

taken  as  an  assurance  that  so  many  simples  would  probably  not  all  be  in 
vain  for  at  least  some  of  the  complex  aids  of  soul  and  body  which  the 
pilule  was  vaunted  to  afford. 

Written  probably  at  a  considerably  later  date  than  the  Glasgow  Registrum 
is  a  miscellany  volume  in  my  possession  consisting  of  expositions  of  theology 
and  canon  law,  on  187  folios  of  paper,  8^  inches  by  5^  inches,  ascribed  by 
a  former  owner  to  the  fourteenth  century,1  and  probably  derived  originally 
from  a  German  monastery.  Prefixed  is  a  fly-leaf,  which,  like  the  chief  part 
of  the  first  leaf,  is  filled  with  things  which  can  scarcely  be  reckoned 
theology,  and  have  nothing  to  do  with  canon  law.  With  the  fly-leaf  alone, 
and  only  with  a  part  of  that,  am  I  at  present  concerned.  Its  first  item  is  a 
prescription  for  a  most  comprehensive  antidote  powder  :  Puluis  optimus  ad 
omnes  malos  humores  consumendos  paulatime  et  successive.  Next  comes  another 
powder  against  flatulence  and  gross  and  phlegmatic  humours,  to  warm  the 
stomach  and  aid  digestion.  Item  the  third  is  the  business  of  this  paper,  and 
here  it  is : 

Pilule  gloriosissimi  regis  Cycilie  quibus  utebatur  singulis  diebus  eis 
etiam  utebatur  papa  Alexander  •  pre  omnibus  •  visum  clarificant  •  auditum 
corroborant  •  spiritualia  confortant  •  singulas  superfluities  expellunt  •  sani- 
tatem  custodiunt  •  humanum  corpus  ante  omnia  regunt  •  accipiantur  -vij  •  uel 
ix  •  de  tercio  in  tercium  •  uel  de  quarto  in  quartum  •  quibus  faciend[is] 
omnem  mutare  dietam  •  ter  •  uel  •  quater  •  ducunt.  Recipe  Calami  aromatici  • 
cynamonis  cubebe  •  nucis  muscate  •  spice  nardi  •  macis  •  carpobalsami  • 
epythimi  •  viole  •  asari  •  garifiali  masticis  •  oumz  omnium  mirabolanorum  • 
ana  3  •  ij  •  turbit  coloquintidis  •  ana  •  3  •  iij  •  sene  reu  •  barbari  •  agarici  •  ana  • 
3  •  ss  •  aloes  epatici  •  uel  citrioni  •  ad  pondus  omnium.  Confice  ad  modum 
pise  •  cum  oximelle  •  uel  ut  melius  seruetur  etiam  si  volueris  in  magdalione. 

It  will  be  at  once  apparent  that  the  famous  pills  of  Pope  Alexander  in 
the  Glasgow  Registrum  and  those  he  shared  with  the  most  glorious  King  of 
Sicily  in  my  codex  are  the  same.  Yet  the  time-honoured  privilege  of 
doctors  to  disagree  is  pleasantly  illustrated  by  the  fact  that  the  authority  in 
the  Registrum  allowed  it  as  a  moot  point  whether  the  diet  of  the  patient 
should  be  changed,  whereas  my  prescription  is  definite  that  it  should. 
Fortified  by  the  kind  advice  of  a  distinguished  member  of  the  Medical 
Council,  I  am  enabled  to  state  that  the  pilule  is,  in  modern  medical  judg- 
ment, 'a  perfectly  good  pill.'  The  profusion  of  such  active  drugs  as 
colocynth,  senna,  rhubarb  (reubarbarum)  and  aloes  must  have  guaranteed 
efficiency,  while  the  mixture  with  oxymel  no  doubt  helped  to  make  the 
pea-like  pilule — *  or,  if  you  like,  pastille ' — palatable.  It  is  right  to  confess 
that  the  process  of  editing  this  prescription  has  not  been  carried  out  with 
the  scientific  severity  of  actual  experiment  on  the  humanum  corpus  of  the 

aMy  own  opinion  is  that  the  work  more  probably  belongs  to  the  fifteenth 

2  This  word  is  expuncted  by  being  underlined.  It  is  proper  to  state  that 
I  have  extended  the  contractions,  and  that  two  or  three  words  have  given  me 
difficulty  and  are  uncertain. 

io8       Further  Essays  on  Border  Ballads 

There  remains  a  slight,  yet,  as  it  proves,  a  by  no  means  whimsical 
problem  of  date  and  of  the  identity  of  the  *  most  glorious  King  of  Sicily ' 
and  the  Pope,  those  high  historic  personages  so  strangely  associated  in  the 
prescription  for  the  confection  of  this  momentous  pill.  The  king  can 
hardly  have  been  other  than  William  (son  of  Roger),  King  of  Sicily  from 
1154  until  1166,  renowned  in  chronicle  (despite  his  traditional  name  of 
William  the  Bad)  for  many  victories  over  the  Saracens,  and  specially  and 
personally  associated,  as  Villani  and  older  annalists  record,  with  the  great 
Pope  Alexander  III.  as  his  ally  from  1161  until  1166,  during  the  struggle 
for  the  papacy  and  against  the  Emperor  Frederick — the  schism  and  strife 
which  were  to  drive  Barbarossa,  in  1177,  to  that  submission  to  Alexander 
at  Venice,  sometimes  reckoned  as  a  second  Canossa.  In  1161,  when  the 
great  contest  had  just  begun,  and  when  Pope  Alexander,  hard  pressed,  was 
seeking  refuge  in  France,  it  was  William  of  Sicily  whose  fleet  secured  his 
passage  and  supplied  him  with  invaluable  sea  power.  Again,  in  1165, 
when  Alexander  was  returning  to  France,  he  betook  himself  to  Sicily  and 
the  protection  of  William,  who  not  only  gave  the  venerable  pontiff  stately 
welcome  at  Messina,  but  sent  him  costly  presents  and  furnished  him  with  a 
noble  convoy  of  galleys  for  his  return  to  Rome.  Not  long  afterwards,  on 
30th  April,  1156,  William  died,  bequeathing  to  his  holiness  that  substantial 
proof  of  friendship,  a  legacy  of  40,000  sterlings.  No  wonder,  therefore, 
that  he  died  in  good  odour  with  the  papal  court,  and  that  an  old  and  official 
biography,  the  Vita  Alexandra  Tertii  Papae  (first  edited  by  Muratori,  and 
afterwards  prefixed  to  volume  CC.  of  Migne's  Patrologia1)  speaks  of  this 
king  as  Gulielmus  illustris  et  gloriosus  rex  Siciliaey  cujus  animam  Domino 

Thus  we  may  with  some  security  conclude  that  the  gloriosissimus  rex 
Cycllie  of  the  prescription  and  the  gloriosus  rex  Siciliae  of  the  papal  biographer 
are  one,  and  that  the  pills  purport  to  have  rendered  corporal  and  spiritual 
comfort  to  King  William  of  Sicily  and  Pope  Alexander  III.  Perhaps  the 
epilogue  of  history  offers  dubious,  or  at  least  divided,  commendation  to  the 
pretensions  of  the  prescription,  for  although  the  learned  and  forceful 
Alexander  lived  to  a  ripe  old  age,  the  pills  did  not  avail  to  prevent  William 
of  Sicily  from  dying  at  forty-six,  of  dysentery.  G.  N. 

— I  scarcely  think  that  Sir  George  Douglas  is  right  in  saying  that  the  weight 
of  metal  is  with  Colonel  Elliot  in  our  discussion  about  Scott  and  the  Border 
ballads.  Facts  have  most  weight,  and  in  a  little  forthcoming  volume, 
Sir  Walter  Scott  and  the  Border  Ballads,  I  am  able  to  show  that  the  facts 
are  very  imperfectly  known  to  my  opponent.  He  seems  to  have  over- 
looked Laidlaw's  evidence  as  to  Auld  Maitland,  and  that  of  Hogg's  letter 

1  Patrologia,  Migne,  vol.  200,  p.  30.  For  other  references  to  this  King  William 
see  p.  1 8.  It  is  noteworthy  that  the  epithet  gloriosus,  above  applied  to  William 
the  Bad,  is  never  given  by  the  papal  biographer  to  his  son  William  the  Good, 
devotm  beati  Petrlfiliui  rex  Sicifiae.  He  was  only  a  boy  of  1 2  when  he  succeeded 
in  1 1 66. 

Saint  Maelrubha  109 

to  Scott  of  June  30,  1802,  with  Ritson's  to  Scott  of  June  10,  1802,  and 
Hogg's  holograph  MS.  of  the  ballad,  addressed  to  Laidlaw. 

The  evidence  entirely  clears  Sir  Walter  from  the  charge  of  having 
been  art  and  part  with  Hogg  in  palming  off  a  modern  imitation  on  the 
world,  while  representing  it  to  Ellis  and  Ritson  as  a  genuine  antique. 
Such  conduct  would  have  been  highly  dishonourable. 

Evidence  of  the  same  nature — a  long  letter  to  Hogg  of  Scott's,  and 
Hogg's  manuscript  of  the  ballad  of  Otterburn — gives  the  full  history  of 
that  poem,  and  I  show  exactly  how  Scott  edited  it :  what  he  excised, 
and  what  he  took  from  Herd's  and  Kirkpatrick  Sharpe's  traditional  copies, 
with  one  line  from  the  old  English  of  circ  1550. 

In  the  case  of  Jamie  Telfer  and  Kinmont  Willie,  in  the  absence  of 
manuscript  testimony,  I  have  to  rely  on  ballad  lore,  on  logic,  and  on 
literary  criticism,  faute  de  mleux.  A.  LANG. 

SAINT  MAELRUBHA  (S.H.R.  vi.  260-442).  The  recent  litigation 
concerning  Dunstaffnage  Castle  has  resulted  in  at  least  one  discovery 
of  no  small  interest,  viz.  in  the  recovery  of  the  long-lost  name  and 
dedication  of  the  small  ancient  chapel  near  Dunstaffnage,  now  roofless, 
where  generations  of  the  captains  of  that  stronghold  have  been  laid  to  rest. 
Interested  by  the  difficulty  there  appeared  to  be  in  identifying  some  of  the 
land  names  in  the  Dunstaffnage  Infeftments,  the  writer  of  this  note 
compiled  three  parallel  lists  in  columns  of  the  nine  names  which  occur 
in  precisely  the  same  order  in  deeds  of  the  years  1502,  1585  and  1609. 
In  the  year  1 502  *  the  pennyland  of  pengyn  Kilmor  *  is  named.  In 
1585  it  appears  as  'the  pennyland  of  Kilmorrie  alias  Clazemorrie' 
(Cladh  =  burying  ground  in  Gaelic),  and  in  1609  it  appears  as  the 
*  pennyland  of  Kilmoir.'  As  all  the  other  pennylands  named  are  in 
immediate  proximity  to  the  castle,  it  is  obvious  that  we  have  in  this  name 
the  long-lost  dedication  of  the  ancient  chapel  belonging  to  those  lands. 

*  Morrie '  here  conceals  the  famous  name  of  S.  Maelrubha,  Abbat  of 
Abercrossan  (Applecross),  who  on  his  first  coming  from  Ireland  was  the 
founder  of  a  large  number  of  churches  in  what  is  the  modern  county 
of  Argyll.  Mr.  Archibald  Scott  (loc.  cit.)  has  shown  how  he  founded 
Kilmarow  in  Kintyre ;  Kilarrow  in  Islay ;  Kilmalrew  in  Craignish ; 
Kilmorrie  in  Strathlachlan  on  Loch  Fyne  ;  Cill  Mharu  on  Eilean-an-t- 
sagairt,  Muckairn  ;  and  Cill  Ma'ru  in  Arisaig.  To  these  I  have  since 
added  Melfort  in  Argyll  (vide  Papal  Registers),  and  now  add  as  an 
eighth  Dunstaffnage  Chapel  alias  Kilmorrie. 

As  Mr.  Scott  has  already  remarked,  the  dates  of  these  first  founda- 
tions of  this  great  saint's  apostolate  lie  between  the  years  671  and  673. 

I  may  add  that  I  recently  found  evidence  in  the  Argyll  charter  chest 
of  a  long-forgotten  chapel  dedicated  to  the  Blessed  Virgin  at  Carrick  on 
Loch  Goil,  on  the  altar  of  which  a  certain  payment  of  a  Reversion  is 
ordered  to  be  made.  It  is  described  as  in  the  Parish  of  Lochgoilshead, 
and  was  clearly  somewhere  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Carrick  Castle,  but 
I  have  not  yet  examined  the  site. 

Kilkatrine,  Inveraray.  NIALL  D.  CAMPBELL. 


DR.  JAMES  FEA  'OF  CLESTRAIN'  (Surgeon  in  the  Royal  Navy), 
author  of  Present  State  of  the  Orkney  Islands,  1775,  and  Considerations  on 
the  Fisheries  in  the  Scotch  Islands,  1783.  I  should  be  much  obliged  for  any 
information  as  to  the  date  of  death  and  place  of  interment  of  the  above 
author.  Nothing  is  known  in  Orkney  beyond  the  fact  (mentioned  in 
Hossach's  recent  work)  that  he  and  his  wife  Grizel  Ross  purchased  a  house 
in  Kirkwall  in  1772.  Presumably  he  did  not  live  there  long.  His  first 
book  was  published  at  '  Holy-Rood  House,'  Edinburgh,  and  his  second  one 
in  London — 'printed  for  the  author  at  Dover J  so  it  is  stated  in  the  title 
page.  At  this  time  he  is  described  as  late  Surgeon  in  the  Royal  Navy. 

His  name  I  find  is  recorded  in  Steel's  Navy  List  so  late  as  April,  1796, 
among  the  first  list  of  surgeons.  I  know  nothing  of  his  issue  beyond  the 
conjecture  that  a  Henrietta  Fea,  the  daughter  of  a  James  Fea  of  Clestrain, 
is  said  to  have  been  his  daughter.  She  married  William  Sutherland  of 
Greenwall,  Jamaica,  and  died  in  1806,  the  same  year  that  she  returned  to 
England  or  Scotland. 

William  Sutherland  was  the  grandfather  of  the  late  Alexander  Malcolm 
Graeme,  Esq.,  of  Graemeshall,  Orkney,  but  no  records  unfortunately  are 
preserved  in  this  family  to  throw  any  light  upon  Dr.  James  Fea's  place  of 

There  would  most  probably  have  been  an  obituary  notice  in  one  of  the 
Edinburgh  papers. 

The  Doctor's  father,  James  Fea,  was  first  cousin  to  the  James  Fea  of 
Clestrain  who  captured  the  pirate  Gow  in  1725.  I  should  be  glad  to  know 
who  possesses  the  original  letters  which  passed  between  Fea  and  Gow,  or 
of  any  other  Fea  correspondence  addressed  from  Edinburgh  after  the  date 
given  above. 


South  Lodge,  Pinner. 


Notes  and  Comments 

*  THE  Historical  Association '   does  good  service  by  such  leaflets  as  that 
issued  in  June  (Leaflet  No.  21),  being  *  A  Brief  Bibliography  of  „..,.. 
Scottish    History   for   the   Use  of  Teachers.'     This  gives  an      *&i  jf 
excellent   general   guide    to    historical    and    literary    standard 
authorities.     We  welcome  such  signs  of  a  growing  attention 

to  Scottish  history  among  English  teachers. 

A  MOVEMENT  is  afoot  to  clear  out  and  preserve  the  surviving  portions  of 
the  ancient  church  of  Southdean,  in  Jedforest,  Roxburghshire.    _ 
Mr.    Adam    Laing,   3    Bridge   Street,    Hawick,    hon.   sec.    of 

the   committee,    is   acting   as  treasurer.     We   commend    the 

&-  ... 

scheme   altogether  apart    from  any  discussion  as  to   whether 

Froissart's  'Zedon,'  in  his  story  of  the  Battle  of  Otterburn,  was 
Southdean  or  was  not  rather,  as  some  commentators  reckon  it, 
Yetholm.  Mr.  Laing's  circular  possibly  takes  the  wisest  plan  of  ignoring 
any  division  of  opinion  and  pronounces  unhesitatingly  for  Southdean, 
which  certainly  lay  on  the  direct  road  for  Otterburn.  We  trust  he  will 
quickly  raise  the  j£iOO  required  for  the  pious  object  of  preserving  an 
undoubtedly  old  and  interesting  church  fabric.  It  will  be  time  enough 
after  that  to  discuss  any  problems  of  the  itinerary  of  Otterburn. 

THE  Newcastle  Society  of  Antiquaries  in  their  Archaeologia  Aeliana^  edited 
by  Mr.  Robert  Blair  (Third  Series,  volume  vi.  4to,  pp.  xliii,  . 

302)   display  varied  and  excellent  work  for  the   year    1909.   gritt*  f 
Pedigrees,     documents,     heraldry,     ecclesiology,   and     Roman   Antiquaries 
antiquity  all  find  solid  contributions.     While  there  are  perhaps 
fewer  entries  than  usual  directly  touching  Scotland  and  the  Scots,  there  are 
not  a  few  which  will  repay  examination,  even  when  this  Northumbrian 
register   is  looked  at  from  the  narrowest  Scottish  standpoint.     To  begin 
with,  Mr.  Crawford  Hodgson,  dealing  with  the  ancient  owners  of  Eslington 
near  Whittingham,  on  the  river  Aln,  traces  the  history  of  the  family  of 
Hesilrig — a  name  always  of  interest  to  us  in  the  North  from  its  part  in  the 
story  of  Wallace.     It  is  therefore  with  some  surprise  that  we  note  the 
absence  of  allusion  to  William  of  Hesilrig  slain  at  Lanark  by  Wallace. 
Another  Hesilrig  somewhat  later  is  found  to  have  been  a  victim  at  the 

*  descomfiture '    of    Stirling,    meaning    thereby,  no   doubt,  the    battle   of 
Bannockburn.     The  name,  we  learn,  was  probably  derived  from  Hazelrig, 
in  the  parish  of  Chatton,  not  far  from  Belford,  Northumberland. 


1 1 2         Newcastle  Society  of  Antiquaries 

Mr.  Dendy  edits  a  great  array  of  extracts  from  the  De  Banco  rolls, 
which  must  be  a  mine  of  pedigree  lore  for  North  England.  About  six 
hundred  separate  entries  reveal  many  glimpses  of  litigation  by  border 
families  from  1308  down  to  1855.  The  list  bristles  with  names  often  heard 
of  in  our  Scottish  history.  In  some  cases  both  litigants  are  Scots,  as  e.g.  the 
pleas  in  1363  between  David  of  Strathbogie,  Earl  of  Athol,  and  Sir  Adomar 
of  Athol. 

No  paper  in  the  series,  however,  represents  more  creditable  study  than 
Mr.  C.  H.  Blair's  long  and  well-illustrated  treatise — The  Armorials  of 
Northumberland:  An  Index  and  Ordinary  to  1 666.  Numerous  plates  in 
colour  show  arms  of  Balliol,  Fitz-Roger,  Grey,  and  Umfraville  and  derivative 
shields ;  there  are  five  plates  of  shields  ;  and  other  illustrations  are  of 
armorial-bearing  buildings,  such  as  the  gate  towers,  etc.,  at  the  castles 
of  Alnwick,  Bothal,  and  Lumley.  A  large  body  of  notes  is  appended, 
in  which  we  observe  the  suggestion  regarding  the  well-known  orle  of 
the  Balliols.  'This  shield,'  says  Mr.  Blair,  lis  possibly  canting,  adopted 
as  a  play  upon  their  name  from  the  similarity  to  the  ballium  of  a  castle.' 
A  first  prejudice  against  this  suggestion  may  be  to  some  degree  dispelled 
by  the  consideration  that  balliolum  might  be  a  diminutive  of  ballium^  and 
by  remembering  that  the  old  description  of  Carlaverock  was  that  it  was 
like  a  shield,  for  it  had  three  sides : 

Cum  nus  escus  estoit  de  taile 
Car  ne  ot  ke  trois  costez  entour. 

Roll  of  Carlaverock. 

But,  notwithstanding,  the  canting  inference  seems  rather  a  forced  inter- 
pretation. On  the  Umfraville  cinquefoil,  best  known  to  us  here  as  borne 
by  the  Hamiltons — doubtless  a  sign  of  cadency — the  suggestion  is  made 
that  it  originally  denoted  the  herb  *  bennet,'  anciently  reputed  to  have  virtue 
to  put  the  devil  to  flight.  This  one  does  not  find  convincing. 

Another  long  paper  is  a  fully  illustrated  report  on  the  excavations  at 
Corstopitum  (Corbridge)  for  1909.  These  elaborate  diggings,  while  they 
have  failed  to  uncover  any  great  and  decisive  points  of  direct  evidence, 
have  yielded  a  very  rich  return  of  detail,  adding  to  our  knowledge  of 
the  life  of  a  Roman  garrison  town,  and  deepening  the  impression  of 
lengthened  occupancy  which  all  evidences,  direct  and  indirect,  unite  to 
make.  Mr.  R.  H.  Forster  and  Mr.  W.  H.  Knowles  give  a  full  and 
systematic  statement  of  their  work  in  charge  of  the  excavations.  Mr. 
H.  H.  E.  Craster  continues  his  methodical  report  on  the  coins,  among 
which  is  a  well-preserved  medal  of  Septimius  Severus,  struck  at  Hadriancia 
in  Hellespontus. 

Professor  Haverfield  summarises  the  smaller  finds,  including  some  pottery 
assigned  to  the  age  of  Agricola,  as  well  as  more  numerous  fragments  dating 
from  the  second  to  the  fourth  century. 


Scottish   Historical    Review 

VOL.  VIIL,  No.  30  JANUARY  1911 

Edinburgh  in   1544  and  Hertford's  Invasion1 

A  CITY  set  on  an  hill  that  cannot  be  hid.  Such  is  Edinburgh 
at  this  day,  and  such  it  has  been  since  some  Pictish  or  other 
pre-historic  fortress  was  first  built  on  that  crag  in  the  valley, 
which  seemed  to  invite  fortification,  and  whose  precipitous  western 
steep  has  from  that  day  to  this  glowed  in  the  radiance  of  the 
summer  sunsets.  On  the  east  a  ridge  of  land  slopes  down  for 
about  a  mile  till  it  finds  level  ground  at  the  base  of  Arthur's  Seat. 
It  was  on  the  upper  part  of  this  declivity,  doubtless,  that  the  first 
dwellings,  houses  we  can  hardly  call  them,  were  built,  sheltering 
under  the  walls  of  the  Castle. 

Of  the  development  of  the  town  we  have  but  very  scanty 
record.  The  houses  gradually  crept  eastwards  down  the  ridge, 
and  the  city  proper  ultimately  ended  at  a  gate  called  the  Nether 
Bow  Port  at  the  bottom  of  the  High  Street.  .  After  the  founda- 
tion of  Holyrood  Abbey  by  King  David  I.,  about  1 145,  the 
Augustinian  canons  were  allowed  to  build  a  village  near  the 
Abbey,  and  this  became  the  Canongate,  stretching  along  the  ridge 
from  the  gate  above  mentioned  down  to  Holyrood.  But  for  long 
Edinburgh  was  a  frail  little  city ;  it  depended  for  defence 
entirely  on  its  Castle.  Even  in  the  fourteenth  century,  when 
there  was  much  desultory  warfare  between  England  and  Scotland, 
Edinburgh  is  said  to  have  contained  only  400  houses,  though 
other  historians  place  the  figures  as  high  as  4000.  Whatever 
their  number  may  have  been,  their  construction  was  of  the  rudest. 

1  An  address  delivered  to  the  Students'  Historical  Society  in  the  University 
of  Glasgow,  1 8th  November,  1910. 

S.H.R.  VOL.  VIII.  H 

ii4  Sir  J-   Balfour  Paul 

The  Earl  of  Lancaster's  invasion  of  1384  seems  to  have  been 
conducted  on  lines  of  great  clemency,  if  we  are  to  believe  the 
account  given  by  a  contemporary  chronicler,  that  that  general 
allowed  the  inhabitants  of  Edinburgh  three  days  in  which  to  clear 
out,  which  they  did  to  such  purpose,  even  carrying  off  the  straw 
roofs  of  their  houses,  that  when  the  English  arrived  they  found 
nothing  but  bare  walls,  which,  we  are  told,  *  grieved  the  soldiers 
not  a  little.' 

The  next  year,  Froissart  says,  Richard  II.  of  England  came  to 
Edinburgh  and  stayed  there  five  days,  *  and  at  his  departing  it  was 
set  a  fyre  and  brent  up  clene  ;  but  the  Castell  had  no  hurt,  for  it 
was  stronge  ynough  and  well  kept.'  It  was  at  this  time  that  a 
French  force  arrived  under  the  command  of  Jehan  de  Vienne, 
Admiral  of  France,  to  assist  King  Robert  II.  Edinburgh  was  too 
small  to  hold  all  the  French  knights,  and,  as  Mr.  Lang  puts  it, 
they  were  *  boarded  out '  from  Dunfermline  to  Dunbar.  And 
they  were  neither  then  nor  on  future  occasions  received  with 
much  cordiality.  The  typically  independent  spirit  of  the  Scots 
soon  showed  itself,  and  we  are  told  that  the  people  *  dyde 
murmure  and  grudge,  and  sayde,  Who  the  devyll  hath  sent  for 
them  ?  What  do  they  here  ?  Cannot  we  mayntayne  our  warre 
with  Englande  well  ynoughe  without  their  helpe  ?  We  shall  do 
no  good  as  longe  as  they  be  with  us. ...  They  understand  not 
us  nor  we  theym  ;  therefore  we  cannot  speke  togayder  ;  they 
wyll  annone  ryffle  and  eat  up  alle  that  ever  we  have  in  this 
countrey  ;  they  shall  doo  us  more  despytes  and  damages  than 
thoughe  the  Englysshemen  shulde  fyght  with  us  ;  for  thoughe 
the  Englysshe  men  brinne  our  houses  we  care  lytell  therefore  ;  we 
shall  make  them  agayne  chepe  ynough  ;  we  axe  but  thre  days  to 
make  them  agayne,  if  we  may  gete  foure  or  fyve  stakes  and 
bowes  to  cover  them.'  Sturdy  Scots  ! 

From  all  this  it  may  be  inferred  that  Edinburgh  at  this  time 
was  little  better  than  a  defenceless  village  ;  but  within  the  next 
hundred  years  it  had  improved  very  much.  The  Church  of  St. 
Giles,  which  had  been  burned  by  Richard  II.,  was  not  only  rebuilt, 
but  liberally  endowed.  In  1450  the  city  received  a  charter 
from  King  James  granting  it  the  privilege  of  surrounding  itself 
with  a  wall.  This  wall  crossed  the  West  Bow,  then  the  principal 
entrance  to  the  city  from  the  west,  ran  between  the  High  Street 
and  the  hollow  in  which  the  Cowgate  was  afterwards  built,  crossed 
the  ridge  at  the  Nether  Bow,  the  eastern  entrance  to  the  town, 
and  terminated  at  the  east  end  of  the  North  Loch.  In  1478  the 

Edinburgh  in   1544  115 

town  is  spoken  of  as  a  very  rich  place,  but  of  course  this  must  be 
taken  in  a  very  comparative  sense.  Still  there  had  been,  no 
doubt,  much  improvement,  and  the  presence  of  the  Scottish  Court 
must  have  made  money  circulate  to  some  extent  and  improved 
the  general  standard  of  living.  After  all  is  said,  however, 
according  to  modern  notions  it  must  have  been  rather  a  squalid 
little  town.  If  it  was  considered  dirty  in  the  eighteenth  century, 
it  was  then  much  dirtier  in  proportion  to  the  size  of  the  town. 
It  was,  in  fact,  considered  a  dirty  town  even  according  to  the 
standard  of  the  sixteenth  century,  which,  we  may  be  sure,  was  not 
an  exacting  one.  The  poet  Dunbar  wrote  a  scathing  satire  on  the 

It  is  curious  to  see  from  it  that  Edinburgh  suffered  then  from 
what  has  been  the  misfortune  of  many  Scottish  towns  ;  buildings 
were  allowed  to  be  erected  without  any  consideration  either  for 
aesthetics  (though,  of  course,  the  word,  if  indeed  the  idea,  was  not 
then  known)  or  public  health.  The  ways  were  ankle  deep  in 
mud  and  all  kinds  of  offal.  The  Church  of  St.  Giles,  then 
beginning  to  be  quite  a  handsome  and  imposing  ecclesiastical  edifice, 
was  spoiled  by  a  range  of  buildings  called  the  Luckenbooths  having 
been  built  in  the  middle  of  the  otherwise  spacious  High  Street. 
In  this  way  a  filthy  lane,  open  to  foot  passengers  only,  was  formed 
between  the  buildings  and  St.  Giles.  This  was  called  the  Stinkin' 
Stile,  and  it  effectually  prevented,  for  about  two  hundred  and 
thirty  years,  any  view  of  the  really  handsome  church  being 
obtained.  In  addition  to  this  the  town  swarmed  with  beggars, 
and  Dunbar  tells  us  that 

'  Through  streittis  nane  may  mak  progress 
For  cry  of  crukit,  blind,  and  lame.' 

The  fatal  year  of  1513  brought  black  dismay  to  the  capital 
when  the  news  of  Flodden  was  received  :  but  the  burgesses  had 
the  same  stout  hearts  as  of  old,  and  immediately  set  about 
building  a  new  wall  to  enclose  the  larger  growth  of  the  city. 
Starting  from  the  Nether  Bow  on  the  east  it  embraced  the 
Cowgate,  then  beginning  to  be  built,  and,  on  the  slope  of  the  hills 
to  the  south,  the  Priory  of  the  Dominicans ;  from  there  it  ran 
west  along  the  boundary  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of  Our  Lady 
in  the  Fields,  afterwards  to  be  remembered  as  the  scene  of  the 
Darnley  tragedy ;  it  then  passed  near  the  Maison  Dieu,  or 
poorhouse,  with  its  Chapel  of  St.  Mary  Magdalene,  the  only  relic, 
as  Mr.  Bryce  states  in  his  excellent  account  of  the  wall,  now 

n6  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

remaining  of  the  Pre-reformation  religious  houses.  It  then 
enclosed  the  house  of  the  Observantine  Grey  Friars,  and  turning 
sharply  to  the  north,  then  west,  and  finally  north  again,  finished 
its  circuit  at  the  Castle.  The  natural  features  of  the  locality,  the 
North  Loch  and  the  marshy  ground  about  it,  were  supposed  to 
be  a  sufficient  protection  on  the  north  side.  Such  was  the  area  of 
the  city  proper  in  the  years  immediately  after  Flodden,  and  no 
important  change  took  place  in  it  for  many  years.  Outside  the 
Nether  Port  the  Canongate  stretched  down  to  Holyrood,  a  burgh 
in  its  own  right,  with  handsome  houses  and  pleasant  gardens,  and 
possessing  no  less  than  three  crosses,  that  of  St.  John  at  the  head 
of  the  street,  the  Market  Cross  in  the  middle,  and  the  Girth 
Cross  near  the  Abbey.  The  Canongate  had  gates,  but  does  not 
seem  to  have  been  enclosed  by  any  wall,  at  all  events  by  none  of 
a  defensive  character. 

But  we  have  one  contemporary  account  which  gives  an  idea  of 
the  size  of  Edinburgh  down  to  within  four  years  of  Hertford's 
invasion.  This  was  written  by  a  native  of  the  town,  Alexander 
Alasius  or  Alesse,  who  was  born  about  1 500 ;  as  he  left  the 
country  in  1532,  owing  to  his  having  embraced  the  reformed 
faith,  the  account  may  not  be  absolutely  up  to  date,  and  it  is  but 
a  meagre  one  at  best.  He  mentions  Arthur's  Seat,  the  Calton 
Hill,  which  he  styles  Collis  Apri,  the  hill  of  the  wild  boar,  and 
the  Castle.  The  last,  he  says,  is  impregnable  and  inaccessible 
except  from  the  town  side  ;  on  the  rock  '  vultures  nidificant,' 
probably  meaning  hawks,  and  the  more  daring  of  the  Edinburgh 
boys  used  to  harry  their  nests.  He  then  alludes  to  the  Abbey  of 
Holyrood,  with  the  adjoining  palace  of  the  king  lying  amid 
gardens  of  great  amenity  by  the  side  of  a  lake  at  the  foot  of 
Arthur's  Seat.  There  are  two  large  paved  streets,  one  he  calls  the 
Via  Regia,  or  High  Street,  and  the  other  is  evidently  the 
Cowgate.  After  alluding  to  the  religious  houses  of  the  Grey 
Friars,  the  Black  Friars,  the  Church  of  St.  Mary  in  the  Fields,  and 
the  Trinity  College  Hospital,  he  tells  us  that  the  town  was  built 
not  of  brick  but  of  unhewn  and  square  stones,  and  with  the 
pardonable  exaggeration  of  an  exiled  native  says  that  the  houses 
may  stand  comparison  with  great  palaces.  After  alluding  to  St. 
Giles*  he  comes  back  to  the  Palace  of  Holyrood  house,  which  he 
describes  as  *  amplissimus  et  superbissimus.'  He  mentions  the 
Canongate  as  a  suburb,  and  says  that  the  Cowgate,  now  an 
obnoxious  purlieu,  was  the  residence  of  the  rank  and  fashion  of 
the  day. 

Edinburgh  in   1544  117 

It  is  to  be  regretted  that  our  author  was  not  gifted  with  a 
more  graphic  pen  ;  his  description  is  terse  and  bald  to  a  degree, 
but  it  is  better  than  nothing  and  is  valuable  in  a  way.  It  can  be 
supplemented  by  references  to  a  very  interesting  plan  or  bird's- 
eye  view  of  the  town  taken  from  the  Calton  Hill.  This  has 
generally  been  assigned  to  the  year  1 544,  and  is  supposed  to  have 
been  made  by  some  member  of  Hertford's  invading  force.  Above 
Holyrood  is  written  the  words  *  the  Kyng  of  Scottis  palas,'  a 
name  which  we  may  suppose  it  retained,  though  there  had  been 
no  King  of  Scots  for  two  years  before  the  date  mentioned.  It 
represents  the  city  stretching  in  two  wide  streets  from  the  gate 
of  the  Castle,  before  which  is  a  cannon,  down  to  the  Nether  Port. 
St.  Giles'  is  in  the  centre  of  the  High  Street,  quite  in  its  proper 
position,  and  the  Church  of  St.  Mary  in  the  Fields  to  the  south,  on 
the  site  of  the  present  university.  Further  east,  on  the  confines  of 
the  town  proper,  is  another  church  with  a  pointed  steeple,  probably 
that  of  the  Dominicans  or  Black  Friars.  The  Nether  Port  is 
shown  as  a  handsome  gate  with  a  tower  on  either  side,  and 
beyond  this,  stretching  down  to  the  Palace,  is  the  Canongate  with 
trees  and  gardens  to  the  south.  It  is  curious  that  all  the  town 
within  the  walls  is  represented  as  having  red  or  tiled  roofs,  while 
the  roofs  of  the  Canongate  are  coloured  dark  grey  or  slate  colour ; 
it  is  probable,  however,  that  this  is  intended  to  indicate  that 
the  houses  outside  the  walls  were  thatched,  and  not  tiled.  The 
contour  of  Arthur's  Seat  and  Salisbury  Crags  is  very  fairly 
delineated,  the  immediate  foreground  being  taken  up  with  the 
Calton  Hill,  with  five  divisions  of  Hertford's  troops  marching 
across  it  with  banners  flying  and  accompanied  by  twelve  guns. 

Such  was  the  town  itself  in  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century, 
just  before  the  great  invasion.  But,  we  may  ask,  what  sort  of 
people  lived  there  ?  Who  were  the  men  who  bought  and  sold, 
who  loved  and  laughed,  who  fought  and  quarrelled  in  its  streets  ? 
To  reconstruct  the  locality  is  easy  enough,  but  to  revivify  the 
people  is  a  more  difficult  task.  It  is  impossible  to  guess  with  any 
certainty  at  the  number  of  the  population,  but  within  its  rather 
narrow  limits  it  was  a  crowded  town,  and  with  all  its  dust  and 
other  disagreeables,  which  were  not  a  few,  it  must  have  been  a 
picturesque  and  stirring  scene.  Picturesque,  that  is  to  say,  in  our 
eyes,  and  looking  at  it  from  our  point  of  view,  for  I  do  not 
suppose  the  idea  of  the  picturesque  ever  entered  into  the  heads  of 
any  of  the  inhabitants  of  that  day.  The  dress  of  the  day  amongst 
the  nobles  and  upper  classes  was  magnificent  ;  one  has  only  to 

ii8  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

read  the  expenses  for  the  royal  wardrobe  in  the  treasurer's 
accounts  to  see  what  a  variety  of  stuffs  were  used  for  dresses,  and 
how  handsomely  they  were  ornamented.  But  all  this  gorgeous 
display,  though  it  must  have  often  lit  up  with  flash  of  colour  the 
darkling  streets  of  Edinburgh,  was  confined  to  comparatively  few 

No  doubt  a  royal  cortege  or  nobleman's  retinue  often  swept 
down  from  the  Castle  to  Holyrood  with  much  bravery  of  many 
coloured  silks  and  velvets  and  feathers — indeed  dress  of  this  sort 
was  at  its  best  in  Scotland  in  the  early  sixteenth  century — but  the 
ordinary  folks  who  sold  butter  at  the  tron,  linen  in  the  lawn- 
market,  or  who  kept  little  shops  in  crazy  little  booths,  how  did 
they  appear  ?  Rough,  mannerless  and  somewhat  coarse,  no  doubt, 
to  our  modern  minds,  characteristics  which  the  march  of  centuries 
has  not  altogether  removed  from  their  successors,  but  sturdy, 
independent  and  brave;  quick  to  quarrel,  as  quick  to  make  it 
up ;  fairly  well  off  on  the  whole,  according  to  the  standard  of  the 
day,  but  without  many  luxuries.  Living  simply  on  rather  scanty 
rations,  dwelling  in  dark  and  dirty  houses  whose  only  light  at 
night  was  from  the  primitive  and  evil-smelling  crusie,  though 
candles  were  not  unknown.  They  dressed  variously  ;  the  lower 
classes  probably  wore  a  most  sensible  costume  of  tunic  and  belt, 
with  tight  hose  and  a  flat  bonnet ;  but  all  classes  above  the 
actual  labouring  class  strove  to  dress  as  well  as  they  could.  In 
the  opinion  of  the  government  they  dressed  too  well,  and  the  statute 
book  of  parliament  is  crammed  from  1429  down  to  near  the  time 
of  the  union  with  sumptuary  laws  restricting  the  right  of  wearing 
certain  apparel  to  a  chosen  few  ;  but  it  is  needless  to  say  the  laws 
were  of  little  effect.  A  few  years  later,  in  1581,  it  was  solemnly 
decreed  that  considering  the  great  abuse  among  subjects  of  mean 
estate  presuming  to  imitate  his  highness  and  nobility  in  wearing 
costly  clothes,  no  one,  under  the  rank  of  nobleman  or  landed 
gentleman  having  2000  merks  or  50  chalders  of  yearly  rent,  shall 
wear  cloth  of  gold  or  silver,  velvet,  satin,  damask,  taffetas, 
fringes,  passments,  or  broiderie,  lawn,  cambric,  or  woollen  cloth 
from  abroad.  But  exceptions  were  made  in  favour  of  the  king's 
household,  judges,  advocates  and  writers,  sheriffs,  magistrates  and 
town  councillors,  heralds  and  macers;  with  charming  na'ivetJ, 
however,  the  act  proceeds  to  say  that  servants  may  wear  their 
masters'  old  clothes,  and  women  any  headdress  to  which  they 
have  been  accustomed. 

Whatever  the  details  of  the  dress  of  the  mid-sixteenth  century 

Edinburgh  in   1544  119 

may  have  been,  they  must  have  had  the  effect  of  brightening  up 
the  somewhat  sombre  streets  of  the  town  considerably.  The 
whole  scene  must  have  been  stirring :  and  both  sights  and  sounds 
were  typical  of  the  time.  Little  smoke  hung  about  the  city ; 
coal  was  no  doubt  used  to  some  extent,  but  wood,  of  which  there 
was  plenty  at  hand,  must  have  been  largely  used;  Edinburgh 
had  not  yet  earned  its  sobriquet  of  Auld  Reekie. 

Most  commodities  were  sold  in  the  open ;  shops  were  compara- 
tively uncommon,  though,  of  course,  some  trades  required  their 
booths.  The  ring  of  the  sword-slipper's  hammer  might  be  heard 
issuing  out  of  a  dark  shed  lit  by  the  red  glow  of  his  forge ;  and 
the  hollow  tap  of  the  cooper's  mallet  proclaimed  the  fact  that 
beer  was  then  the  staple  drink  of  the  commons.  Hatters  and 
skinners  had  their  booths  near  the  Tron,  while  shoes  were  sold 
not  far  off.  The  flesh  market  was  in  the  High  Street,  and 
'all  paitricks,  plovers,  capons,  conyngs,  chekins,  and  all  other 
wyld  foules  and  tame'  were  sold  at  the  Market  Cross.  Nearer 
the  Castle,  at  the  Upper  Bow,  cloth,  cotton  and  haberdashery 
might  be  purchased ;  at  the  same  locality  there  was  a  tron  or 
weighing  machine  for  the  sale  of  butter,  cheese  and  wool,  while 
on  Fridays  men  who  had  to  defend  their  country  (and  who  had 
not  in  those  days  ?)  or  support  the  cause  of  their  feudal  lord  might 
be  seen  wending  their  way  to  the  Grey  Friars  to  try  on  breastplate 
or  leathern  jack,  or  choose  a  serviceable  '  joctoleg.' 

All  through  the  streets  there  was  a  constant  stir ;  vendors 
shouted  their  wares,  beggars  whined  and  exhibited  their  sores, 
clumsy  carts  jolted  over  the  rough  causeway,  strings  of  pack 
horses  laden  with  country  produce  came  in  from  the  neighbour- 
ing farms,  pigs  ran  about  grubbing  in  the  mire,  and  poultry  ran 
hither  and  thither  among  the  legs  of  the  passengers,  while  you 
were  lucky  if  you  escaped  a  drenching  from  the  stoups  of  water 
which  were  carried  by  stalwart  porters  from  the  city  wells  into 
the  dwelling-houses  in  the  streets  and  wynds.  Such  was  the 
Edinburgh  of  1 544,  when  the  shadow  of  the  great  scourge  which 
was  to  come  lay  over  it. 

Some  of  the  circumstances  which  led  up  to  the  invasion  of 
Scotland  by  the  English  army  under  Hertford  can  be  referred  to 
in  a  few  words.  Those  of  the  Scottish  nobles  who  had  been 
taken  prisoner  in  the  disastrous  rout  of  Solway  Moss  paid  the 
price  of  their  liberty  by  agreeing  to  further  to  the  utmost  of  their 
power  the  interests  of  the  English  king  in  their  country.  Henry 
desired  a  marriage  between  the  infant  Queen  Mary  and  his  eldest 

120  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

son,  the  Prince  of  Wales,  a  project  reasonable  enough  in  itself, 
but  coupled  with  conditions  that  show  the  low  morality  and  lack 
of  patriotism  of  the  time.  Henry  demanded  that  he  should  be 
acknowledged  as  Lord  Superior  of  Scotland ;  that  all  fortresses  there 
should  be  delivered  into  his  hands ;  that  the  infant  queen  should 
be  sent  to  England  till  such  time  as  she  should  attain  marriage- 
able age.  These  demands  were  subsequently  modified  to  some 
extent,  but  they  were  none  the  less  unpalatable  to  the  Scottish 
Parliament.  On  the  other  side,  Cardinal  Beaton,  able  and  un- 
scrupulous, represented  the  National  party  who  supported  the 
Catholic  Church,  while  there  was  a  strong  body,  which  included 
the  Governor  Arran,  who  had  leanings  toward  the  reformed 
faith,  and  was  not  averse  to  the  proposed  marriage.  The  latter, 
however,  chiefly  from  the  inadroit  way  in  which  Henry  had 
pushed  his  claims,  did  not  long  remain  inclined  to  the  proposi- 
tions of  that  monarch. 

Ultimately,  though  peace  had  been  proclaimed  with  England, 
and  it  had  been  agreed  that  the  English  marriage  would  take 
place  in  ten  years,  Beaton  succeeded  in  gaining  Arran  over  to 
his  side,  and  a  council  was  appointed,  the  majority  of  whose 
members  were  in  favour  of  an  alliance  with  France.  In  January, 
1 544,  the  English  lords  made  a  hostile  demonstration  at  Leith, 
but  Arran  and  the  Cardinal  had  taken  their  precautions.  The 
rebel  lords  had  no  artillery,  and  their  only  hope  was  to  persuade 
the  Governor  to  come  out  into  the  open  and  settle  the  matter  by 
force  of  arms.  Arran  got  his  artillery,  or  some  of  it,  out  of  the 
Castle,  placed  it  on  the  ridge  of  the  High  Street,  and  the  result 
was  that  the  English  lords  had  practically  to  give  up  their  case. 
Henry,  of  course,  was  furious ;  he  organized  an  army  under  the 
command  of  the  Earl  of  Hertford ;  the  English  Privy  Council 
gave  him  orders  that  he  was  to  burn  and  destroy,  '  putting  man, 
woman  and  child  to  fire  and  sword,  without  exception,  where  any 
resistance  shall  be  made  against  you.'  The  upper  stone  of 
St.  Andrews  was  to  be  made  the  nether,  'spare  no  creature  alive 
therein.'  The  army  embarked  in  a  fleet  of  200  sail  at  Tyne- 
mouth  on  ist  May,  1544,  thus  avoiding  all  chance  of  interception 
on  the  Borders.  But  Scotland  was  not  all  unprepared.  News 
of  the  mobilization  of  the  English  ships  must  have  been  received 
at  Edinburgh  some  time  before,  as  on  the  2ist  April  messengers 
had  been  despatched  throughout  the  country  *  charging  all 
manner  of  men  baith  to  burgh  and  land  to  be  ready  upon  twenty- 
four  hours  warning  baith  to  pass  upon  the  Englischmen ' ;  and 

Edinburgh  in   1544  121 

two  days  later  letters  were  sent  to  all  the  towns  on  the  south 
coast  of  the  Firth,  charging  the  inhabitants  thereof  { to  mak 
fowseis  (or  trenches)  for  resisting  the  Englishe  mennis  navye  under 
the  paine  of  tinsall  of  all  their  gudis ' ;  and  later  still,  on  the 
ist  of  May,  the  very  day  of  the  embarkation  at  Tynemouth, 
summonses  were  sent  through  Fife,  Forfar,  Kincardine,  Stirling, 
Clackmannan,  and  Kinross,  '  charging  all  manner  of  men  between 
sixty  and  sixteen  to  meet  my  lord  Governor  upon  the  Burgh 
Muir  of  Edinburgh  the  fifth  day  of  May,  to  pas  upon  the 
Inglische  men.' 

This  was  all  too  late  :  on  the  3rd  of  May  the  English  fleet 
arrived  in  the  Firth.  They  dropped  anchor  opposite  the  Isle  of 
May,  landed  a  strong  party,  and  burned  the  tower  of  St. 
Monans,  partly  destroying  the  beautiful  church  which  had  been 
founded  by  David  II.  in  1362  as  a  thankoffering  for  having 
been  freed  from  a  barbed  arrow,  according  to  one  account,  or 
for  his  preservation  from  shipwreck,  according  to  another.  They 
also  took  away  with  them  some  small  boats  which  were  of 
service  to  them  when  they  disembarked.  Proceeding  up  the  Firth 
they  came  to  anchor  in  the  lee  of  Inchkeith. 

It  is  difficult  to  understand  how  the  Governor  and  Beaton 
did  not  use  every  endeavour  to  dispute  the  landing  of  the  English 
troops.  But  this  chance  was  not  taken  advantage  of;  indeed 
not  a  single  effort  in  this  direction  seems  to  have  been  made, 
and  the  English  army,  early  in  the  morning  of  the  4th  of  May, 
was  disembarked  and  safely  landed  in  the  short  space  of  four 
hours  on  the  coast  of  Wardie,  a  little  to  the  east  of  Granton. 
The  force  formed  itself  into  three  divisions,  and  had  with  them 
some  small  pieces  of  artillery  drawn  by  men,  the  larger  guns 
being  left  to  be  landed  later.  The  first  division  was  under  the 
command  of  Lord  Lisle,  the  Lord  High  Admiral  of  England, 
the  second  was  led  by  Hertford  himself,  while  the  rear  guard  was 
brought  up  by  the  Earl  of  Shrewsbury.  They  came  to  the 
little  estuary  of  the  water  of  Leith,  and  there  they  found  their 
progress  barred  by  the  Governor  with,  according  to  a  con- 
temporary English  account  written  to  Lord  Russell  by  one  of 
the  combatants,  five  or  six  thousand  horsemen,  besides  some 
infantry  and  some  pieces  of  artillery.  It  is  doubtful  whether 
the  Scottish  forces  really  amounted  to  so  large  a  number.  Be 
that  as  it  may,  they  did  not  distinguish  themselves,  and  the 
whole  engagement  seems  to  have  been  mismanaged  by  the  Scottish 
leaders.  After  a  few  exchanges  of  artillery  fire  the  Scots  broke 

122  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

and  fled,  with  the  loss  of  two  men  only,  but  several  of  their 
guns  fell  into  the  enemy's  hands.  It  is  generally  said  that  Arran 
and  the  Cardinal  retired  to  Linlithgow,  but  the  Treasurer's 
accounts  show  that  the  former  was  in  Edinburgh,  at  all  events  on 
the  9th,  so  that  if  he  did  go  to  Linlithgow  his  stay  there  must 
have  been  short.  The  English  then  proceeded  to  Leith  without 
further  opposition,  though  in  conformity  with  the  order  issued 
by  the  Governor  alluded  to,  great  fowseis  or  trenches  had  been 
dug  to  defend  it.  If  we  are  to  believe  Knox  they  must  have 
arrived  at  a  most  comfortable  time  for  themselves.  They  had 
landed  at  high  water  early  on  Sunday  morning  ;  the  march  to 
Leith  did  not  take  long,  even  allowing  for  the  feeble  attempt 
at  opposition.  Accordingly  it  was  between  twelve  and  one  o'clock 
when  they  entered  the  town,  and  there,  we  are  told,  they  l  fand 
the  tables  covered,  the  dinnaris  prepared,  such  abundance  of 
wyne  and  victuallis  besydes  the  other  substances,  that  the 
lyck  ritches  were  not  to  be  found  either  in  Scotland  or  in 
England.'  So  says  Knox,  but  I  am  afraid  his  language  is 
that  of  great  exaggeration  ;  he  always  lays  on  his  colours  with 
a  heavy  brush.  Leith  was  not  such  a  very  wealthy  or  important 
place  in  those  days,  and  it  is  hardly  likely  that  the  good  folks  who 
inhabited  the  town  would  prepare  their  Sunday  dinners  as  if 
everything  was  going  on  as  usual,  seeing  they  must  have  observed 
the  passage  of  the  fleet  up  the  Firth  and  have  heard  the  artillery 
firing  before  the  enemy  passed  the  river.  But  it  is  curious 
to  note  that  the  English  chronicler  of  the  invasion  says  that 
Leith  was  found  'more  full  of  riches  than  we  thought  to  have 
found  any  Scottish  town  to  have  been.' 

The  next  day,  Monday,  was  chiefly  taken  up  in  landing  the 
big  guns  and  stores  from  the  ships  which  were  brought  into  the 
New  Haven.  The  day  following,  Tuesday,  leaving  Lord  Sturton 
with  1500  men  in  Leith,  the  English  commander  began  his 
march  on  Edinburgh.  He  probably  took  the  line  of  what  is  now 
termed  the  Easter  Road,  and  proceeded  over  the  Calton  Hill. 
We  know  this  because  the  army  is  represented  as  crossing  this 
hill  in  the  old  map  of  Edinburgh  to  which  I  have  alluded. 
The  inhabitants  of  the  town  had  rallied  under  the  leadership 
of  the  Provost,  Sir  Adam  Otterburn  of  Redhall ;  a  trumpet  was 
sent  out  of  the  town  demanding  speech  with  Hertford,  and 
shortly  after  Otterburn,  accompanied  by  a  few  of  the  burgesses 
and  two  or  three  officers  of  arms  (perhaps  the  great  Sir  David 
Lindsay,  who  was  then  Lyon,  was  one)  came  out  and  informed 

Edinburgh  in   1544  123 

the  general  that  the  keys  of  the  town  should  be  delivered  to 
him  on  condition  that  the  inhabitants  might  go  with  bag  and 
baggage  and  that  the  town  should  be  saved  from  fire.  Hertford 
replied  in  very  truculent  terms,  and  ended  by  saying  that '  unless 
they  would  yield  up  their  town  unto  him  frankly,  without 
conditions,  and  cause  man,  woman  and  child  to  issue  into  the 
fields,  submitting  themselves  to  his  will  and  pleasure,  he  would 
put  them  to  the  sword  and  their  town  to  the  fire.'  The  plight 
of  the  burgesses  was  indeed  a  sorry  one  ;  they  were  deserted  by 
their  leaders,  and  had  only  the  Castle  to  depend  upon  for 
protection.  In  these  circumstances  the  answer  of  the  Provost 
deserves  to  be  remembered  for  all  time.  '  It  were  better,'  said 
he,  '  to  stand  to  their  defence  than  to  yield  to  that  condition.' 

This  account  is  directly  contradictory  of  another  written  by  a 
Scots  author,  which  does  not  attribute  to  the  Provost  such 
gallant  conduct.  In  it  we  are  told  that  the  '  toun  of  Edinburgh 
came  furth  in  the  sicht '  of  the  English,  *  but  the  Provost,  Mr. 
Adam  Otterburn,  betrait  them,  and  fled  hame.'  It  is  impossible 
to  say  which  is  correct,  but  I  should  like  to  believe  in  the  English 
version  ;  and  I  think  had  the  Provost  played  so  despicable  a  part 
we  should  have  heard  of  it  from  the  enemy,  who  loses  no  oppor- 
tunity of  chronicling  Scottish  cowardice. 

Hostilities  were  then  begun  in  earnest.  The  English  account 
says  that  the  Lords  Bothwell  and  Home  had  entered  the  town 
with  4000  horse;  but,  not  liking  the  situation,  had  incontinently 
galloped  out  again.  As,  however,  Bothwell  was  one  of  the 
principal  intriguers  with  the  English,  this  is  hardly  likely  to  have 
happened.  The  English  seem  first  to  have  attempted  to  pass 
through  the  Leith  Wynd  Port,  which  was  not  one  of  the  gates  of 
the  city,  but  was  at  the  end  of  the  wynd  which  led  up  alongside 
the  eastern  wall  of  the  town  to  the  Nether  Bow  Port.  In  this 
attempt  they  were  unsuccessful ;  so,  wheeling  to  the  east,  they 
marched  round  to  the  Watergate,  at  the  end  of  the  Canongate, 
near  Holyrood.  There  they  met  with  no  resistance,  so  they 
poured  in,  hauling  their  guns  up  the  Canongate,  not,  however, 
without  some  loss,  as  some  cannons  had  been  brought  out  of  the 
Castle  and  mounted  in  the  High  Street.  According  to  the 
English  account,  the  vanguard  of  their  army  did  not  wait  for 
the  artillery  to  be  brought  up,  but  assailed  the  Nether  Bow  Port 
sword  in  hand,  drove  the  town's  gunners  from  the  embrasures  on 
the  wall,  and  kept  up  such  a  hot  fire  with  their  archers  and 
arquebusiers  that  they  checked  all  defence  and  allowed  time  for  a 

124  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

battery  to  be  set  up  over  against  the  gate,  which  gave  way  under 
three  or  four  discharges  from  the  guns.  The  enemy  then  rushed 
in,  and  a  hand-to-hand  fight  in  the  streets  took  place.  The  loss 
on  both  sides  must  have  been  severe.  The  English  claim  to  have 
killed  300  or  400  men  whom  they  found  in  arms,  but  they  did 
not  escape  scatheless  themselves,  as  the  citizens  sold  their  lives 
dear.  One  personal  incident  in  the  struggle  has  come  down  to 
us.  David  Halkerston  of  that  ilk  stood  at  the  entry  of  that  wynd 
which  for  300  years  bore  his  name,  and  fell,  sword  in  hand,  doing 
his  best  for  the  town  of  which  he  was  a  distinguished  burgess. 
He  and  many  more  cannot  but  have  given  a  good  account  of 
their  prowess,  and  must  have  inflicted  considerable  loss  on  the 
invaders.  But  they  were  overborne  by  force  of  numbers,  and  by 
the  trained  and  disciplined  troops  of  Hertford.  Meanwhile  the 
Scottish  artillery  had  been  withdrawn  within  the  walls  of  the 
Castle,  which,  under  the  command  of  the  valiant  Captain  Hamilton 
of  Stanehouse,  kept  up  a  steady  fire  down  the  High  Street. 
But  the  English  managed  to  get  their  guns  as  far  as  the  Butter 
Tron,  at  the  top  of  the  Lawnmarket,  and  from  there  shot  at  the 
Castle ;  but  one  of  them  was  dismounted  by  the  Castle  fire,  so,  in 
the  gloaming  of  the  day,  they  sullenly  withdrew,  not  without 
setting  fire  to  the  city  in  several  places. 

We  can  well  imagine  the  consternation  which  must  have 
prevailed  in  the  town  during  this  fateful  day.  We  have  no 
record  as  to  whether  there  was  much  slaughter  of  the  non- 
combatant  inhabitants.  No  doubt  Henry's  savage  instructions 
had  been  to  put  man,  woman  and  child  to  the  sword,  where 
there  was  any  resistance.  But,  on  the  other  hand,  the  English 
chronicler  of  the  incursion  says  nothing  about  a  massacre  of  the 
unarmed  inhabitants;  he  only  states  that  they  slew  300  or  400 
of  those  whom  they  found  armed.  No  historian,  in  fact,  either 
English  or  Scottish,  makes  any  mention  of  a  general  slaughter. 

What  probably  occurred  was  this:  as  the  Edinburgh  people 
beheld  the  English  forces  on  that  May  morning  defiling  over  the 
shoulder  of  the  Calton  Hill,  or  even  on  the  day  before,  when  they 
heard  of  the  reverse  which  the  Governor  and  his  troops  had 
sustained  in  the  pass  of  the  Water  of  Leith,  it  is  likely  that  the 
women  and  children,  and  all  who  were  physically  capable  of 
moving,  seized  what  of  their  possessions  they  could  carry,  or,  if 
they  had  horses,  loaded  them  and  made  the  best  of  their  way  out 
of  the  city  towards  the  west  and  south.  What  a  procession  it 
must  have  been  !  The  old  and  sick  in  what  carts  could  be 

Edinburgh  in   1544  125 

pressed  into  the  service  ;  the  women  and  children  carrying  what 
they  could — a  mattress,  a  cooking  pot,  a  bag  of  oatmeal,  a  few  of 
the  more  valued  and  most  portable  of  their  household  gods. 
Some  would  take  their  way  along  the  edge  of  the  swampy  ground 
that  led  to  the  lake  and  village  of  Corstorphine,  guided,  if  night 
overtook  them  on  their  journey,  by  the  lamp  which  was  placed 
on  the  end  of  the  old  Collegiate  Church  there,  where  the 
Forrester  tombs,  still  existing,  were  already  placed  ;  others  would 
strike  further  south,  and  go  up  the  wooded  banks  of  the  Water 
of  Leith  and  through  its  deep  depths  to  the  little  village  of 
Colinton,  or,  as  it  was  then  called,  Hailes.  Among  these  fugitives 
were  likely  to  be  seen  the  family  of  the  Provost,  Sir  Adam 
Otterburn,  whose  place  of  Redhall  was  close  by.  Many  of  the 
fleeing  crowd  would  go  still  further  and  seek  in  the  green  vales  of 
the  Pentlands  that  shelter  and  safety  which  was  denied  them 
nearer  home.  All  this  is  a  mere  theory,  but  probably  some- 
thing of  the  sort  took  place.  The  crowd,  in  thus  flying  from 
the  doomed  town,  were  in  no  great  danger.  The  English 
were  strangers  to  the  country,  and,  even  had  they  so  desired, 
would  have  found  some  difficulty  in  pursuing  them.  To 
the  north  of  the  town,  the  side  from  which  the  English 
approached,  the  North  Loch  and  marshy  ground  effectually 
prevented  any  advance ;  while  to  the  west  the  same  conditions  of 
morass  and  swamp  prevailed,  rendering  any  pursuit  difficult,  if 
not  impossible,  except  for  those  who  knew  the  narrow  and 
perilous  ways,  and  had  used  them  from  infancy. 

All  night  long  the  rising  flames  from  the  blazing  town  lit  up 
the  darkness.  The  next  day  and  the  next  and  the  day  after  that 
there  came  bands  of  English  from  the  camp  at  Leith,  c  and  began 
where  they  left  off,'  burning  and  plundering  till  the  sack  of  the 
city  was  complete.  It  is  needless  to  say  that  Holyrood  did  not 
escape.  The  Abbey  Church  was  more  or  less  destroyed  and 
ruthlessly  ravaged.  Amongst  the  loot  then  carried  off  two 
articles  can  be  traced.  Sir  Richard  Lea  of  Sopwell,  who  appears 
to  have  been  in  command  of  the  English  pioneers,  and  as  such 
particularly  responsible  for  the  general  destruction  which  occurred, 
carried  off  a  brazen  font  and  the  beautiful  lectern  of  the  Church. 
On  the  former  he  caused  an  arrogant  inscription  to  be  engraved, 
of  which  the  following  is  a  translation  : 

( When  Leeth,  a  toune  of  good  account  among  the  Scots,  and 
Edinburgh  their  cheefe  Cittie,  were  on  a  fire,  Sir  Richard  Lea, 
knight,  saved  me  from  burning  and  brought  mee  into  England. 

i26  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

And  I  beeing  mindfull  of  this  so  great  a  benefit,  whereas  before 
I  was  wont  to  serve  for  the  baptising  of  none  but  Kings  children, 
have  now  willingly  offered  my  services  even  to  the  meanest  of 
the  English  nation — Lea  the  victor  would  have  it  so.  Farewell. 
In  the  year  of  our  Lord  1 544  and  the  reign  of  King  Henrie  the 
Eighth  36.' 

The  font  and  lectern  were  both  presented  by  him  to  the 
Church  of  St.  Albans,  Hertfordshire.  The  font,  originally  a 
gift  to  Holyrood  of  Abbot  Bellenden,  was  destroyed  in  the 
English  civil  wars  and  melted  down.  The  lectern,  however,  still 
remains  at  St.  Albans.  It  consists  of  a  brass  pillar  with  mould- 
ings, on  the  top  of  which  is  a  ball  surmounted  by  an  eagle  with 
outstretched  wings.  Its  total  height  is  five  feet  seven  inches,  and 
the  spread  of  the  eagle's  wings  is  almost  two  feet.  It  is  a  very 
handsome  piece  of  ecclesiastical  furniture,  and  its  connection  with 
Holyrood  is  proved  by  the  occurrence  on  it  of  four  shields,  each 
charged  with  a  lion  rampant,  of  a  bishop's  mitre  and  crosier,  and 
of  the  words  Georgius  Crichton,  Episcopus  Dunkeldensis. 

Crichton  was  provided  to  the  Abbey  of  Holyrood  so  early  as 
1500,  and  was  appointed  Bishop  of  Dunkeld  on  or  before  1526. 
He  must  have  presented  the  lectern  to  his  old  Abbey  after  he 
became  Bishop  of  Dunkeld.  It  is  impossible  that  the  English 
can  have  taken  it  from  the  latter  place,  as  they  were  never  so  far 
north,  so  that  it  is  practically  certain  that  the  lectern  belonged  to 
Holyrood.  The  Bishop  had  a  house  or  official  residence  in 
Edinburgh  on  the  south  side  of  the  Cowgate,  so  that  no  doubt 
he  often  attended  the  services  in  his  old  church,  and  took  a 
continued  interest  in  it.  He  was  fortunate  in  not  living  to  see 
the  spoliation  of  his  gift,  as  he  died  in  the  January  previous  to 
the  English  invasion,  a  very  aged  man.  The  King's  Palace  did 
not  escape  from  the  general  ruin,  and  it  is  said  that  Norris  of 
Speke  Hall,  Lancashire,  carried  off  the  books  from  the  library 
of  James  V.,  including  four  large  folios,  said  to  contain  the 
Records  and  Laws  of  Scotland  at  that  time.  But  though  there 
are  entries  in  the  Treasurers'  accounts  of  various  books  having 
been  supplied  to  the  Scottish  kings,  I  do  not  know  that  any  of 
them,  save  perhaps  James  I.,  and  in  a  lesser  degree  James  IV., 
were  of  a  very  literary  turn  of  mind  or  accumulated  much  of 
a  library. 

Notwithstanding  all  this  wanton  destruction,  Scotland's  cup  of 
bitterness  was  not  yet  full.  There  being  nothing  more  left  to 
destroy  in  Edinburgh  save  the  Castle,  which  proved  too  strong 

Edinburgh  in   1544  127 

a  nut  for  the  invaders  to  crack,  they,  being  reinforced  by  4000 
light  cavalry  which  had  arrived  from  the  Borders,  turned  their 
attention  to  the  surrounding  country,  which,  according  to  the 
English  accounts,  they  devastated  within  a  radius  of  seven  miles, 
and  left  '  neither  pile,  village,  nor  house  standing  unburnt.' 
Corn  and  cattle  were  carried  off,  and  much  of  the  stuff  which 
the  flying  inhabitants  had  carried  out  of  the  town.  An  absolute 
rot  seems  to  have  set  in  amongst  the  Scots.  The  beautiful  and 
strong  castle  of  Craigmillar  which,  it  might  be  thought,  was 
capable  of  strenuous  defence  was,  we  are  informed  by  a  Scottish 
chronicler,  '  hastilie  geven  to  the  English,  promesand  to  keep 
the  samyne  without  skaith  :  quhilk  promeis  thai  break  and 
brunt  and  destroyit  the  said  hous.'  But  this  was  only  one 
item  in  the  wholesale  destruction  that  went  on  ;  there  is  a  list 
of  some  thirty-three  towns,  or  castles,  or  houses,  which  were 
devastated  at  this  time. 

Having  done  as  much  mischief  as  they  could,  the  English 
force  at  last  prepared  to  leave.  As  a  final  piece  of  brutality 
they  broke  down  the  pier  of  Leith  *  and  burnt  every  stick  of 
it.'  They  carried  off  the  *  Salamander '  and  the  *  Unicorn,'  two  of 
the  best  ships  in  the  small  Scottish  navy  ;  they  loaded  other 
prizes  besides  their  own  boats  with  booty,  and  letting  them  sail 
away,  prepared  to  return  south  by  land.  Meanwhile  the  whole 
of  the  country  on  both  sides  of  the  Firth  had  been  ravaged, 
the  fortress  on  Inchgarvie  destroyed,  and  all  the  boats  either 
burned  or  taken  away.  Finally,  on  I5th  May,  Leith  was  given 
over  to  the  flames,  and  the  army  began  their  march  south. 
Coming  to  Seton  they  burned  Lord  Seton's  house  there,  '  which 
was  right  fair  :  and  destroyed  his  orchards  and  gardens  which 
were  the  fairest  and  best  in  order  that  we  saw  in  all  that  country.' 
It  is,  perhaps,  doubtful  whether  this  was  the  Seton  Palace  near 
Tranent  or  another  seat  of  the  family,  Winton  Castle.  The 
latter  was  built  by  that  George,  Lord  Seton,  who  died  in  1508  ; 
he  was  a  great  horticulturist  and  the  flower  beds  in  the  garden 
were  surrounded  by  a  hundred  painted  wooden  towers  or  temples 
surmounted  by  gilt  balls.  A  historian  of  the  family  says  that 
in  the  garden  *  I  have  seen  fyve  scoir  torris  of  tymber  about  the 
knottis  of  the  flouris  :  ilk  ane  twa  cubite  of  hicht,  haveand  twa 
knoppis  on  the  heid  ane  above  ane  uther,  als  grit  even-ilk  ane 
as  ane  rowboull  overgilt  with  gold  :  and  the  schankis  thairof 
paintit  with  divers  hewis  of  oylie  colours.' 

Haddington    met    with    the    same    fate ;    Dunbar    seems    to 

i28  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

have  attempted  some  resistance,  but  their  fate  was  even  worse. 
Having  watched  for  the  enemy  all  night,  and  perceiving  them 
in  the  act  of  breaking  up  their  camp  in  the  morning,  the  inhabi- 
tants thought  themselves  safe  and  went  to  bed  ;  but  a  force  was 
detached  from  the  English  army,  and  succeeded  in  setting  fire 
to  the  town,  and  *  men,  women  and  children  were  suffocated 
and  burnt.' 

On  the  morning  of  the  i  jth  May,  in  a  thick  easterly  '  haar,' 
the  English  found  themselves  at  Pease  Pass  and  discovered  that 
it  was  held  in  force  by  a  party  of  Scots  under  the  Earls  of 
Buccleuch,  and  Home,  and  Lord  Seton.  Here  at  last,  one  would 
have  thought,  was  a  chance  for  the  Scots.  What  really  happened 
we  do  not  know  ;  we  have  only  the  English  account  of  it. 
According  to  that  their  army  calmly  waited  for  the  weather  to 
clear,  which  it  did  about  two  in  the  afternoon,  and  then  set 
forward  in  battle  array.  Far  from  meeting  any  determined 
resistance,  it  seems  that  the  Scots  abode  but  two  shots  of  a 
falcon,  and  then  scaled  every  man  his  own  way  to  the  high 
mountains,  which  were  hard  at  their  hands,  and  covered  with 
flocks  of  their  people.  We  are  told  that  the  pass  was  so  narrow 
that  notwithstanding  the  fact  that  there  was  no  resistance,  the 
English  army  took  three  hours  to  defile  through  it.  The 
paralysis  of  the  crowds  on  the  surrounding  heights  is  incredible 
and  inexplicable.  Having  got  through  that  dangerous  passage 
the  army  had  nothing  further  to  fear,  and  after  doing  some 
further  damage  in  the  destruction  of  the  tower  of  Renton  they 
arrived  at  Berwick,  where  they  were  met  by  the  ships  which  had 
sailed  round  from  Leith. 

So  this  particular  invasion  of  Scotland  ended.  It  was  not  to 
be  the  last,  if  perhaps  it  was  the  worst.  In  the  words  of  a  modern 
historian — *  unless  we  may  find  some  parallel  in  Tartar  or  African 
history  to  the  career  of  this  expedition,  it  will  scarce  be  possible 
to  point  to  any  so  thoroughly  destitute  of  all  features  of  heroism 
or  chivalry.'  According  to  the  English  account,  the  total  loss  in 
their  army  was  under  forty.  What  it  was  on  the  Scottish  side  is 
impossible  even  to  guess  at,  but  it  must  have  been  very  large, 
and  included  not  only  fighting  men,  but  women  and  children. 
The  loss  of  life  must  have  been  great,  but  the  wanton  destruction 
of  property  must  have  been  greater  still.  The  burnt  lands  lay 
untilled  and  uncared  for  for  years.  The  only  things  that  escaped 
complete  destruction  were  the  churches,  which  generally  seem  to 
have  been  let  alone.  St.  Giles'  does  not  appear  to  have  been 

Edinburgh  in   1544  129 

harmed.  Newbattle  Abbey  was,  however,  burned,  but  its  ruin 
cannot  have  been  complete,  as  three  years  afterwards  it  was 
the  meeting  place  of  a  convention  held  by  the  Queen  Dowager. 
St.  Monans  in  Fife  suffered  a  good  deal,  and  the  nunnery  at 
Haddington  was  burned. 

But  the  end  was  not  yet.  Scotland  was  still  to  suffer  much 
from  the  fury  of  the  English  king  ;  and  only  a  month  after 
Hertford's  return  to  England  another  expedition  under  Sir  Ralph 
Evers  harried  the  Borders,  captured  and  garrisoned  the  Abbey 
of  Coldingham,  burnt  Jedburgh  and  destroyed  Melrose,  and 
generally  worked  havoc  in  the  country.  But  in  February,  1 544~5> 
the  Governor  and  Angus  got  together  a  sufficiently  large  force, 
met  the  English  near  Jedburgh,  at  Lilliart's  Cross,  or  as  it  is 
more  frequently  called,  Ancrum  Moor,  and  inflicted  a  crushing 
defeat  on  them,  the  leaders,  Sir  Ralph  Evers  and  Sir  Brian 
Layton,  besides  many  other  leading  Englishmen,  being  killed  in 
the  engagement.  Arran  and  Angus,  it  is  said,  overcome  with 
joy,  fell  weeping  into  each  other's  arms. 

Subsequent  events  are  not  within  the  scope  of  this  paper — the 
coming  of  the  French  allies,  the  disastrous  battle  of  Pinkie,  and 
the  peace  that  closed  a  nine  years'  war  in  1550.  It  left  Scotland 
exhausted  and  embittered  to  a  terrible  degree,  bitterness  which 
had  showed  itself  in  some  regrettable  acts  of  brutality  in  the 
Border  fighting.  But  Scotsmen  had  suffered  dreadfully.  Border 
warfare  there  always  was,  but  it  was  conducted  on  understood 
principles,  and  there  was  very  little  personal  feeling  about  it. 
The  various  English  expeditions,  however,  changed  all  that,  and 
both  invaders  and  invaded  became  savage  in  their  warfare. 

Scotland  suffered  as  she  did  during  this  period  because  she  was 
not  true  to  herself.  Her  leaders  were  divided  into  two  parties. 

On  the  one  side  were  the  English  lords,  as  they  were  called, 
who  were  prepared  to  carry  out  Henry's  scheme  as  to  the 
marriage  of  the  infant  queen,  if  not  to  go  further  and  acknow- 
ledge his  arrogant  claims  to  the  suzerainty  of  the  country.  It  is 
possible  to  understand  their  view :  the  marriage  between  the 
queen  and  an  English  prince  would  unite  the  country  under  one 
crown,  and  was  in  itself  commendable,  especially  when  considered, 
as  we  can,  in  the  light  of  subsequent  events  ;  and  as  to  Henry's 
claim  to  suzerainty,  such  of  the  Scottish  nobility  as  had  been  in 
England,  and  many  of  them  had  as  prisoners  of  war,  must  have 
been  struck  with  the  prosperous,  orderly,  and  settled  state  of  the 
country,  where  both  lordly  castle  and  peaceful  grange  had  an  air 

130  Sir  J.   Balfour  Paul 

of  fixity  and  comfort  which  was  sadly  absent  in  the  faction-rent 
country  of  their  birth.  They  may  have  argued,  Better  a  settled 
government  under  a  strong  king  than  independence  with  the 
ever-present  fear  of  finding  your  house  beset  by  enemies  and 
your  roof  tree  blazing  overhead.  All  this  may  have  been  wrong, 
was  indeed  wickedly  and  traitorously  wrong  in  the  eyes  of  many 
of  their  countrymen  ;  but  it  is  understandable. 

On  the  other  side,  there  was  a  strong  patriotic  party,  the 
position  taken  up  by  which,  with  regard  to  the  proposed  marriage 
of  their  queen  with  the  English  prince,  is  well  illustrated  by  a 
conversation  which  has  been  recorded  between  Sadler,  the  English 
ambassador,  and  Sir  Adam  Otterburn,  the  Provost  of  Edinburgh, 
at  one  time  King's  Advocate,  and  reputed  to  be  one  of  the  wisest 
men  in  Scotland.  Sadler  was  discoursing  on  the  benefits  which 
would  ensue  to  the  two  kingdoms  if  the  marriage  took  place, 
when  Otterburn  interrupted  him  by  asking :  c  Why  think  you 
that  this  treaty  will  be  performed  ? '  '  Why  not  ? '  said  Sadler. 
*  I  assure  you,'  replied  Otterburn,  *  it  is  not  possible,  for  our 
people  do  not  like  it.  And  though  the  Governor  and  some  of 
our  nobility,  for  certain  reasons,  have  consented  to  it,  I  know 
that  few  or  none  of  them  like  it ;  and  our  common  people  utterly 
dislike  it.'  Sadler  said  he  could  not  understand  this,  considering 
that  God's  providence  had  given  England  a  young  prince  and 
Scotland  a  young  princess,  by  whose  union  in  marriage  *  these 
two  realmes,  being  knytte  and  conjoyned  in  one,  the  subjects  of 
the  same,  which  have  always  been  infested  with  the  warres,  myght 
live  in  welth  and  perpetual  peas.'  '  I  pray  you,'  Otterburn 
replied,  'give  me  leave  to  ask  you  a  question  :  If  your  lad  were 
a  lass,  and  our  lass  were  a  lad,  would  you  be  so  earnest  in  this 
matter  ?  Could  you  be  content  that  our  lad  should  marry  your 
lass,  and  so  be  king  of  England  ? '  Said  Sadler  :  *  Considering 
the  great  good  that  might  come  of  it,  I  should  not  show  myself 
zealous  for  my  country  if  I  did  not  consent  to  it.'  *  Well,'  said 
Otterburn,  'if  you  had  the  lass  and  we  the  lad,  we  could  be 
well  content  with  it,  but  I  cannot  believe  that  your  nation  would 
agree  to  have  a  Scot  to  be  king  of  England.  And,  likewise,  I 
assure  you  that  our  nation,  being  a  stout  nation,  will  never  agree 
to  have  an  Englishman  to  be  king  of  Scotland  ;  and  though  the 
whole  nobility  of  the  realm  would  consent  to  it,  yet  our  common 
people  and  the  stones  in  the  street  would  rise  and  rebel  against  it.' 

Such  were  the  principles  of  the  great  mass  of  the  Scottish 
people.  Flodden  had  not  crushed  them,  and  they  were  as  deter- 

Edinburgh  in   1544  131 

mined  as  ever  to  be  independent  of  the  southern  kingdom.  At 
the  head  of  the  patriotic  party  was  the  great  Cardinal  Beaton — 
the  infamous  cardinal,  if  you  like  to  call  him  so — fighting,  no 
doubt,  in  his  own  interests  and  in  those  of  the  Church,  of  which 
he  was  certainly  no  ornament.  But  he  was  at  the  head  of  the 
national  party,  and  the  nation,  you  will  remember,  had  not  yet 
broken  from  the  old  Church.  His  associates  were  determined 
that,  come  what  might,  Scotland  would  not  subject  herself  to  the 
rule  of  an  alien  king  ;  and  they  opposed  strenuously,  to  the  best  of 
their  power,  all  his  schemes,  and  spurned  all  projects  of  ultimate 
union  between  the  two  countries.  He  was  backed  up,  as  Mr. 
Andrew  Lang  points  out,  by  the  patriotic  feeling  of  the  great 
mass  of  the  people,  by  the  influence  of  the  Queen  Dowager,  by 
the  tradition  of  the  country,  and  he  could  rely  on  the  support  of 
France  for  whatever  that  was  worth.  In  resisting  the  English 
claims,  we  may  at  least  give  him  credit  for  unrivalled  tenacity, 
unwearying  resolution,  and  great  political  courage.  He  had 
much  against  him,  but  he  won  in  the  end.  But  it  was  the  last 
fight  of  the  old  faith.  Soon  the  country  adopted  the  principles  of 
the  Reformation,  which  lives  like  his  did  much  to  bring  about. 
The  union  of  the  crowns  came  in  the  natural  course  of  events. 
Scotland,  '  under  God's  providence,'  as  Otterburn  expressed  it, 
instead  of  being  put  under  the  foot  of  an  English  king,  gave 
hers  to  England.  So  the  way  was  opened  to  the  more  modern 
history  of  our  great  kingdom. 


Jacobite  Songs 

THE  little  collection  of  Jacobite  songs  here  reprinted  is 
only  known  to  exist,  as  far  as  I  can  learn,  in  a  single 
copy,  now  in  the  Library  of  the  British  Museum.  The  verses  are 
more  rude  but  more  vigorous  than  those  in  Loyal  Songs  (1750), 
published  without  printer's  name  or  name  of  place  :  that  volume 
is  not  very  scarce.  It  will  be  observed  that  many  of  the  most 
poetical  Jacobite  verses,  such  as  '  It  was  a'  for  our  rightful 
king,'  appear  neither  in  the  printed  collection  of  1750  nor  in 
that  of  1779.  Burns,  Lady  Nairne,  and  other  singers  represent 
merely  sentimental  and  hopeless  Jacobitism ;  while  several  pieces 
in  our  collection  are  later  modifications  of  verses  sung  in  honour 
of  James  III.  and  VIII.  The  latest  here  is  doubtless  the  third, 
of  1772,  the  date  of  the  marriage  of  Charles  III.  to  Louise  of 
Stolberg.  The  collection  does  not  contain  the  Jacobite  version 
of  Auld  Lang  Syne. 

The  Notes  offer  more  particular  remarks :  I  may  here  repeat 
that,  while  comparing  The  True  Loyalist  with  Hogg's  versions 
and  notes  in  Jacobite  Relics,  I  have  been  confirmed  in  my  opinion 
that  Hogg  was,  as  in  the  case  of  what  he  gathered  in  the  way 
of  ballads  for  Scott,  a  much  more  honest  editor  than  he  is 
commonly  supposed  to  have  been. 

A  collection  of  Jacobite  contemporary  songs  in  Gaelic,  with 
literal  translations  in  prose,  down  to  the  beautiful  Lament  on 
the  death  of  Charles,  would  be  of  much  literary  interest.  From 
the  few  examples  which  friends  have  translated  for  me,  I  am 
led  to  suppose  that  the  Celtic  Muse  is  much  more  poetical 
than  that  of  the  *  Eminent  Hands '  who  contribute  to  The 
True  Loyalist. 


Jacobite  Songs  133 











(To  the  Tune  of  The  Mulberry  Tree) 

YE  true  sons  of  SCOTIA  together  unite, 
And  yield  all  your  senses  to  joy  and  delight ; 
Give  mirth  its  full  scope,  that  the  nations  may  see 
We  honour  our  standard,  the  great  Royal  Tree  : 

All  shall  yield  to  the  Royal  Oak  Tree  : 

Bend  to  thee, 

Majestic  tree  ! 

Chearful  was  He,  who  sat  in  thee. 
And  thou,  like  him,  thrice  honoured  shall  be. 

When  our  great  Sov'reign  C — s  was  driv'n  from  his  throne, 
And  dar'd  scarce  call  the  kingdom  or  subjects  his  own, 
Old  Pendril,  the  miller,  at  the  risk  of  his  blood, 
Hid  the  King  of  our  isle  in  the  king  of  the  wood. 

All  shall  yield,  etc. 

In  summer,  in  winter,  in  peace,  or  in  war, 
'Tis  acknowledg'd,  with  freedom,  by  each  British  tar, 
That  the  oak  of  all  ships  can  best  screen  us  from  harm, 
Best  keep  out  the  foe,  and  best  ride  out  the  storm. 

All  shall  yield,  etc. 

134  Andrew  Lang 

Let  gard'ners  and  florists  of  foreign  plants  boast, 
And  cull  the  poor  trifles  of  each  distant  coast ; 
There's  none  of  them  all  from  a  shrub  to  a  tree, 
Can  ever  compare,  great  Royal  Oak,  with  thec. 

All  shall  yield,  etc. 

[Hogg  gives,  in  Jacobite  Relics,  Series  i.  p.  10,  a  copy  all  but  identical  with  this 
version.  '  It  was  taken  from  a  curious  collection  of  ancient  MS.  songs  in  the 
possession  of  Mr.  D.  Bridges,  Junior,  of  Edinburgh.  It  is  probably  of  English 
origin.  .  .  .'  For 

'  Honoured  was  he  who  sat  in  thee,' 
our  version  has  '  Chearful.'     There  are  slight  variations  in  Stanza  HI.] 


ON  a  bank  of  flow'rs  on  a  summer's  day, 

Where  lads  and  lasses  met ; 
On  the  meadow-green,  each  maiden  gay, 

Was  by  her  true-love  set ; 
Dick  fill'd  his  glass,  drank  to  his  lass, 
And  C — 's  health  around  did  pass  : 

Huzza!  they  cry'd,  and  a'  reply*  d, 
"  The  Lord  restore  our  K—g."  " 

To  the  King,  says  John  :   Drink  it  off,  says  Tom, 

They  say  he's  wond'rous  pretty  : 
To  the  Duke,  says  Will :   That's  right,  says  Nell : 

God  send  them  home,  says  Betty : 
May  the  Pow'rs  above  this  crew  remove, 
And  send  us  here  the  lads  we  love  : 

Huzza/  they  cry'd,  etc. 

The  liquor  spent,  to  dance  they  went ; 

Each  youngster  chose  his  mate  : 
Dick  bow'd  to  Nell,  and  Will  to  Moll ; 

Tom  chose  out  black-ey'd  Kate. 
Name  your  dance,  says  John;   Play  it  up,  says  Tom, 
May  the  King  again  enjoy  his  own  : 

Huzza!  they  cry'd,  etc. 

G — e  must  be  gone,  for  he  can't  stay  long, 

Lest  cord  or  block  should  take  him  ; 
If  he  don't,  by  Jove,  and  the  Pow'rs  above, 

We're  all  resolv'd  to  make  him  : 
Young  G — e  too  must  his  dad  pursue, 
With  all  the  spurious  plund'ring  crew  : 

Huzza!  they  cry'd,  etc. 

Jacobite  Songs  135 

[Hogg  (Relics,  i.  49)  has  a  version  with  historical  differences.  In  Stanza  i.  Jamie's 
health,  not  Charlie's,  is  drunk.  In  the  second  stanza  they  drink  to  the  Queen 
and  the  Prince ;  in  ours  to  the  King  and  the  Duke.  Hogg's  lines  apply  to 
James  VII.,  Mary  of  Modena,  and  the  Prince  of  Wales  ;  ours  to  James  VIII., 
Prince  Charles,  and  his  brother  Henry,  Duke  of  York.  Our  final  stanza,  on 
George  I.  and  his  son,  is  not  in  Hogg,  whose  version  is  obviously  earlier  than 
the  accession  of  the  House  of  Hanover.  Hogg's  is  the  version  in  A  Collection  of 
Loyal  Songs,  printed  in  the  year  1750.] 

(September  2i//,  1772) 

Do  thou,  my  soul,  with  steady  patience  wait, 
'Till  God  unvail  his  firm  resolves  of  Fate  : 
Then  C — s  shall  reign,  possess'd  of  ev'ry  grace, 
And  fair  L — a  brighten  ev'ry  face 
With  rising  branches  of  a  royal  race. 

Fly  hence,  despair  !    thou  bane  of  happiness ! 
Let  chearing  hope  each  faithful  heart  possess  : 
Toss  round  the  glass  with  joyous  mirth  and  mein, 
And  gladly  sing,  God  save  the  King  and  Queen  : 
Bless  them  with  children  virtuous  and  fair  : 
May  they  be  ever  heaven's  peculiar  care. 

[The  birthday  apparently  of  Louise  of  Stolberg,  wife  of  Charles  III.] 


(Tune  :    An  thou  wert  mine  aln  thing) 

DIVINELY  led  thou  need'st  to  be, 
Else  you  had  ne'er  come  o'er  the  sea 
With  those  few  friends  who  favour'd  thee, 
And  dearly  they  did  love  thee. 

Thy  fortitude  sure  none  can  shake  ; 
A  crown  and  glory  is  thy  stake  ; 
And  God  thy  trust,  who  soon  can  make, 
Ev'n  they  who  hate  thee,  love  thee. 

Fame  shall  reward  thy  clemency, 
Whilst  Gladsmuir-green  is  near  the  sea  ; 
And  the  triumphant  victory 
Gain'd  by  the  Clans  that  lov'd  thee. 

Go  on,  great  P — ce,  ne'er  fear  thy  foes, 
Though  hellish  plots  they  do  compose  ; 
The  gods  themselves  do  them  oppose, 
And  smile  on  those  who  love  thee. 

136  Andrew  Lang 

Thy  great  ancestors  do  look  down 
With  joy  to  see  themselves  outdone 
By  a  young  Hero  of  their  own, 
Begetting  who's  most  lovely. 

O  happy  Scotland  !    shall  thou  be 
When  Royal  J — s  reigns  over  thee, 
And  C — s,  our  P — ce,  who  favours  thee, 
And  dearly  ay  will  love  thee. 

[This  was  apparently  composed  in  the  hopeful  period  between  Preston  Pans  and 
the  Retreat  from  Derby.] 


THOUGH  G — die  reigns  in  J — ie's  stead 

I'm  griev'd,  yet  scorn  to  shew  that  ; 
I'll  ne'er  look  down,  nor  hing  my  head 

On  Rebel  W — gs  for  a'  that ; 
But  still  I'll  trust  in  Providence, 

And  still  I'll  laugh  at  a'  that ; 
And  sing,  He's  o'er  the  hills  this  night 

That  I  love  weel  for  a'  that. 

He's  far  'yont  Killebrae  this  night 

That  I  love  weel  for  a'  that ; 
He  wears  a  pistol  on  his  side, 

Which  makes  me  blyth  for  a'  that  : 
The  highland  coat,  the  philabeg, 

The  tartan-trouze,  and  a'  that, 
He  wears,  that's  o'er  the  hills  this  night, 

And  will  be  here  for  a'  that. 

He  wears  a  broad-sword  on  his  side, 

He  kens  weel  how  to  draw  that ; 
The  target,  and  the  highland  plaid, 

And  shoulder-belt,  and  a'  that : 
A  bonnet  bound  with  ribbons  blue, 

A  white  cockade,  and  a'  that, 
He  wears,  that's  o'er  the  hills  this  night, 

And  will  be  here  for  a'  that. 

The  W — gs  think  a'  that  Willie's  mine 

But  yet  they  maunna'  fa'  that ; 
They  think  our  hearts  will  be  cast  down, 

But  we'll  be  blyth  for  a'  that, 
For  a'  that,  and  a'  that, 

And  thrice  as  meikle's  a'  that ; 
He's  bonny  that's  o'er  the  hills  this  night, 

And  will  be  here  for  a'  that. 

Jacobite  Songs  137 

5ut,  O  !  what  will  the  W — gs  say  syne, 

When  they're  mista'en  in  a'  that, 
When  G — die  maun  fling  by  the  crown, 

The  hat,  and  wig,  and  a'  that  ; 
The  flames  will  get  baith  hat  and  wig, 

As  oft  times  they  got  a'  that : 
Our  highland  lad  will  wear  the  crown, 

And  ay  be  blyth  for  a'  that. 

And  then  our  brave  militia  lads 

Will  be  rewarded  duly, 
When  they  fling  bye  their  black  cockades, 

That  hellish  colour  truly. 
As  night  is  banish'd  by  the  day, 

The  white  will  drive  awa'  that ; 
The  sun  will  then  his  beams  display, 

And  will  be  blyth  for  a'  that. 

[Hogg's  version  (Relics,  ii.  56)  'is  copied  from  Mr.  Moir's  MSS.'  There  are 
considerable  variations  throughout  :  our  version  has  six  stanzas,  Hogg's  only  five. 
The  version  in  Loyal  Songs  (1750)  is  more  akin  to  Hogg's.  The  period  is 
after  the  Retreat  from  Stirling,  possibly  after  Culloden.] 


(Tune  :  To  ease  his  heart,  and  own  his  shame) 

THE  P — ce  did  venture  once  to  land, 
With  seven  under  his  command, 
For  to  conquer  Nations  three  ; 
That's  the  man  shall  govern  me. 

Justly  may  he  claim  the  crown 
His  brave  ancestors  wore  so  long  ; 
Though  they  thought  fit  to  banish  thee, 
The  Restoration  I  hope  to  see. 

It  was  a  curs'd  usurping  crew 

That  from  the  true  K — g  took  his  due, 

And  sent  him  far  across  the  sea  ; 

J — s  the  Seventh,  the  same  was  he. 

They  J — s  the  Seventh  away  did  send, 
How  could  that  infant  them  offend  ? 
That  he  too  banished  must  be, 
To  'reave  my  native  P — ce  from  me. 

But  his  brave  son  in  battle  bright 
Shall  recover  what's  his  right ; 
All  the  Clans  shall  fight  for  thee  ; 
Glorious  C — s  shall  govern  me. 

138  Andrew  Lang 

Fierce  as  a  lion  uncontrol'd, 
As  an  angel  soft  and  kind, 
Merciful  and  just  is  he  ; 
Glorious  C —  shall  govern  me. 

[This  appears  to  be  a  version  of  Hogg's  second  set  of  To  daunton  me  (Relics, 
ii.  87).     For  our  first  verse  the  last  four  lines  of  Hogg's  first  stanza  give 

*  At  Moidart  our  young  Prince  did  land, 
With  seven  men  at  his  right  hand, 
And  a'  to  conquer  kingdoms  three, 
That  is  the  lad  shall  wanton  me ! ' 

Hogg's  third  set  is  by  far  the  best  and  most  poetical.  All  forms  show  the 
variations  which  are  the  note  of  popular  songs  and  ballads.  Hogg's  third  set, 
if  merit  be  a  test  of  age,  ought  to  be  the  oldest.  It  has  no  reference  to  Prince 
Charles,  King  James  is  the  expected  hero,  and  1688  and  1689  are  fresh  in 
the  poet's  memory. 

*  To  daunton  me,  to  daunton  me, 

D'ye  ken  the  thing  that  wad  daunton  me? 

Eighty  eight  and  eighty  nine. 

And  a'  the  dreary  years  sinsyne, 

With  cess,  and  press,  and  Presbyt'ry ; 

Gude  faith,  this  had  like  to  daunton  me. 

But  to  wanton  me,  to  wanton  me, 

D'ye  ken  the  thing  that  wad  wanton  me ! 

*  To  see  gude  corn  upon  the  rigs, 
And  banishment  to  a'  the  Whigs,1 

And  right  restored  where  right  should  be ; 

O,  these  are  the  things  that  would  wanton  me. 

But  to  wanton  me,  to  wanton  me, 

And  ken  ye  what  maist  wad  wanton  me  ? 

To  see  King  James  at  Edinburgh  cross, 

Wi'  fifty  thousand  foot  and  horse, 

And  the  usurper  forced  to  flee  ; 

O,  this  is  what  maist  wad  wanton  me  ! 

From  this  version,  obviously  the  oldest,  the  three  others  have,  in  most  stanzas, 
departed  for  the  worse.] 


OF  all  the  days  that's  in  the  year, 
The  Tenth  of  June  I  love  most  dear, 
When  roses  and  ribbons  do  appear; 
Success  to  young  Jamie  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 
1  Various  reading  :    *  And  a  gallows  built  to  hang  the  Whigs.' 

Jacobite  Songs  139 

All  in  green  tartan  my  love  shall  be  drest, 
With  a  diamond  star  upon  his  breast, 
And  he  shall  be  reckon'd  as  one  of  the  best ; 
Success  to  young  Jamie  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

As  I  came  in  by  Lanark  town, 

The  drums  they  did  beat,  and  the  trumpets  did  sound, 

The  drums  they  did  beat,  etc., 

To  welcome  young  Jamie  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

There's  some  who  say  he's  bastardly  born, 
And  others  who  call  him  a  bricklayer's  son  ; 
But  they  are  all  liars,  for  he's  the  true  son 
Of  him  call'd  Jamie  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

There  is  in  London  a  huge  black  bull, 
And  he  would  devour  us  if  he  had  his  will, 
But  we'll  toss  his  harns  out  over  his  skull 
And  drive  the  old  dog  to  Hanover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

I  need  not  wonder  at  Nature's  change, 
Though  he  abroad  be  forced  to  range, 
I'll  find  him  out  where'er  he  remains, 
Young  Jamie  you  call  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

To  foreign  lands  I'll  straight  repair, 
There  to  find  out  my  dearest  dear, 
For  he  alone  is  all  my  care 
Young  Jamie  you  call  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

In  his  Royal  Arms  I'll  lay  me  down, 
In  remembrance  of  the  Tenth  of  June, 
And  all  my  pleasure  I  will  crown 
With  Jamie  you  call  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

Though  all  my  friends  should  me  despise, 
Yet  to  his  praise  my  voice  I'll  raise, 
For  he's  a  jewel  in  my  eyes, 
Young  Jamie  you  call  the  Rover. 

Fal  deral,  etc. 

140  Andrew  Lang 

J.  and  S.  I  must  confess 
The  thistle  and  crown,  his  motto  is  ; 
Of  all  the  swains  he  deserves  the  praise, 
Young  Jamie  you  call  the  Rover. 

Fal  deralj  etc. 

[Hogg  has  a  version  of  this  pleasant  song  for  the  White  Rose  king.  His  first 
verse,  in  the  second  three  lines,  reads 

*  In  tartans  braw  our  lads  are  drest, 
With  roses  glancing  on  the  breast.' 
Where  ours  has 

'All  in  green  tartan  my  love  shall  be  drest, 
With  a  diamond  star  upon  his  breast.'1 

In  Hogg,  *  Auchindown '  takes  the  place  of  our  '  Lanark  town '  (a  Whiggish  and 
Covenanting  centre).  Auchindown,  says  Hogg,  is  a  ruined  castle  in  Glen 
Fiddorn,  in  Banffshire,  a  Jacobite  place  mentioned  in  another  song  : 

'  At  Auchindown,  the  tenth  of  June, 
Sae  merry,  blythe,  and  gay,  sir ! ' 

This  song  (ReRcs,  i.  80)  is,  in  the  last  stanza,  of  the  later  Jacobite  period.     The 
poet  is  ready  to  fight  for 

*  Our  Jamie  and  our  Charlie.'' 

Our  Jamie  the  Rover  is  of  the  period  of  the  youth  of  James  III.  and  VIII. ,  and,  in 
fact,  appears  to  regard  James  II.  and  VI.  as  '  Jamie  the  Rover.' 
Hogg,  as  to  *  the  great  black  bull,'  reads  : 

'We'll  twist  his  horns  out  of  his  skull,' 
whereas  our  text  has 

4  But  we'll  toss  his  hams  out  over  his  skull,' 

*  hams'  meaning  brains. 

Both  versions  are  contaminated  by  references  to  '  the  old  rogue '  or  '  old  dog ' 
in  connection  with  Hanover.  In  short,  we  have  here  variants  of  a  song  perhaps 
dating  from  1716,  but  altered  in  various  ways  to  suit  new  circumstances,  and 
arranged  by  singers  or  copyists.] 


PR — CE  C — s  is  come  o'er  from  France, 

In  Scotland  to  proclaim  his  daddie  ; 
May  the  heav'n's  pow'r  preserve  and  keep 

That  worthy  P — ce  in's  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  bonny  highland  laddie, 

My  handsome,  charming  highland  laddie, 

May  Heav'n  reward,  and  him  still  guard 

When  surrounded  with  foes  in's  highland  plaidie. 

1  The  king  himself. 

Jacobite  Songs  141 

First  when  he  came  to  view  our  land, 
The  graceful  looks  of  that  young  laddie, 

Made  a'  our  true  Scots  hearts  to  warm, 
And  choose  to  wear  the  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

But  when  G — die  heard  the  news, 
That  he  was  come  before  his  daddie, 

He  thirty-thousand  pounds  would  give 
To  catch  him  in  his  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny ,  etc. 

He  sent  John  C — pe  straight  to  the  North, 
With  a'  his  army  fierce  and  ready, 

For  to  devour  that  worthy  P — ce 

And  catch  him  in  his  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

But  when  he  came  to  Inverness, 
I  told  him  he  was  South  already, 

As  hold's  a  lion  conqu'ring  all, 
By  virtue  of  his  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

From  Inverness  to  Aberdeen, 

Where  he  found  their  ships  just  and  ready, 
To  carry  him  to  Edinburgh, 

For  to  devour  him  in's  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

But  when  he  came  to  Edinburgh, 

East  Lothian  was  his  first  land  ready  ; 

And  then  he  swore  that  in  Gladsmuir, 

He  wou'd  devour  him  in's  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

A  parcel  of  Scots  highlanders, 

And  country  lads  that  were  not  ready, 
The  task  is  small  you  have  to  do, 

To  catch  him  in  his  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

Our  worthy  P — ce  says  to  his  men, 

For  God's  sake,  haste,  and  make  you  ready, 

And  gratify  C — pe's  fond  desire 
He  hath  to  see  me  in  my  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

Likewise  says  he  unto  his  men, 

This  day  if  you'll  fight  for  my  daddie, 

142  Andrew  Lang 

By  heav'n's  pow'r  I'll  set  you  free 
From  tyrants,  in  my  highland  plaidie. 

>-»  r 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

Then  they  went  on  like  lions  bold, 

Without  regard  to  man  or  baby, 
For  they  were  bent  with  one  consent 

To  fight  and  keep  him  in  his  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

John  C — pe  cries  then  unto  his  men, 

For  God's  sake,  haste,  and  make  you  ready  ; 

And  let  each  man  fly  as  he  can, 

For  fear  he  catch  you  in  his  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

Some  rode  on  horse,  some  ran  on  foot, 

And  some,  wi'  fear,  their  heads  turn'd  giddy  ; 

And  some  cry'd,  Oh  !  and  some,  Woe's  me  ! 
That  e'er  I  saw  a  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

When  C — pe  was  then  a  great  way  off, 

He  said,  Since  I  was  a  young  babie, 
I  never  met  with  such  a  fright 

As  when  I  saw  him  in's  highland  plaidie. 

O  my  bonny,  etc. 

[This  is  a  shorter  variant  of  Hogg's  O  my  Bonnie  Highland  Laddie.  Hogg  takes 
it  'from  Mr.  Hardy's  MSS.,  collated  with  that  from  Mr.  John  Wallace  of 
Peterhead'  (Relics,  ii.  115,  335).  There  are  many  variations.  The  subject  is  the 
strange  march  of  Cope  to  Inverness  while  the  Prince  was  entering  Edinburgh,  and 
the  victory  of  Prestonpans.] 


MY  Grand-Sire  had  a  riding  mare, 

And  she  was  ill  to  sit, 
And  by  there  came  an  airy  blade, 

And  slipped  in  a  foot. 
He  put  his  foot  into  the  stirrup, 

And  gripped  sickerly ; 
And  ay  since  syne,  she's  prov'd  unkind, 

And  flung  and  gloom'd  at  me. 

When  my  Grand-Father  was  deth — n'd, 
And  put  from  Nations  Three, 

Jacobite  Songs  143 

There  was  not  a  single  plack  of  debt, 

And  all  accompts  were  free. 
But  now  the  cr — wn's  in  debt,  aboon 

One  Hundred  Millions  and  Three ; 
I  wonder  what  ails  the  wicked  beast 

To  have  such  spite  at  me. 

When  William  fell,  and  brain'd  himsel', 

They  call'd  my  Aunty  Ann; 
Give  me  the  mare,  the  riding  gear, 

The  halter  in  my  hand  ; 
Then  peace  and  plenty  will  abound, 

Throughout  the  Nations  Three  ; 
We'll  drive  them  up  with  whip  and  spur, 

Because  they  slighted  me. 

Preston-pans,  Falkirk,  and  Inverting, 

These  were  battles  three  ; 
But  at  Culloden  we  were  all  defeat, 

And  forced  for  to  flee. 
The  poor  men  they  were  all  defeat, 

Fled  to  the  mountains  high  ; 
You  may  be  sure  my  heart  was  sore 

When  none  could  stay  with  me. 

But  one  poor  maid,  with  gown  and  plaid, 

Convoy'd  me  through  the  isles  ; 
By  heaven's  care  I  was  preserv'd 

From  all  their  crooks  and  wiles : 
Then  into  France  as  by  ill-chance, 

Though  I  was  welcome  there, 
The  cruel  darts  of  th'  usurper's  arts, 

Did  still  pursue  me  there. 

I  hope  to  God  that  I  will  mount, 

My  brave  ancestor's  th — ne ; 
And  then  I  will  attended  be 

By  lords  of  high  renown. 
My  brother  Henry  will  likewise  be 

Honour'd  as  well  as  me  ; 
And  we'll  make  the  W — gs  change  their  notes, 

And  turn  their  tunes  to  me. 

They  gave  the  Qu — n  the  cordial  drop 

To  hasten  her  away  ; 
And  then  they  took  the  cursed  oath, 

And  drank  it  up  like  whey ; 
Then  they  sought  the  Brunswick  race 

Which  we  may  sorely  rue : 
They  got  a  horse,  a  cripple  ass, 

A  Cousin  German  Sow. 

144  Andrew  Lang 

[There  are  seven  stanzas  here  in  place  of  four  in  Hogg's  version  (Relics,  i.  82). 
In  Hogg's  text  the  father,  not  the  grandfather,  of  the  speaker  tries  the  mare ;  the 
speaker  is  James  VIII.,  not  Prince  Charles.  The  absurd  scandal  about  the 
poisoning  of  Queen  Anne  is  in  our  seventh,  but  in  Hogg's  second  stanza.  Our 
song  has  no  'sow'  (some  German  mistress  of  George).  The  remarks  on  the 
national  debt  caused  by  our  Dutch  deliverer  is  not  in  Hogg's  version  (our 
stanza  n.),  and  the  allusions  to  Prince  Charles's  victories  and  to  Flora  Macdonald 
in  our  song  are  absent  from  Hogg's.  The  generation  of  1745  has  retained  and 
expanded  a  chant  of  the  generation  of  1715.] 


OVER  yon  hills,  and  yon  lofty  mountains, 

Where  the  trees  are  clad  with  snow, 
And  down  by  yon  murm'ring  chrystal  fountain, 

Where  the  silver  streams  do  flow. 
There,  fair  Flora  sat  complaining, 

For  the  absence  of  our  K — g, 
Crying,  Charlie,  lovely  Charlie, 

When  shall  we  two  meet  again  ? 

Fair  Flora's  love  it  was  surprising, 

Like  to  diadems  in  array ; 
And  her  dress  of  the  tartan  plaidie 

Was  like  a  rainbow  in  the  sky ; 
And  each  minute  she  tun'd  her  spinnet, 

And  Royal  Jamie  was  the  tune, 
Crying,  C— s,  Royal  C — s, 

When  shalt  thou  enjoy  thy  own  ? 

When  all  these  storms  are  quite  blown  o'er, 

Then  the  skies  will  rend  and  tear, 
Then  C — s  he'll  return  to  Britain 

To  enjoy  the  grand  affair : 
The  frisking  lambs  will  skip  over, 

And  larks  and  linnets  shall  sweetly  sing: 
Singing,  C — s,  lovely  C — s, 

You're  welcome  home  to  be  our  King. 

[There  may  be  some  connection  between  this  too  artless  ditty  about  Flora 
Macdonald  and  Hogg's  Lament  of  Flora  Macdonald  (Relics,  ii.  179).  Hogg  says 
that  he  got  the  original  of  the  Lament l  from  Mr.  Niel  Gow,  who  told  me  they 
were  a  translation  from  the  Gaelic,  but  so  rude  that  he  could  not  publish 
them.  .  .  .  On  which  I  versified  them  anew,'  says  the  honest  Shepherd, 
*and  made  them  a  great  deal  better  without  altering  one  sentiment'  (Relief, 
ii.  369). 

The  original  Gaelic  may  have  been  excellent :  our  version  is,  at  least,  unpre- 
tentious, but  Hogg's  is  too  conscientiously  noble  and  sublime,  though  it  has 
been  popular  as  a  song  :  and  has  a  Gaelic  substratum.] 

Jacobite  Songs  145 


THE  K — g  he  has  been  long  from  home, 

The  P — ce  he  has  sent  over 
To  kick  th'  usurper  off  the  th — ne, 

And  send  him  to  Hannover. 

O'er  the  water,  o'er  the  sea, 

O'er  the  water  to  Ck — lie; 
Go  the  world  as  it  will, 

We'll  hazard  our  lives  for  C — lie. 

On  Thursday  last  there  was  a  fast, 

Where  they  preach'd  up  rebellion ; 
The  masons  on  the  wall  did  work, 

To  place  around  their  cannon. 

O'er  the  water,  etc. 

The  Wh — gs  in  cursed  cabals  meet, 

Against  the  Lord's  Anointed; 
Their  hellish  projects  he'll  defeat, 

And  they'll  be  disappointed. 

O'er  the  water,  etc. 

Sedition  and  rebellion  reigns 

O'er  all  the  B — tish  nation  ; 
Why  should  we  thus  like  cyphers  stand 

And  nothing  do  but  gaze  on  ? 

O'er  the  water,  etc. 

Brave  Britons  rouse  to  arms,  for  shame, 

And  save  your  K — g  and  nation  ; 
For  certainly  we  are  to  blame, 

If  we  lose  this  occasion. 

O'er  the  water,  etc. 

The  P — ce  set  out  for  Edinburgh  Town, 

To  meet  with  C — pe's  great  army ; 
In  fifteen  minutes  he  cut  them  down, 

And  gain'd  the  victory  fairly. 

O'er  the  water,  etc. 

[Comparing  this  song  with  Hogg's  text  (Relics,  ii.  76)  we  ask,  is  ours  the 
unworthy  original,  improved  by  Burns  and  Hogg  into  the  best  of  loyal  poetry ; 
or  is  ours  quite  a  distressingly  different  set  of  words  to  the  same  tune  ? 
Hogg's  version,  except  for  the  last  stanza,  is,  with  slight  verbal  changes, 
No.  187  in  Johnson's  Museum,  Vol.  ii.  (1788).  Hogg  says,  'I  do  not  know  if 
the  two  last  stanzas  have  ever  before  been  printed,  though  they  have  often  been 
sung '  (Relics,  ii.  290).  The  penultimate  verse  appeared,  as  Hogg  should  have 
known,  in  Johnson's  Museum  (ut  supra).  If  Mr.  Henderson  is  right  in  saying 
*  Hogg's  set  is  merely  Ayrshire  Bard  (in  Johnson)  plus  Ettrick  Shepherd,'  then 


146  Andrew  Lang 

the  Shepherd,  in  the  last  stanza,  wrote  the  most  perfect  verse  in  the  whole  of 
Jacobite  poetry.  The  ardent  sincerity  of  loyal  self-sacrifice  was  never  worded  so 
well.  Cf.  Henderson,  in  his  and  Henley's  Bums,  Vol.  iii.  p.  328.  The  chorus, 
and  stanza  i.,  in  both  Hogg's  and  the  Museum's  versions,  seem  to  me  popular  and 
traditional ;  the  third  may  be  by  Burns ;  the  fourth,  if  not  Hogg's,  is  popular  and 
traditional.  I  myself  think  that  Hogg  dealt  fairly  with  what  he  collected,  whether 
songs  in  the  Relics,  or  ballads  for  Scott's  Minstrelsy.  His  letters  to  Scott,  with 
ballads  (June  30,  1802;  September  10  [1805]),  are  candid  and  explicit;  he  tells 
the  Sheriff  how  he  collected,  what  he  got  'in  plain  prose'  mixed  with  broken 
stanzas,  and  how  he  harmonised  them.  He  is  equally  candid  in  what  he  says  of 
The  Lament  of  Flora  Macdonald,  already  quoted  from  the  Relies  ^\ 


(Tune  :  Nansy's  to  the  Green-wood  gane) 

YE  W — gs  are  a  rebellious  crew, 

The  plague  of  this  poor  nation  ; 
Ye  give  not  God  nor  Caesar  due, 

Ye  smell  of  reprobation  : 
Ye  are  a  stubborn,  perverse  pack, 

Conceiv'd  and  nurs'd  by  treason, 
Your  practices  are  foul  and  black, 

Your  principles  'gainst  reason. 

Your  Hogan-Mogan  foreign  things 

God  gave  them  in  displeasure  ; 
Ye  brought  them  o'er  and  call'd  them  k — gs, 

They've  drain'd  our  blood  and  treasure. 
Can  ye  compare  your  King  to  mine, 

Your  G — die  and  your  W — lie  ? 
Comparisons  are  odious, 

A  docken  to  a  lilie. 

Our  Darien  can  witness  bear, 

And  so  can  our  Glenco,  Sir  ; 
The  South  Sea  it  can  make  appear 

What  to  our  King  we  owe,  Sir  : 
We  have  been  murder'd,  starv'd,  and  rob'd, 

By  those  your  k — gs  and  knav'ry ; 
And,  all  our  treasure  is  stock-jobb'd, 

While  we  groan  under  slav'ry. 

Did  e'er  the  rightful  St — t's  race, 

Declare  it  if  you  can,  Sir, 
Reduce  you  to  so  bad  a  case, — 

Hold  up  your  face  and  answer  : 
Did  he  who  ye  expell'd  the  throne 

Your  islands  ever  harass  so, 
As  those  whom  ye  have  placed  thereon, 

Your  Brunswick  and  your  Nassau  ? 

Jacobite  Songs  147 

By  strangers  we  are  rob'd  and  kill'd, 

That  ye  must  plainly  grant,  Sir, 
Whose  coffers  with  our  wealth  are  cramm'd, 

Whilst  we  must  starve  for  want,  Sir. 
Can  ye  compare  your  K — g  to  mine, 

Your  G — die  and  your  W — lie  ? 
Comparisons  are  odious, 

A  bramble  to  a  lilie. 

Your  P — ce's  mother  was  a  whore, — 

This  ye  cannot  deny,  Sir  ; 
Or  why  liv'd  she  in  yonder  tour, 

Confin'd  there  'till  she  died,  Sir. 
Can  ye  compare  your  Queen  to  mine  ? 

I  know  ye're  not  so  silly  ; 
Comparisons  are  odious, 

A  docken  to  a  lilie. 

His  son  is  a  poor  matchless  sot, 

His  own  papa  ne'er  lov'd  him : 
And  F — kie  is  an  idiot, 

As  they  can  swear  who  prov'd  him. 
Can  ye  compare  your  P — ce  to  mine, 

Your  F — kie  and  your  W — lie  ? 
Comparisons  are  odious, 

A  mushroom  to  a  lilie, 

[This  is  a  version  of  Hogg's  The  Rebellious  Crew  (Relics,  i.  112).  Hogg  copied 
this  song  from  an  '  old  printed  ballad  which  I  found  among  Mr.  Walter  Scott's 
original  Jacobite  papers'  (Relics,  i.  284).  Hogg  probably  softened  the  language 
of  our  stanza  vi.,  and,  in  the  third  line  from  the  end,  wrote 

'A  thing  so  dull  and  silly,' 
in  place  of  our 

*  Your  Feckie  and  your  Willie.'] 


AND  from  home  I  wou'd  be, 
And  from  home  I  wou'd  be, 
And  from  home  I  wou'd  be, 

To  some  foreign  country. 
To  tarry  for  a  while, 
'Till  heav'n  think  fit  to  smile  ; 
Bring  our  K — g  from  exile 

To  his  own  country. 

God  save  our  lawful  K — g, 

And  from  danger  set  him  free  ; 

May  the  Scots,  English,  and  Irish, 
Flock  to  him  speedily  : 

148  Jacobite  Songs 

May  the  ghosts  of  the  martyrs, 

Who  died  for  loyalty, 
Haunt  the  rebels  that  did  fight 

Against  their  King  and  country. 

May  the  Devil  take  the  D — tch, 

And  drown  them  in  the  sea, 
Willie  butcher,  and  all  such, 

High-hanged  may  they  be. 
Curse  on  the  volunteers 

To  all  eternity, 
Who  did  fight  against  our  P — ce 

In  his  own  country. 

May  the  rivers  stop  and  stand 

Like  walls  on  ev'ry  side; 
May  our  highland  lad  pass  through  ; 

Jehovah  be  his  guide. 
Lord,  dry  up  the  river  Forth, 

As  thou  didst  the  Red  sea, 
When  the  Israelites  did  pass 

To  their  own  country. 

Let  the  usurper  go  home 

To  Hanover  with  speed, 
And  all  his  spurious  race 

Go  beyond  the  seas. 
And  we'll  crown  our  lawful  King 

With  mirth  and  jollity  ; 
We'll  end  our  days  in  peace 

In  our  own  country. 

[Hogg's  version  is  a  charming  song,  'bearing  strong  marks  of  the  hand  of  the 
ingenious  Allan  Cunningham.'  It  is  perfectly  modern  in  tone.  Our  version  may 
have  been  sung  at  Avignon,  Sens,  and  many  other  asylums  of  the  exiled  Jacobites.] 

Two  Glasgow  Merchants  in  the  French 

DURING  the  Revolutionary  Era  the  French  Republic  ex- 
tended to  the  persecuted  democrats  of  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland  as  hearty  a  welcome  as  Louis  XIV.  had  accorded  to 
the  Jacobite  exiles.  Thus  there  gradually  came  together  in 
Paris  a  band  of  discontented  '  Patriots,'  mostly  English  and 
Irish,  but  including  some  Scots,  whose  presence  served  to  con- 
firm the  idea  prevalent  in  France  that  nothing  was  wanting  to 
set  up  separate  republics  in  the  United  Kingdom  but  the 
appearance  of  French  forces  in  London,  Edinburgh,  and  Dublin.1 
The  late  Mr.  Alger  in  his  Englishmen  in  the  French  Revolution 
brought  together  some  curious  facts  regarding  the  life  of  this 
colony  in  Paris.  The  adventures  of  two  Glasgow  merchants, 
as  revealed  in  the  documents  preserved  in  the  Public  Record 
Office,  London,2  and  the  French  Foreign  Office,  Paris,3  not 
only  add  some  touches  to  his  interesting  sketch,  but  also 
throw  fresh  light  on  the  condition  of  affairs  at  home  which 
sent  not  a  few  Scots  into  voluntary  or  enforced  exile. 

During  the  period  1795-1798  to  which  the  documents  refer, 
Scotland  lay  at  the  feet  of  its  de  facto  king,  Henry  Dundas. 
The  French  Revolution  evoked  considerable  enthusiasm  in  Scot- 
land. The  members  of  the  Dundee  Whig  Club  were  among 
the  first  to  congratulate  the  French  nation  on  the  advent  of 
the  new  regime^  and  Glasgow  sent  £1200  to  the  National 
Assembly.  The  industrial  class  awoke  to  a  sense  of  its  political 
rights,  and,  organised  in  societies  known  as  Friends  of  the 

1  The  '  Scotch  Directory '  was  to  consist  of  Muir,  Sinclair,  Cameron,  Simple 
[Lord   Sempill  ?],   a  Sorbelloni   [sic].     Ferguson   [Adam   Ferguson  ?]   was  to  be 
Minister   for    Foreign    Affairs,    Macleod    [M.P.    for    Inverness]    for    War,    and 
Campbell  [the  poet  Campbell  ?]  for   Marine,      v.  Hist.  MSS.   Comm.,  Dropmore 
MSS.,  vol.  4,  1905,  pp.  69  and  70. 

2  Home  Office  (Scotland)  Correspondence,  vol.  1 6. 
*  Archive^  Correspondance  Politique,  vol.  592. 

150  Henry  W.   Meikle 

People,  agitated  for  parliamentary  reform.  Some  of  the  wilder 
spirits,  however,  did  not  conceal  their  desire  for  even  greater 
changes  in  the  constitution,  and  as  the  drama  of  the  French 
Revolution  developed  into  tragedy,  all  projects  of  reform  at 
home  were  denounced  as  revolutionary.  The  dread  thus  in- 
spired in  the  middle  and  upper  classes  enabled  Dundas  not  only 
to  repress  all  democratic  activity  throughout  the  country,  but 
also  to  win  support  for  the  war  against  France,  and  for  those 
arbitrary  measures  which  reduced  the  government  of  Scotland 
to  the  despotism  which  bears  his  name.  Whoever  ventured  to 
dispute  the  wisdom  of  such  a  policy  was  branded  as  a  Democrat, 
a  Croppy,  or  a  Black  Neb,  imbued  with  French  principles. 

Yet  although  the  democrats  were  effectively  silenced,  the 
following  narrative  affords  one  proof  that  they  continued  to 
cherish  their  opinions  in  secret ;  and  the  undercurrent  of 
discontent  with  the  existing  state  of  affairs  thus  preserved 
among  the  industrial  class,  coming  to  light  in  the  Radical  War 
of  1819,  contributed  one  element  to  the  victory  of  reform 
in  1832. 

About  the  end  of  May,  1798,  the  Sheriff-Depute  of  Edin- 
burgh informed  the  Duke  of  Portland  that  two  brothers,  John 
and  Benjamin  Sword,  had  been  arrested  on  a  charge  of  holding 
improper  communications  with  the  enemy.  John  was  appre- 
hended on  board  a  vessel  in  Leith  bound  for  Embden,  and 
his  brother  Benjamin  at  Glasgow.  Failing  to  give  a  satisfactory 
account  of  some  letters  seized  at  the  same  time,  they  were 
confined  to  prison  till  they  should  do  so.  'They  are  both 
wealthy,'  wrote  the  sheriff,  '  having  retired  from  trade  at 
Glasgow,  the  one  as  a  Spirit  and  Muslin  Manufacturer,  the 
other  a  Tea  China  man,  and  notwithstanding  their  success  in 
trade  are  both  dissatisfied  with  their  country  and  anxious  to 
settle  themselves  somewhere  else.' 

The  reasons  for  the  dissatisfaction  were  partly  family  but 
largely  political.  In  a  letter  to  a  friend  in  America,  dated 
Langside  House,  December,  1795,  John  Sword,  after  detailing 
some  family  matters  which  had  occasioned  him  much  distress, 
proceeds  to  give  his  opinion  of  the  political  state  of  Scotland 
at  that  time.  *  I  see  there  will  be  new  matter  springing  in 
our  nation  of  great  magnitude,  which  will  produce  events  more 
momentous  to  the  nation  at  large,  until  at  last  they  produce 
a  Revolution  as  compleat,  though  I  hope  not  so  sanguinary, 

Glasgow  Merchants  in  France          151 

as  that  in  France,  the  wonder  and  admiration  of  all  nations  on 
Earth.  ...  I  am  therefore  now  resolved  to  give  you  a  letter 
with  a  few  of  my  remarks  on  the  volutions  gone  and  going  on 
through  our  nation.  .  .  .  Had  the  Government  and  order  of 
things  in  this  country  been  as  they  were  20  years  ago,  I 
would  have  been  in  business  ere  now,  but  such  a  change  has 
taken  place  within  these  few  years  as  seldom  has  to  any  country. 
Our  newspapers  which  you  no  doubt  frequently  see  will  have 
shewn  you  into  what  a  state  of  Sin  and  Misery  this  blessed  war 
has  brought  us.  The  numberless  additional  taxes  to  enormous 
amount,  and  to  crown  the  matter  the  progress  our  Ministers 
have  made  in  Arbitrary  government  is  infinitely  beyond  what- 
ever could  have  been  supposed  to  happen  in  this  country 
formerly  a  land  of  liberty.  It  would  tire  your  patience  to 
enumerate  in  the  most  concise  manner  a  tythe  of  our  late 
oppressions.  This  very  last  week  a  Bill  has  passed  making  it 
felony  to  complain  of  any  part  of  the  Minister's  conduct, 
although  it  can  clearly  be  made  appear  that  a  family  that 
expends  ^250  per  ann.  pays  above  £100  taxes.  It  is  far  from 
improbable  a  civil  war  may  soon  be  the  baleful  consequence. 
Were  the  few  lines  I  have  now  wrote  on  this  subject  exhibited 
to  our  gracious,  upright,  and  infallible  Mr.  Pitt,  I  would  have 
reason  to  congratulate  myself  if  I  came  off  as  easy  as  Mr. 
Muir  or  Mr.  Palmer  by  a  14  years'  mission  to  Botany 
Bay.  My  family  affairs  with  those  of  a  public  nature  have 
made  me  resolve  not  to  hasard  the  remains  of  my  property 
in  trade  in  this  country.  I  have  long  wished  to  see  North 
America  but  never  had  it  so  much  in  my  power  as  at  present, 
and  I  am  now  almost  resolved  to  see  it  in  the  ensuing  summer.' 
In  his  next  letter,  dated  3<Dth  January,  1796,  he  still  talks  of 
going  to  the  New  World,  *  where,'  he  says,  f  I  may  spend  the 
remainder  of  my  life  free  from  that  weight  of  oppression  that 
hangs  like  a  millstone  round  the  neck  of  this  devoted  country. 
You  cannot  imagine  with  what  vast  strides  this  country  is  pro- 
gressing to  destruction,  the  numberless  arbitrary  laws  enacted  by 
our  Ministry  to  shield  them  from  the  effects  of  their  guilt. 
Our  national  debt  is  now  between  3  and  400  millions  Sterling. 
The  interest  paid  on  that  is  above  1 6  millions.  If  it  is  reckoned 
what  expense  attends  the  collection  of  it,  it  will  be  found 
4  millions  more.  This  is  sunk  to  all  Eternity.  To  this  add 
the  maintenance  of  our  civil  list,  including  all  the  expensive, 
very  expensive,  squandering  members  of  it,  and  you  will  have 

152  Henry  W.   Meikle 

a  sum  equal  to  the  rent  of  the  whole  landed  property  in 
Britain.  And  yet  this  is  exclusive  of  our  necessary  expenses 
of  Government,  of  places  and  pensions,  etc.,  etc.  Of  the  extent 
and  amount  of  these  last,  the  best  arithmeticians,  the  most 
inquisitive  accomptants,  and  the  most  expert  clerks  are  ignorant. 
The  sum  is  incomprehensible.  The  number  of  pensioners  with 
the  amount  they  receive  is  quite  unknown.  That  the  sum 
is  astonishing  is  well  known,  for  these  very  pensions  that 
cannot  be  kept  hid  from  the  public — and  it  is  a  well-known 
fact  that  not  one  fourth  part  of  the  pensions  are  published, 
perhaps  not  one  tenth — demonstrate  to  what  amount  the 
whole  may  be  conjectured.  Here  one  person  gets  £60,000  or 
£70,000  p.  annum,  another  £30,000  or  ,£40,000,  many  £25 
and  £20,000.  Great  numbers  from  £5  to  £15,000,  and  these 
of  less  consequence  are  innumerable.  The  Government  of  our 
country  is  now  so  outre  that  extortion  and  imposition  cannot 
be  checked.  Every  article  is  taxed  in  twenty  different  shapes. 
Instance  the  article  of  Stamp  paper.  20  years  ago  and  less 
this  duty  was  comprehended  within  7  or  8  articles.  At  present 
there  are  89  articles  and  on  these  7  or  8  articles  which  were 
formerly  taxed,  the  tax  is  now  3,  4,  and  some  of  them  ten- 
fold advanced.  This  it  only  one  instance  among  many. 
Almost  every  species  of  our  manufactures  are  taxed.  The  con- 
sequence is  very  visible  to  every  person  that  will  indulge  a  thought. 
The  indefatigable  industry  of  the  British  Nation  will  weather  the 
storm  a  little.  It  cannot  be  long.  Our  Government  now  in 
a  manner  despotic — for  can  it  be  called  anything  else  when  it 
is  publicly  known  beyond  contradiction  that  members  buy 
seats  in  Parliament  for  a  majority  of  these  members,  and  this 
majority  pass  any  law  that  Pitt  chuses  to  propose  ? — I  say, 
this  Despotic  Government  of  ours  requires  such  immense 
treasure  to  preserve  the  despotism,  to  bribe  the  numberless 
dependant  tribes,  that  our  industry  is  thereby  swallowed  up,  and 
it  must  very  soon  pass  to  destruction  and  like  the  baseless 
fabric  of  a  vision  leave  not  a  wreck  behind.1  Already  the 
wages  of  every  branch  of  manufacture  is  very  much  enhanced 
and  yet  the  poor  artificer  can  scarcely  live.  ...  I  do  not 

1  The  Edinburgh  Whigs  held  equally  pessimistic  views  regarding  the  fate  of  their 
country.  Hence  the  significance  of  the  title,  'The  Pleasures  of  Hope,1  by  the 
official  poet  of  the  Whigs,  Thomas  Campbell.  On  his  return  from  abroad  in 
1801  he  too  had  to  make  a  declaration  before  the  Sheriff  of  Edinburgh  to  clear 
himself  of  the  suspicion  of  being  a  spy. 

Glasgow  Merchants  in  France  153 

pretend  to  prophecy,  but  from  the  situation  in  which  we  are 
circumstanced,  and  from  which  we  cannot  disengage  ourselves, 
I  will  bett  all  I  am  worth  in  the  world  this  must  happen 
within  20  years,  and  it  would  not  in  the  least  surprize  me 
were  my  prognostications  to  take  effect  in  one  fourth  part  of 
that  time.'  In  a  letter  to  the  same  friend,  dated  loth 
October,  1796,  he  still  harps  on  the  burden  of  taxation. 
Manufacturers  could  not  pay  the  taxes.  This  had  brought  the 
3  Per  Cents  down  from  96  before  the  war  to  56,  and  it  was 
expected  that  the  next  loan  would  bring  them  down  to  40. 
When  the  peace  came  there  would  be  such  emigration  to 
France  and  America  as  would  depopulate  the  country,  and 
give  the  finishing  stroke  to  the  public  credit. 

We  learn  nothing  further  of  the  two  brothers  till  their  arrest 
in  1798.  Rumours  of  an  expected  invasion  by  the  French, 
and  of  plottings  by  the  society  of  United  Scots,  kept  the 
Government  officials  in  a  state  of  nervous  apprehension  ;  and 
when  it  was  known  that  John  Sword  was  setting  out  for  the 
continent,  probably  for  France,  which,  it  was  affirmed,  he 
and  his  brother  had  visited  the  previous  year,  the  two  were 
promptly  arrested.  It  was  not  difficult  for  them  to  invent  a 
story  of  adventure  not  too  improbable  for  those  troublous  times. 
According  to  John's  first  declaration,  he  was  on  the  road  to 
Germany  where  he  intended  to  settle  with  his  wife  and  child. 
It  was  true  that  he  and  his  brother  had  been  abroad  in 
August,  1797,  but  they  had  not  been  in  France.  They  had 
visited  various  towns  in  Germany.  At  the  end  of  March  or 
the  beginning  of  April,  1797,  they  had  left  Greenock  for 
Charlestown  in  South  Carolina.  The  vessel  was  taken  by  a 
French  privateer  called  the  '  Vengeance  '  about  the  1 7th  May.  A 
prizemaster  was  put  on  board  and  the  vessel  sailed  for  Nantes. 
Off  the  coast  of  Ireland,  however,  they  were  retaken  by  the 
British  frigate  c  Apollo,'  and  carried  into  the  Cove  of  Cork. 
This  narrative  was  declared  by  them  in  their  second  declarations 
to  be  'a  cock  and  bull  story,'  and  in  their  third  declarations 
they  each  gave,  with  slight  variations,  a  more  or  less  veracious 
account  of  their  wanderings  in  France. 

The  two  brothers  sailed  from  Leith  for  Hamburg  at  the 
end  of  August,  1797.  On  their  arrival  at  Hamburg  they 
purchased  their  admission  as  burgesses  with  a  view  to  enabling 
them  to  proceed  to  France.  Acting  on  the  advice  of  friends, 
they  tried  to  pass  themselves  off  as  Americans  or  as  connected 

154  Henry  W.   Meikle 

with  America.  The  ambassador,  however,  refused  to  give 
them  passports.  They  therefore  proceeded  to  the  Hague, 
where  they  obtained  passports  for  France.  'After  two  trials 
they  got  to  Paris  via  Dunkirk  and  Lisle.'  Thence  they  went 
to  Nantes  via  Tours.  The  two  merchants  had  learned  that 
English  goods  brought  into  that  port  by  French  privateers  were 
selling  very  cheap,  especially  coffee  and  sugar,  and  they  hoped 
by  making  large  purchases  for  America  to  realise  a  consider- 
able profit.  There  was  one  serious  drawback  to  such  a  business 
venture.  No  one  would  insure  the  goods,  as  they  were  very 
liable  to  be  retaken  the  moment  they  left  the  port  by  the 
same  privateer  from  whom  they  had  been  purchased.  A  more 
profitable  speculation  was  to  be  made  in  land.  At  Tours 
'  Emigrant '  property  was  selling  at  three  or  four  years'  purchase, 
Church  lands  at  six  years',  and  patrimonial  property  at  nine  or  ten 
years'  purchase.  Money  could  be  borrowed  at  three,  four,  and 
five  per  cent.  John  Sword,  according  to  his  brother's  story, 
was  '  exceedingly  keen '  to  become  the  possessor  of  a  convent, 
a  church,  and  a  dozen  acres  of  land  at  the  low  price  of  £700. 
The  iron  and  lead  of  the  buildings  alone  would  have  made  up 
the  price.  Benjamin,  however,  persuaded  his  brother  to  have 
nothing  to  do  with  it,  and  after  three  or  four  weeks'  stay  in 
Nantes  they  left  for  Paris. 

During  their  sojourn  in  the  capital  they  called  on  Thomas 
Paine,  *  not  from  any  previous  knowledge  of  him,'  John  was 
careful  to  add,  *  but  merely  out  of  curiosity.'  Paine  informed 
them  that  Thomas  Muir  was  in  Paris,  and  they  paid  him  a  visit, 
having  known  him  as  a  student  in  the  University  of  Glasgow. 
v  Muir  appeared  to  live  in  style  and  kept  his  carriage.' l  During 
an  evening  spent  in  the  company  of  Paine  and  Muir,2  a  long 

1  On  3 1st  August,  1793,  Muir  was  sentenced  by  the  High  Court  of  Justiciary 
of  Scotland    to   fourteen   years'   transportation   to   Botany   Bay  for  sedition   in 
connection  with   the   Society  of  the  Friends  of  the  People.     He  escaped  from 
Sydney  on  nth  February,  1796,  and  after  almost  incredible  adventures,  arrived 
at  Bordeaux  in  December,  1797.     He  was  ostentatiously  welcomed  by  the  French 
Directory,  who  granted  him  a  pension.     In  a  begging  letter  to  the  Minister  for 
Foreign  Affairs,  Muir  explained  that  the  loss  of  one  eye,  and  the  imperfect  vision 
of  the  other,  necessitated  his  keeping  a  carriage  (Archives,  vol.  590,  £  144). 

2  In  the  British  Museum  collection  of  coins  and  medals  a  farthing,  inscribed 
*The  Three  Thomases,    1796,'   represents  Thomas   Paine,  Thomas  Spence   (a 
publisher  of  Paine's  works),  and  Thomas  Muir  hanging  on  a  gibbet.     On  the 
reverse  is  the  legend,  '  May  the  three  knaves  of  Jacobin  Clubs  never  get  a  trick.' 
t>.  The  Writings  of  Thomas  Paine,  ed.  M.  D.  Conway,  vol.  iii.  p.  xi. 

Glasgow  Merchants  in  France  155 

discussion  ensued  on  religion  '  which  Paine  reprobated,  while 
Muir  endeavoured  to  defend  it.'  Benjamin  Sword  even  affirmed 
that  Muir  was  intoxicated  on  that  occasion.  This  led  to  the 
breaking  up  of  the  party,  and  prevented  Muir  from  keeping 
his  promise  of  introducing  the  brothers  to  the  notorious  Miss 
Williams,  then  living  in  Paris  as  the  wife  of  Stone.1 

Thanks  to  the  proverbial  clannishness  of  their  race,  the 
Glasgow  merchants  were  introduced  to  another  Scot,  a  certain 
Mr.  Rose.  A  gardener  by  trade,2  his  master's  influence  had 
secured  for  him  the  post  of  usher  to  the  Constituent  Assembly, 
and  he  had  served  in  the  same  capacity  the  succeeding  assemblies 
of  the  period.  Under  his  guidance  the  Swords  visited  the 
Council  of  the  Ancients,  and  the  Council  of  Five  Hundred,  and 
were  present  at  the  Iriili  of  the  Directory  '  to  which  every  one 
was  admitted.'  Rose  informed  them  'that  he  was  the  person 
who  had  been  sent  by  the  Convention  to  apprehend  Robespierre, 
which  he  accordingly  did  and  gave  them  many  particulars 
respecting  the  business.'  He  talked  with  great  freedom  regarding 
the  Convention  and  said  that  he  expected  another  convulsion. 
The  usher  dropped  a  hint  that  he  might  serve  his  country  and 
make  some  money  by  giving  information.  On  being  asked  if 
he  knew  Mr.  Rose  of  the  Treasury,  he  smiled  and  said  that 
Mr.  Rose  knew  him,  and  waived  the  subject.  At  the  end  of  a 
month  the  brothers  left  for  Scotland  via  Dunkirk,  where  they 
met  another  type  of  the  ubiquitous  Scot  in  the  person  of  a 
Mr.  M'William,  originally  from  Ayr. 

Two  letters  in  the  Archives  of  the  French  Foreign  Office 
complete  our  knowledge  of  the  Swords.  One  is  addressed  to 
'  Citoyen  Graham  a  Paris,'  presumably  a  Glasgow  man,  the  other 
to  Thomas  Muir.  In  the  former,  John  Sword  takes  as  gloomy 
a  view  as  ever  of  the  state  and  prospects  of  his  country.  '  The 
fate  of  Britain  is  wearing  nearer  and  nearer  its  crisis.  New  taxes 
come  out  every  day,  not  by  the  channel  of  the  House  of 
Commons,  but  by  the  fiat  of  the  Privy  Council.  Every  one 
of  them  fall  short  of  what  it  was  taken  for  and  new  ones  are 
framed  to  make  up  the  deficiency,  which  also  fall  short  of  their 
intention.  All  ranks,  even  the  creatures  of  the  Ministry,  are 
now  complaining  of  their  burdens.  This  voluntary  gift  which 
has  made  so  much  noise  has  been  as  great  an  oppression  as  the 

1  v.  sub  voce  John  Heerford  Stone,  Diet.  Nat.  Biog. 

2 '  It  is  from  Scotland,'  said  Voltaire,  *  we  receive  rules  of  taste  in  all  the  arts — 
from  the  epic  poem  to  gardening,'  Hume  Brown,  Hist,  of  Scot.,  vol.  iii.  p.  371. 

156  Henry  W.   Meikle 

most  oppressive  of  the  taxes  ;  for  in  the  first  place  every  creature 
of  Government  is  obliged  to  subscribe  largely  and  they  are 
indefatigable  in  forcing  others  to  subscribe,  threatening  them 
with  ruining  their  business,  their  trade,  and  interest,  if  they 
do  not,  and  many  who  have  persevered  in  refusing  to  subscribe 
have  actually  been  ruined  by  the  malice  of  Pitt's  vermin.  They 
have  influenced  all  the  public  and  private  banks,  so  that  thousands 
of  traders  who  cannot  pay  their  bills  are  forced  by  their  bankers 
to  put  down  their  names  to  this  gift,  and  threatened  not  to  get 
a  single  bill  discounted  if  they  do  not.  The  soldiers  and  sailors 
are  likewise  compelled  to  put  down  their  names  to  this  famous 
gift,  and  thousands  of  names  appear  in  the  newspapers  as 
Patriotic  contributors  to  this  gift  who  curse  the  ministry  (the 
authors  of  it),  curse  the  purposes  to  which  it  is  applied,  and 
would  give  twice  the  amount  of  their  subscriptions  to  bring 
the  heads  of  the  ministers  to  the  block.  But  this  is  no  news 
to  you.  Citizens  John  M'Kenzie,  John  Pattison,  John  Monteith, 
and  a  hundred  more  in  Glasgow  would  give  all  the  cloaths  on 
them  to  be  as  clear  of  the  country  as  you  and  I  are. 

'  The  manufactures  are  much  in  the  decline,  and  if  the  French 
Republic  could  stop  them  from  Hamburgh,  and  the  American 
and  West  India  markets,  they  might  soon  make  what  sort  of 
a  peace  they  pleased.  The  whole  nation  would  be  in  arms,  and 
indeed  nothing  prevents  this  just  now  but  unabated  efforts  of 
the  ministers  bribing  the  landed  Gentlemen  to  act  against  their 
own  interest.  I  need  not  tell  you  that  if  the  War  Establishment 
continue  two  years  longer  in  England,  the  Bank  of  England 
paper  will  be  of  as  little  value  as  the  lowest  price  of  American 
or  French  paper  ever  was,  and  it  is  in  the  power  of  the  French  to 
hurry  on  this  event  by  a  method  which  I  could  clearly  point  out.' 

In  the  other  letter  dated  Embden,  3ist  August,  1798, 
15  Fructidor,  an  6,  to  Thomas  Muir,  he  gives  a  full  account 
of  his  sufferings,  and  reveals  more  regarding  his  visit  to  Nantes 
than  he  had  communicated  to  the  Sheriff-Depute  of  Edinburgh. 
*  I  have  endured  a  part  of  the  persecution  you  so  unjustly 
suffered.  I  have  occupied  the  same  apartments  in  Edinburgh 
Jail  which  you  have  done  before  me  and  have  been  put  to  great 
inconveniences  with  my  family  and  to  great  expenses.  But  I 
thank  God  all  the  malice  of  my  persecutors  have  not  been  able 
to  prevent  me  from  securing  as  much  of  my  property  as  to 
enable  me  to  carry  on  my  plan  of  my  muslin  manufactory  upon 
a  moderate  scale,  or  even  to  live  with  oeconomy  upon  the  remains 

Glasgow  Merchants  in  France          157 

of  the  fruits  of  my  industry  without  emerging  again  into  bustle, 
labour,  and  anxiety.'  He  goes  on  to  relate  that  he  was  set  at 
liberty  for  six  months,  bail  being  fixed  at  4000  merks.  Owing 
to  the  strenuous  exertions  of  his  advocate,  Mr.  Henry  Erskine, 
he  had  been  allowed  to  proceed  to  Germany  to  look  after  his 
affairs.  The  Lord  Advocate  had  promised  that  if  nothing  further 
appeared  against  him  he  would  not  be  brought  to  trial,  but  that 
if  he  was  to  be  tried,  Mr.  Erskine  was  to  advise  him  in  due 
course.  '  The  only  thing  they  can  prove  against  me  is  my 
having  been  in  France  contrary  to  law,  but  my  intentions,  or 
any  conversation  I  had  with  my  work  people  about  going  there, 
I  trust  will  not  be  discovered ;  so  that  if  no  action  is  commenced 
against  me  by  the  29th  of  November,  my  bail  bond  is  then 
discharged,  and  I  fly  to  the  glorious  land  of  liberty,  justly 
the  admiration  of  Europe  and  of  the  whole  world.'  His  purpose 
in  writing  to  Muir  was  to  use  his  influence  with  the  French 
Government  to  help  him  in  another  unlucky  piece  of  business. 
The  ship  by  which  he  had  intended  to  reach  Embden  at  the 
time  of  his  arrest  had  sailed  without  him,  had  been  captured 
by  a  French  privateer,  and  carried  into  a  Dutch  port.  There 
the  cargo,  including  Sword's  belongings,  had  been  condemned. 
This  he  held  to  be  unjust,  as  they  were  not  contraband  seeing  they 
were  intended  for  France.  The  prizemaster,  however,  had  taken 
the  goods  ashore,  and  most  of  them  had  probably  been  Embezzled 
by  the  motley  crew  of  renegadoes  from  Asia,  America  and 
Europe — not  one  Frenchman  among  them.'  His  plan  of  setting 
up  a  muslin  factory  in  France  made  him  anxious  to  secure 
his  property.  'When  I  was  in  Paris,'  he  writes,  'you  may 
perhaps  remember  that  I  acquainted  you  I  had  applied  by  a 
petition  to  the  Minister  of  the  Interior  stating  my  intentions 
of  erecting  a  muslin  manufactory1  at  Nantes,  and  requesting 

1  During  Muir's  visit  to  Paris  in  1793,  the  government  spy  in  Edinburgh 
credited  him  with  having  bought  ground  on  behalf  of  seven  proprietors  of  a  cotton 
mill  in  the  West  of  Scotland.  The  machinery  and  workmen  were  to  be  removed 
to  France.  Home  Office  (Scotland}  Correspondence,  vol.  7,  March,  1793,  P.R.O., 
London.  The  idea  was  doubtless  taken  from  Paine's  Rights  of  Man,  which  had  an 
enormous  circulation  in  Scotland  at  this  time,  especially  among  the  industrial 
classes.  *  France  and  America  bid  all  comers  welcome,  and  initiate  them  into  all 
the  rights  of  citizenship.  .  .  .  There  is  now  erecting  in  Passey,  three  miles  from 
Paris,  a  large  cotton  factory,  and  several  are  already  erected  in  America.  Soon 
after  the  rejecting  the  Bill  for  repealing  the  test-law,  one  of  the  richest  manu- 
actors  in  England  said  in  my  hearing,  "  England,  Sir,  is  not  a  country  for  a 
dissenter  to  live  in — we  must  go  to  France."'  The  Writings  of  Thomas  Paine, 
ed.  M.  D.  Conway,  vol.  ii.  p.  328,  author's  footnote. 

158  Henry  W.   Meikle 

permission  to  go  to  Scotland  to  settle  my  affairs,  to  collect 
and  bring  my  property  to  France,  to  engage  a  few  of  my 
best  tradesmen  to  teach  these  in  Nantes,  and  to  return  myself 
with  my  family  and  furniture.  The  Minister  gave  me  leave 
to  go  to  Hamburgh  via  Calais  and  Dunkirk,  to  go  to  Scotland 
via  these,  and  to  return  by  Hamburgh.' 

These  two  letters  were  duly  forwarded  to  the  Minister  for 
Foreign  Affairs  ;  but  further  documents  are  lacking  to  reveal 
whether  John  Sword  was  successful  in  his  suit,  or  whether  he 
was  forced  to  join  his  brother  Benjamin  in  his  native  city,  there 
to  remain  under  the  hated  rule  of  Pitt  and  Dundas. 


Chronicle  of  Lanercost1 

WHEN  the  Scots  heard  of  the  sudden  and  unexpected 
retreat  of  the  English  after  Easter,2  they  set  themselves 
down  before  the  castles  of  Scotland  which  were  held  by 
the  English,  to  besiege  them  with  all  their  force,  and  A'D'  I29  ' 
through  famine  in  the  castles  they  obtained  possession  of  them 
all,  except  Roxburgh,  Edinburgh,  Stirling,  and  Berwick,  and  a  few 
others  ;  and  when  they  had  promised  to  the  English  conditions 
of  life  and  limb  and  safe  conduct  to  their  own  land  on  sur- 
rendering the  castles,  William  Wallace  did  not  keep  faith  with 

Meanwhile,  truce  was  made  between  the  King  of  France  and 
the  King  of  England,  and  the  king  returned  to  England,  and 
finding  how  the  Scots  had  risen  in  his  absence,  he  assembled  an 
army  and  directed  his  march  towards  Scotland,  and  having  entered 
that  country,  he  passed  through  part  thereof. 

So  on  the  festival  of  the  blessed  Mary  Magdalene 3  the  Scots 
gave  him  battle  with  all  their  forces  at  Falkirk,  William  Wallace 
aforesaid  being  their  commander,  putting  their  chief  trust,  as  was 
their  custom,  in  their  foot  pikemen,  whom  they  placed  in  the 
first  line.  But  the  armoured  cavalry  of  England,  which  formed 
the  greater  part  of  the  army,  moving  round  and  outflanking  them 
on  both  sides,  routed  them,  and,  all  the  Scottish  cavalry  being 
quickly  put  to  flight,  there  were  slain  of  the  pikemen  and 
infantry,  who  stood  their  ground  and  fought  manfully,  sixty 
thousand,  according  to  others  eighty  thousand,  according  to 
others  one  hundred  thousand ; 4  nor  was  there  slain  on  the 
English  side  any  nobleman  except  the  Master  of  the  Templars, 

1See  Scottish  Historical  Review,  vi.  13,  174,  281,  383  ;  vii.  56,  160,  271,  377  j 
viii.  22. 

2  6th  April.  3  2 2nd  July. 

4Walsingham  estimates  the  loss  of  the  Scots  at  60,000,  Hemingburgh  at 
56,000 — both  preposterous  figures,  far  exceeding  the  total  of  Wallace's  forces. 
The  only  trustworthy  data  whereby  to  estimate  the  English  losses  is  found  in  the 
compensation  paid  by  King  Edward  for  1 1 1  horses  killed  in  the  action. 

160  Sir  Herbert   Maxwell,   Bart. 

with  five  or  six  esquires,  who  charged  the  schiltrom  of  the  Scots 
too  hotly  and  rashly. 

Having  thus  entirely  overcome  the  enemies  of  our  king  and 
kingdom,  the  army  of  England  marched  by  one  route  to  the 
Scottish  sea,1  and  returned  by  another,  in  order  to  destroy 
all  that  the  Scots  had  spared  before.  But  on  the  approach  of 
winter  the  king  dismissed  the  nobles  of  England  to  their  own 
estates,  and  undertook  the  guard  of  the  March  himself  with 
a  small  force  for  a  time.  But  before  Christmas  he  returned  to 
the  south,  having  disbanded  the  aforesaid  guards  upon  the 


Berwick,  Dunbar,  and  Falkirk  too 
Show  all  that  traitor  Scots  can  do. 
England  exult !  thy  Prince  is  peerless, 
Where  thee  he  leadeth,  follow  fearless.2 


The  noble  race  of  Englishmen  most  worthy  is  of  praise, 
By  whom  the  Scottish  people  have  been  conquered  in  all  ways. 

England  exult ! 

The  Frenchmen  break  their  treaties  as  soon  as  they  are  made, 
Whereby  the  hope  of  Scotsmen  has  been  cheated  and  betrayed. 

England  exult ! 

O  disconcerted  people  !  hide  yourselves  and  close  your  gates, 
Lest  Edward  should  espy  you  and  wreak  vengeance  on  your  pates. 

England  exult ! 

Henceforth  the  place  for  vanquished  Scots  is  nearest  to  the  tail 
In  clash  of  arms.     O  England  victorious,  all  hail ! 

England  exult ! 3 

1  Firth  of  Forth. 


Berwlke  et  Dunbar,  nee  non  Varlata  Capella, 
Monstrant  quid  valeant  Scottorum  perfida  bella, 
Princeps  absque  pare  cum  sit  tutu,  Anglla,  gaude  ; 
Ardua  temptare  sub  eo  securius  aude, 


Nobifis  Anglorum  gens  est  dlgnlsslma  laude, 
Per  quam  Scottorum  flebs  vincitur — Anglla  gaude  ! 
Fcedera  Francorum  sunt  frlvola,  pl<enaque  fraude, 
Per  quam  Scottorum  spesfallitur — Anglla  gaude  ! 
Gens  confusa  pete  latebras  ac  ostia  c  laude, 
Edtoardus  ne  te  vldeat  rex — Anglla  gaude  ! 
In  belfis  motis  pars  contigit  ultima  caudee 
Devictis  Scottis — super atrix  Anglla  gaude  ! 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  161 


O  Scottish  race  !   God's  holy  shrines  have  been  defiled  by  thee, 

His  sacred  temples  thou  hast  burnt,  O  crying  shame  to  see  ! 

Think  not  that  thou  for  these  misdeeds  shalt  punishment  avoid, 

For  Hexham's  famous  sanctuary  polluted  and  destroyed. 

The  pillaged  house  of  Lanercost  lies  ruined  and  defaced  ; 

The  doers  of  such  sacrilege  must  cruel  vengeance  taste. 

Let  irons,  fire,  and  famine  now  scourge  the  wicked  race, 

With  whom  henceforth  nor  fame  nor  faith  nor  treaty  can  have  place. 

The  Scottish  nation,  basely  led,  hath  fallen  in  the  dust ; 

In  those  who  forfeit  every  pledge  let  no  man  put  his  trust.1 


Welsh  William  being  made  a  noble,2 
Straightway  the  Scots  became  ignoble. 
Treason  and  slaughter,  arson  and  raid, 
By  suffering  and  misery  must  be  repaid.8 

About  the  feast  of  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Mary  the  King 
of  England  married  the  Lady  Margaret,  sister  of  the 
King  of  France,    whereby   the    [two]    kings    became    A'D'  1299" 

In  the  same  year  died  Oliver,  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  and  Henry 
of  Newark,  Archbishop  of  York.  Master  John  of  Alderby 
succeeded  Oliver,  and  Henry  of  Corbridge,  Doctor  in  Theology 
[succeeded  Henry  in  the  see  of  York]. 


Per  te  foe  data  loca  sancta  Deoque  dicata  ; 
Templaque  sacrata,  sunt,  profi  dolor  !  igne  cremata. 
Ene  nequiverunt  destructio  damnaque  multa 
Eccleslee  Celebris  Haugustaldensis  inulta. 
Desolata  domus  de  Lanercost  mala  plura 
Passa  fuit,fiet  de  tallbus  ultio  dura, 
Ferrum,  flamma,  fames  venient  tibi,  Scotia,  digne, 
In  qua  fama,  fides,  fcedus  periere  maligne. 
Sub  duce  degenero  gens  Scotica  degeneravit, 
Qu&  famam  temere,faedus,  qu<z  fidem  violavit. 

2 Wallace  is  usually  honoured  by  the    knightly    prefix    'Sir';    but  there   is 
no  record  of  his  receiving  knighthood. 


Postquam  Willelmus  Wallensis  nobilitavit, 
Nobilitas  prorsus  Scottorum  degeneravit. 
Proditlo,  cades,  incendia,  frausque  raping 
Finiri  nequeunt  infelici  sine  fine. 

4  8th  September. 

1 62  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,   Bart. 

About  the  same  time  Pope  Boniface  wrote  to  the  King  of 
England  demanding  that  he  should  hand  over  to  his  custody 
John  de  Balliol,  whom  he  was  keeping  under  restraint,  and  the 
King  complied  with  the  Pope's  demand  in  obedience  to  the 
Roman  Curia.1 

In  the  same  year  the  Pope  issued  the  statute  beginning  Super 
cathedram,  et  c<etera,  to  promote  concord  between  the  prelates 
of  the  Church  and  the  Orders  of  Preaching  and  Minorite 

The  King  prepared  an  army  for  an  expedition  into    Scotland, 

and  during  that  march  the  Queen  was  delivered  of  her  first-born 

son  Thomas,  in  the  northern  parts  about   Brotherton, 

°°'    from  which  town  the  son  there  born  derived  his  sobriquet. 

Howbeit  the  King  did  nothing  remarkable  this  time  against  the 

Scots  whose  land  he  entered,  because  they  always  fled  before  him, 

skulking  in  moors  and  woods  ;  wherefore  his  army   was  taken 

back  to  England. 

In  the  same  year  William  of  Gainsborough,  an  Englishman, 
was  summoned  to  the  Curia,  as  reader  in  theology  at  the  palace 
before  the  Cardinals ;  upon  whom,  after  the  lapse  of  two  years,  the 
Pope  bestowed  the  bishopric  of  Worcester. 

In  the  same  [year]  about  the  feast  of  S.  John  the  Baptist,2  my 
lord  Edward  King  of  England  came  to  Carlisle  with  the  nobles 
and  great  men  of  England.  With  him  came  Sir  Hugh  de  Vere, 
and  he  stayed  a  while  at  Lanercost,  and  thence  the  King  marched 
through  the  district  of  Galloway  as  far  as  the  Water  of  Cree. 
Also  he  took  the  castle  of  Caerlaverock,  which  he  gave  to  Sir 
Robert  de  Clifferd,  and  he  caused  many  of  those  found  within  the 
castle  to  be  hanged. 

This,  the  sixth  year  of  Pope  Boniface,  was  the  year  of  Jubilee. 

In  Rome  each  hundredth  year  is  kept  as  jubilee  ; 

Indulgences  are  granted  and  penitents  go  free. 

This  Boniface  approved  of  and  confirmed  by  his  decree.3 

In  the  same  year  as  above  a  formal  embassy  arrived  at  the 
Roman  Curia  from  the  King  of  England  :  to  wit — the  Earls  of 

1  John  de  Balliol  was  committed  to  the  custody  of  Sir  Robert  de  Burghesh, 
constable  of  Dover  Castle,  who  took  him  to  Whitsand  and  delivered  him  to  the 
Papal  nuncio.     (Feedera.) 

2  2 4th  June. 

dnnus  centenui  Romee  semper  jubil&us  ; 
Crimina  laxantur,  cui  pcenitet  is  fa  donantur  ; 
Hoc  declaravit  Bonifacitu  et  rtboravit. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  163 

Seland,  Lincoln,  and  Bar,1  the  Bishop  of  Winchester,  Sir  Hugh  le 
Spenser,  Galfrid  de  Genevilla  and  Otto  de  Grandison,  knights  ; 
and  the  Archdeacon  of  Richmond  and  John  of  Berwick,  clerics.2 
The  ambassadors  of  France  were  as  follows — the  Archbishop  of 
Narbonne,  the  Bishop  of  Auxerre,  the  Counts  of  Saint-Paul  and 
Boulogne,  Pierre  de  Flota,  and  others. 

In  the  same  year  was  born  Thomas  of  Brotherton,  son  of 
King  Edward. 

[Here  follows  in  the  Chronicle  the  famous  letter  of  Pope 
Boniface  VIII.  to  Edward  I.,  in  which  he  claims  that  *  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland  hath  from  ancient  time  belonged  by  un- 
doubted right '  to  the  Church  of  Rome,  commands  King 
Edward  to  desist  from  any  attempt  to  infringe  upon  its  indepen- 
dence, to  release  the  Bishops  of  Glasgow  and  Sodor,  and  other 
clerics  whom  he  had  imprisoned,  and  to  submit  within  six  months 
to  the  Papal  judgment  all  documents  and  other  evidence  which 
he  may  be  able  to  produce  in  support  of  any  claim  he  may 
have  upon  the  kingdom  of  Scotland  or  part  thereof. 

The  spirited  reply  from  King  Edward's  Parliament  of  Lincoln, 
1 2th  February,  1300-1,  indignantly  rejecting  the  Pope's  claim  to 
interfere  in  the  temporal  affairs  of  the  kingdom,  is  also  transcribed 
at  length  in  the  Chronicle  ;  but,  as  it  is  given  in  Fcedera  and 
elsewhere,  it  is  not  necessary  to  repeat  it  here.] 

At  the  beginning  of  summer  the  king  assembled  an  army 
against  the  Scots  and  placed  one  part  of  the  force  under  command 
of  my  lord  Edward,  his  son  by  his  first  wife  and  Prince 
of  Wales,  and  under  command  of  divers  nobles  of  A'D'  I301' 
England  who  were  in  his  company,  and  these  entered  Scotland  on 
the  west ;  but  [the  king]  kept  the  other  part  with  himself  and 
entered  by  Berwick.  The  Scots,  however,  dared  not  fight  with 

1  Barensis :  which  might  be  from  Bara,    the  Latinised  form  of  Dunbar :  but 
there  is  no  record  of  Sir  Patrick  'with  the  blak  berd,'  8th  Earl  of  Dunbar,  being 
employed  on  this  mission,  although  he  was  certainly  in  King  Edward's  service  at 
this  time. 

2  This  embassy  was  sent  to  counter  the  Scottish  mission  earlier  in  the  year. 
The    chronicler's    list    of  names    does    not    exactly    correspond    with    that    set 
forth    in    King    Edward's   letter    to    Pope    Boniface    (Rymer's   Fcedera),   which 
included  John,  Bishop  of  Winchester  ;  Friar  William  of  Gainsborough;  Gerard, 
Archdeacon  of  Richmond ;  John  of  Berwick,  Canon  of  York  ;  Amadis,  Earl  of 
Savoy  (Sabaudiae) ;  Henry  de  Lacy,  Earl  of  Lincoln  ;  Sir  Galfrid  de  Genevill, 
Sir  Galfrid  Russell,  Sir  Otto  de  Grandison,  Sir  Hugh  le  Despenser,  Sir  Amaneus, 
lord  of  le  Breto  ;  Master  Reymund,  vasatensem  of  Arnald  de  Rama ;  and  Peter, 
Canon  of  Almeric  of  S.  Severin's  of  Bordeaux. 

164  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

either  army,  but  fled  as  they  had  done  the  previous  year. 
Howbeit  they  took  some  fine  spoil  from  the  English  and  did 
much  other  mischief;  wherefore  the  king,  considering  that 
whatever  he  gained  in  Scotland  during  the  summer  he  would  lose 
in  winter,  decided  to  spend  the  whole  winter  at  Linlithgow 
and  elsewhere  in  Scotland,  and  did  so.  The  Scots  were  brought 
far  nearer  subjection  by  that  occupation  than  they  had  been 

In  the  same  year  the  Queen  bore  another  son  named  Edmund, 
and  after  her  purification  joined  the  king  in  Scotland. 

Also  in  these  times  fresh  dispute  took  place  between  the  Kings 
of  France  and  England  about  the  land  of  Gascony,  but  at  last 
they  came  to  an  agreement  after  the  truce  had  been  renewed 
several  times. 

In  the  same  year — 

BISHOP  BONIFACE,  servant  of  the  servants  of  God,  to  his  venerable  brother 
in  Christ  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  greeting  and  apostolic  benediction. 
Not  without  cause  do  we  hold  it  to  be  very  grave  and  most  contrary  to 
our  wishes  that  prelates  of  the  Church,  who  are  under  obligation  through 
the  nature  of  the  pastoral  office  to  set  an  example  to  others  of  praiseworthy 
conduct,  presume  with  damnable  audacity  to  proceed  by  uneven  ways 
to  nefarious  actions,  and,  giving  themselves  the  rein,  do  not  shrink  from 
perpetrating  deeds  whereby  the  Divine  Majesty  is  offended,  his  glory 
disparaged,  their  own  salvation  endangered,  and  the  minds  of  the  faithful 
are  unsettled  by  a  grave  scandal. 

Wherefore  we  are  actuated  by  becoming  motives  and  exhort  [thee] 
to  consider  advisedly  how  we  may  apply  the  speedy  remedy  of  this 
warning,  for  the  correction  or  punishment  of  the  excesses  of  the  prelates 
themselves,  as  justice  requires. 

For  indeed  we  have  learnt  by  trustworthy  report,  which  has  now  many 
times  been  brought  to  our  hearing,  that  Walter  de  Langton,  Bishop  of 
Coventry  and  Lichfield,  forgetful  of  pastoral  integrity,  unmindful  of  his 
own  salvation,  careless  of  good  fame,  and,  as  it  were,  the  destroyer  of 
his  own  honour,  has  not  feared  to  perpetrate,  nor  does  he  cease  from 
committing,  deeds  as  wicked  as  they  are  atrocious,  and  so  nefarious  that 
they  must  either  produce  disgust  with  horror  in  those  who  hear  about 
them  or  else  cause  a  loathing  of  such  abomination;  wherefore  we  do 
not  consider  it  meet  either  to  describe  them  now  in  these  letters  or  to 
relate  them  by  word  of  mouth.  Wherefore,  being  unwilling,  as  indeed  we 
ought  to  be,  to  wink  at  such  things  as  offend  God  and  scandalise  men 
if  they  receive  encouragement  from  the  truth,  we  must  proceed  by  careful 
consideration  to  inflict  deserved  punishment  upon  these  persons,  lest  they 
gain  strength  through  lapse  of  time.  In  accordance,  therefore,  with  the 
law  as  we  perceive  it  and  have  decided  to  enforce,  we  have  issued  these 
apostolic  scripts,  strictly  enjoining  upon  thy  fraternity  that,  in  the  virtue  of 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  165 

obedience,  thou  shalt  without  delay  cause  the  said  bishop  to  be  summoned 
under  our  authority,  either  by  thyself,  or  by  another,  or  by  others,  to  appear 
in  person  before  us,  within  the  space  of  three  months,  counting  from  the  day 
of  this  citation,  on  pain  of  deprivation  of  the  pontifical  office  (which  we  will 
that  he  shall  incur  ipso  facto  should  he  prove  disobedient  in  this  matter),  to 
submit  humbly  and  effectually  to  our  decrees  and  precepts  and  those 
of  the  apostolic  see  upon  all  and  several  matters  set  forth,  and  upon  any 
others  which  may  happen  to  be  brought  forward  or  objected  against  him. 

Take  thou  care  in  thy  letters,  describing  the  course  of  events,  to  inform 
us  fully  and  faithfully  of  the  day  on  which  thou  receives!  these  presents, 
the  citation  and  its  form,  and  whatsoever  thou  doest  in  this  matter. 

Given  at  the  Lateran,  on  the  8th  of  the  Ides  of  February,1  in  the  sixth 
year  of  our  pontificate. 

The  French,  desiring  unjustly  to  subdue  the  Flemings  to 
themselves,  invaded  that  country  with  an  army  on  several 
occasions  ;  but  the  Flemings,  boldly  encountering  on 
foot  the  mounted  force,  inflicted  upon  them  much 
slaughter  and  won  some  marvellous  victories,  killing  notables  and 
nobles  of  France,  to  wit,  the  Counts  of  Artois,  of  Eu,  of  Boulogne, 
of  Albemarle  ;  and  lords,  to  wit,  Jacques  de  Saint-Paul,  Godefroie 
de  Brabayne  and  his  son,  Jean  de  Henaud,  lord  of  Teyns,  Pierre 
de  Flota  and  Jean  de  Bristiach,  barons  ;  and  many  other  knights, 
[with]  upwards  of  20,000  men,  of  whom  3,500  were  men-at- 

About  the  Ascension  of  our  Lord 3  the  King  of  England  came 
with  an  army  against  the  Scots  ;  but  they  dreaded  lest  he  should 
remain  with  them  not  only  in  summer  but  in  winter ; 
wherefore  all  the  nobles  of  Scotland  were  compelled  to 
come  before  him,  and  he  received  them  to  his  peace.     He  remained 
in  the  country  until  the  Nativity  of  the  Glorious  Virgin.4 

In  the  same  year  Pope  Boniface  declared  the  King  of  the 
Teutons 5  to  be  Emperor  ;  and  this  he  did,  as  was  said,  for  the 

1  6th  February,  1300-01. 

2  This  was  the  battle  of  Courtray,   nth  July,  1302,  memorable  as  the  first 
occasion  when  infantry,  fighting  in  the  solid  formation  afterwards  adopted  by  the 
Scots,  successfully  withstood  the  onslaught  of  armoured  cavalry.     It  caused  as  much 
sensation  in  military  circles  of  the  fourteenth  century  as  did  the  introduction  of 
breech-loading  rifles  by  the  Prussians  in  the  war  with  Austria  in  1866. 

8  1 6th  May.  48th  September. 

5 Albert  I.,  Duke  of  Austria.  'The  Holy  Roman  Church  and  the  Holy 
Roman  Emperor  are  one  and  the  same  thing  in  two  different  aspects.  ...  As  divine 
and  eternal,  the  head  of  Catholicism  is  the  Pope,  to  whom  souls  have  been 
entrusted  ;  as  human  and  temporal,  the  Emperor,  commissioned  to  rule  men's 
bodies  and  acts '  (Bryce's  Holy  Roman  Empire).  The  reference  in  the  text  is  to  a 

1 66  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

humiliation  of  the  King  of  France  and  the  French.  But  the 
King  of  France  and  the  men  of  his  realm,  clerics  as  well  as  laity, 
wrote  many  lengthy  complaints  against  the  Pope,  and  pledged 
themselves  to  prove  all  that  they  wrote. 

But  in  the  meantime  the  Pope,  whom  all  the  world  feared  as  a 
lion  because  of  his  wisdom  and  courage,  was  captured  and 
imprisoned  by  the  Colonnas,  because  he  had  expelled  cardinals  who 
were  of  their  kin  from  the  College  of  Cardinals  and  made  them 
incapable  of  holding  any  degree  or  dignity  in  the  Church.  In  the 
following  October1  he  died,  whether  by  a  natural  death  or,  as  is 
more  probable,  through  grief.  Within  a  few  days  Cardinal 
Nicholas,  of  the  Order  of  Preachers,  was  appointed  in  his  place, 
and  was  named  Benedict  the  Eleventh  ;  and  because  it  appeared 
to  him  that  the  aforesaid  statute  of  Boniface  had  been  issued  to 
the  detriment  of  the  aforesaid  two  Orders,  and  was  too  much  in 
favour  of  prelates,  he  quashed  it  and  issued  a  new  one,  which 
begins  thus — Inter  cunctas,  etc.  And  he  died  in  the  same 
year  on  the  festival  of  S.  Thomas  the  Martyr,2  and  was  succeeded 
(though  not  immediately  after  his  death)  by  the  Archbishop  of 
Bordeaux,  who  was  named  Clement  the  Fifth,  from  whose  time 
the  Roman  Curia  has  been  removed  to  Avignon. 

On  the  festival  of  S.  Hieronymus 3  Thomas  of  Corbridge  died, 

and  William  of  Greenfield  succeeded  him  in  the  arch- 

A.D.  1304.    bishopj.^       Shortly    before    this,    to    wit,    about    the 

Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,4  the  King  returned  from 

Scotland  to  England,  having  received  the  Scots  to  his  peace. 

William  Wallace  was  captured  by  a  certain  Scot,  to  wit, 
Sir  John  de  Menteith,  and  was  taken  to  London  to  the  King,  and 
it  was  adjudged  that  he  should  be  drawn  and  hanged, 
beheaded,  disembowelled,  and  dismembered,  and  that 
his  entrails  should  be  burnt ;  which  was  done.  And  his  head  was 
exposed  upon  London  Bridge,  his  right  arm  on  the  bridge  of 

speech  made  by  Pope  Boniface  on  3Oth  April,  1303,  in  which  he  reminded  the 
King  of  France  that,  like  all  other  princes,  he  must  consider  himself  subject  to  the 
Roman  Emperor.  '  Let  not  the  pride  of  the  French  rebel  which  declares  that  it 
acknowledgeth  no  superior.  They  lie  :  for  by  law  they  are,  and  ought  to  be, 
subject  to  the  King  of  the  Romans  and  the  Emperor.'  Boniface  had  previously 
declined  to  recognise  Albert  I.  as  Emperor  because  he  had  but  one  eye  and  was 
the  reverse  of  good-looking  (fit  homo  monoculus  etvultu  sordido,  nonpotest  esse  imperator)  : 
and  when  Albert's  envoys  waited  upon  him  in  1 299,  Boniface  exclaimed  '  Am  I 
not  Pontiff?  Is  not  this  the  chair  of  Peter  ?  Am  I  not  able  to  guard  the  rights 
of  the  empire  ?  I  am  Caesar — I  am  Emperor  ! ' 

1  1303.  2  ?th  July.  8  3oth  September.  4  8th  September. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  167 

Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  his  left  arm  at  Berwick,  his  right  foot  at 
Perth,  and  his  left  foot  at  Aberdeen. 

The  vilest  doom  is  fittest  for  thy  crimes, 
Justice  demands  that  thou  shouldst  die  three  times. 
Thou  pillager  of  many  a  sacred  shrine, 
Butcher  of  thousands,  threefold  death  be  thine  ! 
So  shall  the  English  from  thee  gain  relief, 
Scotland  !  be  wise,  and  choose  a  nobler  chief.1 

In  the  same  year,  on  the  fourth  of  the  Ides  of  February,  to  wit, 
on  the  festival  of  S.  Scholastica  virgin,2  Sir  Robert  Bruce,  Earl  of 
Carrick,  sent  seditiously  and  treacherously  for  Sir  John  Comyn, 
requiring  him  to  come  and  confer  with  him  at  the  house  of 
the  Minorite  Friars  in  Dumfries  ;  and,  when  he  came,  did  slay 
him  and  his  uncle  Sir  Robert  Comyn  in  the  church  of  the  Friars, 
and  afterwards  took  [some]  castles  of  Scotland  and  their  wardens, 
and  on  the  Annunciation  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  next  following3  was 
made  King  of  Scotland  at  Scone,  and  many  of  the  nobles  and 
commonalty  of  that  land  adhered  to  him. 

When   the   King  of  England    heard    of  this,  he    sent    horse 
and  foot  to  Carlisle  and  Berwick   to   protect  the   Border.     But 
because    the    men    of    Galloway   refused   to  join    the 
aforesaid  Robert  in  his  rebellion,  their  lands  were  burnt    A'D'  I 
by  him,  and,  pursuing  one  of  the  chiefs  of  Galloway,  he  besieged 
him  in  a  certain  lake,  but  some  of  the  Carlisle  garrison  caused  him 
to  raise  the  siege,  and  he  retreated,  after  burning  the  engines  and 
ships  that  he  had  made  for  the  siege.4 

But  those  who  were  in  garrison  at  Berwick,  to  wit,  Sir  Robert 
Fitzroger,  an  Englishman  who  was  warden  of  the  town,  and  Sir 
John  Mowbray,  Sir  Ingelram  de  Umfraville,  and  Sir  Alexander  de 
Abernethy,  Scotsmen,  with  their  following,  over  all  of  whom  Sir 
Aymer  de  Valence  was  in  command — all  these,  I  say,  entered 
Scotland  and  received  to  the  King  of  England's  peace  some  of 
those  who  at  first  had  been  intimidated  into  rebellion  with  Sir 

Sunt  tua  demerita  misero  dignissima  Jine, 

Esque  pati  dignus  necis  infortunia  fringe ; 

Qui  vastare  soles  sacras  hostiliter  eedes, 

Et  nimis  atroces  hominum  committere  c<edes, 

Turpiter  occisus,  Anglos  non  amodo  lades ; 

Si  sapis  ergo  duci  tali  #,  Scotia,  ne  des. 
2  loth  February,  1305-6. 

8  25th  March,  1305-6.     The  real  date  of  the  coronation  was  the  2jth. 
4  This  does  not  coincide  with  anything  that  is  known  of  Bruce'i  movements 
after  his  coronation. 

1 68  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

Robert.  Him  they  pursued  beyond  the  Scottish  sea,1  and  there 
engaged  him  in  battle  near  the  town  of  St.  John  (which  is  called  by 
another  name  Pert),  killed  many  of  his  people,  and  in  the  end  put 
him  to  flight.2 

Meanwhile  the  King  of  England,  having  assembled  an  army, 
sent  my  lord  Edward,  his  son  aforesaid  (whom  he  had  knighted  in 
London  together  with  three  hundred  others),  and  the  Earl  of 
Lincoln,  by  whose  advice  the  said  lord  Edward  was  to  act,  in  pursuit 
of  the  said  Robert  de  Brus,who  had  caused  himself  to  be  called  King. 
When  they  entered  Scotland  they  received  many  people  to  peace 
on  condition  that  they  should  in  all  circumstances  observe  the  law  ; 
then  marching  forward  to  the  furthest  bounds  of  Scotland,  where 
the  said  Robert  might  be  found,  they  found  him  not,  but 
they  took  all  the  castles  with  a  strong  hand.  But  they  hanged 
those  who  had  part  in  the  aforesaid  conspiracy,  design  and 
assistance  in  making  him  king,  most  of  whom  they  caused  first  to 
be  drawn  at  the  heels  of  horses  and  afterwards  hanged  them  ;  among 
whom  were  the  Englishman  Christopher  de  Seton,  who  had 
married  the  sister  of  the  oft-mentioned  Robert,  and  John  and 
Humphrey,  brothers  of  the  said  Christopher,  and  several  others 
with  them.  Among  those  who  were  hanged  were  not  only  simple 
country  folk  and  laymen,  but  also  knights  and  clerics  and  pre- 
bendaries, albeit  these  protested  that,  as  members  of  the  Church, 
justice  should  be  done  to  them  accordingly.3  Then  Sir  Simon 
Fraser,  a  Scot,  having  been  taken  to  London,  was  first  drawn,  then 
hanged,  thirdly  beheaded,  and  his  head  set  up  on  London  Bridge 
beside  that  of  William  Wallace.  They  also  took  to  England  and 
imprisoned  the  Bishop  of  S.  Andrews,  whom  the  King  of  England 
had  appointed  Guardian  of  Scotland,  and  who  had  entered  into 
a  bond  of  friendship  with  the  said  Robert,  as  was  proved  by  letters 
of  his  which  were  found  ;  also  the  Bishop  of  Glasgow,  who  had 
been  principal  adviser  in  that  affair,  and  the  Abbot  of  Scone,  who 
assisted  the  aforesaid  Robert  when  he  was  received  into  royal 
honour.  Howbeit  in  the  meantime  Robert  called  de  Brus  was 
lurking  in  the  remote  isles  of  Scotland.4 

1  I.e.  the  firths  of  Forth  and  Clyde.  2  26th  June,  1 306. 

8  Benefit  of  clergy,  i.e.  to  be  dealt  with  by  ecclesiastical  authority. 

4  Fabyan  and  some  other  English  writers  state  that  Bruce  spent  this  winter  in 
Norway.  It  is  usually  believed  that  he  spent  it  in  the  island  of  Rachrin,  off 
the  coast  of  Antrim.  This  belonged  to  Bysset  of  the  Glens,  to  whom  orders  were 
sent  from  King  Edward  in  January,  1 306-7,  to  join  Sir  John  de  Menteith  and 
Sir  Simon  de  Montacute  with  his  ships  '  to  put  down  Robert  de  Brus  and  destroy 
his  retreat  in  the  Isles  between  Scotland  and  Ireland.'  Bain's  Calendar,  iii.  502. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  169 

Throughout  all  these  doings  the  King  of  England  was  not  in 
Scotland,  but  his  son,  with  the  aforesaid  army.  But  the  King  was 
slowly  approaching  the  Scottish  border  with  the  Queen,  by  many 
easy  stages  and  borne  in  a  litter  on  the  backs  of  horses  on  account 
of  his  age  and  infirmity  ;  and  on  the  feast  of  S.  Michael l  he 
arrived  at  the  Priory  of  Lanercost,  which  is  eight  miles  from 
Carlisle,  and  there  he  remained  until  near  Easter.2  Meantime  his 
kinsman,  the  Earl  of  Athol,  who  had  encouraged  the  party  of  the 
said  Robert  to  make  him  king,  had  been  captured,  and  by  command 
of  the  King  was  taken  to  London,  where  he  was  drawn,  hanged, 
and  beheaded,  and  his  head  was  set  upon  London  Bridge  above 
the  heads  of  William  Wallace  and  Simon  Fraser,  because  he  was 
akin  to  the  King. 

After  this,  on  the  vigil  of  S.  Scholastica  virgin,3  two  brothers  of 
Robert  de  Brus,  Thomas  and  Alexander,  Dean  of  Glasgow,  and 
Sir  Reginald  de  Crawford,  desiring  to  avenge  themselves  upon  the 
people  of  Galloway,  invaded  their  country  with  eighteen  ships  and 
galleys,  having  with  them  a  certain  kinglet  of  Ireland,  and  the 
Lord  of  Cantyre  and  other  large  following.  Against  them  came 
Dougal  Macdoual  (that  is  the  son  of  Doual),  a  chief  among  the 
Gallovidians,  with  his  countrymen,  defeated  them  and  captured  all 
but  a  few  who  escaped  in  two  galleys.  He  ordered  the  Irish 
kinglet  and  the  Lord  of  Cantyre  to  be  beheaded  and  their  heads  to 
be  carried  to  the  King  of  England  at  Lanercost.4 

Thomas  de  Brus  and  his  brother  Alexander  and  Sir  Reginald  de 
Crawford,  who  had  been  severely  wounded  in  their  capture  by 
lances  and  arrows,  he  likewise  took  alive  to  the  King,  who 
pronounced  sentence  upon  them,  and  caused  Thomas  to  be  drawn 
at  the  tails  of  horses  in  Carlisle  on  the  Friday  after  the  first  Sunday 
in  Lent,5  and  then  to  be  hanged  and  afterwards  beheaded.  Also 
he  commanded  the  other  two  to  be  hanged  on  the  same  day  and 
afterwards  beheaded  ;  whose  heads,  with  the  heads  of  the  four 
others  aforesaid,  were  set  upon  the  three  gates  of  Carlisle,  and  the 
head  of  Thomas  de  Brus  upon  the  keep  of  Carlisle.  Nigel,  the 
third  brother  of  Robert,  had  been  hanged  already  at  Newcastle. 

About  the  same  time  a  certain  cardinal  named  Peter  came 
to  England,  sent  a  latere  from  my  lord  the  Pope  to  establish  peace 

1  29th  September. 

2  26th  March,  1 307.     His  writs  are  dated  from  Lanercost  till  4th  March,  1306-7. 

3  loth  February,  1306-7. 

4  Bain's  Cal.  Doc.  Scot.,  ii.,  1905.  5  1 7th  February,  1306-7. 

170  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

between  the  King  of  France  and  the  King  of  England  ;    and  it 
so  happened  that  both  my  lord  the  King  and  my  lord  the  said 
cardinal   entered    Carlisle    on    Passion    Sunday.1      Then    in    the 
cathedral  church  on  the  Wednesday  following  my  lord  cardinal 
explained  the  object  of  his  legation  before  a  very  great  number  of 
people  and  clergy,  and  showed  them  the  excellent  manner  in  which 
my  lord  the  Pope  and  my  lord  the  King  of  France  had  agreed, 
subject  to  the  consent  of  the  King  of  England — to  wit,  that  my 
lord  Edward,  son  and  heir  of  the  King  of  England,  should  marry 
Isabella,  daughter  of  the  King  of  France.     When  this  had  been 
said,  uprose  William  of  Gainsborough,  Bishop  of  Worcester,  and 
on  the  part  of  the  King  briefly  informed  my  lord  cardinal  and  all 
who    had   come   thither   of  the    manner   of  Sir  John   Comyn's 
assassination,    praying    that    he    would    deign    to    grant    some 
indulgence  for  his  soul,  and  that  he  would  pronounce  sentence 
of  excommunication  upon  the  murderers  ;    whereupon  the  legate 
liberally  granted  one  year  [of  indulgence]  for  those  who  should 
pray  for  the  said  soul  so  long  as  he  [the  cardinal]  should  remain  in 
England,  and  for  one  hundred  days  afterwards.     Then  straightway, 
having  doffed  his  ordinary  raiment  and  donned  his  pontificals,  he 
denounced  the  murderers  of  the  said  Sir  John  as  excommunicate, 
anathematised,  and  sacrilegious,  together  with  all  their  abettors, 
and  any  who  offered  them  counsel  or  favour  ;  and  expelled  them 
from   Holy  Mother  Church  until  they  should  make  full  atone- 
ment ;  and  thus  those  who  were  denounced  were  excommunicate 
for  a  long  time  throughout  all  England,  especially  in  the  northern 
parts  and  in  the  neighbourhood  where  the  murder  was  committed. 
On  the  following   Friday,  in   the  same  place,  peace  was  pro- 
claimed   between   the   said   kings   by  the   Archbishop   of  York, 
and   [it   was  announced]   that   the   King  of  England's   son   was 
to  marry  the  King  of  France's  daughter,  accordingly  as  had  been 
previously  decreed  by  my  lord  Pope  Boniface. 

In  the  same  year,  about  the  feast  of  S.  Matthew  the  Apostle,2 
the  most  noble  King  Edward  being  laid  up  at  Newbrough  near 
Hexham,  his  consort  the  illustrious  Margaret  Queen  of  England, 
came  to  the  house  of  Lanercost  with  her  honourable  household. 
And  my  lord  the  King  came  thither  on  the  vigil  of  S.  Michael3 
next  following,  and  remained  there  nearly  half  a  year.  And  on 
the  first  day  of  March 4  they  left  the  said  monastery  for  Carlisle,  and 
there  he  held  a  parliament  with  all  the  great  men  of  the  realm. 

1 1 9th  March,  1306-7.  22ist  September. 

3  28th  September.  4  i  306-7. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  171 

In  the  same  year  Friar  N.  de  Mor  was  sent  by  the  Queen  to 

On  Easter  Day :  the  aforesaid  Dungal 2  was  knighted  by  the 
King's  hand  ;  and  in  the  same  week  Sir  John  Wallace  was  captured 
and  taken  to  the  King  at  Carlisle,  who  sent  him  to 
London,  that  he  should  there  undergo  the  same  doom  as  A'D'  ! 
his  brother  William  had  suffered.  Howbeit,  notwithstanding  the 
terrible  vengeance  inflicted  upon  the  Scots  who  adhered  to  the 
party  of  the  aforesaid  Robert  de  Brus,  the  number  of  those  willing 
to  establish  him  in  the  realm  increased  from  day  to  day.3 
Wherefore  the  King  of  England  caused  all  the  chief  men  of 
England  who  owed  him  service  to  attend  at  Carlisle  with  the 
Welsh  infantry  within  fifteen  days  after  the  nativity  of  S.  John  the 
Baptist.4  But  alas  !  on  the  feast  of  the  translation  of  S.  Thomas, 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury  and  Martyr,5  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
aforesaid,  this  illustrious  and  excellent  King,  my  lord  Edward, 
son  of  King  Henry,  died  at  Burgh-upon-Sands,  which  is  distant 
about  three  miles  to  the  north  from  Carlisle,  in  the  thirty-sixth6 
year  of  his  reign  and  the  sixty-seventh  of  his  age.  Throughout 
his  time  he  had  been  fearless  and  warlike,  in  all  things  strenuous 
and  illustrious  ;  he  left  not  his  like  among  Christian  princes  for 
sagacity  and  courage.  He  is  reported  to  have  said  to  the  Lord 
before  his  death: — Have  mercy  upon  me,  Almighty  God  !  Ita 
ueraciter  sicut  nunquam  aliquem  [  ] 7  nisi  tantum  #,  Dominum 
Deum  meum. 

Messengers  were  sent  in  haste  to  my  lord  Edward  Prince  of 
Wales,  his  son  and  heir,  who  arrived  at  Carlisle  on  the  eleventh 
day,  to  wit,  on  the  festival  of  S.  Symphorosa,8  and  on  the  next  day 
he  went  to  Burgh  to  mourn  for  his  father,  with  the  nobles  of  the 
land  and  prelates  of  the  Church,  who  were  assembled  there  in 
great  number. 

1  2 6th  March. 

2  Dungal  or  Doual,  one  of  the  Pictish  chiefs  of  Galloway,  head  of  a  powerful 
clan   of  the  same  blood  as  the  M'Doualls  of  Lorn.      The  lands  of  Logan   in 
Wigtownshire  are  still  held  by  his  descendants. 

3  In  this  sentence  is  well  expressed  the  national  character  of  the  Scots — they  are 
willing  to  be  lead  but  will  not  be  driven. 

4  8th  July.  5  7th  July.  6  Really  the  thirty-fifth. 

7  The  verb  here  is  wanting  in  the  original,  which  leaves  the  sense  doubtful. 

8  1 8th  July. 

(To  be  continued.'} 

Charter  of  the  Abbot  and  Convent  of 
Cupar,    1 2  20 

WHILE  my  friend,  Mr.  William  Brown,  secretary  of  the 
Surtees  Society,  was  working  on  the  Citeaux  deeds  in 
the  archives  of  the  Cote  d'Or  preserved  at  Dijon,  he  copied  a 
charter  of  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Cupar,  which  he  most  kindly 
sent  to  me  with  the  intimation  that,  if  I  found  it  of  value  as  a 
Scottish  document,  I  should  submit  it  to  the  editor  of  the  Scottish 
Historical  Review.  Though  the  seal  is  lost,  the  skin  has  every 
appearance  of  being  the  original  charter.  But  the  whole  structure 
of  the  composition  and  some  verbal  peculiarities  of  language 
seem  to  indicate  that  it  is  an  abridged  transcript  of  early  date. 
There  can  be  no  doubt,  however,  that  the  writing  as  we  now 
have  it  contains  a  faithful  report  of  a  genuine  transaction.  As 
the  charter  without  doubt  possesses  several  features  of  interest, 
and  as  it  appears,  so  far  as  I  can  learn,  to  be  new  to  Scottish 
history,  it  is  here  printed. 

Here  we  have  Alexander,  abbot  of  Cupar,  and  his  convent 
entering  into  an  obligation  in  January,  1219-1220,  with  the  mother 
house  of  Citeaux  for  the  yearly  payment  at  Troyes  of  thirty 
marks,  which  King  Alexander  II.,  for  the  good  of  his  soul,  had 
given  to  the  monks  of  Citeaux  as  a  procuration  for  the  abbots  in 
attendance  there  on  the  fourth  day  of  the  General  Chapter  of  the 
Order.  In  other  words,  the  monks  of  Cupar,  by  their  own  desire, 
undertook  to  act  as  the  King's  agents  for  the  yearly  render  of 
the  benefaction,  either  by  reason  of  a  special  grant  for  that  purpose 
or  in  consideration  of  manifold  gifts  already  bestowed  by  that 
King  on  their  house. 

As  the  floruit  of  Abbot  Alexander  is  fairly  well  authenticated, 
and  as  several  charters  or  abstracts  of  charters  of  King  Alexander  II. 
to  that  abbey  are  extant,1  the  historical  relation  of  our  text  to 
these  matters  may  be  passed  over.  The  interest  of  the  deed,  as 

1  Register  of  Cupar  Abbey  (Grampian  Club),  i.  8-n,  325-9,  ii.  282. 

Charter  of  Abbot  and  Convent  of  Cupar  173 


Ego,  frater  Alexander,  dictus 
abbas  de  Cupro  eiusdemque  loci 
conuentus,  omnibus  presentes  lit- 
teras  inspecturis,  notum  facimus 
quod  tenemur  Domui  Cistercii  in 
triginta  marcis  sterlingorum  lega- 
lium  singulis  annis  in  posterum 
in  nundinis  Tresensibus  in  festo 
apostolorum  Petri  et  Pauli  persol- 
uendis,  quas  Uir  Nobilis  Alexander, 
rex  Scocie,  pro  remedio  anime  sue 
et  antecessorum  et  successorum 
suorum,  in  perpetuam  elemosinam 
dicte  Domui  contulit  pro  procu- 
randis  abbatibus  apud  Cistercium 
quarto  die  Capituli  generalis,  de 
quibus  triginta  marcis  prefatus  Rex 
nobis  ad  uoluntatem  nostram  ple- 
narie  satisfecit.  Quod  ut  ratum  et 
firmum  permaneat  in  posterum 
presentem  cartam  sigilli  nostri 
munimine  roborauimus.  Actum 
anno  gracie  M°cc°  nonodecimo, 
mense  Januario. 


I,  brother  Alexander,  called 
abbot  of  Cupre,  and  the  convent 
of  the  same  place,  make  known  to 
all  who  shall  see  the  present  letter, 
that  we  are  bound  to  the  House  of 
Citeaux  in  thirty  marks  of  lawful 
money,  to  be  paid  yearly  here- 
after in  the  fair  of  Troyes  on 
the  feast  of  the  Apostles  Peter 
and  Paul,  which  the  illustrious 
Alexander,  King  of  Scotland,  for 
the  relief  of  his  soul  and  of  the 
souls  of  his  ancestors  and  successors, 
bestowed  on  the  said  House  in 
perpetual  alms,  towards  the  cost  of 
maintaining  the  abbots  at  Citeaux 
on  the  fourth  day  of  the  General 
Chapter :  in  respect  of  which  thirty 
marks  the  said  King,  at  our  desire, 
has  given  us  full  compensation. 
That  this  (obligation)  may  continue 
valid  and  unalterable  hereafter  we 
have  confirmed  the  present  writing 
with  the  security  of  our  seal.  Done 
in  the  month  of  January  in  the 
year  of  grace  1219. 

it  seems  to  me,  lies  in  the  King's  grant  to  Citeaux.  Is  this  grant 
unique  in  Scottish  record  ?  Perhaps  some  student  of  Scottish 
evidences  will  give  a  definite  answer. 

My  reason  for  asking  the  question  arises  from  a  study  of  the 
Cistercian  statutes  of  1256.  In  the  twenty-second  chapter  of 
the  fifth  '  distinction '  it  was  laid  down  that  on  the  fifth  day  of 
the  General  Chapter,  before  the  departure  of  the  abbots,  com- 
memoration should  be  made  of  the  Pope  and  Emperor  and  the 
King  of  France  in  whose  kingdom  the  abbey  of  Citeaux  was 
founded ;  also  of  the  King  of  the  English,  who  had  bestowed  a 
yearly  alms  on  the  chapter  ;  also  of  the  King  of  Aragon  and 
the  Duke  of  Burgundy.1  It  would  appear  that  the  King  of 
Scots  was  shut  out  at  the  date  of  the  statute  from  the  benefit  of 
their  prayers.  Did  the  obligation  of  the  monks  of  Cupar  cease 
at  King  Alexander's  death  ?  If  so,  it  is  quite  evident  that 
Alexander  III.  did  not  renew  the  grant. 

1  Cistercian  Statutes  (ed.  J.  T.  Fowler),  p.  52. 

174  Rev.  James  Wilson 

Grants  for  the  procuration  of  the  abbots  attending  the  General 
Chapter  at  Citeaux  were  by  no  means  rare.  Mr.  Brown  has  met 
with  several  of  this  sort  at  Dijon  made  by  English  and  Irish 
magnates,  to  some  of  which  the  seals  are  still  appendent.  King 
Richard  of  England,  by  charter  dated  22nd  September,  1189, 
gave  the  church  of  Scarborough  to  God,  and  the  church  of  the 
Blessed  Mary  of  Citeaux  '  ad  procurandos  omnes  abbates  apud 
Cistercium  per  tres  dies  capituli  generalis,'  and  on  a  repetition  of 
the  grant,  dated  nth  May,  1198,  the  object  is  stated  to  be  *  de 
qua  elemosina  uolumus  abbates  procurari  apud  Cistercium  per 
tres  dies  capituli  generalis.'  As  the  grant  had  afterwards  passed 
through  all  the  processes  of  ecclesiastical  confirmation,  the  appro- 
priation of  this  church  to  the  House  of  Citeaux  became 

Grants  of  alms  in  money  were  by  their  very  nature  more 
precarious  than  grants  of  property,  spiritual  or  temporal.  The 
obligation  depended  on  the  continued  goodwill  of  the  donor  and 
his  descendants  :  ability  to  pay  was  a  requisite  of  the  first 
importance.  The  benefaction  of  the  King  of  Scotland  may  be 
illustrated  by  similar  grants  of  Irish  rulers.  In  many  respects 
the  Irish  grants  resemble  the  mode  adopted  by  Alexander  II. 
The  King  of  Connaught  employed  the  abbot  of  Mellisfont  as  his 
agent  for  the  payment  of  five  marks,  '  in  subsidium  et  iuuamen 
procuracionis  quarte  diei  abbatum  ad  generale  capitulum  Cistercii 
quolibet  anno  conueniencium,'  which  the  abbot  would  receive 
from  him  on  23rd  June  or  ist  May,  that  the  money  might  be 
transmitted  or  brought  over  and  delivered  yearly  to  the  House  of 
Citeaux  in  the  time  of  the  General  Chapter.  The  king  obliged 
himself  and  his  heirs,  and  those  who  should  reign  after  him  in 
Connaught,  to  continue  the  benefaction.  The  charter  of  Donagh 
Cairbreach,  King  of  Thomond,  is  drawn  up  in  similar  form, 
granting  two  marks  yearly  for  the  same  purpose,  but  nominating 
the  abbot  of  Monasternenagh  (de  Magio}  in  the  county  of 
Limerick  as  his  almoner,  and  appointing  ist  May  as  the  day  on 
which  the  Irish  abbot  should  receive  the  money.  Both  of  the 
Irish  charters  may  be  dated  within  a  few  years  after  that  of  Cupar. 

Perhaps  we  have  here  an  explanation  of  the  omission  of  the 
Scottish  king's  name  from  the  Capitular  commemoration.  The 
names  of  the  Irish  kings  were  also  omitted,  and  the  nature  of 
the  grants  was  precisely  similar.  By  King  Richard's  grant  a 
permanent  endowment  was  made  to  the  abbey,  but  the  yearly 
1  Cat.  of  Papal  Letters,  i.  120,  476  ;  ii.  177,  190. 

Charter  of  Abbot  and  Convent  of  Cupar  175 

payment  of  a  small  alms  appears  to  have  been  regarded  only  as 
an  evidence  of  allegiance  and  esteem.  At  all  events,  the  political 
condition  of  Ireland  at  this  period  was  not  favourable  to  the  con- 
tinuance of  eleemosynary  grants  to  a  distant  religious  house.  The 
same  may  be  said  of  the  contests  in  Scotland  during  the  nonage 
of  Alexander  III.  at  the  time  when  the  Cistercian  statutes  were 

There  was  a  special  statute  which  regulated  the  distribution  of 
the  procurations  sent  to  the  General  Chapter,  three  portions 
of  which  were  reserved  pro  defunctis  and  allotted  to  the  poor. 
The  Cistercians  are  said  to  have  prided  themselves  on  their 
solicitude  for  the  departed.  Certain  formalities  were  observed 
at  the  reception  of  this  yearly  tribute,  two  abbots  being  appointed 
for  that  purpose. 

It  will  be  observed  that  the  King  of  Scotland's  benefaction  was 
to  be  used  on  the  fourth  day  of  the  Chapter,  that  is  apparently  at 
the  conclusion  of  the  session,  for  on  the  fifth  day  the  abbots  in 
attendance  were  to  take  their  departure. 

A  puzzling  feature  of  the  transaction  is  the  place  selected  for 
the  payment  of  the  alms.  Troyes  is  a  long  way  from  Citeaux, 
whereas  Dijon,  the  nearest  town  of  importance,  was  a  recognised 
place  of  rendezvous  for  abbots  and  their  trains  on  the  way  to  and 
from  the  Chapter.  The  custom  of  holding  fish-feasts  at  Dijon 
on  these  occasions  had  to  be  prohibited  by  statute.  No  abbot, 
monk,  or  lay  brother  could  eat  fish  at  Dijon  during  their  stay 
there :  they  were  also  to  behave  themselves  with  becoming 
gravity,  and  not  walk  through  the  streets  without  urgent  cause. 
Perhaps  the  Scottish  abbots  took  another  route  and  reached 
Citeaux  by  way  of  Troyes. 

There  are  a  few  points  in  this  deed  of  which  I  can  offer  no 
satisfactory  explanation.  It  is  well  known  that  remoteness  from 
Citeaux  had  much  to  do  with  the  attendance  of  abbots  at  the 
yearly  Chapter.  According  to  the  statutes1  of  1256  the  abbots 
of  Scotland,  like  those  of  Ireland  and  Sicily,  were  obliged  to 
attend  only  every  fourth  year;  the  abbots  of  countries  more 
distant  at  longer  intervals.  But  the  obligation  of  the  abbot  of 
Cupar  on  behalf  of  the  King  of  Scots  was  for  a  yearly  payment. 
Then  again,  the  Chapter  assembled  on  I3th  September,  whereas 
the  Scottish  render  was  set  down  for  29th  June,  the  feast  of  the 
Apostles  Peter  and  Paul.  The  nearest  safe-conduct  that  can  be 
found  to  the  date  of  the  charter  for  the  men  of  an  abbot  of  Cupar 

1  Op.  clt.  p.  47. 

176  Rev.  James  Wilson 

passing  through  England  with  money  beyond  the  seas  is  dated  yth 
August,  1224,  granted  at  the  request  of  the  King  of  Scots.1  On 
the  same  day  a  similar  protection  was  granted  to  the  men  of  the 
abbot  of  Melrose. 

The  best  solution  of  the  difficulties  connected  with  this  charter 
that  occurs  to  me  is  that  there  was  frequent  communication  about 
the  period  in  question  between  Scotland  and  Flanders  for 
commercial  purposes.  For  example,  it  is  certain  that  in  1225 
the  abbots  of  Cupar  and  Melrose  had  ships,  freighted  with  wool 
and  other  merchandise,  trading  with  Flanders.2  No  doubt  the 
Cupar  merchants  penetrated  so  far  south  as  Troyes,  and  as  wool 
was  the  chief  commodity  of  trade,  the  date  selected  for  the  yearly 
payment,  29th  June,  would  synchronise  well  with  the  time  for 
disposal  of  that  article.  The  transport  of  money  backwards  and 
forwards  was  not  a  thing  to  be  encouraged.  In  any  case,  in  view 
of  the  commercial  intercourse  between  Scotland  and  Flanders,  the 
natural  route  for  the  Scottish  abbots,  when  going  to  the  General 
Chapter,  would  be  through  Troyes,  and  not  by  way  of  Dijon  like 
most  of  the  other  prelates.  There  can  be  little  doubt,  however, 
that  some  of  the  abbots  of  Cupar  in  the  fourteenth  century 
journeyed  to  Citeaux  by  way  of  Dover,3  a  route  by  which  they 
must  have  inevitably  passed  through  Dijon,  but  this  perhaps  may 
be  accounted  for  by  the  English  predominance  in  Scotland  at 
that  period. 

Sir  Archibald  Lawrie,  who  has  seen  a  proof  of  this  paper,  has 
been  good  enough  to  add  the  following  note. 


The  Scottish  Cistercian  monasteries  in  1218-1219  claimed  the  assistance 
and  protection  of  the  parent  house  at  Citeaux,  because  in  1218  the  Papal 
Legate  sent  two  English  ecclesiastics  to  Scotland,  with  powers  to  release 
the  parish  priests  and  the  people  from  the  ban  of  the  General  Interdict,  but 
excepted  from  this  release  bishops  and  prelates,  including  the  abbots  and 
abbey  churches  of  the  Cistercian  order,  although  these  abbeys  held  many 
Papal  Bulls  permitting  Mass  to  be  said  privately  during  an  Interdict.  The 
result  of  the  Legate's  order  was  that  the  Cistercians  were  altogether 

The  Abbots  of  Melrose,  Newbattle,  Cupar,  and  Kinross,  and  the  Prior 

of  St.  Serf's  were  summoned  to  Rome  in  1218  (Chron.  of  Metros,  p.  1 33) 

because  they  disregarded  the  orders  of  the  Legate.     The  Abbot  of  Citeaux 

successfully  exerted  himself  on  their  behalf,  and  to  the  confusion  of  the 

Legate,  Abbot  Conrad  of  Citeaux  was  in  1218  (or  1219  ?)  created  Cardinal 

1  Patent  R.  8  Hen.  iii.  m.  5.  *  Ibid.  9  Hen.  iii.  m.  5. 

8  Close  R.  31  Edw.  i.  m.  6. 

Charter  of  Abbot  and  Convent  of  Cupar  177 

Bishop  of  Porto,  and  Gaucherus,  Abbot  of  Longo  Ponte,  succeeded  him 
at  Citeaux. 

It  is  therefore  not  surprising  to  find  a  charter  in  France  which  shews 
that  Alexander  II.,  King  of  Scotland,  helped  his  Scottish  monasteries  by- 
agreeing  to  provide  thirty  marks  of  silver  a  year  for  the  expenses  of  the 
General  Council  of  the  Cistercians. 

The  King's  charter  has  not  been  preserved,  probably  it  stated  from  what 
source  the  money  was  to  come,  but  the  king  may  (and  not  unreasonably) 
have  said  to  the  Abbot  of  Cupar,  you  must  take  the  trouble  of  seeing  that 
the  money  is  sent  and  that  it  reaches  the  proper  hands,  and,  so  to  supple- 
ment the  royal  charter,  the  Abbot  of  Cupar,  for  the  moment  representing 
the  Cistercian  houses  in  Scotland,  granted  a  letter  obligatory  of  payment 
to  the  house  of  Citeaux  of  the  amount  of  the  King's  grant. 

The  time  and  place  of  payment,  probably  unfixed  in  the  King's  charter, 
were  in  this  obligation  stated  to  be  the  annual  Fair  of  Troyes,  held  on  the 
festival  of  the  Apostles  Peter  and  Paul,  to  whom  the  church  of  Troyes  was 

Doubtless,  as  Dr.  Wilson  suggests,  Troyes  was  a  convenient  place  of 
payment,  having  regard  to  Scottish  trade  and  money  dealings. 

I  venture  to  doubt  whether  the  document  discovered  at  Dijon,  and 
transcribed  by  Mr.  Brown,  is  the  original  granted  by  the  Abbot  of  Cupar. 

It  seems  to  me  to  be  only  an  abstract,  defective  in  many  ways.  It 
has  been  suggested  that  *  dictus  Abbas  de  Cupro '  seems  to  indicate  that 
the  deed  is  a  copy.  I  do  not  know  that  *  dictus '  indicates  that ;  in  the 
Register  of  Aberdeen  we  find  *  Frater  Laurentius  vocatus  Abbas  de 
Melros.'  Dictus  and  vocatus  may  be  terms  of  humility.  I  miss  the  usual 
words  of  greeting  to  the  faithful  sons  of  the  Church.  The  beginning 
is  abrupt  and  compressed,  'ejusdemque'  I  don't  like,  it  is  always  *Et 
ejusdem  loci  conventus.'  Then  to  describe  the  abbey  as  l  Domus 
Cistercius'  is  wanting  in  respect  due  to  the  dignified  parent  abbey,  to 
which  the  filial  houses  were  very  closely  bound.  I  think  the  original 
would  state  that  Cupar  lay  in  Scotland,  would  describe  it  as  a  humble 
daughter  of  Citeaux,  would  give  the  name  of  the  great  Abbot  to  whom 
and  to  whose  successors  the  money  was  to  be  paid.  The  writer  (or 
abstract  maker)  is  wanting  in  courtesy  not  only  to  the  Abbot  but  to  the 
King.  Alexander  and  his  predecessors  were  not  'nobiles'  but  'illustres.' 
The  Abbot  of  Cupar  would  write  of  him  as  his  Lord  the  King. 

I  do  not  like  pro  remedio  instead  of  pro  salute,  and  *  pro  procurandis 
abbatibus  apud  Cistertium  quarto  die  capituli  generalis '  is  surely  wrong. 
Dr.  Wilson  translates  it,  'towards  the  cost  of  maintaining  the  Abbots  at 
Citeaux  on  the  fourth  day  of  the  General  Council' ;  but  is  *  pro  procurandis 
abbatibus '  tolerable  ? 

'  Ad  procurationem  abbatibus  faciendam '  or  '  exhibendam '  is  the 
usual  form.  *  Nobis  ad  voluntatem  nostram  plenarie  satisfecit '  seems 
disrespectful  when  written  of  a  King. 

The  document  ends  abruptly  without  witnesses,  seemingly  without  the 
promised  seal  or  even  its  tag. 

A.  C.  LAWRIE. 


A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside 

The   Fort  of  Newstead1 

r  I  \HE  Society  of  Antiquaries  of  Scotland  have  crowned  their 
JL  enterprise  of  the  investigation  of  Roman  sites  in  Scotland 
by  the  excavation  of  Newstead,  near  the  famous  Abbey  of 
Melrose,  which  perhaps  owed  a  good  deal  of  its  building  stone  to 
the  plunder  of  the  much  older  remains  of  the  Roman  buildings  in 
its  immediate  neighbourhood.  Commencing  in  1895  with  the 
large  fortress-camp  of  Birrens,  in  Dumfriesshire,  the  Society  has 
examined  the  similar  camps  of  Lyne  in  Peeblesshire,  Camelon  in 
Stirlingshire,  Ardoch  and  Inchtuthil  in  Perthshire,  and  two 
smaller  stations  on  the  Antonine  Wall,  and  the  results  have  been 
published  in  successive  volumes  of  their  Proceedings.  Some  of 
these  results  were  of  more  than  passing  interest  ;  taking  them  as 
a  whole  they  might  have  been  considered  as  affording  a  fairly 
good  general  idea  of  the  character  and  circumstances  of  the 
military  occupation  of  Scotland  by  the  Romans.  These  were  all 
manageable  enterprises,  undertaken  and  carried  through  by  the 
Society,  partly  from  its  own  resources,  and  partly  with  the  help 
of  generous  contributions  from  one  of  its  own  members. 

But  Newstead  proved  to  be  an  undertaking  of  an  altogether 
different  character  in  the  extent  of  the  work,  and  the  difficulty  of 
the  problems  which  it  presented;  and  the  Society  would  have 
been  quite  unable  to  carry  it  through  had  it  not  been  for  the 
generous  response  made  both  by  the  Fellows  and  by  the  outside 
public  to  their  appeal  for  subscriptions.  The  appeal  has  been 
fully  justified  by  the  results.  Newstead  has  far  exceeded  all  the 
other  sites  in  the  direct  light  it  has  thrown  not  only  on  the 
Roman  invasion  and  occupation  of  the  southern  part  of  the  country, 
but  in  the  details  it  has  afforded  of  the  everyday  life  and  the  arts, 

1 A  Roman  Frontier  Post  and  its  People ;  the  Fort  of  Nevosttad  in  the  Parish  of 
Melrose.  By  James  Curie,  F.S.A.  Scot.,  F.S.A.  Demy  4to.  Pp.  xx,  432,  with 
plans  and  97  plates  and  many  other  illustrations.  Glasgow  :  James  MacLehose  & 
Sons.  1911.  425.  nett. 


A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside        179 

crafts,  and  commerce  of  the  colonists  there,  and  of  the  traders 
who  supplied  their  wants  from  abroad.  In  short,  the  combined 
result  is  a  more  vivid  and  complete  picture  of  the  Roman  life  of 
the  first  and  second  centuries,  on  the  borders  of  a  remote  colony 
of  the  Empire,  than  has  ever  before  been  presented  to  us. 

For  this  brilliant  result  the  public,  no  less  than  the  Society,  are 
indebted  to  Mr.  James  Curie  of  Priorwood,  Melrose,  to  whose 
direction  and  superintendence  the  excavation  was  entrusted,  and 
to  whose  zealous  and  painstaking  supervision  the  success  of  the 
operations  is  mainly  due.  When  he  undertook  the  work  he  had 
little  idea  how  large  an  undertaking  lay  before  him,  or  into  how 
many  byeways  of  archaeology  it  was  to  lead  ;  but  the  more  it 
disclosed  itself  the  more  resolutely  he  stuck  to  it,  until  he  had  the 
satisfaction  of  seeing  it  completed  after  five  years  of  strenuous 
work.  And  now  he  has  given  to  the  world  a  sumptuous  book  of 
over  400  quarto  pages,  in  which  are  recorded  in  the  fullest  detail 
the  facts  observed  throughout  the  operations,  and  the  conclusions 
drawn  from  them,  with  admirable  illustrations  and  descriptions  of 
the  vast  multitude  of  relics  that  were  found.  He  has  also  given 
full  citations  of  the  archaeological  evidence  relating  to  the 
numerous  problems  requiring  further  elucidation  than  was  obtain- 
able on  the  spot.  For  this  he  has  visited  and  carefully  examined 
the  principal  Roman  sites  and  collections  in  England,  and  on  the 
Continent,  where  so  much  has  recently  been  done  to  throw  fresh 
light  on  the  details  of  the  Roman  military  occupation  of  the 
confines  of  the  Empire. 

He  has  thus  proved  himself  in  all  respects  emphatically  the 
man  for  the  occasion,  and  it  may  be  confidently  predicted  that  his 
book  will  remain  the  principal  authority  on  Roman  antiquities  in 
Scotland  for  a  very  long  time,  if  indeed  it  is  ever  possible  that  it 
can  be  superseded. 

The  story  of  the  site  is  traced  from  1783,  when  a  Roman  altar 
was  casually  discovered.  In  1830  another  altar  was  met  with, 
and  in  1846  some  rubbish  pits  were  exposed  during  the  cutting 
of  the  railway  line  ;  but  for  more  than  half  a  century  afterwards 
the  memory  of  the  buried  altars  and  the  tradition  of  the  pits  was 
all  that  remained  to  connect  it  with  the  Romans.  In  1903  Mr. 
Roberts  of  Drygrange,  a  Fellow  of  the  Society,  in  some  drainage 
operations  on  his  property  encountered  the  foundations  of  a  large 
building,  and  a  proposal  was  made  that  the  Society  should 
investigate  the  remains  thus  discovered.  The  site,  on  a  rising 
ground  at  the  base  of  the  Eildons  (whose  triple  summit  is 

180  Joseph  Anderson 

suggestive  of  the  Trimontium  of  the  Antonine  Itinerary), 
commands  the  passage  of  the  Tweed  in  the  line  of  the  Roman 
Road  over  the  Cheviots  from  Corbridge-on-Tyne,  which  crosses 
the  Oxnam  at  Cappuck  where  the  remains  of  a  Roman  fort  had 
been  partially  explored  by  the  late  Marquis  of  Lothian  in  1886. 
It  was  therefore  an  important  site  which  might  reasonably  be 
^expected  to  repay  excavation,  although  no  sign  was  visible  on 
the  surface  of  the  fields  which  had  been  under  cultivation  from 
time  immemorial. 

The  process  of  unravelling  the  complicated  problems  of  the 
successive  reconstructions  and  adaptations  of  the  forts  and  their 
defences  and  interior  buildings  during  the  progress  of  the  excava- 
tions is  most  interestingly  told  by  Mr.  Curie.  The  ultimate 
result  was  an  accumulation  of  incontestable  evidence  that  New- 
stead  had  been  by  far  the  most  important  military  station  of  the 
Roman  army  in  Scotland,  including  a  great  camp  of  the  usual 
form,  fortified  by  a  ditch  and  rampart,  and  containing  an  area 
of  49  acres.  A  little  way  off  the  north-west  corner  of  this 
camp  lay  the  remains,  wholly  underground,  of  the  smaller  but 
more  solidly  and  elaborately  constructed  forts,  superposed  the  one 
above  the  other,  which  it  is  the  object  of  the  book  to  describe. 

As  finally  made  out,  these  remains  consisted  of  an  early  fort  on 
the  lower  level,  with  an  earthen  rampart  and  two  ditches,  enclosing 
an  area  of  about  1 2  acres,  and  a  later  fort  of  larger  size  which  had 
been  built  partly  over  the  site  of  the  earlier  one.  From  the 
ingenious  arrangement  of  the  ramparts  and  ditches  of  the  early 
fort  for  the  protection  of  its  four  gates — an  arrangement  that  has 
not  been  observed  elsewhere — as  well  as  from  the  evidence  of  the 
pottery  found  in  its  ditches,  it  was  clearly  referable  to  the  advance 
of  Agricola.  It  seems  to  have  been  abandoned  after  a  brief 
occupation,  and  at  some  considerable  time  afterwards  and  partly 
on  the  same  site  there  was  constructed  the  largest  known  fortress- 
camp  in  Scotland,  covering  with  its  defences  an  area  of  more  than 
20  acres,  with  an  interior  space  exceeding  15  acres  in  extent.  It 
was  of  the  usual  rectangular  shape  with  rounded  corners,  and  had 
four  gates,  one  on  each  side  placed  opposite  to  each  other.  The 
outside  defences  consisted  of  three  parallel  lines  of  ditches  from 
12  to  23  feet  in  width  and  9  to  12  feet  deep,  a  stone  wall  7  feet 
thick,  and  an  earthen  rampart  38  feet  wide  at  the  base. 

Inside  the  rampart,  and  directly  behind  it,  was  a  wide  roadway 
running  all  the  way  round  the  interior.  There  were  towers  at 
the  gateways,  and  streets  or  roadways  about  40  feet  in  width 

A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside        181 

ran  across  the  interior  from  one  gateway  to  another.  The  spaces 
between  these  streets  were  occupied  by  ranges  of  stone  buildings, 
the  chief  of  which  was  the  Principia,  better  known  in  Scotland 
as  the  Pretorium,  an  imposing  erection  131  feet  by  104  feet — 
the  largest  of  its  kind  known  in  Britain.  It  had  a  court  in 
front  70  feet  by  62  feet,  open  above,  and  surrounded  on  three 
sides  by  an  ambulatory  10  feet  wide,  the  roof  of  which  was 
supported  on  pillars.  In  front  of  the  court  was  an  entrance 
hall  of  greater  length  than  the  width  of  the  court  and  extending 



into  the  street  in  front — a  unique  feature  in  Britain.  In  a 
range  of  five  rooms  at  the  back  of  the  building,  fronting  to 
the  inner  court,  the  one  in  the  centre  contained  a  sacellum, 
probably  for  the  standards  and  the  sacred  emblems. 

Close  by  it  was  a  well  25  feet  deep,  the  upper  part  of  which  was 
filled  with  building  stones,  among  which  was  part  of  an  inscribed 
tablet ;  at  8  feet  down  was  a  human  skeleton,  apparently  of 
a  woman,  judging  from  the  two  brooches  that  lay  near  it ;  at 
12  feet  down  an  altar,  dedicated  to  Jupiter,  and  a  brass  coin  of 
Hadrian  ;  from  this  to  22  feet  a  medley  of  bones  of  animals, 
deer-horns,  skulls  of  oxen  and  horses,  mingled  with  broken. 


Joseph  Anderson 

pottery,  soles  of  shoes,  and  torn  fragments  of  leather  garments  ; 
at  22  feet  a  human  skull  and  part  of  another,  and  some  scale 
armour  of  brass  ;  at  the  bottom  an  iron  breastplate,  pieces  of 


MH — I — I 

w    s     a          10         u 

•a         j'o         «o         it         to         n         to          so         100  feet 

chain  mail,  and  the  boss  of  a  shield,  two  knives,  a  sickle,  and 
a  linch-pin,  a  quern  stone,  and  two  stones  having  the  figure 
of  a  boar,  the  symbol  of  the  twentieth  legion,  carved  on  them  ; 
and,  finally,  the  oaken  bucket  of  the  well. 

A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside        183 

Next  to  the  Principia,  the  largest  building  was  a  dwelling-house 
built  round  a  central  court,  probably  the  house  of  the  commandant. 
The  spaces  between  the  roads  leading  from  gate  to  gate  were 
occupied  by  long  narrow  buildings  arranged  in  rows  with  streets 
or  lanes  between  them,  serving  as  officers'  quarters,  barracks, 
granaries,  storehouses,  workshops,  and  stables.  Their  arrange- 
ment is  shown  on  a  large  plan  by  Mr.  Thomas  Ross,  LL.D., 
architect,  and  each  of  the  more  important  buildings  is  carefully 
described  by  Mr.  Curie  and  compared  with  analogous  construc- 
tions in  similar  forts  in  England  and  in  Germany,  so  that  the 
reader  who  desires  to  study  the  subject  in  detail  may  easily 
acquire  a  good  working  knowledge  of  the  interior  economy  of  a 
typical  Roman  frontier  fort  of  the  first  or  second  century. 

The  amount  of  rearrangement  and  reconstruction  the  fort 
and  its  defences  had  undergone  made  it  difficult,  during  the 
progress  of  the  work,  to  obtain  a  clear  idea  of  the  significance 
of  the  various  alterations  ;  but  when  the  whole  testimony  of 
the  evidence  was  sifted  and  simplified  to  general  conclusions  they 
are  summarised  by  Mr.  Curie  as  indicating  five  different  phases 
of  occupation.  First  there  was  the  original  fort  constructed  by 
Agricola,  about  A.D.  80,  which  seems  to  have  been  partly 
reconstructed  and  occupied  by  a  considerable  force  till  some  time 
after  A.D.  86,  when  it  was  suddenly  abandoned,  and  not  re- 
occupied  until  the  advance  into  Scotland  of  Lollius  Urbicus  in  the 
reign  of  Antoninus  Pius,  about  A.D.  140.  The  forces  of  Urbicus 
would  find  the  fort  and  its  earthworks  much  as  its  earlier  garrison 
had  left  them,  and  its  re-occupation  and  the  repair  of  its  defences 
would  naturally  follow.  By  and  bye,  the  more  settled  conditions 
resulting  from  the  construction  of  the  Antonine  Vallum  between 
the  Forth  and  Clyde  would  admit  of  a  reduction  of  the  garrison 
at  Newstead,  which  might  account  for  the  alteration  of  the  size  of 
the  fort  by  the  construction  of  the  reducing  wall.  Some  eighteen 
or  twenty  years  afterwards  there  seems  to  have  been  a  Brigantian 
uprising  involving  a  loosening  of  the  hold  of  the  Antonine  Vallum, 
and  probably  the  loss  for  a  time  of  such  isolated  forts  as  Birrens 
and  Newstead. 

The  re-occupation  after  this  opens  the  final  chapter  of  the 
history  of  the  fort.  There  was  much  alteration  and  rebuilding, 
the  reducing  wall  was  thrown  down  and  a  larger  garrison  installed. 
But  the  reconstructed  buildings  had  less  of  the  character  of  per- 
manency, and  it  was  evident  that  the  hold  on  the  north  was 


1 84 

Joseph  Anderson 

4  And  then,  probably  somewhere  early  in  the  reign  of  Commodus  (c.  A.D.  1 80) 
when  we  know  that  the  British  war  was  pressing  heavily,  must  have  come 
the  end.  The  Roman  grasp  of  the  Vallum  must  have  given  way,  and  with 
it  their  hold  of  the  supporting  forts,  such  as  Birrens  and  Newstead.  How 
these  fell  it  is  improbable  that  we  shall  ever  know,  and  yet  traces  of  the 
catastrophe  which  overwhelmed  them  have  been  revealed  to  us  after  the 
lapse  of  many  passing  centuries.  It  is  the  secret  drawn  from  the  wells  and 
the  rubbish  pits — a  tale  of  buildings  thrown  down;  of  altars  concealed, 


thrown  into  ditches,  or  into  pits  above  the  bodies  of  unburied  men  ;  of 
confusion,  defeat,  abandonment ;  of  a  day  in  which  the  long  column  of  the 
garrison  wound  slowly  southward  across  the  spurs  of  the  Eildons,  leaving 
their  hearths  deserted,  and  their  fires  extinct.' 

Three  separate  lines  of  evidence  concur  to  sustain  and  corro- 
borate these  conclusions.  There  is  first  the  evidence  of  the  super- 
position and  relation  to  each  other  of  the  buildings  of  the  fort  and 
its  defences.  The  second  line  of  evidence  is  derived  from  the 
dates  of  the  coins  recovered  and  the  relative  positions  in  which 



A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside       185 

they  were  found.  Altogether  249  coins  were  found  during  the 
excavation,  and  these  are  described  with  full  numismatic  detail,  and 
the  evidence  they  afford  is  critically  discussed  by  Dr.  George  Mac- 
donald  in  an  appendix  of  thirty  pages.  Then  there  is  the  evidence 
of  the  pottery,  which  always  plays  an  important  part  in  the  deter- 
mination of  the  chronology  of  Roman  deposits.  The  nature  of 
the  fabric,  the  shapes  of  the  vessels  and  the  stamps  of  the  potters 
all  afford  critical  indications  of  date,  so  that  single  potsherds  that 
may  seem  to  the  uninitiated  to  be  the  most  worthless  things  possible, 
may  yield  important  indications  of  chronology  to  the  archaeologist. 

Roman  pottery  consisted  of  many  varieties  of  fabric,  shape,  and 
ornamentation,  the  character  of  which  changed  with  the  fashions  of 
the  times,  but  in  that  which  is  found  in  Britain  certain  forms 
predominate.  Of  these  the  bright  red  lustrous  ware,  possessing 
a  colour  and  lustre  almost  resembling  sealing-wax,  is  the  most 
important.  Formerly  spoken  of  as  Samian  ware,  which  is  a  mis- 
nomer, it  is  now  generally  known  as  Terra  Sigillata,  a  pedantic 
appellation,  intended  to  signify  the  mode  of  applying  its  decoration 
by  stamping  the  designs  on  the  interior  of  the  mould  in  which 
the  vessels  are  shaped,  so  that  the  decoration  appears  on  the 
exterior  of  the  vessel  in  relief.  It  was  first  made  in  Italy  at 
Arezzo,  but  the  Aretine  potteries  declined  in  the  first  century  ot 
the  Christian  era,  and  few  of  their  products  reached  Britain.  But 
coincident  with  the  decline  of  the  Italian  potteries  there  arose  a 
colonial  manufacture  of  this  red  ware  in  Gaul,  from  which  an 
extensive  exportation  to  Britain  commenced  early  in  the  first 
century,  and  continued  throughout  the  whole  of  the  Roman 
occupation  of  Scotland.  In  a  critical  examination  of  all  the  pottery 
found  at  Newstead,  as  luminous  as  it  is  comprehensive,  and  copi- 
ously and  finely  illustrated,  Mr.  Curie  classifies  and  describes  the 
different  types,  indicating  their  relative  dates,  the  Gaulish  potteries 
from  which  they  came,  and  their  distribution  on  Roman  sites  in 
England  and  on  the  Continent. 

Adjoining  the  east,  south,  and  west  sides  of  the  fort  there 
were  large  spaces  of  less  regular  form  measuring  about  7,  14, 
and  20  acres  respectively,  enclosed  and  defended  by  ditch  and 
ramparts.  These  annexes  are  a  not  uncommon  feature  of  the 
larger  and  more  permanent  Roman  frontier  forts.  In  such  settle- 
ments were  found  the  time-expired  soldiers,  and  the  traders  and 
camp  followers,  living  in  tents  or  wooden  huts,  or  other  flimsy 
buildings  of  which  no  traces  now  remain.  In  Britain  little  has 
yet  been  done  in  the  way  of  examining  or  excavating  these  civil 

1 86  Joseph  Anderson 

settlements,  but  the  experience  at  Newstead  shows  that  they  may 
yield  even  more  varied  and  more  important  revelations  of  the 
civilisation  and  culture  of  their  occupants  and  of  their  military 
neighbours  than  the  fort  itself. 

In  the  west  annexe  stood  the  baths  of  the  fort,  a  large  block 
of  buildings  310  feet  in  length,  dating  probably  from  the  first 
advance  of  Agricola,  and  provided  with  all  the  apartments  and 
appliances  pertaining  to  the  luxurious  customs  peculiar  to  much 
warmer  climates  than  that  of  Caledonia.  No  other  building  of 
any  importance  was  found  in  these  annexes,  and  the  interest 
attached  to  them  lay  not  in  constructions  on  the  surface  but 
underground,  in  the  wells  and  rubbish  pits  so  thickly  scattered 
over  their  areas.  The  pits  varied  greatly  in  dimensions,  and  from 
4  to  over  30  feet  in  depth.  Over  a  hundred  of  them,  including 
ten  in  the  field  to  the  north  of  the  fort,  were  cleared  out.  Their 
contents  were  exceedingly  miscellaneous,  but  all  the  best  things 
found  at  Newstead  came  from  them.  One  pit  contained  at 
20  feet  down  the  skulls  of  two  horses,  2  feet  lower  two  chariot 
wheels  with  their  iron  tires  and  a  human  skull  with  a  sword- 
cut  in  it ;  lower  still,  a  pair  of  shoe-soles  with  tackets,  and  the 
antler  of  an  elk,  and  at  the  bottom,  23  feet  down,  an  oak  bucket 
with  its  iron  handle  and  mountings,  another  horse's  skull  and 
the  skulls  of  five  dogs  and  antlers  of  red  deer.  Another  con- 
tained a  whole  set  of  smith's  tools  and  the  contents  of  a  smithy, 
including  five  spear-heads,  four  pioneers'  axes,  four  scythes,  and 
a  sword-blade,  with  the  usual  medley  of  animal  bones,  a  human 
skull,  broken  pottery,  scraps  of  leather  garments,  shoes,  and  a 
woman's  boot,  the  uppers  of  which  were  finely  ornamented  in 
open-work  and  the  sole  filled  with  tackets.  Another  contained 
the  bones  of  nine  horses,  and  underneath  them  the  skeleton  of  a 
female  dwarf  whom  Professor  Bryce  judged  to  have  been  about 
twenty-two  years  of  age  and  only  4  feet  6  inches  in  stature. 

The  richest  of  all  the  pits  was  one  in  the  south  annexe,  19 
feet  deep,  from  which  came  an  iron  helmet  with  visor  face- 
mask,  a  helmet  of  brass  embossed  with  a  group  of  figures  repre- 
senting a  chariot  race,  another  iron  helmet  undecorated,  the  ear- 
piece of  a  third  helmet  of  iron,  nine  bronze  discs  or  phalerae, 
each  inscribed  with  the  name  of  the  owner,  two  shoulder-pieces 
and  two  elbow-pieces  of  bronze,  each  also  having  the  name  of  the 
owner  scratched  in  cursive  letters  on  the  inside  face  ;  a  large 
embossed  circular  plate  of  bronze,  two  bridle-bits  of  iron,  an  iron 
armlet,  a  quern  of  Niedermendig  lava  complete  with  its  iron 

A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside        187 

spindle  and  mountings,  a  quantity  of  fragments  of  ornamented 
pottery  and  of  amphorae,  torn  pieces  of  leather  garments,  deer 
horns,  and  skulls  of  a  horse  and  a  dog. 

The  formidable  task  of  the  classification  and  critical  description 
of  the  vast  amount  of  miscellaneous  material  recovered  from 
these  pits,  or  casually  found  in  the  course  of  the  excavation  of 
the  fort  itself,  might  have  daunted  many  excavators,  but  Mr. 
Curie  has  accomplished  it  with  signal  success.  His  chapters  on 
the  altars  and  their  inscriptions,  the  dress,  armour  and  weapons 
of  the  Roman  soldier,  the  tools  and  implements,  transport  and 
harness  with  its  mountings,  and  miscellaneous  odds  and  ends, 
are  really  treatises  on  the  several  subjects  which  leave  scarcely 
any  aspect  or  relation  of  the  objects  untouched,  and  all  are 
brought  up  to  the  level  of  the  latest  discoveries. 

The  value  of  these  chapters  to  the  archaeological  student  is 
greatly  enhanced  by  the  fact  that  Newstead  has  yielded  such  a 
number  of  things  that  are  either  new,  or  have  been  hitherto 
very  imperfectly  known  in  Britain.  The  visor  masks  of  the 
helmets,  which  form  such  a  striking  feature  of  the  collection 
and  are  so  admirably  illustrated  in  the  book,  are  compared 
with  all  the  known  examples,  and  reasons  assigned  for  attributing 
their  purpose  to  display  in  tournaments  rather  than  use  in  actual 
warfare.  The  one  still  attached  to  its  head-piece,  which  is  em- 
bossed with  an  elaborate  representation  of  carefully  dressed  and 
curling  hair,  shows  a  fine  type  of  face,  and  '  even  in  its  present 
mutilated  condition  must  rank  as  one  of  the  most  beautiful  things 
the  receding  tide  of  Roman  conquest  has  left  behind  it.'  It  is 
also  certainly  the  most  marvellously  fine  example  of  wrought 
iron-work  ever  seen  in  this  country.  The  other  face-mask  of 
brass  is  neither  so  fine  in  design  or  execution,  but  has  its  points 
of  distinction,  and  is  by  no  means  an  every-day  work  of  art- 
craftsmanship.  The  embossed  helmet  of  bright  yellow  brass 
with  a  high  triangular  peak  in  front  has  its  head-piece  covered 
with  a  design »  embossed  in  high  relief,  showing  a  nude  figure 
driving  a  chariot  to  which  are  harnessed  a  pair  of  leopards,  and 
a  winged  Victory  hovering  above. 

The  varieties  of  defensive  armour  found  at  Newstead  include 
scale-armour  of  iron  and  of  brass,  chain-mail  of  circular  links, 
both  in  iron  and  brass,  some  being  riveted  and  others  welded, 
breastplates  of  iron,  and  shields  of  which  only  the  ribs  or 
mountings  remained.  The  offensive  weapons  included  swords 
of  two  types,  probably  representing  the  legionary  and  the 

1 88        A  Roman  Outpost  on  Tweedside 

auxiliary,  bronze  mountings  of  scabbards,  spear  and  javelin  heads 
in  great  variety  of  form  and  size,  and  arrow  and  bolt  heads. 

Caltrops  have  been  often  said  to  have  been  unknown  till 
medieval  times,  but  two  of  different  sizes  were  found  at  Newstead. 
Among  the  miscellaneous  objects  of  common  camp  furniture 
the  camp-kettle  of  beaten  bronze  of  various  sizes,  with  its  iron 
bow-handle,  was  greatly  in  evidence,  and  occasionally  had  the 
name  of  its  owner  scratched  or  punctured  in  it.  Besides  these 
culinary  vessels  of  homely  type  there  were  two  large  and  highly 
ornate  vessels  of  bronze  of  the  kind  to  which  the  Greek  name 
'  Oenochoe '  might  be  applied.  They  are  really  fine  works  of  art 
and  must  have  come  from  Italy. 

By  no  means  the  least  interesting  parts  of  the  book  are  those 
in  which  there  can  be  traced  the  commingling  of  the  native 
culture,  and  native  products,  with  the  culture  and  products  of 
the  purely  Roman  civilisation.  For  instance,  a  picture  may  be 
drawn  in  outline  of  the  appearance  of  the  valley  of  the  Tweed, 
and  the  details  of  the  flora  and  fauna  filled  in  from  the  reports 
on  the  vegetable  and  animal  remains  found  on  the  Roman  level, 
and  identified  and  described  by  Mr.  H.  F.  Tagg  of  the  Botanic 
Gardens  and  by  Professor  Cossar  Ewart  of  Edinburgh  University, 
who  discusses  with  the  ripe  knowledge  of  an  expert  in  the  subject 
the  characteristics  and  probable  descent  of  the  breeds  of  horses, 
cattle,  and  sheep  whose  remains  were  found  at  Newstead.  Then 
we  have  the  native  inhabitants  revealed,  if  not  by  their  individual 
remains,  by  the  Late  Celtic  decoration  of  a  sword-hilt,  and  the 
ornaments  of  one  or  more  sword-sheaths  and  harness  mountings. 
The  presence  of  native  women  and  children  is  testified  by  their 
boots  and  shoes,  by  the  evidences  of  spinning  and  weaving  and 
basket-work,  and  by  the  personal  ornaments.  The  brooches, 
or  fibulae,  beads,  etc.,  have  a  chapter  to  themselves,  and  their 
enamelled  ornamentation  is  of  great  beauty  and  interest. 

It  is  impossible  in  a  brief  notice  like  this  to  touch  upon  all  the 
points  of  interest  that  have  arisen  during  the  progress  of  the 
excavations,  or  are  connected  with  the  exposition  of  the  character 
and  relations  of  the  objects  found.  Let  it  suffice  to  say  that  the 
outstanding  characteristics  of  Mr.  Curie's  book  are  thoroughness 
of  treatment  and  breadth  of  expert  knowledge,  the  fruits  of 
experience  and  resolute  research. 


Reviews  of  Books 

LAND, A. D.  1153-1214.  Collected  by  Sir  Archibald  Campbell  Lawrie. 
Pp.  xxxvi,  459.  8vo.  Glasgow:  James  MacLehose  &  Sons.  1910. 
i  os.  nett. 

IN  Early  Scottish  Charters  Sir  Archibald  Lawrie's  aim  was  not  merely  to 
produce  correct  texts,  but  to  make  the  charters  serve  as  annals  of  the 
period,  by  putting  each  of  them,  as  far  as  possible,  in  its  true  historical 
connection.  For  the  succeeding  period,  corresponding  roughly  to  the 
English  reigns  of  Henry  II.,  Richard  I.  and  John,  charters  are  many, 
chronicles  contemporaneous  and  circumstantial,  and  English  records 
increasingly  voluminous.  He  has,  therefore,  begun  with  providing  the 
setting ;  that  is,  a  series  of  extracts  from  the  chronicles  and  records, 
arranged  so  as  to  give  a  chronologically  accurate  outline  of  the  history. 
Many  papal  Bulls  are  included,  some  as  historically  valuable,  some  (I 
take  it)  simply  because  they  can  be  dated,  and  therefore  can  be  safely 
used  as  landmarks.  And  all  chronicle  notices  of  even  rather  obscure 
persons  are  given  ;  thus  the  charter  student  is  provided  with  materials 
which  hitherto  he  could  only  have  obtained  by  laboriously  collecting 
them  himself.  I  congratulate  the  editor  on  what  he  has  accomplished, 
and  hope  that  the  reception  of  his  work  may  be  such  as  to  encourage 
him  to  proceed. 

But  the  outline  history  from  primary  sources  is  of  more  general  interest. 
By  restricting  his  period,  he  has  been  able  to  give  practically  complete 
what  his  predecessors,  including  Mr.  A.  O.  Anderson,  could  only  give  in 
selection.  Naturally,  most  of  the  book  is  in  Latin ;  Gaelic  extracts, 
being  few,  are  given  in  Gaelic  and  English,  old  French  extracts,  being 
many,  in  English  only,  whereby  space  is  saved  but  colour  lost.  For  the 
plan  of  the  work  precludes  the  selection  of  passages  not  referring  to 
Scotland,  even  for  the  sake  of  their  literary  charm.  So  the  lighter 
vein  is  rare  ;  we  have,  however,  St.  Cuthbert's  vengeance  on  the  sacri- 
legious bull-baiter  of  Kirkcudbright  (p.  90),  and  the  curious  tale  of 
King  Malcolm  and  his  mother  (p.  102) ;  this  latter  introduced,  I  suspect, 
as  an  argument  against  the  authenticity  of  an  often-quoted  Kelso  charter. 
The  editor's  proneness  to  scepticism  in  such  matters,  so  marked  a  feature 
of  his  previous  book,  is  still  at  work,  but  not  so  much  in  evidence  here  as 
there.  In  one  case,  indeed,  that  of  the  Bull  of  Pope  Adrian  IV.  sub- 
jecting the  Scottish  Bishops  to  the  metropolitan  jurisdiction  of  York,  a 
quite  surprising  complacency  is  shown.  The  Bull  was  rightly  included 

1 90    Lawrie  :   Annals  of  Malcolm  and  William 

by  Haddan  and  Stubbs  in  their  collection,  for  its  genuineness  is  not 
altogether  impossible.  But  its  best  friends  could  put  the  case  no  higher. 
It  is  '  one  of  a  series  of  late  copies,  stands  in  bad  company,  and  is  itself 
a  very  questionable  document,'  so  says  Cosmo  Innes ;  it  is  not  a  verdict, 
but  the  observation  is  undeniably  just. 

The  bulk  of  the  book  is  derived  from  English  historians,  who  (as 
the  editor  remarks),  tell  us  little  or  nothing  of  the  internal  affairs  of 
Scotland.  But  they  are  far  from  exhibiting  uniformly  an  anti-Scottish 
bias  ;  clearly  King  William,  in  spite  of  his  determined  attitude  in  the 
affair  of  the  rival  Bishops  Hugh  and  John  of  St.  Andrews,  stood  well 
with  the  church  ;  better  perhaps  than  any  of  the  English  Kings,  his 
contemporaries.  And  in  those  days  all  historians  were  churchmen. 

Both  Malcolm  and  William  were  all  their  lives  pro-Norman,  if  not 
pro-English.  And  William,  after  the  fiasco  of  1 1 74,  though  sometimes 
on  bad  terms  with  his  southern  neighbour,  always  avoided  actual  conflict. 
From  1210  onwards  his  policy,  if  not  surrendering  the  independence 
of  Scotland,  certainly  tended  to  compromise  it.  That  what  he  did  was 
contra  voluntatem  Scotorum  (p.  366),  is  easily  credible.  But  the  Treaty 
of  Norham  inaugurated  that  tempus  pads  to  which  men  afterwards 
looked  back  as  the  golden  age.  To  attribute  his  policy  to  fear  of  Celtic 
reaction,  seems  to  me  to  transpose  cause  and  effect ;  the  texts  imply 
rather  that  it  was  the  King's  compliance  with  England  which  provoked 
his  magnates,  or  some  of  them,  to  complicity  with  Macwilliam.  As  to 
the  story  of  an  English  contingent  sent  in  1212  to  co-operate  against 
that  rebel,  the  editor  seems  suspicious,  and  so  am  I.  Why  are  the 
English  records  silent  on  the  subject  ?  But  if  there  was  such  a  con- 
tingent, however  small,  it  is  not  hard  to  believe  that  it  readily  obtained 
(in  England)  full  credit  for  the  success  of  the  compaign. 

The  remarks  in  the  preface  as  to  the  legislation  attributed  to  our 
early  Kings,  are  interesting,  but  will  not  command  universal  assent. 
To  call  Thomas  Thomson  *  most  arbitrary  of  editors '  is  somewhat  hasty. 
That  great  scholar's  modesty  took  the  form  of  an  almost  morbid  dislike 
of  committing  himself  in  prefaces  or  commentaries  ;  hence  he  gave  the 
world  his  conclusions,  but  rarely  his  reasons.  But  if  his  work  were  to 
be  done  over  again  by  a  competent  modern,  from  the  same  materials, 
the  result  would  perhaps  differ  only  in  minor  details.  If  such  a  task  is 
to  be  usefully  undertaken,  it  must  be  on  the  lines  of  Miss  Bateson's  work 
for  the  Selden  Society,  and  from  the  standpoint  of  Sir  Thomas  Craig — 
the  history  of  Scottish  law  must  be  treated  as  part  of  the  history  of 

the  law  of  Europe.  ,    ,_  _ 



Pp.  x,  157.     Med.  8vo.     London  :  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.     1910. 

55.  nett. 

To  review  this  argument  fairly  it  would  be  necessary  to  repeat  it,  and  that 
can  scarcely  be  done  in  smaller  compass  than  the  original.  It  is  an  answer 
to  the  interesting  work  of  Colonel  Fitzwilliam  Elliot  in  The  Trustworthiness 

Lang  :   Scott  and  the  Border  Minstrelsy     191 

of  the  Border  Ballads  (1906)  and  Further  Essays  on  Border  Ballads  (1910)  ; 
chiefly,  a  refutation  of  the  charge  made  against  Scott  in  the  latter  book,  of 
having  joined  with  Hogg  to  'palm  off'  the  ballad  of  Auld  Maitland  on  the 
public.  The  other  subjects  are  the  ballads  of  Otterburn,  Jamie  Telfer  and 
Kinmont  Willie. 

The  discussion  of  Auld  Maitland,  which  comes  first,  is  the  most  im- 
portant, because  the  evidence  there  put  forward  by  Mr.  Lang  has  a  bearing 
on  all  the  rest  of  the  Border  Minstrelsy.  Mr.  Lang  proves  conclusively  that 
Colonel  Elliot  is  wrong  in  thinking  that  Auld  Maitland  was  forged  by 
Hogg,  and  of  course  with  the  exploding  of  that  opinion  the  allegations 
against  the  good  faith  of  Scott  are  also  cleared  away.  The  proof  is  in 
Hogg's  manuscript  copy  of  the  ballad  now  at  Abbotsford,  and  in  Hogg's 
letter  to  Scott,  dated  Ettrick  House,  June  30  (1802).  This  letter,  which 
has  never  been  published  as  a  whole,  is  remarkably  interesting  both  with 
regard  to  the  tradition  and  collection  of  ballads  in  general,  and  also  the 
motives  and  critical  skill  of  Hogg.  Hogg,  it  is  clear,  was  not  only 
thoroughly  and  genuinely  taken  up  with  the  pursuit  of  ballads  over  the 
country  side,  but  also  an  excellent  critic.  Thus  he  marks  the  end  of 
Clerk  Sounders  and  the  place  where  Scott's  version  of  the  ballad  passes  into 
another  (Sweet  William's  Ghost) — *  All  the  rest  of  the  song  in  your  edition 
is  another  song  altogether,  which  my  mother  hath  mostly  likewise,  and  I 
am  persuaded  from  the  change  in  the  stile  that  she  is  right,  for  it  is  scarce 
consistent  with  the  forepart  of  the  ballad.' 

It  is  a  pity  that  Mr.  Lang  does  not  give  the  whole  letter,  and  does  not 
say  what  he  has  omitted.  It  is  partly  printed  in  Mr.  Douglas's  edition  of 
Scott's  Letters  (1894)  i.  p.  12,  but  there  the  technical  parts  are  left  out 
(including  the  sentence  quoted  above)  apparently  as  unfit  for  the  *  reading 
public,'  and  here  Mr.  Lang  leaves  out  a  good  deal  of  the  end  of  the  letter, 
without  remark — all  the  glorious  passage  about  Hogg  and  his  uncle  and 
how  religion  interfered  with  the  ballads — 'what  a  deluge  was  poured  on  me 
of  errors,  sins,  lusts,  covenants  broken,  burned  and  buried,  legal  teachers, 
patronage,  and  what  not !  In  short,  my  dram  was  lost  to  my  purpose. 
The  mentioning  a  song  put  him  in  a  passion.'  There  never  was  such  a 
letter  writer  as  Hogg. 

From  Hogg's  copy  of  Auld  Maitland  it  is  proved  that  his  account  of  his 
mother's  recitation  is  true  ;  he  was  not  inventing  ;  he  takes  down  what  he 
does  not  understand.  He  writes  : 

*  With  springs  ;  wall  stanes  and  good  o'ern 
Among  them  fast  he  threw,' 

Which  Scott  corrected  : 

4  With  springalds,  stones  and  gads  o'  aim.' 

There  is  a  grammatical  point  which  Mr.  Lang  does  not  mention,  which 
seems  to  help  in  the  same  direction.  The  ballad  uses  '  inon  '  for  *  in '  or 
4  on  '  or  '  upon.' 

But  sic  a  gloom  inon  ae  browhead. 

192     Lang  :   Scott  and  the  Border  Minstrelsy 

Earlier  we  find  : 

Then  fifteen  barks,  all  gaily  good, 
Met  themen  on  a  day. 

So  printed  ;  read 

Met  them  inon  a  day. 

This  idiom  is  evidently  found  in  the  original.  Hogg's  copy  is  what  it  pro- 
fesses to  be  ;  he  wrote  down  Auld  Maitland  as  accurately  as  he  could  from 

This  still  leaves  the  problem  :  Where  did  the  ballad  come  from  ?  It  is 
not  a  true  ballad ;  in  style  it  is  a  mixture  of  the  ballad  and  the  hack 
romance.  The  latter  element  comes  out  in  the  *  springald '  verse — 

4  With  springalds,  stones  and  gads  o'  aim 
Among  them  fast  he  threw.' 

This  is  prosy  grammar,  such  as  historians  use.  Auld  M ait  land  came 
into  oral  tradition  from  a  more  or  less  literary  source ;  it  is  not  the  same 
sort  of  thing  as  the  ballads  which  have  their  whole  life  in  oral  tradition  ;  it 
belongs  to  another  stock,  closely  related  indeed  to  the  true  ballad.  That 
it  was  handed  on  in  the  same  manner  as  the  ballads,  that  Hogg's  mother 
knew  it,  and  repeated  it  in  the  same  way  as  her  other  songs,  and  that 
Hogg's  account  is  true,  it  seems  impossible  now  to  question. 

The  chapters  on  Otterburn  also  prove  Hogg's  good  faith.  *  Hogg  had  a 
copy  from  reciters — a  copy  which  he  could  not  understand.'  It  may  be 
enough,  for  the  present,  to  recommend  Mr.  Lang's  demonstration  to  those 
who  care  for  these  matters ;  to  do  proper  justice  to  it  would  need  as  much 
space  as  the  original  chapters  themselves.  One  thing  in  it  perhaps  is  doubtful. 
Hogg's  version  gives  *  Almonshire '  where  '  Bambroughshire '  is  usually 
read ;  Hogg  knew  *  Bamborowshire,"  but  both  his  reciters  insisted  on 
*  Almonshire.'  Mr.  Lang  says,  and  one  would  like  to  believe,  that 
4 Almonshire'  is  'Alneshire'  or  * Alnwickshire,'  where  is  the  Percy's 
Alnwick  Castle.  But  is  there  authority  in  the  history  of  Northumberland 
for  «  Alneshire '  ? 

In  Jamie  Telfer  it  is  shown  that  Scott  did  not  tamper  with  the  facts  as 
Colonel  Elliot  thinks  he  did ;  there  are  two  separate  versions  of  the  story, 
an  Elliot  ballad  and  a  Scott  ballad  dealing  the  honours  differently.  As  for 
the  facts,  there  are  none  ;  the  story  is  impossible  with  the  geography  as  given 
in  any  version  ;  though  '  in  a  higher  sense  '  it  may  be  true  as  a  general  state- 
ment of  what  might  and  did  happen  in  raids  and  recoveries  of  driven  cattle 
on  the  Borders. 

Klnmont  Willie  remains  as  a  problem  hard  to  solve.  The  external  evi- 
dence that  decides  Auld  Maitland  is  wanting  in  this  case,  except  what  is  given 
in  Satchells'  narrative,  and  the  relation  of  Satchells  to  the  ballad  may  be  con- 
strued in  different  ways.  It  is  minutely  examined  by  Colonel  Elliot,  with 
the  conclusion  that  Satchells  was  turned  into  the  ballad  by  Scott.  The 
other  side  is  presented  here,  not  so  as  to  deny  Scott's  share  in  the  poem  of 
Kinmont  Willie,  but  so  as  to  make  it  probable  that  Satchells,  in  the  first  place, 

Lang  :   Scott  and  the  Border  Minstrelsy      193 

knew  a  ballad  on  the  subject  of  the  rescue  at  Carlisle,  and  secondly,  that 
Scott  knew  a  traditional  ballad  independent  of  Satchells.  The  whole  dis- 
cussion brings  out,  among  other  things,  the  dangerous  nature  of  internal 
evidence  and  a  priori  judgments  on  the  ballad  style.  The  following 
example  deserves  to  be  borne  in  mind  as  a  warning : 

*  By  the  cross  of  my  sword,  says  Willie  then, 
I'll  take  my  leave  of  thee.' 

'  It  looks  like  Scott's  work,'  says  Mr.  Lang.  *  But  it  is  not  Scott's  work,  it 
is  in  Satchells. '  Mr.  Lang  argues  that  if  Scott  had  been  making  up  his 
ballad  from  Satchells  he  would  not  have  left  this  out.  But  it  does  not 
appear  in  Kinmont  Willie. 

Mr.  Lang  has  controverted  Colonel  Elliot  on  most  points,  but  it  would 
be  wrong  to  overlook  the  services  that  his  antagonist  has  rendered  to  this 
branch  of  study  ;  antiquarians  and  lovers  of  poetry  will  agree  that  this 
debate  has  had  good  results — not  only  in  prose,  but  in  the  three  ballads  of 
his  own  which  Mr.  Lang  has  given  at  the  end  of  his  volume. 

W.  P.  KER. 

The  Rede  Lecture  delivered  in  the  Senate  House,  Cambridge,  on  I4th 
June,  1910.  By  C.  H.  Firth,  M.A.,  Regius  Professor  of  Modern 
History,  Oxford.  Pp.  50.  Cr.  8vo.  Cambridge :  University  Press. 
1910.  is.  6d.  nett. 

PROFESSOR  FIRTH  was  certainly  happily  inspired  in  his  choice  of  a  subject 
for  his  Rede  lecture.  There  is  no  man  better  qualified  to  speak  of  the 
Great  Rebellion  and  its  consequences,  while  the  knowledge  which  he 
displays  of  the  great  struggle  between  North  and  South  is  really  remarkable. 
He  deals  in  turn  with  the  political,  military,  and  personal  aspects  of  the  com- 
parison, selecting  Cromwell  and  Lincoln  as  the  great  representatives  of  the 
two  contests,  and  a  most  interesting  and  suggestive  parallel  it  is  which  he 
draws  between  them,  not  altogether  to  Cromwell's  advantage  as  a  man, 
though  of  course  Cromwell  was  a  great  soldier  as  well  as  a  political  leader. 
Both  struggles  are  shown  to  have  had  as  their  formal  causes  the  great 
question  of  sovereignty,  but  in  England  the  contest  between  one  man  and 
a  nation  would  never  have  resulted  in  a  war  but  for  the  complication  of 
the  political  question  by  religious  issues.  The  King  was  only  able  to  fight 
because  the  Puritan  assault  on  the  Church  provided  him  with  a  party.  In 
America  a  majority  was  contending  with  a  minority  to  decide  whether, 
as  Lincoln's  Inaugural  expressed  it,  '  in  a  free  government  the  minority 
have  a  right  to  break  it  up  whenever  they  choose,'  to  prove  *  that  when 
ballots  have  fairly  and  constitutionally  decided  there  can  be  no  appeal  to 
bullets.'  Here  too  a  question  of  conscience  came  in,  and  it  was  Lincoln's 
great  achievement  that  he  combined  the  cause  of  the  union  with  that  of  the 
slaves,  inducing  those  whose  zeal  for  one  cause  was  so  great  that  they  were 
prepared  to  sacrifice  the  other  object  to  nevertheless  remain  in  co-operation 
until  the  two  causes  became  practically  fused. 

194    Firth  :    English  and  American  Civil  Wars 

The  military  parallel  is  not  less  suggestively  handled.  It  is  pointed  out 
that  in  both  struggles  the  victorious  side  owed  much  to  the  assistance  of  the 
naval  forces  of  the  nation  and  to  the  possession  of  greater  resources.  But 
the  North  had  the  advantage  over  the  Parliament  in  having  for  it  from 
the  first  all  that  the  country  possessed  of  a  professional  army.  Yet  this 
trained  nucleus  was  not  properly  utilised  to  leaven  the  raw  levies  of  the 
North,  and  whereas  the  Parliament  owed  its  victory  to  its  success  in  creating 
a  disciplined  and  organised  force  while  the  Royalists  remained  undisciplined 
and  therefore  inefficient,  the  North  achieved  success  in  the  end  not  by  superior 
discipline  and  soldierliness,  nor  by  superior  strategy,  but  by  sheer  weight 
of  numbers  and  a  relentless  policy  of  mere  attrition.  If  Grant  be  contrasted 
with  Lee  and  Jackson  the  comparison  favours  the  vanquished  far  more  than 
it  does  if  Cromwell  be  matched  against  Rupert. 

Finally  Professor  Firth  deals  with  the  settlements  which  followed  the 
wars,  and  the  treatment  meted  out  to  the  vanquished.  The  North  may 
appear  to  more  advantage  here,  but  between  1650  and  1865  political 
education  had  progressed,  and  the  attitude  of  the  American  nation  towards 
the  necessity  of  compromise  was  well  ahead  of  the  English  two  hundred 
years  earlier  ;  moreover,  in  England  stern  measures  were  only  taken  after 
the  Second  Civil  War.  The  lands  of  the  Southerners  were  not  con- 
fiscated, but  they  were  none  the  less  ruined  by  the  emancipation  of  the 
slaves  and  the  monstrous  folly  of  giving  the  franchise  to  the  emancipated 
negroes,  while  the  ex-Confederates  were  deprived  of  political  power,  has  no 
parallel  in  England.  And  this  enfranchising  of  a  class  unfitted  to  exercise 
political  power  has  had,  as  it  always  will,  very  bad  results,  so  much  so  that 
Professor  Firth  compares  its  consequences  to  the  legacy  which  Cromwell's 
Irish  policy  has  left  behind. 


THE  LIFE  OF  BENVENUTO  CELLINI.  A  new  version  by  Robert  H. 
Hobart  Cust,  M.A.  Vol.  I.  Pp.  xxxvii,  390.  Vol.  II.  Pp.  xx,  533. 
With  portrait  and  many  illustrations.  Post  8vo.  London  :  G.  Bell 
&  Sons.  1910.  255.  net. 

AMONGST  artistic  autobiographies  none  stands  quite  so  high  for  vividness 
of  interest,  picturesqueness  of  incident,  and  abandon  in  telling,  as  that 
written  by  Benvenuto  Cellini,  the  celebrated  artist-craftsman  and  sculptor 
of  Florence.  Mr.  Arthur  Symons  said  :  '  He  hurls  at  you  this  book  of 
his  own  deeds  that  it  may  smite  you  into  acquiescent  admiration,'  and 
reading  his  story  afresh,  in  the  new  translation  by  Mr.  R.  H.  Hobart 
Cust,  one  admits  at  once  the  vital  success  which  attended  his  literary 

While  Cellini's  reputation  as  an  artist  is  not  perhaps  what  it  was,  his 
great  technical  finesse  being  required  to  palliate  the  over-ornateness  of 
his  style,  his  name  still  remains  synonymous  with  all  that  is  most 
characteristic  of  renaissance  skill  in  jewellery  and  small-scale  sculpture. 
Yet,  as  Mr.  Cust  points  out,  it  is  something  of  an  irony  of  fate  that 

Gust  :    Benvenuto  Cellini  195 

the  Autobiography  should  have  acquired  for  him  a  fame  such  as  none  of 
his  much  vaunted  works  could  ever  have  secured  for  themselves. 

Mr.  Gust  has  founded  his  translation  upon  the  learned  Italian  texts 
of  Professor  Orazio  Bacci  and  of  Signori  Rusconi  and  Valeri,  both  of 
which  appeared  in  1901,  and  his  principal  object — in  the  main  very 
happily  achieved — has  been  to  reproduce  in  English  the  Italian  spirit 
of  the  original.  He  regrets,  indeed,  that  it  is  impossible  to  translate 
into  an  English  equivalent  the  Florentine  slang  used  so  volubly  by  the 
narrator  himself,  and,  pleading  that  the  ephemeral  nature  of  such  argot 
makes  its  use  inexpedient,  professes  pity  for  those  to  whom  the  original 
is  a  sealed  book.  Still,  for  even  exact  students  of  Italian,  the  slang  of 
sixteenth  century  Florence  must  have  lost  its  real  savour,  and  we  who 
cannot  follow  its  subtilties  are  not  badly  off  with  the  directness  and 
forcefulness  of  the  translator's  renderings.  To  this  careful  translation  he 
has  added  many  useful  and  illuminating  footnotes ;  a  full  bibliography 
(compiled  by  Mr.  Sidney  Churchill)  of  Cellini  literature  in  ten  European 
languages  ;  a  list  of  Cellini's  works  derived  from  contemporary  documents  ; 
and  a  catalogue,  founded  chiefly  on  the  researches  of  M.  Eugene  Plon 
and  Mr.  Churchill,  of  pieces  by  the  master  still  extant. 

The  book,  which  is  in  two  volumes,  is  well  illustrated  by  over  sixty 
half-tone  plates,  chiefly  of  important  works  by  Cellini. 


Parts  IX.,  X.,  and  XI.  With  two  Appendices,  a  Glossary,  and  General 
Index.  Edited  by  Lucy  Toulmin  Smith.  Vol.  V.  Pp.  xxii,  352.  With 
two  Maps.  Foolscap  4to.  London :  George  Bell  &  Sons.  1910. 
1 8s.  nett. 

THE  editor  and  publishers  of  this  important  work  deserve  the  utmost  com- 
mendation on  the  successful  termination  of  their  united  undertaking.  As 
each  volume  appeared  we  have  not  withheld  in  the  pages  of  this  Review 
(vols.  v.  98-9,  478,  vi.  294-6)  our  admiration  for  the  pains  and  skill  that 
Miss  Toulmin  Smith  has  exercised  in  making  her  labours  as  editor  useful 
to  her  readers  and  just  to  her  author.  The  last  volume  of  the  series  now 
before  us  shows,  as  it  was  to  be  expected,  a  continuation  of  her  former  care 
and  painstaking  research  in  doing  ample  justice  to  her  subject. 

Though  this  volume  covers  a  wide  field,  comprising  what  may  be 
regarded  as  a  separate  tour  of  the  indefatigable  antiquary,  it  is  of  special 
interest  to  north-country  students  inasmuch  as  it  includes  the  counties  of 
Northumberland,  Durham,  Westmorland,  Cumberland,  and  parts  of 
Lancashire  and  Yorkshire.  Leland's  route  in  the  northern  counties  has 
been  set  out  in  an  excellent  map,  showing  the  order  in  which  he  visited  the 
various  places,  the  base  from  whence  he  started  and  the  direction  of  his 
journey  home.  The  bishops  and  bishopric  of  Durham,  like  those  of 
Lincoln,  Worcester,  Hereford  and  Canterbury,  come  in  for  a  full  discussion, 
and  particulars  are  also  given  of  several  of  the  religious  houses. 

196  Leland  :    Itinerary 

Miss  Toulmin  Smith  evidently  regards  the  preface  of  her  final  volume  as 
supplementary  to  what  has  gone  before,  for  she  has  collected  additional 
references  to  her  author's  career  and  to  the  manuscripts  and  pieces  of  manu- 
script of  his  writings.  Looking  down  the  list  and  comparing  it  with  the 
table  of  manuscripts  and  editions  given  in  the  first  volume,  one  is  glad  to 
acknowledge  that  Leland  has  at  last  found  an  interpreter  worthy  of  his 

Students  will  thank  the  editor  for  the  general  index  which  covers  the  five 
volumes.  In  these  days  of  pace  and  pressure,  such  a  time-saving  apparatus 
is  always  welcome.  The  glossary,  which  enumerates  the  principal  archaic 
words  and  explains  them  in  the  senses  in  which  Leland  understood  them,  is 
also  a  valuable  addition.  Seldom  has  it  been  our  pleasure  to  bear  witness 
to  such  excellent  work,  and  we  take  leave  of  Miss  Toulmin  Smith  with 
sincere  regret. 


LECTURES  ON  THE  FRENCH  REVOLUTION.  By  Lord  Acton.  Edited  by 
J.  N.  Figgis  and  R.  V.  Laurence.  Pp.  378.  8vo.  London : 
Macmillan  &  Co.,  Ltd.  1910.  ios.  nett. 

THESE  lectures,  which  were  delivered  at  Cambridge  during  the  Academical 
years  1895-1899,  form,  as  stated  by  the  present  Lord  Acton  in  a  letter 
to  the  Times,  the  last  of  the  four  volumes  containing  his  father's  col- 
lected notes ;  they  are  edited  by  Mr.  Figgis  and  Mr.  Laurence.  In 
expressing  his  thanks  to  these  gentlemen,  Lord  Acton  points  out  the 
difficulty  under  which  they  laboured  owing  to  the  fact  that  a  homogeneous 
text  had  to  be  evolved  from  two  different  manuscripts,  portions  of  which 
were  fragmentary  only ;  but  they  appear  to  have  executed  their  task 
very  successfully.  A  book  upon  so  important  a  period  of  history  by 
such  an  author  is  most  valuable.  It  is  the  work  of  one  fully  acquainted 
with  the  literature  of  his  subject  and  fully  qualified  to  give  a  well-balanced 
and  judicial  expression  of  opinion. 

Lord  Acton  was  both  a  peer  and  a  Roman  Catholic,  and  he  writes 
of  a  great  event  which  shook  to  their  foundations  both  the  peerage  and 
the  Church  of  France,  and  which  shook  and  has  permanently  weakened 
both  institutions  in  every  country  where  they  existed.  Yet  we  have 
here  no  exhibition  of  aristocratic  or  priest-bound  prejudice.  He  has,  it 
is  true,  a  word  to  say  for  a  Creed,  observing  that  liberty  apart  from 
belief  is  liberty  with  a  good  deal  of  the  substance  taken  out  of  it,  and 
that  'nations  that  have  not  the  self-governing  force  of  religion  within 
them  are  unprepared  for  freedom' — a  remark  which  the  subsequent  history 
of  France  itself  may  be  held  to  justify.  But  there  is  no  exaggerated 
declamation  against  the  horrors  of  the  Reign  of  Terror.  On  the  contrary, 
this  is  his  conclusion  :  '  The  Revolution  will  never  be  intelligibly  known 
to  us  until  we  discover  its  conformity  to  the  common  law,  and  recognize 
that  it  is  not  utterly  singular  and  exceptional,  that  other  scenes  have  been 
as  horrible  as  these,  and  many  men  as  bad.' 

To   the  casual  observer  the   Revolution   in   France  which  closed  the 

Acton:  The  French  Revolution         197 

eighteenth  century  may  seem  to  have  been  a  bolt  from  the  blue,  or,  as 
Lord  Acton  expresses  it,  a  'meteor  from  the  unknown.'  It  was  not  so 
to  him,  but  rather  the  product  of  historic  influences ;  and  it  is  with 
these  sources  from  which  it  sprang — the  causes  which  led  up  to  it — that 
his  opening  lectures  deal.  Among  the  heralds  of  the  Revolution  the 
author  includes  certain  French  writers  of  the  eighteenth  century  who 
contributed  by  the  promulgation  of  their  views  to  the  general  feeling  of 
dissatisfaction  with  things  as  they  were.  Whatever  tyranny  existed,  it 
does  not  appear  to  have  been  exerted,  as  in  more  recent  times  in  Russia,  in 
suppressing  a  free  expression  of  opinion.  It  seems  to  have  been  rather 
fashionable,  among  men  of  leisure  and  rank,  to  play  with  ideas  which, 
when  put  into  practice,  were  destined  to  make  quick  work  of  all 
fashionable  society. 

These  writers  were  by  no  means  of  one  type,  and  embraced  Christian 
divines,  lawyers,  philosophers,  and  politicians.  Maultrot,  an  ecclesiastical 
lawyer  whose  work  was  published  just  three  years  before  the  climax, 
identified  the  principles  of  1688  with  the  Canon  Law  and  rejected 
divine  right.  Fenelon  was,  says  Lord  Acton,  *  the  first  who  saw  through 
the  majestic  hypocrisy  of  the  court,  and  knew  that  France  was  on  the  road 
to  ruin.'  In  his  judgment,  *  power  is  poison  ;  and  as  kings  are  nearly 
always  bad,  they  ought  not  to  govern  but  only  to  execute  the  law.' 
D'Argenson,  Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  in  1745,  cwas  perpetually 
contriving  schemes  of  fundamental  change,  and  is  the  earliest  writer 
from  whom  we  can  extract  the  system  of  1789.'  The  influence  of 
such  men  as  Turgot  and  of  Rousseau,  himself  a  Swiss  and  an  upholder 
of  the  Swiss  Republic,  was  doubtless  great. 

But  there  was  another  influence  even  greater  than  that  of  individual 
writers.  It  was  to  be  found  in  the  fact  of  the  American  Republic.  In 
the  struggle  of  these  Colonies  against  Great  Britain  all  France  had 
sympathized,  since  it  was  a  struggle  against  her  ancient  enemy.  In  the 
success  which  followed  it  the  friends  of  freedom  in  France,  who  had 
been  somewhat  dreamy  and  speculative  over  the  subject,  saw  an  example 
of  theory  put  into  practice  and  a  nation  in  which  democracy  ruled  alone 
and  as  it  might  yet  do  in  their  own  country,  if  only  the  opportunity  arose. 
What  proved  ultimately  to  be  the  opportunity  did  not  seem  at  first  a 
likely  one.  *  The  confluence  of  French  theory  with  American  example 
caused  the  Revolution  to  break  out,  not  in  an  excess  of  irritation  and 
despair,  but  in  a  moment  of  better  feeling  between  the  nation  and  the 
king.'  The  calling  of  the  States  General,  a  constitutional  act  by  an 
amiable  king,  pointed  rather  to  an  improvement  in  the  existing  state  of 
things,  and  yet  that  convocation  was  the  beginning  of  the  end.  The 
king  wavered  between  the  aristocracy  and  the  people ;  his  weakness 
and  that  of  his  supporters  was  manifested;  and  the  masses  at  last  realized 
the  strength  which  lay  in  their  numbers,  and  that  their  former  tyrants 
were  really  in  their  power.  The  Bastille  fell,  and  the  revolt  became  a 

The  French  Revolution  was  for  a  long  time,  especially  in  this  country, 
identified  with  its  excesses.  It  was  not,  men  said,  a  revolution,  but  a 

198          Acton  :  The  French  Revolution 

reign  of  terror,  a  devilish  outburst  of  atheism  and  cruelty,  stained  by  the 
murder  of  a  good  king  and  a  beautiful  queen,  and  sending  into  exile  an 
ancient  aristocracy  whose  members  were  reduced  to  giving  music  and 
dancing  lessons,  or  teaching  their  own  language  so  as  to  earn  the  bare 
means  of  existence.  To  it  and  to  the  fears  which  it  aroused  are  to  be 
attributed  the  extravagances  of  men  like  our  own  Braxfield  and  the  dire 
fate  of  such  harmless  individuals  as  Thomas  Muir.  The  cause  of  reform 
was  set  back,  and  every  effort  to  ameliorate  the  condition  of  the  masses 
was  apt  to  be  identified  with  French  infidelity.  The  enemies  of  progress 
rejoiced.  But  we  trust  it  is  not  true,  as  stated  by  Lord  Acton,  that 
Pitt  refused  to  save  Louis  XVI.,  because  his  execution  would  have  raised  a 
storm  in  England  sufficient  to  submerge  the  Whigs. 

Yet  of  the  tyranny,  the  religious  hypocrisy,  the  preposterous  class 
privileges,  which  preceded  and  brought  about  the  Revolution,  one  heard 
little.  That  time  has  passed.  That  the  Revolutionary  party  committed 
terrible  mistakes  it  is  impossible  to  deny.  In  its  wild  efforts  to  secure 
liberty  it  for  a  time  destroyed  all  liberty,  and  the  country  only  exchanged 
one  tyranny  for  another.  Nevertheless,  the  cause  was  a  good  one.  Lord 
Acton  recognizes  a  much  weaker  right  in  the  Americans  to  rebel  than  that 
which  the  French  could  claim.  But  the  American  movement  resulted 
at  once  in  a  well-established  and  permanent  constitution,  while  the  French 
had  many  a  stormy  year  before  them  and  strange  experiences  in  the  way  of 
rulers.  For  they  took  from  the  Americans  'a  theory  of  revolution,  not 
a  theory  of  government.* 

To  deal  with  a  subject  such  as  this  in  the  course  of  a  few  lectures 
implies  much  compression  of  historical  detail,  yet  enough  has  been  given  to 
render  these  pages  bright  and  interesting,  although  men  will  seek  in  Lord 
Acton  the  able  expounder  of  principles  and  the  critic  of  men  and  measures 
rather  than  the  narrator  of  a  picturesque  story. 


ham, B.A.  Trin.  Coll.  Dublin,  of  Girton  College,  Cambridge.  With 
an  Appendix  containing  a  reprint  of  Des  Finances  de  I 'Angleterre.  By 
H.  Lasalle.  Pp.  vi,  146.  Crown  8vo.  Cambridge  :  University  Press. 
1910.  2s.  nett. 

A  SIDE  of  Napoleon's  policy  which  has  been  subjected  to  much  adverse 
criticism  is  the  Continental  System,  the  attack  on  British  trade  by  attempt- 
ing to  close  Continental  ports  to  British  merchants  and  goods  ;  while  he 
was  pursuing  this  policy  he  is  said  to  have  committed  a  great  blunder  by 
allowing  corn  to  be  imported  into  Britain  in  1810,  when  the  country  was 
greatly  in  need  of  it.  Miss  Cunningham  has  taken  up  this  aspect  of  the 
Napoleonic  Wars,  with  the  object  of  shewing  that,  though  the  Emperor's 
project  failed,  it  was  not  a  great  mistake  based  upon  obsolete  mercantilist 
theories,  but  a  well-considered  attempt  to  undermine  the  whole  fabric  of 
British  credit  by  depleting  the  gold  reserve  in  the  Bank  of  England,  and 
thus  to  attain  indirectly  the  object  which  the  Trafalgar  victory  had  shewn 
him  could  not  be  accomplished  by  a  direct  attack. 

Cunningham  :   British  Credit  199 

Miss  Cunningham  gives  an  interesting  account  of  contemporary  French 
opinion  on  the  subject  of  finance.  Neither  past  experience  nor  the  writings 
of  pamphleteers,  Paine,  D'Hauterive,  etc.,  inclined  the  French  people  to  put 
much  confidence  in  a  system  of  public  borrowing  or  in  any  connection 
between  the  government  and  the  banks.  Lasalle,  whose  Des  Finances  de 
F Angleterre,  in  which  the  facts  and  figures  are  taken  from  recognised  British 
authorities,  is  printed  in  the  appendix,  makes  a  careful  examination  into  the 
position  of  the  Bank,  which  he  thinks  had  been  practically  insolvent  since 
the  suspension  of  cash  payments  in  1797.  The  writer  most  in  touch  with 
Napoleon  was  De  Guer,  who  as  an  tmigr£  had  studied  British  finance  at 
first  hand.  He  points  out  the  danger  of  an  excessive  issue  of  paper  money, 
and  shews  that  Britain  has  difficulty  in  paying  subsidies  and  supplying  her 
armies  in  countries  where  she  has  no  commercial  credit,  and  must  either 
lose  on  her  foreign  exchanges  or  export  specie. 

Napoleon  himself,  though  not  a  financier,  held  strong  views  as  to  the 
harmfulness  of  a  weak  gold  reserve,  of  public  borrowing  and  paper  currency, 
all  of  which  he  saw  existing  in  Britain.  In  1806,  therefore,  he  began  his 
attack  on  British  credit  by  the  issue  of  the  Berlin  Decree,  followed  by  the 
Milan  Decree,  aiming  at  keeping  British  goods  out  of  the  Continent ;  and 
he  also  allowed  the  import  of  corn,  because  he  thought  specie  must  be 
exported  to  pay  for  it.  The  decrees  could  not  be  strictly  carried  out,  and 
the  defection  of  Russia  ruined  the  scheme,  but,  even  so,  the  results  were 
severely  felt  in  Britain.  There  was  great  distress,  many  bankruptcies, 
much  unemployment,  supplies  of  gold  were  hard  to  get,  and  expenses  for 
the  armies  abroad  were  difficult  to  meet,  and  the  Bank  reserve  fell  from 
^7,855,470  in  1808  to  £2,036,910  in  1815.  Nevertheless  the  attempt  was 
a  failure,  and  British  credit  was  not  undermined.  Miss  Cunningham 
attributes  this  chiefly  to  the  prosperity  of  agriculture  during  the  period,  to 
the  facilities  for  trade  with  other  countries  than  Europe,  and  to  the  confi- 
dence of  the  people  in  the  stability  of  the  Government.  She  points  the 
moral  that,  though  Napoleon  failed,  our  credit  system  is  far  more  complex 
now,  and  that  its  fall  would  be  correspondingly  greater.  Therefore,  we 
should  see  to  it  that  our  reserve  is  sufficient  and  our  financial  position  secure. 
Miss  Cunningham  has  given  an  interesting  study  of  a  very  important  period 
in  our  financial  history. 


OF  ST.  NICHOLAS.  By  William  Gemmell,  M.B.,  F.S.A.  Pp.  171. 
With  Illustrations.  Crown  8vo.  Glasgow :  Hay  Nisbet  &  Co., 
Ld.  1910.  35  6d.  nett. 

WHEN,  a  few  years  ago,  the  public  began  to  hear  about  a  pre-reforma- 
tion  house  as  still  existing  in  Glasgow,  many  people — including  the 
present  writer — were  very  doubtful  about  this.  Those  who  have  seen 
the  great  changes  and  transformations  of  the  last  forty  years,  within 
which  period  the  city  has  been  almost  rebuilt,  might  well  be  excused 
for  their  scepticism,  even  after  a  passing  glance  at  the  house.  As  seen 

200  Gemmell  :  The  Story  of  Provand's  Lordship 

from  the  outside,  it  would  hardly  strike  the  ordinary  passer-by  as  much 
different  from  houses  of  a  later  time  to  be  seen  in  many  provincial 
towns  and  villages  where  the  exigencies  of  modern  life  are  not  so  pressing 
as  in  a  great  city. 

But  a  minute  inspection  of  the  house  all  round  and  throughout,  presents 
certain  features  which  could  not  but  arrest  the  attention  of  an  antiquary  or 
architect  who  had  knowledge  of  domestic  architecture.  It  contains  features 
which  are  not  of  the  ordinary  kind,  to  be  found  in  old  town  family 

The  plan  at  once  suggests  that  this  house  was  not  built  for  a  family  one, 
although  it  has  been  altered  in  later  times  and  made  suitable  for  this 
purpose;  but  rather  as  the  common  residence  of  members  belonging  to 
some  ecclesiastical  establishment,  and  that  it  was  such  a  house  is  clearly 
shewn  in  this  volume,  in  which  Dr.  Gemmell  writes  of  its  geographical  posi- 
tion, and  the  documentary  evidence  connected  with  it,  and  Mr.  Whitelaw 
of  its  architecture.  The  house  is  three  storeys  high,  with  three  rooms 
on  each  storey,  separated  by  thick  walls  and  approached  by  a  stair, 
from  the  landing  of  which  each  mid-room  enters,  the  other  two  rooms 
being  reached  by  projecting  timber  galleries  such  as  were  frequently 
used  in  our  old  castles  and  houses.  In  references  to  the  middle  storey, 
these  rooms  are  spoken  about  in  1589  as  the  'north-mid  chalmer'  and  the 
{ south  mid-chalmer,'  by  the  occupant  of  the  mid-chalmer. 

From  the  situation  of  the  house  in  relation  to  the  Cathedral  and  to 
the  bishop's  palace,  the  outer  wall  of  which  was  within  a  few  yards 
distance,  Dr.  Gemmell  identifies  it  as  the  manse  or  clergy-house  of  the 
Hospital  of  St.  Nicholas,  and  for  the  priests  serving  at  the  altars  of  the 
same  in  the  Cathedral,  and  also  for  the  Prebendary  of  Balernock.  This 
hospital  was  founded  by  Bishop  Andrew  Muirhead  in  1471,  and,  as 
the  name  implies,  it  served  the  purpose  of  a  modern  inn  for  the  reception 
of  travellers  and  strangers.  By  a  piece  of  good  luck  the  arms  of  the 
bishop  can  still  be  seen  carved  on  the  building,  thus  practically  dating 
the  principal  portion.  On  the  rear  of  the  house  another  stone  bears 
the  date  1670,  shewing,  what  the  architectural  features  also  shew,  that 
this  part  is  later.  This  is  further  confirmed  by  a  sundial,  which  could 
hardly  be  earlier  than  the  seventeenth  century.  Some  of  the  other 
details,  such  as  the  fireplaces,  clearly  confirm  these  two  periods. 

Such  is  the  house  which,  amid  the  ever-changing  scenes  of  Glasgow, 
has  survived  all  the  ups  and  downs  of  more  than  four  centuries  and  come 
down  to  our  day  almost  alone.  From  this  most  interesting  volume  by  Dr. 
Gemmell  and  his  coadjutors  we  learn  that  the  house  was  in  danger  of 
being  swept  away  when  a  few  gentlemen,  in  the  name  of  The  Provand's 
Lordship  Club,  purchased  it  and  so  saved  it  from  immediate  destruction. 
Their  venture  was  not  a  commercial  speculation,  but  an  effort  to  uphold 
the  dignity  of  the  city  as  an  ancient  and  historical  one.  And  this  book  on 
the  history  of  its  oldest  house  should  receive  a  warm  welcome.  It  is  well 
illustrated,  and  has  a  good  index. 

THOMAS  Ross. 

Cobb  :    The  Rationale  of  Ceremonial     201 

THE  RATIONALE  OF  CEREMONIAL,  1540-1543.  Edited  by  Cyril  S. 
Cobb,  M.A.,  B.C.L.  Alcuin  Club  Collections,  XVIII.  Pp.  Ixxv,  80. 
With  Illustrations.  8vo.  London  :  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.  1910. 
I  os. 

LITURGICAL  students  who  recognise  the  debt  of  gratitude  they  owe  to 
the  Alcuin  Club  for  giving  them  access  to  original  sources  of  information 
will  welcome  the  above  work.  In  this  case  the  sources  are  two  MSS., 
one  at  Lambeth  and  the  other  in  the  British  Museum.  The  interest  of 
the  Rationale  lies  not  only  in  itself,  but  also  in  that  it  opens  the  door  to 
a  comparison  between  the  Reformation  movement  in  England  and  in 
Germany.  This  is  admirably  dealt  with  by  Mr.  Cobb  in  his  Introduc- 
tion. Erasmus,  in  deploring  the  destructive  violence  that  accompanied 
the  Reformation  abroad,  asked,  '  Is  there  no  middle  course  ? '  Something 
of  this  middle  course  was  indicated  by  the  Rationale.  It  was  not,  it  is 
true,  a  revision  of  the  old  services,  but  it  was  an  attempt  to  give  them  a 
higher  religious  value  by  making  them  more  intelligible  to  the  people.  It 
distinguished  between  things  '  necessary  for  a  Christian  man's  life '  and 

*  rites  and  ceremonies  devised  by  men,'  and  it  sought  to  remove  the  danger 
of  superstition  by  explaining  the  inner  meaning  of  externalism. 

A  study  of  Appendix  I.  will  show  the  student  that  its  desire  to  popularise, 
in  the  best  sense  of  the  term,  public  worship,  was  both  in  keeping  with  the 
traditions  of  the  Church  of  England  as  well  as  with  the  tone  of  con- 
temporary religious  literature. 

Though  now  printed  for  the  first  time,  it  has  an  importance  that  is  due 
to  its  probable  date.  While  not  unmindful  of  present  evils,  nor  lacking  in 
insistence  upon  that  spiritual  character  of  Religion,  which  was  the  essence 
of  the  Reformation,  it  exemplifies  that  desire  for  continuity  which  charac- 
terised Anglican  Reform,  and  which  justifies  Mr.  Cobb's  statement  that 

*  there  is  nothing  in  the  Rationale  which  the  English  Church  cannot  accept 

Facsimiles  are  included  of  some  of  the  handwritings  of  the  two  MSS., 
together  with  other  interesting  matter.  The  footnotes  betoken  wide 
reading.  This  work  is  a  real  and  valuable  contribution  to  learning. 


BERCY.  Par  M.  Lucien  Lambeau.  Pp.  506.  4to.  With  Illustrations. 
Paris  :  Ernest  Leroux.  1910.  12  fr.  50. 

THIS  volume  is  the  first  of  a  series  of  monographs  planned  by  the  General 
Council  of  the  Seine,  which  are  to  collect  and  combine  the  available 
materials  into  a  history  of  the  communes  which  were  united  to  Paris  in 
1859  up  till  the  time  of  their  annexation.  That  the  author  is  well  qualified 
for  his  task  is  amply  proved. 

The  district  of  Bercy  lies  to  the  south-east  of  Paris,  on  the  right  bank 
of  the  Seine,  and  M.  Lambeau  gives  a  full  account  of  its  topography  from 
the  fourteenth  century  onwards,  with  accompanying  plans.  The  owners 
and  tenants  of  the  various  sections,  some  of  them  distinguished  names  in 

202  Lambeau  :   Bercy 

the  annals  of  France,  are  fully  discussed,  as  also  the  Seigneurie,  with 
the  chateau  and  its  treasures.  The  town  of  Bercy  and  its  social,  political, 
industrial,  and  ecclesiastical  history  naturally  occupies  the  greater  part  of 
the  book.  It  was  formed  into  a  commune  in  1790,  and  then  in  1859, 
with  the  other  neighbouring  communes,  became  incorporated  with  Paris. 

M.  Lambeau's  volume  is  thus  full  of  information  on  the  growth  of 
municipal  and  communal  institutions,  the  progress  of  industry  in  a  suburban 
township,  and  the  gradual  establishment  of  ecclesiastical  foundations.  The 
great  princes  of  the  sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries  were  intimately 
associated  with  the  history  of  Bercy,  and  they  import  a  hint  of  splendour 
and  romance  into  the  author's  sober  narrative. 

A  point  of  modern  interest  lies  in  the  frequent  references  in  the 
sixteenth,  seventeenth,  and  eighteenth  century  records  to  the  flooding  of 
the  Seine,  which  from  time  to  time  caused  great  distress  and  damage  to  the 
town  and  its  occupants  :  the  river  sometimes  rose  to  a  height  of  24  feet ; 
and  in  1658  the  castle  and  park  were  submerged. 

A  valuable  section  of  the  volume  is  the  appendix,  containing  '  Pieces 
Justificatives '  from  the  National  Archives,  upon  which  much  of  M. 
Lambeau's  history  is  founded.  The  illustrations  are  numerous  and  finely 

executed.  . .,          T 


author  of  A  Life  of  Sir  Kenelm  Digby.  Pp.  xi,  287.  With 
14  Illustrations.  8vo.  London:  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.  1910. 
I  os.  6d.  nett. 

THE  Duke  and  Duchess  of  Newcastle  are  among  the  most  interesting 
figures  in  Caroline  history.  The  friend  of  Hobbes,  the  patron  of  Ben 
Jonson,  Newcastle  was  also  for  a  while  tutor  to  Charles  II.,  while  he 
played  a  stirring  part  in  the  great  Civil  War,  and  probably  spent  more  on 
behalf  of  the  royal  cause  than  any  other  cavalier.  It  is  true  that  nowadays 
his  writings  are  but  little  known,  but  his  book  on  horsemanship  was  highly 
esteemed  in  its  own  day;  while  his  work  as  dramatist  won  this  distinction, 
at  least,  that  selections  therefrom  were  included  by  Charles  Lamb  in  his 
memorable  anthology,  Specimens  of  English  dramatic  Poets  who  lived  about 
the  Time  of  Shakespeare.  A  kindred  reason  gives  interest  to  the  Duchess, 
for,  albeit  some  of  her  contemporaries  regarded  her  as  mad,  and  although 
Pepys  speaks  of  her  with  singular  scorn,  her  memory  was  dearly  beloved 
of  Elia,  who  mentions  her  with  affectionate  admiration  in  many  of  his 
essays  and  letters. 

Save  for  a  few  quotations  from  the  Welbeck  MSS.,  the  biography  now 
before  us  does  not  set  forth  any  documents  likely  to  be  unknown  to  the 
average  student  of  history ;  and,  in  the  main,  it  is  based  on  comparatively 
familiar  authorities.  But  granting  this  limitation,  the  book  really  fulfils 
its  purpose  remarkably  well;  for  it  narrates  Newcastle's  career  in  such  a 
fashion  as  to  make  the  more  important  events  stand  out  clearly,  while  it 
pays  particular  attention  to  such  of  these  events  as  were  misrepresented  by 
the  Duchess  in  her  life  of  her  husband,  and  frequently  serves  to  fill  up 

First  Duke  and  Duchess  of  Newcastle     203 

gaps  which  were  left  by  the  noble  authoress.  For  instance,  the  Duchess 
gives  only  a  short  paragraph  to  Newcastle's  teaching  of  Charles  II.,  and 
therein  depicts  him  as  in  every  way  a  perfect  tutor;  but  the  work  at 
present  in  question  deals  with  this  subject  at  length,  and,  besides  furnish- 
ing many  fascinating  personal  details,  shows  that  in  some  respects 
Newcastle  was  positively  Machiavellian  in  his  training  of  the  royal  pupil. 
This  admirable  tone  of  fairness  characterizes  the  entire  volume.  The 
anthor  is  no  hero-worshipper,  but  aims  throughout  at  veracity,  and  deals 
frankly  alike  with  failings  and  with  merits.  Nor  is  this  true  only  as 
regards  what  he  says  of  the  Newcastles  themselves,  for  it  marks  also  all 
that  he  writes  of  Charles  I.  and  Henrietta  Maria,  while  it  distinguishes 
his  handling  of  the  political  history  of  the  period,  in  which  particular  he 
does  not  betray  predilections  for  either  royalists  or  puritans. 


1702).  By  Richard  Lodge,  M.A.,  LL.D.  [The  Political  History 
of  England.  In  12  volumes.  Edited  by  William  Hunt,  D.Litt., 
and  Reginald  L.  Poole,  M.A.,  LL.D.  Vol.  VIII.]  Pp.  xix,  517. 
Demy  8vo.  London  :  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.  1910.  75.  6d.  nett. 

THE  period  covered  by  this  volume  has  been  partially  dealt  with  by 
Lingard  and  fully  by  Ranke.  It  has  also  been  treated  by  Hallam  in 
his  Constitutional  History ,  which  takes  constant  account  of  *  politics.' 
Macaulay's  History^  as  Professor  Lodge  notes,  still  dominates  the  public 

Professor  Lodge  is  of  the  school  of  Ranke  rather  than  of  Macaulay. 
His  volume  has  none  of  the  premeditated  brilliance  of  the  great 
Whig  historian;  it  is  free  from  that  l stamping  emphasis'  of  which 
Lord  Morley  once  complained.  But  the  style  fits  the  subject,  being 
concise  yet  supple  ;  it  is  laudably  free  from  needless  rhetoric,  being  set 
rather  in  the  *  scientific'  key.  The  order  of  treatment  of  the  subjects 
(which  cannot  always  be  chronological)  could  hardly  be  bettered.  Foreign 
politics  are  brought  into  adequate  relation  to  the  main  theme,  while  the 
position  in  Scotland  and  Ireland  at  the  various  crises  is  sketched  lucidly 
and  with  liberal  insight. 

It  seems  to  us,  however,  that  there  is  something  rather  grudging,  if 
not  indeed  confusing,  in  the  final  estimate  of  William.  He  is  rated 
as  having  no  superior  among  his  English  predecessors,  but  is  forbidden 
to  take  his  place  among  the  greatest,  not  because  of  inherent  inferiority 
or  any  real  sacrifice  of  English  to  Dutch  interests,  but  simply  because 
he  was  not  an  Englishman.  This  seems  to  us  taking  away  with  one 
hand  what  was  being  given  with  the  other.  As  William's  place  in 
history  is  to  be  judged  by  his  actual  achievement  (the  comparative  merit 
of  which  Professor  Lodge  does  not  dispute)  can  his  mere  Dutch  descent 
and  attachment  form  such  discounting  elements  ? 

Altogether  the  volume  is  a  most  welcome  contribution  to  the  literature 
of  the  subject,  and  should  find  a  place  in  the  front  rank  of  the  studies 

204    Lodge:   History  of  England,  1660-1702 

of  a  period  that  is  extremely  interesting  but  difficult  to  handle  because 
of  its  *  unstable  equilibrium.' 

Besides  containing  a  list  of  authorities,  the  book  has  a  good  index,  and 
is  supplied  with  maps  showing  the  English  colonization  of  North  America 
and  illustrating  William's  campaigns. 

A.  R.  COWAN. 

A  HISTORY  OF  ABINGDON.  By  James  Townsend,  M.A.  Pp.  183. 
With  Illustrations.  410.  London :  Henry  Frowde.  1910.  75.  6d. 

dbbendonensibus  Abbendonensh  hoc  opusculum.  Mr.  Townsend's  dedication  at 
once  gives  the  clue  to  both  the  merits  and  defects  of  his  book.  Strong  local 
interest  is  its  most  striking  feature.  It  is  right  and  pleasant  that  an 
Abingdon  scholar  should  write  the  history  of  Abingdon  school,  and  that 
Abingdon  churches  should  find  a  chronicler  in  one  who  has  himself  heard 
the  c  peal  of  great  sweetness '  from  their  bells.  At  the  same  time  the  path 
of  the  local  historian  is  beset  with  pitfalls,  and  a  town  history  dealing  with 
a  period  of  twelve  centuries  is  a  difficult  task.  On  the  whole,  Mr.  Town- 
send's book  belongs  rather  to  the  old  than  the  new  school  of  historical 
writing,  and  is  not  altogether  free  from  some  defects  of  the  older  method. 
First  and  worst  of  these  is  the  tendency  to  rely  upon  secondary  rather  than 
primary  sources  of  information.  A  glance  through  the  authorities  referred 
to  in  the  footnotes  of  the  present  work  at  once  suggests  this  criticism.  One 
example  may  be  given.  An  interesting  episode  in  Abingdon  history  was 
an  attack  made  on  the  abbey  in  1327,  'in  warlike  manner.'  Walls  were 
broken,  houses  were  burnt,  vestments,  chalices,  church  ornaments  were 
stolen,  while  the  sick  prior  was  dragged  off  to  Bagley,  and  threatened  with 
the  loss  of  his  head  if  he  would  not  do  what  his  assailants  wanted.  Under 
this  compulsion  the  latter  secured  various  deeds,  one  binding  the  abbey  and 
convent  to  them  in  ^1000,  others  conferring  certain  privileges,  among 
them  the  right  to  have  a  provost  and  bailiffs  for  the  custody  of  the  town,  to 
be  elected  annually  by  themselves.  Mr.  Townsend  quotes  in  full  the 
account  given  by  Anthony  Wood  in  his  History  of  Oxford,  written  in  the 
seventeenth  century.  This  he  supplements  by  rather  casual  reference  to 
4  state  papers  of  Edward  III.'  to  '  Edward  III.,  patentrolls '  (no  page  refer- 
ence) and  to  a  passage  in  the  Chronicles  of  Edward  I.  and  11.  (Rolls  Series) 
i.  345.  This  method  is  putting  the  cart  before  the  horse.  There  is  plenty 
of  contemporary  material  for  an  account.  The  printed  calendars  of  Patent 
and  Close  Rolls  (especially  Cal.  Pat.Rolls,  1327-1330,  pp.  151,  210,  221, 
222,  287,  288,  289,  526,  559)  contain  the  series  of  commissions  of  oyer 
and  terminer  set  up  to  investigate  the  matter,  as  well  as  letters  taking  the 
abbey  under  royal  protection.  Primary  sources  such  as  these  should  have 
been  thoroughly  '  despoiled  ' — to  use  the  expressive  phrase  of  a  French 
historian — before  secondary  authorities  were  cited. 

On  page  27  Mr.  Townsend  quotes  from  Mr.  J.  R.  Green's  Short  History 
a  tale  of  the  sufferings  of  two  Brothers  Minor  at  a  grange  belonging  to 
Abingdon  Abbey.  *  Grancia,'  by  the  way,  finds  a  closer  equivalent  in  c  cell ' 

Townsend  :   A  History  of  Abingdon       205 

— that  is,  a  dependent  house.  It  would  have  been  worth  while  to  seek  out 
the  original,  though  Green  does  not  indicate  the  source,  if  only  to  read  the 
very  characteristic  visions  and  retribution  with  which  the  story  closes.  It  may 
be  found  in  Bartholomew  of  Pisa's  Liber  Conformitatum^  and  appears  as  an 
appendix  in  Mr.  A.  G.  Little's  recent  edition  of  the  De  Jldventu  Fratrum 
Minorum  in  dngliam,  or,  Englished,  in  Father  Cuthbert's  translation  of  the 
same  work. 

The  history  of  the  great  abbey  forms  a  large  and  interesting  part  of  the 
book,  though  a  few  of  Mr.  Townsend's  obiter  dicta  concerning  monasticism 
might  give  a  captious  critic  opportunities.  Medieval  monasticism  knew 
nothing  of  the  'cell'  in  the  modern  sense.  It  is  therefore  unwise  to  say 
that  Blaecman  built  a  church  'with  monastic  cells.'  Freeman  (Norman 
Conquest^  iv.  143-4,  n.)  and  the  Abingdon  Chronicle  (Rolls  Series),  1.474,  are 
cited  as  authorities,  but  Freeman,  translating  the  chronicler's  phrase  c  ad 
monachorum  formam  habitaculorum '  as  '  buildings  of  a  monastic  pattern,' 
avoided  the  trap  into  which  the  present  author  falls. 

Mr.  Townsend's  book  is  full  of  patient  work,  interesting  detail  and  an 
enthusiasm  which  goes  far  to  excuse  both  some  amateurishness  of  treatment, 
and  a  few  easily  remediable  defects  such  as  those  mentioned  above. 
*  L'amour  est  la  veritable  clef  de  1'histoire,'  said  M.  Sabatier.  If  so,  Mr. 
Townsend  will  not  find  many  closed  doors. 

The  facsimiles  of  documents,  which  have  been  chosen  in  place  of  more 

conventional  illustrations,  are  admirable.  TT 


THE  YEAR  1908.  In  two  Volumes.  Vol.  I.  8vo.  Pp.  539. 
Washington  :  Government  Printing  Office.  1909. 

So  numerous  are  the  papers  and  so  extensive  the  material  in  the  yearly 
report  of  the  American  Historical  Association  that  its  publication  (usually 
later  than  its  nominal  date)  loses  nothing  by  keeping.  The  present  volume 
registers  discussions  on  the  relations  of  geography  to  history,  on  teaching 
methods,  on  research  in  English  history  and  on  American  and  colonial  and 
revolutionary  history.  Special  articles  also  deal  with  census  records  as 
historical  and  economic  data,  and  with  the  American  newspapers  of  the 
eighteenth  century  as  sources  of  information.  Citations  establish  the  deep 
interest  of  contemporary  journals,  which  are  not  only  stocked  with  domestic 
fact  from  1704  onward,  but  reach  the  tragic  point  in  the  Revolution  time. 
Perhaps  one  chief  characteristic  of  such  evidence  scarcely  receives  due 
attention  ;  that  is  the  fact  that  its  short  views,  its  day  to  day  register,  and  its 
futility  in  foresight,  emphasise  the  occurrence  of  the  unexpected  in  the 
actual  course  of  events. 

History  in  this  diary  form,  in  which  to-day's  fact  is  not  coloured  by 
to-morrow's  result,  probably  has  possibilities  far  beyond  current  estimates 
of  historical  method.  Most  writers  of  history  deal  with  the  beginning  as 
a  part  of  the  end.  The  other  way  about,  where  to-morrow  is  not  assumed, 
has  much  to  say  for  itself,  and  in  that  mode  newspaper  evidence  is  invalu- 
able, if  not  supreme. 

206    Report  of  American  Historical  Association 

Military  history  receives  its  due  in  a  triple  criticism  of  the  Wilderness 
campaign,  a  general,  who  was  a  participant,  discussing  Grant's  conduct  of 
it  and  insisting  on  Lee's  'one  fatal  blunder';  a  colonel  condemning  Grant's 
'hammering  tactics'  and  praising  Lee's  superior  skill ;  and  a  major  holding 
between  the  two  a  balance  heavily  leaning  to  Lee's  side. 

Many  very  important  facts  are  garnered  in  (i)  an  elaborate  series  of 
reports  on  archives  of  Maine,  Missouri  and  Washington ;  and  (2)  a 
list  of  journals  and  acts  of  the  thirteen  original  colonies  and  the  Floridas 
preserved  in  the  Record  Office  in  London.  The  hundred  pages  of  this  list 
strikingly  show  how  great  a  labour  was  the  substructure  and  administration 
of  the  American  States  before  the  Revolution. 

FROM  METTERNICH  TO  BISMARCK.  A  Text-Book  of  European  History, 
1815-1878.  By  L.  Cecil  Jane.  Pp.  288.  With  Plans  and  Maps. 
Crown  8vo.  Oxford  :  Clarendon  Press.  1910.  45.  6d. 

THIS  account  of  sixty-three  years  of  European  history  covers  the  difficult 
period  from  the  re-settlement  under  the  Holy  Alliance  to  the  entirely  new 
era  of  Nationality.  To  say  that  it  is  well  and  carefully  written  is  to  say 
little.  Metternich's  position  and  outlook  is  treated  with  an  insight  and 
sympathy  that  can  only  come  from  real  knowledge  and  study,  and  the 
gradual  growth  of  the  claims  of  Nationalities  and  of  the  recognition  by  the 
European  Powers  of  the  Republican  Idea  is  exceedingly  well  brought  out. 
The  writer's  account  of  the  affairs  of  France  is  usually  very  happy,  although 
the  childlessness  of  the  Due  de  Berri  (p.  26)  is  a  misleading  phrase,  and  the 
description  of  the  accession  of  Louis  Philippe,  '  The  Paris  crowds  wanted 
loaves  of  bread ;  they  received  a  citizen  king,  his  family,  cash  boxes,  and 
umbrella,'  is  a  true  refrain  from  Thackeray.  The  rise  of  Bismarck  and 
his  system  is  also  excellently  recounted,  and  the  whole  book  is  one  that 
gives  instructive  pleasure  to  its  readers. 

London  Incident  of  the  Year  1743.  Compiled  and  edited  by  W.  D. 
MacWilliam.  Pp.  cxxviii,  237.  With  Illustrations.  4to.  London : 
Forster,  Groom  &  Co.,  Ltd.  1910.  I2S.  6d. 

THE  mutiny  of  the  Black  Watch  in  1743  had,  in  the  editor's  opinion, 
no  inconsiderable  influence  upon  the  Jacobite  rising  which  we  now  know 
as  'The  '45.'  The  regimental  records  have  for  long  been  lost,  and  for 
this  reason  he  prints  verbatim  all  the  military  records  on  the  subject  which 
have  been  disinterred  after  a  long  search  in  the  Public  Record  Office,  and 
other  original  papers  as  well.  In  the  long  introduction  he  lays  great  stress 
on  the  fear  expressed,  by  Lord  President  Forbes  of  Culloden,  that  if  the 
Black  Watch  were  sent  abroad  in  1743  it  would  cause  great  dissatisfaction 
in  Scotland,  left  then  without  its  Highland  guard.  He  seems  to  think 
that  the  regiment,  having  really  enlisted  for  home  service  in  1739,  was 
thoroughly  hoodwinked  about  the  reasons  why  they  were  marched  to 
London,  and  it  is  certain  that  during  this  march  many  deserted. 

Mutiny  in  the  Black  Watch  207 

The  order  to  embark  for  foreign  service  was  the  last  straw,  and  part  of 
the  regiment,  which  never  fancied  it  was  to  serve  out  of  its  native  hills, 
promptly  proceeded  to  try  to  march  back  there.  The  men  were  stopped 
by  a  pursuing  force  at  Lady  Wood,  near  Oundle,  and  after  fruitless  delays 
surrendered,  and  were  taken,  pinioned,  to  the  Tower  of  London.  A 
court  martial  of  the  kind  in  vogue  followed,  and  all  were  condemned  to 
death.  This  sentence  was,  however,  commuted  to  transportation  to 
regiments  abroad,  except  in  the  case  of  three  of  the  ringleaders — two 
Macphersons  and  a  Shaw. 

The  Highlands  were  thus  denuded  of  their  native  garrison,  and  soon 
were  seething  with  discontent ;  and  the  Macphersons — two  of  whose  clan 
had  been  shot  (as  we  have  seen)  as  leaders  of  the  mutiny — played  a 
gallant  part  in  support  of  Prince  Charlie  in  1745-6.  The  book,  which 
has  considerable  value  in  regimental  history,  is  dedicated  to  the  l  Brave 
Highlanders '  who  were  *  victims  of  deception  and  tyranny,  nominatim," 
and  to  the  three  humane  English  officers  connected  with  them. 

BACON  is  SHAKE-SPEARE.  By  Sir  Edwin  Durning-Lawrence,  Bt.  Together 
with  a  Reprint  of  Bacon's  Promus  of  Formularies  and  Elegancies. 
Pp.  xiv,  286.  With  Illustrations.  8vo.  London  :  Gay  &  Hancock, 
Ltd.  1910.  2s.  6d.  nett. 

YET  another  lawyer  has  taken  up  the  case  of  Bacon  versus  Shakespeare. 
Sir  Edwin  Durning-Lawrence — we  are  told  in  a  paper  sent  out  with  this 
book — is  a  member  of  the  bar,  an  LL.B.,  and  a  J.P.  And  here  is  a  speci- 
men of  his  evidence  and  proof:  'The  mighty  author  of  the  immortal 
plays  was  gifted  with  the  most  brilliant  genius  ever  conferred  upon  man. 
He  possessed  an  intimate  and  accurate  acquaintance,  which  could  not  have 
been  artificially  acquired,  with  all  the  intricacies  and  mysteries  of  Court 
life.  He  had  by  study  obtained  nearly  all  the  learning  that  could  be  gained 
from  books.  And  he  had  by  travel  and  experience  acquired  a  knowledge 
of  cities  and  of  men  that  has  never  been  surpassed.  Who  was  in  existence 
at  that  period  who  could  by  any  possibility  be  supposed  to  be  this  universal 
genius  ?  In  the  days  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  for  the  first  time  in  human 
history,  one  such  man  appeared,  the  man  who  is  described  as  the  marvel 
and  mystery  of  the  age,  and  this  was  the  man  known  to  us  under  the  name 
of  Francis  Bacon.'  The  volume  will  serve  as  a  good  introduction  to 
Baconianism.  It  presents  a  collection  of  Baconian  ingenuities,  exhibited — 
we  believe — in  all  seriousness.  If  the  reader  has  a  taste  for  figures,  let  him 
see  how  Bacon's  authorship  is  l  proved  mechanically  in  a  short  chapter  on 
the  long  word  Honorificabilitudinitatibus.'  This,  the  I5ist  word  on  the 
1 36th  page  of  the  First  Folio,  is  an  obvious  anagram  for  *  Hi  ludi  F.  Baconis 
nati  tuiti  orbi  '—which  is  *  a  correct  Latin  hexameter,'  and  means,  '  These 
plays,  F.  Bacon's  offspring,  are  preserved  for  the  world.'  Those  who  do 
not  enjoy  the  Baconian  ingenuities  may  find  some  interest  in  the  illustra- 
tions. What  serious  value  the  book  has  lies  in  them,  and  in  the  reprint  of 
Bacon's  Promus^  which  has  been  '  collated  with  the  original  MS.  by  the 
late  F.  B.  Bickley,  and  revised  by  F.  A.  Herbert  of  the  British  Museum.' 

208  North-Eastern  Scottish  Dialect 

HISTORICAL  BASIS.  By  Heinrich  Mutschmann.  8vo.  Pp.  x,  88. 
Bonn  :  Peter  Hanstein.  1909. 

A  DOCTORATE  thesis  in  the  University  of  Bonn,  this  study  of  northern 
Scottish  appears  as  one  of  the  Bonn  studies  in  English  philology  under  the 
general  editorship  of  Professor  Biilbring  whose  student  the  author  was. 
Now  holding  an  educational  appointment  in  England,  he  bids  fair  to  prove 
a  valuable  auxiliary  in  our  midst  to  the  German  wing  of  philological 
research  into  British  dialect.  His  investigation  starts  from  the  basis  of  the 
dialect  as,  conjecturally,  it  existed  about  the  year  1300;  he  claims  to 
have  formulated  for  the  first  time  a  *  sound-law,'  that  'the  regular  repre- 
sentative of  Middle  Scots  au  is  d*  :  we  observe  that  his  own  examples 
prove  a  very  healthy  and  numerous  family  of  exceptions.  He  indicates 
the  importance  of  Scandinavian  and  Celtic  influence  respectively.  His 
observations  on  'Polite  Scotch'  as  a  disintegrating  factor  of  dialect  are 
shrewd,  and  are  results  of  first-hand  examination.  The  whole  thesis 
attests  an  acute  and  industrious  application  of  the  current  German  technical 
method — often  not  over-illuminating  to  us  home-keepers — to  the  analysis 
of  dialect.  But  it  is  difficult  to  rest  content  with  a  'historical  basis' 
itself  based  on  a  conjecture  as  to  what  the  dialect  was  in  1300. 

(Portfolio  I.  The  xi  Century ;  Portfolio  II.  The  xn  Century ; 
Portfolio  III.  The  xin  Century ;  Portfolio  IV.  The  xiv  Century  ; 
Portfolio  V.  The  xiv  and  xv  Centuries ;  Portfolio  VI.  The  xv 
Century).  Drawn  and  described  by  T.  C.  Barfield.  London : 
Longmans,  Green  &  Co.  1910.  Price  2s.  6d.  nett  each  portfolio. 

A  SERIES  of  pictorial  charts  of  architecture,  costume,  and  manners  from 
the  eleventh  century  to  the  fifteenth  hardly  needs  assurance  of  welcome, 
when  the  work  of  delineation  and  description  has  been  discriminatingly 
and  intelligently  done.  Mr.  Barfield's  drawings,  in  which  early  buildings 
have  a  becoming  prominence,  are  adequately  touched  with  the  archaeo- 
logical spirit,  and  strive  to  make  the  past  as  far  as  possible  yield  an 
autobiographical  record.  The  evolution  of  war,  the  Church,  and  the  people, 
is  exhibited  in  all  the  manifold  and  changing  forms  of  feudal  life.  Ecclesi- 
asticism  in  all  its  shapes,  keeps,  houses,  armour,  tournaments,  sieges,  ships, 
heraldry,  popular  customs,  and  the  beginnings  of  industry  are  all  rendered 
with  painstaking  and  approximate  fidelity.  Had  Mr.  Barfield  been  yet  more 
of  an  archaeologist  perhaps  the  evolution  of  the  Norman  castle  from  the 
Motte  would  have  given  a  sounder  architectural  centre-point.  As  it  is,  the 
types  of  '  Norman '  castles  are  too  advanced  for  the  periods  to  which  they 
are  assigned  ;  it  was  the  fault  of '  Castle  Clark '  himself,  and  is  hardly  yet 
rectified.  But  for  the  successive  stages  of  general  architecture  and  aspects  of 
the  contemporaneous  life,  students,  whether  of  a  younger  or  an  elder  growth, 
hardly  need  better,  and  cannot  possibly  have  clearer  guidance  than  is 
diagrammatically  afforded  by  these  progressive  pictures  of  English  history. 

England  in  the  Middle  Ages  209 

If  in  some  future  edition  this  panorama  of  five  centuries  should  assume  a 
format  more  convenient  for  reference  its  value  for  study  would  be 
enhanced.  As  it  is,  however,  it  seems  to  move  with  the  centuries  across 
which  its  track  lies.  Nothing  can  well  be  more  notable  than  the  increas- 
ing complexity  of  society  as  exhibited  in  the  later  sheets  compared  with 
the  earlier.  Fashions  grow  more  extravagant  alike  in  arms,  costume,  and 
dwelling.  Mr.  Barfield  draws  without  any  exceptional  power  of  line,  it  is 
true,  but  with  fair  accuracy,  a  stately  picture  of  England  through  the  ages. 
His  is  a  gallery  in  which  art  aims  at  actual  truth,  not  at  an  aesthetic  com- 
promise of  fact  with  beauty.  Not  the  less,  however,  is  beauty  there. 

LAYE.  Edited  by  C.  E.  Lart.  Pp.  xiv,  176.  With  Illustration.  8vo. 
London  :  The  St.  Catherine  Press,  Ltd.  1910.  2is.  nett. 

THIS  record,  full  of  the  pathos  of  a  lost  cause,  is  the  first  instalment  of  a 
work  of  great  interest  to  students  of  the  Jacobite  Period  and  of  consider- 
able value  to  Irish  and  Scottish  genealogists.  It  gives  the  marriages,  births, 
and  deaths  of  the  little  band  of  Jacobites  who  settled  at  St.  Germain-en- 
Laye  (from  the  curiously  spelled  registers  of  which  these  records  are 
extracted)  round  the  exiled  King  James  and  Queen  Mary  after  1688,  and 
who  constituted  the  centre  of  Jacobitism  until  after  the  Queen's  death. 
The  great  majority  were  in  some  way  or  another  connected  either  with 
the  exiled  court  or  with  the  Irish  Brigade,  and  many  of  the  names  are 
associated  with  the  offices  of  the  former,  and  show  in  a  touching  way 
how  James  II.  was  still  treated  as  a  king,  and  regarded  by  his  following 
as  if  he  was  in  every  way  king  de  facto. 

There  was  still  par  example  an  '  Ambassador  from  the  King  of  England ' 
to  Holland.  We  find  a  *  chef  de  goblet  du  Roy,'  who  appears  in  these 
pages,  and  there  was  an  '  escuier  de  la  bouche  de  la  Reine.'  The  Queen's 
chief  lady  of  honour,  who  from  her  constant  appearance  in  these  entries 
seems  to  have  had  much  influence,  was  her  old  friend  the  Italian,  Victoria 
Montecuculi  d'Avia  Countess  of  Almond,  but  she  had  also  another  Lady, 
Sophia  Stuart,  widow  of  Henry  Bulkeley,  of  whom  we  should  like  to 
know  more,  as  she  was  sister  of  Gramont's  *  La  belle  Stuart,'  but,  unlike 
the  latter,  had  followed  the  court  into  exile. 

The  King  and  Queen  showed  their  interest  in  their  adherents  by 
becoming,  with  *  the  Prince  of  Wales '  and  *  serenissime  Princesse  Louise 
Marie,  Princesse  d'Angleterre,'  godfather  and  godmother  to  many  children 
born  to  their  dependents  during  their  exile,  and  many  of  these  *  born 
Jacobites '  naturally  perpetuated  their  parents'  political  faith,  and  followed 
their  master's  'royal'  son  and  grandson.  But,  if  the  King  and  Queen  showed 
this  interest  in  their  Catholic  court,  they  showed  (perhaps  because  their  suf- 
ferings were  purposely  hidden  from  them)  terribly  little  in  regard  to  their 
unfortunate  Protestant  subjects,  who,  having  been  equally  ruined  in  their 
cause,  also  followed  them  into  France.  These  were  exposed  to  the  most 
bitter  persecutions  from  the  French  court  and  clergy  to  force  them  to  abjure. 
The  editor  points  out  that  it  was  wonderful  that  more  did  not  do  so,  as 
they  were  poverty-stricken  and  could  look  to  no  other  support  except  their 


210  Jacobites  at  St.  Germain-en-Laye 

King.  He  tells  us  also  that  Lord  Dunfermline,  a  Protestant  whose  fortune 
had  gone  in  the  Stuart  cause,  had  to  be  buried  at  night  by  his  friends  to 
avoid  scandal,  and  that  Dr.  Gordon,  a  Scottish  Bishop,  abjured  to  keep 
himself  from  starving.  The  same  want  of  consideration  was  shown  to  the 
Quakers  who  followed  the  king  into  exile,  and  we  find  at  least  one 
*  Trembleur '  forced  to  own  his  *  conversion.' 

The  entries  in  this  book  will  fill  many  gaps  in  the  difficult  pedigrees  of 
Irish  exiles  of  the  eighteenth  century,  and  even  in  the  better  known  Scottish 
family  histories,  and  one  is  grateful  to  the  editor  for  the  learning,  patience, 
and  care  that  he  has  bestowed  on  this  historical  bypath. 


THE  SONG  OF  THE  STEWARTS  :  PRELUDE.  By  Douglas  Ainslie.  Pp.  x,  202. 
Demy  8vo.  London :  Arch.  Constable  &  Co.,  Ltd.  1909.  ys.  6d.  nett. 
A  MOST  interesting  experiment  is  being  tried  by  Mr.  Douglas  Ainslie,  best 
known,  perhaps,  as  an  interpreter  of  Eastern  religious  thought  in  his  very 
original  poem  John  of  Damascus.  The  experiment  is  no  less  than  that  of 
attempting  to  record  the  history  of  Scotland,  or  at  any  rate  of  its  royal 
house,  in  metre.  His  *  Prelude '  carries  the  tale  from  the  coming  of  Walter, 
son  of  Alan,  to  Paisley  and  Cathcart  in  the  train  of  King  David  I.  down 
through  the  strife  with  Norway  and  the  war  of  Independence  to  the 
crusading  journey  of  Douglas  with  the  heart  of  Bruce.  It  is  a  story  full  of 
incident  of  battle  and  chivalry,  and  he  is  a  poor  patriot  who  will  not  enjoy 
these  dashing  new  rimes  of  the  old  deeds,  fired  as  they  are  with  national 
spirit  so  intense  that  the  author  thinks 

*  the  Jew  Iscariot 
Less  felon  than  Menteith  the  Scot.' 

He  skilfully  varies  the  graces  of  divers  types  of  measure  and  stanza  to  suit 
the  episode,  whether  it  be  a  dirge  for  Wallace,  a  description  of  Bannock- 
burn,  or  the  moving  narrative  of  the  Douglas  vow.  One  regret  only  the 
historical  critic  cannot  avoid — that  so  clever  a  singer  of  history  should  not 
have  had  the  good  fortune  to  be  kept  abreast  of  the  newer  lights  which 
abound  on  the  lives  of  both  Wallace  and  Bruce.  How  clear  a  conception 
of  the  national  exploits  and  fortunes,  however,  can  in  a  general  way  be 
afforded  by  a  sympathetic  poet  interpreting  the  current  version  of  the  facts 
— with  fresh  genealogical  data  curiously  interwoven — the  readers  of  the 
Prelude  will  have  no  manner  of  doubt.  Nor  will  the  dustiest  critic  fail 
to  enjoy  with  a  new  zest  his  country's  history  echoed  in  song. 

New  Facts  concerning  John  Robinson,  Pastor  of  the  Pilgrim  Fathers.  By 
Champlin  Burrage  (8vo,  pp.  35.  is.  6d.  nett.  Oxford :  University 
Press,  1910).  A  manuscript  in  the  Bodleian  has  been  identified  by 
Mr.  Burrage  as  a  tractate,  probably  dating  from  1609,  written  by  an 
unidentified  controversialist  in  answer  to  writings  of  Robinson.  Incidentally 
it  contains  statements  not  only  making  clear  Robinson's  local  connection 
with  the  Church  of  England  in  Norwich,  but  also  indicating  that  his 
separation  from  the  Church  was  not  entirely  voluntary.  Students  of 
puritanism  and  the  Brownist  position  will  find  important  data  in  Mr. 
Burrage's  extracts  and  inferences. 

Current  Literature  211 

A  Short  History  of  Southampton  (8vo,  pp.  256.  Oxford  :  Clarendon 
Press,  1910.  2s.  nett)  consists  of  two  parts,  one  being  the  general  story  of 
Southampton  by  Professor  Hearnshaw,  the  other  being  collective  studies  of 
aspects  of  town  life  by  various  contributors,  edited  by  Professor  F.  Clarke. 
Southampton  has  rilled  so  large  a  part  in  English  history  that  its  annals  are 
often  saved  from  dulness,  and  its  local  celebrities  range  from  Shakespeare's 
patron,  the  earl,  to  Isaac  Watts,  Richard  Taunton  (founder  of  a  marine 
school),  Charles  Dibdin  and  Sir  John  Millais.  The  port  plumes  itself  on 
the  voyage  of  the  Mayflower  starting  there.  As  a  whole,  the  book  does 
credit  to  the  public-spirited  auspices  under  which  it  is  produced. 

The  Utopia  of  Sir  Thomas  More,  edited  by  George  Sampson  (8vo,  pp. 
xxv,  442.  London  :  G.  Bell  &  Sons.  55.).  Few  volumes  of  Bohn's 
standard  library  can  be  more  welcome  to  the  literary  antiquary  than  the 
new  edition  of  the  Utopia.  It  contains  Ralph  Robinson's  translation,  first 
printed  in  1551 ;  Roper's  well-known  life  of  More,  his  father-in-law;  a  series 
of  the  beautiful  letters  chiefly  to  and  from  Margaret  Roper;  and  the  Latin 
text  of  the  Utopia,  reprinted  from  the  first  edition  of  1516,  followed  by  a 
very  significant  bibliography  covering  both  the  life  of  Sir  Thomas  and  his 
writings.  Mr.  A.  Guthkelch's  introduction  gives  in  outline  the  few  facts 
needed  for  preface,  and  Mr.  Sampson's  footnotes  to  the  text  are  unobtrusive 
but  requisite  helps  to  the  appreciation  both  of  a  great  book  and  a  great  man. 
We  wish  the  publishers  would  follow  this  up  with  a  reprint  of  More's 
English  writings,  still  buried  in  the  inaccessible  original  folio  of  1557. 

Miss  E.  M.  Wilmot,  Buxton,  has  written  A  Junior  History  of  Great 
Britain  (8vo,  pp.  x,  210.  London  :  Methuen  &  Co.)  which  succinctly 
sketches  in  anecdotal  and  biographical  form  the  story  of  the  kingdom.  The 
union  of  the  Crowns  in  1603  is  not  mentioned,  the  Act  of  Union  of  1707 
appears  as  an  entirely  minor  episode,  the  Union  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland 
is  unrecorded,  and  the  last  chapter  deals  with  *  the  progress  of  England.' 
South  English  schoolmistresses  should  try  to  get  more  precision  and  a  truer 
perspective  for  the  history  of  Great  Britain. 

Great  Britain  and  Ireland.  A  History  for  Lower  Forms.  By  John  E. 
Morris,  D.Litt.  (pp.  viii,  480.  Illustrated.  Crown  8vo.  Cambridge  : 
University  Press.  1910.  35.).  More  than  the  <  Lower  Forms,' for  whom 
this  history  is  intended,  can  read  it  with  pleasure  and  profit.  It  is  easily 
written,  contains  quite  enough  without  being  overladen  with  unneces- 
sary facts,  and  is  extraordinarily  well  illustrated.  The  pictures  and  maps 
really  illuminate  (unlike  so  many  illustrated  books)  each  period  of  which 
the  author  treats. 

The  public  libraries  committee  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  did  well  to 
direct  the  librarian,  Mr.  Basil  Anderton,  to  prepare  a  Catalogue  of  Books  and 
Tracts  on  Genealogy  and  Heraldry  in  the  Central  Public  Libraries  (410. 
pp.  68.  Newcastle  :  Doig  Bros.  &  Co.).  The  classification  is  unfamiliar, 
but  the  catalogue  will  be  a  service  to  research.  This  kind  of  antiquarian 
bibliography  for  rapid  reference  merits  encouragement. 

212  Current  Literature 

The  Cambridge  University  Press  has  added  to  their  series  of  useful 
County  Geographies  by  issuing  Lanarkshire,  by  Frederick  Mort,  M.A. 
(Pp.  viii,  168.  is.  6d.)  The  volume  is  illustrated,  and  has  a  couple  of  maps. 

In  American  history  *  Reconstruction '  has  an  important  place,  being  the 
name  given  to  what  might  otherwise  be  called  the  pacification  of  the 
Southern  States.  Mr.  John  R.  Ficklen  contributes  to  the  Johns  Hopkins 
University  Studies  a  stirring  chapter  of  the  story,  being  his  History  of  Recon- 
struction in  Louisiana  (Through  1868).  (8vo,  pp.  ix,  234.  Baltimore  :  Johns 
Hopkins  Press,  1910.)  Starting  with  a  sketch  of  conditions  ante  helium, 
followed  by  a  short  account  of  the  State  government  during  the  war,  Mr. 
Ficklen  devotes  much  attention  to  General  Butler's  much  abused  adminis- 
tration in  New  Orleans  before,  during,  and  after  the  actual  hostilities,  and, 
in  particular,  discusses  his  policy  of  enlisting  negroes  on  the  side  of  the 
Union,  and  the  effects  of  emancipation  on  the  liberated  but  demoralised 
slaves.  After  the  war  negro  suffrage  became  the  great  constitutional 
question,  leading  to  passionate  controversy  culminating  in  riot  and  bloodshed 
in  1 866,  and  to  more  serious  violence  and  the  l  massacre '  of  many  negroes 
in  1868.  This  monograph  on  the  course  of  events  in  a  great  Slave-State 
is  a  careful  record  of  the  part  played  by  party  action  and  ideas  influenced 
by  racial  animosities  in  a  time  when  civil  war  and  slave  emancipation  had 
together  produced  a  chaos  and  political  fury  perhaps  without  historical 

Another  of  the  Johns  Hopkins  University  studies  in  Historical  and 
Political  Science  is  The  Doctrine  of  Non-Suability  of  the  State  in  the  United 
States,  by  Karl  Singewald,  Ph.D.  (8vo,  pp.  viii,  117.  Baltimore:  Johns 
Hopkins  Press).  Legal  tractates  in  this  series  grow  in  importance  as 
the  magnitude  of  state  interests  under  one  administration  gives  so  wide 
a  play  and  therefore  so  varied  a  test  in  lawsuits  to  general  canons  of 
state-rights  and  liabilities.  In  the  unceasing  difficulty  of  reconciling 
government  action  with  private  property  and  privilege,  the  immunity  of 
the  state  from  being  sued — a  principle  springing  from  English  law — is 
not  determined  with  the  nicety  and  distinctions  required.  It  is  subject 
to  large  exceptions,  for  instance  in  international  claims,  but  perhaps  the 
class  of  liabilities  to  which  its  application  has  been  the  matter  of  most 
litigation  is  where  not  the  state  itself  but  a  public  officer  acting  on  its 
behalf  was  the  subject  of  an  injunction,  or  a  claim  of  damages,  or  for 
recovery  of  property.  While  generally  the  right  of  action  against  public 
officers  would  seem  to  supersede  the  maxim  of  non-suability,  the  leading 
judgments  are  not  harmonious,  and  the  problem  is  made  more  intricate 
where  a  federal  question,  the  constitutional  authority,  is  at  issue.  Dr. 
Singewald  has  grouped  the  American  decisions  and  examined  them  with 
frankness  and  impartiality. 

Transactions  of  the  Inverness  Scientific  Society  and  Field  Club.  Vol.  VI. 
1899  to  1906.  (Demy  8vo,  pp.  vi,  377.  With  Illustrations.  Inverness  : 
Courier  Office.  1910.)  Seven  years'  local  study  is  garnered  into  this 
volume  under  the  editorship  of  Mr.  James  Barren,  and  upwards  of  twenty 

Current  Literature  213 

contributions  out  of  five  and  fifty  are  historical  and  antiquarian.  Dr.  W.  J. 
Watson,  writing  on  the  Celtic  Church  in  Ross,  deals  with  the  lives  of 
Saints  Maelruba  and  Duthus.  The  Rev.  G.  A.  Breguet  traces  the  early 
history  of  Tain,  touching  on  the  privilege  of  sanctuary  and  transcribing 
documents  and  charters  on  the  burghal  liberties.  Cromwell's  Fort  at 
Inverness  is  well  described  and  illustrated  with  plans  by  Mr.  James 
Fraser.  Citations  from  seventeenth  century  accounts  of  it  must  interest 
any  one  who  has  seen  the  extant  remains.  Various  tribute  is  paid  to 
Hugh  Miller  in  view  of  his  centenary  in  1902.  A  composite  note  on  the 
field  of  Culloden  accompanies  a  reproduction  of  the  sketch  plan  of  the 
battle  made  by  Colonel  Yorke,  the  Duke  of  Cumberland's  aide-de-camp. 
A  short  notice  of  Kinloss  Abbey  is  given  by  Rev.  G.  S.  Peebles,  minister 
of  the  parish.  The  editor  himself  contributes  two  good  holiday  articles, 
one  on  Gaul  in  Caesar's  time,  and  the  other  descriptive  of  a  visit  to  Alesia 
(now  Mount  Auxois,  38  miles  north-west  of  Dijon),  with  plans  showing 
the  terrain  and  the  lines  of  Caesar's  circumvallation  during  the  siege.  This 
publication  manifests  a  healthy  spirit  of  history  in  the  community  of 
Inverness,  and  should  stimulate  local  work. 

Transactions  of  the  Buteshire  Natural  History  Society.  Vol.  II.  1 909- 1910. 
(8vo,  pp.  89.  Rothesay :  Chronicle  Office.  1910.  2s.  6d.)  Amid  the 
meteorology  and  zoology  of  these  proceedings  there  appear  three  historical 
papers  :  on  Prehistory  of  Bute,  by  Professor  Bryce,  M.D.  ;  on  the  Town 
Council  of  Rothesay  from  1654  until  1833,  by  Mr.  R.  D.  Whyte  ;  and 
on  Rothesay  in  the  Seventeenth  Century,  by  Mr.  A.  D.  Macbeth.  Pro- 
fessor Bryce  describes  and  classifies  the  early  cairns  and  cists  and  their 
remains.  Mr.  Whyte  tells  his  story  by  extracts  from  the  old  minute 
books,  and  is  chiefly  concerned  to  trace  modes  of  election.  Mr.  Macbeth 
brings  an  important  contribution  to  burghal  study  by  the  use  he  has  made 
of 'the  old  rentall  buiks  of  the  lands'  within  the  burgh  to  show  the  rather 
puzzling  distinctions  of  'said  lands,  both  heretage,  commoun  and  king's 
landis.'  It  is  the  last  category  that  gives  difficulty,  for  evidently  these 
*  king's  lands '  were,  like  the  others,  become  private  property.  Many  old 
place-names  are  set  forth,  as  well  as  old  surnames  of  occupants.  A  letter 
of  Professor  Maitland  is  appended.  Some  day  we  hope  Mr.  Macbeth  will 
return  to  the  subject  of  these  peculiar  land-tenures,  and  make  a  trial-plan 
of  old  Rothesay  on  the  lines  of  that  done  for  Glasgow  in  Mr.  Renwick's 
Glasgow  Protocols. 

We  have  on  a  former  occasion  noticed  Miss  Griffin's  Bibliography  of 
books  and  articles  on  the  United  States  and  Canadian  History.  A 
further  volume  containing  writings  published  during  the  year  1908  has 
just  been  issued.  The  volume  implies  much  careful  research,  and  should 
be  of  interest  to  librarians. 

The  Viking  Club's  serial  publications  are  so  many  that  they  almost  call 
for  a  catalogue  quarterly.  The  Old  Lore  Miscellany  (October)  prints  the 
closing  part  of  a  contribution,  Grottasongr,  edited  and  annotated  by 
E.  Magnusson.  It  was  wisely  thought  worth  separate  issue — Grottasongr, 

214  Current  Literature 

edited  and  translated  by  Eirfkr  Magniisson.  (Pp.  39.  Coventry  :  Curtis 
&  Beamish,  1910.  Price  is.  6d.  nett.)  There  are  two  pages  of  facsimile 
from  the  fourteenth  century  MS.  of  this  Song  of  the  £htern  Grotte — the  quern 
of  northern  mythology  through  whose  potent  grinding  the  sea  became  salt. 
It  is  a  poem  of  many  enigmas  which  the  editor's  learning  makes  much  less 
dark.  Most  helpful  notes  of  all  are  the  four  prose  passages  prefixed,  giving 
the  leading  versions  of  the  strange  Norse  legend. 

The  Club's  Tear  Book  (Vol.  II.,  1909-10)  has  reports  summarizing  the 
year's  studies  and  discoveries  in  matters  Norse,  besides  a  series  of  notes 
and  reviews  having  a  somewhat  similar  view.  A  band  of  keen  workers 
is  clearly  going  forward  with  great  spirit  in  their  task. 

The  Berks,  Bucks,  and  Oxon  Archaeological  Journal  never  fails  in  richness 
of  antiquarian  matter  on  churches.  The  July  number  reproduces  three 
brasses — a  bearded  civilian,  John  of  Walden  ;  a  canon  of  Hertford  or 
Hereford  named  Thomas  of  Busshbury  ;  and  a  bachelor  utriusque  juris, 
William  Skelton,  provost  in  the  cathedral  church  of  Wells.  In  the 
October  number  transcripts  are  given  from  Oxfordshire  parish  registers. 
The  rector  of  Hanborough,  Dr.  Peter  Mews,  in  1667,  'did  uterly  renounce 
the  Solemne  Leage  and  Convent'  (sic).  In  1570  a  stranger  and  peregrinus 
dying  by  the  wayside  in  Spelsbury  was  buried  *  super  montem  nuncupatum 
Leedownes  ex  certis  legittimis  causis.' 

The  Rutland  Magazine  for  July  and  October  has  many  fine  eighteenth 
century  portraits  of  the  Edwards  family,  whose  estates  passed  to  the  Noels 
in  1811.  Interest  of  another  kind  attaches  to  extracts  made  by  the  editor, 
Mr.  G.  Phillips,  from  quarter  sessions  records.  A  warrant  and  pass  for  an 
Irish  vagrant  in  1 769  is  included,  to  send  him  on  from  Rutland  to  Lanca- 
shire, and  put  him  on  board  '  any  ship  or  vessel  bound  for  the  said  kingdom 
of  Ireland,'  and  convey  him  thither. 

Among  the  contents  of  the  Notes  and  Queries  for  Somerset  and  Dorset 
(September),  besides  the  many  law  papers  and  charters  which  are  always  so 
gratifying  a  feature  of  this  magazine,  there  is  a  note  on  the  Somersetshire 
*  dolemoors,'  or  pieces  of  common  land  divided  into  separate  acres,  each  marked 
by  a  horn,  pole-axe,  dung-fork  or  the  like  cut  in  the  turf  under  curious  local 
folk-regulations.  There  is  a  capital  portrait  of  Colonel  Giles  Strangways 
(1615-75),  a  royalist  soldier  whose  ill  luck  was  less  notable  than  his 
loyalty.  Excavations  at  Glastonbury  Abbey  receive  descriptive  attention. 

Scotia  always  interests  in  its  selection  of  pictures  illustrative  of  Scottish 
landscape  and  life.  Warm-hearted  tribute  is  paid  to  Professor  Blackie  in 
the  Lammas  issue.  The  Martinmas  number  extols  the  work  of  William 
Burns  (1809-1876),  historian  of  the  War  of  Independence. 

The  Modern  Language  Review  (October)  has  an  article  by  Mr.  Wright 
Roberts  showing  the  debt  of  Chateaubriand  to  Milton.  Messrs.  E.  K. 
Chambers  and  F.  Sidgwick  edit  part  of  a  collection  of  fifteenth  century 
carols  by  John  Audelay,  circa  1426.  He  is  called  'Jon  the  blynde 
Awdlay '  in  one  place  of  the  MS.  (Douce  302),  and  in  another  is  described 

Current  Literature  215 

as  a  chaplain  '  quifuit  secus  et  surdus.'    One  of  the  twelve  carols  now  printed 
is  de  rege  henrico  sexto. 

The  Home  Counties  Magazine  for  June  is  a  bright  number,  rich  in 
pictures  of  open-air  statues  in  London,  and  has  articles  on  Judge  Jeffreys, 
on  the  Friar-confessors  of  English  kings  (rather  too  discursive  and  indirect, 
but  gossipy),  and  on  the  current  pageants  in  English  home-counties. 

In  its  September  issue  are  papers  on  Poplar  Chapel,  early  churches  of 
South  Essex,  and  the  history  of  Enfield.  A  continued  paper  on  the  open- 
air  statues  in  London  is,  with  its  many  pictures  of  these  historical  memorials, 
a  revelation  of  the  contribution  made  by  sculpture  to  what  is  a  surprisingly 
full  record  of  public,  political,  and  literary  life  in  the  metropolis,  from 
Sir  Richard  Whittington's  time  till  our  own. 

In  the  July  issue  of  the  American  Historical  Review,  the  root-question  of 
the  philosophy  of  history  is  treated  in  Mr.  F.  J.  Teggart's  article  on  l  The 
Circumstance  or  the  Substance  of  History,'  contrasting  the  conception  of 
history  as  narrative  of  mere  fact  with  the  higher  generalisation  sometimes 
called  evolution.  Mr.  Teggart's  sympathies  are  not  with  the  chronicler 
laying  an  undue  emphasis  upon  *  events '  and  preoccupied  in  recording  the 
vicissitudes  of  authorities.  Perhaps  he  himself  gives  scarcely  enough  recog- 
nition to  the  fact  that  these  are  the  foundations,  though  he  might  answer 
that  architecture  only  begins  there.  But  to  call  inferences  substance,  and 
actual  facts  only  circumstances,  is  a  challenge  full  of  hazard. 

Mr.  L.  M.  Larson  opens  a  new  and  important  furrow  and  attempts  to 
raise  from  the  Charters  of  Cnut  the  material  for  inferences  regarding 
changes  of  policy  during  various  periods.  In  the  first  four  years  of  his 
reign,  1016-20,  he  was  establishing  himself  firmly  in  the  throne.  From 
1 020,  after  his  return  from  Denmark,  he  began  to  utilise  the  services  of 
Englishmen  and  to  make  for  a  unification  of  the  peoples.  At  this  time  he 
started  his  long  series  of  benefactions  to  English  ecclesiastics.  In  the  last 
years,  1030-35,  the  vigour  of  his  sovereignty  seemed  to  have  exhausted  itself. 

Mr.  James  F.  Baldwin  completes  his  weighty  study  of  the  King's 
Council  and  the  Chancery  and  their  special  phases  of  equity  jurisdiction  as 
they  became  gradually  differentiated.  They  were  essentially  summary 
courts  much  used  for  cases  of  riot  and  violence,  and  largely  resorted  to  in 
civil  causes  for  appeals  against  the  delays,  or  in  respect  of  defect  of  juris- 
diction of  the  common  law.  Mr.  Baldwin,  who  has  gone  deeply  into  the 
whole  subject,  shows  that  the  multitude  of  documents  surviving  must  con- 
tain a  great  mass  of  historical  matter,  although  mostly  of  subordinate  value 
and  difficult  to  verify. 

In  the  October  issue  of  the  same  Review,  Professor  Beazley  makes 
an  interesting  commentary  on  the  Crusade  aspect  of  the  expeditions  from 
1415  until  1459,  along  the  coast  of  Africa,  carried  out  by  Prince  Henry 
the  Navigator,  Infante  of  Portugal.  Contemporary  citations  show  the 
crusading  side  of  these  enterprises  with  a  degree  of  emphasis  lost  in  later 
history,  which  was  more  concerned  with  discovery  and  conquest  than  with 
the  pious  purpose  which  gave  inspiration,  or  at  any  rate  countenance  to  the 

216  Current  Literature 

movement.  That  it  was  truly  inspiration  the  chroniclers  as  well  as  the 
papal  bulls  patently  show,  and  Professor  Beazley  strikes  a  telling  note  when 
he  concludes  by  pointing  out  how  fully  the  Portuguese  in  this  as  in  other 
respects  anticipated  Columbus.  '  To  him  the  idea  of  crusade  is  part  of  his 
very  life.' 

Mr.  Ralph  Catterall  tests  the  credibility  of  Marat  and  finds  his  veracity, 
in  the  matter  of  his  own  biography,  so  badly  suspect  as  to  make  his  un- 
supported statement  quite  untrustworthy.  The  chief  test  worked  out  is  an 
examination  of  his  narrative  about  the  publication  of  his  pamphlet,  The 
Chains  of  Slavery ',  which  was  issued  at  London  in  1774,  but  according  to 
him  was  suppressed  by  Lord  North  until  a  new  edition  was  brought  out  by 
a  patriotic  society  at  Newcastle.  This  tale  of  suppression  Mr.  Catterall 
maintains  is  false,  and  the  Newcastle  edition  he  believes  to  be  only  a  re-issue 
in  1775  of  the  unsaleable  copies  of  the  London  book,  with  a  new  title  page. 
But  the  case  against  Marat  needs  more  direct  proofs  than  Mr.  Catterall  has 
yet  brought  forward. 

An  important  series  of  historical  documents  is  printed  in  this  number, 
being  the  letters  passing  between  Toussaint  Louverture,  President  John 
Adams  and  Edward  Stevens,  in  1798-1800.  Stevens  was  consul-general 
in  St.  Domingo,  and  his  reports  to  the  U.S.  Government  on  his  intercourse 
with  the  negro  insurgent  leader  give  a  very  intimate  narrative  of  events,  as 
well  as  a  capable  estimate  of  the  policy  and  designs  of  Toussaint,  first  as 
merelyi  general  of  the  colonial  army,  and  ultimately  as  invested  by  the 
inhabitants  of  the  colony  with  supreme  power,  civil  and  military. 

In  the  Iowa  Journal  (October)  a  long  report  is  given  of  a  conference 
held  in  May  last  of  local  historical  societies  of  Iowa.  Each  of  fourteen 
county  historical  societies  was  represented  by  a  delegate  who  described  its 
work  and  condition.  From  the  disappointing  accounts  these  delegates 
gave,  it  is  severely  clear  that  the  fourteen  societies  of  Iowa  have  not  yet 
won  their  spurs  in  the  field  of  history. 

In  the  Queen's  Quarterly  (Jul.-Sept.),  published  by  Queen's  University, 
Kingston,  Canada,  the  only  historical  contribution  is  Professor  J.  L. 
Morison's  Political  Estimate  of  Lord  Sydenham,  whose  tactful  and  high- 
principled  governor-generalship  of  two  years,  1839-41,  is  sympathetically 
described  as  constituting  him  a  true  maker  of  the  Dominion. 

The  Revue  d'Histoire  Ecclesiastique  (October)  has  one  continued  article 
on  the  apocryphal  Acts  of  Peter  and  the  conclusion  of  another  on  the 
mystico-political  ideas  of  a  Franciscan,  being  a  study  of  the  Arbor  Vitae  of 
Ubertin  de  Casale.  It  has  also  the  end  of  a  sketch  of  the  origins  and 
development  of  the  apostolic  Secretaryship  of  State  from  1417  till  1823. 
To  the  time  of  Innocent  XII.  (1691-1700)  is  ascribed  the  overthrow  of 
nepotism  and  a  consequent  unity  of  direction  to  papal  policy  thenceforward. 
As  usual  this  number,  besides  a  weighty  section  of  book  reviews,  is  furnished 
with  an  appendix  of  bibliography  (pp.  162)  specialised  into  sections  such  as 
the  publications  and  criticisms  of  sources,  the  history  of  divine  service  and 
discipline,  and  local  and  corporate  records. 

Current  Literature  217 

Bulletins  de  la  Soci/te  des  Antiquaires  de  I1  Quest.  Troisieme  serie.  Tome 
I.  ( Jul.-Sept.).  Poitiers,  1909.  The  principal  paper  in  this  part  is  a  short 
account  of  the  building  used  as  the  Town  Council-hall  of  Poitiers  from 
1740  until  1791,  now  used  as  the  library  of  the  Society.  References  to 
armorial  bearings  formerly  in  the  hall,  and  to  others  sculptured  under  the 
windows  of  the  adjoining  chapel,  but  apparently  all  defaced  in  1791,  are  of 
great  interest,  and  tend  not  a  little  to  pique  curiosity  as  to  the  history  of 
the  building,  part  of  which  appears  to  be  assigned  to  the  years  1459-60. 

We  take  the  opportunity  of  asking  whether  some  member  cannot  explain 
the  remarkable  reference  made  in  Wyntoun's  Chronicle  (Book  ix.  chap.  vii. 
lines  859-60  of  Mr.  Amours'  edition  for  the  Scottish  Text  Society)  to  the 
great  hall  of  Poitiers  : 

And  Schir  Thomas  of  Erskine  was 

Woundit  thar  felly  in  the  face 

He  may  weill,  syne1  the  weme2  apperis 

Eit  in  the  great  hall  of  Poyteris. 

We  should  welcome  a  communication  from  any  archaeologist  of  Poitiers  on 
the  subject. 

In  the  Revue  Historique  (Sept.-Oct. ;  Nov.-Dec.)  special  studies  deal 
with  Russia  and  the  Italian  policy  of  Napoleon  III. ;  the  advice  of  Villeroy 
to  the  Regent  Marie  de  Medicis  on  the  Mantuan  succession  in  1613  ;  and. 
the  letters  (curious  and  far  from  affectionate)  between  Louis  XIII.  and 
Marie  de  Medicis,  his  mother,  in  1619. 

A  strike  of  labourers  in  1786  at  Paris  is  well  described,  with  its 
attendant  features  of  'tumultuous  and  scandalous  assemblies'  in  the 
streets,  when  shopkeepers  were  insulted  by  songs  sung  in  derision  of  them 
before  their  doors.  In  1785  a  sort  of  parcel  post  had  been  instituted  with 
red  vans  drawn  by  men.  The  gagne-deniers  protested  against  this  as  an 
infringement  of  their  privileges  and  struck  work — a  course  of  action  in 
which  they  were  backed  by  a  good  deal  of  public  sympathy.  Disturbances 
broke  out,  and  the  police  had  to  drive  off  the  strikers  with  fixed  bayonets. 
Full  of  their  grievances,  a  body  of  800  men  set  out  to  march  to  Versailles 
in  order  to  petition  the  king.  He  was  hunting,  and  this — prophetic — 
deputation  failed.  A  few  of  the  men  were  punished  by  being  paraded  and 
put  in  the  carcan  with  labels,  '•Violent  et  rebelle  envers  la  garde  J  and  by 
fines.  The  strike  achieved  nothing,  and  the  little  red  vehicles  continued 
to  run  for  a  time.  One  important  fact,  however,  which  M.  Marcel 
Rouff  deduces  from  the  matter  is  that  the  incident  demonstrated  the 
unanimity  of  public  opinion  against  the  government.  'It  was,'  he  says, 
'one  of  those  movements  in  which  the  people  tried  their  strength,  and 
it  was  the  prelude  to  acts  better  organized  and  directed.' 

In  those  two  numbers  of  the  Revue  appears  a  long  article  by  M.  Henri 
Cavailles  on  a  sort  of  federation  existing  in  the  valleys  of  the  Pyrenees 
under  the  old  regime,  constituted  by  agreements  of  ancient  standing 
between  the  dalesmen,  on  both  the  French  and  Spanish  sides  of  the 
mountains.  These  were  called  lies  and  passeries,  and  were  treaties  of 

1  syne,  since,  as.  z  weme,  scar. 

2i 8  A  Prelude  of  the  Revolution 

alliance  and  peace.  Passerie  (patzaria,  patzeria,  carta  de  la  patz]  seems 
to  be  a  diminutive  of  pax.  Pierre  de  Marca  gives  it  the  form  of  passerine. 
Originating  long  before  the  Pyrenees  were  the  frontier  line  of  two  great 
kingdoms,  these  codes  are  found  reduced  to  precise  terms  and  articles  from 
the  twelfth  century,  although  the  oldest  extant  agreements  between  the 
opposite  sides  of  the  mountains  belongs  to  the  early  fourteenth  century. 
For  a  long  time  the  valleys  preserved  a  semi-independence,  but  in  1258 
the  Pyrenees  became  the  boundary  between  France  and  Aragon,  and 
the  gradual  consolidation  of  one  royal  authority  north  of  the  mountains 
and  of  another  one  south  of  them  led  to  slow  changes,  culminating  in 
the  seventeenth  century,  when  the  old  system  broke  up  and  the  inter-valley 
treaties  gave  way  to  an  administration  now  exercised  by  the  Commission  des 

Rights  of  pasturage  and  the  like  on  the  scattered  plateaux  and  sheltered 
shoulders  of  the  mountains — remote  as  well  from  the  French  as  from 
the  Spanish  townships  in  the  valleys  below — had  grown  up  through  the 
course  of  centuries  into  definite  and  stable  understandings  and  agreements. 
These  regulated  a  whole  series  of  usages  for  the  exercise  of  common 
pasture  and  privilege,  determined  by  the  geographical  position  and  by 
the  contrast  of  climate  between  the  opposite  mountain  slopes.  The 
Spanish  side  is  quickly  parched  in  summer ;  on  the  French  side  there 
is  more  sheltering  shade.  Spanish  flocks  had  right  of  feeding  in  certain 
months  on  the  French  soil  and  vice  versa.  Marketing  arrangements  were 
similarly  international — if  we  may  use  that  term  to  include  the  period 
before  the  kingdoms  were  defined.  Salt  was  one  of  the  indispensable 
commodities,  and  there  are  still  shown,  high  up  on  the  very  frontier 
line,  recesses  cut  in  the  rocks  wherein  of  old  the  salt  was  measured. 
Naturally  the  systems  of  rights  varied  greatly :  each  valley  had  its  treaty 
only  with  the  two  or  three  which  marched  with  it;  the  codes  were  of 
origin  so  distant  that  tradition  and  legend  gathered  round  them.  Chief 
interest  to  a  Scottish  student  must  be  in  the  many  points  of  parallel  those 
frontier  codes,  traditions,  and  legends  present  to  the  story  of  the  Leges 
Marchiarum,  the  border  code  between  England  and  Scotland. 

Thus  there  are  memories  of  the  duel  and  sanctuary,  of  boundary  crosses 
and  debatable  land  (milieu  contentieux\  of  annual  payments  of  cattle,  of 
fixed  schemes  of  compensation,  of  usages  of  truce  in  warfare,  and  of 
regular  commercial  conventions — all  bringing  the  Pyrenean  law  of  the 
mountain  into  line  with  our  law  of  the  marches.  So  strong  was 
the  principle  these  local  treaties  of  peace  expressed  that  notwithstanding 
the  consolidation  of  the  nations  and  kingdoms,  the  valleys  were  at  peace 
with  one  another  in  spite  of  the  kingdoms  being  at  war.  The  kings 
reserved  their  rights,  but  as  these  mountain  fastnesses  were  no  fit  theatre 
for  campaigns  the  mountain  law  was  allowed,  and  peace  had  a  refuge  in 
the  hills.  This  little  imperium  in  imperio  had  as  its  centre  the  mechanism 
for  adjusting  disputes  between  the  inhabitants  of  the  valleys,  and  specially 
for-  determining  the  amends  for  cattle-lifting  and  other  depredations 
inevitable  under  the  conditions  of  their  rustic  life.  Sometimes  the  award 
was  levied  on  the  village,  but  usually  the  liability  was  individual. 

Border  Codes  on  the  Pyrenees          219 

As  on  the  English  and  Scottish  border,  deputies  met  at  fixed  times 
and  at  places  determined  by  tradition  or  treaty  to  hear  and  decide  upon 
claims.  Just  as  our  border  customs  included  a  dignified  ceremonial 
when  the  Wardens  of  the  Marches  met  at  a  Day  of  Truce  or  a  March 
Day — the  etiquette  prescribing  who  was  to  salute  and  how  the  companies 
were  to  greet  each  other — so  the  seventeenth  century  historian  of  B£arn, 
following  old  Spanish  authority,  describes  its  Pyrenean  analogue.  At  a 
spot  on  the  frontier  marked  by  a  great  stone  a  fathom  and  half  high, 
the  jurats  of  Roncal  used  to  meet  the  jurats  of  Bar6tous.  They  stood 
facing  each  other  across  the  march  line,  neither  party  saluting.  The 
men  of  Roncal  asked  if  they  of  Baretous  would  swear  to  the  accustomed 
peace.  This  agreed  to  on  both  sides,  the  Roncalois  laid  their  pike  on 
the  ground  along  the  boundary  line,  and  the  Bearnois  laid  theirs  across, 
making  Beam,  as  it  were,  the  head  of  the  cross.  By  this  cross  both  sides 
knelt  and  swore  to  the  wonted  pactions.  Five  times  over  they  cried 
aloud,  Paz  abant  (peace  henceforward) ;  then  they  rose  and  greeted 
each  other ;  and  30  men  of  Baretous  drove  over  the  line  the  three 
choice  and  spotless  cows  which  were  the  traditional  tribute  due  to  the 
Roncalois.  Then  the  Roncalois  entertained  the  others  to  bread,  meat, 
and  wine,  after  which  the  proceedings  resolved  themselves  into  a  public 

These  curious  proceedings  were  the  implement  of  a  treaty  made  in 
1375  after  long  and  constant  quarrels  between  the  men  of  B£arn  and 
their  Navarrese  neighbours  across  the  mountain.  The  former  were  con- 
ceded the  right  of  pasture  on  the  Spanish  side  of  the  frontier,  and  the 
three  two-year-old  cows  were  a  sort  of  rent.  A  law  of  trespass  was 
stringently  enforced  by  a  custom  of  poinding  or  impounding  called  the 
law  of  carnal  or  carnau,  evidently  implying  an  original  right  to  kill  and 
eat  the  animals  found  on  forbidden  territory.  It  was  in  1646  suppressed 
and  a  fixed  compensation  in  money  substituted.  The  learned  exponent 
of  these  frontier  practices  sees  in  the  entire  system  unfailing  indications 
that  the  passeries  in  their  essence  presuppose  a  state  of  warfare,  and  his 
numerous  citations  show  that  the  border  meetings  on  the  Pyrenean  slopes, 
like  ours  on  the  Tweed  and  the  Solway,  were  in  fact  as  well  as  in  name 
days  of  truce.  Much  archaism  is  visible  in  these  frontier  usages  of  the 
mountaineers  which  were  well  worthy  of  the  fine  exposition  M.  Cavailles 
has  written. 

Communications    and    Replies 

1 08).  Mr.  Lang  writes,  with  reference  to  'Auld  Maitland,'  that  certain 
letters  entirely  clear  Sir  Walter  Scott  '  from  the  charge  of  having  been  art 
and  part  with  Hogg  in  palming  off  a  modern  imitation  on  the  world,  while 
representing  it  to  Ellis  and  Ritson  as  a  genuine  antique.  Such  conduct 
would  have  been  highly  dishonourable.'  This  sentence  is  ambiguous  ;  it 
may  mean  that  to  pass  off  an  imitation  on  the  world — and  that  was  my 
charge — is  dishonourable,  to  which  the  reply  is  Sir  Walter  did  not  think 
so.  It  may  mean  that  to  include  friends  in  such  a  deception  is  dishonour- 
able— that  to  deceive  a  friend  is  more  objectionable  than  to  confide  in  him 
and  force  him  to  choose  between  betraying  and  screening  you.  Unless 
Scott  can  be  claimed  as  favouring  this  view,  Mr.  Lang's  argument  falls  to 
the  ground.  Again,  too  much  value  may  be  attached  to  letters  as  evidence ; 
thus,  hasty  judges  might  have  pronounced  some  of  Scott's  letters  to  be 
clear  proof  that  he  was  not  the  author  of  *  Waverley.'  Are  we  not  too 
serious  ?  Is  there  not  something  humorous  in  everything  relating  to  this 
1  genuine  antique '  ? 

As  to  '  Otterburn,'  Mr.  Lang  says  he  has  shown  *  how  Scott  edited  it, 
what  he  excised,  and  what  he  took  from '  other  copies.  This  does  not 
weaken  my  argument  that  the  ballad  is  not  genuine,  and  it  strengthens 
my  contention  that  it  was  not  obtained  in  the  manner  related  in  the 
Minstrelsy.  Sir  George  Douglas  rightly  says  '  the  "  aged  persons  "  who 
"  lived  at  the  head  of  Ettrick  Forest,"  and  stored  ballads  in  their  retentive 
memories,  have  had  their  day '  (S.H.R.  vii.  419). 

For  his  views  on  '  Kinmont  Willie '  and  '  Jamie  Telfer,'  Mr.  Lang  relies 
'  faute  de  mieux ' — an  expression  implying  a  knowledge  of  weak  founda- 
tions— *  on  ballad  lore  ' — I  know  of  none  relating  specially  to  either  ballad 
— '  on  logic,' — so  also  do  I,  though  it  has  somewhere  been  referred  to  as 
'  that  wonderful  one-boss  shay ' — '  and  on  literary  criticism.'  I  am  glad  to 
remember  that  Mr.  Lang  has  referred  to  my  literary  criticism  of  'Jamie 
Telfer '  in  terms  of  high  approbation  (S.H.R.  iv.  87). 


My  little  book,  Sir  Walter  Scott  and  the  Border  Minstrelsy,  contains  all 
that  I  have  to  say  in  reply  to  Colonel  FitzWilliam  Elliot's  letter.  My 
proof  of  Scott's  entire  innocence  of  forging  Auld  Maitland  and  of  telling 
falsehoods  about  that  ballad  reposes  on  facts,  which  I  give,  and  on  ascer- 
tained dates. 


Further  Essays  on  Border  Ballads        221 

As  to  Otterbourne,  I  give  every  detail  of  Scott's  making  of  the  text 
published  by  him  ;  his  proceedings  were  those  which  he  professedly 
employed  when  he  had  before  him  incomplete  variants  in  MS.  or  even 
complete  variants. 

As  regards  Jamie  Telfer  and  Kinmont  Willie,  as  there  is  almost  no 
external  evidence,  I  do  as  Colonel  Elliot  does  ;  I  criticise  the  ballads  as 
we  possess  them,  commenting  on  some  features  unnoticed  by  Colonel 
Elliot.  He  says  that  of  '  ballad  lore '  he  *  knows  none  relating  to  either 
ballad.'  That  is  his  misfortune,  not  my  fault !  I  am  able  to  give 
references  to  the  appearance,  in  other  old  ballads,  of  most  of  a  verse 
which  we  read  in  Scott's,  but  not  in  Sharpe's,  version  of  Jamie  Telfer. 
The  stanza,  in  Jamie  Telfer,  is  meaningless  ;  wherefore  I  presume  that  it 
was  not  inserted  by  Scott.  It  is  rather  curious,  though  unimportant,  that 
in  a  chapter-heading  of  The  Black  Dwarf  Scott  gives  a  variant  version  of 
a  stanza  of  Jamie  Telfer.  Mr.  W.  J.  Kennedy  also  points  out  to  me  that 
in  a  book  called  Feats  on  the  Border,  of  about  1830,  there  occurs  an  other- 
wise unknown  stanza  of  Kinmont  Willie. 

To  Mr.  Kennedy  I  also  owe  complete  proof,  from  a  MS.  of  Laidlaw's, 
that  Leyden  did  not  know  Hogg  till  the  day  after  that  on  which  Laidlaw 
gave  to  Scott,  in  Leyden's  presence,  Hogg's  holograph  MS.  of  Auld 
Maitland.  This  is  important,  because,  on  Colonel  Elliot's  theory,  Hogg 
and  Leyden  must  have  known  each  other ;  and  from  Leyden  Hogg  might 
have  got  his  knowledge  of  'Auld  Maitland  and  his  bairnis  three.'  The 
theory  is  ingenious,  but  baseless. 

As  I  prove,  in  my  book,  that  Scott  deceived  nobody  in  regard  to  Auld 
Maitland,  I  might  be  dispensed  from  remarking  on  an  example  of  Colonel 
Elliot's  logic,  but  it  invites  comment.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  Scott  received 
from  Laidlaw,  in  the  spring  vacation  of  1802,  the  MS.  of  Auld  Maitland 
which  Hogg  had  sent  to  Laidlaw.  In  the  same  spring  Scott  sent  this  same 
holograph  MS.  to  Joseph  Ritson,  with  an  account  of  its  provenance,  which 
was  entirely  true.  Had  Scott  lied  in  his  account,  I  have  my  own  opinion 
as  to  the  ethical  nature  of  his  conduct :  it  would  be  *  highly  dishonourable.' 
Colonel  Elliot  says  that  I  may  *  mean  that  to  include  friends  in  such  a 
deception  is  dishonourable — that  to  deceive  a  friend  is  more  objectionable 
than  to  confide  in  him  and  force  him  to  choose  between  betraying  and 
screening  you.'  Manet  sors  tertia :  you  need  say  nothing  about  the 
matter  to  your  friend,  to  Ritson  or  Ellis.  I  hope  never  to  return  to  these 
'antiquarian  old  womanries'  again,  but  if  any  one  can  disprove  the  facts 
and  dates  on  which  I  rely  in  the  matter  of  Auld  Maitland,  I  will  *  burn 
my  faggot '  with  due  publicity. 

A.  LANG. 

The  editor  has  sent  Mr.  Lang's  note  to  Colonel  Fitzwilliam  Elliot  who 
writes  :  '  Mr.  Lang's  "  ballad  lore  "  is  now  limited  to  appearances,  in  old 
ballads,  of  part  of  a  verse  in  Scott's  version  of  "Jamie  Telfer."  How  this 
bears  upon  the  genuineness  of  the  older  versions — and  that  is  the  whole  of 
my  point — it  is  impossible  to  understand.' 

Colonel   Fitzwilliam  Elliot  also  adds,   that  'regarding  Auld  Maitland 

222        Further  Essays  on  Border  Ballads 

Mr.  Lang  is  incorrect  in  saying  that  my  theory  depends  upon  when  Hogg 
and  Leyden  first  became  acquainted.' 

The  editor  would  call  attention  to  the  paper  on  Border  Ballads  by 
Professor  W.  Paton  Ker  on  page  190  of  this  number  of  the  Scottish 
Historical  Review. 

EARLY  CHARTER  AT  INVERARAY.— The  following  charter, 
found  last  year  by  me  at  Inveraray,  in  the  Argyll  charter  chest,  into  which 
it  seems  to  have  strayed  in  some  manner,  is  the  earliest  writ  now  extant 
in  that  charter  room,  and  I  suppose  the  lands  named  are  in  Fife.  Two 
earls  of  Fife  bore  the  name  of  Malcolm,  the  former  holding  the  earldom 
from  1203  to  1228  and  the  latter  from  1228  to  1266,  and  it  is  probably  to 
the  latter  that  this  writ  should  be  assigned.  Alexander  of  Blar,  a  witness 
herein,  had  himself  a  charter  of  the  lands  of  Thases,  Kinteases,  and  Ballen- 
durich  for  service  of  one  knight  from  Earl  Malcolm  of  Fife,  to  which 
William  of  Wiuille,  Walter  and  Gregory,  chaplains,  are  all  witnesses. 
(Vide  Fourth  Report  Hist.  MSS.  Com.^  p.  503,  penes  Earl  of  Zetland, 
formerly  penes  Earl  of  Rothes.) 

'Comes  Malcolmus  de  fif  omnibus  amicis  suis  et  hominibus  salutem 
Sciant  presentes  et  futuri  me  dedisse  et  concessisse  et  hac  mea  carta 
confirmasse  Ricardo  filio  Andree  de  Lintune  meas  tres  tarvez  per  rectas 
divisas  suas  cum  omnibus  justis  pertinentiis  suis  et  Findakech  et  medietatem 
de  Balebranin  per  rectas  divisas  suas  et  cum  omnibus  ipsius  pertinentiis 
quibuscunque.  In  bosco  et  piano  in  pratis  et  pascuis  In  moris  et 
maresiis  In  stagnis  et  molendinis  et  In  omnibus  aliis  aisiamentis  eisdem 
terris  predictis  pertinentibus.  Tenend  sibi  et  heredibus  suis  de  me  et 
heredibus  meis  in  feudo  et  hereditate,  adeo  libere  et  quiete  plenarie  et 
honorifice  sicut  aliquis  miles  in  regno  scocie  feudum  suum  de  comite  ut 
barone  liberius  quiecius  plenius  et  honorificentius  tenet  et  possidet  faciendo 
servicium  unius  militis  in  Testibus  Alexandro  et  Willelmo  de  Blar,Willelmo 
de  Wyvilla,  Elia  filio  odonis,  Willelmo  filio  Alexandri,  Waltero  et 
gregorio  capellanis.  Stephano  de  Blar,  Gregorio  filio  Walteri  de  Ecclis, 
Rogero  de  berkelay,  Willelmo  clerico  cum  nonnullis(?)  aliis.' 

A  very  fine  and  perfect  seal  in  green  wax  remains  appended  on  a  cord 
of  interwoven  black  and  brown  thread,  bearing  the  equestrian  figure  of 
an  armed  knight  apparently  crowned  with  flowing  surcoat,  sword  in  hand 
and  shield  on  breast.  Legend,  SIGILLUM  MALCOLMI  COMITIS  DE  FIF. 
Reverse,  a  small  shield  (obliterated) ;  legend,  SECRET  COMIS  M  •  DE  •  FIF. 
Dimensions  of  charter,  8-|  inches  by  4  inches  plus  I  inch  folded  over. 

Dorso  is  written,  *  Charter  be  Malcolm  Earle  of  Fife  to  Richard  sone 
to  Andrew  of  Linton  of  the  lands  of  Tarbet  without  date,'  and  another 
hand  has  written  *  1217-1266.' 

I  have  expanded  the  numerous  contractions  in  the  above  transcript. 


The  Coronation  Stone  of  Scotland       223 

THE  SIEGE  OF  EDINBURGH,  1745.  The  Editor  has  to  thank 
Mr.  John  Morrison  for  pointing  out  that  the  letter  from  Mr.  Francis 
Kennedy  (S.H.R,  viii.  54),  which  is  dated  8th  September,  1745,  should 
have  been  dated  8th  October,  1745  ;  this  letter,  instead  of  being  the  first  of 
the  series,  should,  therefore,  have  been  the  third.  The  Editor  regrets  that 
this  error  in  dating  on  Mr.  Francis  Kennedy's  part  was  not  noticed  earlier. 
The  occupation  of  Edinburgh  by  the  Jacobites  only  began  on  I7th  Sep- 
tember, and  internal  evidence  also  goes  to  show  that  this  letter  should  have 
followed  that  of  5th  October. 

a  hold  on  Scottish  and  English  history,  and  on  English  as  well  as 
Scottish  imagination,  the  'stone  of  Scone'  possesses  is  well  shown  by  Mr. 
George  Watson's  paper  in  the  transactions  of  the  Scottish  Ecclesiological 
Society  on  '  The  Coronation  Stone  of  Scotland,'  of  which  he  has  sent  us  an 
offprint.  It  is  an  excellent  statement  of  the  whole  story,  supplementing  at 
many  points  W.  F.  Skene's  classic  essay  on  the  subject.  It  traces  anew 
the  pedigree  and  adventures  of  this  famous  stone  and  the  literature  of 
romance,  prophecy,  record  and  chronicle  which  time,  ever  prone  to  broider 
fact  with  legend,  has  evoked. 

Geology  is  said  to  favour  a  native  Scots  origin,  as  authorities  forty  years 
ago  agreed  that  the  stone  was  of  west-coast  Scottish  sandstone.  This  dis- 
credited the  legend  of  an  Egyptian  source  and  a  journey  westward  inter- 
rupted by  a  sojourn  of  2000  years  or  so  in  Spain  prior  to  its  being  set  up  in 
Ireland  for  an  age  or  two,  before  its  conveyance  across  the  Channel  to  Lorn 
and  Scone.  The  legend  appears  at  least  as  early  as  1301,  then  simply 
bearing  that  Pharaoh's  daughter  sailed  to  Ireland  and  thence  to  Scotland 
carrying  the  stone  with  her. 

That  long  before  this  it  was  invested  by  tradition  with  high  national 
sanctions  appears  sufficiently  from  Hemingburgh's  description  of  John 
Balliol's  coronation  in  1292,  when  in  accordance  with  the  ancient  ceremony 
the  king  was  set  in  the  '  huge  stone '  beside  the  great  altar  of  the  monastery- 
church  of  Scone.  On  Balliol's  overthrow  in  1296  Edward  I.  carried  off 
the  stone  to  Westminster  whence,  in  spite  of  negotiation  and  direct  under- 
taking by  treaty  to  return  it,  it  never  returned. 

Mr.  Watson  has  faithfully  assembled  the  medieval  historical  references  to 
it,  but  we  suspect  there  must  be  many  even  of  the  early  period  and  still 
more  since  the  Union  which  would  increase  the  value  of  the  collection. 
It  strikes  a  Scotsman  as  very  curious  that  such  a  work  as  Mr.  Wickham 
Legg's  English  Coronation  Records  should  be  indefinite  and  devoid  of 
information  about  the  '  Stone  of  Destiny '  ;  and  that  among  all  the  profusion 
of  liturgical  writings  on  the  ceremonial  of  the  coronation,  with  its  more  than 
ample  store  of  petty  rubrics  about  faldstools,  imperial  mantles  and  holy  oil, 
the  ingenuity  of  court  ceremonialists  from  the  time  of  Charles  I.  till  that  of 
Victoria  should  never  have  found  room  in  the  '  Coronation  Orders  '  for  the 
fact  that  the  stone  is  a  great  historic  part  of  the  function.  '  King  Edward's 
Chair'  is  no  doubt  a  fit  enough  memory  of  St.  Edward.  It  is  meet  that 

224      The  Coronation  Stone  of  Scotland 

English  traditions  should  live  even  in  rubric,  but  why  should  not  the  'stone 
of  Scotland '  be  specifically  countenanced  in  the  liturgy  of  the  day  ? 

Mr.  Watson's  numerous,  and  often  odd,  citations  do  not  seem  to  include 
one  from  a  chronicle  noticed  by  Leland  (Collectanea,  \.  189)  where,  follow- 
ing an  account  of  the  coronation  of  Henry  IV.  there  is  mention  of  the 
Lapis  regalls  Scotia.  We  observe  with  pleasure  that  he  adds  to  the  stock 
of  known  allusions  a  passage  from  a  Bodleian  manuscript  attributing  to 
Moses  the  prediction  about  the  '  fatal '  stone  that 

qui  ceste  piere  avera 
De  molt  estraunge  terre  conquerour  serra. 

This  form  of  the  prophecy  is  a  little  more  general  than  the  well-known 
standard  couplet, 

Ni  fallat  fatum  Scoti  quocunque 
Inveniunt  lapidem  regnare  tenentur  ibidem. 

['  The  Scottis  sail  brook  that  realme  as  native  ground, 
gif  weirdes  faill  not,  q'ever  this  chyre  is  found.' 

But  the  broader  prophecy  has  had  perhaps  the  more  triumphant  vindication. 


Scottish   Historical   Review 

VOL.  VIIL,  No.  31  APRIL  1911 

The   Beginnings  of  St.   Andrews   University 



nnHE  cathedral  town  of  St.  Andrews  became  the  home  of  the 
JL  first  Scottish  University  in  1410.  St.  Andrews  was  then, 
and  has  ever  remained,  an  ideal  place  for  a  seat  of  learning.  The 
town  had  been  growing  steadily  for  centuries,  under  the  fostering 
care  of  a  long  succession  of  bishops  ;  but  its  geographical  position 
was  an  effectual  barrier  to  its  becoming  the  centre  of  a  great 
population.  In  this  respect  time  has  wrought  but  little  change. 
St.  Andrews,  although  in  touch  with  all  the  world,  is  still  far 
from  being  one  of  the  busy  haunts  of  men.  The  two  '  seas ' 
which  were  once  complained  of  as  being  to  its  disadvantage  have 
now  been  bridged,  but  men  and  things  are  only  the  more  swiftly 
carried  past  its  doors.  The  gray  old  town  remains  standing 
isolated  and  remote.  It  is  true  that  it  increases  in  area  and  in 
the  number  of  its  inhabitants  with  the  years,  but  its  growth 
continued,  until  quite  lately,  to  be  relatively  slow. 

In  plan  and  general  outline  St.  Andrews  has  not  altered  much 
since  the  natal  year  of  its  University.  The  twentieth  century 
finds  it  stretching  itself  towards  the  south  and  west,  and  covering 
its  suburbs  with  villas  and  gardens.  The  fifteenth  century  found 
it  confining  itself  within  narrower  limits,  as  if  for  greater  warmth 
and  safety,  and  with  nearly  all  its  principal  buildings  clinging  close 
to  the  north  and  east.  A  large  part  of  the  ground  now  built 

S.H.R.  VOL.  VIII,  J> 

226  J.  Maitland  Anderson 

upon  was  then,  and  for  centuries  afterwards,  ploughed  land 
and  pasturage.  The  billows  had  forbidden  the  encircling  of  the 
legendary  shrine  of  St.  Regulus  with  human  dwellings,  and  so  the 
cliffs  above  and  beyond  his  sea-girt  cave  became  crowned  with 
piles  of  masonry.  On  the  one  side,  towards  the  south-east,  stood 
what  had  been  a  Culdee  church  and  monastery,  otherwise  known  as 
the  Church  of  St.  Mary  of  the  Rock,  and  at  one  time  a  Chapel 
Royal.  Not  far  off  stood  the  church  dedicated  to  St.  Regulus 
himself,  with  its  time-defying  tower,  which  still  looks  down  upon 
the  ruins  of  once  massive  buildings  greatly  younger  than  itself. 
Close  by  were  the  extensive  buildings  and  grounds  of  the  Augus- 
tinian  Priory,  founded  in  1144,  witn  its  magnificent  cathedral 
church,  begun  about  1160  but  not  consecrated  until  1318.  On 
the  other  side,  towards  the  north,  the  Castle  or  Palace  of  the 
Bishops,  dating  from  about  1200,  rose  sheer  from  the  water's 
edge.  Nearer  still,  a  few  yards  to  the  south,  there  was,  it  is 
believed,  a  chapel  dedicated  to  St.  Peter;  while  close  by  the 
cathedral  stood  the  earliest  parish  church. 

This  group  of  ecclesiastical  buildings  crowned  a  rocky  promon- 
tory— anciently  known  as  Mucross — and  looked  straight  out 
upon  the  cold  North  Sea.  They  formed  the  nucleus  of  a  town 
which  sprang  up  and  prospered  under  their  shadow.  This  nucleus 
at  first  bore  the  Celtic  name  of  Kilrimont,  but  long  before  it  had 
attained  to  any  size  the  town  had  come  to  be  known  as 
St.  Andrews.  Hemmed  in  between  a  rivulet  and  the  sea,  it  took 
shape  accordingly.  From  near  the  main  entrance  to  the  cathedral 
three  long,  and  for  the  most  part  spacious,  streets  extended  in  a 
westerly  direction.  These  streets  ran  nearly  parallel,  except  that 
they  converged  upon  the  cathedral,  and  their  outer  ends  ter- 
minated in  ports  or  gateways.  They  were  known  respectively  as 
the  Northgate,  the  Marketgate,  and  the  Southgate,  and  here  and 
there  were  joined  by  narrow  lanes  bearing  even  homelier  names. 
Along  the  cliffs,  between  the  Kirkhill  and  the  Links,  and  passing 
the  entrance  to  the  castle,  there  ran  a  roadway,  rather  than  a 
street,  inasmuch  as  it  was  lined  on  either  side  by  crofts  instead  of 
houses.  This  was  known  as  the  Castlegate,  afterwards  as  the 
Swallowgate,  and  later  still  as  the  Scores. 

The  Southgate  was  the  principal  street — the  'via  regia.'  It 
was  longer  than  the  two  other  streets,  and  its  east  end  was  for 
many  generations  the  fashionable  quarter  of  the  town.  Here 
were  to  be  found  the  lofty  and  substantial  houses  of  churchmen, 
of  the  aristocracy,  and  of  the  wealthier  merchant  burgesses. 

St.  Andrews  University  227 

Elsewhere  were  the  booths  and  dwellings  of  the  craftsmen  and 
traders,  and  the  homesteads  of  the  land-labourers,  or  crofters, 
who  farmed  the  Priory  acres.  A  few  sailors  and  fishermen  had 
settled  near  the  castle ;  bakers,  maltsters,  and  brewers  were  plenti- 
ful ;  but  no  single  industry  was  engaged  in  on  an  extensive  scale. 
Merchandise  came  and  went  for  the  most  part  by  sea — the 
estuary  of  the  Eden,  four  miles  away,  being  the  recognised  port 
at  which  the  petty  customs  of  the  burgh  were  levied.  With  the 
exception  of  the  Dominican  or  Black-Friars'  Monastery  in  the 
Southgate,  no  ecclesiastical  building  of  any  importance  had  as 
yet  been  erected  in  any  of  the  streets  or  lanes;  but  the  trans- 
ference of  the  Parish  Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity  to  the  centre 
of  the  town  followed  immediately  upon  the  founding  of  the 
University.  The  existence  of  *  Temple  Tenements '  in  all  three 
streets  indicates  the  presence  of  the  knights  of  St.  John  of  Jerusa- 
lem ;  and  there  are  charter  references  to  c  inns '  and  other  houses 
of  considerable  size,  as  well  as  to  chapels,  both  in  the  Southgate 
and  the  Northgate. 

There  would  also  be  municipal  buildings  of  some  sort,  probably 
in  the  Marketgate,  for  St.  Andrews  had  been  a  royal  burgh  since 
the  time  of  King  David  II.,  and  had  a  line  of  provosts  going  back 
to  about  1 135.  But  even  in  the  fifteenth  century  its  actual  ruler 
was  the  bishop,  and  under  him  the  prior  and  the  archdeacon.  The 
town  laid  claim  to  a  saintly  origin,  and  the  whole  atmosphere 
of  the  place  was  still  essentially  ecclesiastical.  Churchmen  of  all 
grades  were  constantly  to  be  seen  on  its  streets.  They  were  the 
only  men  who  could  pretend  to  possess  even  a  little  education, 
and  so  all  posts  of  influence  and  emolument  fell  to  their  lot. 
Apart  from  supplying  the  daily  needs  of  the  community,  there 
was  little  scope  for  trade  or  commerce.  It  was  as  the  ecclesiastical 
capital  of  Scotland  that  St.  Andrews  flourished.  Its  resident 
clergy  were  numerous  and  influential,  and  there  was  a  constant 
coming  and  going  of  dignitaries  both  of  church  and  state. 
Being  the  seat  of  the  principal  official  of  the  diocese,  much  legal 
business  fell  to  be  transacted  within  its  walls. 

Such  learning  as  Scotland  possessed  from  the  twelfth  to  the 
fifteenth  century  was  well  represented  at  St.  Andrews.  Not  a 
few  of  its  bishops  were  men  of  refinement  and  intellectual 
culture,  to  whom  the  sons  of  kings  and  nobles  were  entrusted 
for  their  early  training.  Even  before  the  foundation  of  the 
Priory  and  the  building  of  the  Cathedral,  St.  Andrews  had 
become  known  as  a  centre  of  education.  Thus,  as  early  as  1 1 20, 

228  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

Eadmer,  on  his  election  to  the  bishopric,  was  welcomed  by  the 
scholars  and  people  of  St.  Andrews.1  About  a  century  later, 
between  1211  and  1216,  a  dispute  arose  between  the  Prior  and 
the  *  Master  of  the  schools  of  the  city  of  St.  Andrews  and  the 
poor  scholars  of  the  said  city  *  regarding  certain  endowments  per- 
taining to  the  schools — a  dispute  which  was  amicably  settled  under 
a  reference  to  Pope  Innocent  III.2  Again,  the  Exchequer  Rolls 
of  Scotland  show  that  in  1384  and  also  in  1386,  payments  were 
made  on  behalf  of  James  Stewart,  son  of  King  Robert  II.,  and 
Gilbert  of  Hay,  son  of  Thomas  of  Hay,  who  were  then  studying 
at  St.  Andrews — the  one  '  stante  in  studio  apud  Sanctum  Andream,' 
the  other  '  existente  in  scolis  ibidem.' 3  These  schools  were 
doubtless  in  some  way  connected  with  the  Church  ;  and,  although 
nothing  definite  is  known  regarding  the  educational  arrangements 
of  the  Priory,  it  is  reasonable  to  assume  that  they  included  a 
training  school  for  novices,  and  probably  for  others.  So  late 
indeed  as  January  18,  1467,  reference  is  made  in  the  University 
records  to  a  grammar  school  (schola  grammaticalis)  within  the 
monastery,  which  the  Faculty  of  Arts  was  anxious  to  suppress.* 
Martine,  writing  in  1683,  asserts  that  'upon  the  west  of  the 
[Cathedral]  Church  there  stood  a  Lycaeum,  where  the  famous 
Scotus  his  quodlibets  were  taught.'6  Of  this  building  nothing 
now  is  known,  except  that  massive  foundations  still  exist  upon 
its  reputed  site. 

It  is  therefore  not  surprising  that  the  closing  year  of  the  first 
decade  of  the  fifteenth  century  witnessed  the  commencement  of  a 
Studium  Generale  in  St.  Andrews.  The  wonder  rather  is  that  this 
important  event  should  have  been  deferred  so  long.6  Two  causes 
may  be  assigned  for  the  foundation  of  a  Scottish  University  at 
this  particular  period.  The  one  is  the  strained  relations  that  had 
for  some  time  prevailed  between  Scotland  and  England  ;  and  the 
other  is  the  great  Schism  which  had  existed  in  the  Church  since 
1378.  The  former  put  many  difficulties  in  the  way  of  Scottish 
students  attending  the  Universities  of  Oxford  and  Cambridge  ; 

1 '  Post  haec  ad  ecclesiam  Sancti  Andreae  venit,  et,  occurrente  ei  regina,  sus- 
ceptus  a  scholasticis  et  plebe  pontificis  loco  successit.'  Historia  Novorum  in  Anglla 
(Rolls  Series),  p.  283. 

2  Registrum  Priorafus,  p.  316.  z  Exchequer  Rolls,  vol.  iii.  pp.  121,  138. 

4  MS.  Acta  Facultatis  Artium.  5 Reliquiae  Divi  Andreae,  p.  187. 

6  Major,  who  records  the  foundation  of  the  University  of  St.  Andrews  in  a  single 
line,  adds :  '  Praelatorum  Scotiae  incuriam  admiror,  qui  Universitatem  ante  hos 
dies  nullam  in  regno  habuerunt.'  Historia,  1.  vi.  c.  10. 

St.  Andrews  University  229 

and  the  latter  not  only  led  to  their  molestation  there,  but  it  limited 
the  freedom  of  movement  as  well  as  the  financial  support  which 
students  generally  had  been  wont  to  enjoy  on  the  Continent.  Of 
these  two  causes  the  latter  was  probably  the  more  potent.  For  a 
good  many  years  before  1410  there  seems  to  have  been  compara- 
tively little  academical  intercourse  between  Scotland  and  England. 
On  the  other  hand  Scottish  students  found  their  way  in  consider- 
able numbers  to  the  Universities  of  France  and  Italy.  So  long 
as  France  and  Scotland  owned  allegiance  to  Clement  VII.  and  his 
successor  Benedict  XIII.,  Scottish  students  laboured  under  no 
disadvantages.  But  the  case  was  quite  different  when  France, 
and  especially  the  University  of  Paris,  took  up  a  hostile  attitude 
to  Benedict  XIII.,  and  the  crisis  came  when  he  was  deposed, 
along  with  Gregory  XII.,  by  the  Council  of  Pisa  on  June  5,  I4O9-1 
As  Scotland  disregarded  the  decision  of  the  Council  and  continued 
to  adhere  to  Benedict,  Scottish  students  whether  pursuing  their 
studies  in  England,  France,  or  Italy,  would  be  deemed  Schismatics, 
and  the  need  for  a  university  at  home  would  at  once  become  a 
matter  of  extreme  urgency.2 

The  precise  circumstances  in  which  the  University  of  St. 
Andrews  arose  have  not  been  definitely  stated  by  any  of  the 
early  historians  of  Scotland,  and  its  own  extant  records  yield 
no  information  on  the  point.  There  is  nothing  to  indicate 
that  its  institution  was  a  long-premeditated  act.  The  limited 
information  available  rather  favours  the  view  that  it  was  called 
into  existence  to  meet  a  sudden  emergency.  For  although  the 
University  is  in  possession  of  a  foundation  charter  embodied  in 

1  Even  before  this  futile  attempt  to  heal  the  Schism,  the  feeling  in  France  against 
Benedict  was  very  bitter  as  may  be  seen  from  numerous  contemporary  documents. 
For  example,  on  May  21,   1408,  the  University  of  Paris  declared  'Petrum  de 
Luna  fore   non  tantum  schismaticum   pertinacemque    habendum,   verum    etiam 
haereticum,  perturbatorem  pacis  et  sanctae   unionis  ecclesiae.'     Whereupon,  on 
June  5,  Charles  VI.  ordained  'qu'aucune  creance  ni  obeissance  ne  soit  desormais 
accordee  aux  bulles  et  lettres  de  Pierre  de  Lune,  pour  dons  de  prelatures,  dignit6s 
ou   benefices.'     Further,  on  March   20,    1409,  Charles  announced  that  he  had 
reserved  a   thousand  benefices  to  be  disposed  of  in   favour  of  members  of  the 
University  of  Paris  as  a  reward  for  the  great  zeal  with  which  they  had  laboured 
to  re-establish  the  union  of  the  Church,  without  asking  or  requiring  any  favours 
from   Pope   Benedict.     Bulaeus,  Hist.   Univ.  Paris.,  vol.  v.  pp.   160,   167,   186; 
Jourdain,  Index  Chartarum,  p.  223. 

2  Cosmo  Innes  recognised  the  consequences  of  the  Schism  as  they  affected  Scot- 
land and  England,  but  it  does  not  appear  to  have  occurred  to  him  that  they  were 
even  more  far  reaching  as  regards  Scotland  and  the  Continent.     National  Manu- 
scripts of  Scotland,  pt.  ii.  p.  xv. 

230  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

a  confirmatory  papal  bull,  the  granting  of  this  charter  does 
not  appear  to  have  been  the  initial  step  in  the  founding  of 
the  University.  It  was  more  probably  the  immediate,  or  at 
all  events  the  early,  result  of  the  University's  actual  existence. 
Such  at  least  is  the  inference  to  be  drawn  from  the  oldest 
extant  account  of  the  beginnings  of  the  University.  Walter 
Bower,  Abbot  of  Inchcolm,  the  continuator  of  Fordun's  Scoti- 
chronicon,  who  had  excellent  opportunities  of  knowing  the  exact 
circumstances,  makes  no  mention  of  a  foundation  charter  at  all 
in  the  short  chapter  he  devotes  to  the  foundation  of  the  Uni- 
versity. He  is  even  silent  as  to  who  the  founder  was.  All  he 
says  is  that  in  the  year  1410,  'after  the  feast  of  Pentecost  [May 
n],  a  Studium  Generate  Universitatis  began  in  the  city  of  St. 
Andrew  of  Kylrymonth  in  Scotland,  in  the  time  of  Henry  of 
Wardlaw,  bishop,  and  of  James  Biset,  prior,  of  the  said  St. 
Andrew.' l  The  charter  was  not  issued  till  more  than  a  year  and 
nine  months  later,  viz.  on  February  28,  1412. 

Subsequent  documents  show  that  four  persons  were  closely 
associated  in  the  foundation  of  the  University.  These  were  the 
King  of  Scotland,  the  Bishop  of  St.  Andrews,  the  Prior  of  St. 
Andrews,  and  the  Archdeacon  of  St.  Andrews.  Others  no  doubt 
lent  their  aid,  but  these  are  the  men  who  are  entitled  to  rank  as 
its  chief  promoters.  All  four  were  men  of  learning  and  culture, 
to  whom  the  founding  of  a  university  must  have  been  a  congenial 
enterprise.  In  a  former  number  of  the  Scottish  Historical  Review"* 
I  have  dealt  with  the  share  taken  by  King  James  I.  in  the  founding 
of  the  University  of  St.  Andrews,  and  there  is  no  need  to  refer  to 
the  facts  of  his  life  here.  In  the  present  paper  I  therefore  confine 
myself  to  brief  notices  of  the  Bishop,  the  Prior,  and  the  Arch- 

Bishop  Wardlaw  is  usually  described  as  the  younger  son  of  Sir 
Andrew  Wardkw  of  Torry,  Fifeshire  ;  but  this  is  not  borne  out 
by  the  results  of  recent  investigation.  He  was  most  probably  a 
younger  son  of  Henry  Wardlaw  of  Wilton,  in  Roxburghshire, 
and  grandson  of  Henry  Wardlaw  of  Wilton,  who,  in  the  beginning 
of  the  fourteenth  century,  married  a  niece  of  Walter,  Lord  High 
Steward  of  Scotland.  Early  in  the  fifteenth  century,  the  laird  of 
Wilton  married  the  eldest  daughter  and  heiress  of  Sir  James  de 

1  ScoticAronicon,  1.  xv.  c.  xxii. 

2  Vol.  iii.  p.  301.    As  this  and  the  former  article  cover  part  of  the  same  ground, 
it  has  not  been  possible  to  avoid  a  certain  amount  of  repetition,  but  the  one  does 
not  altogether  supersede  the  other. 

St.  Andrews  University  231 

Valoniis,  of  Torry  and  Lochore,  and  from  that  time  the  Wardlaws 
were  generally  designated  as  '  of  Torrie.'  Bishop  Wardlaw  was  a 
nephew  of  the  celebrated  Cardinal,  Walter  Wardlaw,  Bishop  of 
Glasgow.  He  was  probably  born  about  1365,  but  neither  the  name 
of  his  mother  nor  the  exact  year  of  his  birth  has  been  discovered.1 
As  early  as  1378,  when  he  must  have  been  quite  young,  his 
uncle  petitioned  Clement  VII.  on  his  behalf  for  a  canonry  of 
Glasgow,  with  expectation  of  a  prebend.2  On  December  7,  1380, 
he  was  granted  a  safe  conduct  by  King  Richard  II.  of  England, 
to  enable  him  and  his  kinsman,  Alexander  Wardlaw,  to  attend 
either  of  the  Universities  of  that  country.3  He  is  said  to  have 
chosen  Oxford,  but  he  cannot  have  remained  there  long,  as  his 
name  appears  in  the  list  of  Determinants  of  the  University  of 
Paris  for  the  year  1383,  along  with  that  of  Alexander.4  By 
October  5,  1387,  he  was  Licentiate  in  Arts,  and  had  been 
studying  Civil  Law  at  Orleans  for  two  years.5  In  a  benefice  roll 
dated  August  9,  1393,  addressed  to  Clement  VII.  by  the  Uni- 
versity of  Avignon,  the  name  of  Henry  Wardlaw  occurs  among 
the  graduates  of  noble  birth.6  In  a  similar  roll  addressed  to 
Benedict  XIII.  by  the  same  University  in  the  following  year 
(October  18-23,  J394)  ne  ^s  agam  entered  among  the  *  nobiles,' 
and  is  described  as  *  Henry  de  Wardlaw,  Licentiate  in  Arts, 
Precentor  of  the  Church  of  Glasgow,  born  of  noble  parentage, 
who  is  nephew  of  dominus  Walter  of  good  memory,  Cardinal  of 
Scotland.'7  In  a  petition  of  1395  for  another  benefice  (granted 
April  24),  he  is  described  as  a  student  of  Canon  Law.8  In  sub- 
sequent years  he  is  variously  designated  as  Licentiate  in  Arts, 
and  Bachelor  and  Doctor  of  Canon  Law.  During  his  protracted 
residence  in  France  he  obtained  various  lucrative  ecclesiastical 
preferments  in  Scotland,  most  of  which  he  appears  to  have  held 

1  In  the  matter  of  the  Wardlaw  genealogy  I  follow  the  guidance  of  Mr.  J.  C. 
Gibson,  who  has  devoted  much  time  and  labour  to  the  subject,  and  who  was  kind 
enough  to  revise  and  correct  what  I  had  previously  written. 

2  Calendar  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  p.  548. 

3  Rotuli  Scotiae,  vol.  ii.  p.  3 1 . 

4  Auctarium  Chartularii  Universitatis  Parisiensis,  vol.  i.  col.  648. 

6  Calendar  of  Tapal  Letters,  vol.  iv.  p.  255. 

6Fournier's  Statuts  et  Privileges  des  univer sites  fran$aises,  vol.  ii.  p.  331. 

7  Fournier's  Statuts,  vol.  ii.  p.  343.         8  CaL  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  p.  584. 
9  His  name  is  of  frequeut  occurrence  in  the  CaL  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  and 

in  the  CaL  of  Tapal  Letters,  vols.  vii.  viii. 

232  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

The  promotion  of  Henry  Wardlaw  to  the  bishopric  of  St. 
Andrews  was  a  spontaneous  act  on  the  part  of  Benedict  XIII.,  at 
whose  Court  he  is  supposed  to  have  been  at  the  time  resident,1 
and  by  whom  he  was  held  in  high  esteem.2  The  see  had  been 
practically  vacant  since  the  death  of  Bishop  Walter  Trail  in  1401, 
although  no  less  than  three  elections  had  taken  place.  During  the 
vacancy  the  Pope  himself  was  in  difficulties  and  had  been  besieged 
in  his  palace  at  Avignon,  but  he  appears  to  have  acted  with  great 
discrimination,  and  a  wiser  selection  than  Wardlaw  could  hardly 
have  been  made.  He  had  much  in  common  with  his  pre- 
decessor Bishop  Trail,  who  had  also  been  preferred  to  the  see 
without  election.  His  ideals  were  of  the  same  lofty  nature, 
his  learning  was  equally  varied,  and  his  zeal  for  the  purity 
of  church  life  and  for  the  correction  of  abuses  was  not  less 
fervent.  Bishop  Wardlaw  lived  long  enough  to  see  the 
University  firmly  established.  He  died  at  a  good  old  age  on 
April  6,  1440. 3 

James  Biset  had  been  Prior  of  St.  Andrews  since  1394,  and  was 
Vicar  General  during  the  vacancy  in  the  see  between  the  death  of 
Bishop  Trail  and  the  consecration  of  Bishop  Wardlaw.  Before  his 
promotion  he  was  one  of  the  canons  of  the  Priory.  He  was  a 
Licentiate  of  Canon  Law,  probably  of  the  University  of  Avignon,4 
and  had  lectured  on  that  subject  in  the  University  of  Paris  for  three 
years  previous  to  I39I.5  Like  other  churchmen  studying  abroad, 
he  was  provided  to  various  benefices  at  home,  including  the  Priory 

1  This    supposition   appears  to  rest  on   Bower's  phrase  :    '  repatriavit    a    curia 
Avinione.'     Scotichronicon,  1.  vi.  c.  xlvii. 

2  So  far  as  I  know,  the  exact  date  of  Wardlaw's  appointment  to  the  bishopric  of 
St.  Andrews  has  not  hitherto  been  given  by  any  writer  on  Scottish  history.    The 
late  Bishop  Dowden,  in  his  *  Notes  on  the  succession  of  the  bishops  of  St.  Andrews ' 
(Journal  of  Theological  Studies,  vol.  v.  p.  254)  states  that  'a  lacuna  in  the  archives  at 
Rome  prevents  us  from  affixing  a  precise  date  to  his  provision.'     Working  on  the 
basis  of  recorded  consecration  years,  the  bishop  skilfully  narrowed  the  issue  to 
between  May  20,  1403,  and  September  13,  1403.     But  there  is  no  lacuna  in  the 
Vatican   archives  at  that  particular  period,  and  the  precise  date  of  Wardlaw's 
provision  (September  10,  1403)  was  given  by  Denifle,  so  long  ago  as  1894,  in  the 
Auctarium,  vol.  i.  p.  xxxv.,  and  again  in  1 898  by  Eubel  in  his  Hierarchia  Catkolica, 
vol.  i.  p.  88.     I  lately  procured  a  full  transcript  of  this  provision  from  the  Papal 
registers  and  append  it  to  this  article. 

3  Scotichronicon,  1.  vi.  c.  xlvii. 

4  His  name  occurs  in  a  benefice  roll  of  that  university  dated  Aug.  9,  1393,  in 
which  he  is  designated  '  can.  expr.  prof.  eccl.  S.  Andree,  ord.  S.  Aug.,  in  jure  can. 
lie.'     Fournier's  Statuts,  vol.  ii.  p.  332. 

5Ca/.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  p.  575. 

St.  Andrews  University  233 

of  Loch  Leven.1  On  July  6,  1395,  the  Prior  was  stated  to  be 
acting  in  the  Roman  Curia.2  Bower,  who  up  to  1418  was  also  a 
Canon  at  St.  Andrews,  is  exceedingly  lavish  in  his  praise  of  Prior 
Biset,  whom  he  declares  to  have  been  second  to  none  of  his  pre- 
decessors, resembling  a  well-grafted  shoot  of  a  true  vine  that  grew 
into  a  choice  tree.  He  carried  out  extensive  alterations  and 
improvements  on  the  monastic  buildings  and  the  Cathedral 
Church,  and  was  exceptionally  active  in  protecting  the  rights  and 
privileges  of  the  Priory.  He  was  personally  a  good  and  great 
man,  humble,  grave,  prudent,  affable,  more  ready  to  forgive  than 
to  punish.  He  set  a  noble  example  to  the  brethren,  many  of 
whom,  following  in  his  footsteps,  rose  to  dignified  positions  in 
the  church.  Nor  is  this  to  be  wondered  at,  for  he  took  care  that 
two  of  his  canons  should  be  Masters  in  Theology,  two  Licentiates 
in  Decrees,  and  five  Bachelors  in  Decrees.3  Biset,  who  is  described 
by  Martin  V.  as  Papal  Chaplain  as  well  as  Prior,4  died  on  June 
25,  I4i6.5 

Thomas  Stewart,  the  Archdeacon  of  St.  Andrews,  had  been 
longer  in  office  than  either  the  bishop  or  the  prior.  Moreover, 
if  he  had  cared  to  exert  himself,  he  might  have  been  bishop 
instead  of  Wardlaw,  and  so,  perhaps,  have  altered  the  whole 
circumstances  of  the  founding  of  the  University.  The  arch- 
deacon was  one  of  King  Robert  II. 's  somewhat  numerous  family 
of  illegitimate  sons.  As  such,  he  was  well  provided  with  church 
livings,  which  were  used,  in  part,  to  enable  him  to  prosecute  his 
studies  at  Paris.  On  February  10,  1380,  Clement  VII.,  of  his 
own  motion,  made  provision  to  him  of  the  archdeaconry  of 
St.  Andrews,  void  by  the  promotion  of  John  de  Peebles  to  the 
see  of  Dunkeld,  together  with  the  canonry  and  prebend  of  Stobo 
in  the  diocese  of  Glasgow,  void  by  the  death  of  James  Stewart, 
his  brother.6  On  September  4,  1389,  at  the  request  of  his  father, 
he  obtained  from  Clement  the  deanery  of  Dunkeld,  and  a  dispen- 
sation to  hold  both  dignities  as  well  as  a  canonry  and  prebend 
attached  to  the  deanery.7  Again,  on  May  10,  1393,  Clement 
granted  Thomas  Stewart's  own  petition  for  a  canonry  of  Brechin, 
with  expectation  of  a  prebend,  notwithstanding  that  he  already 

1  Cal.t  as  above,  vol.  i.  pp.  575,  576.     His  right  to  hold  one  of  his  benefices  was 
disputed   by   Richard   Cady,   Bachelor  of  Canon   Law,  priest  of  the  diocese  of 
Dunkeld,  pp.  594,  597. 

2  Regis frum  Prioratus,  p.  2.  8  Scotichronicon,  1.  vi.  cc.  Iv.  Ivi. 
4CW.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  63.                       5  Scotichronicon,  1.  vi.  c.  Ivi.     / 
6Ca/.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  p.  551.  7 Col,,  as  above,  vol.  i.  p.  574. 


J.   Maitland  Anderson 

had  prebends  of  Glasgow  and  Dunkeld.1  During  this  period  he 
seems  to  have  been  a  student  at  Paris,  although  there  is  no 
mention  of  his  name  in  the  printed  records.  In  the  first  year  of 
Benedict  XIII.  (August  13,  1395)  ne  was  granted  permission, 
while  at  the  University,  to  visit  his  archdeaconry  by  deputy,  and 
receive  money  procurations  for  five  years,  as  also  to  lecture  on, 
and  teach,  Civil  Law  for  five  years.  He  was  then  described  as  a 
Bachelor  of  Canon  Law.2  On  November  30  of  the  same  year,  he 
was  granted  a  safe  conduct  by  King  Richard  II.  of  England  for 
four  months,  along  with  six  horsemen  and  attendants,  but  the 
purpose  of  the  journey  is  not  stated.3  Between  1384  and  1402 
the  Exchequer  Rolls  record  a  number  of  remissions  of  custom 
in  his  favour.4  On  July  I,  1401,  he  was  elected  Bishop  of 
St.  Andrews,  but  being,  in  the  words  of  Bower,5  a  man  of  most 
modest  disposition  and  of  dove-like  simplicity,  he  renounced  all 
claim  to  the  bishopric  when  he  found  that  formidable  difficulties 
stood  in  the  way  of  his  procuring  papal  confirmation  of  the 
election.  On  June  5,  1405,  he  rented  from  the  prior  and  canons 
the  lands  of  Balgove  and  other  adjoining  acres  near  St.  Andrews.6 
On  October  4,  1422,  he  sanctioned  the  sale  of  certain  lands  in 
North  Street  by  Thomas  Stewart,  scutifer,  St.  Andrews,  to  Prior 
James  de  Haldenston;7  while  on  July  20,  1430,  he  acquired 
from  Marjory  Litstar  a  property  in  South  Street  lying  between 
the  land  of  John  Ruglen  on  the  east,  and  the  common  vennel 
which  leads  to  the  church  of  St.  Leonard  on  the  west.8  The 
dates  of  his  birth  and  death  have  not  been  ascertained  but,  in 
spite  of  statements  to  the  contrary,  he  must  have  held  the  arch- 
deaconry for  at  least  fifty  years.  In  virtue  of  his  office  he  became 
one  of  the  first  conservators  of  the  privileges  of  the  University. 

Perhaps  at  no  other  time  was  there  more  learning  and  less 
corruption  among  the  clergy  at  St.  Andrews  than  in  the  days  of 
Bishop  Wardlaw,  Prior  Biset,  and  Archdeacon  Stewart.  It  was  a 
time  when  the  local  circumstances  were  singularly  well  suited  to 
meet  the  national  need  for  a  home  university.  The  harmonious 
co-operation  of  the  Bishop,  Prior,  and  Archdeacon  removed 
difficulties  of  various  kinds  which  might  otherwise  have  been 

1  Cat.,  as  above,  vol.  i.  p.  577. 
ZRotttfi  Scotiae,  vol.  ii.  p.  130. 

6  Scotichronicon,  1.  vi.  c.  xlvii. 

7  MS.  Pittance  Writs,  No.  18. 

2  Cal.t  as  above,  vol.  i.  p.  592. 
4  Vol.  iii.  pp.  122,  524,  551,  682. 
6  Rtgistrum  Prioratus,  p.  4.22. 
8  MS.  Pittance  Writs,  No.  25. 

St.   Andrews  University  235 

Fortunately,  the  names  of  the  first  teachers  in  the  University 
have  been  preserved  by  Bower.1  First  of  all,  there  was  Master 
Laurence  of  Lindores,  who  expounded  the  fourth  book  of  the 
Sentences  of  Peter  Lombard.  Then  followed  Master  Richard 
Cornell,  Archdeacon  of  Lothian  ;  Dominus  John  Litstar,  Canon 
of  St.  Andrews  ;  Master  John  Scheves,  Official  of  St.  Andrews  ; 
and  Master  William  Stephen,  afterwards  Bishop  of  Dunblane  ;  all 
of  whom  lectured  in  the  Faculty  of  Canon  Law.  Masters  John 
Gill,  William  Fowlis,  and  William  Croiser  were  the  lecturers  in 
Philosophy  and  Logic.  Most  of  these  names  have  been  repeated 
by  subsequent  historians,  including  Hector  Boece2  and  Arch- 
bishop Spottiswoode,3  although  with  a  somewhat  different  arrange- 
ment of  their  duties.*  But  whatever  may  have  been  the  proper 
sphere  of  each  Doctor  and  Master  it  seems  clear  that  the 
University  started  with  a  staff  of  qualified  teachers  in  the  Faculties 
of  Divinity,  Law,  and  Arts. 

Of  the  personal  history  of  these  pioneer  Doctors  and  Masters 
at  St.  Andrews  not  much  is  known.  They  had  all  been  educated 
in  France,  for  the  most  part  at  Paris,  and,  as  a  matter  of  course, 
they  were  without  exception  Churchmen. 

Perhaps  the  most  distinguished  of  them  all  was  Laurence  of 
Lindores,  who  is  characterised  by  Bower 5  as  '  a  great  theologian 
and  a  man  of  venerable  life ' ;  and  by  a  later  historian  as  '  the 
most  learned  theologian  of  his  day  in  Scotland.'6  He  was 
certainly  the  one  who  identified  himself  most  closely  with  the 
University,  in  which  he  held  a  prominent  position  till  the  day  of 
his  death.  But  before  the  University  was  founded,  Laurence  was 
a  well-known  and  dreaded  ecclesiastic,  and  had  secured  for  his 
name  a  permanent,  if  not  an  enviable,  place  in  Scottish  history. 

It  may  be  assumed  that  Laurence  was  a  graduate  in  Arts  of  the 
University  of  Paris,  as  he  incepted  there  on  April  7,  I393.7  On 

1  Scotichronicon,  1.  xv.  c.  xxii.  2  Scotorttm  Historiae,  1.  xvi. 

3  History  of  the  Church  of  Scotland,  ed.  Russell,  vol.  i.  p.  113. 

4  According  to  Bower's  arrangement,  Cornell  lectured  on  the  Decretals  ;  Litstar 
on  Canon  Law  in  the  morning  (de  mane)  •  and  Scheves  and  Stephen  afterwards 
(i.e.  post  prandium).     This  Parisian  custom  is  explained  by  Crevier  thus  :   '  Ces 
lecteurs   du    matin,    legentes   de   mane,    remplissoient    bien    leur    denomination. 
C'etoient  des  bacheliers,  dont  les  Ie9ons  devoient  etre  faites  et  achev^es  avant  le  coup 
de  Prime  de  Notre-Dame,  qui  etoit  le  signal  des  lecons  des  docteurs.'     Hist,  de 
rUniv.  de  Paris,  vol.  iv.  p.  177. 

5  Scotichronicon,  1.  xv.  c.  xxii.     Other  characterisations  will  be  found  in  1.  xv. 
c.  xx.  and  1.  xvi.  cc.  xx.  xxiv. 

6  Hume  Brown,  History  of  Scotland,  vol.  i.  p.  206.          7  Auctarium,  vol.  i.  col.  677. 

236  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

May  5,  of  the  same  year,  he  was  unanimously  elected  Proctor  of 
the  English  Nation,  but  for  reasons  satisfactory  to  the  Nation  he 
was  excused  from  accepting  office.1  While  pursuing  his  studies 
in  the  Faculty  of  Theology  at  Paris  he  continued  to  act  as  one  of 
the  Regents  in  Arts  in  the  University,  and  prepared  quite  a  number 
of  young  Scotsmen  for  graduation  between  1395  anc^  H01-2  On 
November  19,  1395,  Laurence  and  two  other  Masters  were  elected 
Pro  visors  for  the  feast  of  St.  Edmund,  the  patron  saint  of  the  Nation.3 
It  is  in  connexion  with  a  supplication  made  by  him  to  the  English 
Nation  to  be  allowed  to  transmit  a  special  benefice  roll  to  Benedict 
XIII. ,  on  the  part  of  masters  belonging  to  Scotland,  that  his 
name  appears  for  the  last  time  in  the  printed  records  of  the 
University  of  Paris.  He  wished  this  roll  either  to  be  sealed  with 
the  seal  of  the  Nation,  or  to  be  inserted  in  the  roll  of  another 
Nation.  This  was  on  August  7,  1403.  The  Nation  declined  to 
sanction  the  roll,  as  being  prejudicial  to  its  interests  (apparently 
for  reasons  connected  with  the  Schism),  and  this  decision  was 
supported  by  the  University.4  But  the  roll  was  probably  other- 
wise transmitted,  as  there  is  still  extant  a  short  list  of  petitioners 
for  benefices  of  that  year,  mostly  Scotsmen,  including  Laurence, 
who  was  applying  for  a  canonry  of  Aberdeen,  and  is  designated 
*  Clerk  of  the  diocese  of  St.  Andrews,  Master  in  Arts,  and 
Bachelor  in  Theology.' 5 

On  the  accession  of  Benedict  XIII.,  in  1394,  Laurence  had 
petitioned  for  and  obtained  the  promise  of  at  least  three  ecclesi- 
astical benefices  in  Scotland,  viz.  one  in  the  gift  of  the  Bishop  of 
St.  Andrews  (October  13)  ;  another  in  the  gift  of  the  Bishop  of 
St.  Andrews  or  of  the  Abbot  and  Convent  of  Arbroath  (October 
26),  and  the  third  in  the  gift  of  the  Abbot  and  Convent  of 
Lindores  (October  29).°  It  was  probably  about  this  time  that  he 
obtained  the  church  of  Creich,  in  Fife,  of  which  he  is  known  to 
have  been  rector  in  1408  7  and  onwards.  On  March  26,  1414, 
Benedict  XIII.,  on  petition,  appropriated  this  church  to  the  Abbey 
of  Lindores,  whose  buildings  had  been  ruined  and  its  revenues 
diminished  by  reason  of  its  nearness  to  the  sylvestrian  Scots.8 

1  Auctarium,  vol.  i.  col.  678.  2  Auctarium^  vol.  i.  cols.  703-837. 

3  Auctarium,  vol.  i.  col.  714.  4  Auctarium,  vol.  i.  col.  864. 

5  Auctarium,  vol.  i.  p.  Ixxv. ;  Chartularium  Unhersitatis  Parisiensis,  vol.  iv.  p.  109. 

6  Cal.  of  Petitions  to  the  Tope,  vol.  i.  pp.  620,  591,  583. 

7  Reg.  Monast.  de  Tasselet,  pp.  338,  339. 

8  Cal.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  p.  601.    'Scoti  sylvestres'  is  a  phrase  frequently 
used  by  Major  in  his  Historia  to  distinguish  the  'caterani,'  or  wild  Scots,  from 

St.   Andrews  University  237 

This  arrangement  was  to  take  effect  on  the  death  of  Laurence, 
and  a  perpetual  vicar  with  a  fit  stipend  was  to  be  appointed.1  But 
he  must  have  resigned  the  church  between  July  9,  1432,  when  he 
was  'rector  de  Crech',  and  February  4,  1433,  when  he  was  'olim 
rector  de  Crech.' 2 

Laurence  has  also  been  described  as  Abbot  of  Scone,  Abbot  of 
Lindores,  and  Official  of  Lindores,  but  there  is  a  lack  of  evidence 
sufficient  to  prove  that  he  held  any  one  of  these  offices.  The 
editor  of  the  Liber  ecclesie  de  Scony  in  his  notes  on  the  abbots,3 
states  that  '  the  next  whom  we  find  styled  abbot  of  Scone,  is  Law- 
rence de  Lindoris,  in  1411,  who  was  the  first  professor  of  Law 
at  St.  Andrews,'  and  he  gives  as  his  authorities  'Fordun  and 
Dempster.'  Fordun,  or  rather  Bower,  nowhere  calls  Laurence 
abbot  of  Scone  ;  but  Dempster  does  so,4  and  it  is  Dempster  that 
the  editor  follows,  even  to  the  date,  which  he  takes  from  a 
separate  clause  :  — '  Florebat  anno  MCCCCXI.'  Dr.  David 
Laing  varies  the  above  phraseology  and  writes  *  Laurence  of 
Lindores,  Abbot  of  Scone,  in  1411,  was  the  first  Professor  of 
Law  in  the  newly  erected  University  of  St.  Andrews.'5  Dr. 
Alexander  Laing,  misreading  and  misquoting  this  sentence,  boldly 
affirms  that  Laurence  was  Abbot  of  Scone  in  14 n.6  Mackenzie 
Walcott  also  ranks  Laurence  as  an  abbot  of  Scone,  but  he  does 
not  commit  himself  to  a  date.7 

The  succession  of  abbots  of  Scone  at  the  beginning  of  the 
fifteenth  century  is  unfortunately  defective,  and  it  is  impossible 
to  say,  with  certainty,  that  Laurence's  name  ought  not  to  appear  in 
the  list.  On  the  other  hand,  if  he  held  that  abbacy  at  all  his 
tenure  of  it  must  have  come  to  an  end  before  April  25,  1418,  on 
which  day  Adam  de  Crenach  (or  Crannach)  was  consecrated  abbot 
by  Bishop  Wardlaw,  at  St.  Andrews.8  Hector  Boece  includes 
Laurence  among  those  who  received  promotion  at  the  hands  of 
James  I.  after  his  return  to  Scotland  in  1424.  The  king,  he 

the  *  Scoti  domiti,'  or  civilised  Scots.     Lindores  Abbey,  being  on  the  fringe  of 
Earnside  forest,  would  be  peculiarly  liable  to  the  visits  of  marauding  Highlanders. 

1  It  falls  to  be  noted  that  as  this  appropriation  did  not  take  effect  during  the 
obedience  of  Scotland  to  Benedict,  Bishop  Wardlaw,  at  the  instance  of  the  king, 
and  with  counsel  and  assent  of  the  chapter  of  St.  Andrews,  made  the  appropriation 
by  his  ordinary  authority.     On  June  16,  1429,  Martin  V.  gave  a  mandate  to  the 
Abbot  of  Dunfermline  to  make  the  appropriation  by  papal  authority  if  he  found 
the  facts  to  be  as  stated.     Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  viii.  p.  143. 

2  Acta  Facultatis  Artium.         3  Preface,  p.  xii.         4  Hist,  Eccles.  Gen.  Scot.  p.  443. 
5  Laing's  Knox,  vol.  i.  p.  497.  6  Laing's  Lindores  Abbey,  p.  103. 

1  Ancient  Church  of  Scotland,  p.  315.  8  Scotickronicon,  1.  xv.  c.  xxx. 

238  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

says,  made  Laurence  Abbot  of  Scone,  but  that  adverse  fates  soon 
dragged  him  away.1  Adam  de  Crenach,  however,  was  still  in 
office  on  July  n,  1426,2  and  when  he  resigned  and  became  a 
canon,  apparently  in  1432,  Eugenius  IV.,  on  October  29  of  that 
year,  made  provision  of  the  abbey  to  John  of  Inverkeithing,  a 
canon  of  Holyrood,  who  died  before  obtaining  possession.  There- 
after, on  September  23,  1439,  tn*s  benefice,  which  had  been 
specially  reserved  by  Eugenius  before  the  resignation  of  Adam, 
was  granted  in  commendam  for  life  to  James  Kennedy,  Bishop  of 
Dunkeld  (afterwards  of  St.  Andrews).  At  the  same  time,  William 
Stury,3  an  Augustinian  canon,  who  had  held  the  abbacy  since 
Adam's  resignation,  under  a  pretext  of  election  by  the  convent 
and  confirmation  by  the  ordinary,  was  removed.4  There  was  thus 
no  room  for  Laurence  after  1418. 

As  at  Scone,  the  succession  of  abbots  at  Lindores  is  fragmentary. 
Dr.  Alexander  Laing  does  not  claim  Laurence  as  an  abbot  of 
Lindores,  but  he  twice  calls  him  'official  of  Lindores.'5  It  is 
almost  certain  that  he  never  was  abbot,  and  there  was  no  such 
person  about  the  abbey  as  an  *  official.'  Probably  all  that  Dr.  Laing 
meant  to  imply  by  the  term  was  that  Laurence  was  an  official  or 
officer  of  some  sort  connected  with  the  abbey.  Mr.  W.  B.  D.  D. 
Turnbull,  the  editor  of  the  Liber  Sancte  Marie  de  Lundoris, 
blames  Dr.  John  Anderson,  the  writer  of  the  new  statistical 
account  of  the  parish  of  Newburgh,  for  enrolling  Laurence  in  the 
list  of  abbots  of  Lindores  ;6  but  that  is  scarcely  fair,  for  all  that 
Dr.  Anderson  does  is  to  enrol  him  in  his  very  brief  list  *  of  the 
abbots  and  other  dignified  clergy  connected  with  this  monastery.'7 
It  is  Leighton,  whom  Turnbull  dubs  the  *  echo '  of  Dr.  Anderson 
and  the  '  fag '  for  Mr.  Swan,  who,  on  his  own  account,  explicitly 
states  that  '  in  the  beginning  of  the  fifteenth  century,  Laurence 
was  abbot  of  Lindores.'8  Laurence's  name,  like  the  names  of  so 
many  of  his  contemporaries,  was  in  all  likelihood  territorial,  and 
did  not  necessarily  connect  him  with  the  abbey.  Still,  seeing  that 

1  Scotorum  Historiae,  1.  xvi.  2  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  21. 

3  This  is  doubtless  the  '  dompnus  Willelmus  Stury,'  who  was  chamberlain  of 
the   prior  of  St.   Andrews  in    1417.     (Exchequer  Rolls,  vol.   iv.   p.   282.)     The 
name  is  also  written  Sturi,  and,  in  some  manuscripts,  Skurry.     In  1429  he  was 
a  professor  of  theology  in  the  University.     He  may  also  be  the  unnamed  Abbot 
of  Scone  alluded  to  by  Bower  in  his  eulogy  of  Biset     (Scotichronicon,  1.  vi.  c.  Ivi.) 

4  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  viii.  pp.  270,  427. 

5  Lindores  Abbey,  pp.  103,  456.  6  Introduction,  pp.  vi.  vii. 

7  New  Statistical  Account,  Fifeshire,  p.  66.  8  History  of  Fife,  vol.  ii.  p.  166. 

St.  Andrews  University  239 

in  all  countries  the  great  majority  of  Inquisitors  belonged  to  the 
Dominican  order,  it  is  yet  not  unreasonable  to  suppose  that 
Laurence  was  in  some  way  associated  with  the  Benedictine  Abbey 
of  Lindores. 

After  returning  to  his  native  country,  probably  about  1404, 
Laurence  seems  to  have  set  himselt  with  great  zeal  to  the  task  of 
suppressing  Lollardism.  '  He  gave  peace  to  heretics  and  Lollards 
nowhere  within  the  Kingdom,'  says  Bower.1  In  this  invidious 
task  he  may  have  been  encouraged  by  Robert,  Duke  of  Albany, 
who  had  the  reputation  of  being  a  firm  catholic  and  a  hater  of 
Lollards  and  heretics.2  It  was  at  the  instigation  of  Laurence,  in 
his  capacity  as  Inquisitor  of  heretical  pravity,  that,  at  Perth,  in 
1406  or  1407,  the  first  martyr  fire  was  kindled  in  Scotland.3 
Another  followed  in  1433,  when  Paul  Craw  was  burned  at 
St.  Andrews,  but  on  this  occasion,  if  Boece's  version  of  the  story 
can  be  trusted,4  Laurence  had  the  vigorous  assistance  of  John 
Fogo,  Abbot  of  Melrose.5  A  heretic  of  a  more  academical  type 
than  either  of  these  fell  to  be  dealt  with  by  Laurence  and  others 
(including  William  Stury,  the  irregular  abbot  of  Scone,  already 
referred  to)  on  October  27,  1435.  This  was  Robert  Gardner, 
Bachelor  in  Decrees,  a  priest,  who,  in  a  public  oration,  delivered  in 
the  Schools  of  Theology  at  St.  Andrews,  had  advanced  ten  pro- 
positions that  were  calculated  to  bring  the  teaching  of  the  University 
into  ridicule.  But  Gardner  had  no  martyr  blood  in  his  veins,  so 
he  incontinently  and  humbly  owned  that  his  propositions  were 
false,  erroneous,  and  scandalous,  as  well  as  offensive  to  pious  ears, 
and  with  his  hand  on  the  Holy  Gospels,  he  swore  never  to  sustain 
or  defend  them  again  either  publicly  or  privately,  by  himself  or  by 
another.  Having  escaped  the  flames  himself,  he  promised  to 
destroy  and  annihilate  his  oration  and  every  copy  of  it  that  he 
could  obtain.6 

1  Scotichronicon,  1.  xvi.  c.  xx.  2Wyntoun,  Cronykil,  b.  ix.  ch.  xxvi. 

3  I  have  not  been  able  to  discover  under  what  circumstances  Laurence  came  to 
be  appointed  Inquisitor  for  Scotland.  My  correspondent  in  Rome  informed 
me  some  years  ago  that  at  the  period  in  question  *  non  e  facile  trovare  atti 
che  possano  riguardare  la  Scozia.' 

^Scotorum  Historiae,  1.  xvii. 

5  Boece's  additional   statement  that   the    king   was  so  mightily  pleased  with 
Fogo's   conduct   in   this   business   that   he   gave  him   the  Abbey  of  Melrose   is 
quite  contrary  to  fact. 

6  The  following  are  samples  of  Gardner's  offensive  propositions  :    Quid  enim 
in  grammatica  reperiri  poterit  nisi  Prisciani  rudimenta  ?     Quid  enim  in  rhetorica 
nisi  Tullii  blandimenta  ?     Quid  in  astrologia  nisi  coelorum  influentiae  poterit 
inveniri  ?     A  eta  Facultatis  Artium, 

240  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

Laurence's  activity  and  influence  in  the  early  years  of  the 
University  must  have  been  very  great,  although  the  record  of 
them  is  somewhat  meagre.  He  was  the  first  Rector  of  the 
University,  and  as  such  had  a  large  share  in  the  drafting  of 
its  original  statutes.  He  was  again  Rector  in  1432,  when  he 
witnessed  King  James's  charters  confirming  the  privileges  of 
the  University,  and  he  may  have  held  that  office  in  other  years. 
He  was  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  in  1415,  and  again, 
apparently  continuously,  from  1431  to  1437.  He  was  Receptor 
of  the  Faculty  in  1426,  when  the  auditors  found  fault  with  his 
accounts.  He  had  advanced  ten  marks  towards  making  the  head 
of  the  Faculty  mace,  and  the  completed  mace  had  been  lodged  in 
his  custody  until  the  money  was  refunded  by  the  Faculty.  The 
auditors  appear  to  have  contended  that  after  the  repayment  of  his 
loan  had  been  accounted  for  he  was  due  the  Faculty  £20  i6s.  8d. 
— and  so  *  de  isto  compute  non  fuit  concordia.'  In  1430  Laurence 
was  once  more,  and  unanimously,  elected  Receptor,  but  he  gave 
many  reasons  for  not  accepting  the  office,  while  graciously  allowing 
himself  to  be  appointed  one  of  the  auditors  of  the  accounts  of  the 
retiring  Receptor.  He  likewise  took  part  in  the  ordinary  routine 
work  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  by  acting,  on  occasion,  as  a  deputy 
and  an  examiner.  On  the  institution  of  the  Pedagogy,  in  1430, 
Laurence  was  elected  the  first  principal  master  in  presence  of 
Bishop  Wardlaw  and  with  his  approval.  There  is  no  record 
as  to  what  he  did  for  the  Faculty  of  Theology,  to  which  he 
at  first  belonged,  except  that  he  was  present  at  a  meeting  held 
on  March  18,  1429,  for  the  ratification  of  the  statutes  of  that 

Laurence  of  Lindores  died  in  the  middle  of  September,  1437. 
On  September  16,  George  de  Newtoun,  then  the  senior  master  in 
Arts  and  Rector  of  the  University,  called  the  other  masters 
together,  who  elected  him  Dean  and  persuaded  him  to  take  office. 
At  the  same  meeting  arrangements  were  made  for  taking  over 
from  the  executors  of  Laurence  the  Faculty  mace,  as  well  as  the 
charters  and  other  documents  which  had  been  in  his  keeping. 
On  the  following  day  it  was  decided  that  there  should  be  solemn 
obsequies,  at  the  common  expense  of  the  Faculty,  for  the  soul  of 
Master  Laurence  of  Lindores,  formerly  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of 
Arts — *  et  ita  factum  est.' 2 

Laurence  owned  a  house  in  St.  Andrews  which  retained  his 

1  Acta  Facultatls  Artlum  and  other  university  documents. 

2  Acta  Facultatis  Artium, 

St.   Andrews   University  241 

name  long  after  his  death.  When  St.  Leonard's  College  was 
founded  in  1512  one  of  its  endowments  was  an  annual  rent  of 
twelve  pence  '  de  tenemento  magistri  Laurentii  de  Lundoris.'  A 
curious  glimpse  of  the  domestic  side  of  University  life  is  obtained 
under  date  August  13,  1456,  when  the  Faculty  of  Arts  called 
upon  Master  Thomas  Ramsay  to  restore  certain  large  beams 
which  were  left  in  the  kitchen  of  the  College  of  St.  John  the 
Evangelist  by  Master  Laurence  of  Lindores,  formerly  rector  of 
Creich  and  master  of  the  said  College,  or  to  show  reasonable  cause 
why  he  should  not  do  so.1  The  College  of  St.  John  had  been 
merged  in  the  Pedagogy. 

Richard  de  Cornell,  a  man  of  noble  parentage,  was  a  native  of 
Forfarshire,  having  been  born  within  four  miles  of  Dundee.  He 
studied  Canon  Law  at  the  University  of  Orleans,  and  afterwards 
lectured  in  the  University  of  Avignon.  In  accordance  with  the 
custom  of  the  time,  he  held  various  church  preferments  in 
Scotland  during  his  residence  in  France.  He  is  described  suc- 
cessively as  Chaplain  to  the  Queen  of  Scotland  and  Vicar  of 
Musselburgh  (1385)  ;  Member  of  the  household  of  David,  Earl 
of  Carrick,  eldest  son  of  Robert,  King  of  Scotland,  and  Chaplain 
of  the  Hospital  of  St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Musselburgh  (1394); 
Bachelor  of  Canon  Law  and  Rector  of  Ecclesmachan  (1404)  ; 
Licentiate  of  Canon  Law  and  perpetual  Vicar  of  St.  Mary's  in  the 
island  of  Arran  (1405)  ;  Archdeacon  of  Dunkeld  (1406)  ; 
Rector  of  St.  Mary's,  Arran  (1407)  ;  ambassador  of  the  Duke  of 
Albany,  Governor  of  Scotland,  Archdeacon  of  Dunkeld,  Canon 
and  Prebendary  of  Erskine  in  Glasgow  (1408).  In  1404  he 
petitioned  for,  and  was  granted,  the  perpetual  vicarage  of  Dundee, 
apparently  on  condition  that  he  resigned  the  church  of  Eccles- 
machan. In  1408  he  was  promoted  from  the  Archdeaconry  of 
Dunkeld  to  that  of  Lothian,  which  office  he  held  for  ten  or  eleven 
years.2  He  witnessed  a  charter  at  St.  Andrews  on  January  22, 

John  Litstar  was  a  Bachelor  of  Canon  Law  and  one  of  the 
Canons  of  the  Priory  of  St.  Andrews.  On  March  10,  1418, 
Benedict  XIII.,  of  his  own  motion,  made  him  Prior  in  succession 
to  James  Biset ;  but,  in  ignorance  of  his  own  promotion,  he 
procured  the  election  of  James  de  Haldenston,  one  of  his  fellow- 
canons,  and  proceeded,  by  order  of  the  chapter,  with  him  to  the 

1  Acta,  Facultatls  Artiutn. 

2  Cal.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  pp.  566-638  ;  CaL  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii. 
p.  238  ;  Reg.  Mag.  Sig.  vol.  i.  p.  235  ;  Fournier's  Statuts,  vol.  iii.  pp.  486,  488. 


242  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

court  of  Martin  V.,  to  whom  he  paid  obedience  and  reverence. 
On  his  way  home  he  found,  at  Bruges,  Benedict's  letters  contain- 
ing his  own  appointment,  '  whereupon,  coming  to  himself,  he 
wept  bitterly,  and  knew  not  what  to  do,  to  make  amends  for  his 
ingratitude  and  grave  offence.'  In  a  petition  l  for  absolution, 
rehabilitation,  and  dispensation,'  he  prostrated  himself  before 
Pope  Benedict,  saying,  '  God  be  merciful  to  me  a  sinner.'  Bene- 
dict afterwards  confirmed  his  appointment  to  the  Priory,  but  by 
that  time  (December  13,  1418)  Scotland  had  formally  withdrawn 
its  obedience  from  him,  and  the  appointment  failed  to  take  effect. 
On  March  9,  1418,  Benedict  had  assigned  to  James  de  Halden- 
ston  a  yearly  pension  of  200  gold  scudi  on  the  fruits  of  the 
Priory  ;  but  on  December  8  of  the  same  year  he  deprived  him  of 
the  said  pension  *  as  it  appears  that  he  is  a  schismatic  and 
adherent  of  Otto  de  Colonna,  who  calls  himself  Martin  V.' l 
Bower,  who  styles  Litstar  a  Licentiate  in  Decrees,  a  venerable 
and  religious  man,  and  a  most  worthy  canon,  gives  a  somewhat 
different  version  of  these  remarkable  transactions,  but  there  is  no 
difference  in  the  result.2  According  to  Boece,  the  king  made 
Litstar  Prior  of  Inchcolm.3  Bower,  however,  records  his  own 
appointment  to  that  abbacy  on  April  17,  I4i8,4  and  he  held  it 
until  his  death  in  1449. 

John  de  Scheves  was  a  licentiate  of  Canon  Law.  In  1418  he 
petitioned  for  and  abtained,  from  Benedict  XIII.,  on  June  15,  a 
canonry  and  prebend  of  Glasgow,  and  the  Archdeaconry  of  Teviot- 
dale,  notwithstanding  that  he  held  the  church  of  Arbuthnot  in 
the  diocese  of  St.  Andrews.  At  that  time  he  was  described  as 
Official  of  St.  Andrews,  Rector  of  the  University,  and  Counsellor 
of  Robert,  Duke  of  Albany,  Governor  of  the  Realm.5  Curiously 
enough,  he  appears  to  be  the  same  person  who,  on  January  26, 
1418,  had  obtained  collation  and  provision,  from  Pope  Martin  V., 
of  a  canonry  of  Glasgow  and  another  of  Aberdeen,  with  reserva- 
tion of  a  prebend  of  each.6  His  name  occurs  among  the  witnesses 
to  an  undated  charter  of  Bishop  Wardlaw,  where  he  is  designated 
Master  John  Scheves,  Doctor  of  Decrees  and  Official  General  of 
St.  Andrews.7  John  Scheves,  Canon  of  Aberdeen  and  Mandatory 
of  Pope  Eugenius  IV.,  in  I433,8  and  Master  John  Scheves,  Canon 

1  Cal.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  pp.  608-61 1.          2  Scotichronicon,  1.  vi.  c.  Ivii. 
3Scotorum  Historiae,  1.  xvi.  4  Scotichronicon,  1.  xv.  c.  xxx. 

5  Cal.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  p.  609.     6  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  102- 
7  Reg.  Mag.  Sig.  vol.  ii.  p.  57.  8C0/.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  viii.  p.  474. 

St.  Andrews  University  243 

of  Glasgow  and  Clerk  Register,  1426  and  onwards,1  may  have 
been  contemporaries  of  the  same  name  ;  but  a  University  docu- 
ment regarding  certain  feu  duties,  dated  March  13,  1447,  is 
addressed  '  venerabili  et  circumspecto  viro  dominion  Johan  de 
Scheues,  decretorum  doctori,  Glasguensis  et  Aberdonensis  ecclesi- 
arum  canonico,  ac  officiali  Sancti  Andree  generali.' 

William  Stephen  was  a  Bachelor  of  Canon  Law.  In  1408, 
Richard  de  Cornell  obtained  for  him  from  Benedict  XIII.,  the 
Canonry  and  Prebend  of  Rhynie  in  Moray,  notwithstanding  that 
he  already  had  the  Church  of  Eassie  and  the  Hospital  of  Ednam 
in  the  diocese  of  St.  Andrews.  In  1415  he  is  described  as  Canon 
of  Moray,  Rector  of  Eassie,  and  Master  of  the  Hospital  of  Ednam, 
in  a  petition  to  Benedict  XIII.  (who,  it  was  said,  proposed  to 
appoint  him  to  the  see  of  Orkney)  for  license  to  hold  the  said 
hospital  in  commendam  for  a  year  after  he  obtained  the  bishopric.2 
Stephen  was  in  due  course  promoted  to  the  bishopric  of  Orkney, 
and  his  consecration  took  place  at  the  court  of  Benedict.  In  1419 
he  was  proctor  in  the  Roman  Court  of  the  Duke  of  Albany, 
Governor  of  Scotland,  being  one  of  the  ambassadors  sent  to 
announce  the  withdrawal  of  obedience  by  Scotland  from  Benedict 
XIII.  While  there  he  obtained  from  Martin  V.  the  church  of 
Gogar  which  he  was  to  be  allowed  to  hold  in  commendam  for  a  year 
along  with  other  privileges,  after  obtaining  possession  of  the 
temporalities  of  the  see  of  Orkney.  On  October  30,  1419,  he 
was  translated  by  Martin  V.  from  the  see  of  Orkney  to  that  of 
Dunblane.3  At  the  time  of  his  appointment,  he  was,  according  to 
Keith,4  'Divinity  reader  in  the  University  of  St.  Andrews.'  He 
was  one  of  the  ambassadors  of  the  King  of  Scotland  to  the  Roman 
Court  to  whom  Henry  VI.  of  England  granted  a  safe  conduct  on 
June  9,  I425.5  As  principal  auditor  and  receiver  of  the  tax  levied 
for  the  payment  of  the  king's  ransom,  his  name  is  of  frequent 
occurrence  in  the  fourth  volume  of  the  Exchequer  Rolls.  He 
died  in  1429. 

Of  the  Philosophy  Masters,  John  Gyll  or  Gill  was  a  graduate 
of  Paris,  being  Bachelor  of  Arts  in  1403,  and  Licentiate  and 
Master  in  1405.°  He  is  probably  the  John  Gyll,  clerk  of  the 

1  Exchequer  Rolls,  vol.  iv.  pp.  400-654. 

2  Cal.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  pp.  636,  604. 
*Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  pp.  103,  118,  133. 
*  Scottish  Bishops,  ed.  Russell,  p.  177. 

5Rymer's  F&dera,  vol.  x.  p.  344.  G  ductarium,  vol.  i.  cols.  853,  899,  901. 

244  J«  Maitland  Anderson 

diocese  of  St.  Andrews,  who,  in  1434,  along  with  others  (includ- 
ing John  Scheves),  was  a  claimant  to  the  canonry  and  prebend 
of  Belhelvie,  in  Aberdeenshire,  which  had  been  bestowed  upon 
William  Turnbull,  Canon  of  Aberdeen  (afterwards  Bishop  of 
Glasgow).1  He  may  also  have  been  the  John  Gyll,  Chancellor 
of  Dunkeld,  who  was  present  at  the  ratification  of  the 
Statutes  of  the  Faculty  of  Theology  on  March  18,  1429.  His 
name  occurs  several  times  in  the  Acta  Facuhatis  Artium.  On 
December  12,  1425,  the  Faculty  decreed  that  anything  contained 
in  that  book  which  might  be  to  the  reproach  and  scandal  of  Gyll 
and.  another  master  should  be  deleted  by  the  Dean  ;  on  November 
19,  1427,  he  was  appointed  an  examiner  and  took  the  customary 
oath  in  the  hands  of  the  Chancellor;  on  January  12,  1428,  he 
was  absent  and  another  examiner  was  elected  in  his  place  ;  on 
February  3,  1429,  he  was  appointed,  along  with  Laurence  of 
Lindores  and  others,  to  assist  the  Dean  in  carrying  out  some 
reforms  in  the  Faculty  ;  on  April  4,  1430,  he  was  again  elected  an 
examiner  ;  and  on  May  28,  of  the  same  year,  he  was  chosen  one 
of  the  auditors  of  the  Receptor's  accounts.  A  writer  in  Northern 
Notes  and  Queries 2  had  heard  that  there  is  a  tombstone  to  Gyll's 
memory  at  St.  Andrews  ;  but  no  such  thing  is  known  to  exist 

William  Fowlis,  or  de  Foulis,  who  belonged  to  the  diocese  of 
Dunblane,  was  also  a  graduate  in  Arts  of  Paris,  but  as  his  M.A. 
degree  was  not  obtained  until  1411,  it  is  doubtful  if  he  began 
teaching  at  St.  Andrews  so  early  as  1410.  He  is  usually  desig- 
nated Master  of  Arts,  but  in  1432  he  is  called  Bachelor  of 
Theology.  As  his  history  is  obscure  during  the  first  ten  years 
after  his  graduation  at  Paris,  it  may  be  concluded  that  he  was 
busy  with  his  work  at  St.  Andrews.  From  1421  to  1439  he 
comes  into  the  light  as  the  holder  of  a  prominent  place  in  Scot- 
land as  a  statesman  as  well  as  a  churchman.  During  that  period 
he  is  met  with  as  rector  of  Cambuslang  ;  rector  of  Seton  ;  provost 
of  the  collegiate  church  of  Bothwell ;  archdeacon  of  St.  Andrews  ; 
secretary  of  Archibald  Earl  of  Douglas  ;  counsellor  of  the  king  ; 
and  keeper  of  the  Privy  Seal.  On  February  21,  and  July  10, 
1423,  he  had  safe  conducts  to  England,  along  with  others,  to 
treat  for  a  final  peace  ;  and  he  was  entrusted  with  other  public 
missions.  Early  in  1424  he  was  presented  to  the  perpetual 
vicarage  of  the  parish  church  of  Edinburgh  by  King  James,  as 
patron,  but  Bishop  Wardlaw  refused  to  institute  him,  whereupon 

1  Cal.  of  Papal  Letter S,  vol.  viii.  p.  490.  2Vol.  iii.  p.  154. 

St.  Andrews  University  245 

he  appealed  to  the  apostolic  see  and  obtained  from  Martin  V.  a 
mandate  of  inquiry  to  be  followed  by  collation  and  assignation  if 
the  patronage  and  presentation  were  found  to  be  lawful,  with 
certain  stipulations  as  to  resigning  the  provostship  of  Bothwell  and 
the  church  of  Seton.  During  all  these  years  his  name  only  occurs 
twice  in  connexion  with  the  University.  In  his  capacity  as  keeper 
of  the  privy  seal  he  transmitted  to  the  Faculty  of  Arts  in  1432  an 
'  Appunctamentum  '  which  had  been  drawn  up,  or  approved,  by 
the  king,  containing  a  series  of  regulations  for  the  better  manage- 
ment of  University  affairs.  On  December  n,  1439,  he  was 
present  at  a  meeting  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  when  new  statutes 
were  affirmed  and  approved,  and  he  appended  his  signature  to 
them.  He  appears  to  have  died  in  I44I.1 

William  Croyser,  or  Croiser,  belonged  to  the  diocese  of  St. 
Andrews.  He  was  a  Bachelor  of  Arts  of  Paris  of  1407  and  a 
Master  of  1 409. 2  In  1415  he  obtained  from  Benedict  XIII.  a 
canonry  and  prebend  of  Dunkeld,  who  also  granted  to  him  the 
parish  church  of  Kirkgunzeon  in  commendam?  He  appears  to 
have  been  resident  in  Paris  as  a  student  of  Theology,  when 
Martin  V.  was  elected  Pope.  From  him,  so  early  as  January  20, 
1418,  he  procured  collation  and  provision  of  the  canonry  and 
prebend  and  precentorship  of  Moray,  notwithstanding  that  he 
held  the  canonry  and  prebend  of  Dunkeld,  and  the  parish  church 
of  Kirkgunzeon,  and  intended  to  litigate  about  the  parish  church 
of  Torbolton.4  This  was  probably  the  first  appointment  to  a 
Scottish  benefice  made  by  the  new  pope.  On  June  4  of  the 
same  year  Martin  ordered  collation  and  provision  to  be  made  to 
Croyser  of  the  canonry  and  prebend  of  Glasgow  and  the  arch- 
deaconry of  Teviotdale.5  Other  preferments  followed,  and 
Croyser  soon  became  a  pluralist  on  a  large  scale,  so  much  so 
that  in  1424  he  was  said  to  be  '  opulently  beneficed  to  the  extent 
of  1 60  marks  sterling  a  year.'6  On  June  27,  1422,  Martin  issued 
letters  requesting  safe  conduct  *  during  two  years  for  William 
Croyser,  Archdeacon  of  Teviotdale  in  the  church  of  Glasgow, 

1  Auctarium,  vol.  ii.  cols.  100,  105,  106  ;  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  pp.  203- 
369  ;  vol.    viii.    pp.    234,  458  ;    Exchequer  Rolls,  vol.  iv.    pp.  432-667  ;    Laing 
Charters,  No.  107;    Reg.  Mag.  Sig.  vol.  \\.passint;  Rymer's  Fardera,  vol.  x.  pp. 
266-296  ;  Scotichronicon,  1.  xvi.  c.  xxxiii. 

2  Auctarium,  vol.  ii.  cols.  5,  55. 

3  Cal.  of  Petitions  to  the  Pope,  vol.  i.  p.  603  ;  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  360. 

4  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  92.  5  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  93. 
6  Cal.  of  Tapal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  344. 

246  J.   Maitland  Anderson 

papal  acolyte  and  nuncio,  and  member  of  the  pope's  household, 
when  the  pope  is  sending  to  divers  parts  [not  named]  on 
business  of  the  pope  and  the  Roman  church.' l  He  attended  the 
Council  of  Basel  and  remained  there  after  the  Council  had  been 
transferred  to  Ferrara  on  September  18,  1437,  adhering  to  and 
recognising  Felix  V.,  the  last  of  the  antipopes.2  Croyser  was 
evidently  of  a  litigious  and  quarrelsome  disposition.  Throughout 
the  reigns  of  Martin  V.  and  Eugenius  IV.  he  led  a  tempestuous 
life,  and  the  annals  of  his  doings  occupy  much  space  in  the  papal 
and  other  contemporary  registers.  Some  of  them,  if  worked  out, 
would  make  curious  reading,  but  the  record  of  them  is  complicated 
in  the  extreme.* 

These  gleanings  are  sufficient  to  show  that  the  University 
of  St.  Andrews  was  inaugurated  by  men  of  intellectual  attain- 
ments and  administrative  ability  of  a  very  high  order.  It  is 
greatly  to  the  credit  of  Scotland  that  such  men  were  at  hand 
ready  and  willing  to  come  to  their  country's  aid  in  an  educational 
emergency.  The  promoters  of  other  universities  have  had  to 
appeal  to  scholars  of  different  nationalities  to  fill  the  chairs  they 
had  provided.  At  St.  Andrews  the  first  doctors  and  masters,  as 
well  as  the  founders,  were  all  true  and  patriotic  Scotsmen  ;  and 
they  brought  with  them  to  the  new  seat  of  learning  not  only 
ample  knowledge  of  the  subjects  they  undertook  to  teach,  but 
likewise  intimate  acquaintance  with  the  organisation  and  adminis- 
tration of  the  leading  universities  of  their  time. 

(To  be  continued.'} 


Copy  of  Papal  Letter  appointing  Henry  Wardlaw,  Precentor  of  Glasgow, 
to  the  Bishopric  of  St.  Andrews,  with  relative  mandates. 

Dilecto  filio  Henrico  Electo  Sanctiandree  salutem  et  apostolicam 
benedictionem.  Apostolatus  officium,  quamquam  insufficientibus  meritis, 
nobis  ex  alto  commissum,  quo  ecclesiarum  omnium  regimini  presidemus 
utiliter  exequi,  coadiuvante  Domino,  cupientes,  soliciti  corde  reddimur  ut 
cum  de  ipsarum  presertim  Romane  ecclesie  immediate  subiectarum  regi- 
minibus  agitur  committendis,  tales  eis  in  pastores  preficere  studeamus,  qui 
commissum  sibi  gregem  dominicum  sciant,  non  solum  doctrina  verbi  sed 

1  CaL  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  vii.  p.  10.         2  Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  vol.  viii.  p.  306. 
3Cf.  Theiner,  Vetera  Monumenta,  pp.  373-375. 

St.  Andrews  University  247 

exemplo  boni  operis,  informare  commissasque  sibi  ecclesias  in  statu  prospero 
et  tranquilio  velint  et  valeant,  duce  Domino,  gubernare.  Dudum  siquidem 
bone  memorie  Waltero  episcopo  Sanctiandree  regimini  ecclesie  Sanctiandree, 
eidem  Romane  ecclesie  immediate  subiecte  presidente,  nos  cupientes  eidem 
ecclesie,  cum  vacaret,  per  apostolice  sedis  providentiam  utilem  et  ydoneam 
presidere  personam,  provisionem  ipsius  ecclesie  ordinationi  et  disposition! 
nostre  ea  vice  duximus  specialiter  reservandam.  Decernentes  extunc 
irritum  et  inane  si  secus  super  hiis  per  quoscunque  quavis  auctoritate  scienter 
vel  ignoranter  contingeret  attemptari.  Postmodum  vero  prefata  ecclesia, 
per  obitum  ipsius  Waited  episcopi,  qui  extra  Romanam  curiam  diem  clausit 
extremum,  vacante,  nos  vacatione  huiusmodi  fidedignis  relatibus  intellects, 
ad  provisionem  ipsius  ecclesie  celerem  et  felicem,  de  qua  nullus  preter  nos 
hac  vice  se  intermittere  potuit  neque  potest,  reservatione  et  decreto  obsis- 
tentibus  supradictis,  ne  ecclesia  ipsa  longe  vacationis  exponeretur  incommodis, 
paternis  et  solicitis  studiis  intendentes,  post  deliberationem  quam  de  prefici- 
endo  eidem  ecclesie  personam  huiusmodi,  cum  fratribus  nostris  habuimus 
diligentem,  demum  ad  te,  precentorem  ecclesie  Glasguensis,  decretorum 
doctorem,  in  presbiteratus  ordine  constitutum,  vite  ac  morum  honestate 
decorem,  in  spiritualibus  providum,  et  in  temporalibus  circumspectum, 
aliisque  virtutum  donis  multipliciter  insignitum,  direximus  oculos  nostre 
mentis,  quibus  omnibus  debita  meditatione  pensatis,  de  persona  tua  nobis 
et  eisdem  fratribus  ob  dictorum  tuorum  exigentiam  meritorum  accepta, 
eidem  ecclesie  de  dictorum  fratrum  consilio  auctoritate  apostolica  provi- 
demus,  teque  illi  preficimus  in  episcopum  et  pastorem,  curam  et 
administrationem  ipsius  ecclesie  tibi  in  spiritualibus  et  temporalibus  plenarie 
committendo,  in  illo  qui  dat  gratias  et  largitur  premia  confidentes,  quod 
prefata  ecclesia  sub  tuo  felici  regimine,  gratia  tibi  assistente  divina,  prospere 
et  salubriter  dirigetur,  ac  grata  in  eisdem  spiritualibus  et  temporalibus 
suscipiat  incrementa.  lugum  igitur  Domini  tuis  impositum  humeris 
prompta  devotione  suscipiens,  curam  et  administrationem  predictas  sic 
exercere  studeas  solicite,  fideliter,  et  prudenter,  quod  ecclesia  ipsa  guberna- 
tore  provide  et  fructuoso  administratore  gaudeat  se  commissam,  tuque  preter 
eterne  retributionis  premium,  nostram  et  dicte  sedis  benedictionem  et  gratiam 
exinde  uberius  consequi  merearis.  Datum  apud  Pontemsorgie,  Avinionensis 
diocesis,  mi.  idus  Septembris,  pontificatus  nostri  anno  nono.1 

1  There  are  few  indications  of  Wardlaw's  presence  in  Scotland  previous  to  his 
appointment  to  the  bishopric  of  St.  Andrews.  If  it  be  the  case  that  he  was  sent 
on  a  mission  to  the  papal  court  at  Avignon  and  remained  there  several  years,  he 
was  probably  for  a  time  a  prisoner  with  Benedict.  The  pope  made  his  escape 
from  the  palace  at  daybreak  on  March  12,  1403,  and  reached  Chateau-Renard 
in  safety  before  nightfall.  He  left  Chateau-Renard  on  April  17,  and  proceeded, 
by  way  of  Cavaillon  and  L'Isle,  to  Carpentras,  which  he  entered  on  May  5. 
Partly  on  account  of  the  intense  heat,  and  partly  from  urgent  calls  to  return  to 
Avignon,  Benedict  advanced  to  the  castle  of  Sorgues  on  June  26,  with  a  consider- 
able retinue.  He  remained  there  until  October  i,  when  he  thought  it  prudent 
to  move  southward  to  Salon,  as  a  pestilence  had  broken  out  in  the  district  of 
Avignon.  It  is  unnecessary  to  follow  him  farther  at  present.  While  at  Sorgues, 
Benedict  promoted  his  nephew  to  an  archbishopric,  and  made  numerous  provi- 
sions to  bishoprics  and  abbacies.  Wardlaw  received  his  appointment,  as  above,  on 
September  10,  and  he  was  doubtless  consecrated  immediately  afterwards. 

248  St.  Andrews  University 

In  eodem  modo  :  Dilectis  filiis  capitulo  ecclesie  Sanctiandree,  Romane 
ecclesie  immediate  subiecte,  salutem,  etc.  Apostolatus  officium,  etc.,  usque 
incrementa.  Quocirca  discretioni  vestre  per  apostolica  scripta  mandamus, 
quatenus  eundem  Henricum  Electum  tanquam  patrem  et  pastorem 
animarum  vestrarum  grato  admittentes  honore  ac  exhibentes  ei  obedientiam 
et  reverentiam  debitas  et  devotas,  eius  salubria  monita  et  mandata  suscipiatis 
humiliter  et  efficaciter  adimplere  curetis,  alioquin  sententiam  quam  ipse  rite 
tulerit  in  rebelles  ratam  habebimus  et  faciemus,  auctore  Domino,  usque  ad 
satisfactionem  condignam  inviolabiliter  observari.  Datum  ut  supra. 

In  eodem  modo :  Dilectis  filiis  clero  civitatis  et  diocesis  Sanctiandree 
salutem,  etc.  Apostolatus  officium,  etc.,  usque  incrementa.  Quocirca  dis- 
cretioni vestre  per  apostolica  scripta  mandamus,  quatenus  eundem  Henricum 
Electum,  etc.,  ut  supra  usque  Datum,  etc. 

In  eodem  modo  :  Dilectis  filiis  populo  civitatis  et  diocesis  Sanctiandree 
salutem,  etc.  Apostolatus,  etc.,  usque  incrementa.  Quocirca  universitatem 
vestram  rogamus  et  hortamur  attente,  per  apostolica  vobis  scripta  mandantes, 
quatenus  eundem  Henricum  Electum  tanquam  patrem  et  pastorem 
animarum  vestrarum  devote  suscipientes  et  debita  honorificentia  prose- 
quentes,  eius  salubris  monitis  et  mandatis  humiliter  intendentes,  ita  quop 
ipse  in  vobis  devotionis  filios  et  vos  in  eo,  per  consequens,  patrem  invenisse 
benevolum  gaudeatis.  Datum  ut  supra. 

In  eodem  modo  :  Dilectis  filiis  universis  vassallis  ecclesie  Sanctiandree 
salutem,  etc.  Apostolatus  officium,  etc.,  usque  incrementa.  Quocirca 
universitati  vestre  per  apostolica  scripta  mandamus,  quatenus  eundem 
Henricum  Electum  debito  prosequentes  honore  ac  ipsius  monitis  et 
mandatis  efficaciter  intendentes,  ei  fidelitatem  solitam  necnon  consueta 
servitia  et  iura  sibi  a  vobis  debita  exhibere  integre  studeatis,  alioquin 
sententiam  sive  penam  quam  ipse  rite  tulerit  seu  statuerit  in  rebelles,  ratam 
habebimus  et  faciemus,  auctore  Domino,  usque  ad  satisfactionem  condignam 
inviolabiliter  observari.  Datum  ut  supra. 

In  eodem  modo  :  Carissimo  in  Christo  filio  Roberto  regi  Scotorum  illustri 
salutem,  etc.  Grade  divine  premium  et  preconium  humane  laudis 
acquiritur,  si  per  seculares  principes  ecclesiarum  prelatis,  presertim  eccle- 
siarum  cathedralium  Romane  ecclesie  immediate  subiectarum  regimini 
presidentibus,  opportuni  favoris  presidium  et  honor  debitus  impendantur. 
Dudum,  etc.,  usque  incrementa.  Quocirca  serenitatem  regiam  rogamus  et 
hortamur  attente,  quatenus  eosdem  Henricum  Electum  et  ecclesiam  suo 
regimini  commissam  habens  pro  divina  et  apostolice  sedis  ac  nostra 
reverentia  propensius  commendatos,  sic  eisdem  te  exhibeas  favore  regio 
benevolum  et  in  opportunitatibus  gratiosum,  quod  idem  Electus  per  auxilium 
tue  gratie  in  commisso  sibi  ecclesie  prefate  regimine  utilius  proficere  valeat, 
tuque  provide  consequaris  premia  felicitatis  eterne  et  nos  celsitudinem 
regiam  dignis  possimus  in  Domino  laudibus  commendare.  Datum  ut  supra. 

Exped.  V.  kalendas  Octobris  anno  nono. 

B.  Fort. 
Arch.  Secret.  Vatic.  Regest.  Avinion.  Benedictl  XIII. ,  torn.  30,  fol.  99. 

The  Dispensation  for  the  Marriage  of  John  Lord 
of  the  Isles  and  Amie  Mac  Ruari,  1337 

THE  following  Dispensation  is  an  important  document  for 
the  history  of  the  Clan  Donald.  It  was  mentioned,  but 
not  printed  in  Andrew  Stuart's  Genealogical  History  of  the  Stewarts, 
and  it  was  accidentally  omitted  in  the  Calendar  of  Papal  Letters 
(Rolls  series).  It  is  here  printed  in  full,  that  all  doubts  as  to  its 
existence  and  as  to  its  tenor  may  be  set  at  rest.  The  Pope  is 
Benedict  XII.,  and  the  record  reference  is  Regesta  Vaticana, 
vol.  124,  fol.  89.  J.  MAITLAND  THOMSON. 


Venerabili  fratri  episcopo  Sodorensi 
salutem.  Exhibita  nobis  dilectorum 
filiorum  nobilium  virorum  Johannis 
nati  quondam  Engusii  de  IleetRegi- 
naldi  quondam  Roderici  de  Insulis 
tue  diocesis  petitio  continebat  quod 
olim  inter  eos  eorumque  progenitores 
consanguineos  et  amicos  incentore 
malorum  hoste  humani  generis  pro- 
curante  guerre  dissensionses  et 
scandala  ruerunt  exorta  propter  que 
homicidia  incendia  depredationes 
spolia  et  alia  mala  quam  plurima 
evenerunt  et  continue  evenire  non 
cessant  et  nichilominus  multe  ecclesie 
illarum  partium  fuerunt  passe  et 
patiuntur  propterea  non  modica 
detrimenta  nam  in  eis  cultus  divinus 
minuitur  cessat  devotio  et  decime 
non  solvuntur  quinimo  alique  de 
dictis  ecclesiis  quodam  modo  fuere 
destructe  et  pejora  evenire  timentur 
nisi  de  oportuno  remedio  celeriter 
succurratur  quodque  ipsi  desiderantes 
tot  et  tantis  periculis  obviare  in- 


To  our  venerable  brother  the  bishop 
of  the  Isles  greeting.  The  Petition 
of  our  beloved  sons  the  noble  men 
John,  son  of  the  late  Angus  of  He 
and  Reginald  (son)  of  the  late  Roderic 
of  the  Isles,  of  your  diocese,  shewn 
to  us,  stated  that  formerly,  by  the 
contrivance  of  that  instigator  of  ill 
deeds  the  enemy  of  the  human  race, 
wars,  disputes,  and  causes  of  offence 
arose  between  them  and  their  parents, 
kinsmen  and  friends,  on  which  ac- 
count murders,  fire  raisings,  plunder- 
ings,  pillagings,  and  very  many  other 
evils  happened  and  still  do  not  cease 
to  happen,  and  moreover  many 
churches  of  those  parts  have  suffered 
and  do  suffer  no  slight  damage  there- 
by, for  divine  worship  in  them  grows 
less,  devotion  ceases  and  tithes  are 
not  paid,  nay  more,  some  of  those 
churches  have  been  in  a  manner 
destroyed,  and  worse,  it  is  feared, 
may  happen  unless  recourse  be 
speedily  had  to  a  suitabler  emedy; 


Dispensation  for  Marriage 

vicem  habuere  tractatum  quod  idem 
Johannes  et  dilecta  in  Christo  filia 
Amia  soror  Reginaldi  predicti  adin- 
vicem  matrimonialiter  copulentur ; 
verum  quia  sicut  asserunt  dicti 
Johannes  et  Amia  quarto  consan- 
guinitatis  gradu  invicemse  contingunt 
matrimonium  hujusmodi  contrahere 
nequeunt  dispensatione  super  hoc 
apostolica  non  obtenta.  Quare 
dicti  Johannes  et  Reginaldus  nobis 
humiliter  supplicarunt  ut  cum  eisdem 
Johanne  et  Amia  super  hoc  dispen- 
sare  misericorditer  dignaremur.  Nos 
igitur  qui  salutem  querimus  singul- 
orum  et  libenter  Christi  fidelibus 
quietis  et  pacis  commoda  procuramus 
predictis  scandalis  et  periculis  obviare 
salubriter  intendentes  eorum  et  dicte 
Amie  supplicationibus  inclinati  frater- 
nitati  tue  de  qua  fiduciam  gerimus  in 
Domino  specialem  per  apostolica 
scripta  committimus  et  mandamus 
quatenus  si  est  ita  cum  eisdem 
Johanne  et  Amia  quod  impedimento 
consanguinitatis  hujusmodi  non 
obstante  hujusmodi  matrimonium 
adinvicem  libere  contrahere  valeant 
et  in  eo  postquam  contractum  fuerit 
licite  remanere  apostolica  auctoritate 
dispenses  prolem  suscipiendam  ex 
hujusmodi  matrimonio  legitimam 
nuntiando.  Datum  Avinione  ij 
nonas  Junij  anno  tertio. 

and  that  they  (the  petitioners),  desir- 
ing to  prevent  so  many  and  so  great 
dangers,  have  mutually  contracted 
that  the  said  John  and  our  beloved 
daughter  in  Christ,  Amie,  sister  of 
the  foresaid  Reginald,  shall  be  joined 
together  in  marriage ;  but  because 
(as  they  assert)  the  said  John  and 
Amie  are  related  to  one  another  in 
the  fourth  degree  of  kinship,  they 
cannot  contract  such  marriage  with- 
out obtaining  apostolic  dispensation 
therefor  ;  wherefore  the  said  John 
and  Reginald  have  humbly  besought 
us  that  we  would  mercifully  deign 
to  dispense  with  the  said  John  and 
Amie  thereupon.  We  therefore  who 
seek  the  salvation  of  every  one  and 
would  gladly  procure  for  Christ's 
faithful  people  the  benefits  of  quiet- 
ness and  peace,  endeavouring  whole- 
somely to  prevent  the  foresaid 
offences  and  dangers,  according  to 
the  entreaties  of  them  and  of  the 
said  Amie,  by  writings  apostolic 
commit  to  your  brotherhood  and 
enjoin  you,  in  whom  we  have  special 
confidence  in  the  Lord,  that,  if  it  is 
so,  you  by  apostolic  authority  dis- 
pense with  the  said  John  and  Amie 
so  that  notwithstanding  such  impedi- 
ment of  kinship,  they  may  be  able 
to  contract  such  marriage  together 
and,  after  it  has  been  contracted, 
lawfully  to  remain  therein  ;  declar- 
ing the  issue  to  be  born  of  such 
marriage  legitimate.  Given  at  Avig- 
non, 4  June,  1337. 

Jacobite    Songs 

rT^HERE  are  a  considerable  number  of  Jacobite  songs  and 
A  ballads  extant  in  broadsides  which  have  not  been  reprinted. 
There  are  also  many  in  manuscript.  The  Rawlinson  MSS.  in  the 
Bodleian  Library  contain  several  small  collections  which  would 
be  worth  looking  through.  The  four  ballads  which  follow  are 
from  broadsides  in  the  Douce  collection  in  the  Bodleian  and  belong 
to  the  reign  of  George  I. 

The  first  of  the  three,  like  'James  the  Rover'  printed  on 
p.  138  of  the  last  number  of  this  Review,  celebrates  the  birthday 
of  the  Prince.  The  second  verse  is  evidently  inspired  by  verse 
two  of  '  Sally  in  Our  Alley,'  and  it  was  doubtless  sung  to  the 
same  tune.  The  second  ballad  illustrates  one  of  the  favourite 
popular  jests  against  the  Hanoverian  kings.  The  turnip,  intro- 
duced into  England  from  Hanover,  was  satirically  treated  as  the 
characteristic  if  not  the  sole  product  of  the  electorate,  and  the 
favourite  diet  of  its  rulers.  This  may  be  further  illustrated  by  a 
caricature,  viz.  '  The  Hanover  Turnip-man  Come  Again,'  number 
2578  in  the  British  Museum  Catalogue  of  Satirical  Prints.  The 
date  of  this  ballad  can  be  determined  by  the  last  verse  but  one. 
Melusina  von  Schulenburg,  the  mistress  of  George  I.,  was  created 
Duchess  of  Munster,  June  26,  1716,  and  Duchess  of  Kendal, 
March  19,  1719.  Mr.  Paul,  whose  fate  is  lamented  in  the  third 
ballad,  was  William  Paul,  vicar  of  Orton-on-the-Hill  in  Leicester- 
shire, executed  on  July  13,  1716,  for  having  joined  the  rebels  at 
Preston.  The  Petition  of  Tyburn  is  easily  dated.  It  was  written 
not  long  after  Lord  Stanhope's  elevation  to  the  peerage  (July  12, 
1717),  and  before  his  death  (February  4,  1721). 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  the  enquiry  suggested  in  Mr.  Lang's 
interesting  paper  (S.H.R.  viii.  132)  will  be  further  pursued,  and 
that  he,  or  some  one  inspired  by  him,  will  systematically  go 
through  Hogg's  collection  and  test  his  texts.  But  in  order  to 
trace  the  history  of  Jacobite  songs  it  will  be  necessary  to  collect 
also  some  of  the  earlier  ones.  Further,  some  Jacobite  songs  are 

252  C.   H.   Firth 

adaptations  of  popular  songs.  *  The  Royal  Oak  Tree,'  which  Mr. 
Lang  prints  in  the  last  number  (S.H.R.  viii.  133),  is  an  imitation 
of  the  song  on  '  The  Mulberry  Tree '  planted  by  Shakespeare, 
which  was  composed  for  the  Shakespearean  Jubilee  of  1769.  The 
chorus  of  '  The  Royal  Oak  Tree  '  is  almost  a  repetition  of  that  of 
the  earlier  song  : 

4  All  shall  yield  to  the  mulberry  tree, 
Bend  to  thee 
Blest  mulberry; 
Matchless  was  he 
Who  planted  thee, 
And  thou  like  him  immortal  be.' 

It  is  perhaps  worth  noting  that  '  The  Birthday  Ode,'  printed  in 
'  The  Loyalists'  Song '  (S.H.R.  viii.  135)  of  the  last  number,  may 
also  be  found  in  The  Lyon  in  Mourning^  vol.  iii.  p.  288, 
where  it  is  headed  '  By  a  friend  meditating  in  bed  betwixt  3  and  4 
o'clock  morning,  Tuesday,  September  21,  the  birthday  of  the 
Queen  of  Hearts,  1773.'  At  the  end  there  is  the  following  note  : 
'  N.B. — A  copy  of  this  was  transmitted  to  John  Farquharson  of 
Aldlerg,  who,  in  return,  said  he  would  send  it  to  the  lovely  pair.' 
An  account  of  its  reception  is  given  on  p.  317  of  the  same 

C.  H.  FIRTH. 


Of  all  Days  in  the  Year 

I  dearly  love  but  one  day, 
That  day  is,  the  Tenth  of  June, 

Which  happen'd  on  a  Munday. 
In  my  best  Cloathes  with  my  white  Rose 

I'll  drink  a  health  to  J — m — y 
Who  is  our  true  and  lawful  K — g ; 

I  hope  ere  long  he'll  see  me. 

Old  H[anover]  does  Turnips  sell 

And  through  the  streets  do[es]  cry  them; 
Young  Noodle  leads  about  the  Ass 

To  such  as  please  to  buy  them  ; 
Such  Folks  as  these  can  never  be 

Com  par 'd  to  Royal  J — m — y, 
Who  is  our  true  and  lawful  King ; 

I  hope  ere  long  he'll  see  me. 

Jacobite  Songs  253 

Potatoes  are  a  Dainty  Dish, 

And  Turnips  now  are  springing, 
When  J — m — s  our  K — g  does  come  home, 

We  will  set  the  Bells  a-ringing. 
We'll  take  the  old  Whelp  by  the  Snout 

And  lead  him  down  to  Dover, 
Then  pop  him  in  his  Leathern  Boat 

And  send  him  to  H — n — r. 

The  British  Lyon  then  shall  Tear 

The  Found  red  Horse  of  B[ru]n[swic]k, 
And  G — ge  for  want  of  better  Nagg 

Shall  ride  upon  a  Broomstick. 
Such  hags  as  those  in  Cavalcade 

Shall  carry  down  to  Dover, 

And  ship  'em  for  H — n — r. 

To  the  Tune  ofy  i  A  Begging  we  will  go,'  etc. 

I  am  a  Turnip  Ho-er, 

As  good  as  ever  ho'd  ; 
I  have  hoed  from  my  Cradle, 
And  reap'd  where  I  ne'er  sow'd. 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will  go,  etc. 
For  my  Turnips  I  must  Hoe. 

With  a  Hoe  for  myself, 

And  another  for  my  Son  ; 
A  Third  too  for  my  Wife — 

But  Wives  I've  two,  or  None. 

And  a  Ho-ing  we  will  go,  etc. 

At  Brunswick  and  Hanover 
I  learned  the  Ho-ing  Trade; 

From  thence  I  came  to  England,  where 
A  strange  Hoe  I  have  made. 

And  a  Ho-ing  we  will   go,  etc. 

I've  pillag'd  Town  and  Country  round, 
And  no  Man  durst  say,  No  ; 

I've  lop'd  off  Heads,  like  Turnip-tops, 
Made  England  cry,  High  !    Ho  ! 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will   go,  etc. 

Of  all  Trades  in  my  Country, 
A  Hoer  is  the  Best ; 

254  C.   H.   Firth 

For  when  his  Turnips  he  has  ho'd, 
On  a  Turnip  he  can  Feast. 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will  go,  etc. 

A  Turnip  once,  we  read,  was 

A  Present  for  a  Prince  ; 
And  all  the  German  Princes  have 

Ho'd  Turnips  ever  since. 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will  go,  etc. 

Let  Trumpets  cheer  the  Soldier, 
And  Fiddles  charm  the  Beau  ; 

But  sure  'tis  much  more  Princely,  to 
Cry  '  Turnips,  Turnips,  Ho ' ! 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will  go,  etc. 

With  Iron-headed  Hoes,  let 
Dull  Britons  Hoe  their  Corn  : 

But  of  all  Hoes,  give  me  a  Hoe, 
For  Turnips,  tip'd  with  Horn. 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will  go,  etc. 

If  Britons  will  be  Britons  still, 

And  horny  Heads  affront ; 
I'll  carry  Home  both  Heads  and  Horns, 

And  Hoe  where  I  was  wont. 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will  go,  etc. 

To  Hannover  I'll  go,  I'll  go, 

And  there  I'll  mery  be  ; 
With  a  good  Hoe  in  my  right  Hand, 

And  Munster  on  my  Knee. 

And  a  Ho-ing  I  will  go,  etc. 

Come  on,  my  Turks  and   Germans, 

Pack  up,  pack  up,  and  go, 
Let  J s  take  his  Scepter, 

So  I  can  have  my  Hoe. 

And  a  Ho-ing  we  will  go,  etc. 

POEM    ON    MR.   PAUL 

The  Man  that  fell  by  Faction's  Strife, 
In   Mournful   Notes  I  Sing  ; 

Who  bravely  Sacrific'd  his  Life, 
To  serve  his  Church  and  King. 

A  Subject,  Priest,  and  Patriot  he, 
For  Church,  King,  Country  brave  ; 

Jacobite  Songs  255 

Chose  rather  thus  to  Murder'd  be, 
Than  see  their  Rights  Enslav'd. 

He  strove  for  their  Invaded  State, 

From  Brunswick's  curst  Arrival  ; 
Who  proves  their  Emblem  of  ill  Fate, 

In  Noll's  and  Will's  Revival. 

Behold  I  touch  the  Mournful  Lyre, 

Whose  gentle  Strings  Impart, 
(As  first  my  Grief  did  them  inspire) 

Their  Trembling  to  my  Heart. 

My  Muse,  all  wreath'd  in  baleful  Yew, 

No  Laurel  Green  shall  wear ; 
Thus  is  England's  falling  Church  to  me, 

Whilst  Whiggs  the  Triumph  bear. 

Townshend  and  Wake  that  drew  him  in, 

His  Errors  to  recall ; 
Now  like  malicious  Serpents,  grin, 

And  Triumph  in  his  Fall. 

Deceit  may  Townshend's  Nature  be  ; 

'  In  Wake,  'tis  Gain's  Creation, 
'Cause,  like  the  Crown,  his  Holy  See, 
Is  but  an  Usurpation. 

Tho'  Paul  in  Fear  did  thus  Recant, 

Having  his  King  deny'd  ; 
Like  Peter,  he  return'd  the  Saint, 

And  an  Apostle  Dy'd. 

And  tho'  Abjuring  Oaths  he  took, 

To  our  Usurping  Tarter  ; 
Like  Saul  the  Cause  he  thus  forsook, 

To  be  like  Paul  the  Martyr. 

His  Dying  Words  with  Truth  did  Shine  ; 

Himself,  he  did  desire, 
Should  be  his  Monumental  Shrine, 

On  every  Church's  Spire. 

From  thence,  tho'  Dead,  he'd  still  relate, 

For  Faith  his  Life  Surrender ; 
By  Mercy  of  its  Guardian  State, 

And  Merciful  Defender. 

And  if  the  Sun  had  chanc'd  to  taint, 

And  chang'd  him  Black  to  view  ; 
Still  their  dark  Deeds  he'd  Represent, 

In  Ecciesiastick  Hue. 

256  C.   H.   Firth 

His  Arch  the  Skies  had  then  become, 
Stars  deckt  him  with  their  Train, 

And  Air  had  been  his  Sacred  Tomb, 
Embalm'd  in  Tears  of  Rain. 

His  Death,  as  we  a  Glory  own, 

Whiggs  love  to  Church  is  reckon'd  ; 

Whilst  he  shall  by  the  Style  be  known, 
Of  Great  St.  Paul  his  Second. 

To  the  Tune  of,  l  Which  no  Body  can  deny.' 

To  you,  German  Sir,  a  Petition  I  bring, 

Tho'  I,  Heav'ns  know,  am  a  poor  wooden  Thing, 

And  you're  but  a  poor  wooden  Tool,  call'd  a  King, 

Which  no  Body  can  deny,  etc. 

My  Name  it  is  Tyburn,  let  not  that  alarm  ye, 

For  Cause  there  is  good  you  shou'd  do  somewhat  for  me, 

Since  I've  slain  you  more  Foes  than  your  whole  Standing  Army. 

Now,  'tis  no  great  Matter  for  which  I  do  sue, 

For  my  whole  and  my  sole  Application  to  you, 

Is  for  nothing  but  what  has  long  since  been  my  due. 

Your  Gen'rals  I  claim,  whether  old  Ones  or  New, 

Those  that  wear  your  Green  Ribbands,  and  those  that  wear  Blue, 

For  I've  a  String  better  than  either  o'  th'  Two. 

Old  Marlborough  first,  that  renown'd  Treason-monger, 
I  demand  as  the  fittest  to  lead  up  the  Throng  there, 
He  has  cheated  me  long,  but  shall  cheat  me  no  longer. 

Nor  let  it  be  deem'd  any  Shame  to  his  Race, 

For  so  high-born  a  Peer  to  be  brought  to  this  Place, 

For  I've  had  many  better  Men  here  than  his  Grace. 

Your  Aylmers  and  Byngs,  and  your  Admirals  round, 
Are  destin'd  by  Fate,  all  to  die  on  dry  Ground, 
For  not  a  Man  of  'em  all  was  born  to  be  drown'd. 

Your  new-lorded  Stanhope  to  my  Quarters  send, 
Who  looks  not  i'  the  Face  either  of  Foe  or  of  Friend, 
For  he'd  rather  by  half  they  would  shew  t'other  end. 

There's  Townshend  and  Walpole,  those  Birds  of  a  Feather, 

Who  side  with  both  Parties,  yet  care  not  for  either, 

As  they've  done  all  their  Lives,  let  'em  now  hang  together. 

Jacobite  Songs  257 

Old  Sunderland's  Son  is  a  man  of  great  Fire, 

And  therefore  I'll  tie  him  a  Knot  or  two  higher, 

He  shall  pay  off  his  own  Scores,  and  those  of  his  Sire. 

Send  Cowper  to  me,  and  I'll  soon  put  him  out 
Of  all  manner  of  Pain,  be  it  Pox,  Stone,  or  Gout, 
As  sure  as  his  Brother  did  poor  Sarah  Stout. 

Without  Bail  or  Mainprize  your  Chief  Justice  dispatch, 
To  my  Trusty  and  Well-belov'd  Cousin,  'Squire  Ketch, 
As  he  stretches  the  Law,  a  Hempcord  let  him  stretch. 

To  my  Brother  in  Ireland,  o'  th'  same  Occupation, 

I'll  give  Lord  Cadogan  a  Recommendation, 

For  his  Grandsire's  sake  (once  Jack  Ketch  o'  th'  Nation). 

To  Pelham,  that  blust'ring  Head  of  the  Many, 
I've  nothing  to  say,  but  shall  leave  the  poor  Zany 
For's  own  Mob  to  knock  out  his  Brains,  if  h'as  any. 

Those  Episcopal  Fathers  of  Presbyter  Strain, 

Who  are  fed  by  the  Church,  yet  its  Altars  prophane, 

I'll  consign  to  my  Chaplain,  the  good  Paul  Lorrain. 

As  concerning  your  Germans  there  needs  no  harranguing, 

But  what  I  beg  is,  that  you'd  send  'em  all  ganging 

To  the  Place  whence  they  came,  for  they're  hardly  worth  hanging. 

For  hating  the  Prince,  you  unnatural  Elf, 

For  kicking  him  out,  like  no  Son  of  a  Guelph  : 

For  all  these  good  Reasons,  pray  go  hang  up  your  Self! 

'  Do  but  grant  this  Petition,  and  God  save  the  King  ! 

*  While  I  stand  on  three  Legs,  I'll  sing,  hey  ding  a  ding, 

*  For  I've  got  all  the  World,  when  I've  You  in  a  String.' 

The  Scottish   Islands   in  the  Diocese  of  Sodor 

TWENTY-ONE  years  ago  Mr.  A.  W.  Moore,  the  late  Speaker 
of  the  House  of  Keys,  published  in  the  English  Historical 
Review1  a  bull  of  Pope  Gregory  IX.  of  3Oth  July,  1231, 
enumerating  the  possessions  of  the  Bishop  of  Sodor.  It  is  well- 
known  that  the  names  of  foreign  places  often  appear  in  strange 
disguises  when  transcribed  by  the  clerks  of  the  papal  chancery  ; 
and  in  this  particular  instance  new  elements  of  distortion  have 
been  introduced  by  the  facts  that  the  document  is  only  preserved 
in  a  modern  copy  belonging  to  the  Bishop  of  Sodor  and  Man, 
which  was  made  by  an  ignorant  scribe  about  1600,  and  that  this 
copy  is  badly  torn.  Still,  it  has  been  possible  to  restore  a 
coherent  text  with  but  few  lacunae,  and  of  these  only  two  affect 
the  place-names  to  which  it  is  the  object  of  the  present  paper  to 
call  attention. 

The  document  runs  as  follows  : 

Gregorius2  episcopus,  servus  servorum  Dei,  venerabili  fratri  Simoni, 
episcopo3  Sodorensi,4  suisque  successoribus  canonice  substituendis 6  [In 

In  eminent!6  apostolicae  scdis  specula,7  licet8  immeriti,  disponente 
Domino,  constituti,  fratres  nostros  episcopos,9  tarn  propinquos,  quam  longe 

1Vol.  v.  101-107,  1890. 

2  In  the  following  text,  words  and  letters  which  are  missing  in  the  original  owing 
to  the  mutilated  condition  of  the  manuscript  are  supplied  within  square  brackets. 
Additions  which  have  nothing  to  correspond  to  them  in  the  original  are  further 
distinguished  by  italic  type,  as  [In  perpetuum].  In  the  manuscript,  diphthongs, 
when  not  occurring  in  an  abbreviated  syllable,  are  generally  expressed  by  the 
simple  vowel.  I  have  made  a  few  alterations  in  the  text  from  that  printed  in 
1 890,  for  which  my  friend  Mr.  W.  H.  Stevenson  and  I  were  jointly  responsible. 
The  form  supplied  in  the  Liber  cancellariae  apostolicae,  edited  by  G.  Erler  (Leipzig, 
1888),  has  been  of  service  in  emending  the  document. 

*Eipco,MS.  *Sodorenc\  MS.;  and  so  throughout.  *> Substitutis,  MS. 

6  In  iumentum,  MS.  "*  Spectacula,  MS. 

8  Licett,  MS.,  and  so  throughout,  but  not  invariably,  in  the  cases  of  ett,fuerittt 
interveniatty  liceatt,  nequiveritt,  poteritt,  prasumatt,  suatt,  utt,  veil,  &c. 

9  Epischopos,  MS.  ;  the  ch  appearing  wherever  the  word  episcopus  or  archiepiscopus 
is  written  in  full. 

The  Diocese  of  Sodor  259 

positos,10  fraterna  debemus  charitate  diligere,  et  ecclesiis ll  sibi  a  Deo  corn- 
missis  pastorali  solicitudine 12  providere.  Quocirca,  venerabilis  frater  in 
Christo  episcope,13  tuis  iustis  postulationibus  \clementer  annuimus}^  et  ecclesiam 
cathedralem  sancti  Garmani  Sodorensis  in  insula  Euboniae  (iam  Manniae) 
vocata,  cui,  auctore  Deo,  praeesse  dignosceris,  sub  beati  Petri  et  nostra  pro- 
tectione  suscipimus,14  et  praesentis  scripti 16  privilegio  communimus ; l6 
statuentes,  ut  quascunque 17  possessiones,  quaecunque  bona  eadem  ecclesia  in 
praesentiarum  iuste18  et  canonice  possidet,  aut  in  futurum  concessione 
pontificum,  largitione  regum,  principum,  vel  dominorum,  oblatione  fidelium, 
seu  aliis  iustis  modis,  praestante  Domino,  poterit  adip[/]sci,  firma  tibi  tuisque 
successoribus  et  illibata  permaneant.  In  quibus  haec  propriis  duximus  ex- 
perimenda  vocabulis  :  locum  ipsum  Holme,  Sodor,  vel  Pile  vocatum,  in 
qu[o]  praefata  cathedralis  ecclesia  sita  est,  et  ecclesiam  sancti  Patricii  de 
Insula,  cum  omnibus  et  singulis  ecclesiarum  praedictarum  commoditatibus, 
libertatib[us],  pertin[entiisque~\ 19  pleno  iure  spectantibus ;  tertiamque 
pattern  omnium  decimarum  de  omnibus  ecclesiis  in  praedicta  insula  Euboniae 
vel  Manniae  constitutis,  et  de  Bothe,  de  Aran,  de  Eya,  de  He,  de  lurye,  de 
Scarpey,  de  Elath,  de  Col[vansey],  de  Muley,  de  Chorhye,  de  Cole,  de 
Ege,  de  Skey,  de  Carrey,  de  R[  .  .  .  ],  et  de  Howas,  de  insulis  Alne,  de 
Swostersey  et  episcoporum  h[  .  .  .  ]  ;  ac  etiam  terras  in  insula  praedicta, 
videlicet  et  de  Holmetowen,  [de]  Glenfaba,20  de  Fotysdeyn,  de  Bally- 
more,  de  Brottby,  de  baculo  sanc[ti]  Patricii,21  de  Knokcrolcer,  de  Ballicure, 
de  Ballibruste,22  de  Jourbye,  [de]  Ballicaine,23  de  Ramsey  ;  terras  etiam 
ecclesiae  sanctae24  Trinitatis  in  Leay[re],  sanctae  Mariae  25  de  Ballalaughe, 
sancti  Maughaldi,  et  sancti  Michaelis  adiacentes  ; 26  et  terras  sancti  Bradani27 
et  de  Kyrkbye,  de  Kyrkemarona,  de  Colusshill,  terramque  sancti  Columbae28 
Herbery  vocatam.  Ad  haec,  cimiteria  ecclesiarum  et  ecclesiastica  beneficia 
nullus  iure  hereditario  possideat ;  quod  si  quis  praesumpserit,  censura  ecclesi- 
astica vel  canonica  compescatur.29  Praeterea,30  quod  communi  assensu 
capituli31  tui,  vel  partis  concilii  sanioris,  in  tua  dioecesi32  per  te  vel  per 
successores  tuos  fuerit  canonice  institutum,  ratum  et  firmum  volumus  per- 
manere.  Prohibemus  insuper,  ne  excommunicatos  vel  interdictos  ad  officium 
vel  communionem  ecclesiasticam  sine  conscientia  et  consensu  tuo  quisquam33 
admittat,  aut34  contra  sententiam  \tuam\  canonice  promulgatam  aliquis  venire 
praesumat,  nisi  forte  periculum  mortis  immineat,  aut35  dum  praesentiam 
tuam  habere  nequiverit,  per  alium  secundum  formam  ecclesiae  satisfactione 
praemissa  oporteat  ligatum36  absolvi.  Sacrorum  quoque37  canonum  auctori- 
tatem  sequentes  ^  statuimus,  ut  nullus  episcopus  vel  archiepiscopus,  absque 

l°Positas,  MS.  u  Eccletiis,  MS.,  and  so  throughout ;  but  ecclesiastica. 

™  Solisitudine,  MS.  ™  Epo,  MS.  14  Suscepimus,  MS.         ™  Script,  MS. 

l6Comunius,  MS.  17  Quecunyue,  MS.          ™lusti,  MS.  ig£fim,  MS. 

20  G/«w*&»,  MS.  n-Patracii,  MS.  ™  BaWbrushe,  MS. 

23  Ballicaime,  MS.  24  Eccletiam  sanctam,  MS.  25  Sane 'tarn  Mariam,  MS. 

26  Adiacentis,  MS.  27  Bradarni,  MS.  28  Columba,  MS. 

**  Comprestat,  MS.  **  Pretoria,  MS.  ^Capitali,  MS. 

zzDioctcis,  MS.  ;  where  the  word  is  always  spelled  with  c  in  the  last  syllable. 

83  Quisque,  MS.  34  Ac,  MS.  35  Ac,  MS. 

36  Ligatum]  gdtu,  MS.  87  Sacrarorumque,  MS.  88  Seyuentis,  MS. 

260  Reginald  L.   Poole 

Sodorensis  episcopi  consensu,39  conventus  celebrare,  causas  etiam40  vel 
ecclesiastica  negotia  in  Sodoren[w]  dioecesi,  nisi 41  per  Romanum  pontificem 
vcl  [eiui]  legatum  fuerit  eidem  ini[unc]tum,  tractare  praesumat ;  in  ecclesiis 
quoque  Sodorensis  dioecesis,  quae  ad  ali[os]  pleno42  iure  non  pertinent,43 
nullum  clericum  instituere  vel  destituere  vel  sacerdotem  proficere44  sine  con- 
sensu  dioecesani  praesumat.  Statuimus  etiam,  ut  in  electionibus  episcoporum 
successorum  tuorum  nulla  vis,  nulla  potentia  regis  vel  principis  interveniat ; 
nee  in  praemissione  episcoporum  quisque  officium  praelationis  ecclesiasticae 
obtineat,  sed  ille  vacanti  praeficiatur  ecclesiae  quem  illi,  ad  quos  electio  de 
iure  pertinere  dignoscitur,  scientia  et  moribus  iudicaveri[«]t  aptiorem,  forma 
canon ica  in  electione  servata.  Clericos  etiam  et  tenentes  tuos  tuae  46  dioe- 
cesis debite  volentes  libertate  gaudere  districtius  prohibemus,  ne  rex  vel 
princeps  aut  dominus  eos  exactionibus  indebitis  aggravare  praesumat. 

Decernimus  ^  ergo,  ut  nulli  omnino  47  hominum  liceat  praefatam  ecclesiam 
temere  perturbare,  aut  eius  possessiones  vel  libertates  auferre,  vel  ablatas 
retinere,  minuere,  seu  quibuslibet  vexationibus  fatigare,  sed  omnia  integra 
conserventur  eorum  pro  quorum  \_sustentatione  ei\  gubernatione  concessa 
sunt,  usibus  omnimodis  profutura,48  salva  sedis  apostolicae  auctoritate.  Si 
qua  igitur  in  futurum  ecclesiastica  secularisve  persona,  hanc  nostrae  constitu- 
tionis  paginam  sciens,  contra  earn  temere  venire  temptaverit,  secundo 
tertiove  commonita,  nisi49  reatum  suum  congrua  satisfactione  correxerit, 
potestatis  et  honoris  sui  careat  dignitate,  rea[w]que  se  divino  iudicio60 
existere  de  perpetrata  in[/]quitate  cognoscat,  et  a  sacratissimo  corpore  et 
sanguine  Dei  et  Domini  Redemptoris  nostri  lesu  61  Christi  aliena  fiat,  atque 
in  extreme  examine  districtae  subiaceat  ultioni.  Cunctis  autem  [<?]idem 
loco  suo  iura  servantibus,  sit  pax  Domini 52  nostri  lesu  Christi,  quatenus  et 63 
hie64  fructum  bonae  actionis  percipiant65  et  apud  districtum  ludicem 
praemium  aeternae  pacis  invenia[»]t.  Amen.66 

Datum  Reatas,67  tertio  kalendas  Augusti,  Indictione  quarta,  incarnationis 
Dominicae  anno  millesimo  M  cc°  xxxi°  et  pontificatus  nostri  anno  quinto.59 

The  bull  deals  first  with  the  site  of  the  bishopric  ;  secondly 
with  the  bishop's  third  of  all  tithes  in  the  Isle  of  Man  and  in  a 
number  of  islands  named  ;  and  thirdly  with  a  series  of  properties 
in  the  Isle  of  Man.  All  the  places  in  the  Isle  of  Man  except 
Fotysdeyn  and  Colusshill  were  identified  by  Mr.  Moore,  but  he 
did  not  profess  to  examine  very  closely  the  names  of  the  Scottish 
islands  which  lay  outside  his  immediate  line  of  interest.  The 
lands  in  the  Isle  of  Man  are  enumerated  in  a  promiscuous  order 

^Concenstt,  MS.         ^  Eccletiam,  MS.          41  Nisi]  nuper,  MS.         ^Plene,  MS. 
**  Pertineantt,  MS.      **  Projicere,  MS.  4*T&c,  MS.  *  Secrevimus,  MS. 

47  Omnino]  amb  (?),  MS.  «  MS.  inserts  et.  *9Nisi]  in,  MS. 

**Domo  iuditio,  MS.  «/*/«,  MS.  **Dei,  MS.  53  [///,  MS. 

54  MS.  adds  in.  55  Principiant,  MS.  56  Amen\  anno.  MS. 

57  Romae,  MS.  58  Millecimo,  MS. 

59  The  bull  is  endorsed  in  the  handwriting  of  Bishop  Wilson  :  '  Popes  Bull 
granted  to  the  Bishop  for  his  Thirds,  &c.  in  this  Island,  &c.  Anno  1231.' 

The  Diocese  of  Sodor  261 

without  regard  to  their  geographical  relations  ;  and  Mr.  Moore 
seems  to  have  thought  that  the  Western  Isles  were  similarly 
unarranged,  for  he  conjectured  '  Eya,'  which  is  mentioned  between 
'  Aran  '  and  '  He,'  to  be  lona.60  I  venture,  however,  to  hold  that 
the  document  starts  at  any  rate  with  a  nearly  regular  enumeration 
of  the  islands  following  the  coast  as  near  as  may  be  from  south 
to  north.  Thus  we  have  Bothe  (Bute),  Aran  (Arran),  Eya 
(Gigha),  Ik  (Islay),  Jurye  (Jura),  Scarpey  (Scarba),  Elath  (Elach- 
nave,  the  southern  of  the  Garvelach  group),61  Co/\vansey]  (Colon- 
say),  Muley  (Mull),  Chorhye  (apparently  Tiree),  Cole  (Col),  Egc 
(Eigg),  Skey,  Carrey  (Canna),  £[...]  (Rum).  Of  these  the 
identification  of  Chorhye  with  Tiree  alone  presents  difficulties, 
though  it  is  possible — if  hardly  probable — that  the  initial  R  may 
indicate  Raasey  rather  than  Rum.  The  remaining  four  names  on 
the  other  hand  are  an  enigma, 

de  Howas,  de  insulis  Alne,  de  Swostersey,  et  episcoporum  h[. . .  ]. 

These  should  naturally  designate  the  Hebrides ;  but  I  leave  to 
scholars  more  skilled  in  Scottish  nomenclature  than  I  can  profess 
to  be,  to  expound  the  true  names  which  are  here  concealed 
through  a  double  process  of  mistranscription. 


[The  Editor  has  shown  proofs  of  the  above  paper  to  two  or  three 
contributors  to  the  Scottish  Historical  Review^  and  has  received  the  follow- 
ing notes : 

Dr.  Maitland  Thomson  says,  It  is  indeed  a  pity  that  so  interesting  a 
document  is  preserved  only  in  so  corrupt  a  form. 

It  seems  to  me  that  your  learned  correspondent's  identifications  may  well 
be  accepted  up  to  '  Skey '  inclusive,  which  is  as  much  as  to  accept  his  theory 
that  the  islands  are  arranged  in  fairly  regular  geographical  order.  If  that  is 
so,  one  would  expect,  after  Skye,  the  '  Long  Island,'  that  is  (according  to 
the  medieval  nomenclature)  Barra,  Uist  and  Lewis ;  Benbecula  being 
reckoned  part  of  Uist  and  Harris  of  Lewis. 

I  therefore  suggest  that  Barra,  '  the  Barey  of  the  Sagas,'  has  been  mis- 
copied  Carrey  ;  and  that  Howas  is  miswritten  for  Liowns,  Lewis  ('  the 
Ljodthhus  of  the  Sagas') ;  the  lost  intermediate  word  would  be  Uist,  in  the 
Sagas  luist,  which  it  would  not  be  difficult  to  miscopy  into  Ruist. 

60  Dr.  James  Wilson  and  Sir  Archibald  Lawrie  kindly  point  out  that  lona  was 
entirely  unconnected  with  the  See  of  Sodor,  being  under  the  immediate  jurisdiction 
of  the  Pope. 

61  Cf.  C.  Innes,  Origins parochiaks  Scotiae,  ii.  (1854),  277. 

262  Reginald  L.  Poole 

But  if  that  is  so,  the  three  remaining  names  must  be  an  odd  lot,  and 
topographical  situation  no  guide  to  their  identification.  So  it  is  difficult  to 
frame  any  guesses  which  are  better  than  any  other  guesses.  Alne  is  not 
far  from  Ufoa  ;  Swostersey  looks  very  Norse — if  it  can  mean  Sister's  Isle,  it 
may  be  Inchkenneth,  which  seems  to  have  been  the  chief  possession  of  the 
Nuns  of  lona.  The  remaining  insula  episcoporum  h  may  be  lona  if  any 
reason  can  be  given  for  giving  it  that  name — but  I  hardly  think  it  was  ever 
a  Bishop's  seat  (except  casually  in  Celtic  times)  till  the  final  division  of  the 
Scottish  and  English  Sees  of  Sodor.  It  is  to  be  observed  that  in  the  Sixteenth 
Century  Rental  of  the  Bishopric  of  the  Isles  (in  Collectanea  de  Rebus 
Albanicis]  it  is  expressly  noted  that  the  Bishop  had  not  a  third  of  the 
parsonage  of  Icolmkill,  and  this  privilege  may  be  very  ancient. 

Sir  Archibald  Lawrie  says,  It  is,  I  think,  certain  that  the  Kings  of 
Norway  in  the  eleventh  and  twelfth  centuries  claimed  every  one  of  the 
islands  on  the  West  Coast  of  Scotland. 

The  tradition  was  that  King  Magnus  in  1098,  to  add  to  the  number  of 
his  possessions,  sat  in  a  boat  which  was  dragged  across  the  isthmus  of 
Tarbert  to  prove  that  Kintyre  was  an  island. 

The  Kings  of  Norway  in  the  next  century  recognised  the  power  of  the 
Kings  of  the  Isles,  and  in  1166,  when  King  Henry  II.  of  England  met 
King  William  of  Scotland  at  Mont  St.  Michel,  there  came  there  the 
Bishop  of  Man  and  the  Isles,  who  told  Robert  de  Torigneio  (then  the 
Abbot  of  St.  Michel)  that  the  King  of  the  Isles  held  Man  and  thirty-one 
other  islands  under  the  King  of  Norway  on  condition  of  paying  on  the 
accession  of  each  King  of  Norway  ten  marks  of  gold.62 

An  interesting  question  is  whether  lona  was  one  of  the  islands  held  by 
the  King  of  the  Isles  under  Norway  and  whether  the  Bishop  of  Man 
and  the  Isles  had  any  episcopal  rights  or  derived  any  revenue  from  the 
church  of  lona. 

It  is  probable  that  the  Kings  of  Norway  claimed  lona  and  that  the  Bishop 
of  Trondhjem  and  afterwards  the  Kings  and  Bishops  of  Man  pretended  that 
it  lay  within  their  diocese  and  jurisdiction,  but  it  is  almost  certain  that  such 
a  claim  was  not  acknowledged.  The  old  church  of  lona  was  closely 
connected  with  Ireland,  and  as  late  as  1164  the  Annals  of  Ulster  record 
an  event  which  Haddan  and  Stubbs  describe  as  an  ineffectual  attempt  to 
reunite  lona  and  the  Irish  church.63 

The  meaning  of  the  passage  is  not  clear  to  me,  but  it  seems  certain  that 
the  churchmen  of  lona  looked  to  Ireland  and  not  to  Man  as  the  seat  of 
ecclesiastical  authority. 

In  addition  to  claims  by  the  Irish  church  and  by  the  Bishop  of  Man 
there  was  a  claim  by  the  Bishop  of  Dunkeld,  a  Bishopric  which  long 
asserted  interests  and  rights  in  the  church  of  lona. 

Towards  the  end  of  the  twelfth  century  King  William  granted  to  the 
Abbey  of  Holyrood  the  churches  in  Galloway  on  the  mainland  of  Scotland 

62  Robert  de  Torigneio,  Rolls  Ed.  vol.  iv.  p.  228. 

63  Haddan  and  Stubbs,  v.a.  2,  p.  235  ;  Chron.  Picts  and  Scots,  p.  372  ;  dnnals  of 
Malcolm  and  William,  p.  89. 

The  Diocese  of  Sodor  263 

which  had  belonged  to  the  church  of  lona,  and  about  the  same  time  a  new 
Cluniac  monastery  and  nunnery  were  founded  in  lona. 

In  this  competition  for  episcopal  jurisdiction  over  it  the  Abbots  of  lona 
were  recognised  by  the  Pope  as  exempt  from  episcopal  supervision  and  as 
owing  subjection  to  Rome  only. 

During  the  War  of  Independence  in  the  beginning  of  the  fourteenth 
century  the  Scottish  king  created  a  new  Bishopric  of  the  Isles  apart  from 
that  of  Man. 

Years  afterwards,  to  make  a  revenue  for  the  Bishop  of  the  Isles,  the  office 
of  Abbot  of  lona  was  practically  suppressed,  the  Bishop  was  made  the 
commendator,  the  two  prelacies  remained  combined  till  the  Reformation. 
The  Abbey  Church  of  lona  became  the  Cathedral  of  the  diocese  of  the 
Isles.  Before  that  (if  the  Bishop  had  a  cathedral)  it  was  the  Church  of 

In  1561  it  is  recorded  that  while  the  Bishop  of  the  Isles  had  a  third  of 
many  benefices  in  the  Isles  which  had  belonged  to  lona,  he  had  not  a  third 
of  Icolumkil,  the  revenue  of  that  benefice  belonged  to  him  as  Abbot  or 
Commendator,  not  as  Bishop. 

The  Rev.  Principal  Lindsay  writes,  May  not  Howas  be  Howse,  which 
was  the  name  of  the  chief  parish  in  South  Uist  in  1594?  Mr.  Donald 
Monro,  High  Dean  of  the  Isles,  who  travelled  through  the  Hebrides  in 
1594,  in  his  Description  of  the  Western  hies  refers  to  Howse  under  Island 

Might  not  Swostersey  be  Wattersay,  the  southmost  of  the  two  clusters 
of  islands  which  were  said  to  belong  to  the  Bishop  of  lona,  one  called 
the  Bishop's  Isles  consisting  of  several  small  islands  on  the  east  and  south 
of  Barra,  and  the  other  nine  islands  surrounding  Skye  on  the  north  and 
west  sides  ?  Of  these  Wattersay  was  the  southmost  of  the  second  of  these 
two  groups.  See  also  Suilskeray,  No.  209,  in  Monro's  list  of  Islands. 

Can  Elath  be  Veliche,  Island  No.  17  in  Monro's  list,  where  it  is 
described  as  *  Niarest  the  iyle  of  Skarbay  layes  any  iyle,  called  in  Erish 
Elian  Veliche,  unto  the  northeist '  ? 

The  Editor  would  be  glad  to  receive  any  suggestions  which  may  throw 
light  on  the  points  raised  by  Mr.  Reginald  Poole.] 

Scottish    Burgh    Records 

THE   Scottish  commonwealth  has  been  well  served   by  the 
archivists   who    have   with    such    diligence    and    success 
given  themselves  to  the  transliteration  of  burghal  records,  with 
a  determined  will — 

To  ken  all  the  crafte  how  the  case  felle 
By  lookyng  of  letters  that  left  were  of  old. 

It  was  in  1868  that  the  first  volume  of  the  Burgh  Records 
Society's  publications  appeared  under  the  editorship  of  Professor 
Cosmo  Innes.  Sir  James  Marwiclc  was  for  nearly  forty  years 
editorially  identified  with  the  volumes  of  this  invaluable  series, 
and  since  his  death  the  transition  has  only  by  degrees  been 
made  to  Mr.  Renwick,  who  has  proved  himself  a  most  loyal 
literary  executor  and  the  only  possible  successor  to  Sir  James. 
The  association  of  the  two  was  a  happy  circumstance  for  the 
Society.  So  much  depends  on  the  intimate  knowledge  of  the 
records  dealt  with  that  the  archivist's  share  in  the  product 

Extracts  from  the  Records  of  the  Burgh  of  Glasgow,  A.D.  1691-1717.  [Edited 
by  the  late  Sir  James  D.  Marwick,  LL.D.,  and  Robert  Renwick.]  Cr.  410. 
Pp.  xvii,  719.  Glasgow  :  Printed  for  the  Scottish  Burgh  Records  Society,  1908. 

The  River  Clyde  and  the  Clyde  Burghs.  The  City  of  Glasgow  and  its  Old  Relations 
with  Rutherglen,  Renfrew,  Paisley,  Dumbarton,  Port-Glasgow,  Greenock,  Rothesay,  and 
Irvine.  By  the  late  Sir  James  D.  Marwick,  LL.D.  Cr.  410.  Pp.  x,  254. 
Glasgow,  1909. 

Edinburgh  Guilds  and  Crafts  :  A  Sketch  of  the  History  of  Burgess-ship,  Guild-brother- 
hood, and  Member  ship  of  Crafts  in  the  City.  By  the  late  Sir  James  D.  Marwick,  LL.D. 
Cr.  410.  Pp.  vii,  258.  Edinburgh,  1909. 

Extracts  from  the  Records  of  the  Burgh  of  Glasgow,  1718-38:  with  Charters  and 
other  Documents,  1708-38.  [Edited  by  Robert  Renwick.]  Cr.  410.  Pp.  xxx,  621. 
Glasgow,  1909. 

The  Ancient  Laws  and  Customs  of  the  Burghs  of  Scotland.  Vol.  II.,  1424-1707. 
[Edited  by  Robert  Renwick.]  Cr.  410.  Pp.  xxxi,  195.  Edinburgh,  1910. 

Extracts  from  the  Records  of  the  Burgh  of  Peebles,  1652-1714.  With  appendix, 
1367-1665.  [Edited  by  Robert  Renwick.]  Pp.  xxiii,  235.  Glasgow,  1910. 

Scottish  Burgh  Records  265 

includes  the  selection  of  the  matter,  and  is  the  chief  element 
in  shaping  the  editorial  narrative  and  commentary. 

The  vast  increase  in  knowledge  of  Glasgow's  history  must 
be  credited,  it  goes  without  saying,  to  Mr.  Renwick,  whose 
Glasgow  Protocols,  not  second  to  the  Burgh  Record  volumes 
themselves,  are  a  quarry  of  precise  local  topography  and 
biography  of  the  sixteenth  century  such  as  scarcely  any  city 
in  the  United  Kingdom  can  rival. 

The  preface  to  the  Extracts  from  Glasgow  Records \  1691-1717, 
begins  with  an  emphatic  recognition  and  homage.  *  In  one 
capacity  or  another,'  says  Mr.  Renwick,  '  I  have  had  the  great 
privilege  of  being  associated  with  Sir  James  Marwick  in  the 
work  of  the  Society  since  its  formation,  and  having  been 
specially  conjoined  with  him  in  the  preparation  of  this  volume, 
the  loss  of  my  revered  friend,  the  memory  of  whose  unfailing 
kindness  to  myself  must  ever  remain  with  me  a  treasured 
possession,  has  laid  on  me  the  duty  of  completing  the  book.' 

During  the  period  covered  by  the  selection  of  Extracts  the 
Union  of  1707  and  the  Jacobite  rising  of  1715  were  the  great 
public  facts  of  history.  Yet  it  is  significant  of  burghal  life  and 
record  that  neither  event  engrosses  much  attention  in  the  pro- 
ceedings of  the  town  council.  In  1706  the  tumult  caused  by 
the  anti-Union  populace  stoning  the  council-house  led  to  a 
proclamation  by  tuck  of  drum  for  the  mustering  in  arms  of 
*  the  haill  fencible  men  of  this  burgh '  to  put  down  any 
disturbance.  A  detachment  of  troops  from  Edinburgh  settled 
the  rioters,  but  the  incident,  which  bulks  so  largely  in  Defoe,  is 
not  recorded  in  the  town's  minutes  at  all. 

The  community  was  divided  about  the  Union.  On  the 
Jacobite  question  in  1715,  on  the  other  hand,  there  was  no 
division.  Glasgow  stood  firm  by  the  house  of  Hanover, 
sending  assurances  of  loyalty  to  King  George  in  the  face  *  of  a 
designed  invasion  from  abroad  in  favour  of  a  Papal  Pretender 
and  of  the  preparations  of  a  restless  Papal  and  Jacobite  faction 
at  home  for  subverting  our  happy  constitution  in  church  and 
state.'  The  city  further  sent  500  of  its  militia  to  recruit  the 
royal  forces.  Other  reminiscences  of  *  this  tyme  of  common 
danger'  appear  in  the  pious  and  partly  executed  purpose 
whereby  'the  toun  should  be  put  in  a  better  posture  of 
defence  by  drawing  lynes  of  entrinchment  about  the  toun  in 
case  of  ane  attack,'  and  in  the  confinement  of  353  *  rebell 
prisoners'  under  guard  in  the  castle  prison  in  December,  1715. 

266  Geo.  Neilson 

A  highly  interesting  '  accompt  of  the  extraordinary  charge 
and  expenses'  from  July,  1715,  until  October,  1716,  details  the 
carriage  of  '  great  guns/  the  powder  horns  for  priming  them, 
the  cartridge  boxes,  the  leaden  cannon  balls,  the  messages  sent 
to  raise  the  alarm  or  to  bring  '  accounts  of  the  Pretender,'  the 
hire  of  horses,  the  building  of  barricades  of  stone,  *  divets,' 
up-cast  earth  and  timber,  and  a  mighty  digging  of  trenches  by 
militiamen  and  colliers  cheered  at  their  work  by  liberal  allowance 
of  drink.  Barricades  and  trenches  at  Gallowgate,  Glasshouse, 
Cowloan,  and  St.  Tennoch's  Bridge,  Buns  Wynd,  Rottenrow, 
Deneside,  and  the  Merchants'  Hospital  are  particularly  mentioned. 
Extensive  work  at  Kirkintilloch  Bridge,  too,  shows  that  the  scheme 
of  defence  was  not  limited  to  the  city  confines.  Gunpowder  (at  a 
cost  of  over  £1000),  firelocks,  bayonets,  drums,  halberts,  and  'a 
feild  carriage  for  a  cannon  for  the  toun  '  are  items  of  charge  which 
attest  that  the  city  stood  well  to  its  guns. 

One  adventure  of  interest  before  the  rebellion  broke  out  was 
the  seizure,  among  innocent  chests  and  barrels,  in  a  boat  at  the 
Broomielaw,  of  32  firelocks,  32  pistols,  and  21  fspeir  bayonets' 
destined  for  '  nonjurors  and  disafected  persons  in  the  High- 
lands.' The  thoroughgoing  preparations  made  to  repel  the 
Pretender  explain  the  unusual  emphasis  of  the  Act  of  Parlia- 
ment in  1716  granting  to  Glasgow  a  duty  of  two  pence  Scots 
per  pint  of  ale  and  beer  in  recognition  of  the  c  most  cordial 
and  cheerful  manner '  in  which  the  city  had  acted  in  the  crisis. 

The  Extracts  for  1718-38  cover  two  decades  of  much  less 
public  excitement  in  which  the  occurrences  steadily  grow  more 
prosaic  and  find  more  modern  phrases  to  record  them.  But 
there  is  still  abundance  of  interest,  and  it  is  pleasant  to  note  in 
the  proceedings  what  Mr.  Renwick  calls  *  the  advent  of  our 
earliest  local  historian.'  In  1732  the  minutes  bear  that  'John 
M'Ure,  writter,  has  compiled  a  book  intitled  The  Ancient  and 
Moddern  State  of  Glasgow  which  he  is  to  cause  print,'  but  his 
petition  for  a  *  gratification '  towards  defraying  his  expenses 
seems  to  have  proved  ineffectual  to  evoke  a  money  grant,  not- 
withstanding his  work  being  dedicated  to  the  Provost,  Town 
Council  and  Town  Clerk.  M'Ure  guessed  the  population  then 
to  be  30,000,  an  estimate  nearly  doubling  the  figure  Mr.  Renwick 
thinks  probable. 

There  was  progress  in  commerce,  manufactories,  and  general 
industries,  but  it  was  slow.  Political  unrest  can  hardly  have 
counted  for  much  among  the  conditions  that  clogged  advance. 

Scottish  Burgh  Records  267 

The  malt  tax  riot,  in  which  Shawfield  House  was  sacked  in  1725, 
was  a  symptom  of  discontent  with  the  Union.  A  false  alarm  of 
Jacobite  invasion  in  1727  led  to  the  drawing  up  of  another  fervid 
address  of  loyalty  and  unalterable  adherence  to  his  '  sacred 
Majesties  person  family  and  government.'  At  the  heart  of  these 
records  the  purely  local  concerns  continued  dominant,  but  trading 
policy  in  general  was  watched  with  a  very  intelligent  eye.  Scottish 
rights  in  the  tobacco  traffic  were  jealously  guarded,  linen  manu- 
facture was  promoted,  and  the  attention  paid  to  the  development 
of  Port-Glasgow  reveals  both  ambition  and  practical  grasp  in  the 
business  section  of  the  city. 

Shipping  with  the  Plantations  of  America  had  already,  in  1723, 
reached  dimensions  respectable  enough  with  '20  or  30  sail  of 
ships  every  year  laden  with  tobacco  and  sugar,'  and  in  1726 
Defoe  reported  '  near  50  sail  of  ships  every  year  to  Virginia, 
New  England,  and  other  English  colonies  in  America.'  A  set  of 
ordinances  for  Port-Glasgow  harbour,  provisions  for  its  repair, 
*  the  strenth  and  decorement  thereof,'  and  the  building  of  a  dry 
dock  and  a  new  quay,  are  as  clear  intimations  of  enterprise  as 
the  slightly  earlier  construction  of  another  new  quay  at  the 

Sir  James  Marwick's  historical  study  of  the  Clyde  and  the 
Clyde  burghs  was  printed  in  proof  in  1906,  but  was  still  under 
revision  at  his  death,  and  has  been  editorially  completed  and 
brought  out  by  Mr.  Renwick.  A  conspectus  of  burghal  develop- 
ments on  the  firth,  it  is  characterised  by  the  familiar  features  of 
the  veteran  author's  workmanship.  It  shows  his  persistent 
method  of  linking  the  facts  with  the  minimum  of  general  state- 
ment, his  fidelity  to  the  authorities  duly  cited  for  every  paragraph, 
and  his  customary  success  in  constructing  a  connected  history 
which  for  its  accuracy,  fulness,  and  variety  in  matter  of  chronicle 
and  fact  must  for  long  remain  an  authority  and  standard  for 

The  absence  of  colour  and  the  toning  down  of  quaint  phrase 
and  incident  are  deliberate.  Sir  James's  choice  was  an  unhesitat- 
ing preference  to  be  a  solid  builder  of  facts  rather  than  an  artist 
in  narrative  or  a  historical  painter.  It  is  this  quality,  his  unbend- 
ing cult  of  the  authentic  and  his  virtual  contempt  for  the 
decorative  region  beyond,  that  makes  the  enduring  value  of  his 
writings.  He  spared  no  pains  to  get  his  information,  and  his 
art  was  to  rely  on  his  truth  as  his  abiding  virtue.  That  Sir  James 
never  in  his  writing  broke  the  calm  of  the  plain  historiographer, 

268  Geo.   Neilson 

never  showed  himself,  as  he  often  was  in  his  conversation, 
vehement  and  almost  passionate  in  his  argument  or  narrative,  is 
perhaps  a  proof  of  his  severe  conception  of  the  task  of  the 
historian  and  the  restraint  in  which  he  kept  his  pen. 

To  set  Glasgow  into  its  surroundings,  burghally  considered, 
was  the  purpose  of  a  study  which  grouped,  contrasted,  compared, 
and  analysed  the  ports  of  the  Clyde.  Rutherglen  was  a  fully 
royal  burgh  under  David  I.  So,  perhaps,  was  Renfrew,  but  if  so 
the  dignity  was  lost  by  the  grant  to  Walter,  the  first  of  the 
Stewarts,  which  made  the  burgh  baronial  only,  so  that  not  until 
1397  did  Renfrew,  by  the  charter  of  Robert  III.,  acquire  the  full 
burghal  status. 

Paisley,  only  made  a  burgh  of  barony  in  1488,  and  then 
subject  to  the  abbot  as  Glasgow  was  to  the  bishop,  remained 
baronial  until  1658.  In  that  year  an  arrangement  with  the 
abbot's  lay-successor  as  Superior,  procured  the  granting  of  a 
Crown  charter  in  1665,  which  (in  spite  of  objection  by 
Dumbarton)  gave  it  a  tenure  under  the  Prince  and  Steward  of 
Scotland  which  was  some  degrees  short  of  the  dignity  of  a  royal 
burgh,  not  even  yet  included  among  the  many  claims  of  Paisley 
to  historical  distinction. 

Dumbarton,  which  alone  rivals  Glasgow  for  institutional 
interest  and  for  its  importance  in  maritime  annals,  was  chartered 
as  a  royal  burgh  about  the  year  1221,  and  long  disputed  the 
dominance  of  Glasgow  over  the  Clyde. 

On  the  other  hand,  Port-Glasgow,  on  lands  acquired  by  the 
city  of  Glasgow  in  1668  for  a  harbour  (whence  its  original  name 
of  Newport)  began  its  separate  life  in  1690  under  a  Bailie  of  the 
Newport  having  the  powers  of  a  baron  bailie  appointed  by  and 
subject  to  the  instructions  of  the  magistrates  of  Glasgow  ;  and  it 
was  only  in  1775  tnat  Parliament  gave  it  a  police  constitution, 
raised  after  the  Reform  Act  to  that  of  a  Parliamentary  burgh. 

Greenock  came  into  existence  as  a  baronial  burgh  in  1635  in 
the  teeth  of  objection  by  both  Glasgow  and  Dumbarton  ;  its 
magistrates  were  baron  bailies  ;  it  never  was  a  royal  burgh. 

Rothesay  had  its  charter  from  King  Robert  III.  in  1401,  and 
its  freedom  as  a  royal  burgh  was  confirmed  by  James  VI. 

Irvine,  created  a  burgh  by  Alexander  II.  and  confirmed  by 
Robert  I.  in  1322,  was  in  early  times  used  as  the  port  of  Glasgow, 
and  as  such  was  long  in  close  commercial  relationship  with  the  city. 
These  are  the  eight  burghs  with  which  Glasgow's  interconnection 
is  the  subject  of  Sir  James's  study.  Curiously  enough  the 

Scottish  Burgh  Records  269 

cathedral  city  itself,  although  vested  with  practically  every 
liberty  of  a  royal  burgh  long  before,  only  reached  full  burghal 
status  in  1611,  and  even  then  remained  subject  to  reservation 
regarding  the  election  of  magistrates — the  last  privilege  of  burghal 
autonomy  finally  granted  only  in  1690  by  William  and  Mary, 
grateful  for  the  part  which  Glasgow  had  played  in  furthering  the 

Long  before  that,  however,  it  had  acquired  a  complete  pre- 
eminence over  all  its  neighbours,  and  become  a  centre  of  political, 
commercial,  and  manufacturing  influence.  This  gradual  growth 
is  well  shown  by  the  combined  annals  which  Sir  James  has 
compiled,  tracing  year  by  year  and  collating  the  progress  or 
activities  of  each  of  the  ports.  Too  chary  of  indicating  general 
causes,  he  yet  by  the  particular  episodes  illustrates  the  force 
of  special  features,  whether  of  situation,  equipment  and  resources, 
or  of  personal  enterprise  in  the  inhabitants,  which  after  long 
struggle,  against  some  by  no  means  impotent  rivalry,  established 
the  place  of  Glasgow  as  capital  of  the  Clyde. 

For  centuries  Glasgow  was  well  provided  with  grievances  in  the 
oppressive  action  of  some  one  or  other  burgh.  At  first  Rutherglen 
and  Dumbarton  pressed  it  hard,  and  all  the  court-influence  of  the 
bishops  was  needed  to  check  claims  of  toll  and  infringements  of 
exemptions  on  the  river  and  at  the  markets.  Renfrew  took  a 
hand  in  the  game  too,  although  obviously  foredoomed  to  futility. 
Only  one  rival  seems  conceivable  to  us  now,  and  we  may  still 
ask  how  the  golden  apple  of  mercantile  and  maritime  supremacy 
fell  to  Glasgow  and  not  to  Dumbarton.  Long  the  premier 
harbour  of  the  west  coast  of  Scotland,  Dumbarton  started  with 
that  high  natural  advantage  in  the  race  ;  but  it  had  only  one  side 
of  the  firth  and  stood  on  the  edge  of  the  mountains.  Glasgow 
was  in  the  plain,  the  river  was  fordable  there,  and  great  roads 
branched  from  it :  later  the  bridge  set  it  astride  of  the  river ; 
it  counted  as  a  port  in  the  beginnings  of  shipping,  and  the 
foresight  and  energy  of  its  citizens  enabled  it  by  engineering 
science  to  redress  the  balance  of  nature  against  its  inland  site — a 
work  which  extends  back  to  the  sixteenth  century.  The  modern 
phase,  however,  began  in  1759  with  the  first  of  the  Clyde  Trust 
acts  ;  the  twenty-seventh  act  was  about  to  be  passed  when  the 
'  Lusitania  *  was  launched  in  1906. 

If  Sir  James  gives  his  emphasis  to  Glasgow  he  not  less  patiently 
traces  the  fortunes  of  the  humbler  burghs.  Inveraray,  raised  to 
the  rank  of  royal  burgh  in  1649,  ^s  noticed  among  the  others  : 

270  Geo.  Neilson 

the  only  one  of  ancient  interest  we  miss  in  Sir  James's  survey  is 
Tarbert,  which  Robert  I.  made  a  burgh,  though  its  honours  have 
not  survived.  Hamilton  (burgh  of  barony  in  1456,  chartered  as 
a  royal  burgh  1548)  scarcely  appears  at  all;  its  erection  into  a 
royal  burgh  was  practically  abortive,  and  it  subsequently  again 
accepted  the  inferior  status  of  a  burgh  of  regality. 

How  Clyde  shipping  was  affected  by  the  development  of  the 
Plantations  of  America  and  the  ocean  traffic  dating  from  that 
period,  how  the  Navigation  Acts  operated,  and  how  Glasgow 
ships  played  their  part  in  the  long  duel  with  England  in  the 
seventeenth  century  over  wool  and  linen  smuggled  to  Holland  or 
across  the  Atlantic — these  are  matters  of  economic  history  which 
Sir  James  was  reluctant  to  make  his  province. 

The  work  on  Edinburgh  Guilds  and  Crafts  was  printed  more 
than  thirty  years  ago,  but  was  then  left  in  proof,  and  makes  its 
posthumous  appearance  under  the  editorial  executorship  of  Mr. 
Renwick.  It  is  an  exhaustive  sketch  of  the  privileges  and 
obligations  of  burgess-ship  and  guild  brotherhood  in  Edinburgh, 
copious  in  authoritative  quotations  from  the  Town  Council 
records.  Seals  of  cause,  the  symbol  of  incorporation,  came  greatly 
into  vogue  in  the  last  quarter  of  the  fifteenth  century.  The 
Hatmakers  received  theirs  from  the  Town  Council  in  1473, 
the  Skinners  in  1474,  the  Masons  and  Wrights  in  1475,  an<^  ^e 
Websters  in  1476,  followed  by  the  Hammermen  1483,  Fleshers 
1488,  Coopers  1489,  Waulkers  and  Tailors  1500,  Surgeons 
and  Barbers  1505,  Cordiners  1510,  and  Candlemakers  in  1517. 
The  Baxters  having  lost  their  seal  had  it  renewed  in  1523. 

Certain  guilds  were  specially  associated  with  certain  altars  in 
the  church  of  St.  Giles,  the  altar  of  St.  John  being  maintained  by 
the  Masons,  that  of  St.  Severane  by  the  Websters,  that  of  St. 
Mark  by  the  Waulkers,  that  of  St.  Crispin  by  the  Cordiners, 
and  that  of  St.  Ann  by  the  Tailors.  Indeed,  the  connection  in 
Edinburgh  between  the  crafts  and  the  church  are  conspicuous 
enough  to  reflect  light  on  the  vexed  question  for  the  guild 
brotherhoods,  whether  the  craft  guilds  as  general  institutions  in 
Great  Britain  had  not  often  their  origin  as  church-guilds  or 
associations  of  craftsmen  united  by  their  cult  of  a  particular  saint. 
As  living  and  working  organisations,  of  course,  they  were  trade 
unions,  very  narrowly  protectionist  and  exclusive,  jealous  and 
watchful  against  any  encroachment,  and  tenacious  of  their 
privileges.  Aristocracy  and  democracy  are  alike  slow  to  surrender 
monopoly,  and  sometimes  the  reluctance  has  reason  on  its  side. 

Scottish  Burgh  Records  271 

There  is  room  here  for  only  one  quotation  to  show  how,  in 
1582,  the  booksellers,  who  were  freemen  of  Edinburgh,  petitioned 
for  an  order  of  council  against  an  outsider.  They  showed, 
with  all  the  eloquence  of  indignant  ratepayers,  'that  Thomas 
Vautrollier  prenter  beand  ane  straynger  and  unfrieman  hes  thir 
dyvers  yeiris  bygane  be  him  selff  and  his  servandis  .  .  .  toppitt 1 
and  said  vithin  this  burgh  all  maner  of  buikis  in  smallis2  and 
lykwayes  bindis  the  sam  contrair  to  the  priveleges  of  the  burgh 
and  to  our  intollerabill  damnage  quha  hes  na  uther  tred 
quhairby  we  and  our  famelies  are  sustenit  he  bering  na  charges 
whatever  and  we  watcheing  wairding  and  extenting  at  all  tymes.' 
The  application  was  successful ;  the  Council  ordained  the 
agent  of  the  famous  French  printer  *  to  desist  and  ceiss  fra 
all  topping  and  selling  in  smallis  of  ony  maner  of  buikis  in 
tymes  coming.' 

Among  other  persons  convicted  of  breaking  the  burgess  oath, 
there  appears  in  1608  Master  Robert  Steven,  who  had  taken 
up  a  Grammar  School  in  the  Canongate  to  the  detriment  of 
the  High  School  belonging  to  the  burgh.  This  distinguished 
offender  (not  unknown  to  these  columns,  see  S.H.R.  ii.  253), 
survived  his  fine,  'ane  unlaw  of  100  lib,'  until  1618  when  he 
died  in  Canongate,  *  Maister  of  ye  grammer  scoill  thair.'  It 
is  impossible  to  close  this  notice  of  Sir  James  Marwick's  treatise 
on  Edinburgh  guilds  without  marking  it  as  a  touching  last  link 
of  his  official  association  with  that  city,  and  of  his  zeal  for  its 
municipal  history. 

The  next  volume  now  to  be  noticed  is  a  second  and  com- 
plementary part  of  the  first  volume  issued  by  the  Scottish  Burgh 
Records  Society.  Professor  Cosmo  Innes  edited  the  ancient  laws 
and  customs  of  the  burghs  from  1124  until  1424.  A  volume  in 
continuation  was  begun,  but  was  left  unfinished  when  Professor 
Innes  died  in  1874.  Never  resumed  by  Sir  James  Marwick,  it 
has  fallen  to  Mr.  Renwick  to  complete.  He  has  adopted  the 
plan  of  the  original  volume,  and  the  work  consists  of  a  series  of 
excerpts  from  the  record  edition  of  the  Acts  of  the  Parliaments 
of  Scotland. 

These  excerpts  embrace  the  entire  statutes  applicable  to  Scottish 
burghs  from  1424  until  1707.  Almost  all  of  them  are  long 
ago  repealed,  but  the  few  still  in  force — rari  nantes  indeed — are 

1  Toppit,  broken  bulk,  so  as  to  retail. 

2  In  smalls,  by  retail,  as  opposed  to  'in  gross.' 

272  Geo.  Neilson 

marked  with  an  asterisk.  The  pitiful  survivals  thus  seen  in 
conjunction  with  the  extinct  enactments  are  truly  creatures  of 
a  vanished  world,  although,  as  Mr.  Renwick  says,  they  '  illustrate 
the  pleasing  feature  of  continuity  which  pervades  the  worthier 
institutions  of  our  country.'  Prefixed  to  the  text  is  a  very 
short  sketch  of  the  legislative  system  as  applied  to  burghs  and 
trade  privilege  and  the  beginnings  of  foreign  trade. 

One  suggestive  remark  is  made  which  touches  the  historical 
origin  of  the  collective  jurisdiction  of  the  Four  Burghs,  famous  as 
a  distinctive  organisation  of  early  Scotland.  Referring  to  this 
Court,  which  in  early  times  was  held  at  Haddington,  and  is 
regarded  as  the  kernel  from  which  was  developed  the  Convention 
of  Royal  Burghs,  Mr.  Renwick  states  it  as  '  not  improbable  that 
the  original  organisation  was  partly  of  a  military  type,  just 
as  the  early  individual  "burg"  was  a  stronghold  before  it  was 
transformed  into  a  market  town.'  Hence,  by  analogy  from 
the  free  hanse  of  burghs  north  of  the  Grampians,  the 
Hanseatic  league  of  the  Baltic  cities,  and  the  far  older  Anglo- 
Danish  confederation  of  the  Five  Boroughs  in  the  Danelagh, 
he  hazards  the  conjecture  *  that  ancient  Northumbria  when  the 
Forth  was  its  northern  boundary  established  its  four  chief 
strongholds  in  the  north  on  a  somewhat  similar  basis.'  It  is 
a  speculation,  to  a  great  extent  prehistoric,  but  as  a  conjecture 
will  deserve  consideration  among  the  other  clues  to  the  enigma  of 
the  burghs.  With  this  important  suggestion,  which  is  obviously 
influenced  by  recent  discussions  of  the  *  garrison  theory,'  the 
Scottish  Burgh  Records  Society  in  one  of  its  last  volumes  may  be 
said  to  return  to  the  problem  indicated  as  the  motive  of  the  first 
volume  forty-two  years  ago,  viz.  '  to  shew  the  origin  of  our 
Burghs  and  of  the  Burghal  spirit.'  And  no  one  will  dispute  the 
learning  and  industry,  fidelity  and  success  with  which  the  latest 
editor  has  interpreted  the  aims  of  the  founders  of  the  Society 
as  expressed  by  Cosmo  Innes — not  only  to  show  those  origins, 
but  to  follow  and  depict  the  effect  of  the  institutions  of  the 
burghs  '  on  the  morals  and  character,  the  taste,  feeling  and  mode 
of  life,  of  their  people.' 

The  Peebles  Extracts  are  in  more  senses  than  one  a  tribute  to 
the  little  border  burgh.  Not  only  does  the  volume  show  the 
Society  returning  to  it,  as  a  typical  community,  for  the  purpose 
of  completing  the  earlier  selection  of  extracts  for  1165-1710, 
published  in  1872.  In  the  introduction  Sir  William  Chambers 
said  that  that  book  *  mainly  owed  its  existence '  to  Mr.  Renwick. 

Scottish  Burgh  Records  273 

The  new  volume  shows  Mr.  Renwick  himself,  after  at  least  five 
other  books  devoted  to  his  native  county  and  to  Peebles  itself, 
returning  to  it  once  more. 

'Ille  terrarum  mihi  praeter  omnes 
Angulus  ridet.' 

No  wonder  that  the  townsmen  some  years  ago  made  an  honorary 
freeman  of  one  who  has  rendered  such  filial  service  and  such 
faithful  chronicle.  The  stones,  the  very  dust  of  Peebles,  are  dear 
to  him,  and  with  patriotic  zest  he  crushes  the  myth  that  it 
was  reserved  for  David  II.,  and  not  David  I.,  to  make  Peebles  a 
full  and  free  royal  burgh.  When  Mr.  Renwick  wants  to  settle  a 
doubt — and  he  has  settled  more  than  almost  any  historical 
student  in  Great  Britain — he  has  a  way  of  resorting  to  an 
appendix  for  his  pieces  of  justification.  So,  here,  he  prints 
(fortified  by  facsimile)  the  charter  of  1367  which  George 
Chalmers  and  William  Chambers  both  vainly  misread  ;  and  no 
man  will  doubt  any  more,  for  David  II. 's  charter  itself  disproves 
the  proposition  which  disparaged  the  certainty  of  Peebles  having 
enjoyed  the  highest  burghal  antiquity.  Another  charter  adds  an 
unusual  historical  curiosity  to  the  appendix  ;  it  is  the  grant 
of  the  barony  of  Manor  in  Peeblesshire  to  Sir  William  Inglis 
in  1395,  'in  reward  of  his  notable  deed  namely  the  slaying 
of  Thomas  of  Struthire  an  English  knight  whom  he  slew  on  the 
Borders  in  a  duel  in  an  action  of  infamy.' 

The  town  council  records,  which  form  the  substance  of  the 
volume,  cover  the  period  from  the  Restoration  to  the  Revolution, 
and  nearly  reach  the  '15.  Naturally  the  preface  glances  retro- 
spectively at  some  of  the  burghal  institutions  touched  upon. 
Peebles  was  still  an  essentially  agricultural  community,  and 
the  rights  and  regulations  of  common  pasture,  the  mills,  and  the 
bridge  were  themes  of  town  politics  of  great  practical  importance. 
Thus  they  claim  attention  in  the  preface  along  with  such  matters 
as  the  mode  of  electing  provost  and  council,  the  incorporating 
of  sundry  crafts,  and  the  friction  between  the  schoolmaster 
who  taught  Latin  and  the  school  doctor  who  taught  English. 
Peebles  had  a  'lord  provost'  in  1555;  it  spoke  of  its  fair 
as  existing  '  thes  mony  aiges  bygane '  ;  it  accepted  incorpora- 
tion with  the  Commonwealth,  and  even  a  charter  from  the  Lord 
Protector  without  ever  naming  Cromwell  in  its  minutes  ;  it 
swore  allegiance  with  enthusiasm  to  the  returned  Charles  II. 
in  1 66 1  ;  it  prayed  for  William  and  Mary  according  to  the 

274  Geo.  Neilson 

Act  in  1689  ;  and  its  records  betray  no  extravagant  feeling  over 
the  Union  of  1707. 

Internal  affairs  are  the  staple  of  the  extracts.  The  days  of 
border  history  were  past  ;  the  burgh  appears  to  have  made  its 
last  combatant  stand  in  the  abortive  attempt  to  keep  out 
Cromwell's  army  after  the  battle  of  Dunbar.  The  central 
interest  is  domestic.  For  Mr.  Renwick,  we  suspect,  Peebles 
holds  undimmed  its  reputation  for  pleasure  ;  its  alleged  sepul- 
chral quiet  he  seems  determined  to  disprove.  At  least  there 
is  no  denying  that  the  annals  silently  achieve  that  end,  for  brisk 
episodes  abound.  A  '  witch's  get '  is  a  term  of  abuse  ;  the 
education  authority  of  the  period  imprisoning  folk  for  '  not  putting 
their  children  to  the  school '  are  by  a  violent  maid-servant  declared 
to  be  nothing  '  but  mensworne  rascalls' ;  neighbours  quarrelled 
with  each  other  with  the  formula  c  I  defye  the,  divell.'  Once 
at  least  they  went  still  further  and  defied  the  provost,  for  a 
burgess  in  1667  upbraided  that  dignitary  by  '  saying  he  spoke  not 
majestick  lyke' — an  observation  too  heinous  to  atone  for  by  a 
less  fine  than  40  merks  plus  incarceration  '  during  the  provest's 
pleasur.'  On  occasion  a  provost's  wife  could  be  riotous  against  a 
burgess  *  pulling  doun  of  his  bonet  after  he  had  called  her  a 
brazen  faced  loun,'  but  much  graver  was  the  case  when  the 
provost  himself  was  assaulted  by  '  dinging  of  his  hatt  and 
piriweig.'  For  this,  James  Sheill  not  only  went  to  prison  but 
paid  a  fine,  and  had  his  burgess  ticket  riven  '  publictly  att  the 
cross '  in  token  of  forfeiture  of  all  his  burgess  privileges. 

The  liveliness  of  Peebles  otherwise  is  evinced  by  the  frequency 
of  morning  drinks,  and  pints  and  gallons  of  ale  to  workmen, 
as  e.g.  '  quhen  they  lifted  up  the  stipell  bell  to  set  her  rycht,' 
by  such  freaks  as  that  of  the  roisterer  *  ringing  the  fray  bell,' 
by  the  c  tua  new  lockis  that  was  brokin  be  the  mos-truperis  upon 
the  portis,'  and  by  the  grim  necessities  of  a  town's  hangman, 
the  scourging  of  thieves,  the  pillorying  of  resetters  '  with  ane 
paper  on  their  heidis,'  and  the  searching  out  of  stranger  unde- 
sirables. So  far  from  dull  was  Peebles  that  the  town  officer 
himself  got  'notoriously  drunk'  one  night  whereby  the  prisoners 
in  the  '  thieves'  hole '  put  fire  to  the  doors  and  nearly  set  the 
town  a-blaze.  Death  itself  was  only  an  excuse  for  prolonging 
such  festivities,  and  in  1697  the  council  had  to  repress  the 
abuses  at  wakes  frequented  by  crowds,  '  playing  at  cards,  and 
drinking  excessively,  and  swearing.'  Pleasure  even  at  Peebles 
had  to  be  kept  within  reasonable  bounds. 

Scottish  Burgh  Records  275 

One  suggestive  episode  alluded  to  in  the  preface  is  a  search 
for  the  town's  papers  after  Cromwell's  men  had  made  free  with 
the  place.  A  small  payment  was  made  '  for  two  candle  to 
look  the  writtes  in  the  steiple  efter  the  Inglesmen  had  spoyled 
the  same.'  Not  small  is  the  honour  of  Peebles  that  it  has  never 
wanted  for  lights  of  its  own  to  see  to  its  muniments.  Scottish 
burghs  in  general  have  scarcely  less  signally  profited  by  the 
unwearying  service  and  unique  learning  of  an  honorary  burgess 
of  Peebles  as  their  chief  archivist  and  historiographer. 


Chronicle  of  Lanercost1 

ON  the  following  day,  to  wit,  on  the  festival  of  S.  Margaret, 
Virgin  and  Martyr,2  he  received  at  Carlisle  Castle  fealty 
and  homage  from  nearly  all  the  chief  men  of  England,  who  were 
assembled  there  for  the  expedition  to  be  made  into 
5°7'  Scotland,  and  was  proclaimed  king.  Thus  Edward 
the  younger  succeeded  the  elder,  but  in  the  same  manner  as 
Rehoboam  succeeded  Solomon,  which  his  career  and  fate  were  to 
prove.  Meanwhile,  the  obsequies  and  funeral  rites  of  his  father 
were  being  arranged,  and  when  these  were  ready,  the  corpse 
was  taken  to  Carlisle,  and  so  on  to  the  south,  liberal  offerings 
in  money  and  in  wax  being  made  for  it  in  those  churches  by 
which  it  passed,  most  of  all  in  those  where  it  rested  for  the 
night.  The  new  king,  and  Antony  Bek,  Bishop  of  Durham 
(who  had  previously  been  ordained  by  the  Pope  Patriarch  of 
Jerusalem),  accompanied  the  corpse  through  several  days' journey, 
together  with  the  nobles  of  England  and  a  great  multitude  of 
Secular  and  Regular  clergy  ;  and  afterwards  the  king  returned 
to  Carlisle  to  arrange  for  the  expedition  into  Scotland  ;  and 
thither  came  to  him  first  Patrick,  Earl  of  Dunbar,  and  made 
homage  and  fealty  to  him. 

On  the  vigil  of  S.  Peter  ad  Vincula 3  he  moved  his  army  into 
Scotland  in  order  to  receive  homage  and  fealty  from  the  Scots, 
as  he  had  forewarned  them,  having  summoned  by  his  letters  all 
the  chief  men  of  the  country  to  appear  before  him  at  Dumfries, 
there  to  render  him  the  service  due.  Afterwards  he  divided 
his  army  into  three  columns  to  search  for  the  oft-mentioned 
Robert ;  but,  this  time,  as  formerly,  he  was  not  to  be  found,  so 
they  returned  empty-handed  to  England  after  certain  guardians 
had  been  appointed  in  Scotland.* 

1See  Scottish  Historical  Review,  vi.  13,  174,  281,  383  ;  vii.  56,  160,  271,  377  ; 
viii.  22,  159. 

2  2oth  July.  3  3  ist  July. 

4  Aymer  de  Valence  was  appointed  guardian  of  Scotland  on  28th  August,  but 
he  was  superseded  on  8th  September  by  John  de  Bretagne,  Earl  of  Richmond. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  277 

Meanwhile  there  came  in  great  pomp  to  the  king  a  certain 
knight  of  Gascony,  Piers  de  Gaveston  by  name,  whom  my  lord, 
the  elder  Edward,  had  exiled  from  the  realm  of  England,  and 
in  accordance  with  the  unanimous  advice  of  parliament  had  caused 
solemnly  to  swear  that  he  would  never  re-enter  England  ;  this 
because  of  the  improper  familiarity  which  my  lord  Edward  the 
younger  entertained  with  him,  speaking  of  him  openly  as  his 
brother.  To  this  fellow,  coming  by  the  new  king's  command  to 
join  him  while  he  was  still  in  Scotland,  the  king  gave  the  noble 
earldom  of  Cornwall  and  the  Isle  of  Man,  and  preferred  him 
in  affection  to  all  the  other  nobles  of  the  country,  whether  of  his 
own  kin  or  otherwise.  When  this  was  done,  the  whole  of 
England  murmured  against  the  king,  and  was  indignant  against 
the  aforesaid  Piers.  Moreover,  the  new  king  apprehended 
Walter  de  Langton,  my  lord  Bishop  of  Chester,  a  man  as  worthy 
as  any  in  the  realm,  who  had  been  treasurer  to  his  [Edward's] 
father  until  his  death,  and  imprisoned  him  in  Wallingford 
Castle.1  He  did  this,  as  was  alleged,  because  the  said  bishop 
had  been  prime  mover  in  advising  that  the  aforesaid  Piers 
should  be  exiled  from  the  realm  in  the  time  of  his  [Edward's] 
father.  He  also  caused  many  other  leading  men,  who  had  been 
with  his  father,  to  be  dismissed  from  their  offices,  and  viler  and 
worse  men  to  be  appointed.  Howbeit,  he  had  some  cause  for 
punishing  the  bishop,  because,  as  was  said,  he  found  in  his 
possession  more  of  the  treasure  which  he  had  collected  under 
his  [Edward's]  father  than  was  in  his  father's  treasury  after  his 

Later,  after  the  [anniversary  of  the]  death  of  S.  Michael,2  the 
king  held  his  parliament  at  Northampton,  and  there  confirmed 
the  gift  of  the  said  earldom  [of  Cornwall],  and  allowed  the 
bishop  to  remain  in  the  aforesaid  castle  [of  Wallingford],  which 
was  at  that  time  the  castle  of  Piers  himself;  and  after  the 
parliament  he  went  to  London  with  the  clergy  and  people,  and 
caused  his  father  to  be  interred  at  Westminster  among  the  kings  ; 
for  since  the  day  of  his  death  his  body  had  been  kept  above 
ground  in  the  abbey  of  Walsingham. 

While  all  these  affairs  were  being  transacted,  Robert  Bruce, 
with  his  brother  Edward  and  many  of  his  adherents,  was  moving 

In  this  may  be  traced  the  influence  of  Piers  de  Gaveston,  no  friend  to  de  Valence, 
whom,  because  of  his  swarthy  complexion,  he  nicknamed  'Joseph  the  Jew,'  a 
term  of  special  opprobrium  in  the  fourteenth  century. 

1  In  Berkshire.  2  29th  September. 

278  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,   Bart. 

through  Scotland  wherever  he  liked,  in  despite  of  the  English 
guardians,  and  chiefly  in  Galloway,  from  which  district  he 
took  tribute  under  agreement  that  it  should  be  left  in  peace  ; 
for  they  were  unable  to  resist  him  because  of  the  large  number 
of  the  people  who  then  adhered  to  him. 

About  the  same  time  died  Friar  William  of  Gainsborough, 
Bishop  of  Worcester,  beyond  the  sea,  when  returning  from 
the  court  of  France,  whither  he  had  been  sent  to  arrange  the 
king's  nuptials.  He  lies  at  Beauvais  among  the  Minorite  Friars. 
Almost  all  his  household  died  there  with  him,  whence  it  was 
believed  that  they  had  perished  by  poison. 

Later,  about  the  feast  of  the  chair  of  S.  Peter,1  the  King  of 
England  sailed  across  to  France,  and  with  solemnity  and  great 
state  married  his  wife  Isabella,  daughter  of  the  King  of  France, 
at  Boulogne,  as  had  been  arranged  in  the  presence  of  her  father 
and  the  leading  men  of  that  country,  and  of  many  from  Eng- 
land. He  brought  her  back  to  England,  and  was  crowned  in 
London.  The  people  of  the  country  and  the  leading  men 
complained  loudly  at  his  coronation  against  the  aforesaid  Piers, 
and  unanimously  wished  that  he  should  be  deprived  of  his 
earldom  ;  but  this  the  king  obstinately  refused.  The  murmurs 
increased  from  day  to  day,  and  engrossed  the  lips  and  ears 
of  all  men,  nor  was  there  one  who  had  a  good  word  either  for 
the  king  or  for  Piers.  The  chief  men  agreed  unanimously 
in  strongly  demanding  that  Piers  should  be  sent  back  into  exile, 
foremost  among  them  being  the  noble  Earl  of  Lincoln  and 
the  young  Earl  of  Gloucester,  whose  sister,  however,  Piers 
had  received  in  marriage  by  the  king's  gift.2 

About  Easter3  the  king  held  a  parliament,   in  which  it  was 

unanimously  declared   that  the  said   Piers  should   be   banished 

within  fifteen  days  from  all  the  lands  which  are  under 

the  King  of  England's  dominion.     Howbeit  the  king, 

though  he  gave  verbal  assent  to  this,  did  not  in  fact  keep  faith, 

any  more  than   in  some  other  things  which  he  promised,  and 

Piers  remained   in   England.     Wherefore   about   Pentecost   the 

earls   and   barons,  with   horses   and   arms   and   a   strong  force, 

1  22nd  February,  1307-8. 

2  Margaret  de  Clare,  the  king's  niece,  being  daughter  of  his  elder  sister,  Joan  of 
Acre.     The  marriage  took  place  on  1st  November,  1307,  although  Walsingham 
says  it  was  after  Gaveston  had  been  appointed  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  l6th 
June,  1308. 

3  1 4th  April. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  279 

came  to  Northampton,  where  the  king  was  staying  at  that  time 
with  the  said  Piers,  and  there  at  length  it  was  arranged  by 
force  and  fear  that  he  should  immediately  be  sent  back  into  exile, 
in  the  manner  aforesaid,  and  the  Pope's  excommunication  was 
procured  upon  him  in  the  event  of  his  ever  after  re-entering 
England.  But  while  it  was  decreed  that  he  should  embark  at 
Dover  and  have  an  annuity  for  life  of  ^200  sterling  for  himself  and 
j£ioo  for  his  wife,  if  she  were  willing  to  leave  the  country 
with  him,  the  king  secretly  caused  him  to  sail  to  Ireland  with 
his  wife,  furnishing  him  with  letters  to  the  effect  that,  wheresoever 
he  should  go  within  the  lands  of  the  King  of  England,  he  should 
be  received  with  the  glory  and  honour  due  to  the  person  of 
the  king  himself.  Also  he  gave  him,  as  was  said,  such  precious 
and  valuable  articles  as  he  could  find  in  his  treasury,  and  also 
he  gave  him  many  charters  sealed  with  his  great  seal,  but  in 
blank,  whereon  Piers  might  write  whatever  he  chose  ;  and 
accordingly  he  was  received  in  Ireland  with  great  glory. 

In  all  these  proceedings  no  one  in  the  kingdom  supported  the 
king,  except  four  persons,  to  wit,  my  lord  Hugh  le  Despenser, 
baron,  Sir  Nicholas  de  Segrave,  Sir  William  de  Burford,  and 
Sir  William  de  Enge,  against  whom  the  earls  and  barons  rose, 
demanding  that  they  should  be  banished  as  deceivers  of  the  king 
and  traitors  to  the  realm,  or  else  that  they  should  be  removed 
immediately  and  utterly  from  the  king's  presence  and  council. 

About  the  same  time,  grievous  to  relate,  the  Master  of  the 
Order  of  Templars,  with  many  brethren  of  his  order,  publicly 
confessed,  as  was  said,  before  my  lord  the  King  of  France  and 
the  clergy  and  people,  that  for  sixty  years  and  more  he  and 
his  brethren  had  performed  mock-worship  before  a  statue  of 
a  certain  brother  of  the  Order,  and  had  trodden  the  image  of 
the  Crucified  One  under  foot,  spitting  in  its  face,  and  that 
they  had  habitually  committed  sodomy  among  themselves,  and  had 
perpetrated  many  other  iniquities  against  the  faith.  On  account 
of  which  all  the  Templars  in  France  were  apprehended  and 
imprisoned,  not  undeservedly,  and  their  goods  were  confiscated, 
and  the  same  was  done  in  England,  pending  what  the  Pope  and 
the  clergy  should  decide  what  should  be  done  with  them. 

Meanwhile,  taking  advantage  of  the  dispute  between  the  King 
of  England  and  the  barons,  Edward  de  Brus,  brother  of  the  oft- 
mentioned  Robert,  and  Alexander  de  Lindsey  and  Robert  Boyd 
and  James  de  Douglas,1  knights,  with  their  following  which  they 
1  First  mention  of  *  the  good  Sir  James,'  son  of  Sir  William  '  le  Hardi.' 

280  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,   Bart. 

had  from  the  outer  isles  of  Scotland,  invaded  the  people  of 
Galloway,  disregarding  the  tribute  which  they  took  from  them, 
and  in  one  day  slew  many  of  the  gentry  of  Galloway,  and  made 
nearly  all  that  district  subject  to  them.  Those  Gallovidians, 
however,  who  could  escape  came  to  England  to  find  refuge.  But 
it  was  said  that  the  King  of  England  desired,  if  he  could,  to 
ally  himself  with  Robert  de  Brus,  and  to  grant  him  peace 
upon  such  terms  as  would  help  him  to  contend  with  his  own  earls 
and  barons.  Howbeit,  after  the  feast  of  S.  Michael l  some  kind 
of  peace  and  agreement  was  patched  up  between  the  King  of 
England  and  his  people,  on  condition  that  the  king  should  do 
nothing  important  without  the  advice  and  consent  of  the  Earl  of 
Lincoln  ;  but  from  day  to  day  the  king,  by  gifts  and  promises, 
drew  to  his  side  some  of  the  earls  and  barons. 

About  the  beginning  of  the  following  Lent2  an  embassy  was  sent 
to  the  King  of  England  by  order  of  the  Pope  and  at  the  instance 
of  the  King  of  France,  desiring  him  to  desist  from  attacking  the 
Scots,  and  that  he  should  hold  meanwhile  only  what  he  possessed 
at  the  preceding  feast  of  S.  James  the  Apostle  ; 3  and  likewise  an 
embassy  was  sent  to  Robert  de  Brus  desiring  him  to  keep  the 
peace,  and  that  meanwhile  he  should  enjoy  all  that  he  had 
acquired  at  the  preceding  feast  of  the  same  S.  James,  and  no 
more  ;  and  that  the  truce  should  endure  until  the  festival  of 
All  Saints  next  to  come.4  But  Robert  and  his  people  restored 
nothing  to  the  King  of  England  of  that  which  he  had  wrongously 
usurped  between  the  said  feast  of  S.  James  and  the  beginning  of 
Lent  aforesaid ;  rather  were  they  continually  striving  to  get  more. 
In  the  summer  the  king  held  his  parliament  at  Northampton  ; 
whereat,  contrary  to  the  hope  of  all  England,  the  said  Piers  de 
Gaveston,  through  privy  procurement  of  the  king 
beforehand,  was  confirmed  as  formerly  in  the  earldom 
of  Cornwall,  with  the  assent  of  the  earls  and  barons,  on  condition 
that  he  should  have  nothing  in  the  kingdom  except  the  earldom. 
For  already,  before  the  aforesaid  parliament,  the  sentence  of 
excommunication  pronounced  by  my  lord  the  Pope  against  the 
said  Piers  in  England  had  been  suspended  for  ten  months,  and  all 
Englishmen  were  absolved  from  whatever  oath  they  had  taken  in 
any  manner  affecting  the  said  Piers ;  and  meanwhile  he  received 
license  to  return  from  Ireland  to  England,  and  obtained  in 
parliament  the  earldom  of  Cornwall  as  before. 

1  zpth  September.  Ji2th  February,  1308-9. 

3  2 5th  July,  1308.  4  ist  November. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  281 

But  in  the  aforesaid  parliament  there  was  read  a  fresh  sentence 
of  excommunication  pronounced  against  Robert  de  Brus  and 
against  all  who  should  give  him  aid,  counsel,  or  favour. 

Now  about  the  feast  of  All  Saints,1  when  the  said  truce  was 
due  to  expire,  the  King  of  England  sent  Sir  John  de  Segrave  and 
many  others  with  him  to  keep  the  march  at  Berwick;  and  to 
defend  the  march  at  Carlisle  [he  sent]  the  Earl  of  Hereford  and 
Baron  Sir  Robert  de  Clifford,  Sir  John  de  Cromwell,  knight,  and 
others  with  them.  But  a  little  before  the  feast  of  S.  Andrew  * 
they  made  a  truce  with  the  oft-mentioned  Robert  de  Brus,  and  he 
with  them,  subject  to  the  King  of  England's  consent,  until  the 
twentieth  day  after  Christmas,3  and  accordingly  Robert  de  Clifford 
went  to  the  king  to  ascertain  his  pleasure.  On  his  return,  he 
agreed  to  a  further  truce  with  the  Scots  until  the  first  Sunday  in 
Lent,4  and  afterwards  the  truce  was  prolonged  until  summer ;  for 
the  English  do  not  willingly  enter  Scotland  to  wage  war  before 
summer,  chiefly  because  earlier  in  the  year  they  find  no  food  for 
their  horses. 

About  the  feast  of  the  Assumption 5  the  king  came  to  Berwick 
with  Piers,  Earl  of  Cornwall,  and  the  Earl  of  Gloucester  and  the 
Earl  of  Warenne,  which  town  the  King  of  England 
had  caused  to  be  enclosed  with  a  strong  and  high  wall 
and  ditch ;  but  the  other  earls  refused  to  march  with  the  king  by 
reason   of  fresh    dispute  that   had  arisen.      But    he   [the    king] 
advanced  with  his  suite  further  into  Scotland  in  search  for  the  oft- 
mentioned  Robert,  who  fled  in  his  usual  manner,  not  daring  to 
meet  them,  wherefore  they  returned  to  Berwick.6     So   soon   as 
they   had   retired,  Robert  and   his  people  invaded  Lothian  and 
inflicted   much   damage    upon   those  who  were  in   the   king   of 
England's    peace.     The    king,   therefore,   pursued   them   with   a 
small  force,  but  the  Earl  of  Cornwall  remained  at  Roxburgh  with 
his  people   to   guard   that  district,   and   the   Earl   of  Gloucester 
[remained  at]  Norham. 

After  the  feast  of  the  Purification  7  the  king  sent  the  aforesaid 
Earl  of  Cornwall  with  two  hundred  men-at-arms  to  the  town 
of  S.  John  beyond  the  Scottish  Sea,8  in  case  Robert  de  Brus,  who 

1  ist  November.  2  3oth  November.  s  14-th  January,  1309-10. 

4  8th  March,  1309-10.  5  I5th  August. 

cThis  Fabian  strategy  was  very  exasperating  to  the  chronicler,  but  it  was 
the  means  whereby  Bruce  won  and  kept  his  kingdom. 

7  2nd  February,  1310-11.  *l.e.  Perth,  beyond  the  Firth  of  Forth. 

282  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Bart. 

was  then  marching  towards  Galloway,  should  go  beyond  the  said 
sea  to  collect  troops.  But  the  king  remained  on  at  Berwick. 
The  said  earl  received  to  peace  all  beyond  the  Scottish  Sea,  as  far 
as  the  Mounth.  After  the  beginning  of  Lent1  the  Earls  of 
Gloucester  and  Warenne  rode  through  the  great  Forest  of 
Selkirk,  receiving  the  foresters  and  others  of  the  Forest  to 

About  the  same  time  died  the  noble  Henry,  Earl  of  Lincoln, 
who  was  Guardian  of  England  in  the  king's  absence,  in  place 
of  whom  the  Earl  of  Gloucester  was  elected  with  the  king's 
consent,  and  therefore  returned  from  Scotland  to  England. 

In  the  same  year  died  Antony  Bek,  Patriarch  of  Jerusalem  and 
Bishop  of  Durham  (Patriarch,  however,  only  in  name),  and  was 
buried  with  great  solemnity  in  the  cathedral  church  of  Durham, 
at  the  northern  corner  of  the  east  end ;  in  which  church  none  had 
hitherto  been  buried  save  S.  Cuthbert.2 

To  him  succeeded  Richard  of  Kelso,  a  monk  of  that  monastery 
[Durham],  soon  after  Easter,3  and  was  consecrated  at 
York  by  the  archbishop  on  the  feast  of  Pentecost.4 

In  the  same  year  my  lord  Thomas,  Earl  of  Lancaster,  came  to 
the  king  in  Scotland,  to  do  homage  for  the  earldom  of  Lincoln 
which  had  come  to  him  through  his  wife  after  the  death  of  the 
aforesaid  earl.  But,  forasmuch  as  the  king  was  in  Berwick,  the 
earl  was  advised  not  to  go  before  him  outside  the  realm  to  render 
homage,  neither  would  the  king  come  across  the  river  to  him ; 
wherefore  there  was  much  apprehension  of  civil  war  in  England, 
because  the  earl,  having  four  other  earldoms  besides  that  of 
Lincoln,  threatened  to  return  immediately  with  one  hundred 
knights  whom  he  had  brought  with  him  (without  taking  account 
of  foot-soldiers  besides),  and  to  enter  upon  the  lands  of  the  said 
earldom  whereof  he  had  offered  homage  to  the  king,  who  had 
declined  to  receive  it.  But  by  God's  influence  the  king  followed 
wiser  counsel,  crossed  the  water  of  Tweed,  and  came  to  the  earl 
at  Haggerston,  about  four  miles  from  Berwick,  where  they 
saluted  each  other  amicably  and  exchanged  frequent  kisses. 
Although  hitherto  they  had  been  much  at  discord  because  of 
Piers  de  Gaveston,  yet  [that  person]  came  thither  with  the  king ; 

1  24th  February,  1310-11. 

2  Considering  the  effusive  eulogy  or  scathing  criticism  passed  by  the  chronicler 
upon  other  deceased  dignitaries  of  the  Church,  it  is  strange  that  he  should  have 
nothing  to  say  about  the  character  of  this  most  redoubtable  prelate. 

8  nth  April.  4  30th  May. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  283 

but  the  earl  would  neither  kiss  him,  nor  even  salute  him,  whereat 
Piers  was  offended  beyond  measure. 

In  the  same  year  the  Templars  of  England  were  tried  upon  the 
aforesaid  crimes  with  which  they  were  charged  by  inquisitors  sent 
by  my  lord  the  Pope,  all  of  which  they  denied  at  York,  but  three, 
of  them  pled  guilty  to  them  all  in  London. 

Forasmuch  as  the  king,  two  years  before,  had  granted  in  a 
certain  parliament,  and  confirmed  by  establishing  it  under  his 
great  seal,  that  he  would  submit  to  the  authority  of  certain 
persons,  earls  and  bishops,1  partly  for  councillors  (for  he  was  not 
very  wise  in  his  acts,  though  he  may  have  spoken  rationally  enough), 
and  likewise  partly  for  the  better  governance  of  his  house  and 
household,  and  that  the  term  of  two  years  should  be  given  them 
for  dealing  with  these  matters  and  deliberating,  which  time  had 
now  elapsed,  therefore  the  Guardian  of  England  and  the  nobles  of 
the  land  sent  forward  envoys  to  the  king  in  Scotland  about  the 
feast  of  S.  Laurence,2  humbly  beseeching  that  it  would  please  him 
to  come  to  London  and  hear  in  parliament  what  they  had 
ordained  for  his  honour  and  the  welfare  of  his  realm.  Wherefore 
the  king,  unwillingly  enough,  went  to  London,  where  all  the 
great  men  of  the  realm  were  assembled,  and  in  that  parliament 
the  said  ordainers  announced  publicly  what  they  had  ordained, 
and  these  were  approved  by  the  judgment  of  all  as  being  very 
expedient  for  the  king  and  realm,  and  specially  so  for  the  com- 
munity and  the  people.  Among  these  [ordinances]  it  was  decreed 
now,  as  it  had  been  frequently  before,  that  Piers  de  Gaveston 
should  depart  from  the  soil  of  England  within  fifteen  days  after 
the  feast  of  S.  Michael  the  Archangel,3  never  to  return,  nor 
should  he  thereafter  be  styled  nor  be  an  earl,  nor  be  admitted 
to  any  country  which  might  be  under  the  king's  dominion;  and 
sentence  of  excommunication  was  solemnly  pronounced  by  the 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury  upon  all  who  should  receive,  defend, 
or  entertain  him  in  England  after  the  aforesaid  fixed  limit  of 
time.  He  himself,  confident  that  he  had  been  confirmed  for  life 
in  his  earldom,  albeit  he  was  an  alien  and  had  been  preferred  to 
so  great  dignity  solely  by  the  king's  favour,  had  now  grown 

1  These  Lord  Ordainers  were  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  the  Bishops  of 
London,   Salisbury,  Chichester,  Norwich,   S.   David's  and  LlandafF;    the   Earls 
of  Gloucester,   Lancaster,   Lincoln,   Hereford,    Pembroke,   Richmond,  Warwick 
and  Arundel ;   the  Barons  Hugh  de  Vere,  William  le  Mareschal,  Robert   Fitz 
Roger,  Hugh  Courtenay,  William  Martin,  and  John  de  Grey. 

2  xoth  August.  3  1 3th  October. 

284  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,   Bart. 

so  insolent  as  to  despise  all  the  nobles  of  the  land ;  among  whom 
he  called  the  Earl  of  Warwick  (a  man  of  equal  wisdom  and 
integrity)  '  the  Black  Dog  of  Arden.'  When  this  was  reported 
to  the  earl,  he  is  said  to  have  replied  with  calmness :  '  If  he  call 
me  a  dog,  be  sure  that  I  will  bite  him  so  soon  as  I  shall  perceive 
my  opportunity.' 

But  let  us  have  done  with  him  [Piers]  till  another  time  and 
return  to  Robert  de  Brus  to  see  what  he  has  been  about  mean- 
while. The  said  Robert,  then,  taking  note  that  the  king  and  all 
the  nobles  of  the  realm  were  in  such  distant  parts,  and  in  such 
discord  about  the  said  accursed  individual  [Piers],  having  collected 
a  large  army  invaded  England  by  the  Solway  on  Thursday  before 
the  feast  of  the  Assumption  of  the  Glorious  Virgin,1  and  burnt  all 
the  land  of  the  Lord  of  Gillesland  and  the  town  of  Haltwhistle 
and  a  great  part  of  Tynedale,  and  after  eight  days  returned  into 
Scotland,  taking  with  him  a  very  large  booty  in  cattle.  But  he 
had  killed  few  men  besides  those  who  offered  resistance. 

About  the  feast  of  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin,2  Robert 
returned  with  an  army  into  England,  directing  his  march  towards 
Northumberland,  and,  passing  by  Harbottle  and  Holystone  and 
Redesdale,  he  burnt  the  district  about  Corbridge,  destroying 
everything  ;  also  he  caused  more  men  to  be  killed  than  on  the 
former  occasion.  And  so  he  turned  into  the  valleys  of  North  and 
South  Tyne,  laying  waste  those  parts  which  he  had  previously 
spared,  and  returned  into  Scotland  after  fifteen  days ;  nor  could  the 
wardens  whom  the  King  of  England  had  stationed  on  the  marches 
oppose  so  great  a  force  of  Scots  as  he  brought  with  him.  How- 
beit,  like  the  Scots,  they  destroyed  all  the  goods  in  the  land,  with 
this  exception,  that  they  neither  burnt  houses  nor  killed  men. 

Meanwhile  the  Northumbrians,  still  dreading  lest  Robert  should 
return,  sent  envoys  to  him  to  negotiate  a  temporary  truce,  and 
they  agreed  with  him  that  they  would  pay  two  thousand  pounds 
for  an  exceedingly  short  truce — to  wit,  until  the  Purification  of  the 
Glorious  Virgin.3  Also  those  of  the  county  of  Dunbar,  next  to 
Berwick,  in  Scotland,  who  were  still  in  the  King  of  England's 
peace,  were  very  heavily  taxed  for  a  truce  until  the  said  date. 

In  all  these  aforesaid  campaigns  the  Scots  were  so  divided 
among  themselves  that  sometimes  the  father  was  on  the  Scottish 
side  and  the  son  on  the  English,  and  vice  versa  ;  also  one  brother 
might  be  with  the  Scots  and  another  with  the  English  ;  yea,  even 
the  same  individual  be  first  with  one  party  and  then  with  the 

1 1 2th  August  2  8th  September.  8  2nd  Feb.,  1311-12. 

Chronicle  of  Lanercost  285 

other.  But  all  those  who  were  with  the  English  were  merely 
feigning,  either  because  it  was  the  stronger  party,  or  in  order  to 
save  the  lands  they  possessed  in  England  ;  for  their  hearts  were 
always  with  their  own  people,  although  their  persons  might  not 
be  so. 

From  the  feast  of  S.  Michael1  until  the  feast  of  S.  John 
Lateran,2  Pope  Clement  held  a  council  at  Vienne3  with  the 
cardinals  and  three  patriarchs  and  one  hundred  and  thirty  arch- 
bishops and  bishops,  and  abolished  the  Order  of  Templars  so  that 
it  should  no  longer  be  considered  an  Order.  Also  he  caused 
many  new  constitutions  to  be  enacted  there,  which  were  compiled 
in  seven  books  in  the  time  of  his  successor,  John  XXII. 

Now  let  us  return  to  Piers.  That  oft-mentioned  Piers  de 
Gaveston  left  England  and  went  to  Flanders  within  the  time 
appointed  him,  to  wit,  within  fifteen  days  after  the  feast  of 
S.  Michael.4  But  whereas  in  Flanders  he  met  with  a  reception  far 
from  favourable  (through  the  agency  of  the  King  of  France,  who 
cordially  detested  him  because,  as  was  said,  the  King  of  England, 
having  married  his  daughter,  loved  her  indifferently  because  of 
the  aforesaid  Piers),  to  his  own  undoing  he  returned  to  England, 
but  clandestinely,  through  fear  of  the  earls  and  barons  ;  and  the 
king  received  him  and  took  him  with  him  to  York,  where  they 
plundered  the  town  and  country,  because  they  had  not  where- 
withal to  pay  their  expenses.  For  the  earls  and  barons  had 
ordained,  and  enforced  execution  thereof  after  the  return  of  the 
said  Piers,  that  the  king,  who  would  not  agree  with  his  lieges  in 
anything,  should  not  receive  from  his  exchequer  so  much  as  a 
half-penny  or  a  farthing.5  The  king,  then,  fearing  lest  the  earls 
and  barons  should  come  upon  him  there,  took  Piers  to  Scar- 
borough with  him  ;  but  he  who  was  then  warden  of  the  castle6 
refused  to  allow,  on  any  account,  the  king  to  enter  accompanied 
by  Piers,  wherefore  the  king  turned  aside  with  him  to  Newcastle, 
and  there,  as  at  York,  they  plundered  the  town  and  country. 
When  Thomas,  Earl  of  Lancaster,  heard  this,  being  most  hostile 
to  the  said  Piers,  he  marched  secretly  and  suddenly  through  the 
wooded  parts  of  England,  avoiding  the  high  roads,  about  the  feast 
of  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Cross.7 

1  29th  September,  1311.  2  6th  May,  1312.  3InDauphiny. 

4  1 2th  October.  5  Obolum  nee  quadrantem. 

'Henry  de  Percy,  First  Lord  Percy  of  Alnwick,  1272-1315.  7  3rd  May. 

(To  be  continued,} 

Reviews  of  Books 

JOINT-STOCK  COMPANIES  TO  1720.  By  William  Robert  Scott,  M.A., 
D.Phil.,  Litt.D.  Volume  II.,  COMPANIES  FOR  FOREIGN  TRADE, 
COLONIZATION,  FISHING  AND  MINING.  Pp.  x,  504.  Royal  8vo. 
Cambridge:  University  Press.  1910.  155.  nett. 

THIS  is  a  very  valuable  contribution  to  economic  history,  and  it  is  impos- 
sible in  a  short  space  to  give  an  idea  of  the  scope  and  thoroughness  of 
research  of  Dr.  Scott's  book. 

The  sixteenth  century  is  a  period  of  great  interest  in  economic  history, 
and  one  of  its  most  important  phenomena  is  the  increase  of  capital  and  of 
opportunities  for  its  employment.  From  the  middle  of  the  century  onwards 
an  ever  increasing  amount  was  invested  in  joint-stock  companies.  The 
formation  and  growth  of  these  companies  were  influenced  by  different  con- 
ditions from  those  of  the  present  day.  Dr.  Scott  finds  that  these  conditions 
fall  into  two  classes,  those  which  affected  all  the  companies,  and  those 
which  only  affected  special  trades  or  industries.  The  first  class  of  conditions 
is  to  be  treated  of  in  Volume  I.,1  which  is  an  account  of  the  '  general 
development  of  the  joint-stock  system  *  brought  *  into  relation  with  the 
chief  social,  political,  industrial  and  commercial  tendencies  which  influenced 
it.'  Thus  an  account  will  be  given  of  the  uses  of  capital  in  modern  times. 
Volume  II.  contains  accounts  of  companies  formed  for  trading,  colonizing, 
fishing  and  mining.  The  history  of  some,  by  no  means  all,  of  these  com- 
panies has  been  written.  But,  as  Dr.  Scott  says,  attention  has  been  chiefly 
given  heretofore  to  the  work  and  results  of  the  companies,  rather  than  to 
their  constitution  and  their  financial  organization  and  methods.  This  latter 
side  is  fully  and  ably  dealt  with  in  Dr.  Scott's  book.  Dr.  Scott  begins 
with  the  earliest  companies  formed,  those  for  foreign  trade,  such  as  the  six 
companies  which  were  successively  formed  to  trade  with  Africa,  the  first 
expedition  sailing  in  1553  ;  the  company  for  trade  to  Russia,  which  obtained 
a  charter  in  1555  ;  the  'Adventurers  to  the  North- West  for  the  Discovery 
of  a  North-West  Passage,'  which  accomplished  nothing,  and  lost  over 
^30,000  ;  the  Levant  Company  ;  and  the  Hudson  Bay  Company. 

The  East  India  Company,  founded  in  1600,  is  the  best  known  and  the 
most  important.  Almost  from  the  beginning  it  had  great  difficulties  to  face 
at  home  as  well  as  abroad.  It  was  attacked  by  the  bullionists  and  the 

1  For  reasons  connected  with  the  printing  Volume  II.  is  published  before 
Volume  I. 

Early  Joint-Stock  Companies  287 

clothiers,  who  declared  that  it  exported  bullion  and  imported  goods  which 
competed  with  the  woollen  manufacture.  About  1670  the  Levant  Com- 
pany, jealous  of  the  success  of  the  East  India  trade,  the  interlopers,  and  the 
opponents  of  the  whole  system  of  joint-stock  companies  joined  in  the  attack. 
In  1 68 1  efforts  were  made  to  promote  a  rival  joint-stock  company,  but  the 
favour  of  the  crown  was  secured  for  the  old  company,  chiefly  by  an  annual 
New  Year's  gift  of  10,000  guineas,  until  the  Revolution.  After  1689  the 
opponents  of  the  company  attacked  it  with  renewed  vigour  both  in  Parlia- 
ment and  on  the  stock-market,  and  at  last  were  established  in  1698  as  the 
New  Company.  It  then  appeared  necessary  that  some  arrangement  for 
amalgamation  should  be  made.  Accordingly  it  was  decided,  in  1702,  that 
the  companies  should  be  united  in  1709,  the  trade  in  the  meantime  to  be 
carried  on  by  a  joint  committee  of  the  New  and  Old  Companies.  The 
financial  adjustments  were  very  complicated.  The  Old  Company  held  more 
dead  stock  than  the  New,  but  it  had  a  large  debt  due  on  bond.  In  addition, 
a  two  million  loan  had  been  raised,  of  which  each  company  held  a  different 
proportion.  Even  after  the  amalgamation  there  were  still  difficulties  to  be 
faced  by  the  United  East  India  Company — the  control  of  the  officials  in 
the  east,  for  instance,  $2000  was  spent  on  liquor  at  Bencoolen  in  six 
months,  while  the  stores  were  left  to  rot ;  an  alarm  about  interlopers  from 
Ostend,  with  a  commission  from  the  Emperor  (surely  not  the  '  Emperor  of 
Austria'  in  1716);  and  the  crisis  of  1720.  Dr.  Scott's  history  of  the 
finance  and  constitution  of  this  company  and  its  long  struggle  with  the 
interlopers  is  most  valuable. 

The  failure  of  the  Scottish  East  India  Company  (the  Darien  Company) 
was  largely  due  to  the  opposition  of  the  English  Company,  though  in  any 
case  the  Scots,  even  had  they  been  able  to  raise  their  proposed  capital  of 
£600,000,  would  have  had  a  hard  struggle  with  the  long-established  East 
India  and  African  companies  with  their  joint  capital  of  £1,372,540.  The 
stock  of  the  English  Company  fell  46  per  cent,  after  the  development  of 
Paterson's  scheme.  Parliament  was  urged  to  interfere,  both  by  the  East 
India  Company  and  also,  though  Dr.  Scott  does  not  mention  it,  by  the 
plantation  officials,  afraid  of  Scottish  settlement  in  America  and  infringe- 
ment of  the  Navigation  Acts.  The  House  of  Commons  decided  to  seize 
the  papers  of  the  subscribers  and  to  impeach  the  leading  members,  and  the 
company  was  really  ruined  before  the  subscription  in  Scotland  was  begun. 
£400,000  was  subscribed  in  Scotland,  of  which  £170,000  was  nominally 
paid  up,  though  only  about  £150,000  was  actually  paid.  This  was  lost, 
and  debts  of  £14,809  i8s.  I  id.  were  incurred  by  1707,  when  the  assets  were 
£1,654  l  Is-  Ofd.  Some  of  the  stock  was  sold  at  10  in  1706,  the  purchasers 
making  a  profit  of  about  600  per  cent,  when  payment  was  made  from  the 

Some  of  the  colonizing  companies  had  very  important  results,  including 
the  founding  of  settlements  in  Virginia,  Massachusetts,  other  parts  of  New 
England,  and  the  Bermudas.  An  unsuccessful  Scottish  attempt  was  made 
to  settle  Nova  Scotia  by  Sir  William  Alexander  (1621-1633)  in  which  the 
title  of  baronet  was  offered  to  those  who  ventured  3000  marks  and  sent  out 
six  colonists. 

288  W.   R.   Scott 

The  success  of  the  Dutch  in  fishing  off  the  British  coasts  inspired  the 
foundation  of  the  *  Society  of  the  Fishery  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland ' 
(1632-40).  But  the  Scots  were  not  at  all  anxious  to  co-operate,  the  capital 
raised  was  insufficient,  and  was  almost  entirely  lost. 

Nearly  all  the  companies,  for  whatever  purpose  they  were  formed,  were 
incorporated  by  charter  from  the  crown,  seldom  in  Tudor  and  Stewart 
periods  confirmed  by  Parliament,  although  the  Russia  Company  had  its 
privileges  confirmed  by  Act  of  Parliament  in  1566.  The  East  India  Com- 
pany for  long  endeavoured  to  get  authorization  from  Parliament,  and 
pointed  to  the  Scots  act  constituting  the  Darien  company  as  evidence  in 
favour  of  its  demand. 

The  charter  of  the  Russia  Company,  1555,  is  one  of  the  earliest  examples. 
It  incorporates  certain  persons  named  as  *  one  bodie  and  perpetuall  fellow- 
ship and  communaltie'  endued  with  perpetual  succession  and  a  common 
seal,  capable  of  holding  bonds  and  of  sueing  and  being  sued  ;  with  a 
governor  and  provision  for  the  fellowship  electing  some  of  the  *  most  sad, 
discreete  and  honest  persons '  of  the  fellowship  as  assistants,  who  had  con- 
siderable power.  Most  of  the  later  charters  were  much  on  these  lines, 
sometimes  providing  for  an  annual  meeting  of  shareholders,  or  specifying 
the  number  of  shares,  twenty-four  in  the  Society  of  the  Mines  Royal ;  or 
the  voting  qualification,  which  in  the  1661  charter  of  the  East  India  Com- 
pany was  fixed  at  ^500. 

A  very  important  feature  in  the  charters  of  the  trading  companies  was 
the  extent  and  character  of  the  monopoly  granted  to  them.  The  East 
India  Company  was  granted  in  1600  the  *  whole  entire  and  only  trade  and 
traffic '  in  all  places  from  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope  to  the  Straits  of  Magellan; 
the  Royal  African  Company  in  1672  was  to  have  the  whole  trade  from 
Sallee  to  the  Cape.  They  were  also  often  authorized  to  punish  interlopers, 
who  forfeited  their  ships  and  cargoes. 

The  difficulties  of  the  Russia  Company  with  interlopers  are  interesting, 
illustrating  the  complications  which  arose  in  commercial  matters  before 
the  complete  union  of  England  and  Scotland.  James  I.,  by  letters  patent 
under  the  great  seal  of  Scotland,  incorporated  Sir  James  Cunningham  and 
other  adventurers  as  a  Scottish  East  India  and  Greenland  Company. 
Cunningham,  to  the  alarm  of  the  Russia  Company,  began  to  fit  out  a 
whaling  expedition,  but  an  arrangement  was  come  to  by  which  the  charter 
was  to  be  recalled  and  Cunningham  compensated.  In  1626  Charles  L,  as 
king  of  Scotland,  gave  a  license  for  whaling  to  Edwards,  or  Uduard  as  the 
Scottish  records  call  him,  and  his  partners.  After  some  controversy  the 
Company  was  ordered  to  admit  them  as  members,  but  in  1634  the  Green- 
land Adventurers  were  again  in  difficulties  with  interlopers,  one  of  whom 
had  got  hold  of  Edwards'  license. 

The  financial  history  of  the  companies  is  given  with  great  fulness 
and  clearness  by  Dr.  Scott.  In  the  trading  companies  there  was  not 
always  a  permanent  joint-stock  at  the  early  stages,  but  members  could 
subscribe  for  one  voyage  only  or  for  a  group  of  voyages.  In  the  early 
years  of  the  East  India  Company  the  voyages  were  organized  on  the 
system  of  terminable  stocks.  By  1613  they  had  sent  out  twelve  voyages, 

Early  Joint-Stock  Companies  289 

for  each  of  which  there  was  a  separate  subscription,  except  that  one  and 
two,  and  three  and  five  were  inter-related.  In  that  year  a  subscription 
was  made  on  the  basis  that  there  should  be  four  voyages  with  the  capital 
adventured,  this  was  called  the  First  Joint-Stock.  In  1617  a  Second 
Joint-Stock  was  formed,  but  it  was  found  advisable  to  purchase  the  assets 
of  the  First,  and  similarly  the  Third  bought  the  *  remains '  of  the  Persian 
Voyages,  which  had  been  sent  out  separately.  In  1657  it  was  arranged 
that  the  Fourth  Joint-Stock  and  the  United  Joint-Stock  should  be  wound 
up,  and  gradually  the  system  of  a  permanent  capital  was  adopted. 

The  methods  of  finance  were  not  always  strictly  business-like.  The 
Royal  African  Company,  chartered  in  1672,  was  involved  by  1712  in 
difficulties  'without  precedent  or  parallel.'  In  1702  dividends  had  been 
paid  out  of  capital  to  induce  the  shareholders  to  pay  an  assessment  on  their 
stock,  and  by  1712  the  price  had  fallen  to  2j^  for  j£ioo  stock.  When 
trade  was  depressed  on  account  of  the  Dutch  war,  two  dividends  amount- 
ing to  50  per  cent,  were  declared  by  the  East  India  Company  because  the 
capital  could  not  be  employed,  and  also,  and  probably  more  important 
though  not  stated  by  the  committee,  because  they  feared  the  crown  might 
compel  them  to  make  large  loans  if  they  were  known  to  have  large 

The  East  India  Company  occasionally  paid  dividends  in  commodities, 
such  as  pepper  or  calico,  in  its  earlier  years.  This  was  not  appreciated  by 
those  who  were  not  merchants,  and  in  1629  it  was  declared  'in  order 
to  give  contentment  to  the  gentry '  that  the  distribution  should  be  made  in 

Occasionally  in  the  companies  for  plantation  and  for  reclaiming  the  land 
dividends  were  given  in  land.  Such  a  dividend  was  promised  to  every 
adventurer  of  a  ^12  IDS.  share  in  the  first  Virginia  Company,  who  did  not 
emigrate  himself.  The  land  division  in  Bermudas  in  1617  gave  25  acres 
per  share  (an  interesting  map  is  given  shewing  the  principle  of  the  division). 
The  shareholders  in  the  company  for  draining  the  Great  Level  were 
to  receive  95,000  acres ;  and  the  Irish  society,  financed  by  a  rate  levied  on 
the  London  Livery  companies,  divided  a  great  part  of  Ulster  amongst  the 

In  some  of  the  colonizing  companies  there  were  subordinate  joint-stocks 
founded  for  particular  purposes.  Such  were  the  Magazine  in  the  Virginia 
Company  for  bringing  the  tobacco  to  market ;  a  joint-stock  of  j£8oo  for 
transporting  *  100  Maids  to  Virginia  to  be  made  Wives';  and  ^1000  for 
sending  out  shipwrights. 

Money  was  occasionally  raised  by  lottery,  as  by  the  Virginia  Company 
in  1612,  the  Royal  Fishery  Company  in  1661,  the  Company  of  Mine 
Adventurers  in  1699.  The  last  was  managed  by  Sir  Humphrey 
Mackworth,  one  of  the  earliest  company  promoters.  He,  or  his  agents, 
excelled  in  writing  pamphlets,  precursors  of  the  modern  prospectus,  describ- 
ing the  prospects  of  the  company  in  most  glowing  terms,  *  the  most  artistic 
touch '  being  the  *  plea  that,  from  the  superfluity  of  profits,  the  happy 
shareholder  should  vote  considerable  sums  for  charitable  purposes.'  The 
proceeds  of  2000  shares,  amounting  to  j£io,ooo,  were  used  by  Mackworth 


290  Arthur  C.   Champneys 

chiefly  in  providing  treats  at  the  lotteries  and  in  paying  his  own  personal 

The  remaining  volumes  of  this  work  will  be  most  welcome,  and  we 
look  forward  with  special  interest  to  Volume  I.,  which  will  contain  the 
generalizations  on  the  facts  which  Dr.  Scott  has  collected  from  many 
sources  and  handled  with  great  ability. 


Arthur  C.  Champneys,  M.A.  Pp.  xxxiii,  258.  With  numerous 
Illustrations.  Demy  4to.  London  :  G.  Bell  and  Sons.  1910. 
315.  6d.  nett. 

THE  volume  before  us  makes  no  attempt  at  a  survey  of  the  whole  field  of 
Irish  Architecture,  secular  and  military  as  well  as  sacred,  such  as  was 
accomplished  for  Scotland  in  the  works  of  Drs.  MacGibbon  and  Ross,  but 
it  represents  a  much  more  systematic  study  of  the  building  art  in  Ireland 
than  has  been  previously  essayed.  Mr.  Champneys  does  not  indeed  ignore 
the  structures  of  the  pagan  period,  for  he  emphasizes  the  fact  that  it  is  from 
these  dry-stone  monuments  that  the  primitive  cells  and  oratories  of  Early 
Christian  times  were  originally  evolved,  and  he  describes  and  illustrates  in 
his  first  chapter  some  of  the  more  important  of  the  stone  forts  of  the 
western  seaboard.  On  the  other  side  the  term  '  ecclesiastical  architecture ' 
is  liberally  extended  to  cover  a  treatment  of  such  work  as  that  of  the  carved 
crosses,  which  is  not  in  the  strict  sense  structural.  The  book  is  illustrated 
throughout  by  numerous  process  reproductions  of  photographs,  for  the  most 
part  from  the  author's  own  negatives,  but,  as  a  serious  set-off  against  this, 
there  is  an  absolute  dearth  of  ground-plans,  the  want  of  which  will  be  felt 
especially  by  the  professional  reader.  The  illustrations  would  also  have 
been  strengthened  by  some  drawings  of  details  and  ornaments  of  special 
interest,  as  well  as  by  some  analytical  diagrams  and  sections  of  vaults.  The 
untouched  photograph,  on  which  reliance  is  almost  exclusively  placed,  is 
not  an  ideal  form  of  illustration  where  details  are  in  question,  as  the  photo- 
graph seems  to  accentuate  disturbing  patches  of  discolouration,  caused  by 
lichen  and  similar  accidents.  It  would  also  have  conduced  to  the  comfort 
of  the  reader  if  references  to  the  illustrations  had  been  introduced  into  the 
text,  according  to  a  practically  universal  and  most  salutary  custom. 

These  defects  may  easily  be  remedied  in  a  subsequent  issue  of  what  will 
remain  probably  for  a  long  time  the  standard  work  on  its  subject.  It  is  a 
thoroughly  sound,  well-thought-out  production,  and  exhibits  the  archi- 
tecture of  Ireland  in  its  connections  with  that  of  other  parts  of  the  British 
Isles,  while  at  the  same  time  doing  full  justice  to  those  aspects  of  it  in 
which  it  seems  purely  Hibernian.  On  certain  questions  of  dating  and  of 
origin  the  author  takes  the  reasonable  view  which  has  been  practically 
established  for  the  last  two  decades.  It  is  now  sufficiently  recognized  that, 
while  the  more  primitive  structures  are  of  uncertain  date,  those  in  which 

Irish  Ecclesiastical  Architecture          291 

the  highly  ornamental  style  called  Irish  Romanesque  makes  itself  apparent 
cannot  be  earlier  than  the  twelfth  century.  This  needs  to  be  said,  because 
in  a  recent  Italian  work  on  medieval  architecture,  which  in  its  English  dress 
is  likely  to  be  widely  read,  the  author  seems  to  assume  that  the  too  early 
dating  for  which  Petrie  is  in  part  responsible  has  remained  an  article  of 
faith  to  this  day.  This  is  by  no  means  the  case,  and  the  sane  chronology 
of  buildings  like  those  at  Glendalough,  on  which  Mr.  Champneys  has  set 
his  seal,  has  been  well  understood  for  some  time  past  It  is  true  that  there 
are  examples  of  Irish  Romanesque,  such  as  the  chancel  arch  at  St.  Caimin's, 
Iniscealtra,  and  the  western  door  of  St.  Flannan's,  Killaloe,  in  which  no 
details  occur  that  can  be  chronologically  fixed ;  but  in  the  majority  of  cases 
the  chevron,  an  unmistakable  symptom  of  twelfth  century  date,  is  much  in 
evidence,  and  this  is  quite  sufficient  to  fix  the  chronology  of  the  style. 

In  the  matter  of  the  older  structures  that  are  devoid  of  ornamental 
details,  dating  must  be  largely  a  matter  of  conjecture.  These  are  of  special 
interest  to  Scottish  students,  as  they  consist  in  the  beehive  huts,  stone-roofed 
oratories,  and  other  dry-stone  structures  that  occur  in  the  Celtic  parts  of 
Scotland  as  well  as  in  the  western  isle.  The  technique  of  these  is  so 
obviously  derived  from  that  of  the  pagan  tombs  and  stone  forts  of  the  pre- 
Christian  centuries  that  in  themselves  they  might  be  of  any  date  within  the 
limits  of  the  ecclesiastical  history  of  the  island.  Mr.  Champneys  seems 
inclined  to  show  unnecessary  scepticism  as  to  their  high  antiquity,  but  this 
is  a  matter  on  which  there  must  be  considerable  latitude  of  opinion.  On 
one  minor  point  connected  with  these  interesting  structures  his  opinion 
may  be  contested.  The  projection  of  the  side  walls  upon  the  western  front 
of  many  early  Irish  churches  he  appears  to  treat  as  decorative  features, 
calling  them  '  antae,'  *  pilasters  terminating  the  side  walls,'  and,  when  they 
occur  in  later  work,  '  buttresses.'  Surely  the  example  on  St.  Macdara's 
Island,  off  Connemara,  which  he  mentions  on  p.  38,  shows  that  the  feature 
is  constructive.  Here  it  is  not  only  the  wall,  but  the  corbelled  stone  roof 
into  which  the  upright  side  wall  passes  off,  that  expresses  itself  in  this 
fashion  on  the  ends  of  the  building,  and  this  seems  to  proclaim  the  con- 
structive independence  of  the  combined  wall  and  roof.  Where  there  is  no 
stone  roof  the  '  antae '  are  to  be  regarded  as  merely  survivals. 

The  later  chapters  of  the  volume,  on  the  different  periods  of  Irish 
Gothic,  are  full  of  interesting  matter.  The  Cistercian  influence  is  excel- 
lently handled,  and  the  connection  with  England,  illustrated  in  the  work 
at  Christ  Church,  Dublin,  is  made  clear,  while  at  the  same  time  the 
vernacular  elements  in  the  later  Irish  Gothic  are  amply  vindicated.  Ire- 
land never  became,  any  more  than  Scotland,  an  architectural  province  of 
England,  and,  though  owing  much  to  the  English  lancet  and  decorated 
styles,  Erin  did  not  go  on  to  adopt  the  Perpendicular  forms,  but  like  Scot- 
land pursued  an  independent  course.  In  the  fifteenth  and  sixteenth 
centuries  Irish  architecture  exhibits  specially  indigenous  features. 


292  Pelham  :    Essays 

ESSAYS  BY  HENRY  FRANCIS  PELHAM,  Late  President  of  Trinity  College, 
Oxford,  and  Camden  Professor  of  Ancient  History.  Collected  and 
edited  by  F.  Haverfield.  Pp.  xxiii,  328.  With  Map.  8vo.  Oxford: 
Clarendon  Press.  1911.  ios.  6d.  nett. 

THOSE  who  knew  the  late  Professor  Pelham  will  feel  grateful  to  his 
successor  in  the  Camden  Chair  for  the  admirably  balanced  and  finely 
phrased  appreciation  which  serves  as  introduction  to  this  volume  of  collected 
papers.  Those  who  did  not,  will  learn  from  it  something  of  the  singular 
combination  of  qualities  that  enabled  their  possessor  to  exercise  such  an 
influence  in  so  many  departments  of  University  life  at  Oxford.  Pelham 
was  a  man  of  wide  sympathies  and  of  quite  unusual  charm  and  sincerity  of 
manner.  He  was  a  brilliant  teacher,  and  a  most  capable  administrator. 
But  he  was  also,  perhaps  above  everything  else,  a  scholar  with  a  genuine 
love  of  learning,  a  broad  outlook  over  the  field  of  knowledge,  and  an  easy 
mastery  of  the  multitudinous  mass  of  detail  belonging  to  his  own  special 
subject.  He  published  only  one  book — his  brief  but  altogether  excellent 
Outlines  of  Roman  History.  That  his  output  was  not  greater  was  doubtless 
mainly  due  to  the  fact  that  when  he  was  in  the  prime  of  his  vigour  he  was 
threatened  with  blindness.  A  successful  operation  averted  the  calamity, 
but  for  years  afterwards  he  could  not  use  his  eyes  with  ordinary  freedom. 
The  interruption  to  his  work  came  just  as  he  was  setting  his  hand  in  earnest 
to  what  he  hoped  up  to  the  very  last  to  make  the  great  achievement  of  his 
life,  a  large  *  History  of  the  Roman  Empire.'  Only  three  or  four  chapters 
had  been  written  when  his  sight  began  to  fail.  Whether,  even  under  the 
most  favourable  circumstances,  the  '  History '  would  ever  have  been  com- 
pleted, is  perhaps  open  to  doubt.  As  Professor  Haverfield  points  out  in  his 
biographical  sketch,  the  task  was  one  of  immense  and  of  rapidly  increasing 
difficulty  ;  Mommsen  himself  had  turned  aside  from  it  deliberately.  But 
the  present  volume  at  all  events  shows  clearly  that  very  few  were  so  well 
equipped  for  attempting  it  as  Pelham. 

The  longest  and  most  important  of  the  papers  the  book  contains  deals 
with  the  domestic  policy  of  Augustus.  Next  to  it  we  should  rank  the 
description  of  the  Roman  Frontier  in  Southern  Germany.  The  former,  a 
hitherto  unpublished  chapter  of  the  c  History,'  is  well  calculated  to  serve 
as  a  specimen  of  the  writer's  quality.  It  is  a  model  of  lucid  exposition  and 
of  sound  and  sane  reasoning.  There  is  no  English  discussion  of  the  subject 
at  once  so  full  and  so  informing.  We  doubt  whether  any  so  judicious  has 
appeared  upon  the  Continent.  The  paper  on  the  German  Limes  was 
originally  printed  in  the  Transactions  of  the  Royal  Historical  Society.  It  is 
a  really  first-rate  summary  of  the  first  fourteen  years'  work  of  the  Limes- 
Commission.  As  discovery  progresses,  it  will  tend  to  fall  out  of  date,  but  it  is 
not  likely  to  lose  its  value  for  many  years  to  come.  Professor  Haverfield  has 
supplied  a  capital  map,  which  enables  the  printed  text  to  be  easily  followed. 

The  majority  of  the  other  essays  are  strictly  and  severely  technical — the 
stern  stuff  of  which  history  must  be  made  if  it  is  to  be  not  merely  readable, 
but  reliable.  As  such  they  will  command  the  attention  of  specialists.  The 
remainder  are  of  more  general  interest,  and  among  these  we  should  give  the 

Bussell  :    The  Roman  Empire  293 

palm  to  the  Quarterly  Review  article  upon  the  '  Early  Roman  Emperors.' 
The  least  satisfactory  is  that  upon  'Discoveries  at  Rome,  1870-89.' 
Excavation  has  been  so  active  during  the  last  two  decades  that  editorial 
notes  of  correction  and  supplement  are  frequently  called  for  here,  and  yet 
even  here  the  careful  reader  will  find  a  good  deal  that  deserves  attention. 

Of  the  volume  as  a  whole  it  may  safely  be  predicted  that  it  will  long 
remain  entitled  to  an  honoured  place  on  the  shelves  of  students  of  Roman 

THE  ROMAN  EMPIRE  :  Essays  on  the  Constitutional  History  from  the 
Accession  of  Domitian  (81  A.D.)  to  the  retirement  of  Nicephorus  III. 
(1081  A.D.).  By  F.  W.  Bussell.  2  volumes.  Vol.  I.  xiv,  402,  Vol.  II. 
xxiii,  521.  Demy  8vo.  London:  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.  1910. 
28s.  nett. 

IN  spite  of  a  few  well-known  writers,  Byzantine  History  has  not  received 
the  attention  from  English  scholars  which  it  deserves.  Gibbon,  notwith- 
standing his  rather  Olympian  altitude,  entered  closely  into  the  subject  and  did 
much  for  its  elucidation  :  and  Finlay,  with  a  more  sympathetic  treatment, 
carried  research  a  good  deal  further.  But  Finlay 's  history  was  completed 
in  1 86 1,  and  since  then  Byzantine  studies  have  somewhat  languished, 
although  Professor  Bury,  in  the  intervals  of  other  work,  has  done  much  to 
carry  them  on.  Dr.  Bussell's  important  and  vigorous  contribution  will,  it 
is  to  be  hoped,  now  definitely  turn  a  portion  of  English,  and  especially 
Oxford  Scholarship  towards  a  field  which  has  been  so  largely  left  to  the 
Germans  and  the  French.  Byzantine  studies  in  general  have  received  a 
great  loss  through  the  death  of  the  lamented  Professor  Krumbacher  of 
Munich  :  but  the  present  work  shows  that  the  interest  which  he  did  so 
much  to  arouse  will  not  be  allowed  to  die. 

Dr.  Bussell  modestly  describes  his  work  as  Essays  on  the  Constitutional 
History,  but  in  reality  it  consists  of  two  stout  volumes,  and  they  are  con- 
cerned as  much  with  political  philosophy,  and  in  that  perhaps  lies  their 
most  important  element.  Or  perhaps  it  would  be  more  correct  to  say  that 
Constitutional  History  and  Political  Philosophy  must  always  go  together — 
that  the  one  is  meaningless  without  the  other.  And  so  Dr.  Bussell  has 
brilliantly  combined  the  two.  His  historical  narrative  is  illuminated  by 
philosophical  insight.  He  has  the  faculty  of  looking  at  a  period  as  a  whole. 
In  everything,  he  combines  minute  knowledge  with  the  ability  to  take  a 
general  view.  Thus  every  page  is  enlivened  with  remarks  and  conclusions 
drawn  both  from  the  matter  in  hand,  and  from  knowledge  of  events  in 
other  ages,  drawn  from  widely  different  sources.  In  a  vigorous  introduction 
the  conclusions  and  methods  of  the  work  are  outlined. 

Dr.  Bussell's  book  is,  then,  on  Byzantine  history,  as  interpreted  through 
political  philosophy.  In  plan,  the  work  falls  into  two  parts.  The  first 
volume  follows  up  the  course  of  the  Empire's  history,  chronologically  from 
the  accession  of  Domitian  in  81  to  the  retirement  of  Nicephorus  III.  in 
1 08 1,  or  rather  to  the  defeat  of  Romanus  IV.  at  Manzikert  in  1071  ;  then, 

294  Bussell :    The  Roman  Empire 

and  not  till  then,  in  Dr.  Bussell's  view,  the  Roman  Empire  passed  away, 
and  the  accession  of  the  Comneni  opened  a  *  new  dynasty  and  a  new  age.' 
The  second  volume  goes  over  the  same  ground,  not  chronologically  as  a 
narrative,  but  in  the  form  of  essays.  This  plan  ensures  great  fulness  of 
treatment,  and  a  truth  once  discovered  is  not  allowed  to  be  lost  sight  of. 

The  style  throughout  is  dramatic,  and  we  watch  with  interest  the  swift 
course  of  the  centuries  till  the  flood  of  Orientalism  transforms  the  whole 
tissue  of  a  once  Western  Empire.  In  each  decade  the  facts  are  clearly 
marked  ;  and  for  every  generalisation,  dates  and  proper  names  are  produced; 
while  illustrations  from  all  sources,  from  the  novels  of  Disraeli  to  the 
writings  of  Tsin-Hwang-Ti,  are  given  with  an  equal  light  touch  and 

With  the  general  public,  the  book  will  be  read  for  its  graphic  style,  and 
its  vigorous  discussion  of  the  ever-pressing  problems  of  bureaucracy,  caste, 
heredity,  and  representation.  To  the  student,  it  will  mean  much  more. 
It  is  a  book  he  must  work  at,  thoroughly  to  understand  it.  It  is  well  equipped 
with  introductions,  chronological  tables  of  reigns,  notes,  appendix,  a  com- 
plete index,  and  even  an  analysis  of  all  the  facts  and  arguments.  Only 
maps  are  required  to  make  the  equipment  complete,  for  occasionally  the 
reader  is  troubled  to  keep  the  shifting  outlines  of  frontiers  in  his  head.  As 
a  rule  references  are  not  given  at  the  foot  of  the  pages,  but  are  reserved  for 
notes  at  the  end  of  a  chapter ;  and  striking  sentences  are  quoted  in  the 
original  Greek,  with  great  effect.  On  almost  every  occasion  the  page  or 
section  of  the  authority  is  given,  although  in  the  case  of  Psellus,  Dr.  Bussell 
hints  at  many  important  passages,  but  reserves  a  more  detailed  treatment  for 
another  work,  which  he  half  promises,  and  which  we  hope  he  will  carry 
out.  R.  B.  MOWAT. 

by  William  Hunt,  D.Litt.,  and  Reginald  L.  Poole,  M.A.  Volume 
VI.  From  the  Accession  of  Edward  VI.  to  the  Death  of  Elizabeth, 
1547-1603.  By  A.  F.  Pollard,  M.A.  Pp.  xxv,  524.  Demy  8vo. 
London  :  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.  1910.  75.  6d.  nett. 

THE  publication  of  Professor  Pollard's  volume  completes  this  political 
history  of  England  from  the  earliest  times  till  the  end  of  Queen  Victoria's 
reign.  This  volume  is,  like  the  others,  in  itself  a  separate  and  complete 
book,  with  its  own  bibliographical  and  genealogical  appendices,  maps,  and 
index.  It  presents  to  view  three  reigns,  those  of  Edward  VI.,  Mary 
Tudor  and  Elizabeth.  Its  chief  interests  are  its  accounts  of  the  settled 
form  which  the  Reformation  took  in  England,  of  the  character  and  of  the 
policy  of  Elizabeth,  and  of  the  entry  of  Scotland  upon  the  stage  of  modern 

It  opens  with  the  administration  of  the  Protectorate  which  followed 
the  death  of  Henry  VIII.  in  1547,  when  Edward  VI.  was  only  nine  years 
old,  while  the  English  constitution  still  required,  as  its  mainspring,  an 
active  personal  ruler.  It  tells  the  story  of  the  fresh  attempt  on  Scotland, 

Pollard :    Political  History  of  England    295 

in  preparing  for  which  Henry  had  spent  the  last  months  of  his  life  ;  of 
the  seizure  of  Edinburgh  and  the  papist  abbeys ;  and  of  Pinkie,  the  last 
and  bloodiest  of  the  battles  between  the  independent  kingdoms.  It  shows 
us  the  optimist  Somerset,  a  unique  dictator,  trying  to  rule  with  a  '  gentle 
hand,'  and  seeming  to  think  he  could  reverse  the  despotic  methods  of  the 
Tudors,  almost  dispense  with  axe  and  gallows,  and  ignore  the  heresy  laws 
of  the  late  king.  It  tells  of  the  enduring  acts  of  the  Protectorate  and  the 
short  reign  of  the  boy  king,  Edward  VI.  j  of  the  adoption  of  the  Book  of 
Common  Prayer,  with  the  '  black  rubric '  which  John  Knox  contrived  to 
get  interpolated  in  it;  of  the  legalisation  of  inclosures  at  the  discretion 
of  lords  of  the  manor ;  and  of  the  sparing  (not  the  founding,  as  their  name 
erroneously  suggests)  of  the  so-called  King  Edward  VI.'s  Grammar  Schools. 
We  read  again  the  pathetic  tale  of  Lady  Jane  Grey,  the  almost  perfect  type 
of  intellectual  graces,  of  modesty,  sincerity,  and  saint-like  innocence,  the 
blameless  instrument  of  her  father-in-law's  desperate  plot ;  and  of  the  half- 
Spanish  Mary,  whom  Mr.  Pollard  calls,  without  undue  flattery,  the  most 
honest  of  Tudor  rulers,  and  who  yet  brings  a  blight  on  national  faith  and 
confidence.  He  describes  her  as  a  pitiful  woman  by  nature,  freely  pardon- 
ing convicted  traitors,  but  burning  Protestant  widows,  striving  in  vain  to 
satisfy  by  such  burnt-offerings  the  cravings  of  a  mind  diseased  in  a  dis- 
ordered frame,  forsaken  by  her  husband  and  estranged  from  her  people. 
Sterility,  he  says,  was  the  conclusive  note  of  her  reign.  Under  Mary  the 
Church  was  restored.  But  there  was  no  spiritual  fervour.  There  was  an 
intellectual  paralysis.  Even  theology  was  neglected. 

Mr.  Pollard  has  drawn  every  character  in  clear,  bold  strokes,  and  he  is 
as  faithful  with  Elizabeth  as  with  the  rest.  He  shows  her  self-reliant, 
steadfast,  absolute,  of  true  English  tenacity,  and  thanking  God  for  giving 
her  'a  heart  which  never  yet  feared  foreign  or  home  enemy' ;  more  than 
a  Macchiavelli  in  deceit,  and  one  of  the  most  accomplished  liars  who  ever 
practised  diplomacy.  When  she  wills  the  end,  she  wills  the  means.  She 
secretly  attacks  while  publicly  professing  friendship.  Her  servants'  lives 
and  fame  are  hers  to  spend  or  throw  away,  and  she  is  disloyal  to  her 
agents  whenever  it  suits  her  to  repudiate  them.  These  are  the  methods 
of  her  time,  but  she  has  an  asset  in  diplomacy  that  is  all  her  own.  Her 
courtships  played  a  leading  part  in  the  subtle  work  of  her  foreign  policy. 
She  dangled  the  bait,  that  cost  her  neither  expense  nor  risk,  before  greedy 
Spaniard,  Austrian,  Scot,  Swede,  and  Frenchman  in  turn,  if  she  could 
thus  for  the  moment  attract  an  ally  to,  or  divert  an  enemy  from,  England. 
Each  was  beguiled  with  hopes  which  she  alone  knew  to  be  vain.  For 
she  had  a  secret  which  she  never  revealed,  and  which  her  ministers  did 
not  dare  to  whisper,  though  they  suspected  it.  Mr.  Pollard  accepts  the 
evidence  that  she  knew  that,  for  physical  causes,  she  could  never  have  a 
child,  and  marriage  was  as  repulsive  to  her  as  imprisonment. 

With  unfailing  skill  he  has  set  forth  the  devious  ways,  and  the  extra- 
ordinary success  of  her  policy;  her  gradual  steering  of  England  from 
alliance  with  Spain  to  alliance  with  France  and  with  Scotland;  her 
manoeuvreing  of  Mary  Stuart  from  being  the  representative  of  France  to 
being  the  client  of  Spain  ;  her  completion  of  the  recovery  by  the  crown, 

296   Pollard  :    Political   History   of  England 

from  the  barons  and  the  knights  of  the  shire,  of  the  crown's  powers  of 
initiative  in  legislation,  a  step  towards  the  transference  of  these  powers  to 
ministers  responsible  to  parliament. 

Mr.  Pollard's  account  of  the  relations  between  church  and  state  and 
church  and  people  is  of  the  greatest  interest  and  value.  Again  and  again 
he  points  out  and  illustrates  the  sordid  character  of  the  English  Reforma- 
tion, and  shows  how  very  little  religion,  in  the  true  sense,  had  to  do  with 
the  matter,  and  what  continuous  factors  were  honest  patriotism  and  dis- 
honest greed.  Only  a  minority  cared  about  a  moral  and  intellectual 
amendment.  Northumberland's  friends  in  1552  desired  a  simpler  ritual, 
but  at  least  one  of  their  motives  was  an  appetite  for  church  goods,  plate 
and  metal.  Even  in  the  Catholic  reaction  under  Mary,  the  English  would 
not  admit  Pope  or  legate,  except  on  the  condition  that  the  holders  of  the 
distributed  abbey  lands  should  not  be  disturbed.  Mr.  Pollard  points  out 
that  English  political  instincts  were  more  strongly  developed  than  religious 
feelings  or  moral  sense,  and  respectable  people  thought  it  scarcely  decent 
to  indulge  conscience  in  defiance  of  the  law.  The  faith  was  a  matter  for 
the  church  to  settle,  and  the  clergy  were  responsible. 

These  chapters  exhibit  throughout  a  judgment  illuminating  and  con- 
vincing, the  ease  and  freedom  of  complete  mastery  of  the  subject,  and  a 
rhetorical  perfection  and  happiness  of  expression  very  admirable  and 

The  volume  re-tells  some  of  the  most  romantic  and  perennially 
interesting  incidents  in  modern  history,  and  some  of  the  most  perennially 
and  fiercely  debated.  Mr.  Pollard  has  given  most  of  them  a  more 
accurate  setting,  and  all  of  them  a  fresh  interest. 


REFORMATION  IN  ENGLAND,  1509-1525.  By  Carlos  B.  Lumsden. 
Pp-  3°3-  8vo.  London  :  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.  1910.  95.  nett. 

MR.  LUMSDEN'S  book  is  of  a  highly  polemical  character,  and  fairly  bristles 
with  statements,  of  which  the  general  trend  can  merely  be  indicated  but 
scarcely  discussed  within  the  limits  of  a  brief  review. 

The  book  is  the  first  of  *  many  volumes '  in  which  the  author  hopes  to 
bring  his  history  down  to  the  death  of  Charles  I.  ;  but,  although  it  is  thus 
the  first  of  a  series  and  as  such  necessarily  incomplete  in  some  respects,  still 
the  proportions  are  oddly  arranged  ;  almost  half  of  it  is  given  up  to  the 
purely  political  history  of  the  time,  whereas  the  section  on  the  German 
Reformation  is  strangely  scant  considering  the  part  it  played  in  influencing 
the  course  of  affairs  in  England  ;  also  the  conditions  of  the  Church  in 
England  in  the  early  sixteenth  century  are  practically  untouched,  and 
popular  religious  opinion  and  feeling  either  in  Germany  or  England  is 
left  severely  alone. 

These  latter  omissions  may  possibly  be  rectified  in  a  later  volume,  but 
in  regard  to  time  one  would  expect  them  to  appear  in  the  present 

Lumsden  :   Dawn  of  Modern  England     297 

The  author  speaks  from  the  standpoint,  not  merely  of  a  Roman  Catholic, 
but  of  a  determined  apologist  of  medieval  ethics,  modes  of  thought,  and 
ecclesiastical  standards.  The  philosophy  of  the  Middle  Ages  is  'the 
greatest  the  world  has  ever  seen '  ;  the  individualism  which  was  the 
supreme  and  all-pervading  tendency  of  the  Renaissance  is  responsible 
for  a  few  possible  benefits  and  very  many  evils  in  succeeding  centuries. 
Mr.  Lumsden  is  perhaps  a  little  obsessed  by  this  theory ;  as,  for  instance, 
when  he  claims  that  the  keynote  of  monasticism  was  the  annihilation 
of  the  individual  in  the  community.  Might  it  not  be  suggested  that 
it  was  in  certain  respects  rather  the  last  expression  of  a  spiritual  indi- 
vidualism ?  The  Reformation  accomplished  no  good  end ;  it  set  free 
the  evil  passions  and  greed  of  mankind  from  all  ecclesiastical  restraint, 
with  disastrous  results;  Luther  was  a  histrionic  genius  with  a  shrewd 
capacity  for  playing  upon  the  cupidity  of  his  countrymen  in  the  fight 
with  Rome,  which  was  thus  dominated  entirely  by  economic  interests. 
The  Reformers  were  first  of  all  practical  men  and  'in  good  works  they 
more  particularly  resented  the  power  that  this  gave  the  Church  over 
money.'  Justification  by  Faith  as  expounded  by  Luther  encouraged  a 
mere  expression  of  belief,  and  discouraged  all  '  charity,  humility,  and  love 
of  one's  neighbour.' 

These  assumptions,  as  well  as  many  others  equally  disputable,  are 
put  forward  by  Mr.  Lumsden  as  self-evident  statements  of  fact.  He 
does  not  deny  the  degradation  of  the  Roman  Curia  in  the  sixteenth 
century ;  and  he  rightly  joins  other  modern  historians  in  destroying  the  old 
popular  view  of  the  Bible  in  pre-Reformation  times  as  a  forbidden  book 
wholly  inaccessible  in  the  vernacular  tongues.  MARY  LOVE. 

III.  A.D.  1669-1672.  Edited  by  P.  Hume  Brown,  M.A.,  LL.D., 
Historiographer  Royal.  P.  xlviii,  851.  8vo.  H.M.  General  Register 
House,  Edinburgh.  1910.  155.  nett. 

ANOTHER  massive  instalment  is  added  to  the  published  records  by  this 
volume,  which  begins  just  a  few  months  previous  to  the  Earl  of  Lauderdale's 
appointment  in  September,  1669,  as  the  King's  Commissioner  in  Scotland, 
and  the  exponent  of  an  eventful  ecclesiastical  policy.  To  suppress  the 
religious  recusants  who  refused  to  accept  the  re-establishment  of  episcopacy  at 
the  Restoration  was  the  main  concern  of  the  Council  during  the  three  years 
covered  by  the  volume,  and  these  records  tell  the  story  of  Lauderdale's 
effort,  first  by  conciliation  and  afterwards  by  repressive  measures  of  increas- 
ing stringency,  to  suppress  conventicles,  protect  '  indulged '  ministers,  put 
down  the  unlicensed  '  outed '  ministry,  and  generally  maintain  the  episcopal 
settlement  in  the  teeth  of  the  Scottish  people. 

Burnet,  who  in  1673  was  addressing  Lauderdale  in  warm  compliment 
not  only  as  a  'Master  in  all  learning,'  but  for  his  'judgement  so  well 
ballanced,'  wrote  differently  after  the  rupture  with  his  patron.  'Duke 
Lauderdale's  way,'  he  said  in  his  History,  'was  to  govern  by  fits  and  to  pass 

298  Register  of  Privy  Council 

from  hot  to  cold  ones  always  in  extremes.'  This  severe  estimate  is  not  quite 
borne  out  by  the  proceedings  which  Professor  Hume  Brown  summarises  in 
his  introduction,  and  which,  passing  through  all  stages  from  indulgence  to 
persecution,  are  characterised  by  a  steady  persistence  in  the  attempt  to  quiet 
the  country.  The  bait  of  indulgence  had  not  the  expected  effect.  Con- 
venticles were  insuppressible  in  spite  of  incessant  prosecution. 

Equally  numerous  were  the  prosecutions  for  cases  of  assault  and  robbery — 
the  law's  name  for  the  'rabbling'  of  unpopular  conforming  ministers.  Endea- 
vours to  find  any  workable  compromise  were  essentially  unsuccessful  :  the 
indulgence  of  1669,  not  by  any  means  abortive,  was  equally  condemned  by 
the  covenanters  and  by  the  episcopalian  synod  of  Glasgow  ;  its  repetition  with 
modifications  in  1672  gave  no  hope  of  efficient  result.  Over  all,  however, 
there  was  little  persuasion  ;  force  was  the  remedy  invoked  behind  all  the 
indulgences,  although  the  more  violent  manifestations  of  persecution  were 
reserved  for  a  later  administration.  Lauderdale  was  to  discover  that  his 
concessions  were  no  effective  bribe  and  that  compromise  was  impossible. 
And  there  were  other  than  covenanter  malcontents.  Roman  Catholicism 
had  its  vehement  votaries,  and  even  the  Quakers  persisted  like  the  Catholics 
in  following  their  own  creed  despite  the  Acts  of  Parliament  and  Council. 

Trade  subjects  were  rising  in  importance,  and,  above  all,  trade  with 
England  and  Ireland.  The  Scots  were  eager  to  get  Scots  goods  into 
England  and  to  keep  Irish  horses,  cattle,  and  victual  out  of  Scotland.  The 
protection  of  native  salt,  the  promoting  of  a  Fishing  Company,  the 
regulation  of  printing  and  bookselling  privileges,  the  improvement  of  roads, 
the  suppression  of  disorders  in  Edinburgh,  Rutherglen,  and  Linlithgow,  and 
in  the  Orkney  Islands,  and  the  continuance  (with  considerably  abated  zeal) 
of  witchcraft  proceedings  are  among  the  themes  singled  out  for  treatment  in 
the  introduction.  Monopolies  were  continually  being  defied.  A  typical 
instance  may  be  given.  The  Company  and  Society  of  Fishing  in  1670  had 
obtained  a  prohibition  against  any  but  themselves  from  exporting  herring  or 
white  fish,  but  Glasgow  ships  named  the  Peter,  the  David,  the  Henkar 
Voyage,  the  Mareon,  and  the  Mary,  and  a  Saltcoats  ship  named  the  Provi- 
dence, were  all  convicted  at  one  time  in  1672  of  carrying  cargoes  of  herring. 
The  provost  of  Glasgow  (Wm.  Anderson)  and  other  merchants  on  the 
Clyde  were  fined  100  merles  per  last  of  herring  exported. 

Among  miscellaneous  papers  forming  an  appendix  there  is  an  interesting 
letter  in  1669  to  the  4  old  proveist '  of  Glasgow,  George  Porterfield,  then 
resident  with  his  wife  in  Amsterdam.  He  held  office  in  1652.  The  letter 
from  John  Martin  makes  interesting  reference  to  the  current  troubles,  and 
declares — *O  if  the  olde  proveist  might  ere  he  dy  be  invited  home  to  rule  in 
that  poor  citie . . .  that  wolde  be  a  day  of  refreshing.'  Another  letter  to 
'  Mistresse  Porterfield '  in  1672  is  from  John  Brown,  who  dates  from  Middle- 
burgh,  and  is  evidently  Brown  of  Wamphray,  then  minister  of  the  Scots 
church  at  Rotterdam. 

In  previous  notices  of  these  registers  ithe  remark  has  been  repeated  that 
the  romantic  and  adventurous  spirit  of  the  older  chroniclers  survives  unim- 
paired in  these  later  records. 

As  an  instance  there  may  be  taken  the  narrative  of  the  riot  at  the  St. 

Frere  :    Visitation  Articles  299 

James's  fair  in  the  burgh  of  Forfar  in  1671  contained  in  cross-charges  by 
and  against  William  Gray  of  Hayston,  claiming  the  office  of  constabulary. 
He  and  the  magistrates  both  claimed  the  right  to  proclaim  the  fair.  The 
latter  proclaimed  it  '  both  at  the  mercat  crose  of  the  said  burgh  and  upon 
the  know  called  the  Horseman's  Know  in  the  Muir  of  Forfar.'  An 
attempt  to  disperse  the  assembly  led  to  an  armed  conflict  of  bodies  of  horse 
and  foot,  with  halberds,  swords,  muskets,  guns,  and  pistols,  after  which 
Gray  went  from  the  *  muir  in  a  most  hostill  triumphing  and  insulting 
manner '  to  proclaim  the  fair  over  again  in  his  own  name.  Interesting 
points  of  law  and  history  were  involved.  On  the  one  hand,  the  Gray 
family  had  held  the  hereditary  offices  of  sheriff  and  constable  with  the  castle 
hill  attached  as  a  pertinent  of  the  constabulary,  and,  on  the  other,  the  burgh 
had  had  its  whole  burghal  privileges  confirmed  by  charter  in  1669,  includ- 
ing the  '  weekly  mercat  and  yeerly  fairs.'  Gray  prevailed  ;  Provost,  bailies, 
councillors,  and  others  of  the  burgh  party  were  fined  ;  and  on  the  counter- 
charge Gray  and  his  company,  including  the  sheriff-clerk  of  Forfar,  were 
assoilzied.  Among  the  commissions  of  fire  and  sword  granted  in  1672 
against  outlawed  Highlandmen  is  one  against  M'Leod  of  Assynt,  and  a  host 
of  allied  M'Leods,  M'Neills,  and  other  clansmen,  whose  offences  included 
that  of  *  intercomoning  with  the  Neilsones  alias  the  Slichten  Abrach.' 

Shipping  incidents  are  many,  such  as  the  adventure  of  the  Golden  Salmond 
of  Glasgow,  partly  owned  by  Provost  Anderson,  setting  out  on  a  maiden 
voyage  to  Cadiz  and  captured  *  by  a  Turkish  man  of  warr  near  Salzie ' — 
which  recalls  the  Sallee  rover  of  Robinson  Crusoe.  Other  Glasgow  ships 
mentioned  are  the  Merchant,  the  Glasgow,  the  Rainbow,  the  David,  and 
the  Dolphin.  A  staple  export  carried  consisted  of  vagabonds  and  *  egyptians ' 
under  the  then  prevalent  sentences  of  transportation  to  the  American 
plantations.  Specific  destinations  of  such  cargoes  are  the  Barbados,  the 
*  Caribbie  Islands,'  and  Virginia. 

But  enough  has  been  said  to  illustrate  the  wealth  of  interest  there  is  in 
these  varied  annals.  Too  little  has  been  said  in  thanks  to  the  editor  for  his 
introductory  analysis,  which  lucidly  and  with  well-chosen  illustrations 
points  out  the  prominent  features  of  that  time  of  ecclesiastical  coercion, 
of  expanding  commerce,  and  of  steady  decrease  in  domestic  violence. 


TION. 3  vols.  Edited  by  Walter  Howard  Frere,  D.D.  Alcuin  Club 
Collections  XIV.,  XV.,  XVI.  London  :  Longmans,  Green  &  Co. 

IT  is  probable  that  this  work  will  be  read  only  by  those  who  already  are 
acquainted  with  the  story  of  the